当前位置:文档之家› 第六单元高级英语本科英语



1Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure.

1Mark Twain is known to most Americans as the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn is noted for his simple and pleasant journey through his boyhood which seems eternal and Tom Sawyer is famous for his free roam of the country and his adventure in one summer which seems never to end.

2. The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied —a cosmos.

2. His work on the boat made it possible for him to meet a large variety of people. It was a world of all types of characters.

3. All would resurface in his books, together with the colorful language that he soaked up with a memory that seemed phonographic.

3. All would reappear in his books, written in the colorful language that he seemed to be able to remember and record as accurately as a phonograph.

4. Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, and thugs as well.

4. Steamboat decks were filled with people of pioneering spirit and also lawless people or social outcasts such as hustlers, gamblers and thugs.

5. He went west by stagecoach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevada's Washoe region.

5. He went west to Nevada by a horse-pulled public vehicle, following the flow of people in the gold and silver rush.

6. ...Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.

6. Mark Twain began to work hard as a newspaper reporter and humorist to become well known locally.

7. "It was a splendid population for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home.

7. Those who came pioneering out west were energetic, courageous and reckless people, because those who stayed at home were the slow, dull and lazy people

8. "Well, that is California all over." 8. That's typical of California.

9."What a robust people, what a nation of thinkers we would only lay ourselves on the shelf occasionally and renew our edges."

9. If we relaxed, rested or stayed away from all this crazy struggle for success occasionally and kept the daring and enterprising spirit, we would be able to remain strong and healthy and continue to produce great thinkers.

10. The last of his own illusions seemed to have crumbled near the end.

10. At the end of his life, he lost the last bit of his positive view of man and thc world. . Practice with World.


七年级上册—Unit 6 Do you like bananas?说课稿 一、教材分析 1、地位及作用 本单元是人教版七年级课本上册的第六单元---Do you like bananas? 本单元重点学会谈论喜欢与不喜欢的食物,谈论自己与他人早、中、晚餐喜爱吃的食物。Section A部分重点在于使学生掌握like的用法及Do you like...?句型。通过本单元的学习,让学生了解、掌握谈论喜恶的知识,提高学生英语口语交际能力。本单元的知识点的学习关系到学生对一般现在时态的掌握,对以后的学习具有重要的意义。 2、教学目标 根据《英语新课程标准》,结合学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为知识目标、能力目标、情感目标三个方面。 (1) 知识目标 ①掌握bananas, milk ,tomatoes等10个词汇。 ②正确使用Do you like…?句型,以及掌握一般现在时的用法。 (2) 能力目标 ①提高学生听、说、读、写等基本技能,并能够更好地运用于英语学习的实践中。 ②能运用所学语言知识描述自己的喜恶,谈论他人的喜恶。 ③提高学生的口语交际能力和用英语进行思维、推理、判断的能力,增进相互之间的了解。 (3) 情感目标 ①在教学活动中培养学生的合作精神和互助精神。 ②在学校实践中提高学生说英语的能力,让学生准确流畅地表达自己的看法,养成健康的饮食习惯。 3、教学重点与难点 重点:①指导学生掌握表述、谈论个人喜恶的短语、句型Do you like...?及其回答语,熟悉一些表达食物的重点词汇。 ②通过对话提高学生的语言运用及口语交际能力。 难点:①可数名词以及复数形式的掌握,识别不可数名词。 ②就课文内容完成一些开放性的话题讨论,熟悉一般现在时中第三人称的表达。 4、教学工具 课本、黑板、粉笔、图片、录音机、多媒体或实物。 二、说教法 为了充分体现以学生为主体的课堂教学理念,并考虑到学生的认知特点与年龄特征,对于词汇的教学,同学们更适应图画呈现的方式。因此,我将采用直观教学法。语言的练习是


人教版七年级英语上册第六单元测试题一.单项选择(10分) ( ) 1. _______ you like ice cream? A. Are B. Am C. Does D. Do ( ) 2. _______ play table tennis. A.Let B. Lets C. Let’s D. It’s ( ) 3. _______ does your father have _______ lunch? Chicken and tomatoes A. What; for B. What ; / C. How; for D. How; / ( ) 4.Oranges are a kind of _______. A. vegetables B. vegetable C. fruits D. fruit ( ) 5. What _______ Tom like _______ for breakfast? A. does; eat B. is; eat C. does; to eat D. is; to eat ( ) 6—Do you like ice cream for_______ dessert? A. a B. the C. / D. an ( ) 7.—Does your friend like salad? A. Yes. she like B. No, she does C. Yes, she doesn’t D. No. she doesn’t ( ) 8. I have a cat .It likes fish. It eats _______every day. A. a lot B. many C. Lots of D. much ( )9. –Does your English teacher sing very_______? –Yes ,she does.

