当前位置:文档之家› THE FLY




by Katherine Mansfield

'Y'ARE VERY SNUG in here,' piped old Mr.

Woodifield, and peered out of the great,

green-leather armchair by his friend the boss's desk

as a baby peers out of its pram. His talk was over;

it was time for him to be off. But he did not want to

go. Since he had retired, since his ... stroke, the

Katherine Mansfield wife and the girls kept him boxed up in the house

every day of the week except Tuesday. On Tuesday he was dressed and brushed and allowed to cut back to the City for the day. Though what he did there the wife and girls couldn't imagine. Made a nuisance of himself to his friends, they supposed....Well, perhaps so. All the same, we cling to our last pleasures as the tree clings to its last leaves. So there sat old Woodifield, smoking a cigar and staring almost greedily at the boss, who rolled in his office chair, stout, rosy, five years older than he, and still going strong, still at the helm. It did one good to see him.

Wistfully, admiringly, the old voice added,'It's snug in here, upom my word!'

'Yes, it's comfortable enough,' agreed the boss, and he flipped the Financial Times with a paper-knife. As a matter of fact he was proud of his room; he liked to have it admired, especially by old Woodifield. It gave him a feeling of deep, solid satisfaction to be planted there in the midst of it in full view of that frail old figure in the muffler.

'I've had it done up lately,' he explained, as he had explained for the past -how many!-weeks.'New carpet,' and he pointed to the bright red carpet with a pattern of large white rings.'New furniture,' and he nodded towards the massive bookcase and the table with legs like twisted treacle.'Electric heating!' He waved almost exultantly towards the five transparent, pearly sausages glowing so softly in the tilted copper pan.

But he did not draw old Woodifield's attention to the photograph over the table of a grave-looking boy in uniform standing in one of those spectral photographers' parks with photographers' storm-clouds behind him. It was not new. It had been there for over six years.

'There was something I wanted to tell you,' said old Woodifield, and his eyes grew dim remembering. 'Now what was it? I had it in my mind when

I started out this morning.' His hands began to tremble, and patches of red showed above his beard.

Poor old chap, he's on his last pins, thought the boss. And, feeling kindly, he winked at the old man, and said jokingly,'I tell you what. I've got a little drop of something here that'll do you good before you go out into the cold again. It's beautiful stuff. It wouldn't hurt a child.' He took a key off his watch-chain, unlocked a cupboard below his desk, and drew forth a dark, squat bottle. 'That's the medicine,' said he.'And the man from whom I got it told me on the strict Q.T. it came from the cellars at Windsor Castle.'

Old Woodifield's mouth fell open at the sight. He couldn't have looked more surprised if the boss had produced a rabbit. 'It's whisky, ain't it?' he piped feebly.

The boss turned the bottle and lovingly showed him the label. Whisky it was.

'D'you know,' said he, peering up at the boss wonderingly, 'they won't let me touch it at home.' And he looked as though he was going to cry.

'Ah, that's where we know a bit more than the ladies,' cried the boss, swooping across for two tumblers that stood on the table with the water-bottle, and pouring a generous finger into each. 'Drink it down. It'll

do you good. And don't put any water with it. It's sacrilege to tamper with stuff like this. Ah!' He tossed off his, pulled out his handkerchief, hastily wiped his moustaches, and cocked an eye at old Woodifield, who was rolling his in his chaps.

The old man swallowed, was silent a moment, and then said faintly,'It's nutty!'

But it warmed him; it crept into his chill old brain - he remembered.

'That was it,' he said, heaving himself out of his chair.'I thought you'd like to know. The girls were in Belgium last week having a look at poor Reggie's grave, and they happened to come across your boy's. They're quite near each other, it seems.

Old Woodifield paused, but the boss made no reply. Only a quiver in his eyelids showed that he heard.

'The girls were delighted with the way the place is kept,' piped the old voice. 'Beautifully looked after. Couldn't be better if they were at home. You've not been across, have yer?'

'No, no!' For various reasons the boss had not been across.

'There's miles of it,' quavered old Woodifield,'and it's all as neat as a garden. Flowers growing on all the graves. Nice broad paths.' It was plain from his voice how much he liked a nice broad path.

The pause came again. Then the old man brightened wonderfully.

