当前位置:文档之家› 三英综合练习四




出卷人:高欣星 班级__________ 姓名__________成绩___________

一、 字母关(共44分)

(一)按顺序默写出前14个英文字母的大小写从Aa 到Nn 。(28分)

(二) 写出下面字母的左邻右舍。(16分)




一) 将单词和意思正确连线。



1. yes

2. I 再见

3. no 是,对

4. you 不,不是,没有

5. Goodbye 我


1.I’m Liu Tao. 2.Goodbye.

3.Are you Wang Bing?

4.You’re right.

5.No, I’m not.


Mm Dd Ll



( ) 1. 如果你是迈克,对方却问你是不是王兵时,


A. Yes, I am.

B. No, I’m Mike.

( ) 2. 杨玲与他人初次见面时,自我介绍说:__________

A. Hello, I’m Yang Ling.

B. Are you Yang Ling? ( ) 3. 当你与他人告别时,说:__________

A. Goodbye!

B. Hello!

( ) 4. 当你想知道对方是不是苏海时,说:__________

A. I’m Su Hai.

B. Are you Su Hai? ( ) 5. Mike询问对方是不是Liu Tao, Liu Tao怎么回答?

A、Yes, I am.

B、No, I’m not.

(二) 找答句, 只要在括号内写序号。(10分)

( )1、Hi, Sam. A、Yes, I am. ( )2、Hello! Are you Liu Tao? B、Good afternoon, Wang Bing. ( )3、Goodbye, Miss Li. C、Hi, Bobby.

( )4、Good afternoon, Su Hai. D、Hi, I’m Liu Tao. ( )5、Hi, I’m David. E、Goodbye, Mike.


初中英语语法综合练习题 单项选择 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.answer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. % A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet { 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. ~ A.sings B.sang C.sing 7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.

A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 、 9、Does Jack want a writer A.be B.is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 【 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 【 13、Don't forget your books to school. A.bring B.to bring C.brought


四年级数学综合练习 班级姓名学号 一、填空题 1.52个18是(),566里面最多有()个72,()个35是840。2.如果□22÷63的商是一位数,□里的数最大是()。 如果□82÷49的商是两位数,□里的数最小是()。 3.角的两条边都是()线,角的大小是由()决定的。4.360秒=()分 120时=()日 84日=()星期 36月=( )年 5.在()里填上合适的数。 528÷6÷8=528÷() 324÷36=324÷()÷()6.平面上有3个点,经过其中的每两个点画直线,最多可以画()条,最少可以画()条。 7.一座楼房每上一层要走16级台阶,到小明家要走64级台阶,他家住在()楼。8.在右图中,直线a与直线b(), 直线b与直线c(), 直线c与直线d()。 9.1570240000读作(),改写成用“万”作单位的数是(),省略“亿”后面的尾数约是()。 10.把一个平角分成两个角,其中一个角是锐角,那么另一个角一定是()角。11.一个数由35个亿和35 个万组成,这个数是(),390080000是由()个亿和()个万组成的;1亿是10个( ),10个十万是()。 12.49□000≈49万,□中可以填(),49□504≈50万,□中最小填()。13.在一条长50米的跑道两旁,从头到尾每隔5米插一面彩旗,一共插了()面彩旗。 14.把23-11=12,15×12=180合并成综合算式是(),把83×2=166,200-166=34合并成综合算式是()。 二、计算题 1.直接写得数 100÷50= 52÷4= 15×6= 120÷4= 7×12= 18×4= 96÷6= 23+87= 2.用竖式计算 576÷32= 975÷39= 482÷67= 验算:


1、名词的种类: 2、专有名词:专有名词是指某个人、某些地方、某样物品专有的名称。Children’s Day 专有名词第一个字母要大写,前面不加a, an, the 3、单数名词: (1)一般名词,在前面加a:a book, a computer, (2)元音字母开头的名词,在前面加an: an egg, an orange(元音字母是:a, e, i, o, u)少数例外: an hour, a university (以元音发音为准) 4、复数名词: 规则: 不规则: 5、不可数名词:在不可数名词前只能加some(一些), much(许多) (1)液体:water, milk, coke, coffee, juice, tea (2)气体:air, vapour (3)不能“个别的”存在:hair, rice, beef, meat, pork, mutton

