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Jeff Hammons

Scene 1

I saw that .我看见了.(该句经常用来陈述简单事实,如有人问你是否看过某部电影也可用此句,但有时会有一种指控的味道在里面)

Excuse me ?你说什么?(除了“我没听清楚/不大了解你在说什么/请再说一遍”外,这个句子也可以表示一种愤怒或者不相信的感觉)

I most certainly did / did not.我绝对有/没有.

For crying out loud.(口)表惊叹,真是的!拜托了!

It’s not like I really care.我并不是真的很在意.

This is ridiculous.这太可笑了.

I think I’m staring to feel a little harassed.我想我开始觉得有一点被骚扰了.

You’re not serious, are you ? 你不是认真的吧,是吗?

OK,fine.This is how you want it ? You wanna mess with me ? Is that it ? Fine.We’ll play.Just remember – you asking for it.好,没关系。你想这样搞?你想惹我?是不是?好,我就陪你玩。你只要记住—这可是你自找的.( 当人们说“OK.Fine”时表示生气地对某一点作让步,或是表达在必须接受某些他不愿意接受东西是的愤怒)

Oh!You are insufferable!Y ou bastard.噢!你真令人厌恶!你这个王八蛋!

That is really not appropriate.这真是太不恰当了.

slip sth into悄悄把某物放入

mess with so惹恼某人

inapproprote comment不恰当的言论

fess up (俚)招供承认fess为confess的缩写

proposition sb向某人求欢

one’s privates某人的私处

copy room 影印间

copy machine 影印机

fax machine传真机

stapler n订书机

harassed adj被骚扰的

rectangular n长方形的

Scene 2

Did you hear about Ken and Nancy? 你听说了关于肯恩和南希的事吗?(“Did you hear about____”常被用来作为流言八卦的前奏)

I dunno.I just heard.我不知道,我只是听说.

Whoever told you that is full of it. 告诉你的人实在胡说八道.(此举更强烈的说法是:You’re full of


You don’t believe it?你不相信吗?

Nancy can’t stand Ken.南希根本受不了肯恩.

I was not aware of that.我没有留意.

Geez.I never knew.天哪,我从来都不知道.

They were really into each other.他们俩还真是情投意合

It wouldn’t be the first time + cl. ….已不是第一次了

go down without a fight束手就擒

give sb up 将某人供出

soft drink machine 饮料贩售机

seduce v勾引

hanky-panky n搞鬼,调情

intimate adj私密的

ill-advised adj行为愚蠢轻率,不加考虑的.

investigation n调查

copulation n性交

Scene 3

Go away,Gray.I’m working.走开,葛瑞.我在做事.

Don’t worry about it.I can see you’re busy.不用烦心,我看得出来你在忙.

I don’t wanna to trouble you. 我不想麻烦你.

Don’t even start with that. (这事)你提都别提.

You know what I’m talking about. 你知道我在说什么.

Gary,don’t.I’m really not in the mood.Ken is a jerk. 葛瑞免了吧,我真的没有心情,肯恩是个混蛋. Don’t you think that is inconsiderate? 你不觉得他那样太不考虑别人了吗?

Ken thinks he can get away with anything.肯恩认为他做什么事都不会受到惩罚.

I heard he might be in line for a promotion.我听说他即将要晋升.

Is this a joke? If it is,it’s not funny. 这是个玩笑吗?如果是,这可不好笑.

Over my dead body. (俚) “除非让我死,否则休想”的意思

Bull crap (口)胡扯,狗屁(同bullshit,亦可缩写为BS)

It’s about time somebody put a stop to that.该是有人来终止这种状况的时候了

I don’t know about that.But around here,Ken is jerko numero uno.这点我倒不清楚.但在这里,肯恩肯定是头号混蛋.

lean over俯身倚靠

on average 平均来说

pass sth on to sb把某物传给某人

get away with sth做坏事得逞没受罚

take credit for sth 一某事物居功

put a stop to sth制止某事

stride around阔步走来走去

cubicle n办公室隔间

claim v声称

jerk n笨蛋,混蛋

seminar n研讨会

inconsiderate adj不体谅别人的

butt-kisser n马屁精(butt指屁股)or kisses the boss’s butt 拍老板马屁

dog-eat-dog adj 竞争激烈的

eccentric adj古怪的;异乎寻常的

Scene 4

We really should get back.It’s twenty past one.我们真的该回去了,现在已经1点20分了.

Don’t sweat it.What’s the rush? 别紧张,急什么啊?

I kid you not.不骗你.(或“I think not”可以让句子有种很典雅,世故的感觉)

I did have a semester of Spanish in college,and I feel drawn to the culture.我在大学时修了一学期的西班牙文,我觉得我深受那文化吸引.


It sounds like lazy to me. 对我来说,那听起来就是慵懒.

A long lunch will allow us to recharge and refresh ourselves.一顿较长的午餐能够让我们重新充电,恢复精神.

Stop it Ken.The truth is that you just don’t feel like working right now.够了,肯恩.事实上,你只是现在不想工作罢了.

True enough.那倒是(真的)(使用“true enough .But…..”表示接受某个人意见并有其他更重要的意见要陈诉)

We’re really supposed to be back at 1:30.我们真的应该在1点30分回去.

