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英语口语考试通用语句 模板归纳(一):室外突发事件篇 日期或星期,天气,Tom正在做…..,突然,他听到或看到….,他迅速……,….. 感谢….(或道歉…..) Tom was lying on the beach. Suddenly, he heard a boy shouting for help. The boy was in the water. He quickly jumped into the water and saved the boy out of water. The boy was saved. His parents thanked him again and again. 模板归纳(二):室外平铺直叙篇: 日期或星期,天气,Tom 在做….,有人在做…. 有人…… It was Sunday. It was sunny. There are many people in a park. Tom was in the park. 模板归纳(三):室内突发事件篇 Tom was sleeping in bed Suddenly, he heard the fire alarm and saw a lot of smoke. There was a fire. He quickly jumped out of bed and dialled 119. The firemen arrived. He helped the firemen put out the fire.

模板归纳(四):室内平铺直叙篇: 例文1: He was looking for books. He found some books. He went to the librarian and borrowed them. She said he can keep them for 10 ten days. 例文2: He was doing his homework. His father was reading the newspaper. His mother was cooking. Dinner was almost ready. 模板归纳(五):描写人或物 It’s my bedroom.


1.对话形式:“Oh, my god! pili, are you ok? What are you doing to make yourself so dirty?”“Um……I…just …This morning. I watched TV. There is a program that said if kids help their parents clean the house, they will get award from parents. My mom says I am very lazy and she never says ‘good’ to me, so I decide to clean the bathroom”“wow, you have a good idea.”“Yeah! It's great. But I do badly. I made the room dirty and wet, I'm so sorry!”“No, It's not bad .You are good. Though you can not do well ,you have a tr y .Later will be better let's do it together, ok?”“Thank you, ola, I will do better.” 2. 对话形式:“ola, studying in the library is boring ,can we go outside and play football ?”“pili, Playing football is interesting, but you know, study is interesting, too.”“Really?”“of course. If we read many books, we will know something that other classmates don't know. And, when teachers ask something, the answer just we know. You guess what will happen? ”“Wow, at that time, I will be No.1 in the class. Haha, then I will get everyone's praise. Oh, I need to study quickly. ” 3. Ola, lele and laki are having English class. lele pays important attention to the English teacher, but ola and laki just sit there and think something out of English. What are they doing? I know that laki’s hobby is eating. so I guess he must think what to eat later. Look! He slobbers his lunch. As for ola, there was a football match last night and the team that ola support won the game, ola wants to look back the game, because there is a happy expression on his face. 4. ola, lele and pili are reading an English book in the classroom. They read some interesting stories and colorful pictures. Then they find a question on the book: What’s the most interesting thing you want to do in the weekends? ola, lele and pili begin to discuss it happily. pili thinks the most interesting thing he wants to do is eating with his friends. They eat pizza, apples and hot dogs. lele thinks the most interesting thing is playing with friends. They can swing and chat with each other happily. 5. There is a special blowing air balloon race in the primary school. After the first round of the knockout, Pipi, Coco and Pili entered the final fight-off. Pipi is strong, but he did not practice before the race, so he cannot blow halfway; for Coco, he is


----大学“英语我最秀”英语口语大赛 主办方:---大学 承办方:商学院CRAZY社团

1.活动背景:为促进我校建设的深入开展,鼓励广大学生勤奋学习、积极向上,保持优良的学习氛围和热情,结合我校的实际情况,特意举办此次口语大赛。此次活动由商学院CRAZY社团承办,该社团自成立以来取得了一系列优异成果,是一个优秀的团体。口语大赛在各院的支持下一定能够圆满完成。 2.活动目的:为了提高全校学生对用英语学习的热情,通过多样的比赛形式让学生热爱英语,享受英语。营造一个积极健康的英语学习氛围,沟通各学院,促进学校发展。同时也发现人才,发展人才,发挥人才。为本校学生搭建一个自我展现和发展的舞台,展现当代大学生的风采。 3.活动形式:此次活动分为三个模块朗诵话剧歌曲 4.比赛流程及评分标准: 第一部分:朗诵(100分) 一,独诵(50分)个人展示,可朗诵英文诗、散文等,时 间不得低于5分钟。 二,模仿秀(30分) 模仿经典,可以是经典台词、名人演讲片 段等。时间为3分钟左右。 三,现场问答(20分) 由评委提问,参赛选手现场答题。 注意:口语流畅标准,内容健康向上。一、二环节可加入PPT及音乐等,使朗诵更加生动。

