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一、图片判断(共10小题,共10.0分)在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有[A] 、


1. A B C

2. A B C

3. A B C

4. A B C

5. A B C

6. A B C

7. A B C

8. A B C

9. A B C

10. A B C

二、对话理解(共15小题,共15.0分)在本节中,你将听到15个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从[A] 、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。下面,请听这些对话。

11. Who has got a pen?

A Li Ping.

B Wang Gang.

C Zhang Wei.

12. What does the man want to buy?

A Fish.

B Rice.

C Beef.

13.What is there?

A Fish.

B Meat.

C Beef.

14.How many animals are there?

A Seven.

B Three.

C Four.

15.What time is it now?

A 10:05.

B 4:50.

C 5:10.

16.What does the man mean?

A He agrees with the woman.

B He prefers to travel by ship.

C He doesn't quite agree with her.

17.How much is it for one shirt?

A $ 6.00

B $ 6.50.

C $ 12.00.

18.What will the man do?

A Sit at another table.

B Buy the table.

C Move the table to the window.

19.What time does the woman want the man to pick her up?

A 6:20.

B 6:30.

C 6:50.

20.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A He drives to work at 6.

B He is a bus driver.

C He begins to work at 8.

21.What does the woman want the man to do?

A To show the passport.

B To get her passport.

C To say it again.

22.What does the man want the woman to do?

A Make some hot tea.

B Bring a cup of coffee.

C Buy some orange juice.

23.What can we learn about the plan?

A It won't be finished.

B It's not finished.

C It'll be used.

24. What will the man probably do?

A Write Jack a letter.

B Go and see Jack.

C Ring Jack up.

25.Who will move the table?

A The man.

B The woman.

C Neither of them.




26. He is badly ill. We must _____ a doctor at once.

A. send to

B. send for .

C. send away

27. The hospital _______last year.

A. built

B. was built

C. has been built

28. When I came into the classroom, the teacher _____something on the blackboard.

A. is writing

B. was writing

C. wrote

29. --How long have you been ill?

A. Since last week

B. A week ago

C. Once a week

30. Everybody is here _____Mike.

A .not B. and C. except

31. We don’t understand the passage ___ there are a few .new words in it.

A. and

B. unless

C. because

32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you _______it?

A. bought

B. had

C. taken

33. --- Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad?

---Thanks, but you _______. I’ve had enough.

A. may not

B. must not

C. needn’t

34. --- _________is your shirt?

--- It is 100yuan.

A. How many

B. How much

C. How long

35. He is _______kind an old man that all the children like him.

A. very

B. so

C. such

36. Either Jim or Sam ______going to help the farmers with the orange harvest this


A. was

B. were

C. is

37. We have studied for two hours. Let’s stop.

A. have a rest

B. to have a rest

C. having a rest

38. We won’t go to Great Wall if it ________tomorrow.

A. rains

B. rain

C. will rain

39. No book and no pen_ _____in the bag.

A. is

B. are

C. has

40. Please give me ______.

A. two cups of milks

B. two cup of milk

C. two cups of milk



It’s fine spring weather now. The trees and fields are_____. The farmers are busy _____in the fields. The birds are singing happily in the forest and the____ are coming out. The sun is shining warmly and ____ is a warm wind. Some little boys are flying kites in the fields. They like the wind because they can fly kites____.

It’s a lovely summer morning. The sun is just coming up the hills in the_____. It’s early morning and cocks(公鸡)are crowing(啼鸣)on the farm. Now it’s midday and it’s_____ very hot. The sun is shining brightly. There are hardly any clouds in the sky. Some children are ____ in the river. The farmers are weeding the fields now. The sun is going_____ in the west. It’s getting dark and the farmers are going back to the farm house. It’s_____ now and it’s getting cooler. Soon you can see thousands of bright stars in the sky.