Trust me,it’ll be OK.If it’ll make you feel better,I’ll get out my laptop.相信我,不会有事的.如果能让你舒服一点的话,我把我的笔记本电脑拿出来.

I don’t know.I just don’t want to get into trouble.我不知道,我只是不想惹麻烦.

It’s pretty cool,actually.事实上它还蛮酷的.

Great,I appreciate it.A lesson from the expert.好极了,来自专家的一堂课,我深为感激.

But if we catch any heat for this,I’m blaming you. 但如果我们因此惹上麻烦,我可要怪你了.

Just pretend you’re in Spain.你就假装你在西班牙吧.

be drawn to sth 被某事物所吸引

get into trouble惹上麻烦

rest up 充分休息以恢复精神

catch heart惹上麻烦

gobble down狼吞虎咽

recharge v再充电

respite n工作期间的短暂休息

net adj净得的;最后的

hyper-productive 超有效率的

reproach v叱责,责骂

Scene 5

I’m going out to grab a coffee.Do you want anything,Nancy?我要快闪出去买杯咖啡喝.南希,你要什么吗?

C’mon.What do you think---I was born yesterday?得了吧,你以为怎么样---我是昨天才生的吗?(意指:你耍我吗?)

She most certainly did need my help.And she appreciated it,too.她当然需要我的帮助,而且她也很感谢我的帮助.

Do you want a coffee,or not? 你到底是要咖啡,还是不要?

I was being sarcastic.我是在讽刺

Let’s keep it civil.我们文明点.

I’m not comfortable with your come-ons. 你的勾引让我很不舒服

I am going to squash you like the fat roach that you are. 我会像踩一只肥蟑螂一样把你踩扁.

OK,you’re having a bad day.No problem.Happens to all of us.好吧,你今天不顺.没关系,我们都会碰到的. Some of us are a little worried about wheather you’re really a team player or not. 我们有些人有点担心,你到底有没有团队精神.

What?What are you talking about?Have you been bad-mouthing me? 什么?你在说什么?你是不是一直在说我的坏话?

You are so full of shit.你真是满嘴的狗屁

I’m just giving you a head-up.我只是想给你一点警告要你注意.

If you feel I can help in any way,just let me know.Catch ya late. 如果你觉得在哪方面可以帮得上忙,就通知我一声,待会儿见.

come up出现;被提及

insist on 坚持某事

go ballistic发疯

address an issue 处理问题

come-ons (俚)诱人的眼神或姿态

sarcastic adj讽刺的

backrub 背部按摩

steamroller 蒸汽压路机

civil adj有礼貌的;文明的

squash v压碎压扁

roach(=cockroach) n蟑螂

positive adj正面的;积极的

negative adj负面的;消极的

bad-mouthing 说别人坏话

combative adj好斗的

credit n功劳

contagious adj会传染的

notify v通知

acknowledge v承认(问题,错误,失败等)

Scene 6

Do you have a sec (=second) ?你有一点时间吗?

I’m kind of busy.我有一点忙

Doing what?忙什么?

I’m serious.Just tell me. 我是认真的,告诉我就是.

You’re always so cheerful and gracious—warm even.你总是如此开朗,亲切---甚至温暖.

You know me.Live and let live.你是知道我的,我一向待人宽容.

I knew it.That bastard. 我就知道,那个王八蛋.

If I remember right.如果我没记错.

Bastard.He’s positioning himself for that promotion. 王八蛋,他是在替自己布局铺路以晋升那个职位. Maybe.Who knows. 也许吧,谁知到呢.

Shooting would be too merciful for Ken.对于肯恩那种人,枪击都算太慈悲了.

He thinks he’ll just roll right over us and have things his way. 他以为他可以欺压我们,为所欲为.

We don’t have to put up with it. 我们可不会再忍受这些了.

What can we do to chop him down to size? 我们怎样做,才能杀杀他的锐气呢?

Hold on---I don’t wanted to be drafted for this war.等等---我可不想卷入这场战争.

You don’t think he will stab you in the back,first chance he gets? 你难道不认为他一有机会便会在你背后插刀子吗?

Not going to waste my time worring about it.我不想浪费时间区担心这件事.

If you don’t assert yourself,Gary,you’ll be collateral damage.葛瑞,如果你不挺身维护自己利益的话,你会遭到池鱼之殃.

I’ll take my chances. 我会赌赌我的运气.

Enjoy your sweet bun. 好好享受你的甜面包吧.

have an affair 有暧昧关系

roll right over sb碾过某人,在此指欺压某人.

chop sb down to size杀某人的锐气

collateral damage连带的伤害;池鱼之殃

assert oneself表明自己的主张

gracious adj亲切的,和蔼的

compliment v赞美恭维

draft v征召

wimp n软弱(或无能)者

Scene 7

That looks good.Where’d you get that?那看起来不错,你哪弄来的?

Can I have a bite?可以给我咬一口吗?

Let me think about it.让我想一想.

It sure is tasty. 真是好吃!

Let me get this straight.让我搞清楚

Five, to be exact.精确地说,是五个.

Take it or leave it. 要不要随你.

Too slow.Your indecision cost you. 太迟了,你的优柔寡断让你付出了代价.

You hog.你这只猪.

Not that I know about.据我所知没有.

What were you talking about?你们刚才讲什么?

It’s creeping me out a little bit. 吓得我心里毛毛的.

