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1. The telegram was based on information from a _________ source.

A. recent

B. reliable

C. rare

D. private

2. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to __________ any further responsibilities. A. take on B. bring on C. get on D. carry on

3. We were __________ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. A. held up B. put back C. broken down D. taken down

4. We develop trade with that company for our shared _________.

A. honour

B. reward

C. benefit

D. prize

5. It is a very popular play, and it would be wise to ________ seats well in advance. A. engage B. book C. isolate D. occupy

6. Apples are ________ in summer and cost a lot.

A. rare

B. scarce

C. common

D. unusual

7. I took the medicine, but it didn’t have any _________ on me.

A. effect

B. relation

C. touch

D. affect

8. Rapid reading means reading something fast just to __________ the general idea.

A. master

B. seize

C. grasp

D. imagine

9. They build strong walls round the town as a __________ against the enemy.

A. defense

B. defend

C. defeat

D. depend

10. Who ___________ the workers to take up the struggle?

A. called for

B. called in

C. called on

D. called off

练习答案:1-10 BAACB AACAC


1. The teacher’s lecture on American history was three hours long, and Mary felt very _____.

A. upset

B. bored

C. disturbed

D. neglected

2. Her mind was so _____ by the disease that she could not remember what she had done.

A. acted

B. influenced

C. effected

D. affected

3. Every boy and girl _____ not to swim in the lake, for it is polluted.

A. has been warned

B. have been warned

C. has warned

D. have warned

4. She heard a terrible noise, _____ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it

B. this

C. which

D. that

5. Why can’t you do this small _____ for me? I’ve helped you often enough in the past.

A. command

B. demand

C. effort

D. favor

6. _____ he often forgot their wedding anniversary greatly annoyed his wife.

A. All

B. What

C. Which

D. That

7. You screamed in your sleep last night. You _____ a terrible dream.

A. must have had

B. must have

C. must had had

D. must have been

8. However much _____, it will be worth the money.

A. the dictionary costs

B. costs the dictionary

C. the dictionary will cost

D. does the dictionary cost

9. I don’t care _____ or not she will apologize to me.

A. if

B. whether

C. what

D. which

10. One of my bro ther’s many faults is that he never _____ anything very long.

A. decides on

B. sticks to

C. goes over

D. makes up

11. The departure of the train will be _____ for half an hour.

A. cancelled

B. delayed

C. postponed

D. set off

12. But for his sister’s help, I _____ the work.

A. did not finish

B. will not finish

C. could not finish

D. would not have finished

13. Emphasis is laid on the necessity that all the objectives to be attained _____ into account before starting a new project.

A. be taken

B. should take

C. would be taken

D. have to be taken

14. Sixty per cent of television viewers chose her as their _____ actress.

A. fortunate

B. preferred

C. favourite

D. preferable

15. Judges must be independent _____ political pressure.

A. to

B. of

C. under

D. on

16. I looked everywhere for some cooking oil, but I could only find ____.

A. a little

B. little

C. a few

D. few

17. Al’s doctor insists _____ for a few days.

A. that he is resting

B. him to rest

C. his resting

D. that he rest

18. There wasn’t much snow last winter so people couldn’t go ____ except in the mountains.

A. skiing

B. skied

C. to ski

D. having skied

19. You’ve got to be on top _____ to do well in a competition like that.

A. condition

B. form

C. shape

D. training

20. Your behavior was shocking. You should be ashamed _____ yourself.

A. of

B. at

C. to

D. on

21. I suppose you couldn’t let me borrow your car this evening, _____?

A. couldn’t I

B. don’t I

C. could you

D. will you

22. _____ five hundred people are believed to have drowned.

A. As many as

B. As much as

C. So many as

D. So much as

23. I chose a small room with the window _____ the street.

A. faces

B. faced

C. facing

D. to face

24. _____ the rain we would have had a nice holiday.

A. But that

B. Despite

C. But for

D. In spite of

25. “It’s too bad Rhonda is moving to Arizona.”

“I wish it _____ so far away.”

A. weren’t

B. couldn’t be

C. won’t be

D. isn’t

26. _____ I don’t like are the long, dark nights of winter.

