当前位置:文档之家› 上海市十二校高三英语12月联考试题




I. Listening Comprehension

Part A Short Conversations

Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. Lend the man some money.

B. Take the man to the bank.

C. Ask the man when he’ll be paid.

D. Help the man to draw some cash.

2. A. She broke her mobile phone.

B. She forgot to reply to the man.

C. She didn’t get the man’s messages.

D. She couldn’t remember the man’s phone number.

3. A. He received permission to carry on an extra bag.

B. He doesn’t know the woman ahead of him.

C. He’s carrying someone else’s suitcase.

D. He’d like some help with his luggage.

4. A. Go to the city on another day.

B. Avoid driving after taking her medicine.

C. Pick up her medicine before they leave.

D. Wait to take her medicine until after their trip.

5. A. The air will be cleaner if they go to a different city.

B. It’ll soon be too late to control the pollution.

C. Society will not pay attention to the new laws.

D. The situation will improve if changes are made.

6. A. He didn’t have time to look for his jacket.

B. He misunderstood the weather report.

C. He didn’t know it would be cold.

D. He forgot where his jacket was.

7. A. Attend a conference with her.

B. Mail her the paper after the deadline.

C. Hand in a handwritten draft of the paper.

D. Complete the course without handing in the paper.

8. A. He saw Mary earlier.

B. Someone else saw Mary.

C. He can’t help the woman.

D. Mary asked for directions to the office.

9. A. S he fell asleep before the program ended.

B. She especially enjoyed the end of the program.

C. She missed the beginning of the program.

D. She wishes she had gone to sleep earlier.

10. A. He may feel better soon.

B. He doesn’t like to take pills.

C. He may not be able to wake up.

D. He may want to take the pills without food.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several short passages and longer conversations, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversations. The passages and the conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. They couldn’t fall asleep there.

B. There was no empty room available.

C. The melting snow blocked their view.

D. Their room was taken up by someone else.

12. A. Skiing. B. Shopping. C. Bowling. D. Jogging. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. The scientific evidence that those who are good at sports make more money.

B. The scientific evidence that the length of our fingers isn’t inherited from parents.

C. Whether there is connection between numbers-based skills or words-based ones.

D. Whether there is link between people’s talents and the length of their fingers.

15. A. They are more likely to do well in sports.

B. They are more likely to be interested in literature.

C. They are less likely to be good at maths.

D. They are less likely to make a big fortune.

16. A. Cambridge scientists’ study challenged some established theories.

B. Cambridge scientists’ study had chosen the improper subjects.

C. Cambridge scientists’ findings may not be true to the fact.

D. Cambridge scientists’ findings were the same as theirs.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A. The man’s terrible experience on the day.

B. The woman’s unlucky first day at work.

C. The woman’s boss, who is hard to deal with.

D. The man’s daughter, who failed in the job interview.

18. A. He feeds on vegetables alone.

B. He seldom talks to his employees.

C. He didn’t go to the meeting that day.

D. He has decided to fire the woman.

19. A. A cup of coffee. B. A salad.

C. A hammer.

D. A stone.

20. A. Take a break. B. Apologise to her boss.

C. Call her friends.

D. Leave the company.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Lightning Bolt

Usain Bolt is the world’s fastest man. He first came to the public’s attention at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, where he won three gold medals. During that race, he reached a top speed of 43.9 kmph. So, we ask, how does the man (21)_____ nickname is “Lightning Bolt” run so fast?

Usain Bolt was born in Jamaica on 21 August 1986. He was running around at primary school, when a teacher noticed (22)_____ talent for sprinting (短跑). He became one of the best sprinters at his high school even though he didn’t train very hard. At the age of fifteen, Bolt was 196 cm tall and he dominated the 2002 World Junior Championships, becoming the youngest person ever (23)_____ (win) the 200 metres. He turned professional when he left high school, (24)_____ (age) seventeen. During the first couple of years of Bolt’s professional life, he got a few injuries, but his health soon improved and he began to win all the major championships. He went from strength to strength, (25)_____ (amaze) the world with his speed.

So, how does he do it? Bolt says that he is naturally fast—just something he was born (26)_____. He’s also got a number of people looking after him and one of the main reasons for his success is Norman Peart, his manager. Peart (27)_____ (look) after Bolt since he was fifteen, working hard to keep him focused.

(28)_____ you explain it, Bolt’s performances in Beijing were truly marvellous. What’s more marvellous is (29)_____, since then, he has continued to get even faster. In August 2009, he broke his own record by running the 100 metres in 9.58 seconds. At the (30)_____ (fast) point in this race, he ran at an astonishing 44.9 kmph.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.







G.further H.origins I.purposes J.rebelled K.relatively

Columbus: Myth and Reality

Everyone knows the name of Christopher Columbus, and, as with any historical icon, there are as many myths as truths about the man. Take, for example, the disagreement about his 31 . The Spanish say he was from Spain, and the Italians claim he was from Italy. There is, in fact, some 32 that he was born in 1451 in Genoa, which is now part of Italy.

Columbus became a sailor at an early age and had made journeys as far as Iceland and Guinea before he made his famous voyage in 1482. Contrary to popular 33 , Columbus didn’t sail to the Americas in order to find out whether the Earth was round: at the end of the 15th century almost everyone knew it was round. We do know that he sailed in part to fulfill a religious quest: he saw his journeys as a fulfillment of a divine (神圣的) plan for his life.

