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2. 钻、镗两用组合机床发展历史






3. 钻、镗两用组合机床的发展现状和发展趋势

近十多年来,组机床及其自动线在高效、高生产率,柔性化以及采用并行(同步)工程制订更为合理、更为节省的方案方面取得了不小的进展。尤其是汽车工业,为了提高汽车的性能,对零件的加工精度提出了一些新的要求,因此对机床性能的要求也更高了。[4]近年来随着数控技术、电子技术、计算机技术等的发展,钻、镗两用组合机床的机械结构和控制系统也发生了巨大变化。[5]钻、镗两用组合机床有了以下的发展:1、数控化。数控组合机床的出现,不仅完全改变了过去那种由继电器电路组成的组合机床的控制系统,而目.也使组合机床机械结构乃至通用部件标准发生了或正在发生着巨大的变化。2、模块化。数控加1二模块化极大地丰富了组合机床的通用件,它必将引起组合机床通用件发生根本性变化。3、高速化。由于高速加工可大大降低零件表面粗糙度及切削力,大大减小切削温度,提高生产效率,故机床的高速化研究方兴未艾,特别是数控机床的主运动和进给运动速度已达到了惊人高速。如美国生产的加工中心,主轴转速可达15 000—60 000r/min,工作台快进速度高达90—120m/min 。顺应机床高速化的潮流,组合机床的速度也


铣削速度高达3 075m/min,进给速度达3 600mm/min,而采用安装有CBN刀片的新颖镗刀加工灰铸铁时,切削速度达800m/min,进给速度达I 500 mm/min。[6]4、精密化。由于机床实现了数控化,因而机床的加工精度越来越高,使一些过去看来难以达到的加工精度今天也已经实现了。5、全防护化。全封闭是现在机床的一大特点,不论是单机还是机床生产线,均采用全封闭的








[3]佟璞玮. 中国组合机床市场.《1999中国机电产品市场展望》.

[4]裘愉. 从几个侧面看组合机床的发展动向.《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 1994年第11期.

[5]李明、王合增、张应午 . 组合机床的发展趋势及企业的对策《机械产品与科技》 2002年第1期.



通行工程专业综述 通信是通过某种媒体进行的信息传递。古代,人们通过驿站、飞鸽传书、烽火报警等方式进行信息传递。今天,随着科学水平的飞速发展,相继出现了无线电,固话,手机,互联网甚至可视电话等各种通信方式。 1.培养目标:本专业主要培养从事通信工程及计算机网络系统的研究、制造、开发和培养目标:培养目标 应用的高级人才。毕业后可从事无线通信、电视、大规模集成电路、智能仪器及应用电子技术领域的研究,设计和通信工程的研究、设计、技术引进和技术开发工作。近年来的毕业生集中在通信系统、高科技开发公司、科研院所、设计单位、金融系统、民航、铁路及政府和大专院校等。 2.主修学科:电路分析、低频电子线路、脉冲与数字电路、高频电子线路、电主修学科学科:磁场理论、信号与系统、微机原理及应用、单片机技术、微波技术与天线、通讯原理、程控交换技术、移动通讯、计算机网络通讯、光纤通讯等。毕业生应掌握电子技术、通讯技术和计算机技术的基本理论与设计方法及程控交换技术、光纤通讯、 1 移动通讯和计算机网络通讯的基本原理及应用方法,具有各类通讯系统的设计、研究及开发的工作能力。 通信工程专业课程关系图 高等数学高级语言程序设计电路分析 2 3.专业特点:专业特点:专业特点 (1)发展速度快;(2)应用范围广;(3)涉及知识领域广;(4)交叉学科领域广。 4.毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力 1.掌握通信领域内的基本理论和基本知识; 2.掌握光波、无线、多媒体等通信技术; 3.掌握通信系统和通信网的分析与设计方法; 4.具有设计、开发、调测、应用通信系统和通信网的基本能力; 5.了解通信系统和通信网建设的基本方针、政策和法规; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。 5.发展前景:面向新的世纪,通信工程专业将会迎来其发展的广阔天地。随发展前景:发展前景 着通信技术应用的日趋广泛,上至太空,下至海底,无不活跃着这一专业的技术人才。现在中国已经加入 WTO,这势必会给中国信息产业的发展带来更大的发展空间。而通信工程专业优秀人才的短缺成为我国参与国际间竞争的一个十分不利的因素。因此,在未来若干年,我国势必会更加重视本专业人才的培养,更加重视通信工程专业的教育,提高教育水平。三、目前通信专业的分类——选择通信的理由目前通信专业的分类——选择通信的理由—— 通信工程专业主要为研究信号的产生、信息的传输、交换和处理,以及在计算机通信、数字通信、卫星通信、光纤通信、蜂窝通信、个人通信、平流层通信、多媒体技术、信息高速公路、数字程控交换等方面的理论和工程应用问题。 1、对数据通信的兴趣通信的兴趣、对数据通信数据通信可以说已经深入到社会生活的各个领域,电子邮件,浏览网页,在线电影都可以归结为数据通信。数据通