'D'you know what the hotel made the girls pay for a pot of jam?' he piped. 'Ten francs! Robbery, I call it. It was a little pot, so Gertrude says, no bigger than a half-crown. And she hadn't taken more than a spoonful when they charged her ten francs. Gertrude brought the pot away with her to teach 'em a lesson. Quite right, too; it's trading on our feelings. They think because we're over there having a look round we're ready to pay anything. That's what it is.' And he turned towards the door.

'Quite right, quite right!' cried the boss, though what was quite right he hadn't the least idea. He came round by his desk, followed the shuffling footsteps to the door, and saw the old fellow out. Woodifield was gone. For a long moment the boss stayed, staring at nothing, while the grey-haired office messenger, watching him, dodged in and out of his cubby-hole like a dog that expects to be taken for a run. Then: 'I'll see nobody for half an hour, Macey,' said the boss. 'Understand! Nobody at all.'

'Very good, sir.'


ゴキゲンな蝶(ちょう)になってきらめく風(かぜ)に乗(の)って 今(いま)すぐキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 余計(よけい)な事(こと)なんて忘(わす)れたほうがましさ これ以上(いじょう)シャレてる時間(じかん)はない 何(なに)がWOW WOW~この空(そら)に届(とど)くのだろう だけどWOW WOW~明日(あした)の予定(よてい)もわからない無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの 何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ愛(いと)しい想(おも)いも負(ま)けそうになるけど Stayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でも きっと飛(と)べるさOn My Love ウカレタ蝶(ちょう)になって一途(いちず)な風(かぜ)に乗(の)ってどこまでもキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 曖昧(あいまい)な言葉(ことば)って 意外(いがい)に便利(べんり)だって 叫(さけ)んでるヒットソング聴(き)きながら 何(なに)がWOW WOW~この街(まち)に響(ひび)くのだろう だけどWOW WOW~期待(きたい)してても仕方(しかた)ない 無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの やるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ常識(じょうしき)はずれも悪(わる)くはないかな Stayしそうなイメ-ジを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でも

きっと飛(と)べるさOn My Love 無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの 何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ愛(いと)しい想(おも)いも負(ま)けそうになるけどStayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でもきっと飛(と)べるさOh Yeah~ 無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの やるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ常識(じょうしき)はずれも悪(わる)くはないかな Stayしそうなイメ-ジを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でもきっと飛(と)べるさOn My Love


1.Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star(一闪,一闪,小星星) Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! 2.ROW, ROW,ROW YOUR BOAT 划,划,划你的船 Row, Row, Row, Your Boat, Gently Down The Stream. Merrily ,Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life Is But A Dream. 3.ROUND THE VILLAGE 绕着村落 Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, As we have done before. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. As we have done before. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. And bow before you go. Now follow me to London. Now follow me to London. Now follow me to London. As we have done before. Now shake his hand but leave him. Now shake his hand but leave him. Now shake his hand but leave him. And bow before you go. 4.FLY, FLY, BUTTERFLY 飞,飞,蝴蝶 Fly, fly, fly , the butterfly. In the meadow is flying high. In the garden is flying low. Fly, fly, fly , the butterfly. 5.ONCE I CAUGHT A FISH ALIVE WO 我曾抓住一条活鱼 One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? ' cause it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right. 6.APPLE TREE苹果树 Apple round, apple red, apple juicy, apple sweet. Apple, apple, I love you. Apple sweet, I love to eat.

