当前位置:文档之家› 剑桥大学校园英语情景对话:古怪的面试




S:Do you know that Cambridge received 14,585 applications and Oxford 13,287 for entry this October?

S :你知道吗,今年10 月,剑桥大学收到了14585 份入学申请,牛津收到了13287 份。

J:Yes. But how many of them will survive the interview is still in doubt. J :知道。但是这些申请人中有多少能通过面试还是个未知数。

S:Cambridge alone rejected at interview more than 5,000 students last year who went on to get three A grades in their A levels, underlining the intensity of competition.

S :去年剑桥就拒绝了5000 多名学生的申请。这些学生都是获得了3 个A-level 成绩的学生,这就说明了竞争有多么激烈。

J:True. Interviewers in those two Universities are good at posing eccentric questions.

J :对啊。这两所大学的老师很爱提刁钻古怪的问题。

S:They may all be academic thoroughbreds, but success in the Oxbridge stakes can seem as remote as winning the Grand National,

S :他们可能学习都很优秀,但是能通过面试的机率就跟在英国"全国大赛马”获胜一样低。

J : It was said that the tutors select people they want to teach ultimately. J :据说老师们最终仅仅在挑选他们想教的人

S:The competition against other students is fierce and candidates need to differentiate themselves, “To be hones t, they're competing against each other ,not against the

interviewers ,"said a don in the university.

S :同学之间的竞争特别激烈,申请者们必须有与众不同之处才能脱颖而出。一位面试官曾讲过:“老实说,他们是彼此在竞争而不是在和面试官竞争。”

J:Yes. Nearly all applicants have excellent A-level grades, so places are increasingly awarded for original answers in interviews.

J :对。几乎所有的申请人的成绩都是非常优秀的A-level, 所以能否被录取就更加取决于他们在面试中的表现了。

S:So it's worth actively engaging with the questions, without being rude or confrontational, rather than tiptoeing around to avoid mistakes.

S :所以,面试者不能傲慢粗鲁,也不能畏畏缩缩的逃避犯错,而是积极地参与到问题中去。

J:Some entrants are so nervous that they even practice the interview on a daily basis with the help of their parents at home.

J :有些学生特别紧张,他们甚至在父母的协助下,天天在家里实行面试练习。

S:Really? Does it help?

S :真的吗?这样有用吗?

J:It's hard to say. But a mother of a twin said that she thinks the practices are really helpful, and she even suggested parents of the applicants should help their children to practice their reaction and creative thinking.

J :这不好说。但是有_位双胞胎的家长说,§也认为这种练习+分有用,她还建议别的学生家长也在家协助孩子们练习,以增强反应水平和创造性思维的水平。

S:That might be true. However, I also heard that overrehearsing does

no good to the interview because they might lose the ability of responding naturally and spontaneously.

S :也许吧。不过我也听人说,过度的演练未必真的有好处,因为这样,学生们在面试中就不能很自然的反应。

J:Yes. You really have no idea what the tutors are looking for. One of my friends who got 5 As at A-Level, was head boy, involved in Drama, charity work and debating did not get into Cambridge.

j :有道理。很难说这些老师们到底要寻找什么样的人才。我有一位朋友以前在A_level得了5个A、担任班长、参加戏剧演出、慈善工作、也是辩论社的一员,不过他还是被剑桥录取。


S :为什么呢?

J:Who knows why? Maybe he just didn't fit what the tutor was looking for.

J :谁知道为什么。也许仅仅因为他不是老师们要找的人。

S:Well, I think the teacher must also be highly pressured on this since they might have made the wrong decision.

S :嗯,我觉得老师们恐怕也非常有压力,因为他们很可能会作锫误的决定。

J:Yes, I heard that next week, in an attempt to standardize its admissions procedure, Oxford will announce that all dons are to be put through training sessions to remind them how to interview fairly and well.

J :是啊。我听说为了使招生程序标准化,牛津宣布下周对所有参加面试的老师实行培训,

S:They just shouldn't be so picky.

S :他们实在不应该过度挑剔。

J:They might appear to be cruel, but there are only few places, they must make the decision.

J :看起来,这些老师是有些“残忍" ,不过因为名额有限,他们不得不作出决定。

S:Let me tell you an interesting story about the admissions ritual at Peterhouse, Cambridge. When a candidate entered the room, someone would kick a rugby ball towards him. If he caught it, he was in; if he drop-kicked it back, he won a scholarship.