41. A. yellow B. red C. green

42. A. talking B. working C. playing

43. A. leaf B. flower C. flowers

44. A. there B. that C. it

45. A. high B. highly C. far

46. A. east B. west C. north

47. A. going B. coming C. getting

48. A. enjoying B. working C. swimming

49. A. up B. down C. on

50. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening




51. People put clothes in it. A. wine

52. People drink it. B. umbrella

53. People use it in a rainy day. C. table-cloth

54. People study them at schools. D. taxi

55. People cover it over the table E. wardrobe

F. subjects

G. hotel


阅读下面的短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesn’t say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。

Many people begin their day by reading newspapers. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they don’t have time to read the news carefully. Most newspapers have several sections, especially on Saturdays and Sundays when the edition is longer than usual.

Magazines also bring people information from around the world. Some are weekly magazines, others are monthly. Some are mainly for men, others for women, and there are children’s magazines, too. In a word, there are magazines for every taste and interest.

56. Many people read newspapers in the evening.

A. Right.

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say.

57. People read newspapers in order to study.

A. Right.

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say.

58. People need more time to read Saturday or Sunday newspapers

A. Right.

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say.

59. Magazines are quite different from newspapers.

A. Right.

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say.

60. Everyone have their own kinds of magazines to read.

A. Right.

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say.




There are many cats in England. English people are very friendly to all their cats.

Mary was a school teacher. She had a beautiful white cat, and she loved it very much. But a very sad thing happened one day. A rich man’s car over the cat, and that was the end of the cat. Mary ran out onto the road.

“Oh, you poor, dear thing!” She cried. “What shall I do without you? You were the light of my life.”

The rich man stopped his car and came back. He put his arms around Mary and said, “I’m very sorry about this accident. Please let me…”

“You don’t know!” Mary cried. “She was a wonderful pupil!”

“A pupil?” the man asked. “this cat? What do you mean?”

“You couldn’t buy that cat for all he money in England!” Mary said, “I taught her every day. That cat could talk, sir!”

“Then I must help you,” the man said. He took some money from his pocket. “Here, have this. Three hundred pounds. Is it enough? Will you forgive me?”

Mary took the money. “Thank you,” she said, “I’ll get another cat. Then I must begin all the work again.”

The rich man went away in his car. A woman said to Mary, “Was it true, Madam?” Mary answered, “My cat had many difficult lessons. At last she could say her name in Chinese.”

Everyone laughed.

61. What was Mary’s job?

A. She taught cat.

B. She was a teacher.

C. She bought and sold cats.

62. What does “the end of Mary’s cat” mean?

A. The cat had no more lessons.

B. The cat began to live with the rich man.

C. The cat died in the accident.

63. What did the rich man do after the cat was killed by his car?

A. He gave Mary another beautiful cat.

B. He gave Mary some money.

C. He gave Mary nothing.

64. What did Mary say about her cat? She said that______.

A. her cat could cook

B. her cat could talk

C. her cat could fly

65. What could Mary’s cat say? She could say_____.

A. the English word “cat”

B. Mary’s name

C. “cat” in Chinese


Mike went to a barber’s shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said, “What has happened to your hair, Mike?”

Mike said, “I tried a new barber’s shop today, because I wasn’t quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse.”

Bob agreed, “Yes, I think you’re right, Mike. Now I’ll tell you what to do when you go into a barber’s shop next time: look at all the barber’s hair, find the one whose hair looks the worst, and then go straight to him.”

“Why shall I go to him?” Mike asked. “But that would be foolish!”

“Oh, no, it wouldn’t,” answered Bob. “Who cut that man’s hair? Just think it. So you know he can’t be the worst barber.”

66 When Mike went out of the barber’s shop, he was not happy because______.

A. the barber hadn’t cut his hair well

B. the barber hadn’t cut his hair at all

C. the barber had cut his hair carefully

67. Mike thought that_______.

A. the new barber’s shop was as good as the old one

B. the new barber’s shop was better than the old one

C. the new barber’s shop was worse than the old one

68. Bob tells Mike to go straight to______ if he goes into a barber’s shop next time.

A. the barber who is free

B. the barber whose hair looks the best

C. the barber whose hair looks the worst

69. Mike thought it would be_____ to go to the barber with the worst hair.

A. clever

B. foolish

C. right

70. This story tells us that_________.

A. a barber always cuts his own hair

B. a barber never cuts his own hair

C. we should have our hair cut at home



下面是关于Mark Twain的三对句子,每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已给出的部分补全第二句。把补出的部分写到答题卡2上各题的序号后。注意:不能改变原句的意思。

71. Mark Twain was a well-known American writer.

Mark Twain was_____ his American novels and stories.

