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2015年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一、卷二真题及参考答案 考生须知 1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分75分,考试时间为100分钟, 9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.请考生务必将本人姓名和考号填写在本页方框内。 3.请将试卷一答案用2B铅笔填涂在试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 .


详解:同等学力申硕上课时间及方式 通过报考同等学申硕在职人员不仅可以获得硕士学位证书,还能提升自己专业技能,但是不少在职人员担心同等学力申硕学习会影响自己的工作,所以一直没能参加报考。那么,同等学力申硕上课时间及方式是怎样的呢 同等学力申硕上课时间及方式: 相关老师介绍,同等学力申硕在职研究生专业的上课时间不会与在职学员的 日常工作发生冲突的,一般都是安排在工作之余,周末或者是节假日,而且参加学习的人员可以在多种授课方式中,根据自己的实际情况来选择上课方式,合理安排时间。 同等学力申硕授课方式有面授和网络网络学习,其中面授形式主要是周末班或者是假期班,喜欢参加面授的学员,如果能在周末上课的话,就可以考虑选择面授形式。但是提醒大家的是,学员最好在面授地点附近,这样如果是周末上课的话,来回奔波不会浪费太多的时间、精力。因此,选择专业及院校的同时,学 员要提前了解清楚上课地点也是很重要的。 如果实在无法保证在周末参加学习,或者不能在集中假期参加学习,那么选择远程授课方式是最为合适的。目前,很多院校都开设的了远程课程,如中国政法大学在职研究生的法学,首都经济贸易大学在职研究生、中国社会科学院在职研究生等院校的管理类专业,以及中国科学院心理研究所在职研究生的心理学相 关专业,都是可以让学员在家里用网络完成学习及考试事宜的,而且在申硕成功后,获得的证书也是与面授班一样的。

可见,大家不用担心同等学力申硕上课时间及方式会影响自己的工作,只要选择适当,安排合理,一定会让自己学习、工作上实现双赢的。 通过以上的介绍,相信大家对同等学力申硕上课时间及方式有了一定的了 解,如果您还有什么不明白的,可以直接访问我们的网站,咨询我们的在线老师。院校名称热招专业方向推荐院校简介 中国人民大 学 公共管理企业管理中国人民大学是一 所以人文社会科学 为主的综合性研究 型全国重点大学, 直属于教育部,由 教育部与北京市共 建。目前学校是国 家“985工程”和 “211工程”重点 建设的大学之一。 社会学人力资源管理 EMBA 艺术学 技术经济及管理会计学 计算机哲学 市场营销法学 国民经济学网络经济学 历史学项目管理 传播学新闻学 院校名称热招专业方向推荐院校简介 南开大学 劳动经济学金融学南开大学由中华人 民共和国教育部直 属,国家“211工 程”和“985工程”, 入选首批“2011 计划”、“111计金融投资与公司金融金融管理与理财规划 金融投资与证券实务金融投资与理财风控 财务管理与财政税收人力资源管理


同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全 国统一考试大纲(第六版) 一、指导思想 本考试大纲要求通过 教学使学生具有较好的用英语获取信息的能 力和一定的用英语传递信息的能力。这就要求考生具有较强的阅读理解能力,一定的口语交际能力和语篇信息处理能力,同时也必须具有一定的英译汉能力和写作能力。本考试旨在测试考生是否达到大纲所规定的各项要求和具 有大纲所规定的各项语言运用能力。 二、评价目标 本考试重点考查考生的英语口 语交际、阅读、语篇完形处理、英译汉和写作等技能(由于技术上的原因,本考试暂时取消听力测试,口语交际技能的测试采用书面形式进行。考生听力能力的测试由各院校在考生学习期间进行)。考生应在词汇知识、语法知识、口语交际能力、阅读理解能力、语篇完形处理

能力、英译汉能力和写作能力等方面分别达到以下要求: (一)词汇 掌握约6 000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。对6 000个词汇中的2 800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完形处理和英译汉等过程中识别和理解。 (二)语法 掌握英语的基本语法知识、常用句型和结构,能正确理解包含这些知识、句型和结构的句子和语篇。 (三)口语交际 能用英语进行日常口语交流。对于生活、学习和工作中的常见英语交流,能理解交流情景、说话人的意图和会话的含义,并能运用相应的知识和判断进行恰当的交流。能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。