外文资料 The aggregate machine-tool CAD system development and research Abstract aggregate machine-tool CAD is in Window 95/98, Wndows under the NT4.0 environment, designs personnel's special-purpose CAD system with VC5.0 and the AutoCAD R14 ADS/ARX technology development face the aggregate machine-tool.This software technological advance, performance reliable, function strong, convenient practical, has provided the modernized design tool for our country aggregate machine-tool profession. Key word: Aggregate machine-tool CAD jig CAD multi-axle-box CAD 1 uses the aggregate machine-tool CAD technology imperative The aggregate machine-tool is with according to serialized, the standardized design general part and the special purpose machine which composes according to the work piece shape and the processing technological requirement design special-purpose part, belongs to the disposable design, the disposable manufacture piecework product.Therefore, the design quantity is big, the design work is complex.In the


文献综述 金融 当前我国通货膨胀的成因及对策 二十世纪中期,通货膨胀成为世界各国现代化进程中普遍存在的共性问题。当时通货膨胀以比较温和的速度缓慢上升,发达国家在七十年代时出现了持久的“滞胀”现象,发展中国家也在八十年代爆发了严重的债务危机,到九十年代东欧剧变,苏联解体之后,全球性的通货膨胀开始以迅猛的势头扩散,成为制约社会稳定和经济持续发展的巨大障碍。改革开放以来,我国实行体制改革,由计划经济转向市场经济,在转轨过程中受到通货膨胀的多次冲击,社会经济大幅波动,带来了巨大的影响。正是由于通货膨胀对全球各国政治、经济和社会产生了巨大的危害,对世界各国人民的生活造成了严重的影响,无论是资本主义国家还是社会主义国家,通货膨胀都成为各国共同的“敌人”,国内外政府和经济学家长期致力于对通货膨胀的研究,形成了各种各样有关通货膨胀的理论。 1 国内研究现状 1.1通货膨胀成因的理论研究 我国近些年出现通货膨胀以后,国内学者对通货膨胀的成因进行了大量的理论和实证研究。理论研究具有代表性的是:张明文(2010)在《当前我国通货膨胀对策及研究》一文中认为“造成CPI持续走高的原因主要包括流动性过剩,供给因素、需求因素以及制度上的因素,其中制度因素是影响其他方面的深层次原因。若缓解通货膨胀压力应做到:加大对农业的投入,提高汇率的弹性,调整对利率和要素价格的扭曲以及改善官员的考核制度等[1]。”刘海燕、寇雪梅(2008)在《目前我国通货膨胀成因思考》一文中分析我国近年的通货膨胀成因时得出三点结论:“(1)货币供给量过剩是造成通货膨胀的主要因素;(2)资源稀缺导致需求拉上的通货膨胀;(3)受国际市场的影响,人民币升值、外汇储备增加、国际贸易顺差,这些都导致了中国式通货膨胀的发生[2]。”陈彦斌(2008)在《中国当前通货膨胀形成原因经验研究:2003—2007年》中通过对新一轮通货膨胀的特点研究指出,新一轮通货膨胀具有需求拉动通货膨胀和成本推动通货膨胀的特征[3]。 祖栋梁(2008)在《我国经济高速增长下的通货膨胀问题研究》分别从中国目前的经济发展战略和国内经济社会体制方面来剖析我国通货膨胀发生的根源。“认为我国经济社会不断暴露出的各种体制以及经济结构问题造成了我国经济高增长的同时伴随通货膨胀加剧的现象[4]。”宋超英、夏芸(2008)在《当前我国通货膨胀现象的成因与对策研究》中认为“我国当前出现的通货膨胀不能简单归为传统通货膨胀成因理论中的任意一种类型,我国发生的通货膨胀既有需求扩大导致供不应