72. Writing the world-famous works cost his whole life.

He ______ his whole life ______ the world-famous works.

73. People all over the world like his works.

His works ____ by people all over the world.


74. 情景:







Dear Grandma and Grandpa,



1-5 ACAAA 6-10 BBCCB 11-15 BACAB 16-20 CBAAC 21-25 CBBCA 26-30 BBBAC 31-35 CBCBB 36-40 CBAAC 41-45 CBCAA 46-50 ACCBC 51-55 EABFC 56-60 BBAAA 61-65 BCBBC 66-70 ACCBB 71. famous for 72. spent, in writing 73. are liked


Dear grandpa and grandma,

How are you?

I’m doing well at school now. My father and mother are pleased with my marks. Of all the subjects I like maths the best. I’m also interested in English. Our summer holiday begins on the fourth of July. I want to spend the holiday with you, and my parents agree with me. Now I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

Mimi 听力答案解析

1.[听力原文] “The teacher praised the Young Pioneer.He helped the old woman walk across the road.”[解析]图片A是一个少先队员,图片B是一个工人,图片C是一个售货员。故本题答案为A。

2.[听力原文] “My little sister has got two big eyes and she has long dark hair.”[解析]图片A是一个短发小眼睛女孩,图片B是一个长发小眼睛女生,图片C 是一个长发大眼睛女生。故本题答案为C。

3.[听力原文] “I go to school by bike every day.”[解析]图片A是一辆自行车,图片B是一辆汽车,图片C是一辆公交车。故本题答案为A。

4.[听力原文] “Jim got a little dog for his birthday.”[解析]图片A是一只小狗,图片B是一只小猫,图片C是一只小鸟。故本题答案为A。

5.[听力原文] “Do you know whose bag is behind the chair?”[解析]图片A是一个包在椅子后面,图片B是一个盆子在凳子后面,图片C是一件衣服在桌子上面。故本题答案为A。

6.[听力原文] “My little sister is too young to go to school.”[解析]图片A是一位老人,图片B是一个小女孩,图片C是一个男生。故本题答案为B。

7.[听力原文] “She bought a T-shirt for her son.”[解析]图片A是一顶帽子,图片B是一件T恤,图片C是一双鞋。故本题答案为B。

8.[听力原文] “Perhaps we could go to the teacher's office at a quarter past seven.”[解析]图片A是7点,图片B是7点15分,图片C是7点半。故本题答案为B。

9.[听力原文] “My grandmother is over 65.”[解析]图片A是65岁的老人,图片B时57岁的老人,图片C是71岁的老人。故本题答案为C。

10.[听力原文] “This bus is not very crowded.There are still seats.”[解析]图片A、图片B都说的是公共汽车上很挤,没有位置。故本题答案为C。


M: Excuse me, Li Ping. May I borrow your pen?

W. Sorry, I haven't got a pen. Wang Gang has got one.

[解析] 由原文"Wang Gang has got one.”可知,故本题答案为B。


W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: Is there any fish here?

[解析] 由原文"Is there any fish here?”可知,故本题答案为A。


M: There isn't any fish here. There's some beef. Would you like some?

W: No, thanks.

[解析] 由原文"There isn't any fish here.There's some beef.”可知本题答案为C。


M: How many horses are there under the tree?

W: There are three, and there are four cows behind the tree.

[解析] 由原文"There are three,and there are four cows behind the tree.”可知本题答案为A。


M: What time is it now?

W: It's ten to five.

[解析] 由原文"It's ten to five.”可知本题答案为B。


W: Flying is the safest way to travel.

M: I'm not so sure about that.

[解析] 由原文“I'm not so sure about that.”可知本题答案为C。


M: They are very nice shirts. How much are they?

W: 6.5 dollars for each. But 12 dollars for two. They are really nice.

[解析] 由原文“6.5 dollars for each.”可知本题答案为B。


W: I' m sorry. This window table is taken, but No. 3 is free.

M: It doesn't matter. I'll take it. The menu, please.