Of course, the other 34 known reason for this voyage was that Columbus was looking for a new route to the Spice Islands (now part of Indonesia), and he believed he could reach them by sailing west rather than east. The discovery of the New World was therefore a(n) 35 case of “serendipity (机缘凑巧)”. In 1492, when he unexpectedly discovered the Americas, he had been traveling for five weeks and had sailed for 3,000 miles. He thought he had arrived in the East Indies.

Columbus left on the voyage of discovery from the south of Spain, with a(n) 36 made up mainly of experienced sailors from the area. He made two 37 voyages before the end of the century, taking Europeans across to the new lands. On his third voyage in 1498, he also took women to the New World.

This third voyage was not a happy one for Columbus. The settlers 38 against him, and he was unable to send a lot of gold back, so he was arrested and returned to Spain in chains. However, the King and Queen soon apologized, saying there had been a mistake, and

Columbus was freed. By this time, 1500, Columbus was not a well man and he die d quietly at the age of 55 in Valladolid, Spain, on May 20, 1506, in his own apartment 39 by family and friends. He was a(n) 40 rich man at the time of his death.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Agree to Disagree

In a world of 6.5 million opinionated people, arguments are sure to happen. Many people see arguments as an inevitable and negative part of life. Inevitable, yes; 41 , maybe not. Arguments can often lead to positive change—if you argue 42 .

Arguing “well”

“There 43 is such a thing as a ‘healthy argument’,” says Marian Donahue, a human relations professional, San Diego. “In a healthy argument, one’s own goal should be to explain the issues in detail, to communicate the upset behind the issues, and to really seek to move forward toward a 44 ,” she says. “The minimum goal should be to preserve the relationship well enough to keep 45 alive.”

What not to do

Nothing 46 a healthy argument like a personal attack, and personal attacks are a big no-no if you want an argument to end positively. Dina Connolly, a graduate student at Northwestern University, Illinois, says that when professional relationships start amassing (积累) personal baggage, 47 arguments are just around the corner.

“The structure or wall of professionalism collapses,” Connolly says, “taking down any filters as well. 48 , after an individual interrupted and then corrected me while making a public speech, I later ended up in an argument where I completely lost my temper and raised my voice. I was embarrassed, and because my relationship with that person was already so deconstructed and unprofessional, I 49 with that person directly and

unprofessionally in a n unfiltered attack.”

Don’t be 50 the heat

Donahue 51 that personal issues must be left at the door—but that doesn’t mean arguments won’t get heated. “Passion and conflict are 52 in an argument as long as you keep to the issue,” she says. “At tacking the other person is not useful. That kind of argument closes down the 53 on both sides to keep talking.”

By actively listening, many arguments can be 54 altogether. If you do find yourself in the thick of one, listening with an open mind can bring about a swift 55 to the argument and perhaps a positive resolution.

41. A. sure B. argumentative C. negative D. changing

42. A. confidently B. correctly C. heatedly D. hesitantly

43. A. definitely B. barely C. accidentally D. clearly

44. A. tendency B. destination C. purpose D. solution

45. A. explanation B. communication C. cooperation D. negotiation

46. A. kills B. helps C. keeps D. starts

47. A. heated B. healthy C. nasty D. fresh

48. A. For instance B. In addition C. As a result D. On the other hand

49. A. stayed B. fought C. chatted D. argued

50. A. keen on B. bored with C. afraid of D. eager for

51. A. agrees B. denies C. orders D. recalls

52. A. dependable B. invisible C. acceptable D. accessible

53. A. gratitude B. impression C. influence D. willingness

54. A. tracked B. avoided C. undertook D. grasped

55. A. pace B. end C. movement D. decision

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several

questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Things changed for Ben Southall when the Australian state of Queensland advertised a job for someone to look after Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef. They knew it sounded like the best job in the world, but they were surprised when over 35,000 people applied for the job. Then they had to make a difficult decision—which person to choose from so many candidates? After a lot of testing and interviewing, they announced 34-year-old Ben Southall from England as the winner. Ben now works for the Queensland Tourist Board and his job is to look after the island and to promote tourism there. Because of the unique nature of the job, the Tourist Board wanted a unique person, with a range of skills and qualities. It was a long interview process, involving a variety of tasks to find out about each candidate.

Fitness was very important; swimming ability was particularly essential. Ben can swim very well and he also likes running, climbing, diving and mountain biking. It is clear that, physically, he can do almost anything. The ability to communicate was as important as fitness. For the last part of the interview process, the final sixteen andidates did various tests and tasks, including talking to TV and radio reporters. The competition was touch and the candidates needed to show what they could do. The interviewers were interested in how the candidates performed in the tasks, how they handled the press attention and their ability to write about their adventures in a daily log. The candidates did their best to impress the interviewers and they knew they couldn’t make any mistakes at this final stage.

Before he went, Ben was confident about his abilities to handle the challenge. He couldn’t do everything they asked him in the interview, as he can’t speak any other languages, but he felt that his other skills and his personality were impressive. He made a huge effort during the interview process and he was able to convince the interviewers that he was the best person for the job. Even so, he says he was amazed when he got the job; he couldn’t believe it! He hopes to do a good job and promote the island successfully:

he has to get to know every part of the island and tell the world about it in numerous media interviews. When you read Ben’s blogs from his interview tasks, it is easy to see why they chose him. He is funny and easy-going and he will certainly get the attention of any potential tourist to this beautiful place.