The Aggregate Machine-tool The Aggregate Machine-tool is based on the workpiece needs, based on a large number of common components, combined with a semi-automatic or automatic machine with a small number of dedicated special components and process according to the workpiece shape and design of special parts and fixtures, composed. Combination machine is generally a combination of the base, slide, fixture, power boxes, multi-axle, tools, etc. From. Combination machine has the following advantages: (1) is mainly used for prism parts and other miscellaneous pieces of perforated surface processing. (2) high productivity. Because the process of concentration, can be multi-faceted, multi-site, multi-axis, multi-tool simultaneous machining. (3) precision and stability. Because the process is fixed, the choice of a mature generic parts, precision fixtures and automatic working cycle to ensure consistent processing accuracy. (4) the development cycle is short, easy to design, manufacture and maintenance, and low cost. Because GM, serialization, high degree of standardization, common parts can be pre-manufactured or mass organizations outsourcing. (5) a high degree of automation, low labor intensity. (6) flexible configuration. Because the structure is a cross-piece, combination. In accordance with the workpiece or process requirements, with plenty of common parts and a few special components consisting of various types of flexible combination of machine tools and automatic lines; tools to facilitate modification: the product or process changes, the general also common components can be reused. Combination of box-type drilling generally used for processing or special shape parts. During machining, the workpiece is generally not rotate, the rotational motion of the tool relative to the workpiece and tool feed movement to achieve drilling, reaming, countersinking, reaming, boring and other processing. Some combination of turning head clamp the workpiece using the machine to make the rotation, the tool for the feed motion, but also on some of the rotating parts (such as the flywheel, the automobile axle shaft, etc.) of cylindrical and face processing. Generally use a combination of multi-axis machine tools, multi-tool, multi-process, multi-faceted or multi-station machining methods simultaneously, productivity increased many times more than generic tools. Since the common components have been standardized and serialized, so can be flexibly configured according to need, you can shorten the design and manufacturing cycle. Multi-axle combination is the core components of general machine tools. It is the choice of generic parts, is designed according to special requirements, in combination machine design process, is one component of a larger workload. It is based on the number and location of the machining process diagram and schematic design combination machine workpiece determined by the hole, cutting the amount of power transmission components and the design of each spindle spindle type movement. Multi-axle power from a common power box, together with the power box installed on the feed slide, to be completed by drilling, reaming and other machining processes. The parts to be processed according to the size of multi-axle box combination machine tool design, based on an original drawing multi-axle diagram, determine the range of design data,


1、前言 毕业设计是在南昌理工学院修完机械设计及其自动化专业的绝大部分课程后,由指导老师据生产实践选题分配给学生进行的一次综合性设计,全面考察我们作为本科教育的知识点的全面性与系统性。 组合机床是一种高效率的专用机床,动力滑台是组合机床用来实现进给运动的一种通用部件,其中液压滑台在生产机械中被广泛采用,液压传动系统易获得很大的力矩,运动传递平稳、均匀,准确可靠,控制方便,易于实现自动化。 液压动力滑台是典型的电液控制装置,它由滑台、滑座和液压缸组成,由于它自身带油泵、油箱等装置,需要单独设置专门的液压站及配套,液压动力滑台由电动机带动中的油泵送出压力油,经电气和液压元件的控制,推动油缸中的活塞来带动工作台。 根据控制工艺要求,液压动力滑台可组成多种工作循环,如一次工进、二次工进、死挡铁停留、跳跃进给、分级进给等。具有一次工进及死挡铁停留的工作循环是组合机床比较常用的工作循环之一。其控制方式可以采用电气控制,部分场合采用PLC控制液压系统中的阀门的线圈来实现系统功能。 根据任务书的要求对此课题的研究中涉及液压系统的分析与设计、液压元件的选择;采用继电-接触器控制系统;采用PLC程序控制方法实现。即在了解以前控制方法上采用目前市场或生产过程中常见的控制方法来实现其控制功能,具有实用价值。 2.文献资料综述 (一)百度文库《组合机床设计1》中对组合机床进行了以下介绍 组合机床是采用模块化原理设计的,以通用部件为基础,配以少量专用部件,对一种或若干种工件按已确定的工序进行加工,广泛应用于汽车、内燃机、电动机、阀门等大批量成产行业的高效专用机床。其功能:能对工件进行多刀、多面、多工位同时加工;完成钻孔、镗孔、扩孔、攻丝、铣削、车端面等切削工序和焊接、热处理、测量、装配、清洗等非切削工序。其运动特点:由机械传动实现刀具的旋转主运动,由机械或液压传


