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Hope in Hopelessness

——After Reading Robinson Crusoe

I read Robinson Crusoe when still in primary school. And I am sure none of us is unfamiliar with it. Because time and time again we were lectured by teachers and parents of the fortitude and courage of the hero in this novel——Robinson.

The above indicates that Robinson Crusoe is a popular reading even for kids. The chinese version is just like a attactive story we need to be told before going to bed and so does the original one. It was told in concise and clear english which serves as a striking feature of this work. I deem this feature indispensible for daily life and mental activity of a generic person are what this book mainly focus on. It destined to be improper to depict this casual stuff in obsecure and formal wordings.

The unique way of narration and expression contributes to making Robinson Crusoe an exotic flower in literature sea: “T” runs through the whole. First person conbined with life-oriented language makes it real and believable to the readers. We are even melt with the condition where he stands. As if we are Robinsin who was deserted in the isolated island and struggled against loneliness and desperation while waiting for the dawn of salvation. Take the following as an example:

I had great reason to consider it as a determination of Heaven that in this desolate place and in this desolate manner I should end my life. The tears would run plentifully down my face when I made this reflections, and sometimes I would expostulate with myself, why Providence should thus completely ruin his creatures, and render them so absolutely miserable, so without help abandoned, so entirely despressed, this it could hardly be rational to to thankful for such a life.

This part shows Robinson’s endless complaint and curse for being desolated in such a place. Thanks to the first person and apt,designated depict of the inside, we are going to feel the regert and hatred for being fooled by God, and we are going to muster up a sign again and again, and we are going to contemplate, how is the twist of fate? Is there anyone more unfortunate than Robinson?

All of our reaction proved the novel’s success——bring the reader the sense a reality

and participation.

What’s more, if there is only an “I” telling a daily life experience, I assure you of a dull daybook. But the details and wonderful plots fasten reader heartstring most. Especially the up-and-down hope of being rescued:

One day, when Robinson was repeating the pale life, suddenly he saw a ship-shaped thing appeared on the horizon. He was much of a bliss and resorted to all eye-catching stuff to make himself seen. He waved, shouted, brandished, even flung into the sea to swim there…As we are lighten up but the sparse dawn and thinking he surviv e eventually, the ship turned smaller and smaller, and final reduced to a hardly visible spot. Our heart slump through the floor with Robinson. Owning a missing chance once is more miserable than having no chance. It cheers you up in the air but suddenly hit you onto ground.

Similar plots and turning points appear every now and then in the book thus making it exciting but real as a normal life.

Besides, a clear clue and structure also keeps us in track of Robinson.

Apart from these, what we get from it also include mental inspiration.

There can be little doubt that the most significant force sustains the hero’s struggle is the reflection on the religion. The course he strenuously strives for the better survival environment can’t be gone through w The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

By Book Report

Daniel Defoe

Aviation Industry Press, 2007,286 pp, ¥14.8

ISBN 978-7-80183-886-5

Daniel Defoe is an adventure fiction writer, and his writing embodies the spirit of adventure, which presents the tremendous power of human being and their wits and courage. The story happened in the middle of 17th century, and in this period of time, the development of bourgeoisie stimulate many people to search for wealth. Robinson, the shape he is a representative of the emerging capitalist class, an idealized hero. In the story, Robinson’s adventurous spirit goes through the whole story, and as a reader, I am deeply inspired by his self-reliant, courageous, heroic, and resourceful life experience.

The sto ry of Robinson Crusoe can be divided into three parts: Robinson’s youth and the time up to his shipwreck; his twenty-eight years on an uninhabited island; his lie and adventures after being rescued from the island.

In the first part, Robinson wishes to pursue his livelihood by going to sea.

Although his father wants him to live a peaceful life, his thoughts are entirely bent upon seeing the world, and he should never settle to anything with enough resolution to go through with it. He is not restless and alive and never satisfied, and finally he escapes. As a son, he can just stay at home, inheriting his father’s wealth and living a comfortable life. However, he doesn’t. He tries his best to venture, no matter what ventures there will be, and he pursues his dreams without hesitating to escape from dangers. It inspires me in my struggles, when I am satisfied with my current situation, I feel ashamed comparing to Robinson’s chase. Robinson offers me a kind of mental strength which motivates me to forge ahead. Without being afraid of hardship, he goes forward bravely, satisfying his curiosity and achieving his dream.

The critical part of the story should be the second part. Here I get to know how he accomplishes his survival and even establishes his "kingdom"; how he moves from a frantic state of discontent to one of resignation and contentment; how he meets Friday and, finally, how he leaves the island. Before reading this novel,I have never got a concept of living in an isolated island, sometimes I even think that it’s not very difficult to live. When reading it, I was not inspired by Robinson’s spirit, but also the challenging way of living. He builds house for himself, considering all possible shortcomings with his logical mind; he trains goats for milk and meat; he grows corns to make bread; he dries the grapes; etc. He never shrinks, even when he himself lives in the island. He is so confident and determined that he finds ways to make a good living. Robinson did it, and in a perfect way. What he has done, represents the characters of a true hero, true man. I feel unprecedented admiration for him, and I am deeply encouraged that we human beings can achieve what we want to if we have persistence and confidence. The most impressive part to me lies in his chase of knowledge, he finds a Bibl e to read, which comfort him in mind and makes him still feel thankful to god under such circumstances. If it was me, I can’t read books there, and I feel guilty that I have a good chance to read books but I never relish. Besides, he is not contented with his life, and he always seeks for new challenges, which may ruin what he has in present. It is really very hard for common people to be, it is not easy to find a shelter in an island, and most people would be thankful to their being living. However, he never stops his steps of venturing, even when he meets the savage, he rescues Friday, to the most important, he never feel regretful of escaping from his warm family. His continued pioneering spirit motives readers to be inspired, and motives me to struggle for my life. For me, I realized that life is full of amazements, and we have to move forward all the time, in order to refresh our spirit. It is important that whatever we come across, we should have a calm mind, and try every means to overcome difficulties.