A. That

B. What

C. Which

D. This

27. The receptions, _____ job was to answer the phone, had laryngitis(喉炎).

A. whose

B. who

C. who’s

D. that

28. The suggestions put forward by the workers to improve their working conditions were _____ by the factory owner.

A. turned away

B. turned down

C. turned over

D. turned through

29. With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn’t resist _____ four pounds.

A. to take

B. took

C. taking

D. have taken

30. Well-mannered children have usually been properly _____ by their parents.

A. raised up

B. borne up

C. brought up

D. got up

31. Tom’s father, as well as his mother, _____ in New York for a few days more.

A. asks him to stay

B. asks he stays

C. ask he to stay

D. asks he would stay

32. If we had known that she had planned to go abroad today, we _____ at the airport.

A. will see her off

B. would have seen her off

C. would see her off

D. must have seen her off

33. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _____obtaining water is not the least.

A. of which

B. for what

C. as

D. whose

34. He burned all the important papers _____ that should fall into enemy’s hands.

A. unless

B. so

C. lest of

D. for fear

35. Literature and art have a great influence _____ people’s ideology.

A. to

B. on

C. for

D. onto

1. B 关于美国历史,这个教师讲了有三个小时长,这让Mary 感到非常讨厌。upset 难过的,不安的; bored 令(人)厌烦; disturbed 打扰,扰乱,弄乱;neglected 忽视,忽略。

2. D influenced (正面的)影响; effected (正面的)影响;affected (坏的)影响;

3. A 每个男孩儿和女孩儿被警示不准去那个湖里游泳,因为这个湖被污染了。以every开头,谓语动词用单数。

4. C 她听到一阵可怕的声音,这让她心都提到噪子眼儿了。这是一个非限制性定语从句,定的是前面的一句话,这种情况下用which来引导。

5. D to do a favour for sb 或to do sb a favour 帮某人个忙;句子中do this small favour for me 意思是:帮我一个小忙。

6. D 这是一个头重脚轻的主语从句,wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日。

7. A 你一定是做了个恶梦了,用完成时态。

8. A 这道题考时态,考语序,However much the dictionary costs:不管这本词典花多少钱。

9. B 我并不在意她是否给我道歉;whether or not “是否”,固定搭配用法。

10. B stick to 坚持;我弟弟的缺点之一就是什么事儿都不能坚持太久。

11. B cancel 取消,撤消; set off 出发,动身;postpone 延迟,推迟;delayed 延迟,耽误。

12. D 当时要不是他姐姐的帮助,我就不能完成那项工作。

13. A 选项A中的should省略,这句话是说:在开始一个新的项目之前,应考虑把重点放在将要实现的所有目标的必要性上。

14. C favourite 受欢迎的,这句话的意思是:百分之六十的观众选择她为最受欢迎的演员。

15. B 法官一定不能受政治压力的影响;be independent of 不受…影响。

16. A cooking oil 是不可数名词,另外根据境可知:这个句子又表示肯定的含义,(若选C则表示否定含义,即一点也没有找到)所以选择A选项。

17. D Al 的医生坚持要他休息了些日子;insist 后面用虚拟语气,should可省略。

18. A go skiing 去划雪;类似的还有:go shopping 去购物;go swimming 去游泳; go boating 去划船。

19. B 固定搭配用法:to be on top form 处于最佳状态。

20. A 你的行为令人感到震惊,你应当为此感到羞愧;be ashamed of … 为…感到羞愧。

21. C suppose 后面的从句中为否定式couldn’t,而主句为肯定式,这是否定后移的用法,后面的反意疑问句要根据从句而定,故反意疑问句用肯定式could you。

22. A 首先B、D不对,因为much后面修饰不可数名词;as many as 与…一样多,后面可以接具体的数字;而C项不正确,因为:so many as 如此众多的,后面不能出现具体的数字;drown 淹死;

23. C 我选了一个窗户对着街道的小房间。现在分词短语做定语,主动含义。

24. C but for… 要不是因为…;介词短语代替条件从句的用法。

25. A wish后面接虚拟语气的用法。

26. B what引导的名词性从句,这句话的意思是:我所不喜欢的是冬季那漫长而黑暗的夜晚。

27. A reception 接待员,接待,招待会,接受;这是一个非限制性定语从句,whose job was 其工作是…。这句话是说:那个接待员,其工作是接电话,他得了喉炎。

28. B turn down 拒绝;turn away 打发走;turn over 把…弄翻了;D项错误,没有这种形式。

29. C resist doing … 禁不住…;看到苹果25分一磅,我们禁不住买了四磅。

30. C bring up 养育;Well-mannered children 行为举止良好的孩子,有教养的孩子。有教养的孩子往往都是家长培养教育的结果。没有A项这种用法,因为raise是及物动词,后面不能跟介词;borne up 坚强,毫不气馁。