上市公司重大资产重组管理办法 中英文

上市公司重大资产重组管理办法 Measures for the Administration of Material Asset Reorganization of Listed Companies 颁布机关:中国证券监督管理委员会 Promulgating Institution: China Securities Regulatory Commission 文号:中国证券监督管理委员会令第109号 Document Number: Order No.109 of the China Securities Regulatory Commission 颁布时间: Promulgating Date: 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 实施时间: Effective Date: 11/23/2014 11/23/2014 效力状态: Validity Status: 有效 Valid 第一章总则 Chapter 1: General Provisions 第一条为了规范上市公司重大资产重组行为,保护上市公司和投资者的合法权益,促进上市公司质量不断提高,维护证券市场秩序和社会公共利益,根据《公司法》、《证券法》等法律、行政法规的规定,制定本办法。 Article 1 These Measures are formulated pursuant to the provisions of the Company Law, the Securities Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, for the purposes of regulating material asset reorganization of listed companies, protecting the lawful rights and interests of listed companies and investors, and promoting the constant improvement of the quality of listed companies, and maintaining the order of the securities market and the social public interests. 第二条本办法适用于上市公司及其控股或者控制的公司在日常经营活动之外购买、出售资产或者通过其他方式进行资产交易达到规定的比例,导致上市公司的主营业务、资产、收入发生重大变化的资产交易行为(以下简称重大资产重组)。 Article 2 These Measures shall be applicable to asset trading behaviors, other than the daily business activities, conducted by a listed company or companies held or controlled by it, such as the purchase and sale of assets, or asset trading by other means that reach a specified proportion, thereby causing major changes to the main business, assets, or income of that listed company (hereinafter, "material asset reorganization"). 上市公司发行股份购买资产应当符合本办法的规定。 Purchase of assets by a listed company by means of issuing shares shall be in compliance with the provisions of these Measures.

数码宝贝butter fly歌词 平假名

数码宝贝片头曲:Butter Fly 和田光司歌词 ゴキゲンな蝶(ちょう)になってきらめく风(かぜ)に乗(の)って好想化做一只蝴蝶乘着微风振翅高飞 今(いま)すぐキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 余计(よけい)な事(こと)なんて忘(わす)れた方(ほう)がマシさ 烦心的事放在一边如果忘记那也无所谓 これ以上(いじょう) シャレてる时间(じかん)はない 已经没有多余时间可以浪费 何(なに)が WOW WOW~この空(そら)に届(とど)くのだろう 似乎有 WOW WOW~ 什么事会在这片晴空下出现 だけど WOW WOW~明日(あした)の予定(よてい)もわからない就算是 WOW WOW~ 面对未知的明天勇敢去冒险 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとの 在无限延伸的梦想后面 何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ 穿越冷酷无情的世界 そうさ爱(いと)しい想(おも)いも负(ま)けそうになるけど 不想要输给自己有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力 Stayしがちなイメージだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でも相信爱永远不会止息即使偶尔会遇上难题 きっと飞(と)べるさ On My Love 一定能化险为夷 On My Love

ウカレタ蝶(ちょう)になって一途(いちず)な风(かぜ)に乗(の)って仿佛蝴蝶展开双翼一路迎着微风飞行 どこまでもキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 直到我和你约定相见不再分离 暧昧(あいまい)な言叶(ことば)って意外(いがい)に便利(べんり)だって 对你倾吐我的心意没想到你真的愿意 叫(さけ)んでるヒットソング聴(き)きながら 陪着我一起沉醉在幸福的旋律 何(なに)が WOW WOW~この街(まち)に响(ひび)くのだろう 好象有 WOW WOW~ 什幺声音悄悄从这街角响起 だけど WOW WOW~期待(きたい)してても仕方(しかた)ない 而现在 WOW WOW~ 不想再空等让憧憬变成泡影 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとのやるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ 在无限延伸的梦想后面纵然世界再虚假多变 そうさ常识(じょうしき) はずれも悪(わる)くないかな 不应该隐瞒欺骗抱着得过且过的想法太可怜 Stayしそうなイメージを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でも相信希望有天会实现真心能度过重重考验 きっと飞(と)べるさ On My Love 朝着梦勇往直前 On My Love 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとの何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ 在无限延伸的梦想后面穿越冷酷无情的世界


外文翻译 Corporate Restructuring Material Source:https://www.doczj.com/doc/d715282128.html, Author:Giuliano Iannotta The Holdout Problem When claimants are unable to find an agreement, they might not approve the restructuring plan, even when this will produce a sub-optimal outcome, such as a liquidation (which will waste the value of the firm “as a going concern”) or a formal bankruptcy procedure (which is more expensive and possibly leads to inferior result for creditors): this is the holdout problem. The likelihood of approval of the restructuring plan will depend on several factors, such as the number and sophistication of the claimants, the relative cost of the plan relative to other solutions, etc. For example, in the presence of many small bondholders it might be very difficult to get the restructuring plan approved, as some of them might believe they will be better off not approving the proposed plan. In other terms, when there is public debt (i.e., bonds) outstanding the holdout problem can be particularly severe. Scale down, maturity extension, or debt-for-equity swap might be very difficult if every bondholder has to agree to the term changes. Consider for example an exchange offer where outstanding debt is exchanged with equity (debt-for-equity swap): in other words, creditors take over the distressed firm. In such a situation, the bondholders who do not tender might benefit at the expense of those who do. Suppose the firm’s asset value is $100, with public debt outstanding for$120 (10 bondholders, each holding one bond with face value $12). The firm’s asset liquidation value is only$80: there is therefore an incentive to keep the firm doing business. Suppose the exchange offer is contingent on achieving a 50% tendering rate. If all bondholders tender, the firm will have the balance sheet reported in Table 10.1. The value to each bondholder will be $10, with a loss of $2: under liquidation each bondholders would receive just $8. Now suppose that only five bondholders tender: the exchange offer would succeed, but the five “holdout” bondholders will be better off. Indeed, the balance sheet of the firm would be that reported in Table 10.2.