1 2、物主代词 3、指示代词: this, that, these, those 如:This is my doll. That is Mary’s. Look at the those sheep. They are eating grass. 语法专项整理(三)数词 1、基数词:表示数目的多少

2、序数词:表示顺序 1、介词的分类 2、at, on, in在表示时间时的区别: (1)at用于具体的时刻:at 10:05, at noon, at night, (2)on用于具体的一天(常与星期、节日、具体的某一天连用,也表示某天上午、下午或晚上):

on Monday, on New Year’s Day, on June 1st, on my birthday, on Friday morning, on the weekend, (3)in用于某一段时间(常与上午、下午、晚上连用,常与月份、季节、年份连用):in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in March, in spring, in 2007, 语法专项整理(六)There be结构 1、概念:There be结构又叫存在句,表示某地存在某物。 2、There be 结构的肯定句 (1)There is + 可数名词单数 + 地点:There is a book on the desk. (2)There is + 不可数名词 + 地点:There is some water in the glass (3)There are + 可数名词复数 + 地点:There are some flowers in the garden. 就近原则:若句子中有几个并列的主语,be动词的形式和最近的一个主语保持一致 There is a book and 2 pencils in the bag. There are many flowers and a tree in the garden. 3、There be 结构的疑问句(把be动词提到句子前面,若句子中有some,要变为any) Is there a book on the desk? Is there any water in the glass? Are there any flowers in the garden? 语法专项整理(七)现在进行时 1、概念:表示说话时正在进行的动作。(提示词:Now, look, listen) 2、构成:be动词 + 现在分词: be动词后面的动词要加ing,变成动名词。


人教版四年级英语上册教案 全套 本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March

课题: Unit One My classroom第一课时教学设计方案 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说:What's in the classroom Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。 2.能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light,3.能听懂并能按照指令做事情。 教学重点:学习What's in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。 教学难点: 1. window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及时纠正。 2.在回答"What's in the classroom" 时,注意单词复数的读音。 教具准备: 1.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 1 Let's learn/A] 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 3.教师自制的单词卡 4.一张画有教室的大图 教学过程: (一)热身、复习(Warm-up / Revision)

1.教师播放第一册Recycle 1单元中得"Chant and find"部分,学生跟着录音一起说。 2.教师出示与chant内容相符的图片,问:"What's in the picture"让学生进行回答。Picture一词由这里引出。 3.复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, crayon,pen等单词。 4.引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:What's in the bag What's in the pencil-case 5.在学生回答出问题后,教师可再追问:How many pencils/pens…使学生能用复数进行回答。如:What's in the pencil-case A ruler, two pencils… (二)呈现新课(Presentation)1.教师把一张画有教室的大图贴到黑板上,说:This is a classroom. What's in the classroom2.学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬(desk, chair, picture都已学过),也可让学生用中文回答。3.告诉学生我们要学习有关classroom的内容,教读classroom 4.让学生观看本部分的教学课件2遍。[Unit 1 Let's learn/A]5.让学生看着课件的画面回答:What's in the classroom (在看了两遍课件的基础上,考查学生的听力和记忆能力)学生不见得都能回答出来,能说出部分即可。教师可针对学生回答的不同程度进行指导,鼓励学生完整的回答出来。如有困难,可再看一遍本部分的教学课件。What's in the classroom A board, two lights, many desks and chairs…当学生只回答出 board, light, desk and chairs 时,教师进一步再问:How many引导学生说出:A board 或One board. Two lights. 教师可以直接把many一词告诉学生。 6.教师分别指着黑板,灯,桌子和椅子让学生说出单词。7.出示单词卡,让学生进行认读。教师可以告诉学生一些记忆单词的方法。如观察单词的第一个字母和最后一个字母等。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)8.学生跟读并模仿Let's learn部分的内容。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)9.教师在学生学习了对话的基础上,扩充词汇量:There are many things in the classroom. What are they10.让学生观看教学课件,学习其它单词。可从已学的单词过渡到新单词。11.教师指着教室中的相关事物问学生:What's this让学生回答。12.教师出示单词卡,让学生进行认读。(并把单词卡贴到黑板上)13.看黑板上所贴的单词卡,读出单词。14.让学生做pair work: 根据教室中的实际情况,自编对话15.学生展示练习情况,教师注意学生对名词复数的运用,及时给与指导。纠正学生错误时注意方式方法,不要打击学生学习的积极性。对于说得很好的学生应及时表扬。16.教师和学生