The third part of the novel traces Robinson’s securing of wealth through the honesty and loyalty of friends, his return to England, travels through the continent and a last trip to his island to see how those he left there fared. Even sometimes there seems everything miserable, however, when there is a will, there is a way, never lose confidence, and there is a bright future. Robinson has been away for 28 years that it becomes totally a harsh place for him to exist, because his intelligence and calmness, he possesses a large fortune. It tells that a capable person is the most powerful weapon

of living.

The writer shapes a very successful character by using plain language and natural description. The story inspires me a lot in following my dreams, and gives me courage in overcoming difficulties on the way of exploring.

I was deeply attracted by the spirit embodied in the story. In each period of Robinson’s life, he performs the way of searching and persisting, which makes me excited and encouraged, and the truth is, I will persist in everything necessary. And I believe that I can follow Robinson’s example, and finally soar my dreams without a sense of regret.


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《鲁滨逊漂流记》好词好句摘抄 《鲁滨逊漂流记》(又译为《鲁滨孙漂流记》)是英国作家丹尼尔·笛福的一部作品,主要讲述了主人公鲁滨逊因出海遇难,漂流到无人小岛,并坚持在岛上生活,最后回到原来所生活的社会的。 鲁滨逊漂流记好词句: 搁浅兜底吞噬烟波弥漫泅水山坳恭顺惊魂甫定斑斑印记 怡然自得中庸克己妒火攻心忏悔心烦意乱郑重其事归心顿消 油然升起难以抑制日趋淡薄九霄云外正直无私付诸实施满身黑斑 千里迢迢举目无亲悔恨不已仔细倾听逐浪飘流狂喜极悲大喜过望 鲁滨逊漂流记好句: 1、我离开那个岛时,已在岛上呆了二十八年两个月二十九天。我总以为我一到英国就会高兴不尽,没想到我在那里却成了一个异乡人。概括:鲁滨孙回到英国,却成了异乡人。 2、至于自然环境,岛上有狂风暴雨,还有地震。我那时也对一切都适应了。我种植和收获了我的大麦和小麦;我采来野葡萄,把它们晒成了很有营养的葡萄干;我饲养温驯的山羊,然后杀了吃,又熏又腌的。概括:鲁滨孙适应了岛上的环境。 3、要想确保我能在这个岛上生存下来,还有许多事情要做。我尽可能地相继办了几件我非办不可的事。但是我的努力并非总是交上好运道。我在第一次播下大麦和稻子的种子时,这些宝贵的存货就浪费了一半,原因是播种得不是时候。概括:第一次播下大麦和稻子的种子,却没有收获。 4、船刚驶出海口,便碰到了可怕的风浪,使我感到全身说不出的难过,心里十分恐怖。我在痛苦的心情中发了誓,假如上帝在这次航行中留下我的命,我在登上陆地后,就一直回到我慈爱的父母身边,从此一定听从他们的忠告办事。概括:鲁滨孙遭风浪后,后悔莫及。 5、听从坏主意,人就会倒霉。我们的船在南美洲北岸一个无名岛上触了礁,所有的水手及乘客全都淹死了,上帝保佑,只有我一个人被高高的海浪卷到了岸上,保住了一条命。概括:船触礁了,海浪把鲁滨孙卷到岸上,保住了命。 6、这样一直到了那重大的一天,我在沙滩上偶然发现了一个人的光脚印。我当时好像挨了一个晴天霹雷。我侧耳倾听,回头四顾,可是什么也没听见,什么也没看见。我跑到海岸上,还下海去查看,可是总共就只有那么一个脚印!


《鲁滨逊漂流记》金句赏析 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国作家丹尼尔·笛福的一部长篇小说。该书首次出版于1719年4月25日。该作主要讲述了主人公鲁滨逊·克鲁索(Robinson Crusoe)出生于一个中产阶级家庭,一生志在遨游四海。一次在去非洲航海的途中遇到风暴,只身漂流到一个无人的荒岛上,开始了段与世隔绝的生活。他凭着强韧的意志与不懈的努力,在荒岛上顽强地生存下来,经过28年2个月零19天后得以返回故乡。以下是其经典句子赏析。 1.My filial son and abandoned parents not the bounden duty of God to punish me so quickly really fair and just. 我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地道。 2.Man in the reign of God when the limit of human understanding and narrow the scope of knowledge it is the supreme good. 造物主在统治人类的时候,把人类的认识和知识局限于狭隘的范围,实在是无上的好事。 3.I drifted at sea for so many days it is enough just quietly for a few days the danger of the past memories. 我在海上漂流了这么多天,实在够了,正好安安静静地休息几天,把过去的危险回味一下。

