当前位置:文档之家› BEC中级词汇





work towards a common objective 朝同一个目标共同努力

share information 共享信息

different point of view 不同的观点

(be) under pressure 有压力

toiletries ['t?ilitriz] 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆用品公司,化妆品= makeup toilet ['t?ilit] - paper -water

major brand 主导品牌

sales department 销售部门

sales staff 销售人员

company culture 公司文化

accountable a. 负有责任的

expatriate [eks'p?trieit] adj.旅居海外的; v. 逐出国外,脱离国籍,放逐;n. 亡命国外者

management consultant 管理顾问

managerial [,m?ni'd?i?ri?l] skills 管理技能

creative thinking 创新技能

team building 团队建设

effective management style 有效的管理方式

a survival [s?'vaiv?l] course 生存技巧培训课程

food and accommodation 食宿

profile ['pr?ufail] 简介,小传,概况

simulation 模拟训练

go for profit 追求利润

behind schedule [' ?ed ju:l] ['sked?ul]落后进度计划

stick to the schedule 严格按照计划进行1b Communication


international communication 国际交流

official language 官方语言

language skills 语言技能

exceed [ik'si:d] 超越

over-estimate ['estimeit]过高地估计

manageable 便于管理的

understate 轻描淡写

culture-specific 某一文化所特有的

work environment 工作环境

the business world 商界

management 管理人员,管理

follow-up evaluation 后续评估

supplier 供应商

department training budget 部门培训预算

deadline 最终期限,截止日期

voice mail 语音信息

answering machine 录音电话(英国英语用answer phone)half-year sales report 半年度销售报告

complimentary [,k?mpli'ment?r i赠送的] ticket 免费赠送的票native speaker 操本族语言的人

time schedule 时间安排表

Trade Fair 交易会

Unit 2 A entertaining a client

第二单元 A 招待客户


customer satisfaction form 顾客满意调查问卷

complete the form 完成表格

questionnaire 调查问卷

criteria 标准

atmosphere 情调

attentiveness 周到

value for money 物有所值

objective 目标

enhance 提高

mezzanine 中层楼(指介于一层和二层之间)reasonable prices 合理的价格

interior design 室内装修

group dining 团体用餐

group menu 团体用餐菜单

catering requirement 用餐要求

tour groups 旅游团

birthday party 生日会

corporate events 公司社交活动

wine tasting 品酒会

company presentation 公司业务报告会

business trip 商务旅行

salad 色拉

steak 牛排

Unit 2 B Corporate hospitality

第二单元 B 商务接待


corporate hospitality 商务接待,企业社交

tip 技巧,窍门,忠告

to be in need of 需要

business objectives 商务目标

social setting 社交场合

training consultants 培训咨询

corporate events 商务活动

a social event 社交活动

accommodation 住处

poor timing 时间不当

sales figure 销售数字

the recipe for success 成功秘诀

establish/build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系

trade fair 贸易会

fashion sportswear 运动时装

teenage 少年

production methods 生产方式

head office 总部

design team 设计小组

marketing and sales directors 营销和销售部门的主管

in due time 经过一段时间,到适当的时候

Unit three A Ordering Goods

第三单元A 订货


place an order发出订单

cancel an order取消订单

confirm an order确认订单


mail order company邮购公司



summer collection夏季时装采购

summer catalogue 夏季时装商品目录



in standard length标准长度


measurements charts尺寸图



reliable supplier 可靠的供应商

possess basic qualities of honesty, integrity, accountability, and dependability.