56. According to the passage, Ben’s job includes all of the following EXCEPT _____.

A. knowing Hamilton Island very well

B. going to Hamilton Island once a day

C. being interviewed in different media

D. drawing travellers’attention to the island

57. During the interview process, the candidates were asked to_____.

A. go through a fitness training

B. take part in various TV shows

C. write about their own interviews

D. communicate with the press

58. Why was Ben chosen for the job?

A. He is easy to get along with.

B. He kept his personal blog very well.

C. He used to be a swimming champion.

D. He can speak several foreign languages.

59. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Hamilton Island gets well protected

B. The funniest job in the world

C. Ben gets dream job

D. Tourism in Australia


60. The passage is most probably found in _____.

A. a magazine

B. a newspaper

C. a textbook

D. a guidebook

61. In which section is a reader most likely to find what a person thinks of a historical event?

A. Main Idea

B. Why It Ma tters Now

C. Terms & Names

D. One American’s Story


四校联考历史试题 24.(分封制)同商朝相比,很多西周封国的中下层社会结构并未发生改变,但是出现了上层的——获得天子承认的管理者。据此可知西周的分封制度 A.强化了周天子对地方的控制力B.初步建立起周天子的专制集权体制 C.依据血缘关系来分享政治权力D.形成从中央到地方的垂直管理体系25.汉文帝变“抑商”政策为“惠商”政策,下令“开关梁,弛山泽之禁”。这些措施实行后,出现了“富商大贾周游天下,交易之物莫不通,得其所欲” 的隆盛局面。材料中的“惠商”政策 A.维护了封建专制政权的经济基础B.使商品经济成为封建经济的支柱 C.有利于汉初社会经济的恢复发展D.从根本上改变了汉初的抑商政策 26.下表是唐朝士族子弟科举入仕人数简表:

表格信息主要反映了 A.科举制成为选拔官员的主要形式B.士族子弟科举入仕的比例较高 C.世家大族逐渐承认并接受科举制D.科举制扩大了唐朝的统治基础 27.《明实录》中记载的明武宗勤于国事,即使外出巡游,所有的奏章也要及时批答。而《明史》(清)中则把他描述为“骄奢淫逸”的昏君。导致这种差异出现的主要因素是 A.史官个人才识B.史著编撰意图C.史料运用方式D.史著编撰体例28.1870 年到 1880 年间,中国的棉布进口始终维持在 20000 千关两(千关两是当时的一种计量单位)左右,而棉纱的进口却从 2000 千关两增长到了近 5000 千关两。这种情况可以反映出 A.近代中国棉纺织业初步发展B.传统经济模式的进一步解体 C.政府放宽对民间设厂的限制D.西方列强对华资本输出扩大 29.孙中山在就任临时大总统的宣言书中说:“国家之本,在于人民。合汉、满、蒙、回、藏诸地为一国,即合汉、满、蒙、回、藏诸族为一人,是曰民族之统一。”材料说明孙中山 A.坚持汉族的主导地位B.已有“五族共和”的思想 C.民族主义认识较狭隘D.将民族平等与反专制结合 30.1941 年蒋介石评论说:“是不是推翻礼教否定本国历史就是新文化运动?是不


湖北省八市2018届高三英语3月联考试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What’s the season now? A. Summer. B. Fall. C. Winter. 2. Which dress will the woman wear? A. The red one. B. The blue one. C. The green one. 3. What can we learn about the old oven? A. It s not in style. B. It’s broken. C. It isn’t multi-functional. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a studio. B. In a CD store. C. In a car. 5. What does the woman think of the painting? A. Worthless. B. Just so-so. C. Wonderful. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How does the man feel about the weal her forecasts? A. Inaccurate. B. Reliable. C.


浙江省“七彩阳光”新高考研究联盟2020届高三12月适应性考试 历史试卷 选择题部分 一、选择题(本大题共24小题,每小题2分,共48分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.孔子认为人生应扎根于社会现实,极力主张从道德领域解决人生及社会的一切问题。老子强调“清静无为”,主张从自然状态出发,从宇宙中去开启人生的智慧。两人的人生观A.蕴含着强烈社会责任感B.是不同时代背景的折射 C.体现出思想核心的差异D.适应了统治者统治需要 2.有学者说:“春秋战国时代的分裂与分治如同后来魏晋南北朝、五代十国一样,只是中华统一国家中的内乱与分治时期,秦始皇只是在经历了战国近四百年的内战与分治之后重新统一了中国。”该学者旨在说明 A.郡县制取代分封制是历史发展趋势B.西周分封制下己形成统一国家 C.秦始皇是统一中国的第一个君主D.秦王朝是中国大一统国家的开端 3.西汉建平元年,“太皇太后诏外家王氏田非冢茔,皆以赋(给)贫民”;东汉永平九年,“诏郡国以公田,赐贫民各有差”。上述措施说明当时 A.封建土地私有制开始出现B.赠予是农民获地的主要途径 C.小农生产遏止了土地兼并D.国家扶持小农经济的发展 4.唐中期,大臣刘晏改革盐法,在产盐区设官负责收盐户所煮之盐,转卖给商人,对盐商则“纵其所之”。在距产盐区较远的地区,如盐商不至,则官府把盐减价卖给百姓。这反映了 A.官商勾结致使吏治败坏B.抑商政策有所松动 C.官府不再直接监管商业D.商品经济空前繁荣 5.“颜体”用笔浑厚强劲,气势磅礴,代表着盛唐气象。下列书法作品属于“颜体”的是 A① B. ② C. ③ D. ④ 6.元代管民及理财之官由中书考绩迁调,军官由枢密院定议,二品以上高级官员均由特旨任命。上述做法的主要目的是 A.削弱行省权力 B.强化君主专制 C.提高行政效率D.简化选官程序 7.黄宗羲赞叹“东汉太学三万人,……公卿避其贬议”,主张主管太学的“祭酒”应位同宰相,天子、宰相、百官都需定期到太学听祭洒评论政治得失。这反映出 A.士人干预政治的愿望B.黄宗羲不满宰相把持朝政 C.理学官方地位的沦丧D.明末清初政治的民主倾向 8.下图为“康熙时期的重要军事行动”,按照相关军事行动发生的时间先后顺序排列正确的是