S :我跟你讲一个有趣的故事,是关于剑桥彼得学院招生面试的。面


J:That's interesting but can't be true!

J :真有意思,不过这肯定不是真的。

S:No one suggests that happens now, but tales still circulate about baffling questions posed by dons.

S :现在这种事情肯定不会发生,不过这也说明了面试官们提出的问题有多么古怪。

J:They said sometimes teenagers can break down in tears.

J :有人说,一些孩子面试的时候都哭了。

S:How does the teacher cope?

S :那老师该怎么办?

J; One of the dons said to them :4tif you want to cry for

another five minutes, you can. ” Sometimes they go away, have

a cup of coffee and come back.

J :—位面试官跟现场大哭的学生说:“如果你还想再哭 5 分钟的话,请便。"有时候,他们仅仅暂时离开,喝杯咖啡再回来。

S :Are you kidding me?

S :这太夸张了!


A: Hi, Wu, what's up B: I am reading, see it's a good book. A: Well, I see. "历史深处的忧虑林达著" what's the book about B: It's about the different culture and life view between Chinese and American. A: Oh, cool, I know a lot about that have been working along with some American guys a long time. B: So tell me how A: First in China, if you get good benefit from your boss, you should not show you up, people will jealous and even do you sometimes. But in America, you should not worry about it, everybody will thumb up to you if you get good benefit by your hard work. It's more easy and open to deal with American, but it's so hard to deal with some Chinese guys. B: Hmmm, sometimes.... A: Second in China, if you are working hard, you will be jealous in most times. They will talk about your in the back, and maybe doubt what you want. It's seldom happening in America or other Western country. B: Well, it's.... A: Okay, Ancient China is the most beautiful and powerful country in the world, I think even today the Western will not get that culture in mind. (ring) Sorry, I get a call, see you later. B: See you.. A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here.A: 哦,天啊!太巧了,在这儿碰到你。B: Yes, what a surprise! We haven't seen each other almost half a year.B: 是呀!真没想到。我们已有半年没见了吧。A: Almost. Where are you heading nowA: 差不多。你去哪儿B: Oh. I'm going to attend a meeting about making Chinese culture various and globalized.B: 哦,我正要参加一个关于使中国文化多样化和全球化的会议。A: It's so significant. The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs. So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other.A: 这会议很有意义。东西方文化是适应它们各自社会的相对独立的价值体系,每一种文化都有它们自己的优点和不足,因此,两


Study English (1.1) A: Oh, hey, you look so worried, what's wrong? B: Um... Well, in fact, it's about my English. A: English? Is there something wrong with your English? B: Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English. I can't get a good mark in the test. A: That's why you are so upset? B: I think so. A: Well, guy, could you listen to my opinions? B: Of course. A: First, you should be absorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says... B:Yes,I do,But sometimes I can't keep up with teacher, A: Hey, listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just write down the long point and only the important parts. B:OK, and what? A:Secondly, you must be abiding and as soon as you meet a problem, go ahead to have the teacher to solve.Only if you do this, you can make it. B: Oh, I will take it from now on and thank you very much. A: That's all right. Likes and dislikes (1.3) A: Do you have any hobbies?What are they? B: I'm interested in reading or other relaxing sports. A: How do you spend your spare time? B: I usually read some books or do so some sports. A: What kind of book you are interested in? B: My favorite books are those of detectives. A: Well, those books are really good.I like them too.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B: In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these past few years. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I specially like tennis and mountain climbing. A: What kind of personality do you think you have? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically. I reckon, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished. A:Really?Maybe I should learn from you. Oh, I remember I have something to do after a while, so I must say goodbye to you. B:OK, see you next time.


剑桥英语入门班期末测试 姓名_______ 得分_______ I. Read and write.写出下列单词的小写形式。(10分) MONKEY MOUSE COW BEAR NAME II. Read and write.写出下列单词的大写形式。(10分) knife eraser pencil bag toes III. Read and write. 看图,选择正确的单词填写在图片下面的括号里(16分) giraffe elephant bear pencil chair cat monkey tiger ()( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) IV. Look and choose. 选出拼写正确的单词.(10分) 1) A. mouth B. monse C. mouts () 2) A.penda B.pende C.panda () 3) A .nien B. nine C. nina ( ) 4) A. duck B.dack C.deck ()

