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上海应用技术学院2015—2016 学年第二学期

《大学英语2B 》期末考试口语评分记录单

课程代码: B11101E2 课程序号:学分: 2 考试时间:



Spoken English Test

Part Ⅰ10%

Directions: In this part, you are going to make a 2-minute dialogue with your partner. Pick one of the following situational topics and create the dialogue with as many useful expressions you’ve learnt as possible.

Situation 1 My roommate is driving me crazy!

A You roommate loves shopping. Every month she buys new

clothes, shoes and designer bags using a credit card. Her room is full of clothes she never wears. She spends more money than she has and borrows money from you to pay her rent. And she hasn’t paid you back for two months. Explain your problem to B. Then listen and respond to B’s advice.

B Listen to A’s problem. Give A some advice.

Situation 2 Inviting a friend to a movie

A You are calling student

B to invite him/her to a movie this evening. Say the name and time of the movie.

B Answer the phone. Listen and respond to the invitation. But you don’t get the name of the theater, so you ask Student A to repeat that. Situation 3 Changing a reservation

A You are calling Brandon’s Restaurant. You want to change your reservation from 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday to 8:00 p.m. next Wednesday. There will now be 10 people, not five, so you need a bigger table.

B You work for Brandon’s Restaurant. Answer the customer’s

telephone. Check the reservation, take the message, change the reservation and confirm if it is possible.

Situation 4 Going to a restaurant

A You are a traveler. You want to go to the best restaurant in town. Ask the local tour guide to recommend one.

B You are a tour guide. Listen and respond to A’s request.

Part Ⅱ20%

Directions: In this part, you are going to give a short presentation on one of the following topics in one and a half minutes.

1.What do you think of the view “Intelligence must be bred, not

trained”? In your opinion, what factors affect intelligence?

2.Do you like traveling? Why or why not? If you can afford the

money and time, which places would you love to go? Why?

3.Would you like to be famous? What would you like to be famous

for? Which famous person would you most like to meet? Why? 4.People have different ideas about dreams. Should we hold on to

our dreams? Give your opinions and reasons.


Unit 1 Men and women’s prejudices Part I Read the following passage aloud. The very language we use to discuss men’s roles (i.e., deadbeat dads) shows a lack of appreciation for the majority of men who quietly yet proudly fulfill their family responsibilities. We almost never hear the term “working father,” and it is rare that calls for more workplace flexibility are considered to be for men as much as for women. Our society acts as if family obligations are not as important to fathers as they are to mothers —as if career satisfaction is what a man’s life is all about. Even more insulting is the recent media trend of regarding at-home wives as “status symbols” — like an expensive car — flaunted by the supposedly few men who can afford such a luxury. The implication is that men with at-home wives have it easier than those whose wives work outside the home because they have the “luxury” of a full-time housekeeper. In reality, however, the men who are the sole wage earners for their families suffer a lot of stresses. The loss of a job — or even the threat of that happening — is obviously much more difficult when that job is the sole source of income for a family. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails. In addition, many husbands work overtime or second jobs to make more money needed for their families. For these men, it is the family that the job supports that makes it all worthwhile. It is the belief that having a mother at home is important to the children, which makes so many men gladly take on the burden of being a sole wage earner. Part II. TOPIC Men and women’s prejudices Section One Each of the students will be asked one qu estion on the topic “Men and women’s prejudices and roles”. 1.What’s the division of labor like in your family? In my family, my father is responsible for the heavy and tired work like clean drain, garage, etc., the mother is responsible for some of the common household chores, such as cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, etc.I am responsible for helping my mother to do the housework, so dad is hard and tired. 1.Many people hold the view that men are different from women in many ways. What’s your opinion about it? Men and women are different. In the relationship, for example, men are more rational, while women are more emotional. And because the body structure is different, the responsibility of the men and women is different also, men generally responsible for the breadwinner, women generally responsible for providing a comfortable home. 1.How to be a good father?