Provide good quality merchandise 提供品质优良的商品

Goods of consistent quality 质量稳定的商品

Have flexibility toward new/additional requirements 对新的/额外的需求有灵活性

Courtesy and co-operation are also important 礼貌和合作也很重要

Can provide a quality product or service 能够提供高质量的产品或服务。Timely delivery 及时送货

Operate in just-in-time delivery policy 依照准时送货的方针运营Attractive price 有吸引力的价格

Competitive price 有竞争力的价格

Unit three B Cash flow



cash flow 现金流向,现金流量,现金流动

cash flow gap 现金流量差额

case study 案例分析

final payment 最后付款

bar chart柱形图

total sales price 总售价

down payment 订金

bill 要求支付……的费用(动词)

remainder 剩余物

computer network 电脑网络系统

early settlement discount提前付款折扣

labor cost 劳动力成本

credit terms 信用期限

outstanding 剩余的

outstanding balance剩余金额

order books订货本

a shortage of cash 现金短缺

turnover 营业额

average monthly turnover 平均月营业额

financing cost 融资成本

cash on delivery 货到付款C.O.D.

margin 利润

penalty 处罚

inventory 库存,清单

Unit four A Brand power品牌力量


selling point 卖点(吸引顾客的)

environmental-friendliness 对环境无害的

user-friendliness 用户使用方便

a computer superstore 电脑超市

kitchen appliances 厨房用具

mobile phone 手机

competitive advantage 竞争优势


own-label clothing 自己品牌的服装

shopping habits 购物习惯

basic requirements 基本需求

industry analyst 行业分析家


retail food market食品零售市场


personal loan 个人贷款

mortgage 住房按揭

savings account 储蓄帐户

margin 利差,赚头

boost profits 提高利润

publicity 招引公众的注意

brand consultants 品牌顾问公司

estate agent 房地产商

bonus points 积分

loyalty scheme 忠实(顾客)奖励计划

brand loyalty 品牌忠诚

air miles 里程奖

voucher 优惠奖券

banking sector 银行业

target customer 销售对象

interest rate 利率

direct mail 直接邮寄广告推销法

public relations 公共关系

retailer 销售商

retail group 零售集团

customer-focused 以顾客为中心的

incentive 刺激

a brand represents a certain culture 一个品牌代表一种文化

be attracted by the quality brand image 被优质的品牌形象所吸引the brand name carries high credibility 品牌具有很高的可信度brand leader 畅销品牌

have a strong sense of brand loyalty 具有强烈的品牌信任感reasonable price 合理的价格

good after-sales service 良好的售后服务

have confidence in the reliability of the product 信赖产品的可靠性good quality 良好的质量

consistent quality 稳定的质量

user-friendly design 方便用户的使用设计

unit4 B Public Relations 公共关系


public image 公众形象

advertising campaign 广告宣传活动

company values 公司价值观

dealership 商品经销特许权,特许经销商

point-of-sale 销售网点

showroom 展示厅

manufacturing plant 制造厂

image 形象

company image 公司形象

up-to-date 现代的

survey 调查indicate/show

product launch 产品发布

press coverage 报界对…的报道

customer satisfaction survey 顾客满意程度调查

motoring magazine 汽车杂志

display 陈列品

venue 地点

invitation 邀请函

freelance journalist 自由撰稿人

information packs 资料袋

advance preparation 预先准备

senior executive 高级主管


brief 简介

management staff 管理人员

Unit Five A Relocation 迁址安置词汇准备:

relocate 搬迁

running cost 管理费用

pro-business environment 对商务有利的环境

state-of-art telecommunications 发达的电讯服务sophisticated 精密的;老練的,世故的

logistic 物流

inflation 通货膨胀

employment 雇佣成本

set-up cost 创办成本

telecommunication tariff 电讯费用

overheads 企业一般管理费用

capital investment 资本投资

R & D investment 研发费用

Successive 继承的,连续的

Infrastructure 基础设施

Regulatory authority 管理机构

Telephone networks 电话网络

Distribution network 配送网络

Cosmopolitan 世界性的,全球性的global

Spectacular 壮观的

Unspoiled 未损坏的

Scheduled flights 定期航班

Leisure activities 休闲活动

Work permit 工作许可

Integration program 整合方案


Orientation 介绍性指导,介绍情况使对方熟悉

get government grant 得到政府资助

relocate to a place where cheap labor is available 搬迁到劳动力成本比较便宜的地点

better transport network facilitates company development 更好的交通网络有利于公司的发展

save costs 节省成本

have access to more skilled workers 得到技术更好的工人

adopt follow-the-talent policy 实行追求人才的政策

cheaper labor costs 更廉价的劳动力成本

low rates of corporate tax 较低的企业税

to get closer to the market 更接近市场

attracted by the pro-business environment 被有利于商务的环境所吸引Unit Five B New premises新的场所


