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1:湘潭英文导游词 Xiangtan city is located in the central hunan province, the xiangjiang river middle reaches, and changsha, zhuzhou, hunan province politics, economy and culture of the most developed the “golden triangle” region. Xiangtan has a long history, since ancient times is the important commercial center in the lake, in the early seventeenth century was the famous “the market” and “medicine”. Xiangtan mild climate, fertile land, rich products, pig is the national important grain production base, because of the abundant XiangLian referred to as “the hometown of Chinese XiangLian”.

Xiangtan is an important mechanical and electrical industrial base, China is now in order to form in the metallurgical, mechanical and electrical, textile, chemical industry, building materials as the main body and competitive pillar industry. Xiangtan humid tropical monsoon climate zone, dry summer, winter and spring are susceptible to the cold wave and winds.

Energy resources are rich, average sunshine hours of 1640-1640 hours. Heat resource abundance, and the average temperature is 16.17.℃. Rainfall is abundant, but the seasonal distribution, the interannual change is big, annual rainfall is 1200-1500 mm.

Xiangtan, is where the sun rises, it is historical and cultural city, the cradle of hunan culture, China’s “hometown of XiangLian”; Also is the national people’s admiration of tourism destination, hunan tourism brand “celebrity famous mountains” at the center of the tourist destination. Landscape: MAO zedong’s former residence, rain lake park, xiangtan Confucian temple, ShaoFeng scenic spot, peng dehuai’s former residence, MAO zedong memorial, etc.

2:湘潭英文导游词Xiangtan is located in central China’s hunan province by east region, middle and lower reaches of xiangjiang river. With changsha as “product” word shape, constitute the politics, economy and culture of hunan province is the most developed t he “golden triangle” area. It governs the xiangxiang, shaoshan city, county and yuhu, yue tong two city, the city’s total area of01square kilometers

and a population https://www.doczj.com/doc/e511371271.html,lion, the urban area of81 square kilometers and a population of50000.

Western urban northeast for downland, much to the ground. Yue pond area method of huashan,9meters above sea level, for the top of the town. Easy home wan wu s port of0 m above sea level, for the urban low. Xiangjiang river from south to north is “S” shape runs through the city. A humid tropical monsoon climate, annual average temperature 17.℃, rainfall of 1500 millimeters, frost-free period80 days.

Main crops are rice, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and trees, agricultural and sideline products have lean pig. Built XiangZhu greenhouse vegetables base, guanghua village pollution-free vegetable base, yue slaughter pigs base pond area, AngTianHu special aquaculture base and so on.

Xiangtan spirit, talented people. Xiangtan is a generation great man MAO zedon g’s hometown, peng dehuai, Chen Geng, Tan Zheng the home of the elder proletarian revolutionist, also is qi baishi, Yang Du, takes celebrities such as person of hometown. Xiangtan is the hometown of XiangLian and the national famous

production base of grain pig. Since the founding of new China, xiangtan agriculture and countryside had the very big development. Especially since the reform and opening, xiangtan intensify the scientific technology, speed up the industrialization of agriculture and farmers well-off process. Xiangtan is the national third, the province’s second tons of food city, the province’s first comprehensive greening up to standard city and the province the first rural well-off society.

Xiangtan education developed, the city has more than a dozen colleges, the xiangxiang and yuhu respectively was named the national and provincial cultural advanced counties. All-round development of various social undertakings.

Xiangtan is a city with a long history, there were many places of intere st. “Guan temple” in zheng ping road, is a qing dynasty acquainting, wood, stone carving, white marble before the spring and autumn pavilion hollow out dragon post, shilong curvet, exquisite and excellent for the provincial key protection units. “Liu martyr’s shrine” main street

in the city, the temple with sun yat-sen, the qing dynasty to commemorate Liu Daoyi martyrs and inscribed eulogy. “Xiangtan cemetery is located in the” construction of north road, is a revolutionary martyrs and the revolution of the late old cadre resting place, park green free, quiet and clean. By the inside lane YiYuan pawnshop is “heroine” qiu jin’s former residence. Scenic fen hill in easy bay, the mountain peak cragginess, scenery under well. City are now Confucian temple, Tang Xingqiao, HengTing, narathiwat mountain, He Teng dumpling and the cenotaph of more than 10. “Rain” lake park is the biggest rest area of city seiko beautification, floor TingXie pavilion, clear water, chueiyang tourists, an endless stream, all praise beauty said.

Land of mountains and rivers beautiful, fat, make xiangtan has been China’s commodity grain base and slaughter pig lean base in hunan province. Food had tons of grain per mu, has become the first well-off city of hunan province. Because of the abundant XiangLian, referred to as “the hometown of China XiangLian”, so the xiangtan is also called the “lotus city”.