人教版初一上册英语第六单元unit 6词汇篇

Unit6 词汇篇 1. birthday n. 生日。 When is your birthday? 你的生日什么时候? 相关短语:birthday dinner 生日晚宴birthday party 生日聚会birthday cake 生日蛋糕 2. think about意为“思考;考虑”,think为不及物动词,常与介词about连用,其后可接名词、代词或v.-ing形式。 3. sure adv. 当然;肯定;一定,其同义词为certainly。 4. right adj. 正确的;适当的,在句中作表语或定语。 Is he right? 他是对的吗? It's a right answer. 这是个正确的答案。 5. so conj. 那么。 So, let's go to dance. 那么,让我们去跳舞吧。 拓展:conj. 因此,所以。 I’m ill today, so I can’t go to school.今天我病了,所以我不能去上学了。 6. star n. 明星。 There are many stars in the sky. 天空中有许多星星。 7. eat v. 吃。 8. well adv. “好”。 You speak English very well. 你英语说得很好。 词义辨析:good/well。good形容词;well副词,但指身体状况是形容词。 She will make a very good athlete. 她将来会成为一名很好的运动员。 He is well now. 他现在康复了。 9. healthy adj. 健康的,可放在名词之前作定语,也可放在连系动词之后作表语。 Don't eat bad fruit, it's not healthy. 别吃坏了的水果,不健康。 相关名词:health n. 健康。 Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟有害健康。 10. really adv. 事实上;真正地。 I'm really sorry. 我很抱歉。 相关单词:adj. real 真的,真实的 That is not her real name. 那不是她的真名。 11. want vt. 需要;想要。 (1)want sth. 想要某物


Unit 2 A Class Act 1.成长在二战期间战火连天的曼彻斯特意味着生活艰辛,金钱紧缺,整日焦虑不安,当铺成了大多数家庭经常去的地方,当然也包括我家。 2.然而,我不能对已经很有进取心和积极乐观的父母有更多的要求了。他们艰辛地工作,用尊严和快乐来支撑着这个家庭。我强壮而又智慧的父亲几乎无所不能,而且从不缺木匠和手工艺活。为了满足家庭开支,他甚至参加了偶尔在小巷组织的拳击比赛。至于我的母亲,她勤劳节约,极爱干净。即使条件艰苦,在母亲的照料下,她的五个孩子总能吃得饱饱地,穿得干干净净地去学校。 3.尽管我的衣服熨得很平整,鞋子擦得发亮,还是不符合学校的着装标准。尽管妈妈勤俭持家/省吃俭用,想办法为我们做衣服,但是我还是没有学校指定的蓝色校服和帽徽。 4.由于战争,政府实施定量配给制。很多学校都放宽了对学生着装的要求,因为他们知道在那个时候弄到衣服是一件很困难的事情。尽管如此,我所在的女子学校对着装的要求依旧很严格,每个学生必须要穿学校指定的校服。所以,每天主持校会的副校长就把教我一个人如何着装当成了他的工作。 5.虽然我努力地向老师说明我不能遵守的理由,并且事实上,我也在努力地改进,但是每天老师都会把我从队伍中拉出来,然后让我站到台上,作为不穿校服到学校的学生的典型。 6.每天,当我独自一人尴尬地站在同学们的面前时,我都会强忍住泪水。为了惩罚我,老师甚至不允许我参加体操队,也不允许我参加我最喜欢的每周一次的交际舞会。我多么希望在这所可怕的学校里,能有这样一位老师,他会睁开双眼,然后看看我会做什么,而不是不断地告诉我不能做什么。 7.然而,在我十二岁的记忆中,除了接受惩罚我别无选择。不要让我善良的母亲知晓这种惯例的惩罚对我而言是很重要的,我不敢冒险让她来学校为我说情,因为我知道心胸狭隘、不讲情面的教员会同样地使她难堪,那意味着我们俩都会不愉快、会气愤。千万不要啊,如果她告诉我父亲的话,他将会立即为保护我而与老师大打出手。 10.后来有一天,我们家赢得了一个报刊比赛,可以免费照相。当我想到著名好莱坞影星华丽的照片时,我非常兴奋。我迫不及待地想要把这个令人激动的消息告诉我朋友。 9.直到那天,妈妈说我必须穿我最好的浅绿色的镶有蕾丝花边的裙子去学校时,我知道我的想法破灭了,因为拍照正好在课后,而她却没察觉到我所面临的困窘。 10.到了这一天,我漫不经心地穿上了那条珍爱的裙子,心情沉重地拖着脚步去了学校。在校会上,没等到罚站的命令,我就径直地走上了站台,再一次忍受着同辈的嘲笑和副校长的冷眼。 11.当我无数次地想到那个冷酷无情的老师对我的衣服连看都不看一眼,并对下面努力地遵守校规,渴望参与各种活动的我视而不见时,委屈的泪水忍不住的想流下来。 12.校会结束以后,第一节课是英国文学,这是我最喜欢的一门课,上课的老师是我最喜欢的老师。为了能使我的内心平静下来,我安慰自己至少我还能在教室的后面享受品读查尔斯·狄更斯的《双城记》。当我还在假想的时候,却突然上课了,迈克·维让我坐到教室的前面,难道迈克·维已经加入了敌方阵营?