premises (企业,机构等使用的)经营场地,生产场地,办公场所

property consultancy 地产咨询公司

public transport 公共交通设施

bus route 公共汽车线路

corporate business area 商务区

high street 繁华的商业大街

myriad 无数的

multi-storey office building 多层办公楼

underground car parking 地下停车场

surface car parking 地面停车场

metro station 地铁站

business development 商业区

full amenities 全套设备

leasehold 租赁

lift (英国英语)电梯(美国英语)elevator

tenant 租户

expressly 明白地

corporate image 公司形象

homogenize 使雷同,使……单样化

endorse 背书;请名人为商品做广告

establishment 公司,商业机构


multinational 跨国公司

industrial estate 工业园区(也可以说trading estate或者i ndustrial park,美国英语)

work ethic 职业道德

boardroom 董事会的会议室

lease 租赁

office space 办公地点

floor plan 楼层平面

managing director 总裁(美国英语中,也称chief executive 或president)accounts department 会计部门

chief accountant 首席会计

photocopier room 复印室

shipping manager 运输部经理

post room收发室

Unit Six A Reporting resoults 报告结果


company performance 公司绩效

performance evaluation 绩效评估

annual report 年度报告

pre-tax profits 税前利润

supermarket chain 连锁超市

volatile 可变化的,不稳定的;易挥发的

graph 图表

bar-chart 柱形图

strike action 罢工行动

exchange rate 汇率

disposal 出售

balance sheet 资产负债表

cash management 现金管理

net cash净现金收入

exceptional items 非常项目

operating margins经营利润

cost-cutting measures 降低成本的措施

resource efficiency programme 资源增效计划

sales volume 销售量

trading volume 贸易额

turnover 营业额

restructure 结构重组

asset 资产

streamline 使…有效率

cash surplus 现金盈余

organizational changes 公司结构变化

transformation programme 改革

PLC: public limited company 的缩写

Net profit 净利润

Earnings per share 每股收益

Dividend per share 每股分红

Unit Six B Environment report

第六单元 B 环境结果


guideline 方针

recycle 再使用

recycled paper 再生纸

energy consumption 能源消耗

energy-efficient 节能的

organization car sharing 汽车共用组合environmental performance 环境绩效,环境表现press officer 新闻官员

address 处理,对付

chemical industry 化工工业

by-product 副产品

environmental issues 环境问题

environmental impact 环境影响

environmental programme 环保项目

fix 补救,纠正

non-hazardous 无害的

product stewardship programme 产品跟踪管理计划product life cycle 产品寿命周期

commit 拨出,调配……供使用

halve 减半

to reach a target 达到目标

to fulfill an obligation 承担义务

demanding 苛刻的

shareholder 股东

commitment 许诺

Unit seven A Health and Safety 健康与安全


office injury 办公室事故造成的人身伤害,工伤health and safety obligation 健康与安全职责accident report 事故报告