3:湘潭英文导游词 Xiangtan is the national XiangLian of the township, is a picturesque scenery, the scenery charming place, since ancient times have the laudatory title of lotus town. Mention of xiangtan city - lotus, our heart is full of pride and pride. City is a hero of the city, is a magical land, beautiful, and talented people. Is a generation great man MAO zedong, peng dehuai, Chen Geng, Tan Zheng the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries of the hometown, also is qi baishi, Yang Du, takes celebrities such as person of hometown. Has a history of one thousand years old, one thousand years of cultural accumulation has created lotus city glorious history. For more than0 years of reform and opening-up, the fulfillment of proud of changes have taken place in lotus city, city people’s intelligence, hard-working hands and dare to struggle spirit, make the ancient lotus city to glo w the youth, a “civilization, good faith, peace, warm” lotus city show in front of us, with its unique spirit has won widespread praise. You know, lotus lake city just before the rain, chrysanthemum, a few small parks such as peace,

citizens will they call ed for the green “patch”. To beautify the environment, improve residents’ living conditions, in recent years, the xiangtan city investment of 100 million yuan. Construction, transform the silk, lotus, tam, gentleman’s lotus lake, rain and white stone green square. In many communities and streets, the newly built a small size green garden. In the streets, planting flowers and trees. Not long ago, was the provincial government awarded the “green garden city”.

Now the lotus city, pot-holed streets disappeared. The streets of new broad, tree-lined. Many buildings were built.

Now the lotus city with convenient transportation, communications developed. Convenient highway, XiangQianXian across the city, in Switzerland, the beijing-zhuhai expressway, just like one dragon, winding ups and downs between the hills.

Beautiful lotus city, ChengBi through the city like to take of the xiangjiang river. Like a silver ribbon, the lotus city dress up like a graceful girl. Coast is the terminal one after another, hexi levee has been

built riverside sight belt.

Lotus city beautiful scenery, Lin Maoliang. Its change is “one same, three years changed out.” The citizens see in the eye, joy in my mind!

The classmates, we have for the welfare of the people heart and soul of the leadership of the communist party of China, there are brave and hardworking hometown people generation after generation of unremitting efforts, the lotus city will have a better tomorrow!

The classmates, friends, more beautiful, the lotus city construction should be our lotus city, a new generation of young children’s common goals and glorious responsibility. From now on, from the intravenous drip minor matter, starts to lotus city, who contribute to the development of various undertakings.

Lotus city, I love you, here are the footprints of my childhood, the joy of youth, more have I to the dreams of the future. I promise you, I must learn to practise. With my diligence and wisdom to you in the future to build more rich, more prosperous, more beautiful!








关于庐山的导游词 庐山不仅风景秀丽,而且文化内涵深厚,更集教育名山、文化名山、宗教名山、政治名山于一身。对于这样一个充满文化色彩的景点,大家是否很期待呢下面是小编整理的三篇关于庐山的导游词,希望大家喜欢。 庐山导游词(一) 各位朋友,大家好! 在没有开始之前,我先问大家一个问题,有哪位朋友能记得苏东坡的那首诗《题西林壁》呢有谁记得李白的《望庐山瀑布》,也许说名字大家不熟悉,但内容,我相信大家都知道:“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同,不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。”“日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川;飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。”也许很多人都是从这两首诗中才知道庐山的,并且,“庐山真面目”已经成了一个约定俗成的习惯用语了。那么,庐山的真面目究竟是什么样子呢从我下面的介绍中也许能让大家略知一二。 庐山位于江西省的北部,屹立于长江的南岸、鄱阳湖的西北,南接星子县,北邻九江市。庐山虽非五岳之列,却有“庐岳”之称(明朝开国皇帝朱元璋封)。自古就有“磅礴五百里,奇秀甲东南”的赞誉。唐代大诗人白居易在他的《庐山草堂记》中赞之为“匡庐奇秀甲天下山”。庐山的山体呈长椭圆形,从高空鸟瞰,仿佛一个肾脏,山势由西北向东南

方向倾斜,长约20公里,宽约16公里,总面积约为300平方公里。庐山由99座山峰组成,最高峰为汉阳峰,海拔1474米。庐山是怎样形成的呢(秦始皇赶山的传说)在很久很久以前,这一地区是汪洋一片,大约在六千万年以前,经历了一场“燕山运动”的造山运动,逐渐形成了现在的大致模样,又在200万年前,经历了第四纪冰川。简单的说,就是地壳运动,褶皱隆起,断裂上升而成,地质史上称之为“地垒式断块山”。 庐山属于亚热带季风区,气候温和宜人,也许大家都知道这样一个尝试:地势每升高1000米,温度降低6度左右,而庐山平均海拔在1000米以上,于是形成了庐山春迟,夏短,秋早,冬长的特点。年平均气温度,夏季平均气温度,历史上最高温度为32度,最低温度为16度,在炎热的夏季,庐山相对于山脚下的九江,南昌,南京武汉等几个火炉城市来说,是一片热海中的清凉岛屿。因此,庐山是有名的避暑胜地。常常有客人问:“庐山的房间里有没有空调呀”其实庐山顶上是不用空调的,用空调反倒是一种浪费和污染。因为庐山本身就是一个天然的大空调和大氧吧。只有冬天才有暖气,为了防止近几年,随着宾馆档次的提高,一些四星级的宾馆也安装了空调。 庐山是平地突起,山中的地形相对来说比较封闭,这种独特的地理环境,使庐山常年处于云雾缭绕之中,庐山的烟