4.Start time to do one thing if not pre-calculate how much expense if it is their strength in advance to make a correct estimate then it is stupid. 开始做一件事的时候,若不是预先计算一下需要多少代价,若不是预先对自己的力量做一个正确的估计,那真是太愚蠢了。 5.At this time the advice of my parents my father's tears and mother's prayer have poured into my mind. 这时,我父母的忠告,父亲的眼泪和母亲的祈求,都涌进了我的脑海。 6.Every time we ship fell into the vortex wave I think we will not hesitate to overturn sink Harbour no longer floating up. 每次我们的船跌入浪涡时,我想我们会随时倾覆沉入海底再也浮不起来了。 7.That night I enjoy drinking nonsense to repent for their past actions and reflection and the future under the determination all thrown into the winds go. 那天晚上,我尽情喝酒胡闹,把对自己过去行为的忏悔与反省,以及对未来下的决心,统统丢到九霄云外去了。 8.Soon after I control his own impulses not to those decent The idea of a comeback. 不久,我就控制了自己的冲动,不让那些正经的念头死灰复燃。 9.In short the storm is over the sea and calm as a mirror I The mind also will be wiped out chaotic thoughts fear of being swallowed by the sea of fear has disappeared I am eager Airlines Desire to sea again in my heart. 简而言之,风暴一过,大海又平静如镜,我头脑里纷乱的思绪也随之一扫而光,怕被大海吞没的恐惧也消失殆尽,我热衷航海的愿望又重新涌上心头。 10.God saw that I do not repent it was decided not to forgive To punish me and this is entirely my own making are without excuse. 上帝见我不思悔改,就决定毫不宽恕地惩罚我,并且,这完全是我自作自受,无可推诿。 11.Because the family heard that I take the boat were killed in Yarmouth Anchorage Sank and later after a long learned that I was not buried inside the fish. 因为,家里人听说我搭乘的那条船在雅茅斯锚地遇难沉没,之后又过了好久才得知我并没有葬身鱼腹。


Reads Lu Bin xun To wander Records has the feeling This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe,published in 1719.It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature.It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island.He builds himself a hut,grows his own food,and becomes sufficient.After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners,a young native whom he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday become close friends,and when they are finally rescued four years later,both return to England.Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk,an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island.This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature. On the long road of life, there may be a great deal of hardship, which will obstruct your steps forward.If you never give up, everything will be conquered by yourself.


I WISH TO BE A SAILOR [11] M Y name is Robinson Crusoe. I was born in the old city of York, where there is a broad river, with ships coming and going. When I was a little boy, I spent much of my time looking at the river. How pleasant was the quiet stream, flowing, always flowing, toward the far-away sea! I liked to watch the ships as they came in with their white sails spread to the wind. I liked to think of the strange lands which they must have visited, and of the many wonderful things they must have passed. [12] I wished to be a sailor. I thought how grand it must be to sail and sail on the wide blue sea, with the sky above and the waves beneath. Nothing could be pleasanter. My father wanted me to learn a trade. But I could not bear the thought of it. I could not bear the thought of working every day in a dusty shop. I did not wish to stay in York all my life. I wanted to see the world. I would be a sailor and nothing else.


鲁滨逊漂流记好词好句摘抄 导读:好词好句好段鲁滨逊漂流记好词好句摘抄 好词 1、中庸克己逞强好胜妒火攻心 2、绝处逢生足智多谋怡然自得 3、拾金不昧九霄云外闻所未闻 4、声势浩大心烦意乱郑重其事 5、刚中柔外始终如一自强不息 6、孤立无援铮铮铁骨浩然之气 7、铮铮铁汉刚毅木讷九死不悔 8、波澜起浪赤胆忠心与世隔绝 9、交友娱乐好色之徒百折不挠 10、冻饿之虞正直无私烟波弥漫 11、毅力惊人柱石之坚百折不屈 12、夺眶而出三好二怯不毛之地 好句 1、等待大难临头比遭难本身更令人痛苦,尤其是无法逃避这种灾难而不得不坐等其降临,更是无法摆脱这种担惊受怕的恐惧。 2、如果人们肯拿自己处境同那些环境比他们的更差的人比较一下,而不拿它同环境更好的人去比较,他们就会衷心感激,不至于嘟嘟嚷嚷地怨天尤人了,而人类社会上,口出怨言的事情就少了。 3、一个人只是呆呆地坐着,空想着自己所得不到的东西,是没

有用的。 4、生命中的真正伟大,就是做自己的主人。 5、我救你为的是如果有一天,我也可能命运不济,落到和你一样的境地,那时我也希望得到人搭救。 6、然后,我用从船上截下来的那些缆索,沿着半圆形,一层一层地堆放在两排木桩之间,一直堆到顶上,再用一些两英尺半高的木桩插进去支撑住缆索,仿佛柱子上的横茶。这个篱笆十分结实牢固,不管是人还是野兽,都无法冲进来或攀越篱笆爬进来。这项工程,花了我不少时间和劳力,尤其是我得从树林里砍下粗枝做木桩,再运到草地上,又一一把它们打入泥土,这工作尤其费力费时。 7、他们之所以不能舒舒服服地享受上帝的恩赐,正是由于他们老是在企望和贪求他们还没有得到的东西。 8、在人类的感情里,经常存在着一种隐秘的原动力,这种原动力一旦被某种看得见得目标吸引,或是被某种虽然看不见,却想象得出来的目标所吸引,就会以一种勇往直前的力量推动着我们的灵魂向那目标扑过去,如果达不到目标,就会叫我们痛苦得受不了。 9、我是家里的小儿子,父母亲没让我学谋生的手艺,因此从小只是喜欢胡思乱想,一心想出洋远游。当时,我父亲年事已高,但他还是让我受了相当不错的教育。他曾送我去寄宿学校就读,还让我上免费学校接受乡村义务教育,一心一意想要我将来学法律。但我对一切都没有兴趣,只是想航海。 10、由于缺乏适当的工具,一切工作进行得特别吃力。我花了差