accident at work 上班时出现的事故

a filing cabinet 文件柜

maintenance 维修部门

sustain 遭受

bump 肿块

dress 包扎伤口

painkiller 止痛片

take medication

服药drug gay

hazard 事故,公害

risk assessment 风险评估

to take precautions 采取防范措施

health and safety inspector 健康和安全巡查员industry standards 行业标准

civil liability 民事责任

safety representative 安全代理人

safety officer 安全员

take … into account 把…考虑进去

amend 修正

in place 适宜

go to court 上法庭

in one’s own right 凭本身的权利

working environment 工作环境

safety equipment 安全装备

first aid facilities 急救设施

Unit seven B Rights at work工作中的权利词汇准备

work extra time 加班

smoking policy 有关吸烟的政策

staff complaints 员工投诉

bulletin 公告

plaintiff 原告

tribunal 法庭

industrial tribunal 劳资仲裁庭

rule 裁定,裁决

tribunal rules 法庭裁决

cloudy 忧郁的

legal action 法律诉讼

law firm 法律事务所

employment law 劳工法

employment appeal tribunal 劳工诉讼法庭

fellow colleagues 同事

a series of 一系列

solve the problem 解决问题

to draw up/formulate a policy 起草一份政策规定contractual obligation 合同义务

smoking bans 禁烟令

grievance 牢骚,不满


to be faced with 面对

be absent from work 缺勤


sack 解雇

poor time keeping 时间管理能力差

sexual harassment 性骚扰

front page of a newspaper 报纸头版

curriculum vitae 个人简历

a packet of photocopier paper 一包复印纸

Unit 8 A Business expenses

第八单元 A 商务费用


i ncur 承受;蒙受

business trip 商务旅行

expenses claim (s) 报销申报

expenses claims sheet 费用报销单

claim 要求报销

underground system 地下交通系统(地铁)

authorize 批准

make a false claim for expenses虚报费用、报虚假费用账

make an expenses claim for… 要求报销……的费用




an expenses reimbursement system报销制度

small print (通常印于报销单、保险单、股票、租约等下端阐明各种保留或限制条件的)附属细则、小号字体印刷(品)

accounts department 会计部门(也作accounts)

a marketing conference 营销会议

cash payment 现金支付

abuse 滥用、妄用、误用



recruitment trip 招聘公差

corporate travel expenses 公司差旅费

a corporate charge card 公司赊账卡

cash advances 预付款

personal expenses 个人费用

entertainment expenses招待费用

corporate expenses 公司(商务)费用

settle the balance 结清余额

auditing procedure 审计程序

line manager 直属经理、直属主管、部门经理、业务经理(与行政经理相对)random 随机的、机遇的

process 审核、审查

audit 审计、查证账目

pay bills for food , taxis, etc.支付食物、乘坐出租车等的费用

pay for accommodation 支付住宿费

traveling expenses 旅行费用

cost of business calls while on your business trip 商务出差期间打公务电话的费用

fax or telephone charges 传真或电话费用

cost of meals and lodging 住宿费用

hotel bills 旅馆住宿费

public transportation fares 公交车费

laundry expenses 洗衣费用

client entertainment expenses 招待客户的费用

submit false expenses claims 递交虚假费用报销申请

inflate travel expenses 夸大差旅费用

falsely claimed back £50 on an expenses claim 通过虚报费用赚回50英镑

put personal bills on corporate expenses 把私人开支算在公司账上

expenses fraud is dishonest/unethical/outrageous conduct 仿造开支是不诚实/不道德/无耻的行为

violate code of business conduct and ethics 违反商业行为和道德准则

suffer from the qualms of conscience 受到良心的责备

risk losing your honour 冒丧失尊严的风险

ruin the image of the company 毁了公司的形象

Honesty is the best policy 诚实是最好的策略

strictly observe honesty principle 恪守诚信原则

integrity of heart is indispensable 内心的诚实是必不可少的

In business,(as in our personal lives,)honesty and integrity are the elements most critical to building fruitful, long-term relationships. 在商务上,(在生活中也一样,)诚信和正直是建立成功长期关系的最关键因素。

do your best in fostering a corporate culture of honesty and integrity 为营造诚信、正直的公司文化尽你的全力