31. A as well as his mother, 不影响谓语动词的使用,主语是Tom’s father,另外ask sb to do sth 要求(请)某人做某事,这句话是说:汤姆的爸爸,还有她的妈妈,要他在纽约再待一段时间。

32. B 如果我们知道她计划今天出国,我们一定去机场给她送行了。前面的虚拟条件句是对过去情况的一种假设,谓语用过去完成时态,故主句用would have done 这种形式。

33. A 这是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代的是前面的problems, of which… 在…当中;

34. D for fear that 以免,担心;他烧掉了所有重要的资料,以免落入敌人的手掌。

35. B have a great influence on … 对…有很大的影响,这句话是说:文学和艺术对人们影响很大。


1. In the early fifties, only eight or nine out of a hundred young men changed their jobs within the first three years with a company.


2. Since most jobs take only a year and a half to master, in order to continue learning, they have to make a job change.


3. They have worked for a few years as technical specialists and quickly moved into higher management positions.


4. Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew.


5. A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s.

1830年,一个叫Auguste Comte的法人使社会学成为一门独立的学科。

6. The method of capital punishment varies from nation to nation.


7. The new device was named after the man who spoke out in favor of it.


8. Many people felt that beheading a person in the guillotine was merciful because of the quickness of death. 许多人认为使用断头台来处决一个人,这是很仁慈的,因为这样会让人死得更快一些。

9. A little child cannot understand advertisement for what they are and so believes totally in what he or she hears.


10. And I am upset myself at how the advertisers can control a child’s outlook on the world.


11. I think I should join Jolie in her efforts to change advertising tactics(策略) when it comes to advertisements for children.


12. However, policymakers were not yet acting on many important environmental problems.


13. College students were a major force in the campaign, although participants of all ages were involved.


14. thirty years later, the focus has changed but the urgency remains the same.


15. X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Conrad roentgen, in 1895, almost by accident. X射线最初是在1895年被一个德国科学家偶然地发现的,他的名字叫Wilhelm Conrad roentgen。

16. In fact, the rays could pass as easily through the fleshy part of his hand as through the black paper, but hardly at all through the bone.


17. The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations.


18. If the world population goes on increasing at its present rate, we may, in fifty years’ time, be burning up so much energy that we woul d damage the earth’s atmosphere.


19. Psychologists deal with the minds and behavior of people.


20. Several people have been instrumental in the field of psychology.


21. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.


22. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length.


23. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true.


24. Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history.


25. What they reject more than anything is conformity.


26. These are not questions the old generations can shrug off lightly.


27. Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list.


28. The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes them popular with customers.


29. Most of the ill health we suffer could be prevented if people made more effort to change their life styles. 如果人们努力去改变生活方式,就能远离大多数的疾病。

30. Similarly all advertising of alcohol should be banned and compensation paid to families of alcoholics who die of the liver disease.


31. Although mother’s day is a relatively new holiday in America, more a nd more other countries are also setting aside a day to honor their mothers.


32. No longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easy-going.


33. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time.


34. Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.


35. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.


36. Contrary to popular belief, colds are not caused by exposure to severe weather.


37. The custom can be traced back to the roman era.


38. A more common belief is tips were first given in the 18th century England.


39. In America and Europe it is customary to tip anywhere from 10% to 20%.


40. Today most people decide the size of tip according to the quality of the service.


41. People who usually cannot afford it are the biggest tippers in front of their friends.


42. Many analysts suggest that this added pressure disproportionately touches the women, who already carry major responsibility for their own children.


43. Perhaps the most important issue that emerges from the social trends just described is the impact of family instability and single parenting on children.


44. When this happens, the government should decrease the salaries of the workers by raising taxes.


45. While this might appear to be a positive step, it is actually regressive.


46. While this law is not without humor by today’s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by.


47. the motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath(暴怒), the need for attention, stress, and so on.


48. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage(掩盖)their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.


49. Henry’s goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore.


50. Coal was one of the first minerals to be mined on a big scale, to provide fuel for heating homes.


51. During this time the selling price, and so profits, will go up and down depending on world demand.


52. Many of us believe that a p erson’s mind becomes less active as he grows older.


53. This means that it took them longer to accomplish mental tasks than it used to.


54. For example, the older person perhaps had trouble hearing, or poor vision, or inattention, or was trying to learn the new thing at too fast a pace.