2018~2019学年度第一学期高三12月份调研卷 英语 考试时间120分钟,满分150分。仅在答题卷上作答。 第一部分听力(共20题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的指定位置处。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the meeting begin? A. At 10:30. B. At 10:50. C. At 10:45. 2. What does the woman mean? A. The homework can’t be due in two days. B. She hasn’t finished her homework yet. C. She doesn’t expect it to come so soon. 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. On the street. B. At a hotel. C. At a shop. 4. What does the woman suggest? A. Cooking at home. B. Eating out at McDonald’s. C. Taking McDonald’s home. 5. What is the woman’s attitude? A. She agrees with the man. B. She doesn’t ag ree with the man. C. She doesn’t know what to do. 第二节(共15小题,每小题l.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后.各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时问。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。


全国Ⅱ卷“超级全能生”2019届高三26省12月联考 文综历史试题 2018.12 24.《资治通鉴》以“三家分晋”为开篇:周威烈王二十三年,天子正式任命晋国大夫魏斯、赵籍、韩虔为诸候。司马光认为这是真正礼崩乐坏的开端,是周室衰落的关键,“非三晋之坏礼,乃天子自坏也”。司马光此举意在 A.对周天子的分封表示不满B.强调坚持传统秩序的重要性 C.说明维护纲常伦理的必要D.承认“三家分晋”的合法性 25.汉高祖吸取秦始皇时形成“内重外轻”二世而亡的教训,实行郡国并行制,形成了“外重内轻”的局面。汉武帝时又形成“内重外轻”局面,至汉平帝时基本达到了“内外相制”的境地;但到东汉末年又形成了“外重内轻”的局面,最终导致东汉灭亡。这些变化说明 A.中央行政体制尚未完善B.中央集权在不断加强 C.中央与地方要适度分权D.地方分权在不断削弱 26.唐代前期的政治人物,大多数是北方人。唐代后期进士及第增长幅度最大的是福建、江西和湖南。入宋以后,南方士人在政治上扮演的角色愈来愈重要。在王安石变法中,参与变法的也大都是江南人士。这些现象反映了 A.南方经济的进一步发展B.程朱理学已成为官方哲学 C.江南政治实力比重增强D.科举制促进社会结构变动 27.下表是1600年前后中西方科学家关于科学研究方面的论述和方法。由此可知,此时中国 A.孕育了近代科学精神B.固守了传统经学的藩篱 C.徘徊于传统科学范式D.对外来文化的积极汲取

28.据日军记载“敌舰(经远)内部火势愈发炽烈,中部及后部烟火冲天,舰体逐步向左舷倾斜……”经远舰在一片弹雨中沉没。2018年9月22日,国家文物局根据打捞舰“经远”木牌等信息确认发现了124年前的经远舰。材料体现出 A.历史是任人打扮的小姑娘B.一切历史都是当代史 C.历史二重证据法D.一切历史都是思想史 29.毛泽东曾说过:“有三本书特别深地铭刻在我的心中,建立起我对马克思主义的信仰。 这三本书是《共产党宣言》《阶级斗争》《社会主义史》。到了1920年夏天,在理论上,而且在某种程度的行动上,我已成为一个马克思主义者了。”从材料可以看出 A.马克思主义者毛泽东领导了新文化运动 B.新文化运动后期马克思主义进一步传播 C.中共诞生使毛泽东转变成马克思主义者 D.五四时期毛泽东思想已经开始走向成熟 30.1937年4月,中国共产党以中共中央的名义拜祭黄帝,在祭文中写道:“各党各界,团结坚固。不论官民,不分贫富。民族阵线,救国良方。四万万众,坚决抵抗。”祭文中更多用“始祖”“吾华”等,以突出中华民族的概念。这表明中国共产党 A.注意改善和国民党关系B.认识到民族矛盾是主要矛盾 C.号召停止内战共同抗日D.意在增强中华民族的认同感 31.下图为1978一2016年中国经济活动人口和城乡就业人口变化情况曲线图。这可以说明中国即 A.农村就业人口逐年下降B.工业化和城镇化相吻合 C.城镇就业比率不断提升D.社会劳动力参与程度高


2016学年第一学期十二校联考英语试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Part A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Lend the man some money. B. Take the man to the bank. C. Ask the man when he’ll be paid. D. Help the man to draw some cash. 2. A. She broke her mobile phone. B. She forgot to reply to the man. C. She didn’t get the man’s messages. D. She couldn’t remember the man’s phone number. 3. A. He received permission to carry on an extra bag. B. He doesn’t know the woman ahead of him. C. He’s carrying someone else’s suitcase. D. He’d like some help with his luggage. 4. A. Go to the city on another day. B. Avoid driving after taking her medicine. C. Pick up her medicine before they leave. D. Wait to take her medicine until after their trip. 5. A. The air will be cleaner if they go to a different city. B. It’ll soon be too late to control the pollution. C. Society will not pay attention to the new laws. D. The situation will improve if changes are made.