评析《鲁滨逊漂流记》作文5篇 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国小说家丹尼尔.笛福在他晚年写的,是一部流传很广、影响很大的文学名著。 鲁滨孙漂流记读后感1 《鲁滨孙漂流记》是英国笛福写的,我非常喜欢读这本书。这本书我看了许多遍了,而《鲁滨孙漂流记》也被语文书的编者编到了课本上。我们近段时间也学习了《鲁滨孙漂流记》这篇文章。 《鲁滨孙漂流记》主要写了一位叫鲁滨孙的人,他喜欢冒险和旅游,到过世界上很多地方,碰到过许多危险。但他一点也不畏惧,还希望走遍天南海角。有一次行海,他要前往南美洲,中途遇上的大风,海浪和大风把船吹翻了,除了鲁滨孙其他人全部遇难。他被带到了一个荒岛上,没有人烟没有食物,但鲁滨孙没有灰心,开始自己搭建房子,凭借着自己的勇敢和机智,历经二十七天后终天回到了祖国。 在读完《鲁滨孙漂流记》后,我经常想,如果是我被留在了荒岛上,我会向鲁滨孙一样顽强的在荒岛上求生吗?我会同鲁滨孙一样机智勇敢吗?总总问题在我心中浮想。我给自己的答案是否定的。生存是多么的重要。虽然鲁滨孙的环境是很难遇到的,但是在这文明社会中也要学会生存。现在的社会拐卖孩子的很多,被拐骗孩子也都是缺少生存意识,缺少安全意识才造成的。所以有一颗抵防的心,有着对自身安全的保护意识,才能更加幸福的生活下去。 生存中不光仅仅是抵防外界,对自己也要有着一颗坚强和努力进

取的心。我们一定要学会生存,否则在这个大千世界中以至于不会被OUT。 鲁滨孙漂流记读后感2 读书使人以乐趣,给人以光彩,给人以才干。一本好书就像精神的食粮,能让人在思想的境界上得以充饥。书就像一位益友,一位品质高尚的人在与你谈话,在书海中畅游,在长河中索智慧的钥匙,理想的书籍,领略书带给人的美与享受。 我驾驶着一叶小舟,乘风破浪,奋力前行。在前行的过程中,我拾到一枚智慧的贝壳,拾起它,捧在手中,那枚闪闪发光的见壳就是一本书,一本《鲁滨孙漂流记》。 这本书的作者丹尼尔.笛福出生于英国,被誉为英国与欧洲小说之父。这部小说是笛福受当时一个真实故事的启发而创作。是英国文学史上最早也是最重要的长篇小说之一。本文主要人物为鲁滨孙一个不屈不挠一心想航海有着坚强的意志力和与大自然顽强斗争的人。还有鲁滨孙救出来的野人星期五一个善朴素的人和鲁滨孙一本起人努力在岛上度过了很多年。 这本书中主人公鲁滨孙所经历的过程令人震憾,被那惊人的毅力与勇气所折服! 1659年9月30日,鲁滨孙在与同伴们一起出海去南美洲探险时,不幸遭遇风暴触礁,除鲁滨孙外,船上无一幸免,但是鲁滨孙并没有放弃活下去的信念,克服一切困难,凭着自身顽强的意志力,存活下来,在岛上生活了28年,之后被一位船长所救,回到大陆。这