片头曲:butterfly Gokige n ゴキゲンな蝶(ちょう)になって风(かぜ)に乗(の)って 好想化做一只蝴蝶乘着微风振翅高飞 Ki mi 今(いま)すぐキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 Ma shi 余计(よけい)な事(こと)なんて忘(わす)れた方(ほう)がマシさ 烦心的事放在一边如果忘记那也无所谓 Shi ya le これ以上(いじょう) シャレてる时间(じかん)はない 已经没有多余时间可以浪费 何(なに)がWOW WOW~この空(そら)に届(とど)くのだろう 似乎有WOW WOW~ 什么事会在这片晴空下出现 だけどWOW WOW~明日(あした)の予定(よてい)もわからない 就算是WOW WOW~ 面对未知的明天勇敢去冒险 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとの 在无限延伸的梦想后面 何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ 穿越冷酷无情的世界 そうさ爱(いと)しい想(おも)いも负(ま)けそうになるけど 不想要输给自己有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力 I me zi Stayしがちなイメージだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でも 相信爱永远不会止息即使偶尔会遇上难题 きっと飞(と)べるさOn My Love 一定能化险为夷On My Love ウカレタ蝶(ちょう)になって一途(いちず)な风(かぜ)に乗(の)って 仿佛蝴蝶展开双翼一路迎着微风飞行 どこまでもキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 直到我和你约定相见不再分离 暧昧(あいまい)な言叶(ことば)って意外(いがい)に便利(べんり)だって对你倾吐我的心意没想到你真的愿意

叫(さけ)んでるヒットソング聴(き)きながら 陪着我一起沉醉在幸福的旋律 何(なに)がWOW WOW~この街(まち)に响(ひび)くのだろう 好象有WOW WOW~ 什幺声音悄悄从这街角响起 だけどWOW WOW~期待(きたい)してても仕方(しかた)ない 而现在WOW WOW~ 不想再空等让憧憬变成泡影 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとのやるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ 在无限延伸的梦想后面纵然世界再虚假多变 そうさ常识(じょうしき) はずれも悪(わる)くないかな 不应该隐瞒欺骗抱着得过且过的想法太可怜 Stayしそうなイメージを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でも 相信希望有天会实现真心能度过重重考验 きっと飞(と)べるさOn My Love 朝着梦勇往直前On My Love 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとの何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ在无限延伸的梦想后面穿越冷酷无情的世界 そうさ爱(いと)しい想(おも)いも负(ま)けそうになるけど 不想要输给自己有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力 Stayしがちなイメージだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でも 相信爱永远不会止息即使偶尔会遇上难道 きっと飞(と)べるさOh Yeah~ 一定能化险为夷Oh Year~ 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとのやるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ 在无限延伸的梦想后面纵然世界再虚假多变 そうさ常识(じょうしき) はずれも悪(わる)くないかな 不应该隐瞒欺骗抱着得过且过的想法太可怜 Stayしそうなイメージを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でも 相信希望有天会实现真心能度过重重考验 きっと飞(と)べるさOn My Love 朝着梦勇往直前On My Love