[解析] 原文说靠窗的桌子已经有人了,只有三号桌空着,回答是:“It doesn't matter,I'll take it.”故本题答案为A。


M: It starts at 7. I'll pick you up around 6:30.

W: Better make it a little earlier —there's always a long line.

[解析] 原文男士说他会在6点半接她,回答说"Better make it a little earlier.”故本题答案为A。


W: But why so early? You don' t have to be at work until eight.

M: After six the bus gets crowded. I wouldn't get a seat.

[解析] 由原文对话,女:“你不必在8点工作。”故本题答案为C。


W: Now ... would you please give me your passport?

M: Er... I beg your pardon?

[解析] I beg your pardon是口语中常用的习惯用语,意为:请再说一遍。故本题答案为C。


W: Er... what would you like to drink, tea, coffee or orange juice?

M: Er... maybe.., some coffee, please.

[解析] 由原文对话,男:“Some coffee,please.”可以推断出他想让女士为他拿一杯咖啡。故本题答案为B。


W: OK. Would you please tell me more about your plan?

M: Oh, I will ... when it's ready.

[解析] 女:“好的。你能告诉我更多有关你的计划的事吗?”男:“啊,我将告诉你……当它完成的时候。”故本题答案为B。


M: Hi, Jane. Um ... do you know how to get in touch with Jack?

W: Oh, Tom. I haven't seen Jack for a while. But you can try this phone number. [解析] 由对话内容,女:“But you can try this phone number.”可以推断出他可能要给Jack打电话。故本题答案为C。


W: Give me a hand with this table, will you?

M: Oh ... certainly. Now, leave it to me. I'll do it.

[解析] give me a hand是帮我一把的意思。根据对话内容,男:“啊,当然,现在把它留给我吧。我将移开它。”可以推断出男士将移开桌子。故本题答案为A。


1、词汇pets1-5级的词汇要求是1000-7500词。学习这些词汇时应掌握大纲词汇表所列词汇的音标,词素分析,词性,英文例句,相关词组和短语以及派生词。 语言记忆规律告诉我们,对语言加工的程度越深记忆就越深刻。 所以学习词汇时要学习每一个单词的方方面面从而加深记忆;一切语言输入必须是有意义的,音必须在词中学,词必须在许多不同的句子语境中去学。因此我们学习的例句不仅能让我们了解单词的用法还可以帮助记忆单词本身。个人兴趣也会影响人的记忆,我们学习的例句应与我们的现实生活紧密联系,这样可以提高学习兴趣,接触活的语言。 2、大纲中规定的考试项目包括听力、语言知识应用、阅读理解、写作和口语等五部分。这五部分内容就是pets书面考试的四种题型和口试。 听力部分要求掌握考试大纲所列的功能意念表和语言技能表,详细了解各种听力能力的标准和培养方法,然后进行相应的练习;考试前做一些与pets考试出题形式和试题结构一致的模拟训练题。平时应利用一切机会多听,包括对教材内容的精听和各种英语广播节目的泛听;了解时事、关注社会热点,扩大知识面等对提高听力能力都有帮助。 总的来说,语言知识运用部分体现在完形填空这种题型上。它是综合考查应试者英语水平的题型。针对此种题型,我们应分别从词汇、语法和语篇层次上学习应对方法,提高对连贯性和一致性等语段特征的掌握和对一定语境下规范的语言成分的掌握。每部分复习完后应做一些相应的练习题。个别级别的本部分还保留有语法填空题,那是我国的英语学习者的拿手好戏。 阅读理解部分全面介绍了大纲规定的阅读能力的构成和培养,包括 (1)理解主旨要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推测生词的词义; (4)进行有关的判断、推理和引申; (5)理解文中的概念性含义; (6)理解文章的结构以及单词之间、段落之间的关系; (7)快速阅读较长的文字材料,获取有关信息; (9)区分观点、论点和论据; 写作在pets考试中被称作语言产出能力的一种,也就是以书面的形式与他人交流的能力。我们从选词造句,连句成段和连段成篇等方面全面学习英语写作基础知识和现实交际所需的各种实用文体的写作。 还应掌握优秀文章的写作技巧,进行适当的写作练习是最终提高写作能力的必由之路。 口语部分,我们应详尽了解各种功能意念在口语表达中的运用,以及pets口试的三个部分,即考生与口试教师的交流、两个考生的相互交流和每个考生的连续表达及两个考生的相互提问的试题形式、考查内容和应试技巧。平时还应有意识地参加一些英语交际活动。在实际工作中验证各种表达方式的交际效果和自己利用外语完成一定任务的能力。 pets是一种新型的考试,我们参加的目的是测试自己的英语应试能力,我们的学习应围绕这一中心,但是我们多年来积累起来的一些教与学的方法和技巧也有它继续存在的合理性,因为目前在短时间内测试语言水平还要靠考试这种形式。 全国英语等级考试复习辅导(二)