University and Campus Life Chen: Now, let’s talk about our campus life. I like our library best. There are so many books there. I like reading books, and there are many old books which cannot be easily found in book shops. The building looks like a castle; it seems the building is very large and I always get lost in library. Wu: Woo, you are so brave. I don’t think it’s safe to stay in the library. I always hung around in the campus, especially in summer evening. The old building looks very grand in the dim light of sunset. And I can always meet some friends, it feels good to meet a friend by accident and have a free chat with him. Dong: Yeah, I always see you in the campus at night. I like hung around too. While, I like do sports better, such as playing badminton, swimming. I don’t like outdoor sports because I don’t think the air is healthy enough to breath. To be honest, as a hard working man, I spend most of the part-time studying in classrooms. I think it’s really convenient for us to study in our school. The students in the classroom are always very quiet, and you can focus on your books easily. That’s why I can get high marks in almost all the exams. Chen: Err…..I’m not a hard working man; I spend a lot of time reading novels. I don’t like this campus at all, so I always devote myself in the fantastic world created by the writers. On the other hand, I think reading book helps a lot in my study; it improves my imagination a lot. Wu: I spend much time playing guitar, and I’m the rhythm guitar of a rock band called P.A. Our style is death metal, and it’s always difficult to play well. Every member of the band admire the time we play together. It’s really exciting to play that kind of music. I’m really grateful that our school can provide places to run over our songs and hold concerts. Dong: I can imagine the girls screaming besides the stage. But I can hardly accept that kind of music. What a happy talk. I’m grate that all of us will get further education here. Nations and Traditions Chen: Let’s talk about some different countries. Which country do you like to go for your graduation tour? Wu: I would like to go to Japan. I think Japan is a very strange country. It’s both modern and traditional. There are many shopping centers and bars and there are many temples as well.


Talk about yourself having a healthy lifestyle in great detail 1-Actually, without a healthy lifestyle, the effect to study or do something else will be reduced. Even worse, an unhealthy lifestyle will cause decease. For example, smoking may greatly increase the possibility of I'm as lifestyle. As far is it necessary to have a healthy lung the cancer. In order to keep healthy, As the saying goes ‘an apple a day, keep the doctor concerned, firstly, I eat an apple or a pear every day. away.' Fruit and vegetables can benefit a lot. Secondly, I don't skimp on sleep. Studies have shown that those who sleep less tend to weigh more. Adults should aim for between 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Thirdly, doing exercise regularly is of great importance, which is good for mental and physical health. It takes me half an hour to do exercise every day. There are many ways to exercise. For example, running, ball games like football, basketball, volleyball. As for me, swimming, hiking or playing I prefer to running or playing table tennis in my leisure time. I think many people don't take regular exercise for many reasons, especially for work or study. But I think it's irrational. We are human being, not the machines. So we can't work all the time without any exercise. Besides, drinking enough water every day and keeping a balanced diet are very helpful. Many people don't take breakfast. But not having breakfast will do harm to our health. So I take breakfast every day. What's more, I get rid of some bad living habits. Eating before sleeping will affect sleep. So if I ‘m hungry, I just eat some fruit. In addition, I don't watch TV while eating because it's easy to eat much more than usual while doing other thing. That's my healthy lifestyle. 2-Describe a perfect trip or holiday and be specific on events and places of interest When I was a child, I once went camping with my family in a holiday. We decided to make a barbecue in the valley. So we collected some tree sticks to make a fire. My father asked me if I could try to make a fire. I was glad to take the job. Then I tried to set fire to the wood with a match, but produced only smoke. Then my father said, That's not the right way. I'll show you how to do it. First use the small pieces of wood because they catch fire easily. Then put the larger ones on top of them.My father helped me make a big fire. That's an unforgettable trip. 3-Describe a kind of extreme weather and explain the consequences. If I had to describe a kind of extreme weather, I would choose to speak about hazy weather. Summer can bring more than just sunshine and swimming opportunities. In many urban areas, summer is also associated with haze. Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles. Recently, the hazy weather has happened to many cities in the north of China, such as Beijing, Tianjing,