人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 《鲁滨逊漂流记》

《鲁滨逊漂流记》 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国小说家丹尼尔?笛福的代表作,是一部流传很广,影响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的资产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。作者用生动逼真的细节把虚构的情景写得使人如同身临其境,使故事具有强烈的真实感。小说主人公鲁滨逊也成为欧洲文学史上一个著名的文学形象。 我父亲原来指望我学法律,但是我却一心想去航海。有一天,我去赫尔城,我的一位同伴正要坐他父亲的船到伦敦去,再没有什么比这更让我动心了,我必须跟他而去——这是1651年的8月,当时我十九岁。 船刚驶出海口,便碰到了可怕的风浪,使我感到全身说不出的难过,心里十分恐怖。我在痛苦的心情中发了誓,假如上帝在这次航行中留下我的命,我在登上陆地后,就一直回到我慈爱的父母身边,从此一定听从他们的忠告办事。 可是第二天风停了,浪也歇了。太阳西沉,继之而来的是一个美丽可爱的黄昏,这时又喝了我的同伴酿的一碗甜酒,我就把这次航行后便回家的决心丢到九霄云外去了。我的这种习性给我的一生招来了巨大的不幸——任性的行动常给我带来灾难,可我总不肯在灾难来临的时刻乘机悔改。待到危险一一过去,就忘掉了所有的誓言,又不顾一切地投入了我的毫无名堂的生活。 在第一次狂风暴雨似的航行后,我又有过几次不同的冒险。在去非洲的几内亚做生意时,我被一艘土耳其的海盗船俘虏,被卖为奴隶,经过许多危险,我逃到了巴西,在那里独自经营一个甘蔗种植园,生活过得很顺遂。可这时我却又成了诱惑的牺牲品。巴西因为人工不足,有几个种植园主知道我曾为做生意而到过非洲的一些奴隶市场口岸,他们竭力哄诱我作一次航行,到那一带去为他们的种植园买些黑奴回来。 听从坏主意,人就会倒霉。我们的船在南美洲北岸一个无名岛上触了礁,所有的水手及乘客全都淹死了,上帝保佑,只有我一个人被高高的海浪卷到了岸上,保住了一条命。当时我所有的只是一把刀、一只烟斗和一个盒子里装的一点儿烟草。待到我的体力恢复,可以走路了时,我就沿着海岸走去。使我大为高兴的是,我发现了淡水。喝了水后,又拿一小撮烟草放在嘴里解饿。我就在一棵树上栖身,舒舒服服地睡了一觉振作了精神,海上风平浪静。但最叫我高兴的是我看见了那艘船,待到潮水退下,看到它竟离海岸很近,我发现可以很方便地游到船上去。船上只剩下一只狗和两只猫,再没有别的生物。不过船上有大量的生活必需品,这样,我就干了起来。为了把那些东西运到这个岛的一个水湾里,我专门制造了一只木筏,还把岛上有淡水而且比较平坦的一块高


英文版鲁滨逊漂流记读后感 Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. It tells the story of a young explorer who becomes marooned on a deserted island. His experiences of the island change his outlook on life. The story takes place in the 1700s on a deserted island somewhere off the coast of Brazil. The island is fairly large in size and has a small shore. The interior of the island has many trees, wild pigs and other small animals and a small cave in which Crusoe stores food. I walked about the shore lifting up my hands. Look around, I see nothing but water, a forest, and the remains of my ship. At first, I was afraid of wild animals but after some exploration of the land, the only animals I had seen were wild pigs, squirrels, and some small birds.The only possessions that Crusoe retrieved from the remains of his ship were a small knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe, and a small book that would later become his journal. Robinson Crusoe was a young and stubborn explorer. He was extremely tall and strong. His stay on the island changed him from a mean, stubborn man to an open-minded person. Standing at six feet, two inches and having my long, thick brown hair back in a ponytail, I felt as if I was eight feet tall. Without the permissi.


鲁滨逊漂流记好词好句 鲁滨逊漂流记好词好句 好词摘抄: 搁浅、兜底、吞噬、烟搁浅、兜底、吞噬、烟波弥漫、泅水、山坳、恭顺、忏悔 惊魂甫定怡然自得中庸克己妒火攻心心烦意乱郑重其事归心顿消闻所未闻 油然升起难以抑制日趋淡薄九霄云外正直无私付诸实施满身黑斑冻饿之虞 千里迢迢举目无亲悔恨不已仔细倾听逐浪飘流狂喜极悲大喜过望孤立无援 日晒雨淋夺眶而出 好句摘抄: 1.岛上有不少野果树,但这是我过了好久才发现的。岛上还有到处乱跑的山羊,但要不是我从船上取来了枪支弹药,它们对我又有何好处呢?因此,我有理由感谢仁慈的上帝,让船搁在海岸边,直至使我搬来了对我有用的一切东西。概括:岛上有的山羊,鲁滨孙感谢上帝让他从船上取来了枪支弹药。 2.我又花了极大的力气,把前面讲到的我的全部财产,全部

粮食、弹药武器和补给品,一一搬到篱笆里面,或者可以说搬到这个堡垒里来。我又给自己搭了一个大帐篷用来防雨,因为这儿一年中有一个时期常下倾盆大雨。我把帐篷做成双层的;也就是说,里面一个小的,外面再罩一个大的,大帐篷上面又盖上一大块油布。那油布当然也是我在船上搜集帆布时一起拿下来的。 3.在这段时间里,我努力工作,尽管雨水耽搁了我许多天,甚至好几个星期。我觉得,围墙不做好,我住在里面就没有安全感。我做的每件工作所花的劳动,简直难以令人置信。尤其是那些木桩,要把木桩从树林里搬回来,又要打进土里,实在非常吃力,因为我把木桩做得太大了,而实际上并不需要那么大。 4.看到这情景,我怒不可遏,早把恐惧置之度外。我在心里发誓:下次再看到这种暴行,一定不放过他们! 5.开始做一件事的时候,若不是预先计算一下需要多少代价,若不是预先对自己的力量做一个正确的估计,那真是太愚蠢了。 6.这时风暴越刮越猛,海面汹涌澎湃,波浪滔天。我以前从未见过这种情景。但比起我后来多次见到过的咆哮的大海,那真是小巫见大巫了;就是与我过几天后见到的情景,也不能相比。可是,在当时,对我这个初次航海的年轻人来说,足已令我胆颤心惊了,因为我对航海的事一无所知。我感到,