55. Not only was the shop a center of buying and selling, but also a social meeting place.


56. He will have to give advice and make decisions as problems arise, and he must know how to get his huge staff to work efficiently with their respective responsibilities.


57. Numerous studies have now shown that the ove rwhelming majority of colds are “caught” by hand contact.许多研究表明,绝大多数的感冒是由于手的接触而感染的。


学士学位英语单词 abandon v.放弃,抛弃 aboard ad.在船(飞机、车)上prep.在(船、飞机、车)上上(船、飞机、车) about to do 即将… bring sth. about 使发生 about face 向后转;(态度,意见等)大转变 How about…? 表示访问,…怎么样?What about…? 表示询问,…怎么样?…好吗?…好吗? Above prep.在…上面,超过a.上面的,上述的ad.在上面 above oneself 过于自信,兴高采烈abroad ad.国外,海外 at home and abroad/国内外 absence/n.缺席,不在场;+ absent/a.缺席,不在场,缺乏的;漫不经心的 absent-mined 心不在焉的,出神的absolute/a.绝对的,完全的;(语法)独立的 absorb v.吸收(水、热、光等)吸取,接受(知识、意见等) be absorbed in 专心于 abundant 丰富的,充分的academic 学院的,学术的accent n.腔调,口音n.重音,重音符号 accept v.接受,认可 access n.接近,进入,通路have an access to 进入 There is an access to…有一条通向…的通道 accident n.事故n.意外的事,偶然的事by accident 偶然、无意中 road 交通事故 accompany v.陪伴,伴随,伴奏 accomplish v.完成(任务等) according (只用于下列两个习语中) according to 按照,根据 according as+从句根据…而… 按 照…而… accordingly ad.因此,从而,相应地; 照着(办、做等) account n.账,账目,账户v.说 明,解释(for) on account of=because of 因为,由于 take(no)account of (不)考虑,(不)重 视 on one’s own account为自己的利益,独 立地,自行担负责任 accuracy n.准确,精密(性) accurate a.准确的,精确的 accuse v.谴责v.指控,告发 accuse sb.of sth. 指责、控告某人,某事。 *accustomed a.惯常的,习惯的 be accustomed to 习惯于 ache n.疼痛,酸痛 be aching to do 渴望… have an ache in …疼 achievement n.完成,达到 n.成就,成绩 *acid n.酸 acquire v.取得,获得 across ad,/prep.横越,横过 prep.在…那边 act n.行为,动作;(一)幕;法令,条 例 v..行动,举动;起作用;表演 act as 担任,充当 act for 代理 act on/upon (药等)起作用 action n.行动,动作 n.作用 go into action 投入战斗,行动起来 out of action 失去作用,失去战斗力 active a.活动的,活跃的, 活泼的 a.敏捷的,积极的, 主动的 be active in 积极/主动作 activity n.活动 actor n.男演员,演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,现实的 ad(Am.E) n.=advertisement.广告 *adapt v.(to)使适应,使适合 v.改编,改写 add v.加,加上 v.增加,增进 add…to… add up to 合计为…,部共 把…加到…上 addition n.加法,增加 in addition to 除…之外,加之,并且 additional a.附加的,另外的 address n.地址,通讯处 n./v.致词 v.致函,写地址 address oneself to… 从事/致力,忙于…,与…谈话 /通信 *adequate a.足够的,恰当的 adjective n./a.足够的,恰当的 adjust v.调节,调整 *administration n.管理n.行政部门 admire v.羡慕,赞赏,饮佩 admit v.允许进入,接纳v.承认 adopt v.收养v.采用,采纳,通过 adult n.成人 advance v.推进,促进 v./n.前进,进展 in advance 提前,预先 advanced n.优点,有利条件 n.利益,好处 gain/have advantage over 胜于,优于 take advantage of 乘…之机,利用 to one’s advantage 对…有利 adventure n.冒险,惊险活动 adverb n.副词 advertise v.为…做广告 advertise for 招聘;做广告;征求 advertisement n.广告 advice n.忠告,意见 advise v.忠告,劝告 v.通知 aeroplane n.飞机 affair n.事,事情,事件 affect v.影响 afford v.担负得起,买得起,花 得起(时间等) v.供给,给予 afraid a.怕的,害怕的 a.惟恐的,担心的 be afraid of… 怕… be afraid to do… 怕…,不敢…