英语口语 Jack: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you?琳达:早上好。先生。我能为你做什么呢? Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas. 罗比:早上好。我的名字是罗比·斯图尔特。这是亚历克斯·帕帕斯。 Alex: Hi .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named Gemma. 亚历克斯:你好。早上好。昨天我们发现这只名叫Gemma的狗。Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it is host, but we don't succeed ultimately. 罗比:我们认为许多方法来发现它的主人,但我们不能成功最终。 Jack: Oh, wait a while. You know I must make a record in terms of rule. 琳达:噢,等一会儿。你知道我必须做一个记录。 Robbie: No problem. 罗比:没问题。 Jack: OK .Your name will do Mr. Stewart. Then, please tell me your address? 琳达:好的。你的名字将会做什么,Stewart先生。那么,请告诉我你的地址吗? Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale. 罗比:林登街46,Riverdale。 Jack: Where did you find the dog? 琳达:你在什么地方找到这条狗的? Alex: Speak exactly , not we found her . It's she found us in Robbie `s house. 亚历克斯:讲到底,不是我们发现她。这是她发现我们在罗比是房子。Jack: Have you tried calling the number on the collar? 琳达:你试着打领子上的号码吗? Robbie: Yes, but the number is no longer in service . So we only call for you. 罗比:是的,但是号码也不再服务。所以我们只有你的电话。 Jack: And there is no address on the dog tag? 琳达:并没有地址在狗身上的标签? Alex: There is no other information. 亚历克斯:没有其他信息。


2016年英语四级口语常用话题汇总 一、运动 对话: A: Brain, playing tennis seems interesting. B: Would you like to learn? A: Yes.how do you play? B: Tennis can be played in singles and doubles. The outside line is for doubles and the inside line is for singles. A: How do you decide who starts? B: Well, you can toss a coin to decide. Whoever wins chooses either to start or which side of the court o play on. A: How do you score? B: To begin with, the score is “LOVE all”. A: LOVE means 0? B: You have got it. You then score 15, 30 and 40. If you get to 40 and win again, you win the game. A: The opponent starts serving then? B: Right. See. You know how to play now. A: Let’s try it sometime. B: Sure! 补充句型: 1. I usually go to the gym after work.. 我经常下班以后去健身房。


2019年公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1) A 节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的Topic(主题)设计出若干问题, 向考生发问。它出现在考试的起始阶段和最后阶段。在这两部分中每 位考生大约分别有一分钟左右的时间回答问题,大概要说十句话左右。所以不能简单地说上一两句就结束了。因为在口头提问部分不给准备 时间,所以考生无论在考试前还是考试过程中都应有充足的准备。 (1)事先学习使用一些表达方式给自己争取一点时间思考。常用 的表达方式有: As everybody knows. Sofar as I am concerned. What I mean is...Well... That is to say...You know, ... (2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点 时间思考。 (3)考试中选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来谈,否则会因为有些词 不会用英文表述,而给自己造成麻烦。比如就音乐或书籍来讲,考试 时选择一种会表述或表述较为容易的音乐或一本自己熟悉的书,比选 择一种自己真正喜欢的音乐或一本书更现实。 (4)考试中为了使自己回答问题的内容更充实些,能够用列举法 或举例说明法予以适当展开阐述。 (5)考生在回答问题时,如果发现自己要说的话太少,或觉得无 话可说时,不妨把自己想到的问题再详细地说明或细化一下。 A 节部分常考话题汇总及答案 1. And what shall I call you? Most people call me Xiao Huang.

2. Where do you come from? a. I was born in Xi‘an, which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China’s history. b. I come from Shanghai,but I was born in Xi‘an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old, so I really don’t know much about Xi‘a n, apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact, I don’t have any relatives at all living in Xi'an. 3. Where about is your hometown? Xi’an is located in Shanxi Province, which is in central China. 4. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Hmm. . well, the population is about 6 million. It's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi'an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also, Xi'an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road, which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade, and fairly cold in the winter, about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero. b. Okay. Well, first of all, my hometown is "X". I was born in the city, but moved to the outskirts of the town when I was small. "X" is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It's pretty flat, and is situated right near a large lake.


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


Topic:WeChat A:As you know ,WeChat is used more and more frequently in our daily life .What do think of WeChat role in life ? B:Well ,as you said ,we use WeChat more and more frequently in daily .Because it can make us communicate easily .We needn’t talk to each other at the same table.We also save time on our trip that we have to go to the meeting room.Through the video ,face to face conversation is very easy to compete. A:OK.You get the key point.Could you tell me how you use WeChat at ordinary time? B:As far as I’m concerned ,WeChat is a kind of communication tool .I often use it to chat with my family .Tell them the life I’m in school ,the people I meet,the classes I have and so on.It save the cost of calls.I think this is why it will be more and more frequent reason.What about yours?