I know I should laugh it off,but I’m concerned. 我知道我应该一笑了之,但是我很担心.

I’m worried she might go psycho on me.I don’t know what she’s capable of.我怕她会对我抓狂,我不晓得她会做出什么事.

I’ll let you know.我会告诉你的

I’d appreciate it if you help me keep an eye on her.如果你能替我注意她,我会感谢你的..

rub it/in (口)恶意地把别人失败或教训的话反复地讲.

turn sb down拒绝某人.

creep sb out宁人毛骨悚然.

to keep an eye on sb注意/关注某人

chunk n大块

frosting n(蛋糕上的)糖霜

hog n猪;像猪的人(贪婪,肮脏)

menace n危险的人或事;极讨厌的人或事

erratic adj古怪的;反复无常的

harsh adj粗暴的,冷酷的

pathetic adj可恶的

crosshairs n(瞄准器的)十字射击线

paper cutter n裁纸刀

arsenic n砒霜

Scene 8

Keep your voice down.小声点!

What is all this?你这是干什么?

Why are you hiding in here? 你为什么要躲在这里?

I’m hunting a jerk.我在猎捕一个坏蛋.

I don’t see anything. 我什么都看不到.

Somebody has to stop him.必须有认出来阻止他.

Is he really that bad?Maybe he’s just a little different.他真的有那么糟糕吗?也许他只是和别人有点不同. He’s an evil,egomaniacal jerk. 他是一个邪恶,自私又自大的混蛋.

I know you guys have your differences.我知道你们之间有分歧.

Don’t be so na?ve.Do you know what Ken was saying about you? 不要那么天真.你知道肯恩是怎么说你的吗?

I meant what I said.我的意思就如我刚才所说.

I can’t believe he said that.Did he really?我无法相信他那么说.他真是那样说的吗?

I knew he was full of shit.我知道他是狗屎一堆.

I’m really staring to get preety sick and tired of Ken’s dirty tricks.我真的开始对肯恩玩的这些下三滥的把戏感到厌恶.

How can he lie like that?为什么他能这样撒谎?

Yeah--you see?It’s like breathing to him.He has no conscience.是呀—你知道了吧?这对他来说就像呼吸一样简单.他根本没有良心.

Look out.Let me see.Who’s he writing to?当心,让我想想.他是在写给谁呢?

I’d like to direct your attention to your immediate left.我希望你们把注意力转移到正左边.

pile up 堆积

telephoto lens长焦距镜头

take a peek偷看一眼.

not give a shit about sth(粗话)完全不在乎

full of shit狗屁连篇,狗屎一堆

dirty tricks卑鄙的手段,伎俩

dirty pictures色情图片

bazooka n火箭炮

surveillance n监督,监视

backstab v背后中伤

egomaniacal adj自私自利的,自大的

na?ve adj天真的,幼稚的

conscience n良心;善恶观念

prelude n前奏,序幕

tantrum n发怒,发脾气

spectacle n奇观,宁人瞠目结舌的景象.

Scene 9

What’s wrong? 出什么事了?

Didn’t you hear? The boss just yelled at me.你没听见吗?老板刚才对我吼叫.

Yeah,I know.What was that all about?是的,我知道.那到底是怎么一回事啊?

He was doing all kinds of bad stuff and we wanded to catch him. 他当时正在做各种坏勾当,我们想逮住他.

What kind of bad staff? 什么样的坏勾当?

Yeah.He really went off on you guys.是呀,他真的对你们发疯了.

I tried to explain but the boss didn’t want to hear anything about it.我试着要解释,但老板根本就不像听她解释.

I never screw around! 我从不鬼混!

There,there.It’s OK.I know you don’t.You work harder than anyone.好了,好了,没事了,我知道你不会.你比谁工作都努力.

That’s just so messed up.那实在是是非颠倒,黑白不分啊!

Follow Ken’s example?So that’s what made Nancy turn purple.以肯恩做榜样?原来那就是南希气得脸发紫的原因.

I though she was totally going to lose it.我以为她就要完全失控了.

I’ve been trying so hard to be a good team member and make a good impression.And now the boss thinks I’m screw-off. 我一直很努力地去做一名优秀的团队成员,并给人留下好印象.而现在老板认为我是一个浑水摸鱼的人.

You’ve made a good impression on me.Dont worry,everything will be OK.我对你印象很好.别担心,一切都会好的.

Oh!Gary!What was that!噢,葛瑞!这是干什么!

Sorry.I just want you to feel better.And you look very beautiful when you are upset.You look beautiful all the time. 抱歉,我只是想让你好过点,而且你不高兴时看起来很美.事实上,你任何时候看起来都很美. Don’t say that.We’re at work.I’m already in big troble. 别说这个,我们是在工作.我可是已经惹上大麻烦了.

I couldn’t resist.我无法抗拒.

Thanks for listening. 谢谢你的倾听.

I was just thinking.Maybe we should just talk on the phone next time.我刚刚正在想,也许下次我们应该在电话上谈谈就好.

yell at sb 对某人吼叫

spy on sb暗中监视某人

screw around 鬼混

turn purple气得脸色铁青

make a good impression 让人留下好印象

screw-off 浑水摸鱼的人

sniffle v啜泣,吸鼻涕

prank n胡闹,恶作剧

diligence n勤奋

twitch v抽动,抽搐

resist v抵抗,反抗

pause n停顿,暂停

Scene 10

That was fun.刚才还蛮有趣的.