5) A.ome B. one C ona ( ) V. Read and choose. 选出正确的答案填在横线上。(12分) 1.当晚上上床睡觉的时候,你会对家人说_________ A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon C. Good night. 2.当你想问别人叫什么名字的时候,你会说_____ A. Nice to see you. B. What’s your name? C .Here you are 3. 和同学一起去学校,你会说_____________. A.Let’s play . B. Let’s go to school. C. Let’s go home 4. 当别人向你道谢时,你会说_________ A. Yes,I am. B. Let’s act. C.You’re welcome. 5. 当别人问你在哪个班时,你会说_________ A.I am Linda. B.I’m fine. C.I am in Class 1. 6.当你想要买支钢笔,你可以说 A. A pen ,please. B. A panda, please . C.A pencil ,please. VI. Translation. 翻译(10分) 1. What’s is in English ? ___________________________________ 2.Thank you. ___________________________________ 3.A cat ___________________________________ 4. red eyes ___________________________________ 5. Let’s play a game.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/dd5051303.html,/ 剑桥大学 学校概述 剑桥大学成立于1209年,是世界十大学府之一,73位诺贝尔奖得主出自此校。剑桥大学位于风景秀丽的剑桥镇,著名的康河横贯其间。剑桥大学有35个学院,有三个女子学院,两个专门的研究生院,各学院历史背景不同,实行独特的学院制,风格各异的35所学院经济上自负盈亏;剑桥大学负责生源规划和教学工作,各学院内部录取步骤各异,每个学院在某种程度上就像一个微型大学,有自己的校规校纪。 剑桥的许多地方保留着中世纪以来的风貌,到处可见几百年来不断按原样精心维修的古城建筑,许多校舍的门廊、墙壁上仍然装饰着古朴庄严的塑像和印章,高大的染色玻璃窗像一幅幅瑰丽的画面。剑桥大学有教师(教授、副教授、讲师)1,000余名,另外还有1,000余名访问学者。剑桥大学共有学生16,900名,其中包括6,935名研究生,72%的研究生来自其它大学,研究生中42%是国外留学生,女生占36%。大学校长为女王丈夫菲历普亲王(他同时兼任牛津大学校长),设一名常务副校长主持日常工作。 课程设置 一般来说,英国的学制要比美国的短。剑桥大学的本科生一般是三到四年。上完三年,就可得到学士学位;上完四年,下来就是硕士(MA);如果三年拿到学士学位后就参加工作,一年以后也可以在工作岗位上再交论文,直接申请硕士学位。所以严格说来,剑桥大学没有真正的硕士,硕士学位只是一个过渡。副博士是剑桥和牛津的一个稍具特色的学位,因专业不同,一般是两年,授课一年,论文一年,(经济系为一年的课程加论文)。如果课程的考试成绩(一般是四门课)超过65分,就可直接转为博士,再读两年就可获得博士学位。副博士和硕士的区别有三个:其一,副博士的一年或两年时间是可以计算到博士的时间,而从硕士


A: Hi,Lily(B). What are you doing there? 嗨,莉莉(B)。你在那里做什么啊? B: I am making a kite. 我正在放风筝 C: Are you going to fly the kite? 克鲁德:你要放风筝吗? B: Yes, I like flying kites when it is sunny but windy like today. What about you , Kate? 是的,我喜欢放风筝而阳光普照的时候多风的象今天一样。那你呢,凯特? C: I don't really like flying kites. I prefer taking a walk in the hill. 克鲁德:我真的不喜欢放风筝。我喜欢散步的山。 D: So do I. Let's take a trip to the West Hill this Saturday. 医生:我也是。我们可以去西山这个星期六。 E: That's great! Shall we have a picnic on the top of the hill? 艾凡:太棒了!我们去野餐山顶上吗? D: Isn't that interesting! Peter(A),You like picnics very much,don't you? 医生:那不是很有趣!彼得(A),你喜欢野餐很多,不是吗? A: Yes, you know me very well. Jimmy, I think you can go with us, too. Then you can fly your kite in the park at the top of the hill. 是的,你知道我很好。吉米,我觉得你可以和我们一起去了。然后你可以在公园里放风筝飞你在小山顶上。 B: Mm, that sounds nice! B:嗯,听起来不错! C: But what should we take there? Should we take some fruit? 英语? 中文复制 克鲁德:但是我们要带吗?我们要带些水果吗? D: Yes, of course. My favourite food is fruit an.you know,eat more fruit:,it will do you good. And I will take my favourite fruit---strawberries! Don't you think it is very delicious, Tom?