丹东概况导游词 丹东是全国优秀旅游城市,随着旅游事业的发展,到丹东的游客的人数有增无减。下面是为大家准备的丹东概况导游词,欢迎参考! 丹东概况导游词范文1 丹东市位于辽宁省东南部的鸭绿江畔,黄海岸边,与朝鲜民主主义共和国新义州市隔江相望,行政区划面积万平方公里,现有汉、满、蒙、回、朝鲜等36个民族,总人口243万。1988年,经国务院批准成为沿海开放城市。下辖东港市、凤城市、宽甸满族自治县及振兴、元宝、振安三个城区和一个国家级边境经济合作区。20xx年,被列入辽宁沿海“五点一线”重点发展区域。! 丹东地处东北亚的中心地带,是东北亚经济圈、环渤海经济圈重要交汇点,是连接朝鲜半岛与及欧亚大陆的主要陆路通道,是万里长城的最东端起点和万里海疆的最北端起点,具有沿海、沿江、沿边的独特优势。 铁路交通距平壤220公里,距首尔420公里,是贯穿整个东北亚铁路大动脉上的重要枢纽。公路交通距省会沈阳220公里,距大连252公里,与这两座北方中心城市构成鼎足之势。 丹东港距韩国仁川港仅245海里,是连接韩国、日本十分便利的海上通道。丹东已初步形成陆、海、空立体交通运

输。 在辽宁加快实施沿海开放战略中,丹东作为辽宁“五点一线”对外开放格局中重要一极,面临着前所未有的发展机遇,丹东新区开发与建设将使丹东由“江城”成为“港城”,为国内外客商投资丹东提供了一个新的更高品位的理想空间。 丹东依山、临江、面海,景色优美,气候宜人,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,年平均气温9℃,素有“北国江南”之美誉,是东北地区最温暖湿润的地方,也是最适合人类居住的城市之一。境内江、河、湖、海、山、泉、林、岛等自然景观齐全且各有特色,拥有国家、省级以上旅游风景区、自然保护区和森林公园24处,是全国“市民最满意城市”20强之一,是全国优秀旅游城市,是辽宁省园林城市。 丹东海岸线长126公里,滩涂面积328平方公里,具有发展港口、造船、旅游、发电和水产养殖业等产业的良好条件。丹东地热丰富,现有地热天然露点17处,是东北著名的温泉疗养胜地。 丹东概况导游词范文2 丹东地处黄海之滨、鸭绿江畔,位于辽宁省东南部,与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国隔江相望,是一个以工业、商贸、物流、旅游为主的沿江沿海沿边城市。全市行政区域面积万平方公里,总人口243万,其中市区面积563平方公里,人


辽宁省内的英文导游词 shenyang former imperial palace zhaoling fuling mausoleums the zhaoling, also known as northern mausoleum as it is in the northern suburbs of shenyang, was the tomb of the second qing emperor, huang taji, and his consorts. buried under the fuling of eastern mausoleum were the remains of nurhachi and his wife, empress xiaoci. sept. 18 incident museum the museum, housed inside the monument to the september 18 incident at the marco polo bridge, recaptures the incident launched by japanese militarists and exposes japanese atrocities in the war that ensued. weird slope of shenyang the 100-metre-long weird slope is found near qingshuitai town in the northern suburbs of shenyang and the shenyang-changchun expressway, and 35km from downtown shenyang. the weirdness about it is that auto drivers and bicyclists can effortlessly slide up the slope but have to go down the distance by stepping on the accelerator or pedaling real hard. the slope is part of a scenic zone that also includes the xiangshan mountain, the chain bridge and the peng'en temple. 北京长城英文导游词·岳阳楼英文导游辞·重庆英文导游词·西藏英文导游词 summer palace-on-the-water this is china's largest indoor recreational center-on-the-water, and the largest amusement park-on-the-water in asia. dalian the beautiful seaside city of dalian on the southern tip of liaodong peninsula is a nice sightseeing, recuperating and holidaymaking destination. it is particularly suitable for convention or awarded tours. dalian is skirted on three sides by the sea, and its long coast opens onto a myriad of islands. the landscape is fabulous, the weather pleasant, and the urban environment neat and tidy. when night falls the city takes on an enchanting look. dalian is the venue of a series of annual large-scale events, including dalian international fashion festival, the festival to greet new year with firework displays, international marathon competition, and international locust watching festival. dalian beach the beach, lying in southern dalian, is a celebrated summering place in north china and a national scenic resort. major scenic spots: wooden-club isle, hutan (tiger's beach) amusement park, beida (grand north) bridge, yanwo (swallow nestle) peak, fojiazhuang park, forest zoo, xinghai (star sea) bay, xinghai park, shenya marine world, and heishi (black rock) reefs. a seaside highway runs by all these attractions. xinghai park xinghai is the largest seaside park of dalian which consists of a seashore park and a bathing ground. lushunkou scenic resort lushunkou is a national scenic resort and a famed military harbour which in the westernmost part of dalian and the southernmost tip of liaodong peninsula. the largest of its kind in dalian, the lushukou scenic resort comprises 8 scenic zones, including reefs, islands, mountains, snake isle