《鲁滨逊漂流记》导读课教案 教学目标 1.培养学生快速阅读课文,抓住课文主要信息,概括主要内容的能力。 2.了解《鲁滨孙漂流记》这部长篇小说的梗概,浏览作品的精彩片段,激发起课外阅读整部作品的兴趣。 3.初步了解鲁滨孙在荒岛战胜困难、谋求生存的非凡经历,体会鲁滨孙战胜困难顽强生存的积极生活态度。 4.通过讨论、摘抄或写心得体会的形式,开展交流活动,加深对作品的理解。教学重难点: 在快速阅读中培养把握主要内容的能力,并初步感知人物形象与精神。 教学过程 一、揭题: 1、谈话导入。 2、简介作者笛福。 二、看图片回顾小说内容。 三、读故事梗概,概括主要内容。 (板书)鲁滨逊:冒险生活———荒岛余生———返回英国 四、交流精彩情节,感悟人物精神。 1、鲁滨逊流落荒岛,遇到了哪些困难? 2、鲁滨逊靠着什么克服了这些困难,在岛上生活了将近28年? 3、小说那些地方可以体现出鲁滨逊坚忍不拔的精神、乐观向上的态度、丰富的知识与技能?(可以是一个动人的情节、也可以是一段动作、语言、神态、心理活动的描写。) ▲身处不幸的处境,将好处与坏处对比起来看 ▲造船、做各种生活用品花费的时间长 ▲选址建房▲种植小麦…… 五、交流学生摘录的优美句段,并谈谈感受。 说说鲁滨逊这个人物形象给了你什么启示? 六、小结。

教学目标: 1.知识掌握目标:了解《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者以及创作原型;分析鲁滨逊以及星期五的形象;研讨《鲁滨逊漂流记》所产生的巨大的艺术魅力;赏析作品中的优美语句。 2.基本技能和一般能力培养目标:根据文学作品形象性和情感性的特点,培养学生对形象的感受能力和情感的体验能力;培养学生初步的评价和鉴赏文学作品的能力。 3.德育目标:欣赏文学作品,从中获得对自然、社会、人生的有益启示。4.创新素质和创新能力培养目标:培养学生勇于探索的精神。 重点难点: 1.掌握精读和泛读等读书方法 2.指导学生写读书笔记。 教学过程: 一、谈话导入: 生命的质量需要锻铸,阅读是锻铸的重要一环。好书可以增加我们知识的广度,可以增加我们思想的深度,可以使我们能够拥有一个更广大的世界,不断超越自我,不断成长,不断进步! 阅读沟通了古今中外一代又一代人的心灵,阅读沟通了殊方异域的文化传播,使人类变得丰腴,可是面对茫茫书海,青春年少的我们又该如何寻找一片净土,为我们的灵魂加油充电呢?让我们共同走进属于我们自己的图书。 二、想一想: 进入高年级,我们的阅读又向外延伸到外国文学的赏析上,大家猜猜看,今天我们要走进谁的生活中? 能先回答我的几个小问题吗? 1.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是谁?哪国人? 2.这部作品是以苏格兰水手亚历山大塞尔柯克的真实经历为原型创造的,那么大家知道在塞尔柯克身上曾经发生过什么故事吗? 3.鲁滨逊在荒岛上独自生活了多少年? 4.被鲁滨逊救下的土著人叫什么名字?你知道鲁滨逊教给他的第一个单词是


Reading Report:On Robinson Crusoe --- Class 2 Life is just like a boat which is flowing on the river of life,we will be confronted with various disturbrances and we will also enjoy several comfortable person may encounter many waves which are always onrushing and these waves will make you confused, feared, it will be destroyed or survive after the storm . it is you who are in charge of the fate of the little boat Whether it will be destroyed or survive after the storm. In brief,it is you who are doomed to control the little boat’s fate. Recently I have read Robinson Crusoe,I think this great work proves this ,a solitary and tough adventurer,who gives up his comfortable life,fights for his dream. Robinson,a ture brave person,has spent twenty eight years on a desolate and uninhabitated island without anybody companying of these has proved that he is the one who dare take risks and have the kind of ,I find,is an observation that is equally valid for order to scale the heights of knowledge ,many scholars have experienced heaps of times of smokeless realize the lofty ideals,many businessmen have struggled in the commercial circles for many years and have gone through a lot of hardships. They are all our excellent models who we should learn are also inclined to try hard and pursue our own lofty ideals. After I have read Robinson Crusoe,a great image comes into my is Robinson who is a brave adventurer and seafarer. By relying on his tough willpower and his sprite of never give up,he has achived his navigation dream. As if I saw a man standing right on shipboard who had given up his well-fixed and comfortable life embarks on a duel with Azrael in the course of fighting agaist death on the of thousands of miseries and obstacles never defeated Robinson,on the contrary,these made him much more difficulties set up by God are the sailers are dead because of storm and tsunami exceot genuine challenge is just awaiting for he was confined to the desert island,in order to find a suitable habitation,he has searched the island all day ,he selects a place at the foot of the hill sets up a tent as large as possible with several wood to lift the hanging second day,he makes a instant wall to protect himself by using the boxes and wood after only over 10 days,the collapse strikes moves away the collapse moud and fixes the ceiling and uses pillars to lift this way,he won’t be bothered by necceseties provide him foundation for his future then,he finds wheat by chance. And he produces more and more crops by his hardwork despite of several he has spent several yeas to bulid a boat but only to find he can’t move it because it is far his hope collapes after a long time,he meets with hope lights up again. Robinson is a brave and tough has lived for 27 years on the desert dares to fight against the serious natural works hard and keeps the island in has learned a lot from his 27 years life on the island and achived a lot finally. This book sheds light on me and guide me in the course of growing tells us that only by hard work and persistence can we it also tells that getting right on the job is more than belief. As Winston Churchill said:Never give up,nerver give up,never,never..... These can benefit me a lot in my future and make my life much more worthy.