英文歌曲 Fire fly

Fire fly (萤火虫) When I said go I never meant away (当我说离开时我从不打算离开) You ought to know the freaky games we play (你应该知道我们玩的任性游戏)Could you forgive and learn how to forget (你可以原谅而且学习该如何忘记吗)Hear me as I'm calling out your name (听到我呼唤你名字的时候) Firefly come back to me (萤火虫飞回我身边) make the night as bring as day (使夜晚像白天一样明亮) I'll be looking out for you (你轻轻的告诉我) Tell me that your lonely too (告诉我你也很孤单) Firefly come lead me on (萤火虫过来指引我) follow you into the sun(跟随你接触太阳) that's the way it ought to be(我们应当这样做) Firefly come back to me (萤火虫飞回我身边) You and me(你和我) we shared a mistery (我们分享朦胧的感觉) We were so close (我们是如此接近) like honey to the bee (像是一对亲密的蜜蜂) And if you tell me how to make you understand (而且如果你告诉我该如何使你了解)I'm minor in a major kind a way (在主要的前提下我使用次要的) Firefly come back to me (萤火虫飞回我身边 make the night as bring as day(使夜晚像白天一样明亮) I'll be looking out for you(你轻轻的告诉我) Tell me that your lonely too (告诉我你也很孤单) Firefly come lead me on (萤火虫过来指引我) follow you into the sun(跟随你接触太阳) that's the way it ought to be(我们应当这样做) Firefly come back to me(萤火虫飞回我身边) Fly firefly through the sky (萤火虫飞越天空) come and play with my desire (过来与我的渴望嬉戏) Don't be long,don't ask why(不要太久,不要问为什么) I can't wait another night (我不可以等到下一个夜晚) Wait another night (等到下一个夜晚) Don't be long (不要太久) Fire...fly(萤火...虫) Firefly come back (萤火虫飞回我身边) Firefly come back to me (萤火虫飞回我身边) make the night as bring as day (使夜晚像白天一样明亮) I'll be looking out for you (你轻轻的告诉我) Tell me that your lonely too (萤火虫过来指引我) Firefly come lead me on(萤火虫过来指引我) follow you into the sun (跟随你接触太阳) that's the way it ought to be (我们应当这样做) Firefly come back to me(萤火虫飞回我身边)


Transition and enterprise restructuring the role of budget Abstract:The focus of analysis is on the impact of financial leverage as a measure of bankruptcy costs on enterprise restructuring, based on budget constraints in the economy. Data of Bulgarian manufacturing firms allow comparison of firm behavior under soft and hard budget constraints as distinguished by the inception of a currency board in 1997. Controlling for change in sales, firm size and type of ownership, statistically significant relationship between financial leverage and firm restructuring through labor adjustments is found to exist under hard budget. 1 Introduction The impact of budget constraints on firm behavior in transition economies has been recognized in a number of studies where elimination of labor hording is identified as an important component of enterprise-restructuring policies (e.g., Grosfeld and Roland, 1996; Coricelli and Djankov, 2001). A large theoretical and empirical literature, summarized in Kornai et al. (2003), has identified the causes and channels of soft budget constraints (SBC). However, the effects of the heavy indebtedness resulting from SBC in transition economies and the influence of corporate capital structure on firm restructuring and economic efficiency have not been fully explored. In the finance literature, research has long been focused on how financial leverage and bankruptcy costs influence operating behavior and efficiency (e.g., Titman, 1984; Perotti and Spier, 1993; Sharpe, 1994; Rajan and Zingales, 1995). The main finding is that higher levels of debt in the capital structure discipline firms and force them to make optimal resource allocation decisions. This paper analyzes the impact of financial leverage on firm restructuring, based on budget constraints in the economy. The analysis explores an important channel through which the hardening of budget constraints is expected to cause active labor adjustment and enterprise restructuring. The empirical analysis uses data on more than 1500 Bulgarian manufacturing firms over the period 1994–2000. During the first half of the period, SBC were widespread and combined with inconsistent economic policies led to a severe financial crisis, which was followed by the inception of a currency board in mid-1997 and significant hardening of the budget constraints. Thus, data allow us to compare firm behavior under soft and hard budget constraints. Under hard budget constraints, a statistically significant relationship is found between determinants of the level of bankruptcy costs, such as firm size and financial leverage, and restructuring through labor adjustments. Ceteris paribus, the elimination of excess labor is more substantial in smaller and more highly leveraged firms. This relationship is not present under SBC. 2 Analytical framework and hypotheses The costs of adjusting firm labor force arise through the costs of hiring, training and firing employees, or the quasi-fixed components of the labor input (Oi, 1962; Fay and