翻译:练习一 1要想了解真实的自我,必须深入、广泛的探索前人 说过的话,做过的事。 2数百年来,地震的不可知性给地震蒙上极大的恐惧 和惊慌,然而近几次的地 震发生前已显露一些迹 象。 3科学观察和计算的精确度常取决于科学家的计时方 法。 4在弗雷德里克地区,学生家长们出资购买教室用 品,并主动为学校第一年 的教师和校长们支付所需 的各类杂货及水电费,以 此来留住他们继续工作下 去。 5一位学生说:“关于这个地区的流言正以闪电般的速 度传播着,我们想知道真 相,并传播真相。 练习二 6然而,不管水波多大、多猛,只对海面造成影响。7在美国,这个数字要比英国高得多,美国人将他们 收入的10%花费在分期付 款上。 8鱼产生的电流能点亮电灯—或者甚至能带动小型电 动马达—是多么不可思 议,但有些鱼确实可以。9工科学生往往被看成是实际和理性的榜样,但就我 的大学教育而言,我是一 个理想主义者和傻瓜。 10摆在我面前阻碍我成为一名成功学生的现实就在于 工科与文科并不像我在高 中时认为的那样,两者并 非简单地合在一起。 练习三 11光到达另一端后,首先转化成电流信号,随后再转 为声音信息。 12多数情况下,这些人正梦想着的是财富和名望,而 不是在打字机前长时间地 工作。 13因为我们生活在一个民主的国家,由公民制定国家 的政策,我们中的许多人 必须接受教育,学会理解、 支持,必要时还要判断专 家的工作。 14在很多地区,相当多的人曾因一些悲剧事件而失去 他们珍贵的资料,如1921 年内战期间爱尔兰法庭失 火这样的悲剧,又如美国 奴隶,对于他们来说最初 就有很多珍贵资料未能保 留下来。 15理论上,有一天任何人都 能通过这个资料库查出他 或她家族的起源。 练习四 16相反,为避免天线导航, 没轮子的汽车将在离地面 不超过3英寸的距离行 驶。 17我请求你阐明这个问题, 这样我们这个城市里贫穷 的老人就可以了解到他们 有资格享有住房的津贴。 18人们认为生病是遭受恶魔 的攻击。 19我们关心的是全面充分地 发展我们每位学生的能 力,而不仅仅是他们的学 习能力。 20我们期望学生们能够不遗 余力尽其所能,为达到此 目标我们也将给予我们充 分的鼓励。 练习五 21轮子是最简单的发明,或 许也是最伟大的发明,因 为自然界原本没轮子—没 有任何生物是轮子创造 的。 22女孩在语言能力上胜过男 孩,且这种早期就显露的 语言方面偏向常影响终 生。 23摩西奶奶小的时候画过些 画,之后绘制刺绣图案成 了她的爱好。老了以后, 她的手指变得僵硬不能缝 纫,而她还希望保持忙碌 打发时间,就转向油画。 24这个方案给印度和国外的 研究者提供了机会,使他 们可以在保护区内研究老 虎,收集以前难以获得的 有关老虎习性的资料。 25土地问题变得越来越严重 了,令很多农民感到痛心 的是,一些肥沃的森林地 区被圈起来,建成了老虎 保护区。 练习六 26学习语言最好从语言的非 言语方面、手势和声势语 入门。 27最初白宫是灰的,并且被 叫做总统府。 28这种新的活动包括原先狩 猎的一系列行为,而目的 已不再是避免饥饿。 29一些科学家认为可用16 面直径为半英里的镜子将 反射光照射到地球面积约 为6万平方英里的区域。 30目前,人们还不知道这种 人造白天对植物、动物和 人会有什么影响。 练习七 31然而,事实上女性如今可 以自由选择所喜爱的职 业;情况改善了,这一潮 流不可能逆转。 