综合练习题 语法点: 1、主语是第三人称单数(简称“三单”)形式,动词也要用“三 单”形式,动词原型变为动词“三单”形式的变化规则详 见笔记。例: She goes to school on foot. 2、like+动词ing,动词原型变为动词ing形式的变化规则如下: 1)一般情况直接+ing 例:teach变为teaching 2)以不发音e结尾的单词去e在加ing 例:dance变为dancing 3)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节, 双写最后一个辅音字母,再加+ing 例:run变为running 3、加了助动词do/does(does只用于主语是“三单”时),后面 的动词要用原型。例:What does she do?(她是做什么的?) 4、改一般疑问句和否定句的方法详见笔记,注意填空题中 (not go)(not watch)意为将此句改为否定句,同理,加了 否定形式的助动词don’t/doesn’t,后面的动词也要用原型。 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______ 二、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One. 3. We _______(not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick _______(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.

四年级综合练习三 含答案

综合练习三 一、我会帮“xī”找朋友,使语句通顺。 我清()地记得,当年儿伴们在()阳()下时,趟过小(),到达对岸,踏上了乡间的小()。 二、正确答案,我会选。 1、下面四位都是我国唐朝杰出的诗人,其中号称“诗圣”的是() A、李白B杜甫C、白居易D、王维 2、被誉为“东方之珠”的是下列哪座城市() A、上海 B、南京 C、香港 D、澳门 3、下面各组词语中,表示人物神态的是()组。 A.全神贯注垂头丧气满不在乎忍饥挨饿 B.全神贯注目不转睛胆大妄为安然无恙 C.全神贯注目不转睛垂头丧气面如土色 4、按音序前后顺序排列,正确的一组是( )。 陡嵌稞番版魂傲圣 A.傲陡版番嵌稞魂圣 B.傲版陡番魂稞嵌圣 C.傲版魂陡稞圣番嵌 5.下列句子中,意思不同的一句是() A 他今天一定不会来。B、今天他一定不会来。 C、今天一定他不会来。 D、他今天不一定会来。

6、下面的句子各属于什么句式,①陈述句②疑问句③反问句,把正确的序号填在括号里() ⑴这么远,箭哪能射到呢? ⑵铺这么长的路要多少块石板呢? ⑶陈赓牵着那匹被疲惫的瘦马,一步一步朝前走着。 A、②③① B、③②① C、①③② D、①②③ 7、《牛郎织女》的体裁是() A、神话 B、童话 C、传说 8、“初出茅庐”中的“茅庐”本意是指谁的的住处?() A、刘备 B、诸葛亮 C、司马光 D、司马迁 9、“盛”(shènɡ)在字典里有多种解释:①兴旺;②丰,华美;③热烈,大规模的;④深厚。“盛开”“盛会”“盛情”“盛装”四个词中,“盛”字的意思依次是() A、①②③④ B.①④③②C. ①③④② D.①③②④ 三、正确答案,我会填。 1、请写四个“百”字开头的成语: 百____________、百____________、百____________、百____________ 2、把下列词语补充完整。 天()地()天()地()月天()地()天()地()3、根据意思写词语。 (1)在暗中观察动静,等待机会。() (2)花大量钱财追求过分享受。() (3)形容人神志清爽,心情舒畅。() (4)聚精会神地看。()

三年级英语语法大全 (1)

语法专项整理(一)名词 1、名词的种类: 2、专有名词:专有名词是指某个人、某些地方、某样物品专有的名称。Children’s Day 专有名词第一个字母要大写,前面不加a, an, the 3、单数名词: (1)一般名词,在前面加a:a book, a computer, (2)元音字母开头的名词,在前面加an: an egg, an orange(元音字母是:a, e, i, o, u) 少数例外: an hour, a university (以元音发音为准) 4、复数名词: 5、不可数名词:在不可数名词前只能加some(一些), much(许多) (1)液体:water, milk, coke, coffee, juice, tea (2)气体:air, vapour (3)不能“个别的”存在:hair, rice, beef, meat, pork, mutton

语法专项整理(二)代词 1 2、物主代词 3、指示代词:this, that, these, those 如:This is my doll. That is Mary’s. Look at the those sheep. They are eating grass. 语法专项整理(三)数词1、基数词:表示数目的多少