第二部分:话剧(100分) 参赛要求: 一,话剧不宜太短,时间维持8分钟以上。(10分) 二,故事情节具体,表演生动,语言清晰流畅。(30) 三,主题创新,表现形式多样。(20分) 四,内容积极健康,能够展现大学生风采。(20) 五,PPT设计,道具准备等。(20) 第三部分:歌曲(歌曲演唱可以个人、组合形式) 一,英文歌曲大声唱(50分)选手自己准备参赛曲目及伴奏 等。 二,回顾经典播放经典曲目,由选手抢答歌曲英文名称,答 对一首加5分。 三,秀出最美声音(30分)唱出自己的风格,注意创新, 同时把自己最美的声音展示给大家。 5.奖项设置: 朗诵部分: 一等奖:1名 二等奖:2名 三等奖:3名 优秀奖:若干名 话剧部分:


1 Yesterday Ken and Tim found a stranger taking something from a shop window without paying anything. They followed him to the bus stop. When he was reading a newspaper, they ran to tell the policewoman about the stranger. With the help of the policewoman, they caught the thief. They did a good deed. They felt very happy. 2 Here is a photo of my family. In this photo, I’m doing my homework. My father is watching TV. My grandfather is reading the newspaper. My grandmother is talking to my mother. And my sister is eating cakes. 3 Playing computer games has become an important part of many children’s lives. They spend too much time playing them. They haven’t got enough time to study. They haven’t got enough time to exercise. They even haven’t got enough time to sleep. So I think they shouldn’t spend too much time on computers. And they must use the computers in a good way.


The Common Structure Of The Specific Plan For Daily Work Includes The Expected Objectives, Implementation Steps, Implementation Measures, Specific Requirements And Other Items. 编订:XXXXXXXX 20XX年XX月XX日 英语口语技能大赛活动策 划书简易版

英语口语技能大赛活动策划书简易 版 温馨提示:本方案文件应用在日常进行工作的具体计划或对某一问题制定规划,常见结构包含预期目标、实施步骤、实施措施、具体要求等项目。文档下载完成后可以直接编辑,请根据自己的需求进行套用。 一.活动目的 为促进和提高我校在校大学生的英语口语 水平、营造良好学习氛围、活跃校园文化生 活、发现优秀的英语后备人才、提高大学生的 综合素质。并为配合我校的本科评估工作,争 取以我校大学生优秀的英语口语能力,更好地 与评估组领导进行交流,为评估工作贡献一份 力量。 二.策划主办单位 外国语学院学生会学习部 三.活动具体事项

活动时间报名时间:3月9日-3月13日 比赛时间:3月14日下午2:00 活动地点:五教三楼视听室 活动对象:外国语学院全体学生 活动流程:赛前:3月13日下午5点半全体参赛者去五教316抽签以确定出场顺序赛时:1.主持人阐述活动背景,宣读比赛环节和评分细则 2.比赛环节每位选手要经过即兴演讲和现场问答两部分考评。分数共计为10分(演讲内容4分;语言表达4分;综合印象2分)。比赛采取现场评分方式,由我院优秀教师组成评委团。 (1)现场抽题每位选手在自己上台前5分钟抽“即兴演讲”的“topic”。共有四个


初一英语口语试题(二):看图说话 1、Pretend that Helen is your friend,and say something about the picture(假装你是海伦的朋友,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开始): Helen studies at Zhaoqing Middle School. She gets up at 6 a.m. every day … 2、Pretend you are Jim or Kate, and say something about the picture(假装你是吉姆或 凯特,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开 始): This is a picture of my family. There are six people. The one…

3、Pretend you are David, and say something about the picture(假装你是大卫,描述图画)。Start like this(你可以这样开始): This is a picture of my family There are five people. The one in the middle is my grandpa… 4、Say something about the pictures: what’s the weather like there(描述图画,那里的天气怎样)? Start like this(你可以这样开始): In spring, the sun shines. It’s us ually warm and sunny……


It’s sunny today, there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky. There are many fish in the river. They are swimming. They are so happy and enjoy themselves. Sally is in the supermarket. She is going shopping for her dog Puppy. It likes milk and bone. Sally loves it very much. Tom can play very well. He is teaching her.

Are you helpful at home? Can you do housework? Look, Tom is watering flowers. The other two are sweeping the floor. They are all good kids. I should learn from them. Are you helpful at home? Can you do housework? Look, sally is cleaning the windows. The other two are sweeping the floor. They are all good kids. I should learn from them. Look, what are they doing? Oh, they are having English class. This is their English teacher Miss Li. She is tall and beautiful. They all like her very much.