32福特意识到他可以用这种 装配线的方法来生产他的 汽车。 33在初试阶段海底电缆没能 安装成功,当研究人员将 电缆运出海面对其进行检 修时发现电缆表面长满了 瘤状物,这个事实表明海 洋深处并不存在生命,这 与现代科学见解相左。 34由21个成员国组成的欧 洲委员会的一项研究显 示,45%的爬行物种及 24%的蝴蝶濒临灭绝。 35鲍姆博士继续说道,“没有 工业产品我们一样能活下 去,但脱离了自然我们就 无法生存。” 练习八 36一些批评家声称没有任何 理由让实验对象在不了解 实验性质,没有机会选择 拒绝的情况下参与实验。 37他去加州南部旅行,在那 里他恰好发现了要完成他 的电影所需的天气和风 景。 38中小学几乎全额依靠中央 和地方税收拨款。 39目前的看法似乎是这样 的:这必须包括一种关于 计算机本身定义的基本知 识,还需具备一些计算机 的发展历史及操作知识。 40我们能够有效地使用各种 电子设备,而不需要知道 它们的历史或者它们是如 何工作的。 练习九 41有时他们甚至在自己的篷 车里,而不是在旅馆里睡 觉,只是为了省钱。 42这些区域释放的能量和光 线较弱,因而从地球上看, 表面几乎形成不规则的暗 区。 43电脑技术让研究者能准确 地测量大脑前部和侧面的 容量,它们的智力、情感 有关,决定着人的性格。 44面试是求职过程中一件重 要的事,因为你和面试人 一起度过的那二三十分钟 可能决定你是否能得到你 想要的那个工作。 45如果有可能的话,你应在 得到一份工作,并且在你 做好准备完成日常文书工 作后再与雇佣方协商工资 问题。 练习十 46他即使今天都是勇气和历 险的象征。 47亨宁研究了把英语作为外 语学习的学生是如何记忆 词汇的。 48迁徙成为一种习惯,现在 尽管冰川已经消失,这种 习惯仍然继续。 49当积雪的任何一部分太 厚,并且与下面的部分不 相粘结的话,问题就出现 了。过去几星期下的雪在 高于十二月到一月上旬的 温度下开始融化。 50对于度假的滑雪者来说, 令人欣慰的是,雪崩事故 很少发生在有足迹的滑雪 坡上。 练习十一 51减肥是件苦差事,大多数 人都想找到一条又快又简 单的减肥方法。 52他受到尊重部分源自其自 身,他友好、判断力强、 文雅、开朗、正直,新、 旧世界他都热爱。 53用这种简单的方法,肾脏 可以保存24到48小时而 不会变质,在此段时间里 能被转移到很远的地方。 54很多顾客采用的一个简单 又常用的方法是直接向商 店经理投诉。 55他或她会将卖方告上法 庭,或者他们会向保护消 费者权益的私人或公共机 构进行举报。 练习十二 56这样,性价比高的商品可 以不断地提供给不同收入 层次的人们。 57牢记翻译者工作的性质, 即对书面语进行操作,严 格地说,并不要求翻译者 一定能够讲他正在翻译的 语言。 58学生也可能在学习期间在 两所大学交叉学习,尽管 这样做并不常见。 59洗钱是将非法途径得来的 钱,在合法收入的掩盖下 使之进入流通领域的过 程。 60市场的自由及对汇率控制 的撤销成为过去十年来洗 钱活动迅速发展的两大主 要原因。 练习十三 61诺贝尔宁愿自己不是作为 甘油炸药的发明者而被人 们记住,因此,他在1895 年去世的两个星期创立了 一项基金,奖励对人类做 出有价值贡献的人们。 62死记硬背是日本学校采用 的一种重要的学习方法, 然而很多学生反映考试过 后他们就忘记了背过的大 部分内容。