Unit 8 B Business travel

第8单元 B 商务旅行


air travel乘飞机旅行



baggage allowance允许行李数量、行李限制

business class 商务舱

frequent flyer飞机常客

air-miles award 里程奖(air-miles)

burger bar 汉堡快餐店

creature comfort(衣、食、住、行等方面)给肉体以舒适的东西、特制享受

in-flight catering 航空餐饮、机上提供的食品、饮料

priority status优先权、优先资格

legroom 座位前的伸腿空间



scheduled flight定期航班



low-cost airlines 低成本航空公司、低费用航空公司

mainstream airlines大型航空公司

no-frills 只提供最起码必需品的、经济型的

deal 待遇




check-in desk登机手续办理合

take off起飞(名词为take-off,起飞)

transfer 转机

refund 退还、偿还



consolidation 联合兼并

reclining seat可躺的斜椅座位


high volume route客流量大的航线、航空热线


ticket desk票务台

get free mileage offers and value for money service赢得免费飞行里程和物有所值的服务

provide passengers with effective economic options给乘客提供了有效而又经济的选择

valet service airport parking saves you a lot of time and trouble机场代客停车服务为你节省了时间,省去了许多麻烦。

let valet take care of your car while you are away: get your car washed, or have the oil changed 你出差时可让机场服务员照看你的汽车——帮你洗车或者更换机油

no extra charge for extra cabin baggage无需为额外的随身携带行李付费

satisfy your seat preference满足你对座位的偏爱

reclining seats on board helps to eliminate your weariness from flying long-haul


you can stretch out ,lie back and get some proper sleep 你可以伸展一下身子,躺下来,好好睡一觉

arrive rested and ready for your work 到达时你已充分得休息、准备投入工作in flight-catering helps you to relax yourself 航空餐饮帮你放松

make life on board just a little less stressful 在飞行途中感到不那么紧张

make the most of your time in the air to prepare for your work with the in-seat phone system 座位上有电话系统,你可以在飞行途中充分利用时间,为工作作好准备

Unit 9 A Flexible benefits

第九单元 A 弹性福利制度


benefits system 福利制度

day care 日间托儿所

childcare 儿童保育、托儿的

annual leave 年假

company car公司配给的汽车

benefits package一揽子福利、福利套餐(指工资之外的福利,如健康保险、住房或股票等)

base pay 基本工资

benefit premium (基本工资外的)福利津贴

reward 报酬、奖金

core benefits 核心福利项目

additional benefits funding 附加福利基金

life assurance 人寿保险

accident insurance 意外险

health insurance健康保险

medical insurance 医疗保险

monthly pay月薪

call center 呼叫中心、电话中心

bulk discount 大宗购买折扣、批量折扣

bargaining power 议价能力、讨价还价的能力

provider 供应商

payroll 员工薪水名册、在职人员工资表

optional 可供选择的

recruitment 招聘、征募员工

lump sum 一次性(付款)

stuff turnover 人员流动率、人员更新

pension scheme 养老金计划、退休金计划(也作pension plan)

consultancy 咨询公司、顾问公司

roadside show 路演、路演推介会(也作road show)

benefits provided for all our staff include 向全体员工提供的福利包括defined benefit 固定福利

employee services benefits 雇员服务福利

employee stock ownership plan(ESOP)员工持股计划

supplement pay benefits 补充报酬福利

supplemental unemployment benefits 补充失业福利

business travel accident insurance 公差意外险

health care benefits 健康保健福利

retail vouchers 购物券

disability insurance 残疾保险

Unit 9 B Staff appraisal

第九单元 B 员工评估


job description工作性说明、职务说明


working environment工作环境


to miss deadlines没赶上最后期限、赶不上最后期限

to meet deadlines赶上最后期限



promotion prospects升职、提升前景


appraisal interview评估面试

be supposed to 希望、应该、推测

tackle 解决、处理(问题)

pinpoint 确认、精确地定位


legal guidelines法律准则

focus on 集中在……


go through举行、完成

exchange ideas交流思想、看法

nothing more than只不过、只是(意同only)


lead to 导致、造成

pay rise加薪

people management人事管理

human resources manager人力资源部经理(亦简作HR manager)

build up积累、收集

appraisals offer the manager and the member of staff the opportunity to sit down and discuss how they work together 评估使经理和员工有机会坐下来讨论怎样合作