Int J Interact Des Manuf(2011)5:103–117 DOI10.1007/s12008-011-0119-7 ORIGINAL PAPER Benchmarking of virtual reality performance in mechanics education Maura Mengoni·Michele Germani· Margherita Peruzzini Received:27April2011/Accepted:29April2011/Published online:27May2011 ?Springer-Verlag2011 Abstract The paper explores the potentialities of virtual reality(VR)to improve the learning process of mechanical product design.It is focused on the definition of a proper experimental VR-based set-up whose performance matches mechanical design learning purposes,such as assemblability and tolerances prescription.The method consists of two main activities:VR technologies benchmarking based on sensory feedback and evaluation of how VR tools impact on learning curves.In order to quantify the performance of the technol-ogy,an experimental protocol is de?ned and an testing plan is set.Evaluation parameters are divided into performance and usability metrics to distinguish between the cognitive and technical aspects of the learning process.The experi-mental VR-based set up is tested on students in mechanical engineering through the application of the protocol. Keywords Mechanical product design·Virtual reality·Experimental protocol·Learning curve· Mechanics education 1Introduction Modern society is dominated by continuous scienti?c and technical developments.Specialization has become one of the most important enablers for industrial improvement.As a result,nowadays education is more and more job-oriented and technical education is assuming greater importance.In this context both university and industry are collaborating to create high professional competencies.The?rst disseminates M.Mengoni(B)·M.Germani·M.Peruzzini Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Marche, Via Brecce Bianche,60131Ancona,Italy e-mail:m.mengoni@univpm.it knowledge and innovative methods while the second pro-vides a practical background for general principles training. The main problem deals with the effort and time required to improve technical learning,while market competitiveness forces companies to demand young and high-quali?ed engi-neers in short time.Therefore,the entire educational process needs to be fast and ef?cient.Novel information technolo-gies(IT)and emerging virtual reality(VR)systems provide a possible answer to the above-mentioned questions.Some of the most important issues,in mechanical design?eld,are the investigation of such technologies potentialities and the evaluation of achievable bene?ts in terms of product design learning effectiveness and quality.While IT has been deeply explored in distance education,i.e.e-learning,VR still rep-resents a novelty. VR refers to an immersive environment that allows pow-erful visualization and direct manipulation of virtual objects. It is widely used for several engineering applications as it provides novel human computer interfaces to interact with digital mock-ups.The close connection between industry and education represents the starting point of this research. Instead of traditional teaching methods,virtual technolo-gies can simultaneously stimulate the senses of vision by providing stereoscopic imaging views and complex spatial effects,of touch,hearing and motion by respectively adopt-ing haptic,sound and motion devices.These can improve the learning process in respect with traditional teaching meth-ods and tools.The observation of students interpreting two-dimensional drawings highlighted several dif?culties:the impact evaluation of geometric and dimensional tolerances chains,the detection of functional and assembly errors,the recognition of right design solutions and the choice of the proper manufacturing operations.These limitations force tutors to seek for innovative technologies able to improve students’perception.