xx实习报告xx 实习目的:调查庐山的自然地理概况,主要是地貌、土壤和植被的概况。 实习时间:XX年8月1日至XX年8月8日 实习地点:xxxx 实习内容:xx的自然地理概况。 实习生:地理系XX级本科函授班xx [一]、概况: 庐山,位于江西省北部,东经115度52分——116度零8分,北纬29度26分——29度41分,面积302平方公里,外围保护地带面积500平方公里。北濒一泻千里的长江,南襟烟波浩渺的鄱阳湖,大江、大湖、大山浑然一体,险阻与娟秀刚柔相济,素以“雄、奇、险、秀”闻名于世。 庐山地处亚热带东部季风区域,面江临湖,山高谷深,具有光鲜的山地气候特征。年平衡降水1917毫米,年平衡雾日191天,年平衡相对湿度78%,每年7月——9月平衡温度摄氏度,夏季极端最高温度32摄氏度。优良的气候和柔美的自然环境,使庐山成为世界出名的避暑胜地。 [二]、分述: xx植物实习报告 实习时间:XX年8月1日至XX年8月8日 实习内容:调查庐山主要植被类型及组成、结构动态和分布规律。 实习路线:8月2日下午:庐山牯岭街——大月山简捷公路——植物园——含鄱口。沿途认识植物。8月3日上午:庐山会址——回龙路1000米处。下午:黄龙寺、三宝树简捷公路。土壤植物综合实习。8月8日:乘车下山,经秀峰观察常绿阔叶林。 一、植物概况:

庐山植物丰盛。森林覆盖率达%。高等植物近3000种,在钟灵娟秀的庐山,更有集庐山植物景观之大成的璀璨的“山中明珠”——庐山植物园。 1、8月2日下午:庐山牯岭街——大月山简捷公路——植物园,沿途认识植物。其中,庐山牯岭街10种植物的科名、属名:①、黄山松:松科、直条型。②、扁柏:柏科。③、马挂木:木兰科。④、化香树:胡桃科,落叶阔叶树。⑤、金钱松:松科。⑥、小叶柏了树:安息香科、落叶阔叶树。 ⑦、灯台树:回照科,落叶阔叶树。⑧、大花金鸡菊:菊科。 ⑨、胡桐树:胡桐科。⑩、红豆杉、柳杉和冷杉:三尖杉科。 其次,庐山植物园10种植物科名、产地和用途:①、白花杜鹃:杜鹃花科,原产江西、江苏、浙江、福建、广东、广西、四川、云南。用途:观赏。 ②、杉木:杉科,原产河南、安徽、广东、广西。用途:材用。③、金缕梅:金缕梅科,原产广西、湖北、江西。用途:观赏。④、山茶:山茶科,原产云南。用途:观赏及药用。⑤、平枝荀子:蔷薇科,原产陕西、四川、云南。用途:观赏。⑥、南方铁杉:松科,原产安徽、浙江、福建、湖南。用途:材用及观赏。⑦、青杆:松科,原产河北、山西、陕西。用途:材用及观赏。⑧、厚皮香:茶科。⑨、日本木槭:原产日本,用于观赏。⑩、么锦杜鹃:杜鹃科,原产云南、贵州、江西。用途:观赏、花作为药用。 二、xx群落类型: 庐山在自然植被上,由于它地处中亚热带,海拔1400多米,属于我国亚热带东部季风区域,离海700公里左右,在植被分布上,其水平地带是常绿阔叶林,随着海拔高度的增加,地表水热状况的垂直分异,深刻地制约着植被的垂直分布,导致植物群落类型多种多样。从大的方面来分,主要分为两部分:针叶林和阔叶林。 (一)、针叶林: 对于针叶林,我们所抽取的样方有两个点,一个是日照松林——黄山松群落。另一个是8月3日上午在回龙路1000米处的扁柏林——线状植被。 1、黄山松群落:分布在牯岭,属于落叶阔叶林的一个群落。


天山天池导游词 各位游客,大家好! 欢迎大家来到天池山旅游。天山天池国家级风景名胜区位于新疆维吾尔自治区阜康市南33公里处。天山天池位于阜康县境内的博格达峰下的半山腰,东距乌鲁木齐110公里,海拔1980米,(随着海拔高度不同可分为冰川积雪带、高山亚高山带、山地针叶林带和低山四个自然带。在天池同时可观赏雪山、森林、碧水、草坪、繁花的景色)。是一个天然的高山湖泊。湖面呈半月形,长3400米,最宽处约1500米,面积平方公里,最深处约105米。湖水清澈,晶莹如玉。四周群山环抱,绿草如茵,野花似锦。有"天山明珠"盛誉。挺拔、苍翠的云杉、塔松,漫山遍岭,遮天蔽日。天池东南面就是雄伟的博格达主峰(蒙古语"博格达",意为灵山、圣山)海拔达5445米。主峰左右又有两峰相连。抬头远眺,三峰并起,突兀插云,状如笔架。峰顶的冰川积雪,闪烁着皑皑银光,与天池澄碧的湖水相映成趣,构成了高山平湖绰约多姿的自然景观。是国务院首批公布的国家级重点风景名胜区。天池是一座在两百余万年以前第四纪大冰川活动中形成的高山冰碛湖,天池湖面海拔1980米,湖面呈半月形,南北长3400米,最宽处约1500米,面积平方公里,平均湖深40米,最深105米,总蓄水量亿立方米.是世界著名的高山湖泊,1982年披列为第一批国家重点风景名胜区.天池古称“瑶池”,是传说中西王母宴请周穆