七年级上册英语第六单元知识点总结 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

7A Unit 6 Travelling around Asia 必记单词: Asia n.亚洲 Asia adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的;可数名词:亚洲人(复数加s) Modern adj.现代的 Guide n.手册,指南;可数n.导游;及物v.引着参观 Area n.区域,地区;面积 traditional adj.传统的 sightseeing 观光,游览 centre n.中心 fountain n.喷泉 just adv.仅仅 building 建筑物 build 建筑,建造 across 介词:穿过 Direction n.方向 natural adj.天然的 nature n. 自然界 beauty n.美丽 bridge n.桥 pond n.池塘 snack n. 小吃,快餐 light n.光线;adj.轻/浅的 light music 轻音乐 Snake n. 蛇 outside 介词在外面反义词:inside Dumpling n.水饺(复数加s) temple n.寺,庙;太阳穴 常考短语: Travel guide 旅游手册 place of interest 名胜

light up 点亮,照亮 in the north-west of 在···的西北部 be away from离开 a list of“一列,清单” feel tired意为“感到累” 经典句型: 1.If you like ···,you will··· 2.What will I ···if I ···· 详细讲解: 1.My head was made there.我的头就产于那儿。(page73) be made in+地点,意为“产于某地”,由于there是地点副词,故去掉介词in. My piano is made in Beijing. The birthday cake is made by my mother. The table is made of wood. Wine is made from grapes. Grapes are made into wine. The bike is made in China. 2.People’s Square is in the centre of Shanghai.人民广场在上海的中心。(page73)


九年级英语第六单元知识点 1. please v. 使高兴→ adj. pleased高兴的,愉快的。用来形容人的形容词。 →adj. pleasant 令人愉快的,令人高兴的。用来形容事物的。 →n. pleasure 高兴,愉快 2. invent v. 发明→n. invention 发明 inventor 发明者 V. + or = n. 这样的动词有: act , collect , visit , operate , translate 1. with prep. 带有,具有与后面的名词一起构成介宾短语常作定语。 shoes with lights 带着灯的鞋shoes with special heels 有特殊鞋跟的鞋 —Kelly , who’s the girl glasses in the photo ? —It’s me . I used to wear glasses and have long hair . A by B of C on D with 2. such adj. 如此的,这样的,用来修饰名词。常用结构为: ⑴such + a / an + adj. + 单数可数名词=so + adj. + a / an + 单数可数名词 This is such a nice horse . 这是一匹如此好的马。= ⑵such + adj. + 复数可数名词There are such good books in the library . ⑶such + adj. + 不可数名词She has made such great progress in the exam . 3. pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的be pleased with 对……高兴/ 满意 I am pleased with your answer . 我对你的回答很满意。 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的,用来形容物的。 It’s a pleasant vacation . 这是一次令人愉快的假期。 pleasure n. 高兴,乐趣,愉快 With pleasure 非常愿意,用来慷慨应允别人的请求的。 My pleasure . 不客气,很乐意效劳,对别人表示感谢的一种礼貌回答 ①—Thank you for your help . — My pleasure . ②—Will you come with me ? — With pleasure 1. It is said that …据说……其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。 类似的句型还有It is believed that …据人们认为 It is said that he got good scores in the math exam . 2. the first / second / last to do sth . 第一个 / 第二个 / 最后一个做某事的人。 Mr Brown is the last to leave school . 布朗先生是最后一个离开学校的 3. happen v. 发生指客观事件的发生,具有偶然性、未能预见的含义。 When did the accident happen ? 事故什么时候发生的? happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 take place 发生指某些历史事件或会议的发生以及化学、物理变化的发生, 含有事先预料或计划的意思,没有偶然的含义。