Cat got your tongue?说不出话来啦?

Yeah?So what? 是吗?又怎样?

You were looking at Flesh Factory during work hours. 你在上班时间光顾Flesh Factory色情网站. That’s what I thought.我就说了嘛.

I’m going to take you down.Even if I have to go down with you.我会把你打垮的,即使我得跟你同归于尽. We both know that’s not going to happen. 我们都知道这种事情不会发生的.

You’re not that stupid.你没有那么笨.

And what would that be?那又会是什么呢?

You are really an ass. 你真是个令人讨厌的家伙.

You inspire me. 多亏你的启发和激励.

Just don’t get in my way.不要挡我的路就好.

Get in line. 排队等吧.

We’ll see.我们走着瞧.

I might need your help later on. 以后我也许会需要你的帮助.

Behave yourself.Got it?规矩点,懂吗?

Oh,please.Don’t tell me you feel sorry for her.喔,拜托,不要告诉我你为她感到难过.

She’s really upset about getting chewed out by the boss. 她对于老板的臭骂真的很难过.

She’s clueless.It’s time for her to wake up and join the real world. 她根本搞不清楚状况,该是让她觉醒进入真实世界的时候了.

I like you just fine.我到蛮喜欢你的.

I think we’ll be able to understand each other just fine. 我想我们将会能够相互了解的.

I think I’ll have a word with her.Make sure we’re all on the same page.我想和她谈一下,确定我们彼此有共识.

get bawled out 被大声叱责了一番.

put somebody down 让某人难堪,屈辱某人.

get in line 排队(等候)

behave yourself.规矩点.

got it?懂吗?

to feel sorry for sb.为某人感到难过.

on the same page.对事情有共识.

clueless adj一无所知,愚蠢的.

grovel v卑躬屈膝,俯首贴耳

self-presservation n自卫的本能.

splutter v气急败坏,语无伦次.

Scene 11

Have you been crying?你刚刚是不是哭过?

Dry your tears. 把你眼泪擦干.

Don’t let Nancy get into your head. 别让南希影响你的想法.

That’s all I ask.Should be easy enough.. 我只有这些要求,应该够容易了.

Not ever again.绝不会有第二次了.

I’ve had it.我已经受够了.

I won’t put up with this nonsense anymore.我再也不会容忍这种荒谬的事了.

So you want to play tough now?所以你现在想来硬的咯?

It’s OK---if that’s how you want it.可以---如果这是你想要的话.

Poor thing.可怜的东西.

Here’s my advice: Work hard and keep your mouth shut.给你个忠告:努力工作不要随便说话.

I’ll work hard all right. 我会努力工作的.

I’m going to make you look like the fool that you are. 我会让你看起来就像你本来就是蠢蛋.

I doubt it.我怀疑.

You don’t want to do this.You’re making a big mistake. 你不会像这么做的,你这是在犯一个大错.

Step aside and let me get to work.闪开,让我回去工作.

the big leagues 大联盟

spy on暗中监视

play tough来硬的,耍狠.

be all lathered up 因某事兴奋而卯足劲.

keep up赶上

step aside让开

nasty adj极肮脏的;坏心眼的

nonsense n没意义且荒谬的事

screw v (俚)胡搞,恶整.

Scene 12

He’s become such a jerk.他已经变成了一个非常混账的家伙

You can’t let him get away with that stuff. 他搞那一套你可不能放过他.

He tried to bully me and rub it in after he made me look bad. 他试图威胁我,在让我难堪之后还在我伤口上撒盐.

I work my tail off but I never get any credit for it.我拼命工作,却从来没有得到任何功劳.

Just be careful with Ken .He’s preety crafty. 对肯恩小心点,他相当狡猾.

What’s the deal with him? Was he always such a jerk?他到底在搞什么鬼?他一直都这么混蛋吗?He’s just so vicious sometimes. 他有时就是太恶毒了.

I know what I’m going to do.I’m going to work him into submission.我知道我要怎么做,我要想办法让他屈服.

You really don’t have to.你真的不用这么做.

I’m not going anywhere near the copier. 我是绝对不会靠近影印机的.

reason with sb和某人讲道理

go off the deep end 失去理智而走极端;铤而走险

work sb into submission使某人臣服;屈服

bully v威吓

crafty adj奸诈狡猾的

vicious adj恶毒的

scowl v生气地皱眉

unplug v拔掉插头


1)Guilty as charged. 说的没错

2)They’re addictive.它们会让人上瘾

3)You think you can mess with me? 你以为你可以惹得起我?

4)Save it,Ken.I’m not afraid of you. 省省吧肯恩,我可不怕你.

5)If you want to play hardball with me,that’s what we’ll do.如果你想要我来硬的,那咱们就来吧.

6)Batter up. 放马过来吧.

7)It’s/He’s a regular______. 它是/他是一个十足的_____.(此句可以用作恭维,或是批判,但即使批判也会传达出一种不太心甘情愿的赞美之意)

8)really into each other 真是情投意合(be really into 可以用来表示单方面的爱慕,此外“into”

这个单词还可表示“热衷”如:She’s really into yoga)

9)_____is the word that comes to mind.(如果你要表达一种与对方不同的意见,这是个很有用的句型.如当你的朋友说英文是一种最容易的语言时,这时你可以说“Impossible is the word that comes to mind”)

10)You did not hear that (表示:你真的听到了那样的消息吗?我无法相信?!的一种说法.这种说法比较时髦.当你想表达你所认为的某事不可思议或不太可能发生可以这么说.注意,“not”要重读)

11)How much do you know about_____? 你对___懂多少?