和田光司-Butterfly ゴキゲンな蝶(ちょう)になってきらめく风(かぜ)に乗(の)って 好想化做一只蝴蝶乘着微风振翅高飞 今(いま)すぐキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 余计(よけい)な事(こと)なんて忘(わす)れた方(ほう)がマシさ 烦心的事放在一边如果忘记那也无所谓 これ以上(いじょう) シャレてる时间(じかん)はない 已经没有多余时间可以浪费 何(なに)が WOW WOW~この空(そら)に届(とど)くのだろう 似乎有 WOW WOW~ 什么事会在这片晴空下出现 だけど WOW WOW~明日(あした)の予定(よてい)もわからない 就算是 WOW WOW~ 面对未知的明天勇敢去冒险 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとの 在无限延伸的梦想后面 何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ 穿越冷酷无情的世界 そうさ爱(いと)しい想(おも)いも负(ま)けそうになるけど 不想要输给自己有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力 Stayしがちなイメージだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でも 相信爱永远不会止息即使偶尔会遇上难题 きっと飞(と)べるさ On My Love 一定能化险为夷 On My Love ウカレタ蝶(ちょう)になって一途(いちず)な风(かぜ)に乗(の)って仿佛蝴 蝶展开双翼一路迎着微风飞行 どこまでもキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 直到我和你约定相见不再分离 暧昧(あいまい)な言叶(ことば)って意外(いがい)に便利(べんり)だって对 你倾吐我的心意没想到你真的愿意

叫(さけ)んでるヒットソング聴(き)きながら 陪着我一起沉醉在幸福的旋律 何(なに)が WOW WOW~この街(まち)に响(ひび)くのだろう 好象有 WOW WOW~ 什幺声音悄悄从这街角响起 だけど WOW WOW~期待(きたい)してても仕方(しかた)ない 而现在 WOW WOW~ 不想再空等让憧憬变成泡影 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとのやるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ在无限延伸的梦想后面纵然世界再虚假多变 そうさ常识(じょうしき) はずれも悪(わる)くないかな 不应该隐瞒欺骗抱着得过且过的想法太可怜 Stayしそうなイメージを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でも 相信希望有天会实现真心能度过重重考验 きっと飞(と)べるさ On My Love 朝着梦勇往直前 On My Love 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとの何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ在无限延伸的梦想后面穿越冷酷无情的世界 そうさ爱(いと)しい想(おも)いも负(ま)けそうになるけど 不想要输给自己有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力 Stayしがちなイメージだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でも 相信爱永远不会止息即使偶尔会遇上难道 きっと飞(と)べるさ Oh Yeah~ 一定能化险为夷 Oh Year~ 无限大(むげんだい)な梦(ゆめ)のあとのやるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ在无限延伸的梦想后面纵然世界再虚假多变 そうさ常识(じょうしき) はずれも悪(わる)くないかな 不应该隐瞒欺骗抱着得过且过的想法太可怜 Stayしそうなイメージを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でも 相信希望有天会实现真心能度过重重考验 きっと飞(と)べるさ On My Love 朝着梦勇往直前 On My Love

$唐老师—butterfly(beat by TYRX)—歌词

butterfly(beat by TYRX) 2019-02-20 作曲 : 无 作词 : 唐老师/W$wag I want to be a butterfly I want to be a butterfly I want to be a butterfly I want to be a butterfly v1: 你知道我跟那些人想法不一样 坐在车上幻想拿着麦克风不放 没听妈妈的话自己玩儿了hiphop 那个叫做popinbitch的孩子已经长大 我是你bad boy 你撒子都是我的 别个也给过你的但是我要给多些 爱情的力量不能被copy 你懂的 我爱你很长久先开始基本的 又过了三天脑壳开始单边 不断练习 carzy leg 现在开始转圈 坏事不能翻篇

写个作品像是春天 我只想好好的呆在个人婆娘的身边哎呀我斗楞个说东西斗是楞个kuo 以前妈妈喊我做事情不要摸 堆起袜子楞个多内裤紧到都不戳 抱起堂客吹起空调一起唱首歌 I want to be a butterfly I want to be a butterfly butterfly v2: 冰箱里还有昨天为我炒的饭 你爱吃牛肉面也总要加个蛋 我可以是你男友永远陪你chill 就算脱掉衣服也不会让你害怕发抖打开你的soul 台下为我加油 我会尽力make money不会让你发愁总会为你担心不要乱发神经 用我身体遮风挡雨展示我的贴心 也想带你兜风都在意料之中 双手放在空中将你的意识放空 我对你的生活不会胡乱的猜 像那窗外雨点总会不停的拍 满房间的东西都是摆设