七年级上Unit6单元检测卷 一.单项选择 ( )1. — Do you have ________ or ange? —No, I don’t. But I have ________ banana. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an ( )2. —Let’s get some ________. — OK. A. bread B. Carrot C. egg D. tomato ( )3. — What do you like ________ lunch? — I like rice. A. about B. For C. with D. of ( )4. — What ________ does Kate like? — She likes strawberries. A. color B. Sport C. fruit D. vegetable ( )5. I eat vegetables every day. They are ________ food. A. interesting B. Difficult C. boring D. healthy ( )6. —Is Mary’s birthday next week? —Yes, you’re ________. A. easy B. Late C. tidy D. right ( )7. I don’t ________ food after seven in the evening. I don’t want t o be fat. A. eat B. See C. know D. find ( )8. — ________ Tom ________ carrots? — Yes, he does. A. Do; likes B. Is; like C. Does; like D. Is; likes ( )9. — Can Mike play basketball? — Yes, and he plays it ________. A. good B. Well C. so D. nice ( )10. — I eat an apple in the morning every day. —That’s a good ________. A. star B. Habit C. question D. number 二.完形填空 There is a bear family in the forest (森林). They are Mother Bear, 11 Bear and Baby Bear. They have a big house and each of 12 has a big bed. Mother Bear 13 cooking (烹饪). She cooks all kinds of 14 every day. For breakfast, they 15 bread, eggs and milk. For lunch, they eat rice and chicken. They eat hamburgers 16 dinner. Mother Bear likes 17 very much. It can make her cool (凉快的). But she 18 eats one a day. Father Bear likes chicken and he can


Unit6 语法篇 可数名词与不可数名词 1.从名词所表示的事物的性质来看,名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词两类。可数名词 有复数形式,不可数名词一般没有复数形式。 2.可数名词是可以计数的,它们可分为单数和复数两种形式。指单个人或事物时,用单数形式,如: a pencil 一支铅笔;指两个或多个人或事物时,用复数形式,如:t wo pencils 两支铅笔。 3.名词复数的变化规则: (1)一般在词尾加 -s。 book → books bag → bags (2) 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词,一般在词尾加-es。 class →classes watch → watches (3)以“元音字母 +y ”结尾的名词,在词尾加 -s。 boy → boys (4)以“辅音字母 +y ”结尾的名词,先变 y 为 i,再加 -es。 strawberry →strawberries family →families (5) 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,将 f 或 fe 变为 v,再加 -es。 knife →knives wife → wives (6) 一些以字母o 结尾的名词变复数时有的加-es,有的加 -s。 Negro → Negroes hero →heroes tomato → tomatoes potato →potatoes 4.不可数名词没有复数形式,不能直接用数词来表示数量,如果要表示数量,必须借助于其他 词来完成。若用“计量单位词 +of 短语”表示,其数量也应通过of 前面的名词体现出来。 a glass of water 一杯水 two glasses of water 两杯水 单项选择 1. ---Where are you going , Sam? ---There isn't any in the fridge . I'll go and buy some . A. vegetables B. beef C. eggs D. money 2. ---How many are there ? 1