王之地,唐代诗人李商隐曾作诗曰:“瑶池阿母绮窗开,黄竹歌声动地哀,八骏日行三万里,穆王何事不重来”.传说天地是西王母梳妆台上的银镜,又说是西王母的沐浴池,天地绦绕的云雾,是西王母的霓裳羽毛,小天池是西王母的洗脚盆……,这些美妙的神话传说,给优美的天池自然景色象上了一层神秘的色彩,夏季,这里山清水秀,清爽宜人,是绝佳的避暑盛地。游人可登高山、穿密林,俯览天地全景,也可在碧波浩渺的湖水中泛舟横渡,饱览湖光山色。冬天的天池,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,湖上坚冰如玉,是全国少有的高山滑冰场。世人将天地的自然风光概括为“石门一线”、“龙潭碧月”、“顶天三石”、“定海神针”、“南山望雪”、“西山现松”、“海峰展“悬泉飞瀑”八大景观。每年,天地都吸引着大批中外游客,下面为大家简单介绍其中几个景观。 龙潭碧月,龙潭是指位于天池下方约2千米,海拔1660米,盘山公路西侧的“西小天池”。传说是西王母当年用的洗脚盆,实则它是天池湖水透过地下湖坝粗大的冰渍物渗漏下来的泉水,在山嘴交汇的低洼处形成的一个积水深潭。池周塔松竞秀,满山苍翠,每当夜幕降临,皓月当空,山峰树影和碧月一器倒映潭中,静影沉壁,月影微颤,有诗赞曰“一弘碧流成龙潭,青松白雪镶翠盘,金秋桂月沉壁底,疑是嫦娥出广寒。” 南山望雪游客伫立天池冰碛堤坝上,翘首南望博格达雪


庐山导游词文档4篇Lushan tour guide 编订:JinTai College

庐山导游词文档4篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:庐山导游词文档 2、篇章2:庐山导游词作文范文 3、篇章3:庐山导游词作文范文 4、篇章4:庐山导游词作文范文 篇章1:庐山导游词文档 第一篇:庐山导游词 “大家好,我姓章,你们可以叫我章导游,现在我们要去目的地——庐山风景区。在那里不能乱涂乱画,而且也不能乱扔垃圾,请保管好你们手中的物品和看管好小孩。”

好,我向大家介绍一下庐山。庐山位于中国中部,江西 省九江市南,东接鄱阳湖,山体总面积302平方公里,南北长,东西窄全山共90多座山峰呢!最高为大汉阳峰,有海泼1473,4米。群峰间散有许多壡谷、岩洞瀑布溪间地貌复杂多样形成 了奇特瑰丽的山岳景观。 大家请看这边,看看下面,那个白白的颜色就是云气。 弥漫的云气为庐山增添了许多美丽的景色和神秘的色彩呢!庐 山风“奇、秀、险、雄”闻名于世,素有“匡庐山秀甲天下”的美誉。现在有12个风景区,37个景点和23个景物景观。 大家请听我说一个庐山“神仙之庐”的传说水气缭绕的万顷 江湖,众仙们在庐山游玩,那迷人的景色流连忘返。 庐山到处有美丽的景色,说也说不尽,你们自己去游赏 吧!希望我还是你们的导游,祝你幸福,祝你们一路顺风!再会!第二篇:庐山导游词 大家好!我很高兴来做你们的导游,我和唐代著名诗人杜 甫同姓,大家就叫我“杜导”吧! 今天由我来陪大家游览庐山的风景名胜。希望通过我的 讲解,你们能对庐山有一个美好的印象。


沈阳概况英语导游词(精选3篇) 沈阳概况英语导游词 1 Shenyang, billed as the “Oriental ruhr”; Liaoning province provincial capital, [1] the center of the biggest cities in the northeast area, the area is the third largest city in China, one of the seven big regional central city in China, one of the top ten cities in China, one of the 15 [2] a deputy provincial cities in China, is the most important equipment manufacturing base in China. Shenyang with political, military, financial and diplomatic institutions, has shenyang military region, the peoples bank of China shenyang branch, civil aviation administration of the northeast, the northeast electric supervisor will, shenyang railway administration, the northeast power grid co., LTD., the national audit office, a resident office in shenyang, resident foreign media news agencies in shenyang, shenyang bureau of land and resources, postal area center office in shenyang, shenyang land search and rescue center, Chinese academy of sciences, shenyang branch institutions directly under the central government, and the United States, Russia, Korea, Japan,