考试时间120分钟. 第一部分听力 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、 [c]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where did the woman say she put her glasses? [A] In the cupboard. [B] On the desk. [C] She couldn' t remember exactly. 2. When will the bank be open on Saturday? [A]12 noon to 9 p.m. [B]9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [C]9 a.m. to12 noon. 3. How .does the woman feel about the news? [A] She is quite sympathetic towards the doctor. [B] She thinks it' s right. [C]She does not care 4. What are the speakers talking about? [A] Maybe a picnic. [B] Maybe something new. [C] Maybe a new car. 5. What does the man possibly do? [A]Maybe a teacher. [B] Maybe a student. [C] Maybe a meeting organizer, 第二节听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给 的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话 或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟 的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6~7题。 6. Why does Jane want to leave her present job? [A]Because she does not like the job. [B] Because she wants to do something different.


Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 问候与介绍 Dialogues 1 Ann and Joe meet each other for the first time. Ann: How do you do? Joe: How do you do? Ann: My name is Ann. Joe: I am Joe. Ann: Glad to meet you. Joe: Glad to meet you, too. Ann: I’m afraid I must be going now. Joe: See you tomorrow. 2 Ann and her friend Carter meet Mr. Bush at the airport. Ann: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Bush from England? Mr. Bush: Yes, I am. May I have your name? Ann: Sure. My name is Ann Taylor. How do you do? Mr. Bush: How do you do? Ann: May I introduce Mr. Carter to you? Mr. Bush: Yes, please. Ann: Mr. Bush, this is Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter, this is Mr. Bush. He is from England. Carter: Pleased to meet you! Mr. Bush: Pleased to meet you, too! 3 Bill and Susan meet each other. Bill: Good morning, Susan. Susan: Morning, Bill. How are you? Bill: Fine, thank you. And you? Susan: Me too, thank you. How about your sister Lily? Bill: She is fine, but she is very busy. Susan: Please give my best wishes to her. Bill: I will.

全国公共英语等级考试英语一级(1级)试题 含答案

全国公共英语等级考试英语一级(1级)模拟试题含答案 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1. ----- will you be able to finish the job this week? ----- ___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know. A.I can't say so B.I expect so C. I'm sure so D. I don't know so 2. We arrived at the station _______ late, or we the bus. A. too much; would catch B. a little too; had caught C. much too; would have caught D. too much; would have caught 3. Is it the watch you want ________? A. to have it repaired B. to repair it C. to have repaired D. to have repaired it 4. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. A. each carrying B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 5. The little boy can't tell ________. A. whose is that watch B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 6. If a baby bird stays _______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult. A. living B. lively C. alive D. live 7. We will not attack ______ we are attacked;if attacked,we will certainly counter-attack. A. if B. when C. unless D. even if 8. You can take ______ seat you like. A. no matter what B. no matter which C. what D. whichever 9. I ______ to speak to you all these days. A. wanted B. have wanted C. shall want D. shall be wanting 10.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel. A. made B. set C. caused D. caught 11."Do you hear someone knocking at the door?" "Yes, I did. I heard him ______ three times." A. knocking B. knocked C. being knocking D. knock 12.Peter,John and Tom each ______. A. say they came first B. says they came first C. says he came first D. say came first 13.Through long power lines electricity goes ______. A. to the place needed B. there it is needed C. where it is needed D. which it is needed 14. ______ from the apple tree. A. It down fell B. there it is needed C. Down fell it D. Fell it down 15.The service in this restaurant is very poor;there are not enough waiters to wait ______ customers. A. on B. for C. with D. to 第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.