1. The basic tone of the text “ How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience “ is _______. A) humorous B) optimistic C) pessimistic D) ironic 2. All except ______ are the characteristics of Hans geschenkt worden American character . A) Ambition B) Individualism C) Consideration D) Self-reliance 3. Herbert Spencer and his followers hold that human society is an evolutionary process in which the fittest ---- which happen to be those who can make lots of money ---- are selected to dominate. Their idea is called_______. A) supply-side economics B) Social Darwinism C) Malthusianism D) utilitarianism 4. There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and ______. A) the Liberal Party B) The Democratic Party C) the Labour Party D) The Republican Party 5. _______ was the foremost southern writer of the 20th century. His theme is essentialy an analysis of the underlying cause for the failure and decay of the South before the Civil War. His fiction carries a strong sense of fragmentation in social community and within the individual himself due to loss of love and lack of emotional response. A) William Faulkner B) Toni Morrison C) Ernest Hemingway D) F. Scott Fitzgerald 6. “The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans” is a citation from the speech of ________. A) Franklin Roosevelt B) Thomas Jefferson C) George Washington D) J.F. Kennedy 7. The most important message E.B.White conveys in his Death of a Pig is _____. A) life is insecure, displaced, transitory B) animals should be treated as our friends C) one may feel depressed by his failure in raising a pig D) people showed much concern for the sick pig 8. According to Arthur M. Schlesinger, author of The One Against the Many , the following elements facilitated the rapid social and economic development of America except________. A) the national faith in self-government and representative institutions B) the national adherence to ideology C) the national commitment to education D) the national rejection of dogmatism 9. since the human attack on the ecosphere has instigated an ecological counterattack,


英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 6 (分数:100分时间:90分钟) 第Ⅰ卷听力部分(15分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分) 1.I like bananas very much. 2.Does Gina like salad? 3.We don't like milk. 4.I have eggs for breakfast. 5.Pear is good for our health. 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确答语(5分) 6.Do you like ice cream? 7.What vegetables does your sister like? 8.What do you have for breakfast? 9.Where are the hamburgers,Mom? 10.Does his mother have chicken for dinner? 6.A.Yes, I do. B.No, you don't. C.No.I like ice cream. 7.A.Hamburgers. B.Carrots. C.Eggs. 8.A.On the table. B.Ten basketballs. C.Eggs and hamburgers. 9.A.Yes, they are. B.No, it isn't. C.They're on the table. 10.A.Yes, she does. B.Yes, she is. C.No, he doesn't. Ⅲ.听短文,完成表格(5分) I'm Jim Green.Today is my birthday.I want to thank my family for their love.So I cook a dinner for them.I know my mother likes hamburgers and salad.But my father likes chicken and tomato soup.I have a brother.He likes hamburgers, too.But he doesn't like salad.He likes carrots.I have a sister.She likes fish and ice cream.I like chicken and strawberries.I will buy these things for the birthday party. Mrs.Green Mr.Green Brother Sister Jim hamburgers and __11__ __12__ and ______ __13__ and ______ __14__ and ______ __15__ and ______ 第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(85分) Ⅳ.单项选择(10分) 16.______ you like ice cream?


新人教版七年级上册英语第六单元精选练习题附答案 Unit 6Do you like bananas? 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) Ⅰ.根据句意及图片提示填写单词。 (1题图) (2题图) (3题图) (4题图) (5题图) 1.Does your brother like ________? 2.I don't like ________.But I like oranges. 3.I can see a red ________ in the picture. 4.My grandpa doesn't like ________. 5.Mom,please give (给) me two ________. Ⅱ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 6.The family have ________(正餐) at 6 o'clock in the evening. 7.There are seven days in a ________(星期). 8.—Is Sally's dictionary in her schoolbag? —Yes,you are ________(正确的). 9.Let's think about Alice's ________(生日) party.

10.I like ________(蔬菜),but I don't like fruit. Ⅲ.单项选择。 ( )11.David has ________ apple and Mike has ________ pear. A.a;a B.an;a C.a;an D.an;an ( )12.—What ________ does your sister like? —She likes oranges. A.color B.sport C.number D.fruit ( )13.—________your cousin like milk? —Yes,he likes________very much. A.Does;it B.Do;it C.Does;them D.Is;them ( )14.John ________ ice-cream,but Jane ________ it. A.like;don't like B.like;doesn't like C.likes;doesn't like D.likes;don't like ( )15.—What do we have for dinner? —________hamburgers and fruit? A.Let's have B.How are C.How about D.What areX Ⅳ.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 16.My friend likes bread.(改为一般疑问句) ________ your friend ________ bread? 17.Do Bob and Dale like white?(作肯定回答)