你最喜欢的颜色、水果、季节和电影都是什么?和Shawn一起讨论下吧。 Todd: OK,Shawn,I'm going to talk about your favorites. Shawn: Sure Todd: What's your favorite color? Shawn: I say,green. Todd: Green. Shawn: Yes. Todd: OK. And what's your favorite fruit? Shawn: My favorite fruit: orange. Todd: Orange! Shawn: Oranges. I love oranges. Very sweet and good for the body. Todd: Yeah,have you had any of the oranges in Japan? Shawn: I've had a couple. Much better than the ones I have back in Canada. Todd: Oh,really. OK. Um,what's your favorite season? Shawn: I'd say spring,cause it's a combination of warm weather,at the same time it's not hot like it is in the summer. In spring it's a bit cool. You can walk around very relaxed. It the best. It's a combination of all the seasons in one. Todd: OK. what's your favorite movie? Shawn: My favorite movie! I'd have to say "Gladiator." Russel Crow. It's a tragic movie about a very strong leader who,how-should-I-say,triumphs over,how-should-I-say,over very overpowering conflicts. It's,um,plus,I'm a bit of an action movie buff. I know it's sad to hear but,it's definitely an interesting movie. 第1页/共1页


剑桥国际少儿英语期末考 试试题 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

剑桥国际少儿英语1期末考试试题Class_________NameScore__________听力部分(共30分) 一.听音选择正确的单词,并把序号填在“()”里,下面请听题。(每题2分,共10分) 1、AhippoBgiraffeCsnake() 2、AboatBlorryCmotorbike() 3、AorangeBburgerCmonkey() 4、AcomputerBhelicopterCplane() 5、AicecreamBbananaCchocolate() 二.听单词顺序并标出序号。(每题2分,共10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 三、听句子判断老师描述的是哪一幅图(10) 1、() A B C 2、() A B C 3、() A B C 4、() A B C

5、() A B C 笔试部分 一、将下列单词补充完整。(16) __i__ __o ___orse ___o___ ___y __pp___e t___g___ ____ __e__r___ ___m ___ ___cks play the p___an___ 二、连线(5) I can play football 我会打网球 I can swim 我会骑自行车 I can ride a bike 我会打篮球 I can play basketball 我会踢足球 I can play tennis 我会游泳 三、对号入座(10) 1、( ) What are you doing A Yes, I do 2、( ) Can you ride a horse B I am reading a book 3、( ) Where are you C I like ice cream 4、( ) What do you like D Yes, I can 5、( ) Do you like burgers E I am in the living room 四、根据图片内容,用所给单词的正确形式将下列句子补充完整.(10) 1、What is he doing He __________(fly) a helicopter.


英国剑桥大学暑期访学项目介绍 一、项目介绍 、剑桥大学简介 创建于年的剑桥大学,是英国乃至世界上历史最悠久的大学之一。剑桥大学被公认为当今世界上最顶尖的高等教育机构之一,在数学、物理、医学、法学、商学等诸多领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力。截至年,剑桥大学已培养出位诺贝尔奖得主,位居世界第。 在年世界大学综合排名中,剑桥大学位列第名;在年美国新闻与世界报道的全球大学综合排名中,剑桥大学位居第名;在年上海交大世界大学学术排名()中,剑桥大学位居第。同时,剑桥大学在年世界大学专业排名中的分类排名为:艺术与人文第;临床与健康第;工程与技术第;生命科学第;物理科学第;社会科学第;商科与经济学第;计算机科学第;法律第;教育第。 剑桥大学实行古老的“书院制”,由所独立自治学院组成,学生总数量超过人。剑桥大学的继续教育学院最早始于世纪年代,至今已有多年历史,是英国最古老的继续教育学院。每年暑期,该学院为超过来自个国家的多名学生提供丰富的短期专业课程学习机会。 、访学时间及课程介绍 年剑桥大学暑期专业学习项目,共分为三期,每期时间为两周。根据自己的时间安排,学生可以选择修读一期课程,也可以选择连续修读两期、或三期课程: 第一期:年月日–月日(周) 第二期:年月日–月日(周) 第三期:年月日–月日(周) 剑桥大学暑期专业学习项目涵盖丰富多元的主题,其中包括跨学科课程、远古与古代世界、艺术与视觉文化、创意写作、英格兰法律与司法模式、历史、文学、中世纪研究、科学课程与莎士比亚研究等。 例一:跨学科暑期课程() 本课程每期(周)的课时总量约为小时。学生可以根据自身的兴趣与需求,从三组课程中任意选取两或三门课(费用一致)。每组仅限选一门课,学生可选择相同学科的课程,也可选择跨学科课程组合。课程领域涉及哲学、经济学、国际政治与关系、文学、历史、电影、艺术史、科学史等诸多领域。授课规模通常为每个班不超过人。每天除了参加自己所选的门课的学习之外,学生还需在上午参加一次全体大讲座,同时在晚饭后参加晚间讲座。本课程的全体讲座主题为“影响力”。