成人本科学士学位英语统一考试 2007.11.17 (A 卷) 一阅读理解 Passage 1 Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and w omen. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the joble ss are in poorer health than jobholders. An investigation shows that whenever t he unemployment. Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy away from loneliness. Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are busy. (79)Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they ar e working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work people come into with each other. By collective activity they find friendship and war mth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him ill. Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Word makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his s tudents grow, they are happy beyond words. (80)From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work the happier and healthier you will be. Let us work hard and study and live a happy and healthy life. 1.The underlined word “average ” in Paragraph I means __ . C A.healthy B. lazy C. ordinary D. poor 2.The reason why housewives are not as healthy as career women is that ___ ___. C A.housewives are poorer than career women B.housewives have more children than career women C.housewives have less chance to communicate with others D.housewives eat less food than career women 3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 2? D A.Busy people have nothing to do at home. B.High achievers don ' t care about their families. C.There is no friendship and warmth at home. D. A satisfying job helps to keep one healthy. 4.We can infer from the passage that those who do not work . A A.are likely to live a shorter life B.will lose everything at home C.can live as long as those who work D.have more time to make new friends


学位英语考试最常用的600个高频词汇 2007-11-02 11:09 1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from…。缺席,不在 3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded)心不在焉 4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态)be absorbed i n 全神贯注于…近be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on 5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with)富于,富有 6. access(to)(不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解 7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外。 Without accident(=safely)安全地, 8. of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地 9. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one's accord with 同…。不一致 10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 11. in accordance with (=in agreement with)依照,根据 12. on one's own account 1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at one's own risk)自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有………重要性。 13. take…into account(=consider)把……考虑进去 14. give sb. an account of 说明,解释(理由) 15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for)解释,说明。 16. on account of (=because of)由于,因为。 17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about)指控,控告


《陕西省成人高等教育(非英语专业)本科毕业生申请学士学位英语 考试指南》13 cloze1 完形填空(Cloze) 1. 考试概述 1.1 考试大纲对完形填空的要求 完形填空题共10小题,考试时间为15分钟,在一篇题材熟悉,难度适中的短文(约200字)中留有10个空白,每个空白为一题,每题有四个选择,要求考生在全面理解文章内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构完整。 1.2 完形填空的题材和体裁 完形填空试题选材中科普性、常识性文章占相当比例。考生不仅要有历史文化和日常生活知识,还要了解天文、地理、航天航空、计算机等科普知识。这些背景知识不仅帮助考生正确理解全文,还有助于对生词的判断。一般来说,对背景知识越熟悉,猜词准确率就越高。完形填空一般是叙述文、议论文或说明文。其中,说明文所占比例最大。 1.3 考生如何提高完形填空答题能力 完形填空考查的是学生的阅读理解能力、对篇章的理解能力、综合运用语言的能力,具有一定的难度。它要求学生不仅要熟练地掌握语法、惯用法、语汇和短语,还必须要正确地把握全文的结构和主旨,要求具有较强的分析判断、逻辑思维能力以及良好的语感和语篇分析能力。如果考生不能理解文章内容,就难以将正确的词填入文中。这也就是完形填空题与以单句形式考核词汇和结构题型的根本区别。由此可见,考生在作题时必须时刻从上下文考虑,不应该只看到所添的词在短语或句子内是否可行。因此,在作题时最好将全文通读一下,了解了全文的意思以后再作题。考生必须牢固巩固常用词的辨析、固定搭配及一些特殊的句型。并注意平时多阅读,拓宽阅读面、知识面,以丰富自己的知识结构。资料来源:31省市学位英语网https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc10611178.html, 在做完形填空题的过程中,要正确使用解题方法。一般来说,可按照以下步骤进行。 1) 浏览全文,理解大意 做题前应快速通读全篇短文及四个选择项的答案。通读的目的在于对短文的内容有粗略的了解,找出关键词,抓住主题句,掌握短文的大意和结构。通常情况下,文章的首句意义重大,常用来交代背景,点出主题。因此,突破首句,有助于把握短文的思想和大意,理顺思路。 2) 分析各题,理顺信息 理解短文大意后,要分析各题的选择项,揣摩各题测试意图,理顺选项与短文填空之间的关系,找出信息,有利于选择最佳答案。 3) 分句落实,逐空试填 着手选择填空时,要瞻前顾后,注意上下文、上下句的相互关联,抓住短文的内在逻辑关系,排除无关的信息。根据词法、语法知识和句意要求先易后难地造出恰当的词语,分句分段逐空试填。如遇到难填的空,可暂时不管,先做后面的,有时会发现其实答案本身就隐含在下面句子中或下面段落的含义中。 4) 重读短文,检查答案 全部填空题做完后,重读短文,逐空检查,边看边阅读,注意答案能否使全文通顺流畅,语义是否连贯,结构是否正确,用词是否贴切。注意检查时应着眼于全篇,纠正片面性,主观性造成的错误。这一步尤其重要,因有时所选的答案自认为很正确,然而与短文的意思却是大相径庭的。