2 语法专项整理(五)介词 1、介词的分类 2、at, on, in在表示时间时的区别: (1)at用于具体的时刻:at 10:05, at noon, at night,

(2)on用于具体的一天(常与星期、节日、具体的某一天连用,也表示某天上午、下午或晚上) on Monday, on New Year’s Day, on June 1st, on my birthday, on Friday morning, on the weekend, (3)in用于某一段时间(常与上午、下午、晚上连用,常与月份、季节、年份连用):in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in March, in spring, in 2007, 语法专项整理(六)There be 结构 1、概念:There be结构又叫存在句,表示某地存在某物。 2、There be 结构的肯定句 (1) There is + 可数名词单数 + 地点:There is a book on the desk. (2) There is + 不可数名词 + 地点:There is some water in the glass (3) There are + 可数名词复数 + 地点:There are some flowers in the garden. 就近原则:若句子中有几个并列的主语,be动词的形式和最近的一个主语保持一致 There is a book and 2 pencils in the bag. There are many flowers and a tree in the garden. 3、There be 结构的疑问句(把be动词提到句子前面,若句子中有some,要变为any) Is there a book on the desk? Is there any water in the glass? Are there any flowers in the garden? 语法专项整理(七)现在进行时 1、概念:表示说话时正在进行的动作。(提示词:Now, look, listen) 形式例句 第一人称单数 + am + 现在分词I am reading a book. 第三人称单数+ is + 现在分词He is doing homework. She is flying a kite. 第二人称单数/各人称复数+ are + 现在分词We are cooking dinner. They are cleaning the room. 3 规则例词 一般情况,加ing Walk-walking, do-doing e结尾,去e加ing dance-dancing, make-making, write-writing, have-having,


初中英语语法综合练习题 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.an swer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. A.sings B.sang C.sing

7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself. A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 9、Does Jack want a writer? A.be B .is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 13、Don't forget your books to school.


班级:姓名: Unit one My classroom 一.需要掌握的单词(要求:报英语说中文,报中文说英语) classroom 教室window 窗户blackboard 黑板light 电灯picture 图画door 门teacher’s desk 讲台computer 计算机fan 风扇wall 墙壁floor 地板 really 真的TV 电视clean 打扫help 帮助 in 在…里面on 在…上面under 在…下面near 在…旁边二、需要掌握的句型(要求:中、英文能互译) What’s in the classroom? 教室里有什么One blackboard , many desks and chairs. 一块黑板,许多桌子和椅子. Where is it? 它在哪儿? It ’s near the window. 它在窗户旁边. Let’s clean the classroom! 让我们打扫教室吧! OK. All right. Good idea. 好的. 好的. 好主意. Let me help you. 让我来帮你吧. Thank you. 谢谢. We have a new classroom. 我们有间新教室。 Let’s go and see!我们去看看吧! Look! This is the new classroom. The door is orange. (看!这是新的教室。门是橙色的。) 三、辨音:字母a(要求:能准确区别元音的发音,听写下划线的单词) a-e:[e?] cake 蛋糕face脸name 名字make 制作date hate baby table a:[?] cat 猫dad爸爸map地图bag包hat 帽子fan风扇cap 鸭舌帽candy 四.Let ‘ s do(要求:中、英文能互译,注意动词短语) Open the door. 开门Turn on the light. 开灯 Close the window. 关窗Put up the picture. 挂图画 Clean the blackboard.擦黑板 五.短语 1.地点类:on the wall在墙上near the window在窗户旁边 in the classroom在教室里near the computer在计算机旁边 2.其他类:a new classroom一间新教室excuse me 劳驾,对不起 六.语法点 where “哪里”,看到where 就要想到地点,方位词,例如on, in ,under, near等 let’s =let us 让我们;let me 让我 文化知识