2015 年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组英语口语赛项 样题 1. 职场描述(Presentation) (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart, giving your comments on possible causes of the survey results. [ 《 " … 2. 情景交流(Interview) (3 minutes) Now you ’l l see a poster.

PUBLIC NOTICE of NONDISCRIMINATION: Northland Pioneer College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, gender, age or disability in admission or access to, or enjoyment in its educational programs or activities. For more information call 1-800-266-7845 ×6244 or 928-536-6244. * NOTE: Food for your soul; Solar (Sol) for your food. Sustainability: 可持续性Task: Suppose you ’r e the secretary working at Northland Pioneer College and


1.公园休闲类: 时间:Sunday Saturday morning \ afternoon 地点:garden。人物:@ ,@ and I . 事件:paint , boating, climb, take photos, play games…..(可替换) 范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunny\cloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free. @@ and I go to the garden for fun| to draw picture, the lake is very clear. And there are many people boating on the lake. The flowers are blooming, the trees are green. @play guitar and I sing. We talk and draw .We all have a good time. How I wish we can come again. 2.公园休闲类: 时间:Sunday Saturday morning \ afternoon 地点:garden。人物:@ ,and I . 事件:sing and play guitar (可替换) 范文:Today is Sunday , it’s a sunny day, the sky is so blue, @ and I go to the garden for fun| , the lake is very clear. And there are many people boating on the lake. The flowers are blooming, the trees are green. @play guitar and I sing. How happy we are! I wish we can play again. 3.购物休闲类go shopping.. . 时间:Sunday Saturday morning \ afternoon 地点:街上。人物:@ ,@ and I . 事件:go shopping.. Today is Sunday. It’s sunny\cloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free. @@ and I go to the street to buy some books. There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street. We find many interesting books in the book store. And we have 3 picture books. How happy we are! 4.购物休闲类, eat and drink. 时间:Sunday Saturday morning \ afternoon 地点:街上。人物:@ ,@ and I . 事件:drink in the coffee shop(可替换) Today is Sunday. It’s sunny\cloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free. @@ and I go to the street to have fun. There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street. We buy ice cream and drink a cup of coffee|tea(many tasty food). What a happy day we have! 5..购物休闲类, buy gift for a friend. 时间:Sunday Saturday morning \ afternoon , It’s @’s birthday.地点:街上。人物:@ ,@ and I . 事件:buy a gift for @ Today is Sunday, it’s fine, the sky is so blue, we are so excited because today is XiaoLi’s birthday,@@ and I go to the street to buy a gift. for Xiaoli. There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street. We choose some flowers for him. We wish xiaoli have a good time and happy birthday. 6.海滩休闲 范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunny and hot, the sky is so blue, @ and I go to beach for fun| , the water is so clean. And there are many people on the beach,the trees are green. Firstly,@ and I swim in the water. Then, we rest and eat ice cream. How relaxing and happy we are!. 学习类 1.(在公园读书)Today is Sunday , it’s sunny, the sky is so blue, @ and I go to the garden to have fun, the flowers are white ,the trees are green ,we read under a tree, it’s so cool. we read and talk . How happy we are! 2.(在家中读书)Today is Sunday , we are free. @ and @come to my study to study with me,. My study is clean and beautiful. We study and have fun. We help each other .We all have a good time. How I wish we can study together everyday. 图片类看图说话范文 1.运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning \ afternoon 地点:运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I . 事件:play basketball, football...... 范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunny\cloudy, the sky is so blue, we have no lessons, @@ and I go to the playground for fun, we play basketball….., it’s very interesting. We are tired but We all have a good time. How I wish we can play again. 2运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning \ afternoon 地点:运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I . 事件:have a walk.


英语口语技能大赛活动策划书 一.活动目的 为促进和提高我校在校大学生的英语口语水平、营造良好学习氛围、活跃校园文化生活、发现优秀的英语后备人才、提高大学生的综合素质。并为配合我校的本科评估工作,争取以我校大学生优秀的英语口语能力,更好地与评估组领导进行交流,为评估工作贡献一份力量。 二.策划主办单位 外国语学院学生会学习部 三.活动具体事项 活动时间报名时间:3月9日-3月13日 比赛时间:3月14日下午2:00 活动地点:五教三楼视听室 活动对象:外国语学院全体学生 活动流程:赛前:3月13日下午5点半全体参赛者去五教316抽签以确定出场顺序 赛时:1.主持人阐述活动背景,宣读比赛环节和评分细则 2.比赛环节每位选手要经过即兴演讲和现场问答两部分考评。分数共计为10分(演讲内容4分;语言表达4分;综合印象2分)。比赛采取现场评分方式,由我院优秀教师组成评委团。