(四)阅读 能综合运用英语语言知识和阅 读技能读懂一般性题材的文章、广告等应用性文本和博客及跟帖等互动形式的阅读材料。要求能抓住大 意,读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑关系,并能领会和分辨作者或话语参与各方的主要 意图和态度及其异同等。 (五)语篇完形处理 在理解阅读材料的基础上能综 合运用词汇、语法、搭配、语段、篇章逻辑等方面的知识和上下文等对语篇各层次的信息 进行正确判断和完型处理。 (六)英译汉 能在不借助词典的情况下,把一般性题材的文章及科普文章中的段落从英语 译成汉语,能准确表达原文的意思,语句通顺,用词基本正确,无重大语言错误。 (七)写作


同等学力申硕英语如何有效进行复习? 近些年随着十月联考取消,报考同等学力申硕的人越来越多了,同等学力考试内容简单,但是英语很多人都不会复习,也不知道难度,下面小编为大家讲解一下, 同等学力申硕英语难度如何? 同等学力申硕的英语考试难度与四六级相当,所以是大家很容易通过的,但是也要注意对在职研究生英语单词的复习,首先大家要了解考研英语与四六级对词汇的要求不同。四六级考试是水平性考试,考试的目的是测验在校大学生的英语水平,直白的说,这种考试,是为了让大多数考生通过的,因此,词汇的复习要有针对性,把考研大纲5500个单词划分出个三六九等来,区别对待。对于你认为熟悉的初高中词汇,要重点记忆它的第二个,第三个,甚至第四个你不熟悉的意思。 同等学力申硕英语该如何复习? 每次都背单词 对于在职研究生英语单词,我们每天一百个是最低限,其实背到后来你会发现这个要求并不高,一个月后,你可能自然而然地就背到三百或者五百,时间上可以平均分配开来,第二天早晨复习以前没背下来的词。大家要一边看一边读每个词的读音,默读也成。看完后回忆一遍,回忆不起来的再看。 多和单词“约会”

对于在职研究生英语单词是否“一见钟情”都是无所谓的,关键在于有更多不同类型的见面机会,因为一个单词能不能记住,取决于和它在不同场合见面的频率,不在于每次看着它的时间长短。一般想记住一个单词,每星期要和它在不同场合见三到四次面,具体问题一定要具体分析;另外,大家在背单词时,还要把握住最基础的部分,也就是所谓的词根,对付这些词根的最好方法,就是进行大量的,不间断的,简单的初级听力练习。因为阅读材料中,还有百分之二十其他词汇,所以光凭这个等级的词还看不懂那些阅读材料。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


历年同等学力申硕全国统考都会在五月中下旬左右结束,之后考试真题及答案也会陆陆续续的出来。当年考的考生可以对答案,预估成绩,之后考的考生可以从中参考,了解考试题型及内容形式。接下来就给大家介绍一下关于同等学力申硕真题方面的知识。 同等学力申硕时,只有参加考试才可以获得,历年真题可以到网上进行搜索查看,但总的来说考试项目很简单,只考外语和专业综合两门学科,考试难度不大,只是略高于本科,只要是基础打的好,在研修班认真听课,顺利通过考试是没问题的。 以考察外语为例,同等学力申硕考试可以选择语种共有五个,分别是英语、德语、法语、俄语、日语。以英语为例,其考试难度在大学的四六级之间,通常来说本科生的英语水平都是可以满足的,并且考前还会系统的学习,复习,模拟考试,这些都会让考生面对考试从容不迫。

当然,有考试就会有不通过的,考试第一次没有通过的考生,也不必太过在乎紧张,因为学院还会为考生提供四次再考机会,只要通过一次,就算通过,一般考生只要态度端正都是可以顺利通过毕业的,拿到想要的学位证书的。 领君考研是上海领君教育科技有限公司旗下知名考研辅导机构,由上海考研辅导行业深耕10余年的一群资深专家倾力打造创办而成,是一家主要从事在职研究生的考前辅导、申硕课程以及国际MBA 班等项目的专业教育机构。 领君考研考前辅导项目包括:专业型硕士管理类联考MBA、MPA、MPACC 、MEM、MTA、MLIS、Maud等考前辅导培训,以及同等学力申硕项目的公共课、专业课统考的考前辅导培训;在职研究生项目包括:同等学力申硕及国际MBA等。 领君考研多年来一直在研究生领域深耕,和中国多所著名高校保持良好的合作,曾经在上海引进多个985、211一流院校的在职研究