高中英语语法练习题 1 ? A modern city has been set up in ( A. what B. which C. that )quite a number of insects, birds and animals are dying out. 5. That is ( ) we agreed on at the meeting ? A. that B. when C. whether D. what 17. The government proposes that something ( )to get rid of air pollution. A.will be done B. is done C ? should do D. be done A.that B. as C. why D. when 3.1 think Father would like to know ( )T ve been up to so far, so I decide to send him a quick note ? A.which B. why C. what D. how 4. When and where we f 11 hold the meeting ( )not been decided yet. A. have B. has C. is D. are )was a wasteland ten years ago. D. where 2. We can* t figure out ( 6. T he reason why the car was stopped was ( A.that the road was slippery slippery 7. ( C. because the road was A.That. that &His suggestion A.that we go should go 9. Air is to us ( B. due to the slippery road D. because of the slippery road troubles me is ( ) lean' t learn all these English idioms by heart. B. What, what C. That, what D. What, that )to see the art exhibition interested every one of us. which we should go C. that we would go d ? when we B. water is to fish. A.what B. that 10.lt remains a question ( A.how B. that 11 ?一What's that building? — ( )the students do experiments. A .There is which B. It is in which 12.1 wish I ( ) yesterday J s exam ? B. had been able to pass C. which D. is that )we can get so much money in such a short time. D. what C. when C. That's where D. Tlie building that A.passed 13.The twins are so much alike that I never know ( A.who, that B. which, which C. could pass ) C. that, who D. were able to pass )? is ( D. which, that 14. Y ou caif t imagine ( A.how they were excited they were how excited 15. He always thinks of ( A.what B. how )when they received these nice Christmas gifts. B. how excited they were C. how excited they )he can do more for the people ? C. if D. whatever D. 16. We don* t doubt ( A.whether B. that )he can do a good job of it. C. what D. why


一、用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1、Tom (be) in Paris since 2 years ago. 2、I (be) to the Great Wall twice. 3、My uncle (be) in this city for many years. 4、We (visit) our teacher already. 5、May (go) home yet? 6、He (read) the book 3 times. 7、They just (leave) the farm. 8、She (not play) football these days. 9、My friend (see) the film before. 10、He never (meet) a foreigner. 11、He (give) you the answer as soon as he (come) back. 12、There (be) a meeting tomorrow. Please (come) on time. 13、My mother (work) for 3 years. 14、(be) there much snow last winter? No, there (not). 15、We (start) at 10 if it (stop) raining. 16、The plane (take off) in a moment. 17、It (rain) for 3 days. There are too much rain is year. 18、How long you uncle (live) in Beijing. 19、We (learn) many words since we can to this school. 20、Where is Tom? He (go) to Hangzhou. he ever (be) there before? Yes. He (be) there 3 times.When he (go) there? He (go) there 3 days ago. 21、The wind (blow) hard yesterday. It (blow) off my hat. 22、you (hear) the news last night? 23、They (write) letters the whole morning. They didn't have a rest. 24、One day I (happen) to be alone at home. He (come) and we (have) a chat.(聊天) 25、She often (talk) about that book. 26、The train (leave) in 10 minutes. 27、Look! The children (play) in the park. 28、I already (walk) for 20 minutes. I'm too lived. 29、How long your father (live) in Beijing. 30、I (not read) today's newspaper yet it (come)? 31、His father (be) a doctor since 1987. 32、The foreign guests (arrive) in 5 minutes. 33、I (see) her this morning. What's wrong with her? 34、The boy (study) now. (not make) any noise. 35、Yesterday I (go) to (see) a film. On my way to the cinema, I (meet) your mother there. We

北师大版数学四年级下册 1-3单元综合练习

1-3单元综合练习 一、填空。 1、76.001读作(),它的最低位上是(),表示()个()。 2、把“1”平均分成100份,其中的1份是(),也可以表示()。 3、只有一组对边平行的四边形叫()。 4、三角形按角的不同,可分为()三角形、()三角形和()三角形。 5、一个数的小数点向左移动两位,这个数()。 6、整数部份的最低位是()位,小数部份的最高位是()位。 7、三角形任意两边之和()第三边。 8、用分数和小数表示图中的阴影部分。 9、把八千零七万七千改写成用“万”作单位的小数是( )。 10、一个等腰三角形的底角是55°,顶角度数是()。 11、小数点右面第二位是()位,它的计数单位是(),左边第二位是(),它的计数单位是()。 12、12.10020读作()一百二十点零零七写作() 13、72.316是()位小数,2在()位上,表示()个();3在()位上,表示()个();6在()位上,表示()个()。 14、0.25里面有()个0.01;1.5里面有()个0.1;1里面有()个0.01;1里面有()个0.1;1里面有()个0.001。 15、一个三位小数,3在十分位上,6在百分位上,其余部分都是0,这个数写作()。读作()。 16、10.4里面有()个0.1。