12)Hey,what’s the rush? Relax.Take it easy.We’ve got lots of time.嘿,急什么?放轻松,别紧张.我们多的是时间.

13)If it’ll make you feel any better 如果这能让你舒服点(如果有人觉得不如意时,可以这样说,然后提供一些安慰人的讯息或感性的语言)

14)Grab a bite to eat 匆匆地吃点东西

15)If you’re still upset about the phonebills,don’t be.如果你对电话账单还是感到生气,大可不必.

16)It happen to all of us.我们都会碰到这样的事.

17)Something like that. 大体上是这样.

18)Just like always,you’ve got to have things your way! 你总是如此,总是要照自己的意思行事!

19)Just be wary.He’ll show his true colours again sooner or later. 就是得小心点,迟早他会再露出他的本色.

20)I’ll be one step ahead of him. 我会领先他一步.

21)Being late cost you. 迟到让你付出了代价.

22)I figured it was something like that 我就知道是这一类事(该句也可简化为:I figured . 我就知道)

23)to come on to somebody 以性感的姿势或口语来吸引人,它是一种明显的诱惑手段.

to flirt with somebody 与某人调情

to hit on somebody/to make a pass at somebody 挑逗某人

24)What is all this? 这是干什么?

25)I told you I’d be there,and I meant what I said. 我告诉你我回去,我说话算话.

26)I’m really sick and tired of asking you to turn down the music. 我对要求你把音乐关小声的事情感到厌烦.

27)You make it look so easy.It’s just like breathing to you.你做得如此轻松自如,对你而言就像呼吸一样.

28)Lying is like breathing to you,isn’t it? 说谎对你而言就像呼吸一样简单,不是吗?

29)What was that all about? 那里到底是怎么回事?(这句话表示了你对于发生问题的疑问,同时也表示你要一个解释)

30)I did all kinds of boring stuff every weekend,but tonight is going to be better,I’m going to do all kinds of naughty stuff. 每个周末我都做着各种无聊的事情,但今晚应该会比较好,我准备做各种淘气的事情.

31)So that’s what you’re up to! 原来那就是你想要的.

32)So that’s what you’ve been doing!Organizing a surprise party for me!原来那就是你一直在做的事情!为我安排一个惊喜的派对!

33)Ater her boyfriend dumped her,she totally lost it. 在她男朋友把她甩了以后,她的举止完全失控了.

34)You know,I was just thinking…is there any way we could get everything done without Ken and Gary’s help?你知道吗-我刚才在想,有没有什么办法,我们可以在没有肯恩和格瑞的协助下,把事情办好.

35)It’s just not going to happen. 这事不会发生的.

36)Don’t get in my way 别挡住我的路.

37)I like English just fine 我还蛮喜欢英文的.

38)That’s all I ask 我只要求这些.

39)I’m in 算我一份!(这是“count me in”的简化)

40)OK,fine.I’ll take a look.But I doubt the mistake is mine. 没关系,我会再检查一遍,但我不认为那是我的错.


Dialogue A Individual clients check in(散客入住) G=客人R:=接待员 R:Good afternoon. Madam.Welcome to Grand Park Kunming .May I help you? 下午好,欢迎光临昆明君乐酒店,请问有什么可以帮到您? G:Yes, I’d like to check-in .please. 我要登记住宿。 R:Certainly, Madam. May I have you name, please? 好的,小姐。能告诉我您的姓名吗? G:I’m Christine.Nolan 我叫克莉丝汀?诺兰 R:Do you have a reservation, Ms. Nolan? 诺兰小姐,请问您预定了房间吗? G:Yes, form today. 是的,预定了。从今晚开始。 R:OK, Ms .Nolan, please show me your passport. 好的,诺兰小姐,麻烦您出示一下您的护照。 R:(双手接客人证件) R:(扫描客人证件后双手归还客人) R:Just a moment, please. I’ll check our reservation record. (After a while)Thank you for waiting. Ms. Nolan. Your reservation is for a business single room for one night, the room rate is ¥800 that including two breakfasts. Is that all right? 请稍等,我查一下预定记录。(过了一会)让你久等了,诺兰小姐,您预定了一个晚上的商务单间,房价¥800(房价用手指给客人不要说出报价),含两份早餐是吗? G:Yes. 是的 R:Print out the registration form? 打印住宿登记表。 (再次与客人确认姓名,来店离店日期,房号,房价和早餐数等信息并礼貌的让客人在登记单上签名) R:You stay here one day, the deposit is ¥1500,you want pay for credit card or cash? 您住一天,押金是¥1500,请问您是刷卡还是付现金呢? G:By Credit Card. 刷卡。 R:OK, Ms. Nolan, please show me your credit card, I’ll brush ¥1500 of per-authorization(预授权)as your deposit. Do you have a password of your card? 好的,诺兰小姐请您出示一下您的信用卡,给您刷¥500的预授权做您的押金,请问您的卡有密码吗?(刷卡前先核实是否为有效的信用卡,有无客人签名) G:Yes. 有密码 R:OK, please input the password. 好的,请您输一下密码。 R:(刷卡后双手将卡还给客人,礼貌的让客人在POS单上签名并再次告知刷卡的金额)R:This is for you to brush a ¥1500 per-authorization, please sign in POS list to confirm.