通信技术在现代医学中的应用综述 摘要:本文首先介绍了通信技术的发展及其作用,在此基础上介绍了通信技术在现代医学 中的应用。通信技术在医学中应用的集中体现是远程医学的实现,本文对远程医学的发展及应用作了重点介绍。 关键词:通信技术远程医学远程诊断 The Summary Of Communication technologies in modern medicine Abstract:This article first introduced the development of communication technology and its role ,base on which we introduced communication technology in modern medicine. The implementation of telemedicine are the concentrated expression of Communication technology applications in medicine,in this paper, we describe more details about the development of telemedicine and the application. Key words:Communication technology telemedicine telediagnosis 1 引言 1.1 通信技术的发展 对于通信,最简单的理解,也是最 基本的理解,就是人与人沟通的方法。无论是现在的电话,还是网络,解决的最基本的问题,实际还是人与人的沟通。从本质上说,通信也就是进行信息的传输,通信技术的发展从远古时代的烽火传递战事情况,到现代的有线和无线通信技术,以及卫星通信技术经历了漫长的岁月。通信技术发展至今,已形成下面几种广泛应用的技术:(1)3G技术;(2)下一代网络(NGN);(3)宽带接入技术;(4)无线接入技术;(5)FTTH;(6)数字集群通信技术;(7)网络安全;(8)手机操作系统;(9)即时通信(Instantmessaging),此外,超3G 进入实质研究阶段,NGN标准研究也已取得 实质性突破。 1.2 通信的作用 信息通信技术是推动经济增长和社会 平等的催化制剂,在诸多方面已体现出、并将愈来愈体现出其重要价值与作用所在。而通信技术在医学中的应用的集中体现是应用通信技术实现远程医学和医学信息资源的共享。 2现代通信技术在现代医学中应用分类 2.1 远程医学的概念 远程医学是利用远程通讯技术,以双向传送资料、声音、图像的方式,从事医疗活动。资料传送包括病历、心电图、脑电图等;声音传送包括心音、呼吸音等;图像传送包 括X线片、C片、超声图像等。 2.2 远程医学的分类 按信息传送时间,远程医学可以分为同步实时和储存传送两类;按信息传送的距离,远程医学可以分为科室和科室之间、医院和医院之间、城市和乡村之间或者城市和


中国现阶段通货膨胀分析 作者简介:白倩(1987―),女,汉族,河北石家庄人,金融硕士,单位:四川大学经济学院,研究方向:金融理财。 摘要:通货膨胀是一种货币现象,它的发生会引起物价上涨。自2009年以来,我国CPI和PPI指数一路走高,国内一些商品物价上涨速度之快之高,通货膨胀压力不断增强,影响了居民的正常生活。本文就中国本轮通货膨胀的现状、成因及其对策展开论述。 关键词:通货膨胀;现状;成因;对策 一、通货膨胀理论综述 通货膨胀是一个古老的经济话题,我国北宋期间就出现了世界上最早的纸币“交子”,后来到元朝时实行典型的纸币流通,米价在69年间上涨了60多倍,纸币迅速贬值。通货膨胀是货币失衡中一种常见的问题。关于通货膨胀的定义,各国经济学家所持观点各有不同。例如,萨姆尔森认为“通货膨胀的意思是物品和生产要素的价格普遍上升的现象”,莱德勒和帕金认为“通货膨胀是一个价格持续上升的过程,也等于说是一个货币价值持续贬值的过程。”弗利德里奇?哈耶克认为“通货膨胀一词的原因和真意是指货币数量的过度增长,这种增长合乎规律地导致物价上涨。”罗宾逊认为“通货膨胀是由于对同样经济活动的工资报酬率的日

益增长而引起的物价直升变动”等等。 关于通货膨胀的理论,各学派有着不同的看法。最具代表性并普遍被人们接受的货币主义学派以弗里德曼为代表,认为通货膨胀是一种货币现象,他们总结出通货膨胀有几种成本―“皮鞋成本”和“菜单成本”。“皮鞋成本”是人们为了减少货币持有量所付出的成本。“菜单成本”是企业调整价格所付出的成本。货币学派还认为:通货膨胀会导致资源配置的失灵;会造成税收的扭曲,增加人们的纳税负担;会增加企业预测前景的不确定性,企业会因此放慢投资,从而降低经济发展的速度。 新凯恩斯主义则把通货膨胀归结为三种主要形式:需求拉动型通货膨胀、成本推动型通货膨胀及固有型通货膨胀。需求拉动型通货膨胀是由于GDP所产生的高需求与低失业,也即菲利普斯曲线型通货膨胀;成本推动型通货膨胀发生于油价突然上涨时;固有型通货膨胀一般与物价薪金有关,工人希望提高薪金,这必然导致企业生产成本上升,推动物价上涨,形成恶性循环。 二、中国现阶段通货膨胀的现状 自 2010 年以来,我国煤炭、铁矿石、钢材、铜和锌等价格上涨非常明显,电、水、天然气价格也都上涨,加剧了通货膨胀的发生;我国农用生产资料化肥、农药、种子等价格上涨明显,部分国家2010 年遭遇干旱和洪灾造成粮食


Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2006) 29: 178–183 DOI 10.1007/s00170-004-2493-9
Ferda C. C ? etinkaya
Unit sized transfer batch scheduling in an automated two-machine ?ow-line cell with one transport agent
Received: 26 July 2004 / Accepted: 22 November 2004 / Published online: 16 November 2005 ? Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005 Abstract The process of splitting a job lot comprised of several identical units into transfer batches (some portion of the lot), and permitting the transfer of processed transfer batches to downstream machines, allows the operations of a job lot to be overlapped. The essence of this idea is to increase the movement of work in the manufacturing environment. In this paper, the scheduling of multiple job lots with unit sized transfer batches is studied for a two-machine ?ow-line cell in which a single transport agent picks a completed unit from the ?rst machine, delivers it to the second machine, and returns to the ?rst machine. A completed unit on the ?rst machine blocks the machine if the transport agent is in transit. We examine this problem for both unit dependent and independent setups on each machine, and propose an optimal solution procedure similar to Johnson’s rule for solving the basic two-machine ?owshop scheduling problem. Keywords Automated guided vehicle · Lot streaming · Scheduling · Sequencing · Transfer batches entire lot to ?nish its processing on the current machine, while downstream machines may be idle. It should be obvious that processing the entire lot as a single object can lead to large workin-process inventories between the machines, and to an increase in the maximum completion time (makespan), which is the total elapsed time to complete the processing of all job lots. However, the splitting of an entire lot into transfer batches to be moved to downstream machines permits the overlapping of different operations on the same product while work proceeds, to complete the lot on the upstream machine. There are many ways to split a lot: transfer batches may be equal or unequal, with the number of splits ranging from one to the number of units in the job lot. For instance, consider a job lot consisting of 100 identical items to be processed in a three-stage manufacturing environment in which the ?ow of its operations is unidirectional from stage 1 through stage 3. Assume that the unit processing time at stages 1, 2, and 3 are 1, 3, 2 min, respectively. If we do not allow transfer batches, the throughput time is (100)(1+3+2) = 600 min (see Fig. 1a). However, if we create two equal sized transfer batches through all stages, the throughput time decreases to 450 min, a reduction of 25% (see Fig. 1b). It is clear that the throughput time decreases as the number of transfer batches increases. Flowshop problems have been studied extensively and reported in the literature without explicitly considering transfer batches. Johnson [1], in his pioneering work, proposed a polynomial time algorithm for determining the optimal makespan when several jobs are processed on a two-machine (two-stage) ?owshop with unlimited buffer. With three or more machines, the problem has been proven to be NP-hard (Garey et al. [2]). Besides the extension of this problem to the m -stage ?owshop problem, optimal solutions to some variations of the basic two-stage problem have been suggested. Mitten [3] considered arbitrary time lags, and optimal scheduling with setup times separated from processing was developed by Yoshida and Hitomi [4]. Separation of the setup, processing and removal times for each job on each machine was considered by Sule and Huang [5]. On the other hand, ?owshop scheduling problems with transfer batches have been examined by various researchers. Vickson
1 Introduction
Most classical shop scheduling models disregard the fact that products are often produced in lots, each lot (process batch) consisting of identical parts (items) to be produced. The size of a job lot (i.e., the number of items it consists of) typically ranges from a few items to several hundred. In any case, job lots are assumed to be indivisible single entities, although an entire job lot consists of many identical items. That is, partial transfer of completed items in a lot between machines on the processing routing of the job lot is impossible. But it is quite unreasonable to wait for the
F.C. ?etinkaya (u) Department of Industrial Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa-T.R.N.C., Mersin Turkey E-mail: ferda.cetinkaya@https://www.doczj.com/doc/e19732804.html,.tr Tel.: +90-392-6301052 Fax: +90-392-3654029

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