17、4分米=()米;6厘米=()米; 340克=()千克3角5分=()元 15分米=()米8克=()千克 10.5吨=()吨()千克1米4厘米=()米 7千克20克=()千克 2.4时=()时()分二、判断。 1.三位小数一定小于两位小数。 ( ) 2.61.80与61.8的大小相同,计数单位相同,意义也相同。 ( ) 3.小于0.8而大于0.6的小数只有0.7。 ( ) 4.小数每个计数单位之间的进率是10。 ( ) 5.任何整数都能改写成小数的形式。 ( ) 6.小数点右边第一位的计数单位是百分之一。() 7.有一个角是锐角的三角形一定是锐角三角形。() 8.把一个三角形剪成两个小三角形,则每个小三角形的内角和是90度。 () 9.等腰三角形是特殊的等边三角形。() 10.梯形一定是轴对称图形。()11.小数点后面的“0”添上或去掉,小数大小不变。()12.小数部分的最高位是十分位。() 13. 0.80元和0.8元都表示8角。() 14. 小数部分的最低位只到万分位。() 三、精挑细选。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里) 1.只有一组对边平行的四边形是( )。 A:平行四边形 B.梯形 C.长方形 2.用3个小三角形拼成一个大三角形,这个大三角形的内角和是( ) 度 A.540° B.360° C. 180°


浙江省温州市英语三年级下册专项复习2:单选题(语法) 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、单选题 (共20题;共40分) 1. (2分)—________ doesn't Alice go to school? —________ she is ill. A . Why,Because B . Because,Why C . How,Yes 2. (2分)—Is it your bike? —Yes,________. A . it is B . it isn't C . it's 3. (2分) Look at the giraffe. is so tall. A . it B . its C . it's 4. (2分) I see so _________ nice photos here. A . many B . some C . any 5. (2分) I have two ____. A . sister B . sisters 6. (2分) Let's to the park. A . go B . come C . goes 7. (2分) There are many ______ in the classroom.

A . fan B . fans 8. (2分) My mother often works _________ eight hours every day. A . at B . for C . by 9. (2分) (2018五上·浙江期末) —Where is the ball? —It's ________ the dog. A . in front of B . in front C . front 10. (2分)—What's ________ favourite food? —Fish. A . you B . your C . I 11. (2分)—he a teacher? —No,he is a doctor. A . Are B . Does C . Is 12. (2分)—Does the fox like the grapes? —Yes,he . A . do B . doesn't C . does 13. (2分) This is a movie _______ space travel. A . in B . about C . at 14. (2分) You must use these if you are riding too fast. A . TV B . brakes 15. (2分) Listen,the doorbell is ____. ()


高中英语语法练习题三 81. When the farmer came back from work, his pet dog jumped out the door to welcome him. A. from B. from behind C. of D. of behind 82. ___ he was ill, I was expected to take his place greatly surprised me for I didn't have much working experience. A. If B. That if C. That D. If that 83. _____ scenery in national parks is usually attractive. A. A B. An C. The D. One 84. If you have a cold, stay at home so that you won't spread it to _____. A. another B. the other C. others D. the others 85. Those _____ to go to the exhibition should inform the office. A. not wanting B. who not want C. not wanted D. are not want 86. The children _____ and we will never neglected them. A. brought up well B. was brought up well C. had been well brought up D. have been well brought up 87. The mountain village is my hometown. I spent _____ merry night there when I was young. A. a great many B. plenty of C. many a D. a great deal 88. In all English towns there is a speed limit of 30 miles an hour, _____? A. is there B. isn't there C. is it D. isn't it 89. Why are you always making the same mistake? Think of _____ I told you. A. that B. when C. how D. what 90. Nothing is _____ time; yet nothing is less valued. A. more precious than B. less precious than C. most precious D. as precious as 91. Could _____ have been _____ who helped Sunny get her work done? A. they … it B. they … them C. it … them D. it … they 92. I know a place _____ I can get a calculator on sale. I'll pick one up for you tomorrow. A. where B. wherever C. how D. which 93. How teachers perform in their classes _____ a strong influence on the growth of the pupils. A. has B. have C. having D. to have 94. I found the cat _____ under the bed, who had caught a mouse. A. hiding B. hidden C. to hide D. having hidden 95. ---- How did he get back last night? ---- I think he _____ back on foot, as there were no buses or taxies then at all. A. might have come B. needn't have come C. must have come D. should have come 96. The doctor would allow him to go home _____ he remained in bed.

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