Lesson 3 At war with the planet 1. What people do may intentionally cause droughts, floods and heat waves. 2.But this image, now repeatedly thrust before us in photographs, posters, and advertisements, is misleading. The Earth we see in photos, posters, and ads, which appears so beautiful, is not the true reflection of the world we live in; such image lulls us into complacency. 3.The techno sphere has become sufficiently large and intense to alter the natural processes that govern the ecosphere. Human activities have taken place over such large areas and with such intensity that they have already caused disastrous effects on ecology. 4....which could establish it only because it fitted properly into the preexisting system? The fish could play its role because it became a necessary link with the processes preceding it and the processes following it in the ecological system. 5.Defined so narrowly, it is no surprise that cars have properties that are hostile to their environment. When cars are produced to serve such narrow purposes, it is not surprising that some of their characteristic qualities are harmful to the environment. 22. Yields rose, but not in proportion to the rate of fertilizer application... The farmer applied more and more fertilizer, and the production did rise but did not increase at the same rate of the fertilizer. 23...their waste is flushed into the sewer system altered in composition but not in amount at treatment plant... People eat plants and animals, and their waste is flushed into the sewer system. After being processed, the waste is still waste. The residue will go into rivers, oceans, and will have harmful effect on the aquatic ecosystem. 24. Left to their own devices, ecosystems are conservative... If the ecosystems are not upset by outside intrusion, they will remain the same with very little change 25. In contrast to the ecosphere, the techno sphere is composed of objects and materials that reflect a rapid and relentless process of change and variation. The characteristics of the objects and materials in the techno sphere are rapid change and great variety. 26. But this is done only at the cost of understanding. If we take side in the war of the two words, we are doing so at the risk of failing to have a clear understanding of the nature and cause of the war, thus, we lose the chance to really solve the grave environmental crisis. Lesson4 nettles 27.How all my own territory would be altered, ad if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike. The impact of Mike's leaving on my life was beyond my imagination. I didn't expect that Mike's leaving would have such a tremendous power that it would change the


第六单元语法知识 一般过去时的被动语态 一、基本句型结构: 1、肯定句:主语+was/ were +过去分词 ....(+by...) eg: The house was built in 1990. The desk was made by my father. The toy cars were invented by Tom. 2、否定句:主语+wasn’t/ weren/t +过去分词 ....(+by...) eg: The house wasn’t built in 1990. The desk wasn’t made by my father. The toy cars weren’t invented by Tom. 3、一般疑问句:Was/ Were +主语+过去分词 ....(+by...)? eg: Was the house built in 1990? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. Was the desk made by my father? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. Were the toy cars invented by Tom? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. 4、特殊疑问句:疑问词+was / were +主语+过去分词 ....(+by...)? eg: When was the house built ? Who was the desk made by ? Who were the toy cars invented by ? 重点:如果宾语补足语是不带to的动词不定式,主动语态变为被动语态时要加上不定式符号to eg: We heard Linda sing in the music room. Linda was heard to sing in the music room by us. I saw her play the piano in the classroom. She was seen to play the piano in the classroom by me. The teacher made the students copy the text. The students were made to copy the text by the teacher. 1.Someone saw him swim in the lake yesterday.(被动语态) He ______ ______ ____ swim in the lake yesterday by someone. 2.Paper ______ in China about 2,000 years ago. A.invented B.has invented C.is invented D.was invented 3.The young man who stole many bikes in our school _____ the day before yesterday. A.was catching B.is caught C.caught D.was caught 4.Many accidents ______ by drunk driving last year. A.are caused B.were caused C.have caused D.will cause 5.My mother advised me to finish my homework first. (被动语态) I _____ _____ _____ finish my homework first by my mother. 6.Flowers ____ along the road last year. A.plant B.planted C.are planted D.were planted


Lesson 4 (1)She think her sister has feld life always in the palm of one hand... She thinks that her sister has a firm control of her life. (2)”no” is a word the world never learned to say to her. She could always have anything she wanted, and life was extremely generous to her. (3)Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue. The famous and popular TV talk host, Johnny Carson has to try hard if he wants to catch up with me. (4)It seems to me I have talked to them always with one foot raised in flight... It seems to me that I have talked to them always ready to leave as quickly as possible. (5)She washed us in a river of make-believe... She imposed on us lots of falsity. (6)burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know Imposed on us a lot of knowledge that is totally useless to us. (7)Like good looks and money,quickness passed her by. She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking rich. (8)A dress down to the ground,in this hot weather. Dee wore a very long dress even on such a hot day. (9)You can see me trying to move a second or two before I make it. You can see me trying to move my body a couple of seconds before I finally manage to push myself up. (10)Anyhow,he soon gives up on Maggie. Soon he stops trying to shake hands with Maggie. (11)Though,in fact,I probably could have carried it back beyond the Civil War through the branches. In fact, I could have traced it far back before the Civil War along the branches of the family tree.

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