辽宁英语导游词精品范文 辽宁英语导游词精品范文一 Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yellow sea, 50 kilometers from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and west peninsula and the hinterland of the open between the two peninsula and bathing beach. In 1986 was identified as national scenic area, in 1992 the state council approved the national tourist resort, in 20XX was named the first national 4 a level scenic spots, in 20XX was named national geological parks in China. Golden pebble beach, warm in winter and cool in summer, a pleasant climate, surrounded by sea on three sides over more than 30 kilometers of coastline, condensed the geological wonders of 9-300 million, was born six hundred million years ago in sinian period rocks form the magnificent stone landscape, known as “solidification of the animal world”, “natural


庐山导游解说词 庐山的导游解说词大家会写了吗? 下面是小雅WTT为大家收集的关于庐山导游解说词,欢迎大家阅读! 庐山导游解说词【1】 各位游客,你们好!我姓徐,你们叫我小徐好了。 我先给大家简单的介绍一下庐山的概况年新中国成立,建国伊始,政府就开始谋划修筑庐山登山公路年7月组成庐山登山公路修建工程处,这年冬天,这条公路正式开工年8月1日,这条长36公里的登山公路便正式通车。后来,人们称这条公路为北山公路。北山公路盘山而进,有近四百处弯道,所以毛泽东在《登庐山》一诗中,有“跃上葱茏四百旋”之句,其实呀,这条公路的弯道只有399个弯,所以有人说,毛主席也是吹了一小点点牛的。这条公路庐山居民常称之为“毛泽东路线” 19XX年10月,庐山南部登山公路开工,第二年7月1日通车,人们把这条路称作南山公路。南山公路的修成,为上庐山的国内外游客,提供了更为便捷的条件。以后,又有人在庐山修筑数条缆车道与公路。 早在一千二百多年前,唐代著名诗人李白便这样赞美庐山:“予行天下,所游山水甚富,俊伟诡特,鲜有能过之者,真天下之壮观也。”

庐山是一座地垒式断块山,外险内秀。具有河流、湖泊、坡地、山峰等多种地貌。主峰--大汉阳峰,海拔1474米;庐山自古命名的山峰便有171座。群峰间散布冈岭26座,壑谷20条,岩洞16个,怪石22处。水流在河谷发育裂点,形成许多急流与瀑布,瀑布22处,溪涧18条,湖潭14处。著名的三叠泉瀑布,落差达155米。 至今,庐山仍有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教、天主教等宗教及教派的寺庙、道观、教堂多座。 庐山导游解说词【2】 欢迎大家来到风光秀丽、景色怡人的庐山,我是你们的导游,大家可以叫我小刘。 庐山的天气变化多端,苏东坡上庐山时刚好遇到的是云雾天气,什么都没有看见,所以他不由的感叹说:哎,这么大的雾,什么都看不见,连庐山是什么样都不知道。不过人家毕竟是诗人,虽然什么都没有看见,但还是写下了“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”的千古绝句。我们庐山的天气啊,就像是小孩的脸,说变就变,刚才还是晴空万里,说不定一会儿就下雨了。所以说,我们在一定要准备好雨具,以防万一。 我们先来看秀峰瀑布,这里有李白诗下的庐山秀峰瀑布,像白色的带子从天而降,真是“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。”大家坐好了,马上就要到气吐江湖的含鄱(pó)口,在那里可以看到翻腾的云海,非常壮观。还会经过风光秀丽的锦


天山天池风景区导游词 下面是为大家整理的天山天池景区导游词,欢迎参考!篇一:天山天池导景区游词天山天池,古称“瑶池,位于新疆昌吉州阜康市境内,博格达峰的北侧,这里距乌鲁木齐市约110公里,是新疆著名的旅游胜地。 在中国古代神话中,这里还是西天王母娘娘沐浴的地方。 天池湖面海拔1910米,最深处达105米,湖面倒映着博格达峰,周围云杉环拥,风景犹如仙境。 景区内囊括了高山湖泊、湿地草甸、森林峡谷等自然景观。 2013年,景区还被国家评为国家地质公园。 天池景区内共有三处水面,除主湖(也就是通常所说的“天池)外,在东、西两侧还有两处水面。 东侧是“东小天池,又名黑龙潭,位于天池以东500米处,潭下为百丈悬崖,有瀑布飞流直下,像一道长虹而降,景点名“悬泉瑶虹。 西侧是“西小天池,又称玉女潭,位于天池西北约两公里处,因池状如圆月,池周围塔松环抱,如遇到皓月当空时,静影沉壁,所以得名“龙潭碧月。 池侧也飞挂一道瀑布,高数十米,水流如银河落地,景称“玉带银帘。 池上有闻涛亭,在亭中观赏瀑布,别有情趣。 景区内各景点之间,均有栈道连接,可步行到达。