2018届东北三省三校(哈师大附中,东北师大附中,辽宁省实验中学) 高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是C。 1. What is the weather like today? A. Cool. B. Warm. C. Hot. 2. What does the man want? A. A one-dollar bill. B. Some coins. C. A parking place. 3. What are the speakers discussing? A. Whether to hire more workers. B. How to improve production. C. When to put the new orders. 4. Where are the speakers? A. In a park. B. In a lift. C. On a bus. 5. What has the woman done? A. She has changed her car for a new one. B. She has taken a new car for a test drive. C. She has finished recording a radio program. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳


辽宁省名校联盟2021届高三12月份联合考试 一、选择题:本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。每小题只有一个选项是符合题目要求的。 1.著名学者梁启超在论及先秦某一流派思想时指出:其意谓道德与实利不能相离,利不利即善不善的标准。若此,吾得名之曰“义利一致观念”。据此可知,这一思想流派是 A.儒家 B.道家 C.法家 D.墨家 2.据睡虎地秦律《仓律》记载:“(粟一)石六斗大半斗,春之为粝米一石;粝米一石为集米九斗;九(斗)为糳米八斗。稻禾一石。”这段记载说明 A.秦代存在不同种类与形态的谷物 B.秦代存在着地区度量衡不统一的情况 C.秦代的法律体系已达完备的程度 D.秦代用重量单位作为谷物的价值单位 3.十六国时期,进入中原的各少数民族建立的政权,在承认中华正统的前提下所建立的政治、经济和文化制度基本都与中原汉族政权无大的区别。这一现象 A.体现了中华一体的政治观念 B.增强了少数民族政权的军事实力 C.有利于国家统一局面的出现 D.体现了中华文化多元一体的特点 4.11世纪后期,“中国商人......拥有商品分级化的知识”;东南亚对中国的进出口商品也展现出逐渐分级化的倾向,分为高质量、低质量以及介于两者中间的若干级别。这反映了 A.中外贸易网络的复杂化 B.中国人商业知识的增加 C.中外贸易的繁荣与稳定 D.国际市场的多样化需求 5.明初君臣在各类诏令文书中反复申明三个意识:“一是奉天承运;二是扫荡胡俗;三是四海归心。”将之简化表示,就是天意、民心、文化继承。这一做法 A.有利于专制皇权的加强 B.强化了国家权力的合法性 C.具有鲜明的时代新异性 D.体现了君权神授的统治观 6.1843年清政府在回复英国公使鸦片贸易合法化要求时说:关于鸦片的禁令只是针对中国人的,我们并没有强加于其他国家......其他国家的国民既然愿意按照新的规则进行贸易,那就以同样的方式按照法律阻止鸦片贸易。这体现了 A.鸦片贸易合法化是英国的核心诉求 B.《南京条约》内容得到各国普遍遵循 C.清政府仍固守华夷秩序的传统体系 D.清政府已开始具备近代化的外交理念 7.鸦片战争后,向西方学习成为时代新风。下表为三位近代历史人物的主张。


广西南宁市高三上学期政治12月联考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题(本大题共24小题,每小题2分,共48分) (共22题;共48分) 1. (2分) (2018高三下·黄陵开学考) 某打算创业的团队考虑到目前茶叶市场供需两旺的背景,计划开发无糖茶饮料这一产品,在论证该项目具有广泛的产品需求方面,以下创业成员的发言具有合理性的是() A . 甲:政府为鼓励创业已设立了一千多支创业引导基金,规模超过5.3万亿元 B . 乙:我国中等收入群体正迅速扩大,他们注重健康与养生,会青睐无糖饮料 C . 丙:我国茶园面积从1041千公顷增长到1989千公顷,茶叶产量在不断提高 D . 丁:网络电商的兴起,使茶饮料能直达终端消费者,厂商无择担心销售问题 2. (2分)下列选项中能够说明企业经济效益提高的是() A . 某企业原来每年获利5000万元,现在成本扩大一倍,每年获利1亿元 B . 投资规模扩大20%,利润增长15% C . 成本总量增加60%,利润总量增加10% D . 成本总量减少80%,利润总量减少30% 3. (2分)国务院常务会议决定从2016年5月1日起两年内,对企业职工基本养老保险单位缴费比例超过20%的省份,将缴费比例降至20%;同时也下调了失业保险总费率(个人费率不超过0.5%)和住房公积金缴存比例。降低企业“两险一金”费率旨在() ①减轻企业经济负担,增强市场活力②加大财政支持,促进转移支付 ③增加职工现金收入,提升消费能力④完善社会保障,实现分配公平 A . ①② B . ②③ C . ①③ D . ③④