In a university party. 小张Hello,小李. 小李.: Hi,小张, how are you going? 小张: I’m fine. Thank you! And you? 小李.: I’m fine too. Nice party, isn’t it? 小张: It really is. Look, it’s小明, he is just over there. 小明waves his hands. 小李.: How are you, man. 小明: Fine. Long time no see. How are you guys going? 小李.: I just found it’s a bit difficult to make new friends here. 小张: Not at all. We are all freshmen here, but I just made a new friend yesterday. 小明: Really? How about your new friend? 小张: A nice guy. His name is小邓. And he attends this party as well. I will find him and introduce him to you. 小张’s mobile rings and he answers the call. Then he turns back. 小张: It’s 小邓. He will come here soon. Oh, that’s he. How are you, my friend. 小邓: Fine. I am afraid it’s a bit awkward for me because I am almost a stranger here. 小张: Don’t worry, let me introduce my friends to you. Here are 小李and 小明All of us are schoolmates in high school. (He turns to小李and 小明) And this is B, my new friend and roommate. 小邓: Nice to meet you. It’s great to have old friends in university. 小李.: Yes. We are close friends because we all were in the same football team during the past 3 years. 小邓: Football? Do you guys like football? 小明: Of course, it’s our favorite game. 小邓: I am a big fan of AC Milan. I like Kaka the most. 小李.: Maybe we are not on the same side. I like Inter Milan and Crespo. 小邓: How about you, 小明? Do you support Milan or Inter? 小李.: Neither. You know, I like United Man. Rooney and C.Ronaldo are the best players in the world. 小张: Frankly, I like all the teams and stars you guys mentioned. But anyway, I think national team should be more important than club. I support Brazil because its players always show us fantastic skills. It’s not football at all, it’s art indeed. 小邓: Besides football, what do you like?


情景对话 一、询问姓名、年龄等 1.What‘s your name? What’s your English name? My name is … My English name is… 2.What’s your mother’s name? Her name is….. How long have you learned English? Six years. 3. What’s your father’s name? His name is… 4.What Grade/Class are you in? I’m in Grade Six/Class…. 5.What/Which school are you from? I’m from Shiyan Xiaoxue. 6.Where are you from? /Where do you come from? I’m from Pingyuan. I come from Pingyuan. 7.Are you from Wangmiao ?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 8.How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 9.How old are you ? I’m 12. 10. How old is your father/mother? He/She is 36. 11.How many people are there in your family? There are 3 Who are they? They are my father, my mother and I. 12.How many bananas are there in the picture? How many days are there in a week? How many hands do you have? 13.Do you often go to the zoo? No, I don’t. 14. What colour do you like? I like red/pink/green/black.


剑桥国际少儿英语1期末考试试题 姓名 Listening Part(30分) 1.听录音判断下列图片是否正确。正确的画“v”错误的画“x”。(12分) 1)2)3) ()()()4)5)6) ()()() 2. 听录音涂色(10分)

3听录音选出你所听到的单词。(8分) 1)A:one B:six C:seven D:nine 2)A:toy B:ball C:train D:bike 3)A:banana:B:apple C:burger D:cake 4)A:black B:green C:brown D:white 笔试部分:(70分) 1.按所给顺序 分别写出下列字母的大小写 :(12) 2.根据要求写单词:(12分) (1)、写出以下单词现在分词形式 eat-- write-- fly-- drive-- ride-- walk-- (2)、写出下列单词的复数形式 peach-- mouse -- book-- fish-- happy(反义词) -- tall(反义词)-- 3.Read and write(26分)

snakes tigers crocodiles giraffes monkeys hippos elephants 1.elephants They’ve got a long nose and big ears. 2.They’ve got four legs and a long tails. 3.They’ve got a long tail and a lot of teeth. 4.They haven’t got legs or arms. 5.They’ve got long legs and a short tail. 6.They’ve got a big mouth and a short tail. 7.They’ve got two arms and a small nose. Kitchen hall bathroom dining room bedroom living room 8.The fish is in the living room . 9.The computer is in the . 10.The doll is in the .