2013同等学力申硕考试英语真题(A卷) 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue one A. It sounds like a flu. B. I also advise resting for a couple of days. C. Boy, when it rains, it pours. Doctor: What has been bothering you? Patient: I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Plus, I’ve been coughing a lot. 1 Doctor: Any stomach pains? Patient: Actually, yes. My stomach’s been upset for a few days. Doctor: 2 . It’s been going around lately. Patient: Anything I can do for it? Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicines for you to take. 3 . Patient: Does that mean I shouldn’t go to work? Doctor: Only when you feel up to it. You should stay home for at least a day or two. Dialogue Two A. So, what are you going to do with the money? B. You have lots of money. C. How much do I owe you? Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance? Father: Oh, I forgot about that. Joshua: You ALWAYS forget. Father: I guess I do. 4 Joshua: Just $13. Father: Well, I’ m not sure if I have that much. Joshua: Go to bank. 5 Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think the bank is closed. Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed? Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. 6 Joshua: I ’m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books.


2013同等学力申硕考试英语真题(A卷) 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue one A. It sounds like a flu. B. I also advise resting for a couple of days. C. Boy, when it rains, it pours. Doctor: What has been bothering you? Patient: I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Plus, I’ve been coughing a lot. 1 Doctor: Any stomach pains? Patient: Actually, yes. My stomach’s been upset for a few days. Doctor: 2 . It’s been going around lately. Patient: Anything I can do for it? Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicines for you to take. 3 . Patient: Does that mean I shouldn’t go to work? Doctor: Only when you feel up to it. You should stay home for at least a day or two. Dialogue Two A. So, what are you going to do with the money? B. You have lots of money. C. How much do I owe you? Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance? Father: Oh, I forgot about that. Joshua: You ALWAYS forget. Father: I guess I do. 4 Joshua: Just $13. Father: We ll, I’ m not sure if I have that much. Joshua: Go to bank. 5 Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think the bank is closed. Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed? Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. 6 Joshua: I ’m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books. Father: Well, that sounds greats great, Joshua.


2007年同等学力人员申硕经济学真题及参考答案 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共16分) 1.在国际收支平衡表中,外国捐赠者对我国组织或个人的捐赠应列入________。 A.资本账户 B.经常账户 C.金融账户 D.错误与遗漏 【答案】:B 2.进口配额制在国际贸易中属于________。 A.关税壁垒措施 B.非关税壁垒措施 C.自由贸易措施 D.与贸易政策无关的措施 【答案】:B 3.假定在某一产量水平上厂商的平均成本达到最小值,这一定意味着_________。 A.边际成本等于平均成本 B.厂商获得了最大利润 C.厂商获得了最小利润 D.厂商超额利润为零 【答案】:A 4.以下哪几个假设是新古典宏观经济学的假设_________。 ①个体利益最大化。 ②理性预期,即有效地利用一切信息对经济变量做出预测。 ③市场出清,即劳动力价格和产品价格都具有充分灵活性,可根据市场变化迅速做出调整使市场达到供求平衡。 ④价格粘性,即工资和价格都具有粘性,不能迅速调整到市场出清状态。 A.①② B.①②③ C.①②④ D.以上都不是 【答案】:B 5.在分析比较纳税人的税收负担时,经济学家们通常考虑以下税率形式_________。 ①定额税率②名义税率③实际税率 ④关税税率⑤边际税率⑥平均税率 A.①②③④ B.②③⑤⑥ C.②③④⑤ D.②④⑤⑥ 【答案】:B 6.商品税特征的一般特征集中体现在以下方面__________。 ①课征普遍②以商品流转额为计税依据③一般实行比例税率 ④计征简便⑤实行累进税率 A.①②④⑤ B.①②③ C.①②③④ D.②③④ 【答案】:C 7.基础货币指是指__________。 A.流通中的现金 B.流通中现金+活期存款 C.流通中现金+定期存款 D.流通中现金+商业银行存款准备金 【答案】:D 8.在确定的未来某一时期,按照确定的价格买卖(但不在交易所集中交易)一定数量的某种资产的协议是指___________。


2015年同等学力申硕考试英语真题 Part I Oral Communication(10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A.Do you know what a handicapped space is ? B.The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C.Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine.You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes,I have seen those spots. Clerk: well,when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit.Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes ,I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 Dialogue Two A. The hours and limitations are printed on the card and this handout. B. May I have your driver's license,please? C. Are you familiar with our rules and fines? Student:Excuse me,I am interested in getting a library card. Librarian:Sure,let me give you an application.You can fill it out right here at the counter. Student: Thank you.I'll do it right now. Librarian:Let me take a look at this for you. 4 Student : Here it is. Librarian : You seem to have filled the form out all right.___5___ Student : Yes.I know what to do. Librarian : ____6____ Student : OK . I see. Librarian : Thank you for joining the library; We look forward to serving you. Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D , taken from the interview . Fill in each of the blanks