广东省2020届高三10月百校联考历史试题 Word版含答案

广东省2020届高三百校联考10月月考 历史试卷 24.公元前715年,鲁隐公向众仲询问关于赐姓的问题。众仲说:“天子建德,因生以赐姓,昨之土而命之氏,诸侯以字为溢,因以为族。”这说明当时 A.诸侯国对地方管理松弛 B.血缘宗法观念开始形成 C.分封与族的发展合而为一 D.周王踢姓命氏的权力丧失 25.汉武帝以后,随着儒学自上而下的大力推行和民众自下而上的主动学习,汉族民众的民族意识不断增强,其他各族人民在意识、行为、思维和价值观等方面也渐趋一致。究其原因是,汉代儒学 A.强调天人合一 B.倡导大一统观 C.劝君主行仁政 D.宣扬君权神授 26.宋代的户籍制度按“常产”(主要是土地)的有无划分为主客户。下面为宋代主客户的数量统 计表。据表可知,这一时期 A.政府的税收收入减少 B.土地流转的速度加快 C.自耕农经济遭到破坏 D.土地集中的程度降低 27.明清时期,棉花种植遍及江北与中州,蚕桑生产发展甚快,甘蔗、烟草生产成为东南各省重要经济作物,蓝靛(染料作物)盛产于山区。这些现象 A.促进了农业生产的区域化分工 B.表明政府重农抑商政策松弛 C.进一步增强了江南经济实力 D.推动了资本主义萌芽的产生 28.鸦片战争爆发前,林则徐时常“探访夷情,知其虚实”,并购买西方人出版的报纸,招募翻译“以定控制之方”,大且购买西洋炮,还仿造了两艘“底用铜包,篷如洋式”的西洋船,并将购买的武装商船改造成清军水师的训练舰。这表明林则徐 A.洞悉英国的武装实力 B.推动了洋务运动的发展 C.具有强烈的优患意识 D.已摆脱传统“夷夏”观念

29.1861年,清朝海关的总税收共为5036370库两,到1910年,增加到34518589库两,在50年中增长了5.8倍。这种增长 A.表明中国日益卷入资本主义世界市场 B.便利了西方列强在华的商品输出 C.源于近代中国海关实现了独立自主 D.反映出中国近代工业竞争力增强 30.20世纪20年代初,北洋政府渐失驾驭力,而南北大小军阀已实际形成占地而治的割据局面。对此,1922年9月,中国共产党人创办的机关报《向导》发刊词中说:“现在最大多数中国人民所要的是什么?我们敢说是要统一与和平。”这说明当时 A.中华民族危机空前严重 B.中国共产党已认识到国情形势 C.国共合作成为社会共识 D.中国共产党酝酿民主革命纲领 31.1978年3月,邓小平在全国科学大会上指出:“四个现代化,关键是科学技术的现代化,没有现代科学技术,就不可能建设现代农业、现代工业、现代国防。没有科学技术的高速度发展,也就不可能有国民经济的高速度发展。”当时邓小平这一思想 A.加快了科技体制改革 B.源于党的工作重心的转移 C.提出了科教兴国战略 D.推动了科技政策拨乱反正 32.雅典是一个城邦国家,也就是一个城市连同其周围不大的一片乡村区域,人口在全盛时期也不过40万人左右。因而乡居的公民进城参加公民大会可以朝出移归,人们相互间比较熟悉一国政务比较简单,易于在公民大会中讨论和表决。材料意在论证雅典 A.公民是城邦发展的主体 B.城邦有助于公民行使权力 C.民主政治自身有局限性 D.直接民主依存于城邦制度 33.美国宪法规定:由各州的选举人组成“选举人团”来间接选举总统;选举人的资格是有限制的,联邦议员和官员不得担任选举人;当选举人选不出总统时,由众议院选举,但实行参议院投票方式,每州一票。美国选举总统的这种方式 A.暴露了联邦体制的弊端 B.落实了三权分立的理念 C.规范了共和政体的运行 D.维护了多数民众的利益 34.1877年,德意志帝国颁布专利法案,规定:专利所有者每年需支付专利保护费,第一年是50马克(高于当时普通工人的月收入),之后按每年50马克的幅度递增,到第十五年费用为700马克,并且是专利保护的最后期限.这一规定 A.阻碍了德国工业发展 B.推动了创新技术共享

安徽省皖江联盟2020届高三上学期12月联考试题 历史 Word版含答案

安徽省皖江联盟2020届高三12月份联考试题 历史 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷第1至第4页,第II卷第4至第6页。全卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 考生注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的姓名、座位号。 2.答第I卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3.答第II卷时,必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写,要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。 必须在题号所指示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上答 ........................ 题无效。 .... 4.考试结束,务必将试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第I卷(选择题共48分) 本卷共24小题,每小题2分,共48分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。 1.据史料记载,商代后期的王位传承以“父死子继”为主,出现嫡长子继承的倾向,如纣是帝乙嫡子,启是庶子,尽管启年长,帝乙还是立纣为法定继承人,由此可知,商代后期 A.皇权专制得到了加强 B.血缘纽带关系弱化 C.王位继承具有随意性 D.宗法制度渐趋形成 2.以下两幅汉代画像砖的主题分别是“舂米”“庖厨”。这两幅画像砖 A.反映了汉代的社会生活 B.体现了建筑材料艺术化趋势 C.不符合汉代的历史事实 D.表明了精耕细作农业的发展 3.宋仁宗时,以“宰相自用台官,则宰相过失无敢言者矣”为理由,收回了宰相对台谏官的举荐权,使谏官的监管对象扩大到包括宰相在内的公卿百官。宋仁宗此举 A.使监察权得以超越行政权 B.加强了中央集权 C.有利于监察机构行使职权 D.提高了行政效率