全国英语等级考试二级模拟试题(二) 第一部分听力理解(略) 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空 1.He is ______ a writer. A. failure as B. a failure as C. the failure for D. a failure with 2.– can you come on Monday or Tuesday? – I'm afraid ______ day is possible. A. either B. neither C. any D. some 3.Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can't remember ______. A. where B. there C. which D. what 4.In the centuries _____, Egypt became one of the most advanced civilizations on earth. A. followed B. tat was followed C. which was following D. which followed 5.To enter his house is like ______ a small museum. A. to enter B. entering C. entered D. enter 6.The local government cut down their costs ______ 30 percent. A. at B. by C. for D. with 7.I'm reading his ______ novel. A. best-selling B. best-sold C. best-sale D. best-sell 8.It's rude of you to shout _______ the room. A. beyond B. through C. across D. over 9.People are more likely to stay _______ 30 miles of _______ they were born. A. in … where B. at … what C. within … what D. within … where 10.After searching for half an hour, she realized that her glasses ______ on the table all the time. A. were lain B. had been lain C. have been lying D. had been lying 11.Facts show that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs ______ directed. A . like B. as C. which D. so 12.I walked too much yesterday and ______ are still aching now. A. my leg muscles B. my muscles of leg C. my leg's muscles D. my muscles of the leg 13.He will have ______ 30 by the end of this year. A. turned B. become C. got D. taken 14.Macao ______ its return to China in December, 1999. A. watched B. found C. saw D. noticed 15.This hotel _______ $60 for a single room with bath. A. charges B. demands C. prices D. claims 第二节完形填空 My father waved me goodbye and the bus (16)_____. My first country journey then began. The man sitting next to me was a road engineer. He said that (17)_____ by bus was an excellent way to (18)_____ road for him. We passed many villages on the way and stopped once (19)_____ to buy cold drinks, (20)_____ it was very hot. The countryside was brown and dry and there were long (21)_____ with no people or villages in (22)_____. We also stopped once at


——教学资料参考参考范本——【资格考试】2019最新整理-- (历年真题)全国英语等级考试(PETS)三级样题 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

PETS Level 3 Sample Tasks Section I: Listening ComprehensionThis section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should answer the questions in your test booklet, NOT on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A:You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Example:You will hear:W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.You will read:Who do


听力部分: 听力部分在100分的原始分就占20分, 而其加权占了30%, 可见pets对听力的重视。 提高听力的水平, 必须多听; 要听就必须有合适的听力材料, 有恰当的练习方法。一般说来, 在学习第二语言时, 一个人的听力和他的阅读能力相比往往差了一些, 因此选择听力材料相对容易。听力材料可以分三部分: 一是各种考试真题和模拟题的录音带; 二是英美新闻或广播专题; 三是趣味英语。不管选什么, 选材不易过难, 因为那样会挫伤练习听力的兴趣和积极性; 但也不能太容易, 因为什么都听懂了, 就起不到练习的效果。因此, 要选那些大部分都能听懂, 但又不能完全听懂得内容, 反复多听几篇, 最后争取全听懂。各级的pets考试对听力的要求不同, 对不同的级别采取不同的复习策略; 例如, pets三级对听力的要求是考生理解事实性信息的能力(a部分)和理解总体和特定信息的能力(b部分), 这就要求考生掌握在交际场合各类听力测试题的解题方式,如人物关系的判断、谈话发生地点时间的推理、对话所谈论事件的判断、对未来的推测、说话者寓意的判断、原因的推断、计算等。考生应采取针对性的练习, 复习听力首先从功能意念开始,包括友好往来、交流补救、态度、情感、影响生活的话语、时间表达、空间意念和比较关系等。从听力信息上讲,应当学会理解主旨要义、获取事实性具体信息、理解明确表达的概念性含义、进行有关的判断、推理和引申、理解说话者的意图、观点或态度等。 提高英语听力的水平单靠"听"是不能解决问题的, 个人的听力水平的高低与其掌握的词汇量、对语法结构的熟悉程度、知识面、理解能力甚至阅读速度等都密切相关。考生平时应注意全面提高自身英语各方面的水平。 应试时, 考生要做好充分的思想准备, 以正常心态应试。首先, 要充满自信, 相信自己能正常发挥水平, 考出理想成绩; 其次, 要实事求是, 估计到考试中可能出现的困难。考试时争取会的题不丢分, 没有把握的题尽可能争取得分。即使有的词或句子没有听清, 甚至没有听见, 也不要过分思考, 不要滞留, 要舍得放弃。以保证听好下面的内容。实际上, 个别单词和句子没有抓住一般不一定会影响做题。