Sparks Fly中英歌词对照

The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm And I'm a house of cards 你的到来就像一场大暴风雨 而我就像纸片做的房子 You say my name for the first time, baby, and I Fall in love in an empty bar 当你第一次叫我的名字时你和我在一间空酒吧中坠入了爱河 And you stood there in front of me just Close enough to touch 你站在我前面,如此接近足以触碰到我 Close enough to hope you couldn't see, What I was thinking of 如此的接近,我希望你不知道我正在想什么 Drop everything now 现在扔下所有东西 Meet me in the pouring rain 在倾盆大雨中与我相见 Kiss me on the sidewalk 在街道上亲吻我 Take away the pain 带走所有痛苦 Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 因为我看见,你的笑容犹如火花飞溅般灿烂 Get me with those green eyes, baby 你那双绿色的眼睛打动了我 As the lights go down Something that'll haunt me when you're not around 当灯光熄灭,你不在我身边的时候有一些东西困扰着我Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 因为我看见,你的笑容犹如火花飞溅般灿烂 So reach out open handed And lead me out to that floor 所以伸出并打开你的手,带着我离开这里 Well I don't need more paper lanterns 我不需要更多的关注 Take me down, baby bring on the movie star 带我走,就想电影中那样 Cause my heart is beating fast And you are beautiful 我的心跳得很快,因为你很完美


1.英文儿歌《Are you Sleeping》 are you sleeping, are you sleeping? brother john? brother john? morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ding dong, ding ding dong. 2.英文儿歌《Beanbag, Beanbag》 Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Laura Lee, Then to Jenny, then to me. Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Bean bag, bean bag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Mary Lou, Then to Billy, then to you. Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! 3.英文儿歌《Cradle Song》 Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above. Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above. Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. 4.英文儿歌《Here I Come Here I Go》 Here I Come Here I Go Riding on my little tricycle Around the world Around the world me and my little tricycle Here I Come Here I Go Riding on my little tricycle Around the world


Butterfly ゴキゲンな蝶(ちょう)になってきらめく風(かぜ)に乗(の)って 今(いま)すぐキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 余計(よけい)な事(こと)なんて忘(わす)れたほうがましさ これ以上(いじょう)シャレてる時間(じかん)はない 何(なに)がWOW WOW~この空(そら)に届(とど)くのだろう だけどWOW WOW~明日(あした)の予定(よてい)もわからない 無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの 何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ愛(いと)しい想(おも)いも負(ま)けそうになるけど Stayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でも きっと飛(と)べるさOn My Love ウカレタ蝶(ちょう)になって一途(いちず)な風(かぜ)に乗(の)ってどこまでもキミに会(あ)いに行(い)こう 曖昧(あいまい)な言葉(ことば)って 意外(いがい)に便利(べんり)だって 叫(さけ)んでるヒットソング聴(き)きながら 何(なに)がWOW WOW~この街(まち)に響(ひび)くのだろう だけどWOW WOW~期待(きたい)してても仕方(しかた)ない 無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの やるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ常識(じょうしき)はずれも悪(わる)くはないかな

Stayしそうなイメ-ジを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でもきっと飛(と)べるさOn My Love 無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの 何(なに)もない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ愛(いと)しい想(おも)いも負(ま)けそうになるけどStayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの頼(たよ)りない翼(つばさ)でもきっと飛(と)べるさOh Yeah~ 無限大(むげんだい)な夢(ゆめ)のあとの やるせない世(よ)の中(なか)じゃ そうさ常識(じょうしき)はずれも悪(わる)くはないかな Stayしそうなイメ-ジを染(そ)めたぎこちない翼(つばさ)でもきっと飛(と)べるさOn My Love 中文(版本一): 好想化做一只蝴蝶 乘着微风振翅高飞 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 烦心的事放在一边 如果忘记那也无所谓 已经没有多余时间可以浪费 似乎有WOW WOW~ 什么事会在这片晴空下出现 就算是WOW WOW~

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