实用文档 用心整理 1 2020年三校联考一模英语参考答案 2020.3.20 听力: 01—05 CACCC 06—10 ACBAA 11—15 BBBAB 16—20 CBCCA 阅读理解: 21. BAC 24. CDDC 28. BDBD 32. BCDC 36. AGEBF 完形填空: 41. CDBAD CDBAC BDCAB ADCBA 语法填空: 61. included 62. an 63. who 64. However 65. surviving 66. relatively 67. Worse 68. permission 69. with 70. have been left 短文改错: 1. 删除the ; 2. arrived 后加at ; 3. has 改成had ; 4. needing 改成needed ; 5. late 改成later ; 6. told 改成telling ; 7. where 改成how ; 8. which 改成whose ; 9. his 改成her ;10. thank 改成thanks 写作参考范文: Dear Mary, How’s everything going? With the fiftieth Earth Day approaching, our school is going to hold a poster exhibition related to it . I’m writing to invite you to attend the meaningful display. Scheduled on 22 April, 2020, the exhibition will be held in the school hall. With the aim of drawing attention to critical environmental protection, the activity provides a platform for participants to remind people that we should care about nature. Additionally, well-designed works chosen from keen students cover various aspects relevant to protection issues. You can have access to posters that are a combination of art and education. Were you present, you would be treated to an instructive and touching feast conveying love and concern to our mother Earth. Time permitting, I sincerely hope that you can make it. Looking forward to your coming! Yours, Li Hua 听力原文: Text 1 W:Dad, I want to learn how to drive this summer vacation. M:That’s a good idea! You’d better hurry up before they’ve filled all classes. Many people are learning how to drive now. W:OK, I will. Text 2 M:I’m leaving now. What would you like me to bring you? W:Please get me some apples. Oh, I almost forgot! Buy me a notebook. Text 3 M:Mary,you are American, right? Can you teach me the rules of American football? W:I’m sorry, David. I don’t know much about them. But I can ask my brother Frank to help y ou. M:It’s very kind of you. Text 4 M:Did you receive my application? W:I did, but I have not had a chance to look it over yet. M:Not yet? It’s been over a week and I was hoping to get an answer today. Text 5 W:I’m writing a story for the high school newspaper. It is an article on people’s feelings about graduation. M:I’m so excited about it. How about you? W:Me? In fact, I feel a little scared. Text 6


① ② ③ ④ 2016-2017学年度第一学期十二校联考 高三历史试卷 2016年12月 一、选择题(每题2分,共50分,每题只有一项正确答案) 1. 中国古代的国家治理思想主要有两个源头,即 A .礼与法 B .道与法 C .礼与乐 D .农与商 2. 现存的秦琅琊台刻石是研究秦朝历史的 A .原始史料 B .旁证材料 C .间接证据 D .转手史料 3. 孔子认为,“殷因于夏礼”,“周因于殷礼”。这里的“礼”泛指 A .钱财礼物 B .等级秩序 C .血缘伦理 D .儒学源流 4.“汉天子正号曰皇帝,自称曰朕,臣民称之陛下……印曰玺。”这说明汉朝 A .基本沿用秦制 B .创设皇帝制度 C .改革中央官职 D .设立内外朝制 5. “研究中国古代边疆史,不能不研究汉武帝。”汉武帝在巩固边疆方面的贡献是 A .修筑长城,抵御匈奴侵袭 B .反击匈奴,夺取河套和河西走廊 C .设宣政院加强对西藏管辖 D .设置伊犁将军控制天山南北地区 6. 下幅《行政区划体系示意图》最早当出现在哪位君主在位时期? A .周武王 B .秦始皇 C .汉高祖 D .汉武帝 7. “仕而优则学,学而优则仕”演变成通经致用,成为古代学者的普遍追求始于 A. 西周时期 B. 春秋时期 C. 西汉初年 D. 西汉中期 8. 从文化角度看,属于“儒家文化圈”范围的国家是右图中的 A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②④

9.某朝官员王锷通过贿赂企图兼任宰相。皇帝同意了其请求,并下诏“锷可兼宰相”。时任给事中的李藩行使职权,驳回诏书。由此推断,给事中隶属于 A.唐朝门下省 B.宋朝枢密院 C.明朝锦衣卫 D.清朝军机处 10. 唐朝中央政府实行三省六部制,其中有政策“设计厅”之功能的是 A.中书省 B. 尚书省 C. 门下省 D. 行中书省 11.《元史·释老传》说:“世祖以其地广而险远,……乃郡县吐蕃之地,设官分职,而领之于帝师。”可见,当时管辖吐蕃的机构是 A. 巡检司 B. 宣政院 C. 中书省 D. 军机处 12.《岛夷志略》记载:“自泉州顺风二昼夜可至。……地隶泉州晋江县,至元年间,立巡检司,以周岁额办盐课中统钱钞一十锭二十五两,别无科差。”文中划线部分应填 A. 香港岛 B. 台湾岛 C. 明州港 D. 广州城 13. 明朝内阁距皇帝寝宫1000米,清朝军机处距皇帝寝宫只有50米。政务中心逐步靠近皇帝寝宫的过程,从本质上体现了 A.皇宫建筑布局更合理 B.政府行政效能有提高 C.中央集权的日益加强 D.君主专制的不断强化 14. 许倬云认为,日本文化其实是中国文化的新阐释,事实上并没有离开中国文化的根。这种“新阐释”最早可以追溯到 A. 秦汉 B. 隋唐 C. 宋元 D. 明清 15. 文天祥抗元被俘宁死不屈,以正气歌明志。这种气节折射出当时哪一社会主流思想 A.道学 B.佛学 C.理学 D.史学 16. 下列显然不是《海国图志》编撰意图的是 A.“以夷变夏” B. “以夷款夷” C. “以夷攻夷” D. “师夷制夷” 17. 如果选择“近代以来的西学东渐及其影响”为研究主题,其研究对象可选择 A.商务印书馆、利玛窦 B.《几何原本》、冯如 C.商务印书馆、冯如 D.同文馆、利玛窦 18. 以下最能说明上海租界为“国中之国”的是 A.租界内公园禁止华人入内 B.美英等联手成立了工部局 C.租界内建屋开店须先由外国领事发给执照 D.租界有下水道、自来水、路灯和平整街道 19. 《上海闲话》认为,19世纪60年代,上海等地形成的“洋泾浜”英语,是一种以“中国