在天池的东岸,有西天王母庙,始建于元朝,目前看到的是1999年在原庙址上重建的建筑,里面供奉着王母娘娘,所以也称“娘娘庙。 区间车下车点靠近天池的东岸,沿着栈道步行到西岸的王母庙大约1.5小时。 和天池景区美丽的自然风光比起来,这个庙不是非常值得花时间去游玩。 每年的11月中旬到次年的3月底会举办“天山天池冰雪风情节,届时游客可以前往风景区附近的天山滑雪场进行滑雪及其他的冰雪项目。 景区内哈萨克族的帐篷可以住宿,但一般游客都是游玩结束后当天返回市区,疆外游客多数是从乌鲁木齐出发前往天池游览,当天就可以返回乌鲁木齐市区住宿。 景区内有就餐点,但价格高于景区外,食物的品质也比景区外差点,建议游客自带食物,等待返城后,在城内再享用新疆美食。 它坐落在北天山东段博格达峰下的半山腰,海拔1980米。 湖面呈半月形,长3400米,最宽处约1500米,面积4.9平方公里。 湖深数米到105米。 湖水清澈,晶莹如玉。 四周群山环抱,绿草如茵,野花似锦。 挺拔、苍翠的云杉、塔松,漫山遍岭,遮天蔽日。 天池东南面就是雄伟的博格达主峰(蒙古语“博格达,意为灵山、圣


庐山导游词范文 庐山导游词(一) 各位朋友,现在我们来到的就是庐山牯岭镇的中心公园,这里是牯岭街的标志,下面我就简单介绍一下牯岭这座山城。 牯岭,庐山的中心。三面环山,一面临谷,海拔1164米,方圆公里,是一座桃源仙境般的山城。牯岭原名牯牛岭,因岭形如一头牯牛而得名。19世纪末,英国传教士李德立入山,租用了牯牛岭的长冲,在这里兴建住宅别墅,逐步开发,并按其气候清凉的特点,据英文cooling的音译,把牯牛岭简称为牯岭。 这座钟灵毓秀的山城,以牯牛岭为界分为东西两谷,地势平坦,峰峦葱茏,溪流潺潺。青松、丹枫遮天蔽日。近千幢风格各异的各国别墅依山就势而筑,高低错落,潇洒雅致,点缀在万绿丛中,与周围环境十分和谐,为国内少有的高山建筑景观。 解放后东西谷均辟为疗、休养,旅游接待区。疗养院、休养所、宾馆、饭店星罗棋布,接待来山游客。山同城最繁华的地方是牯岭街。这条自东向西略成弧形的半面街道,

蜿蜒于牯牛岭西麓,依山而建。商店、旅社、餐厅、书店、酒楼、车站、咖啡厅、舞厅、商场等服务设施均掩映在绿荫丛中,形成天街云市般的山镇。这里不仅是庐山政治、经济、文化、旅游接待和疗、休养的服务中心,而且是通往各景区、景点的交通枢纽。位于牯岭街中心的街心公园,辟建于1954年,后于1987年重修。公园南背牯牛岭,北临剪刀峡,傍岭临谷垒坝筑土而成,面积为5000平方米。XX年又扩建5000平方米。公园呈三角形。园内曲径小道,蘑菇亭昂然。茂林娇花,芳草萋萋。园中央筑有一个半月形大花坛,坛上安放着一头卧即待起的石牛。石牛由数块巨石镶嵌而成,约高2米,长4米。造型生动,融合雕凿、圆雕、浮雕等技法,具有抽象的神韵,使一头强劲有力的牯牛借石质而生。基座上镌有现代书法家启功题写的“牯岭”二字。这头石牛表达了鲜明的主题,是牯岭的象征。 如今盛夏时节,避暑消夏的游人云集这里,清晨看日出,午间戏碧水,傍晚观夕阳。待明月高悬时,漫步在林间小道上,欣赏那松涛、清泉汇成的美妙交响乐. 庐山导游词(二) 大家都是第一次来庐山吧有没有谁之前来过庐山呢在