篇一:鲁滨逊漂流记好句摘抄 鲁滨逊漂流记好句摘抄 你们要是看到我用饭的情景,一定会羡慕不已:我俨然是全岛的君王,一个人高高坐在上面.“波儿”仿佛是我的宠臣,只有它才有权跟我说话,我那只狗仿佛是一位又老又忠实的臣子,而那些猫呢,则像顺民一样分坐在两边.尽管我在岛上有无上的权威,可是实际上我那一身穿戴已经到了不堪入目的地步.有时我把自己打量一下,也不禁会哑然失笑 我经常怀着感激之心坐下来吃饭,敬佩上帝的好生之德,因为他竟在荒野中赐以我丰富德没事.我已经懂得去注意我的处境中的光明的一面,少去注意它的黑暗的一面;多去想到我所享受的,少去想到我所却缺乏的.这种态度有时使我心里感到一种衷心的安慰,简直无法用言语表白... 可见,我们一般人,非要亲眼看见更恶劣的环境,就无法理解原有环境的好处;非要落到山穷水尽的地步,就不懂得珍视自己原来享受到的东西 篇二:鲁滨逊漂流记好句号段摘录 好句摘录: 1.开始做一件事的时候,若不是预先计算一下需要多少代价,若不是预先对自己的力量做一个正确的估计,那真是太愚蠢了。 2.我经常怀着感激之心坐下来吃饭,敬佩上帝的好生之德,因为他竟在荒野中赐以我丰富德没事。我已经懂得去注意我的处境中的光明的一面,少去注意它的黑暗的一面;多去想到我所享受的,少去想到我所却缺乏的。这种态度有时使我心里感到一种衷心的安慰,简直无法用言语表白。??我觉得,我们对于所需要得东西感到不满组,都是由于人们对于已经得到得东西缺乏感激之心。 3.??可见,我们一般人,非要亲眼看见更恶劣的环境,就无法理解原有环境的好处;非要落到山穷水尽的地步,就不懂得珍视自己原来享受到的东西。 5.一个人时时期待着祸事,比遭遇到祸事还要苦些,尤其是当一个人无法摆脱这种期待,这种担惊受怕的心情的时候。 6.在人类的感情里,经常存在着一种隐秘的原动力,这种原动力一旦被某种看得见得目标吸引,祸事被某种虽然看不见,却想象得出来的目标所吸引,就会以一种勇往直前的力量推动着我们的灵魂向那目标扑过去,如果达不到目标,就会叫我们痛苦得受不了。 7.一般人往往有一种通病,就是对于上帝和大自然替他们安排得生活环境经常不满。照我看来,他们的种种苦难,至少有一半是这种通病造成的。 8.造物主在统治人类的时候,把人类的认识和知识局限于狭隘的范围,实在是无上的好事 9.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻。我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运。


鲁滨逊漂流记文学赏析 【作品评介】 多少年来,笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》风行世界。这是一部集思想性、文学性和艺术性为一体的通俗性经典名著。 这部小说之所以具有划时代的成就,首先在于它塑造了一个崭新的人物形象。鲁滨逊成了当时中小资产阶级心目中的英雄人物,是西方文学中第一个理想化的新兴资产者形象。 鲁滨逊出身于中产阶级,他父亲常用知足常乐的哲学教育他,要他满足现状,不要出海。但海外的新世界像一股不可抗拒的吸引力诱惑着他,他雄心勃勃,决心舍弃安逸舒适的平庸生活出海远航。第一次出海他几乎淹死。第三次出海,又被海盗掳去,逃出后在巴西发了财。但他仍不死心,经别人提议,再次出航,结果滞留海岛。28年的孤岛生活阻止不了他的继续冒险。这种勇于进取的冒险精神,表现了当时新兴的资产阶级不满于现状,要开拓世界、占有世界的欲望。

小说的故事精彩离奇。故事中关于鲁滨逊在荒岛上经历的描写是全书的精华。作者把鲁滨逊描绘成充满劳动热情的人。他凭着自己顽强不息的劳动与大自然作斗争,表现出惊人的毅力。鲁滨逊一到荒岛,在克服了最初的悲观绝望情绪后,立即投入了征服大自然的斗争,这种征服自然的无限勇气和坚韧不拔的实干精神使鲁滨逊的形象产生 了巨大的艺术魅力。作者借此歌颂了资产阶级在资本原始积累时期的冒险进取精神,强调了个人的聪明和毅力。 鲁滨逊是个劳动者同时又是资产者和殖民者,因此具有剥削掠夺的本性。他几次出海的目的就是为了要到非洲贩卖奴隶。鲁滨逊顽强不息地与自然作斗争,既是为了生存,也是为了占有财富和土地。鲁滨逊身上的两重性,充分体现了作者自身的时代与阶级的局限性。 小说能够成为文学史上不朽的名著,还在于对鲁滨逊荒岛生活的描写逼真自然,表现了作者非凡的想像力和艺术表现力。小说虽是一个虚构的故事,但作者对鲁滨逊荒岛生活的描写逼真而自然,使人如身临其境,感同身受。此外,小说通篇采用第一人称的叙述方式,