1 江苏学位英语阅读理解模拟试题一 31省市学位英语网特别提示: 请同学们在听完讲课或者掌握了答题方法后再做练习,你会觉得英语很容易。 一定要认真做作业,动手能力和举一反三的能力,是衡量一个人素质的重要因素,也是掌握好英语的关键。 Passage 1 Advertisement can be thought of “as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services.” Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement. There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement. We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customer. Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for the advertisement. However, if large-scale advertisement leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer pays less. It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on sales. When the market is growing, advertisement helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them. 1. Advertisement is often used to _______. A. deceive customers B. increase production C. arouse suspicion D. push the sale 2. The word “media ” (in the first paragraph) includes_______ A. the press B. television C. radio D. all of the above 3. Advertisement is mainly paid for by ________ A. the customer B. the producer C. increased sales D. reduced prices 4. Advertisement can increase demand ________ A. all the time B. in any circumstances


capacity capacity n.能力,才能;性能;容量 [语境]The lift has a capacity of 15 persons. 这部电梯的载容量为15人。 Some people have a greater capacity for happiness than others. 有的人享得起福,有的人享不起福。 [考点]at capacity 以最大的程度 capital capital n.首都;资本;资源;大写字母;adj.极好的;死刑的;资本的;首都的; [语境]The criminal was sentenced to capital punishment. 罪犯被判处死刑。 London is spelt with a capital L. London—词中L是大写的。 [考点]political capital 政治资本 labour and capital 劳资双方 capital outflow 资金外流 make capital out of 利用 car car n.汽车,车辆,车;(火车)车厢 [语境]Car bombs have become essential terrorist weapons. 汽车炸弹已经成为恐怖主要的武器。 care care 小心;关怀,照料 v.(about)关心,介意,计较 [语境]He cares very little for fame and gain 他对名利很淡薄。 [考点]care about 关心,担心 care for 喜欢 care of 照料;关怀;处理 careful careful 小心的,仔细的;细致的,精心的 [巧记]派生词:carefully (adv.小心地,谨慎地)carefiilness (n.仔细,慎重) [语境]Be double carefiil when you cross the street. 你过街时要加倍小心。 careless careless 粗心的,草率的;随便的,不介意;不关心的,冷漠的 [语境]She‘s careless about her clothes. 她对穿着一点儿都不讲究。


1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from…。缺席,不在 3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态)be absorbed i n 全神贯注于…近be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on 5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外。 Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 8. of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地 9. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one's accord with 同…。不一致 10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12. on one's own account 1) 为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one's own risk) 自行负责3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有………重要性。 13. take…into account(=consider)把……考虑进去 14. give sb. an account of 说明,解释 (理由) 15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释,说明。 16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。 17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告 19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。 20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially ) 熟悉 21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理 22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要) 24. in addition (=besides) 此外,又,加之 25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外 26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, pe rsist in, observe,opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持,遵循 27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的,临近的 28. adjust……(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应; 29. admit of (=be capable of,leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地。 30. in advance (before in time) 预告,事先。 31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地。 32. have an advantage over 胜过。 have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件 have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事 33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用。 34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意 35. in agreement (with) 同意,一致 36. ahead of 在…之前,超过…;……………。 ahead of time 提前。 37. in the air 1)不肯定,不具体。 2)在谣传中。 38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是,最重要的。 39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共,总计 40. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎。 41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到,估计到 . 42. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计,等于。


练习一 For many people today, reading is very important. In applying for a job, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are poor readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and neve g r et over them. The main deficiency lies in the actual stuff of language itself-words. Taken individually, words have little meaning until they are strung together into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Unfortunately, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing to reread words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which slows down the speed of reading is vocalization-sounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an accelerator, which moves a bar ( or curtain ) down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate than the reader finds comfortable. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, making word-by-word reading, regression and vocalization, practically impossible . At first comprehension is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas and concepts , you will not only read faster, but your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skill drastically improved after some training. 练习二 The past 20 years have been enormous changes in the lives a s n tr d ucture of families in Britain. The biggest change has been coused by divorce . As many as 1 out of 3 marriages now end in it, leading to a situation where many children live with one parent. There has also been a huge ris i e n the number of women with children who work. The large rise in divorces has meant many women need to work to support themselves and their children. Even where there is no divorce, many families need both parents to work in order to survive . This has caused an increase in childcare facilities , though it is very expensive and can be difficult to find in many areas. In addition , women are no longer happy to stay at home raising children, and many have careers earning as much or even more than men, the traditional breadwinner. There has also been a sharp increase in the number of single mothers, particularly among teenagers. Some people have blamed this increas f e or the rise in crime. They feel the lack of a male role model has damaged these children in society. However , these changes have not had a totally negative effect. For women, it is now much easier to have a career and good salary.As for children themselves, some argue that modern children grow up

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