情景对话 你有什么计划吗? Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too! 谢谢!你也好! Nancy:Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗? Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢? Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊? Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。 John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。 Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。 John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。 Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。John:Okay. Have a safe trip. 好的。一路顺风。


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.

高中生活 School Life英语口语情景对话

高中生活 School Life英语口语情景对话 以下是小编给大家整理的关于高中生活 School Life英语口语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 odd: Hello! 你好! Jeanna: Hello! 你好! Todd: Hi, what's your name? 你叫什么名字? Jeanna: Jeanna. 迪安娜。 Todd: OK, Jeanna, how old are you? 迪安娜,你多大了? Jeanna: I'm 15 years old. 我15岁了。 Todd: 15! OK, are you in high school? 你在上高中吗? Jeanna: Yes, I am. 是的。 Todd: OK. What do you think about high school? 你觉得高中生活怎么样? Jeanna: It's fun. Very diverse. 挺好的。高中生活很多样。 Todd: What do you like to study in high school? 你在高中最喜欢学什么? Jeanna: I like history a lot. 我很喜欢历史课。 Todd: OK. Why do you like history?

为什么喜欢历史课呢? Jeanna: It's interesting to learn about the past, different things, and different cultures. 了解过去,不同的事物,不同的文化十分有趣。 Todd: OK. What's one thing you don't like about high school? 高中你最讨厌的是什么? Jeanna: People can be really cruel. 高中的人有时很残忍。 Todd: Oh, really! How? How are people cruel? 真的!怎么残忍? Jeanna: There's a lot of judgmental-ness. 有很多人性格都是批判性的。 Todd: Oh, that's too bad. So, you're nice to everybody? 那太糟了。那么,你对所有人都很好? Jeanna: Generally. 通常是。 Todd: OK. OK. Who's your favorite teacher? 好的。你最喜欢的老师是谁? Jeanna: Probably my English teacher. 大概是我的英文老师。


酒店英语情景对话;唤醒服务 句型: 1.I'm going to Tianjln early tomorrow morning. 我明天一大早要去天津。 2.So I would like to request an early morning call. 因此我想让你们明天早上叫醒我。 3.At what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning? 您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您? 4.But I have to be at the conference room of the Garden Hotel in Tianjin by 10 o'clock.但我是10点钟必须赶到天津花园宾馆会议室。 5.That means that I'll have to be on the road by 7 o'clock at the latest. 就是说我明天早晨最迟也要7点钟上路。 6.In that case,I would like you to call me at 5∶45? 那样的话,你们明早5点45分叫醒我好吗? 7.OK.So we will wake you up at 5∶45 tomorrow morning. 好,那么我们明早5点45分叫醒您。 8.Will you do me a favour,Miss? 小姐,能帮个忙吗? 9.I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service. 不知道你们饭店是否有叫早服务。 10.Would you like a morning call? 您要叫醒服务吗? 11.I want to go to the Bund to enjoy the morning scenery there. 我想到外滩去欣赏那儿的景色。


2019年英语情景对话大全 篇一:英语日常情景对话(有用的情景对话) 二十一个场景对话 目录 1、你有什么计划吗?....................................................... (2) 2、这几天真是太打扰你了......................................................... .. (2) 3、英文问路指路......................................................... ........................................................... .3

4、这位子有人坐吗?....................................................... (4) 5、打电话预定餐厅位子......................................................... (5) 6、商务宴会中的英文点菜方式......................................................... (6) 7、AtBreakfast吃早餐......................................................... .. (8) 8、如何用英语买火车票......................................................... . (10)


英语口语情景对话 一、祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope you‘ll succeed in everything. - So do I. 3.- I wish you success. - Thank you. 4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year ! - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you. 7.- I hope you‘ll have a good time. - Thank you. 8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you. 二、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. - I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I‘ll be glad to. 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you. 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When? 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes. - OK. Thank you very much. 三、表示同意和不同意(Expressing agreement and disagreement) 1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - No, I think it‘s open. 2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can‘t agree with you. I prefer science. 3.- I think I shall read a book instead. - Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV Programme. 4.- I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories. - I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.

高中英语口语情景对话室友素材 (1)

原版英语口语情景对话第0015集:室友 你认为有室友陪伴好不好呢?你有没有遇上像Jessica一样的好室友呢? Roommates Todd: So, JJ, I hear you've got a good living arrangement. JJ: I love it, and of course, you know, like any person, I was a little bit leery about living with roommates but at the same time I thought, living in a foreign country, I didn't want to isolate myself completely, especially since I don't speak the language and I first met Jessica at the airport and when we were close to tears from laughing so hard on the train ride from the airport to Matsudo Station I realized this is going to be a good living arrangement, and we got here and the Brits had taken one half of the apartment and so we Americans moved into the other half and have gotten along brilliantly, even the little squabbles that tend to come up seem to be solved fairly quickly, maturely and I love it. This is the best living arrangement I've ever had. At the same time I think it's kind of something that's, that can be expected when you come to teach abroad. It takes a certain kind of person to decide to leave everything familiar behind and meet new people, have new experiences. You're not taping any of this are you? Todd: No, I am actually. Thanks a lot JJ. 英语单词:


Remark n.陈述、言语Nerve n.神经 Realization n.实现Operation n.经营 Ruin υ.崩溃、毁灭Reservation n.预订Register υ.登记、注册Assign υ.分配、指定Baggage n.行李Distribute υ.分发 Deliver υ.投递、递交Occupancy n.居住、占用Currency n.货币efficiency n.效率personality n.个性 smart α.活泼的、精明的appearance n.外表 good manners 彬彬有礼adaptability n.适应性figure n.数字 settle υ.解决、安定complaint n.投诉、抱怨soothe υ.安抚 financial α.财政的、财经的satisfaction n.满意

Reservation n.保留、预定 Suite n.套房 Roman α.罗马的 Presidential α.总统的 Confirm υ.进一步确定、证实Discount n.折扣 Program n.议程、节目Reception n.接待,欢迎Expense n.花费、经费、费用charge υ.收费 reservationist n.预订处值班员deluxe n.豪华 list n.表、目录、名单 rate n.价格等级 flight n.飞行、航班conference n.会议 guarantee υ.保证 check n.支票 Doorman. 门卫人员 Tag n.标签 registration n.登记、注册receptionist n.接待员 bellman n.应接员 prefer v.喜欢 recommend v.推荐、介绍、建议tiring a.使疲劳的


英语情景对话大全 篇一:英语情景对话大全 美国英语情景对话大全 (1).Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白 People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands. 1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David. B; I'm very glad to meet you. C: It's a pleasure to meet you. B: How do you like Texas so far? C: It's really different from what I expected. B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time. 2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do? C: Hello. B: What's your impression of the United States? C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here. B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon! 3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam. B: Hi. C: Nice to meet you. B: What do you think of Dallas? C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess. 4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown. B: Pleased to meet you. C: How do you do? B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here. C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much. B: It always takes time to get used to a new place. (2).Special Greetings 节假日的问候 There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year's Day(Jan.), Washington's Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran's Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state and local holidays. 1. A: Merry Christmas! B: The same to you! A: Are you doing anyting special?


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


高中英语口语20个主题情景对话 高中英语早已告别了“哑巴英语”,锻炼的是高中生英语口语的表达能力和交流能力,下面是为大家整理的高中英语口语20个主题情景对话,帮助大家练习日常英语口语。 相貌 A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she? B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her. A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered. B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones? B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair. A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself. B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you? A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently? B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girl’s boyfriend. A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you. 身体部分 A: I’m going to the beauty parlor. Do you want to come too? B: sure. Let’s go. What are you going to have done? A: I want to have a foot massage and haircut. B: a foot massage sounds like a great idea. They are very relaxing. I’d also like to have a mudpack on my face. It’s supposed to help with your complexion.


English Drama of Hotel Management English英语话剧酒店管理英语 Service Counter (A:Receptionist/the waitress B:Guest) A: Good afternoon. Welcome to Qingdao Sea-view Garden Hotel. Can I help you, sir? B: Well, I’m~~~ from `````. I’d like to check in, please. A: All right. Do you have a reservation with us, sir? B: Sorry, I didn’t book any room before. I would like to know which standard room do you have ? A: Wait a moment, please。 We have triple room, standard double room, and standard single room. What kind of room do you need? B :what’s the price for standard double room? A:oh,sir。the price for standard double room is 288 Yuan。 B: What! Why is so expensive? A:yes,sir。Our hotel is an international 5-star chain hotel,and adopts international standard price。triple room is 476 yuan, is 288 yuan, and standard single room is 136 yuan. all the room has TV, AC (air conditioner), free internet access and breakfast. Oh, excuse me ,the dinning room locates at 6th floor, between 7am to 9am. B:OK, I know now。i’d like to check in a standard double room. A: All right. how many days are you planning to stay? B: oh, I want to stay here for 3 days. A: one moment, please. Sir,please show your ID ,just like driver's license, passport or ID card。 B:here you are。 A:wait a moment ,please。 Could you please fill in the registration card? B: Sure. Here it is. Is it all right? A: Yes, thanks. Your room number is 202. Here is your key. The room bellman will show you to your room. I hope you will enjoy your stay. the check-out time is 1pm of forth day later。 B: Thank you. A:you’re welcome。Good luck。