初中英语听力口语自动化考试训练材料 第一部分朗读短文 用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文 1(17年10) Halloween is on October 31. People celebrate it in many ways. Children wear special costumes and masks at Halloween. Many children play a game called "trick or treat". They knock on their neighbours' doors and shout "trick or treat". Their neighbours usually give them some candy as a "treat". If the children do not get any candy, they can play a trick on their neighbours. Some people also make lanterns out of big orange pumpkins. They cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth. They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth. 2(17年25) My ideal school starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. I love sports and computers, so we have PE and computer lessons every day. The classes are quite small. There are about 20 students in each class. There is a big dining hall. There we can eat and chat with our friends. There is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the other. We have a big library. We also have a tennis court and a swimming pool. There are lots of clubs and after-school activities. Every month, we go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre. 3(17年28) My name is Lucy. I am in Year 9 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. My favourite subject is French. Learning foreign languages is fun. Our school has a Reading Week every year. During the week, we can borrow more books from the school library. We can also bring in books and magazines from home. I often read more books than my classmates. Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. 4(17第4篇) Zhalong Nature Reserve is in North-east China. It is one of the world's most important wetlands. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Now the Chinese government has made laws to protect Zhalong. Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for wildlife including some endangered birds, and they also help prevent floods. We must protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.


英语口语情景对话,职场常用英语句型大盘点 外企职员必备的一项基本技能。很多员工头疼自己的英文过不了关,一碰到要用英文进行文书或是要和老外进行交流就六神无主,今天小编特地为大家搜罗了一些经典且常用的句型,大家不妨做个有心人收藏着,莫到用时方恨少呢! 1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信时要确认/询问/通知你… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today… 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话... 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5… 先前在10月5日所写的信… 5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出… 7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论…

8. From our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定… 9. As you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求… 10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided… 回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定… 今天我们要讲的习惯用语都是以thin这个单词为主。Thin就是瘦,或者是很薄。要是人们有选择的话,恐怕许多人都喜欢瘦一点,而不愿意太胖。但是,今天我们要讲的前两个习惯用语都包含消极的意思。 1. wear thin 打折扣;逐渐消失 Wear在这里的意思是某一样东西在一段时间里,它的功能和价值在逐步降低,也就是中文里说的损耗。这可以指具体的东西,也可以用在其他方面。举例来说吧。 例句-1:Your patience with another person may wear thinif he keeps doing something you don't like. 要是一个人老是做你不喜欢的事,那你对他就会越来越没有耐心。 我们再来举一个例子。要是一个人问你借钱,他保证在一个月后还给你。但是,到了时候他没有还。而且还不断地找借口,拖延不还。过了半年,你对他实在没有耐心了,于是你对他说: 例句-2:Joe, remember that money you borrowed six months ago. You told me you'd pay it back in 30 days. But you keep finding reasons not to return it. Now I really need it back, and I must say that all your excuses for delay are beginning to wear thin.


剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末考试试卷(共100分) 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 姓名:________ 得分:______ 听力部分 一.圈出你所听到的单词。(6分) 1. Eraser ruler pen 2. clap touch pick 3. carrot onion potato 4. sheep goat spider 5. eyes neck hair 6.white black purple 二.圈出你所听到的句子。(12分) 1. A: This is my bag. B: This is my new book. 2. A: what’s this? B: It’s a goat. 3. A:I can see a car. B: He’s got three eyes. 4. A: What’s in the hat? B: What’s o n the table now? 5. A: I like bananas. B: Idon’t like oranges. 6. A: Here you are. B: Thank you! 三.选择你所听到的正确单词并将字母填入题前括号内(10分)( )1、This is a beautiful __________. A. house B.Yes C、mouse ( )2、Let’s have a fruit and veget able _________. A. carrot B. party C、fuuny

( )3、He’s got three ______. A. eyes B. legs. C、ears ( )4、This is my _________,Tony. A. friend B. mummy C、grandpa ( )5、I like ____________. A、pineapples B、watermelons C、pears 口试部分 一、根据图片与句子,判断打“√”错“×”。(10分) 1)This is a pea. 2)This is a fish. 3)This is a house. 4)This is a tiger . 5)This is a duck. 二、选词填空(10分) neck head mouth hair face 三、将下列数字按顺序排列。(10分) One nine two four eight seven five six ten three __________________________________________________________ ___________ 四、给下列单词分类(15分) pen apple tomato pencil banana potato beans

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