(1)现场抽题每位选手在自己上台前5分钟抽“即兴演讲”的“topic”。共有四个“topic”。 (2)即兴演讲选手围绕自己上台前抽到的话题进行即兴演讲,时间为2分钟到3.5分钟。 (3)评委提问这一环节由一名评委老师给选手提问(评委老师可依据《英语口语话题精选》中的话题进行提问),然后由选手回答,回答时间不应超过1分45秒。 (4)文艺表演比赛期间穿插由外院文艺部同学带来的精彩才艺表演 (5)评委点评由评委老师给此次大赛进行点评 (6)主持人宣布比赛结果,比赛结束 四.奖项设置 一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名,优秀奖四名 五.具体工作安排 赛前准备工作1.宣传通过班主任和班干部向班上发放通知 2.准备(1)认真组织各班报名 (2)选手提前抽签确定出场顺序的工作 (3)邀请评委老师 (4)邀请主持人,安排统分、计时及送分人员。 (5)后勤工作(评委老师、主持人及嘉宾的饮用水;打分纸及笔)



目录 一、前言 (1) 二、大赛简介 (1) 三、大赛流程 (2) 四、大赛具体容 (3) 五、比赛评分细则 (4) 六、比赛分工安排 (5) (6) 八、奖项设置 (6)

经贸英语口语大赛比赛策划书 一、前言 为了进一步推动我校英语教学和素质教育的发展,丰富广学的课余生活,加强英语的学习和交流,提高同学们学习应用英语口语的积极性,给学生提供一个展现自我,提升自我的机会和舞台,我院决定举办围绕经济贸易主题的经贸英语口语大赛。 二、大赛简介 (一)大赛名称 1.大赛全称:英语口语大赛 (二)举办时间、地点 1.预赛:时间:2015年12月3号(暂定) 地点:在9号楼311教室(暂定) 2.决赛:时间:2015年12月9号(暂定) 地点:信息楼报告厅(暂定) (三)举办单位 主办单位: 承办单位:

(四)本届大赛主题 以经济贸易为主题,享青春之隽永,展红鹰之校风 (五)大赛目的 1.营造良好的学习氛围,提高同学学习英语的积极性,特别是提高经贸英语口语的积极性和应用能力; 2.丰富学生的课余生活; 3.为大学生提供一个学习和交流英语学习的平台,共同进步;4.加深对经贸英语口语重要性的认识; 5.通过这次的经贸英语口语大赛,希望能提高大家的英文听说能力,促使学生更好的进行英语口语学习,更好的规划好自己的大学生涯。(六)参赛对象 本部) 三、大赛流程 1.大赛前期筹备工作 2015年10月至11月 2.大赛前期宣传工作组织报名 2015年11月6日 3.大赛报名 2015年11月13日截止 4.剧本收集和整理 2015年11月23日截止


2012级第3学期口语考试题签 1 Key words and expressions: air pollution sustainable development classified rubbish plant trees vehicle

Picture 1 In order to make the earth happy all the time, we should try our best to reduce the air pollution. It can be seen from the picture that in order to reduce the air pollution, we can do the following things. Firstly, plant trees to absorb the harmful air. Secondly, do our best to classify the rubbish. Thirdly, go out by bike instead of taking a vehicle. Fourthly, persuade more people to join the team of protecting the environment, we should start from the small things in our life, start form ourselves. What’s more, we should follow the way of sustainable development. All in all, I believe our life will become better and better and if we do the above things.