同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试大纲(第六版) 一、指导思想 本考试大纲要求通过教学使学生具有较好的用英语获取信息的能力和一定的用英语传递信息的能力。这就要求考生具有较强的阅读理解能力,一定的口语交际能力和语篇信息处理能力,同时也必须具有一定的英译汉能力和写作能力。本考试旨在测试考生是否达到大纲所规定的各项要求和具有大纲所规定的各项语言运用能力。 二、评价目标 本考试重点考查考生的英语口语交际、阅读、语篇完形处理、英译汉和写作等技能(由于技术上的原因,本考试暂时取消听力测试,口语交际技能的测试采用书面形式进行。考生听力能力的测试由各院校在考生学习期间进行)。考生应在词汇知识、语法知识、口语交际能力、阅读理解能力、语篇完形处理能力、英译汉能力和写作能力等方面分别达到以下要求: (一)词汇 掌握约6 000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。对6 000个词汇中的2 800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完形处理和英译汉等过程中识别和理解。 (二)语法 掌握英语的基本语法知识、常用句型和结构,能正确理解包含这些知识、句型和结构的句子和语篇。 (三)口语交际 能用英语进行日常口语交流。对于生活、学习和工作中的常见英语交流,能理解交流情景、说话人的意图和会话的含义,并能运用相应的知识和判断进行恰当的交流。能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。 (四)阅读 能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能读懂一般性题材的文章、广告等应用性文本和博客及跟帖等互动形式的阅读材料。要求能抓住大 意,读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑关系,并能领会和分辨作者或话语参与各方的主要意图和态度及其异同等。 (五)语篇完形处理


Part III Reading Comprehension (25 points) Section A Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Sometimes a race is not enough. Sometimes a runner just wants to go further. That’s what happened to Dennis Martin and Brooke Curran. Martin, 68, a retired detective form New York City, took up running after his first wife died. Curran, 46, a philanthropist(慈善家)from Alexandria, started running to get out of the house and collect her thoughts. Both she and Martin got good at running but felt the desire to do more. “The more I trained, the better I got,” Curran said,” but I would cross the finish line with no sense of accomplishment.”Eventually , they worked up to running marathons(马拉松)(and longer races) in other countries, on other countries. Now both have achieved a notable -and increasingly less rate- milestone; running the 26.2-mile race on all seven continents. They are part of a phenomenon that has grown out of the running culture in the past two decades, at the intersection of athleticism and leisure: “runcations,”which combine distance running with travel to exotic places. There trips, as expensive as they are physically challenging ,are a growing and competitive market in the travel industry. “In the beginning, running was enough,” said Steen Albrechtsen, a press manager. The classic marathon was the ultimate goal, then came the super marathons, like London and New York. But when 90,000 people a year can take that challenge, it is no longer e xciting and adventurous .Hence, the search for new adventures began.”“No one could ever have imagined that running would become the lifestyle activity that it is today,”said Thom Gilligan, founder and president of Boston-based Marathon Tours and Travel. Gilligan, who has been in business since 1979, is partly responsible for the seven-continent phenomenon. It started with a casual talk to an interviewer about his company offering trips to every continent except Antarctica. And then in 1995, Marathon fours hosted its first Antarctica Marathon on King George Island. Off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula; 160 runners got to the starting line of a dirt-and ice-trail route via a Russian icebreaker through the Drake Passage. 21. At the beginning, Martin took up running just to . A. meet requirements of his job B. win a running race C. join in a philanthropic activity D. get away from his sadness 22. Martin and Curran are mentioned as good examples of . A. winners in the 26.2-mile race on all seven continents B. people who enjoy long running as a lifestyle activity C. running racers satisfied with their own performance