Todd: Oh, hey, Keri! You cook, right! You're apretty good cook. 你好,Keri!今天你来烹饪!你一定是位好厨师。 Keri: I'm OK. 是的。 Todd: OK. I want to make an omelet, so actually this is really silly, I've neve r made one before.How do you make an omelet? 我想要做煎蛋卷,但这实际上很愚蠢,因为我从来没有做过。你是怎么做的? Keri: OK, Well, I can teach you how I make them, which is the same way my father andgrandmother make them, which is a little special. 好的,我能够教会你如何制作煎蛋卷,这是我祖母传给我父亲,我父亲再传给我的做法,它真的很有特色。 Todd: OK. Yeah! Yeah! 哦,好的! Keri: First you take some eggs and crack them into a bowl, and whisk them up, quite, sothey're quite high and fluffy, and in a hot pan, and you need a pa n that's that's kind of small,that the sides go up at an angle. You put some oil and heat it up, so it's quite hot, and thenyou take your whipped up eggs, or whisked up eggs, and pour them into the pan, and as it'scooking, if you take a spatula, and push the bottom layer of the egg, to the side, to the sides,an d then to the middle, so the uncooked egg gets to the bottom of the pan. 首先,你敲碎几个鸡蛋到碗里,快速搅匀,因此蛋液有许多泡沫。接着,你需要平底锅,就是那种很小的,两边与锅底有一定角度的平底锅。记得在平底锅内加入油,等油热了,搅拌并倒入蛋液。让蛋液充分加热成型,如果你有小平铲,用铲子将锅底的蛋液推向锅的边缘,推满锅的边缘,最后是锅中央,这样生的蛋液就在锅底加热成型。 Todd: Oh, OK. Wow! 哇哦! Keri: OK. And keep doing that until most of the egg is cooked so you should h ave a nice thick omelet and then flip it over, you'll only have to cook that sid e lightly. Put your fillings on thetop and fold it over and let it sit just long eno ugh to melt the cheese. 接下来持续倒入蛋液,推平,这样你才能获得厚厚的可以卷起的蛋饼,你只需要用小火煎蛋的一面即可。煎好蛋饼后,把馅儿放在蛋饼上,把蛋饼两端合在一起,放置几分钟,让馅儿里面的奶酪融化。

高中英语 口语情景对话 讨论最喜欢的事物素材

原版英语口语情景对话第0221集:讨论最喜欢的事物 你最喜欢的颜色、水果、季节和电影都是什么?和Shawn一起讨论下吧。 Todd: OK, Shawn, I'm going to talk about your favorites. Shawn: Sure Todd: What's your favorite color? Shawn: I say, green. Todd: Green. Shawn: Yes. Todd: OK. And what's your favorite fruit? Shawn: My favorite fruit: orange. Todd: Orange! Shawn: Oranges. I love oranges. Very sweet and good for the body. Todd: Yeah, have you had any of the oranges in Japan? Shawn: I've had a couple. Much better than the ones I have back in Canada. Todd: Oh, really. OK. Um, what's your favorite season? Shawn: I'd say spring, cause it's a combination of warm weather, at the same time it's not hot like it is in the summer. In spring it's a bit cool. You can walk around very relaxed. It the best. It's a combination of all the seasons in one. Todd: OK. what's your favorite movie? Shawn: My favorite movie! I'd have to say "Gladiator." Russel Crow. It's a tragic movie about a very strong leader who, how-should-I-say, triumphs over,


有关交通的英语口语情景对话 Part One: Expressions 1.Can't you see there's a line?你没有看到有一条线吗? 2. You haven't taken the bus before?你以前没有坐过公车? 3. Besides, you should let old people on first.除此之外,你该让老人先上(车)。 4. Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street?打扰一下,去华尔街怎么走? 5. You should be able to find it from there.在那儿你就可以找到了。 6. Let the people off the train before you get on.乘坐火车先下后上。 7. It's faster than taking the bus or the subway.这比坐公车或搭地铁快。 8. Can I help you?有什么可以效劳吗? 9. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?你要靠窗的还是靠过道的座位? 10. I want an aisle seat.我要一个靠过道的座位。 Part Two Dialogues 1. Buses 坐公车 A: Hey, buddy, can't you see there's a line?B: Oh, sorry. I didn't know. A: What? You haven't taken the bus before?B: No, I'm afraid not. A: Well, you have to wait in line like everyone else. Besides, you should let old people on first.B: Sorry. A: It's all right. Where are you going?B: I wanted to see the White House. A: Oh, well you don't want this bus, anyway. It goes to Georgetown.B: Oh, no. A: It's all right, though. Just get off at the next stop and catch the 79A.B: Oh, well thank you very much. A: You're welcome. A: 嘿,朋友,你没看到有一条线吗?B: 哦,对不起。我不知道。 A: 什么?你以前没有坐过公车吗? B: 没有,恐怕我真没有。 A: 那么,你必须和其他人一样排队等候。而且,你应该让老人先上(车)。B: 很抱歉。 A: 没什么了。你去哪里? B: 我想去瞧瞧白宫。 A: 哦,可是,你不用坐这趟公车的。这车是开往乔治敦的。B: 噢,糟糕。 A: 不过也没关系。可以在下一站下车改坐79A.B: 噢,好的,很感谢你。 A: 不客气。 2. Subways & Urban Railways地铁和市区铁路 A: Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street? B: Take the A train south to the Liberty Ave. stop. You should be able to find it from there. A: I'm sorry, but how do I know the subway train is going south? B: The southbound A trains say Brooklyn. A: O.K., so it's this one? B: Yeah. Hey? What are you doing? Let the people off the train before you get on. A: Oh, sorry. B: Jeez. Tourists. A: 打扰一下,请问去华尔街怎么走? B: 坐往南开的A 列车到自由大街站。在那儿你就可以找到了。 A: 抱歉。我如何知道地铁是往南开的呢?B: 往南开的A列地铁上写着“布鲁克林”。 A: 噢,所以就是这列了。B: 对了。嘿,你在干什么?坐车先下后上。 A: 噢,抱歉。B: 天哪,这些游客。 3. Taxicabs 出租车 A: Oh, no. We're going to be late for the meeting.

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