小学英语演讲比赛看图说话 1.公园休闲类时间Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点garden。人物and I . 事件paint boating climb take photos play games…..可替换范文Today is Sunday it’s sunnycloudy the sky is so blue we are free. and I go to the garden for fun to draw picture the lake is very clear. And there are many people boating on the lake. The flowers are blooming the trees are green. play guitar and I sing. We talk and draw .We all have a good time. How I wish we can come again. 2.公园休闲类时间Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点garden。人物and I . 事件sing and play guitar 可替换范文Today is Sunday it’s a sunny day the sky is so blue and I go to the garden for fun the lake is very clear. And there are many people boating on the lake. The flowers are blooming the trees are green. play guitar and I sing. How happy we are I wish we can play again. 3.购物休闲类go shopping.. . 时间Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点街上。人物and I . 事件go shopping.. Today is Sunday. It’s sunnycloudy the sky is so blue we are free. and I go to the street to buy some books. There are many people a lot of shops and nice things in the street. We find many interesting books in the book store. And we have 3 picture books. How happy we are 4.购物休闲类eat and drink. 时间Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点街上。人物and I . 事件drink in the coffee shop可替换Today is Sunday. It’s sunnycloudy the sky is so blue we are free. and I go to the street to have fun. There are many people a lot of shops and nice things in the street. We buy ice cream and drink a cup of coffeeteamany tasty food. What a happy day we have 5..购物休闲类buy gift for a friend. 时间Sunday Saturday morning afternoon It’s ’s birthday.地点街上。人物and I . 事件buy a gift for Today is Sunday it’s fine the sky is so blue we are so excited because today is XiaoLi’s birthday and I go to the street to buy a gift. for Xiaoli. There are many people a lot of shops and nice things in the street. We choose some flowers for him. We wish xiaoli have a good time and happy birthday. 6海滩休闲范文Today is Sunday it’s sunny and hot the sky is so blue and I go to beach for fun the water is so clean. And there are many people on the beachthe trees are green. Firstly and I swim in the water. Then we rest and eat ice cream. How relaxing and happy we are. 学习类1在公园读书Today is Sunday it’s sunny the sky is so blue and I go to the garden to have fun the flowers are white the trees are green we read under a tree it’s so cool. we read and talk . How happy we are 2.在家中读书Today is Sunday we are free. and come to my study to study with me. My study is clean and beautiful. We study and have fun. We help each other .We all have a good time. How I wish we can study together everyday. 图片类看图说话范文1.运动类时间Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点运动场。人物and I . 事件play basketball football...... 范文Today is Sunday it’s sunnycloudy the sky is so blue we have no lessons and I go to the playground for fun we play basketball….. it’s very interesting. We are tired but We all have a good time. How I wish we can play again. 2运动类时间Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点运动场。人物and I . 事件have a walk. 范文Today is Sunday it’s sunnycloudy the sky is so blue the air is fresh we have no lessons and I go out to have a walk. The birds are singing in the trees the flowers are red .we walk and talk we meet many people. Some people are talking some are buying things. Some are listening to music. others are walking dogs 溜狗we are all very happy 未来科技Look at the picture it’s so beautiful. I like it very much the picture is about future未来we can see many tall buildings and modern cars buses they are so wonderful了不起some cars and buses can fly everyone is so happy because they can fly in the sky How I wish I can live in the future. 天安门广场存钱大金猪图Hello everybody look at this picture it’s so funny a boy ride on the big pig and a bag of money is on his hand. What is he doing He is saving money I think he want to



关于成都校区“英文风采大赛”的策划书 一、活动名称:英文风采大赛 二、活动类型:文艺活动 三、活动背景: 为加强我校学风建设,展示川农学子英语风采,提高全校学生英语学习的热情,促进和提高我校大学生的英语口语水平、营造良好的学习氛围、活跃校园文化生活、提高大学生的综合素质。英语协会特举办英语风采大赛。 四、活动目的: 随着时代在前进,世界在发展,语言交流和地区沟通日益重要。英语作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,在国际的交流中自然起着至关重要的作用。主办方通过这样一个交流方式,这样一个交流平台,来提高同学们对英语学习的积极性,特别是提高大家对英语口语训练的积极性,也由此给英语爱好者提供一个展示自我的平台,丰富了同学们的课余生活,并由此打造部门特色活动,满足学院各系之间的交流,也为更好地培养拥有一流英语口语的农业院校学生贡献一份力量。 五、活动时间及地点: 1,报名阶段: 地点:食堂对面摆点处(公寓中心花园右侧学生2公寓楼下)时间:11月4-6日10:00-17:00

2,海选阶段:11月11日10:00-13:00 二公寓活动室 3,决赛阶段:21月日19:00-21:30 二教报告厅 六、主办单位:研究生院、文法学院 承办单位:成都校区英语协会 活动负责人:曹望洋王晏如:伍欣然 七、活动流程: (一)报名阶段 1,提前通知各院学生会建议其推荐节目2个(不同形式),其余可接收自愿报名选手; 注: (1)参赛选手须填写相关基本信息、联系方式及英语才艺形式(见附件一) (2)选手可以以英语相关的任何形式(包括英文诗歌朗诵、英文歌曲、英语话剧、英文电影配音、英文小品等)报名参加。(二)海选阶段 1,参赛选手在指定时间及地点参加海选,海选次序于活动前抽签决定。 2,评委由研究生院文艺部、学术部两部门分管共4人担任。 注:(1)海选评分细则表见附件二。 (2)总共选出8名决赛选手。 (三)决赛阶段 1,主持人,灯光、音乐配合,宣布开场(中英文);

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