辽宁省概况导游词 辽宁省,简称辽,省会沈阳,辖14个地级市,其中副省级都市2个(沈阳、大连),区域中心都市1个(沈阳),打算单列市1个(大连),位于中国东北地区南部,南临黄海、渤海,东与朝鲜一江之隔,与日本、韩国隔海相望,是东北地区唯一的既沿海又沿边、中国最北端的沿海省份,也是东北地区及内蒙古自治区东部地区对外开放的门户。下面是由小编为大伙儿带来的对于辽宁省概况导游词,希翼可以帮到您! 辽宁省概况导游词 游客朋友们,大伙儿好! 欢迎您来到辽宁旅游观光。 辽宁省是中国东北地区南部的沿海省份,地处中国东北经济区和环渤海经济区的重要结合部。南临渤海,黄海,,东南以鸭绿江为界与朝鲜为邻,东,北,西三面与吉林,内蒙古,河北等省区接壤。辽宁省地理位置优越,是中国东北地区的经济中心和交通中心,通信枢纽,也是东北亚地区重要的旅游目的地。 辽宁省现辖14个地级市,省会设在沈阳市。全省面积14.59万平方公里,总人口4200多万。全省共有44个民族,除汉族外,还有满,蒙古,回,朝鲜,锡伯等43个少数民族。少数民族人口655万人,占全省人口总数的16%,其中满族,锡伯族聚居人数居全国之首。辽宁省的东部和西部为山地丘陵,中部为广大的辽河平原,构成明显的鞍形地势。西部山地丘陵区东缘的临海狭长平原,适应上称为辽西走廊,是中国东北地区沟通华北地区的要紧陆上通道。海岸线东起鸭绿江口,西至山海关老龙头,全长约2178公里,占中国大陆海岸线总长12%。近海分布大小岛屿506个,占全国岛屿总数8%。岛屿岸线长约700公里,占中国岛屿岸线总长的5%。 辽宁省属温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明。境内雨热同季,日照丰富,积温较高,冬寒夏暖,春秋季短,雨量别均,东湿西干。年平均气温6摄氏度至11摄氏度。1月份最冷,7月份最热。沿海都市气温变化较中部都市稍小。春秋两季受季风妨碍,需要穿夹衣,薄毛衫 等;夏季多雨,应带雨具;冬季气温较低,需要穿棉,毛皮或羽绒服御寒。每年5月至10月事辽宁最佳的旅游季节,1月至2月事欣赏冰雪景观和民间节日的最佳时刻。 辽宁省历史悠久,古文化源远流长。辽河流域和黄河流域,长江流域一样基本上中华民族灿烂文化的发祥地。早在旧石器时代早期,辽宁地区就有人类在这个地方日子。在大石桥发觉的金牛山遗址,距今已有28万年,是迄今为止辽宁地区发觉的最古老的一处人类栖息地。到了距今8000年前,辽宁地区开始进入新石器时代。在阜新发觉的查海遗址,被称为辽河第一村。朝阳牛河梁红山文化遗址距今约5000多年,这个地方存在一具粗具国家雏形的原始文明社会,展现了中华民族5000年前的文明曙光。自夏朝进入奴隶社会后,辽宁地区就与中原政权建立了隶属关系。据中国最早的史书《禹贡》记载,辽宁地区最早隶属于冀州和青州,夏商为幽州,营州之地。春秋战国阶段为燕地。秦始皇统一中国后,全面设置郡县,在辽宁地区设置辽东,辽西和右北平郡。此后,中国历代封建王朝均在此设置行政机构,清代称为盛京,奉天。民国初年沿袭清制,1929年奉天省改为辽宁省,取辽河流域永久安宁之意。九一八事变后,辽宁地区曾一度被日本帝国主义占据。中华人民共和国成立后至建国初期,辽宁地区设辽东省辽西省和热河省。1954年合并辽东、辽西两省,复称辽宁省。 辽宁省矿产资源丰富,门类齐全,已发觉的矿藏有100多种,其中铁、硼、菱镁石、金刚石、滑石、玉石、溶剂灰岩等矿的储备量均为中国首位。辽河油田是中国第三大油气田,石油、天然气储备量分 别占全国储备量的15%和10%。辽宁工业基础雄厚,具有近百年的工业历史,是我国


Shenyang Imperial Palace Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf of Shenyang citizens. I'm with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived. Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had come back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. The other one is Forbidden City in Beijing. Shenyang Imperial Palace was entitled "Historic Culture Relics Preserved Buildings" in 1961 by the State Council. This palace is an emperor museum combining the architectural styles of the minorities of Man, Han and Mongolia. This palace covers an area of 60,000 square meters, comprising over 20 courtyards, 300 houses and 70 buildings. The whole construction is divided into three sections: the east, middle and west. First let's pay a visit to the buildings in the middle section. The layout of middle section is similar to a Chinese compound with three courtyards. The first courtyard is the office area. It starts from the Grand Qing Gate on the south and ends at Holy Administration Hall. From Phoenix Tower to Purity and Tranquility Hall is the residential area. They all lay out on the same line. The main entrance to the palace is the Grand Qing Gate, also called Meridian Gate because the emperor considered himself as the son of Heaven and the palace should be the center of universe .The Grand Qing Gate was built in 1632 and it was the place where the civilian officials and military ministers to present themselves before the emperor daily .The special feature of the gate is the tile color. They are all yellow tiles but engraved with green borders. Yellow symbolizes the ground and the royal right while green represents sea and mountains. The combination of them means controlling the vast areas on the earth. The building to the east of Grand Qing Gate is called Ancestor Temple (Taimiao)with yellow tile roof, where Nuerhachi's descendants offered sacrifices to their ancestors for blessings. So Ancestor Temple is the most important. Please follow me into the gate. This path in the middle links the gate to Holy Administration Hall with Flying Dragon Pavilion (Feilongge)and Flying Phoenix Pavilion (Xiangfengge)on each side. The Hall of Holy Administration is the main building in the middle part of the palace and it was the center of the military, administrative affairs in early Qing Dynasty and had witnessed many national ceremonies. Flying Dragon and Flying Phoenix Pavilions were for storing music instruments. Holy Administration Hall was Emperor Huangtaiji's office. In front of the hall are Rigui and Jiangliang, which were used as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. In accident construction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area is in the rear. Since we have visited the place where the Emperors worked and now we'll pay a visit to the

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