identify the staff member’s training needs 明确员工的培训需要

encourage personal growth and challenge among the staff 鼓励员工的个人发展和员工之间的相互竞争

foster a spirit of teamwork 培养员工的团队精神

enable staff to jointly agree on performance areas that need attention 使员工一致明确需要关注的工作范围

non-performers are weeded out or challenged to new development by fellow employees rather than superiors 工作表现差的员工被淘汰、或者因为受到来自同事而非领导的压力而接受新的挑战

reach an understanding and agreement between management and staff 管理部门和员工之间达成相互理解

find out what are the factors that affect performance 找出影响工作业绩的因素understand the specific objectives you would like to set yourself 明确自己定出的具体目标

think about your personal development objectives 考虑个人发展的目标

Unit 10 A Marketing disasters

第十单元 A 营销惨败


disaster 彻底的失败、大败

marketing 营销、销售

marketing mix营销组合

place 营销渠道

promotion 促销宣传活动

advertising executive 广告主管人员


computer hardware retailer 计算机硬件零售商

liquidation 清算、清盘、停业清理(公司因破产而停业清理,可能出于自愿或有法院判定)

washing powder 洗衣粉

withdraw 撤回

reformulation 重新配方

marketing strategy 营销策略

promotional gift 促销礼品(如作为广告宣传的T-shirt(T恤衫)、posters(海报)、brochures(小册子)、stationery(文具)、calendars(挂历)等。

promotion from hell 通过恣意玩闹的方式促销

confectionery 糖果生产厂家

marketing industry 营销行业

building company 建筑公司

a petrol station chain 连锁加油站

market share 市场份额

Marketing Department 销售部

Campaign 促销活动

Conservatory (玻璃)暖房

top-of-the-range (同类商品中)最好的、最豪华的、最昂贵的(美语中用top-of-the-line)

garden furniture 花园桌椅

a barbecue set 一套烧烤用具

catchy 引人注目

product: holidays in the sun, take a mild sun-bath, for well-off people, get away from the crowded resorts (“the freedom to be …”) 阳光假日,晒日光浴,适合经济富裕的顾客,远离拥挤的旅游胜地

price: upmarket, comparatively expensively expensive 高档商品,价格相对昂贵promotion: the company uses the internet, brochures or mailshots, etc. to promote the product 公司通过因特网、宣传手册、邮寄广告等手段来促销这一产品place: use travel agents or deal with customers directly (as the website address and the telephone number is provided here) 通过旅行或直接接待顾客的途径(广告提供了网址和电话号码)

Unit 10 B Going global

第十单元 B 走向全球


go global 进军国际市场、打入国际市场(亦作go abroad 或do business overseas)

globalization 全球化、全球性

product line 产品种类

portfolio 投资组合

pay-off 回报、价值

local adaptation 产品的本土化

potential profits 潜在利润

margin 利润、利差、赚头

full-service hotel 提供全方位服务的酒店

long-term-stay hotel 提供长期居住服务的酒店

globetrotting 环球旅行、经常到各地旅行的

presence 跻身、(在市场上)占有一席之地

reservation 预定(房间)

standardised services 标准化服务

enter foreign market(s) 进入、打入外国市场

retirement community 退休社区

target market 目标市场

financial risk 金融风险

franchise 特许经营权、特许制

production facilities 生产设备

joint venture 合资企业

acquire a company 收购一家公司

know-how 专门技能、技术、生产经验

economies of scale 规模效益、规模经济(亦作scale economies)

optimize 使最优化

undercut 压价与……抢生意

risk-free 无风险的

a learning race 学习竞赛

formula 模式、公式

long-term strategy 长期策略

create the market presence 建立市场地位、开创市场份额

cosmetics 化妆品

invest in research and development 在研发方面投资

listen to their customers 了解市场需求

understand the market demand 识别最有价值的促销方法

identify the most valuable promotional methods 公司应该熟悉本土市场的价值观念和社会习俗

companies should be acquainted with the local values and social customs 使产品适应不同的本土市场

adapt the products to different local customers 迎合本地消费者的口味

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