情景对话 一、询问姓名、年龄等 1.What‘s your name? What’s your English name? My name is … My English name is… 2.What’s your mother’s name? Her name is….. How long have you learned English? Six years. 3. What’s your father’s name? His name is… 4.What Grade/Class are you in? I’m in Grade Six/Class…. 5.What/Which school are you from? I’m from Shiyan Xiaoxue. 6.Where are you from? /Where do you come from? I’m from Pingyuan. I come from Pingyuan. 7.Are you from Wangmiao ?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 8.How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 9.How old are you ? I’m 12. 10. How old is your father/mother? He/She is 36. 11.How many people are there in your family? There are 3 Who are they? They are my father, my mother and I. 12.How many bananas are there in the picture? How many days are there in a week? How many hands do you have? 13.Do you often go to the zoo? No, I don’t. 14. What colour do you like? I like red/pink/green/black.


Unit 1 Nine to five AR1: 1. 1)Why do many graduates fail to find a job? a)Many students left university this summer and most in these financially testing times have no idea what to do next. b)They are in aimless days and spend the summer “hiding”. c)They don’t li ke bar work. d) A lot of parents get too soft. e)They have no experience or master’s degree. 2)How do they perceive the problem? a)They get turned down of a low salary job but they want people with experience or master’s degree. b)There is a big queue in the university careers service but they straight back out and don’t have a try. c)They become rebels without a cause,aware that they need to get a job,but not sure how. d)They don’t want to be back at the same stage as those friends who didin’t go to the university at al l. 3)Do you agree / disagree with them? 4)What other factors do you think also contribute to their temporary unemployment? a)They have no experience and high degrees.


Holidays A:Good morning, B. B:Morning, A. The spring festival is coming,do you like it? A:Of course. It’s a precious time for all family members to get together. Everyone, no matter adults or children, will get a new suit. And my mother will prepare so many delicious food for the new year's eve. Are there any traditions in your hometown? B:Yes. According to the tradition, we will eat different kinds of dumplings at different time. A:Really? B:Yeah. During supper time, we eat meat dumplings, while at 0:00, we eat dumplings without meat. I don’t know why. A:Sounds interesting. The Valentine’s Day is around the Spring Festival this year, will you celebrate it? B:Maybe not. Though the Western Holidays are becoming more and more popular in China. What’s your opinion? A:I think that the commercial benefits are the greatest motivation. Why do more and more people come to know about western festivals? The forceful reason is that there are too many advertisements all around us. B:I absolutely agree with you. Businessmen are trying their best to make a fortune from those Western Holidays. I'd like to discuss it next time we meet. Have a nice holiday! A: Thank you! The same to you. Travel A: Hey, where are you going ? B: I will go to buy a train ticket to go home. A: I know you really like travelling. B: Yes, of course, I think everyone like it. A: So what do you think the meaning of the travel? B: I think it includes many sides, but the most important is that it lets me forget the troubles of reality and enjoy a short and quiet life. it also can let me feel different urban culture that could open my horizons. How about you? A: I like the feeling of travelling on the road. I really want to travel every day in a different way .but not now, because I also have many responsibilities. B: Ah, you’re a good boy. Who do you want to travel with? A: I want to travel with my future wife and my children. B: Don’t you want to travel with your parents? A: Of course, I really want to take them to go to a beautiful place with my own money, it’s a pity that I have never done this until now. B: Do you like traveling in china or going abroad? A: I like our country, so I want to go to many domestic places. B: Which place do you want to go mostly? A: I have heard that when you don’t know where to go, then you go to lijiang and Xizang.so I really want to go this two places. B: It sounds great. But I have to go now, you know the ticket is hard to buy at this time, I will talk to you later. A:OK, see you later. B:See you. Education A: Hi, B. How is everything going? B: Fine, thank you. How about you? A: Not bad, but I am busy looking for some materials about college education in China. Can you give me some advice?

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