同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平考试词汇练习 选择替换题及答案 (1)I’m in a position to think about my future and plan it a little more rather than just waiting for what happens. A.used to B.unwilling to C.able to D.glad to (2) The Canadian landscape painters’ style featured brilliant colors and free brushstrokes. A.furthered B.showed C.replaced D.excluded (3) Milton Hershey was a successful entrepreneur whose openhearted generosity continues to touch the lives of thousands. A.generation B.kindness C.faculty D.readiness (4) Green plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen in a food-making process called photosynthesis. A.donate B.check C.withhold D.release (5) The discovery of gold fields has long attracted large numbers of prospectors and other people because of the traditionally high value of gold. A.searchers B.inspectors C.protectors D.instructors (6) Even our Mitsubishi four-wheel-drive truck gets altitude sickness once in a while,so we like to give her a rest whenever we can. A.sometimes B.usually C.often D.seldom (7)Sculptors from Pergamum developed a distinct style,which they employed in creating a magnificent altar dedicated to Zeus,king of the Greek gods.A.set up B.carved up C.devoted to D.1ed to (8)Working where there is no running water causes a lot of suffering.Fortunately we have a cold spring a short distance from our house. A.Forgivably B.Steadily C.Constantly D.Luckily (9)The research shows that nearly 130 species of birds are vulnerable to the predicted effects of climate change. A.easily attacked by B.skillfully adapted to C.comfortably inclined to D.closely involved in (10)On the grounds of Wimbledon,a year-round museum is devoted to the joys and history of the sport—and one of their current exhibits showcases Ted Tinling,the popular and controversial designer of tennis dresses. A.conflicting B.well-known


Paragraphs I. What is a good, effective paragraph? ●Unified---all the sentences in the paragraph are focused on one central thought or on a single topic. ●Coherent---it develops naturally and smoothly, with one sentence leading to another logically. ●Well-developed---it fulfills what it sets out to say. 1. Paragraph Unity Unity is concerned with the content of a paragraph. A unified paragraph discusses only one topic or one aspect of a topic. Only one central idea or theme it may have.

When a new idea is generated, a new paragraph must begin. Sample 1 We Americans are incredibly lazy. Instead of cooking a simple, nourishing meal, we pop frozen dinner into the oven. Instead of studying a daily newspaper, we are contented with the capsule summaries on the network news. Worst of all, instead of walking even a few blocks to the local convenience store, we jump into our cars. Sample 2 When people sit down to eat, they unconsciously reveal their personal habits. The color of the food that they order indicates their tastes.For instance, a person who orders red, yellow, and orange foods usually wears brightly colored clothes and lives in an apartment decorated in lively colors. The texture of the food gives clues to the way that people deal with life situations.The diner who prefers such crunchy foods as crackers probably meets the day-to-day conflicts head-on while the diner who orders soft creamy foods will go to almost any length to avoid


同等学力申硕法学真题及答案一览 不定项选择题 1. 我国《民法通则》规定,在合伙对外关系上,全体合伙人对于合伙债务承担无限连带清偿责任,法律另有规定的除外。该规则属于。 A. 调整性规则 B. 强行性规则 C. 相对确定性规则 D. 委任性规则 2. 法律对于社会经济发展的作用具体表现为。 A. 创建新的经济关系 B. 确认合理的经济关系 C. 保障经济正常运行 D. 规范经济行为 3. 按照法律的适用范围不同,可以把法律分为。 A. 上位法与下位法 B. 根本法与普通法 C. 一般法与特别法 D. 国内法与国际法 4. 与自由资本主义时期相比,当代西方法律更加注重。 A. 形式平等 B. 实质平等 C. 产权保护 D. 公益利益 5. 在法律推理中,不针对思维的实质内容,只强调思维形式符合形式逻辑要求的推理有。 A. 辩证推理 B. 演绎推理 C. 归纳推理 D. 类比推理 6. 西周婚姻六礼包括。

A. “纳吉” B. “纳征” C. “问名” D.“迎亲” 7. 关于唐代的刑事立法,下列说法正确的是。 A. 区分公罪与私罪 B. 自首原罪 C. 累犯加重 D. 类推原则 8. 清代中央的司法主审机关不是。 A. 大理寺 B. 刑部 C. 法部 D. 大理院 9. 属于《大清现行刑律》附文的是。 A. 《禁烟条例》 B. 《违警律》 C. “暂行章程” D. 《贩卖吗啡治罪专条》 10. 清代秋审适用的对象包括。 A. 充军 B. 斩监侯 C. 发遣 D. 绞监候 11.特别行政区享有的高度自治权主要包括。 A. 行政管理权 B. 立法权 C. 独立的司法权和终审权 D. 自行处理有关对外事务的权力 12. 我国《宪法》第35 条规定的自由有。 A. 言论 B. 出版 C. 集会、结社、游行、示威 D. 迁徙 13. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会行使的职权有。

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