2019年高三年级10月联考 历史试卷 命题教师:王素梅审题教师:鄂南高中高三历史组 考试时间:2019年10月18日上午8:00-9:30试卷满分:100分 一、单选题(本大题共24小题,每小题2分,共48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。) 1.《左传》中说:“天子建国,诸侯立家,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有隶弟子,庶人工商各有分亲,皆有等衰”,对这段记载理解正确的是()A、宗法等级包括庶民和奴隶B、大宗、小宗之间无隶属关系 C、中央集权制度已经形成 D、宗族分化受分封刺激而加速 2.南朝时察举制仍然发挥一定的作用,而且察举制的中心环节转移到中央考试上,地方长官举荐吏员的权力变成了搜罗文人以应试的责任,自由投考的色彩日益浓厚,这表明()A、察举制自上而下选拔人才B、九品中正制占主导地位 C、南朝时科举制开始萌芽 D、南朝时科举制正式形成 3.柳宗元专门著文褒扬郡县制,他的文章《封建论》实是论郡县,他认为“时则有叛国而无叛郡,秦制之得亦以明矣”,他写这篇文章的现实原因是()A、指责分封制易导致叛乱B、揭露藩镇割据威胁中央集权 C、基于汉朝发生七国之乱 D、认为郡县制比分封制更优越 4.唐朝中书侍郎李义府执权用事,有妇人淳于氏坐事系大理,义府好美色,托大理丞毕正义枉法放出。事情败露,毕正义自杀,高宗特赦义府之罪。侍御史王义方坚持弹劾。这是唐朝御史台官员弹劾宰相的一例,然而高宗认为义方毁誉大臣,左迁义方为莱州司户参军。这说明()A、君主专制的本质决定监察体制效能有限B、监察官员和监察机构权力太小 C、监察官员由皇帝任命所以也由皇帝撤免 D、监察制度有利于监督官员执政 5.20世纪70年代在广州中山四路发现秦统一岭南时的造船遗址,80年代发现南越王墓(发现一捆非洲象牙和一件公元前5世纪的波斯银盒),90年代发现南越国宫署遗址,这3项重大发现,被誉为广州秦汉考古的三大发现。据此论断正确的是()A、秦汉时期我国海外贸易鼎盛B、广州是当时我国唯一的外贸港口 C、当时海上丝绸之路开始形成 D、秦汉时期我国造船业已领先世界 6.茶马古道是指存在于中国西南地区,是中国西南民族经济文化交流的走廊,茶马互市兴于唐宋,盛于明清,藏区和川、滇边地出产的骡马、毛皮、药材等和川滇及内地出产的茶叶、布匹、盐和日用器皿等等,在横断山区的高山深谷间南来北往,这说明()A、互市推动对外贸易发展B、茶马古道促进了人口迁移 C、跨区域间贸易来往密切 D、重农抑商政策存在弊端 7.先秦一思想家说:“释法术而任心治(即人治),尧不能正一国。去规矩而妄意度,奚仲不能成一轮。”该思想家主张()A、儒家思想影响力很小B、推崇以德治民的心治社会 C、外儒内法的理论体系 D、法治比礼治更加公平简明 8.孔子强调君子以行为重,“敏于事而慎于言”,二程和朱熹主张“格物致知”,王阳明主张“致良知”“知行合一”,材料表明儒家()A、希望通过实验途径寻求科学真理B、注重社会实践活动体现力行思想 C、维护封建专制制度和等级秩序 D、重视人的价值有利于思想解放 9.王夫之说:“天理人欲,同行异情。异情者,异以变化之几;同行者,同于形色之实”,“有欲斯有理”,“薄于欲者薄于理”。这表明王夫之()A、认为理欲统一于人的现实存在B、认为天理是人欲的基础和前提 C、彻底批判儒家纲常伦理思想 D、提倡经世致用关注人的存在价值


2021届浙江省三校高三上学期第一次联考 英语试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ (含答案) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the man do first? A. Learn more about prices. B. Find a supplier. C. Do reports. 2. When will the meeting be held? A. At 11:30. B. At 12:00. C. At 1:00. 3. Why is the woman leaving work early? A. To take care of her mother. B. To post a package. C. To pick up a car. 4. What are the speakers talking about in general? A. A trip. B. Food. C. The weather. 5. What relation is the man to the woman? A. Her customer. B. Her co-worker. C. Her boss.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. What will the woman do on Saturday afternoon? A. Do her homework. B. Enjoy a concert. C. Watch a game. 7. Where will the woman go on Sunday? A. To a park. B. To a hospital. C. To the man’s house. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. What is the woman’s opinion about the computer screen? A. Big. B. Nice. C. Stylish. 9. What brings the man a bit of trouble? A. The screen. B. The keyboard. C. The mouse. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What is the purpose of the call? A. To accept a position. B. To advertise a job opening. C. To check on a job application. 11. For what day is the man’s appointment scheduled? A. Tuesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday. 12. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Call her later. B. Meet with Victoria Smith. C. Wait at the front desk.

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