鲁宾逊漂流记的中英文介绍 英语简介:Robinson Crusoe,supposedly based on the real adventure,is in fact,a work of sheer imagination.The novel consists actually of three parts though only the first part is most well-know and widely read.In this part the hero of the story,Robinson crusoe,narrates in the first person how he goes to sea,gets shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island,struggles to live for twenty-four years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England.The story starts with Roginson Crusoe's running away from home.An inexperienced teenager and a young man full of bright fancies about the future,he naturally chooses going to sea,because in thoese days it meant a chance to live a chivalrous life,to see the wonders of the world and to make a fortune.After many setbacks and adventures on the sea,he settles down in Brazil as a planter.But the call of the sea is so strong that he soon embarks on another voyage,this time,to Africa.Unfortunately a frightful storm blows the boat off its course and shipwrecks it near an island. Of all the ship's crew Robinson alone escape to the shore after strenuous efforts.After salvaging from the wrecked ship some stores of necessities such as


开始做一件事的时候, 若不是预先计算一下需要多少代价, 若不是预先对自己的力量 做一个正确的估计,那真是太愚蠢了。 好段:1、岛上有不少野果树,但这是我过了好久才发现的。岛上还有到处乱跑的山羊,但要不是我从船上取来了枪支弹药,它们对我又有何好处呢?因此,我有理由感谢仁慈的上帝,让船搁在海岸边,直至使我搬来了对我有用的一切东西。概括:岛上有的山羊,鲁滨孙感谢上帝让他从船上取来了枪支弹药。2、至于自然环境,岛上有狂风暴雨,还有地震。我那时也对一切都适应了。我种植和收获了我的大麦和小麦;我采来野葡萄,把它们晒成了很有营养的葡萄干;我饲养温驯的山羊,然后杀了吃,又熏又腌的。概括:鲁滨孙适应了岛上的环境。3、要想确保我能在这个岛上生存下来,还有许多事情要做。我尽可能地相继办了几件我非办不可的事。但是我的努力并非总是交上好运道。我在第一次播下大麦和稻子的种子时,这些宝贵的存货就浪费了一半,原因是播种得不是时候。概括:第一次播下大麦和稻子的种子,却没有收获。4、船刚驶出海口,便碰到了可怕的风浪,使我感到全身说不出的难过,心里十分恐怖。我在痛苦的心情中发了誓,假如上帝在这次航行中留下我的命,我在登上陆地后,就一直回到我慈爱的父母身边,从此一定听从他们的忠告办事。概括:鲁滨孙遭风浪后,后悔莫及。5、听从坏主意,人就会倒霉。我们的船在南美洲北岸一个无名岛上触了礁,所有的水手及乘客全都淹死了,上帝保佑,只有我一个人被高高的海浪卷到了岸上,保住了一条命。概括:船触礁了,海浪把鲁滨孙卷到岸上,保住了命。6、这样一直到了那重大的一天,我在沙滩上偶然发现了一个人的光脚印。我当时好像挨

了一个晴天霹雷。我侧耳倾听,回头四顾,可是什么也没听见,什么也没看见。我跑到海岸上,还下海去查看,可是总共就只有那么一个脚印!我惊吓到了极点,像一个被人跟踪追捕的人似地逃回到我的住处。一连三天三夜,我都不敢外出。概括:鲁滨孙发现了脚印,害怕得不敢外出。7、有一天早晨,我从望远镜里看见三十个野蛮人正在围着篝火跳舞。他们已煮食了一个俘虏,还有两个正准备放到火上去烤,这时我提着两支上了子弹的滑膛枪和那柄大刀往下朝他们跑了去,及时救下了他们来不及吃掉的一个俘虏。我把我救下的这个人起名为"星期五"。概括:鲁滨孙救下了一个俘虏,起名“星期五”。8、正当我们差不多已准备驾船启航时,又有二十一个野蛮人乘着三只独木船,带了三个俘虏到这个岛上来开宴会了。其中一个俘虏是个白人,这可把我气坏了。我把两支鸟枪、四支滑膛枪、两支手枪都装上双倍弹药,给了星期五一把小斧头,还给他喝了好多甘蔗酒,我自己带上了大刀,我们冲下山去,把他们全杀死了,只逃走了四个野蛮人。概括:鲁滨孙和“星期五”把野蛮人杀死,救下俘虏。9、正在等待他们回来时,有一艘英国船因水手闹事而在我的岛附近抛了锚。我帮那位船长夺回了他的船,跟他一起回到了英国。我们走时带走了两个也想回英国去的老实的水手,而让闹事闹得最凶的一些水手留在了岛上。概括:鲁滨孙帮助船长夺回船,回到英国。10、我离开那个岛时,已在岛上呆了二十八年两个月二十九天。我总以为我一到英国就会高兴不尽,没想到我在那里却成了一个异乡人。概括:鲁滨孙回到英国,却成了异乡人。 好句:1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻。我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运。

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