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1. 长相(looking):handsome帅, good-looking好看, pretty漂亮, beautiful美丽, attractive有吸引力,

slim苗条, thin瘦, skinny骨感, fat胖, overweight体重超标,

2. 身高(height):tall高/short矮/medium height中等身材/average height一般身高/about…meter(s)


3.头发(hair):short / long/staight 短/长/直, srponytail马尾辫, curly hair卷发, spiky hair小平头;

4. 脸型(face):round face圆脸/ a slim瘦脸/ plump face胖脸

5. 前额(f orehead):high/ broad/rounded/narrow. 他的前额很高/很宽/圆/平/窄

6. 眼睛(eyes):big/ bright/ dark/.她的双眼很大/明亮/黑

7. 鼻子(nose):a snub/ sharp / hooked nose.大蒜鼻/鼻子很尖/鹰钩鼻

8. 脸部其他特征:beard下巴上的胡子, moustache 上唇的胡子, clean-shaven胡子刮得很干净的。

9. 眼镜:glasses; 酒窝:dimple; 疤痕:scar.

10. 年龄:in her / his 40s. 40多岁; between 25 and 30 years old大约25-30岁

at least 30 years old至少30岁; 40 at the most最多40岁。

11. 服装:well-dressed着装整齐;faction时髦;short/long dress短/长裙;suit西装;tie领带;casual clothes 休闲服;jeans牛仔裤;T-shirt T恤。


优点:optimistic 乐观的;humorous 幽默的;warm-hearted 热心的;hospitabe好客的; considerate 考虑周到的; honest 诚实的;energectic 充满活力;responsible 有责任感的;be popular with受欢迎的;attractive 有吸引力的;unselfish 无私的;modest 谦逊的;tolerant 容忍的;gentle 温柔的;courageous 有勇气的;generous 慷慨的;smart 聪明的;hardworking 好学的;curious 有好奇心的;independent 有独立性的;kind/nice 友善的;lovely 可爱的; cute 伶俐的; frank 坦率的; caring 理解人的; gentle and understanding 温柔体贴的; high prestige and universal respect 德高望重的

缺点:pessimistic悲观的; selfish自私的;cowardly 胆怯的; self-satisfied 自满的; fool-hardy莽撞的; mean 吝啬的; lazy, idle懒惰的; temperamental反复无常的;naughty淘气的;unruly不守纪律的;dependent独立性差的;



2. 他大约1.75高。

3. 她短头发。




7. 他的鼻子很尖

8. 他胡子刮得很干净的。




12. 1)他是一个幽默的人2)她很热情和好客。


1. She is slim/skinny and attractive.

2. He’s about 1.75 meters tall.

3. She is short hair/Her hair is short./She wears short hair cut.

4. She has a round face../Her face is round.

5. His forehead is broad./He is broad forehead.

6. Her eyes are big and bright./ She has big and bright eyes.

7. He has a sharp nose./His nose is sharp.

8. He is clean-shaven.

9.1) He wears glasses. 2) She has a dimple.

10. 1) She is in her 40s. 2)she is between 25 to 30 years old.

11. 1) S he’s very well-dressed.

2) He always wears casual clothes like/such as jeans and T-shirt.

12. 1)He is a humorous person./He is humorous.

2)She is warm-hearted and hospitabe./She is a warm-hearted and hospitabe woman.


假设你是李华,今天要向同学们介绍你一位在你读书期间遇见过的最喜欢的老师(My favorite Teacher),具体内容如下:

1. 外貌(年龄,相貌,着装,性格);

2. 喜欢的理由

My Favorite Teacher

Sample 1

Miss Li is my Chinese teacher. She is about thirty years old. She is very pretty and young. Her hair is brown and curly(卷发) .Miss Li always wears a blue coat. I think her favorite color will be blue.

The reason why I like Miss Li is that she is very friendly and kind .Her classes are very interesting, we all like to have Chinese classes .She always smiles when she speaks to us . She is not only strict with us but also strict in her teaching. It is she who makes my Chinese improve greatly. I am glad to have such a good teacher as her.

Miss Li 是我的语文老师,她大约30岁。她很漂亮和年轻。她的头发是棕色卷发。她总是穿蓝色外套。我想她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。

我喜欢Miss Li的原因是她很友好和善良。她的课非常有趣,我们都喜欢上语文课。当她和我们说话时脸上总是挂满了笑容。她不仅对我们很严格而且对她的教学很严谨。是她使我的语文进步很快。我很高兴有一位向她那么好的老师。



Sample 2

My English teacher, Mr. Jones, is a middle-aged man with thick glasses above his nose. We all like his classes, for he is always very active and has many ways to make his lessons lively and interesting. After class, he often plays table tennis with us. And at night, he usually works late and prepares the lessons carefully. When we told him that we had passed the entrance examination of senior middle school, he was so happy that he jumped like a child. We all get along well with him. All of us still miss him very much after we have left the junior middle school.

Our monitor wenntao is tall and handsome, and he is very popular at school. He has good personality. He is funny and forgiving. His stories and jokes make all of us laugh, especially when we are unhappy. When someone tries to make fun of him, he never gets angry. As a monitor, wentao is friendly to every classmate. No matter who asks him for help, he is always warm-hearted and generous. He is also a reliable person. Both teacher and students trust him. Every day he is the last one to leave the classroom, making sure that all the windows are locked and the lights are off.

Such is our monitor, wentao. We all like him.

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