全国公共英语等级考试(1级)模拟试题(2) 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1. ----- will you be able to finish the job this week? ----- ___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know. A.I can't say so B.I expect so C. I'm sure so D. I don't know so 2. We arrived at the station _______ late, or we the bus. A. too much; would catch B. a little too; had caught C. much too; would have caught D. too much; would have caught 3. Is it the watch you want ________? A. to have it repaired B. to repair it C. to have repaired D. to have repaired it 4. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. A. each carrying B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 5. The little boy can't tell ________. A. whose is that watch B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 6. If a baby bird stays _______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult. A. living B. lively C. alive D. live 7. We will not attack ______ we are attacked;if attacked,we will certainly counter-attack. A. if B. when C. unless D. even if 8. Y ou can take ______ seat you like. A. no matter what B. no matter which C. what D. whichever 9. I ______ to speak to you all these days. A. wanted B. have wanted C. shall want D. shall be wanting 10.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel. A. made B. set C. caused D. caught 11."Do you hear someone knocking at the door?" "Yes, I did. I heard him ______ three times." A. knocking B. knocked C. being knocking D. knock 12.Peter,John and Tom each ______. A. say they came first B. says they came first C. says he came first D. say came first 13.Through long power lines electricity goes ______. A. to the place needed B. there it is needed C. where it is needed D. which it is needed 14. ______ from the apple tree. A. It down fell B. there it is needed C. Down fell it D. Fell it down 15.The service in this restaurant is very poor;there are not enough waiters to wait ______ customers. A. on B. for C. with D. to 第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.


Text A The Revolution That Turned Education Sentimental At some point in the mid-1960s the picture of the classroom in the national imagination changed. Before, it consisted of ranks of traditional, slope-surfaced wooden desks at which sat uniformed children, their heads bowed, before an authoritarian and perhaps eccentric teacher. After, there were tables organized into groups, no uniforms and a nice, friendly teacher who probably liked the same pop music as his pupils. This is a cartoon view, but it depicts a real change. It was an educational revolution that was well-meant, benignly inspired by concern for our children and apparently, endorsed by some of the greatest minds of our age. Its ideal was to help children grow and its politics were egalitarian. With Shirley Williams’ abolition of most grammar schools and the introduction of comprehensives, the plan was in place. It was, as we and the Prince of W ales now know, an unmitigated disaster. Understanding why we did it and why it fails is a gloomy but necessary business. Perhaps it was simply because it seems like a nice thing to do. Of course teachers should help children to grow up; of course comprehensives should break down class divisions; of course grim authority should give way to happy enthusiasm. These were simple ideals, but they were created by a thought process and it is this that now has to be dismantled. The first point is not to be confused by the politics. Today’s teachers are not the raging extremists of Tory and tabloid mythology. Indeed, more than 50% of them,


全国英语等级考试(一级)模拟试题 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 26. He is badly ill. We must ___B__ a doctor at once. A. send to B. send for C. send away 27. The hospital ____C___ last year. A. built B. was built C. has been built 28. When I came into the classroom, the teacher ___B__something on the blackboard. A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote 29. --How long have you been ill -- A A. Since last week B. A week ago C. Once a week 30. Everybody is here __C___Mike. A .not B. and C. except 31. We don’t understand the passage __C_ there are a few new words in it. A. and B. unless C. because 32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you ___C____it A. bought B. had C. taken 33. --- Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad ---Thanks, but you ___C____. I’ve had enough. A. may not B. must not C. needn’t 34. --- ____B_____is your shirt --- It is 100yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How long 35. He is ___C____kind an old man that all the children like him. A. very B. so C. such 36. Either Jim or Sam __A____going to help the farmers with the orange harvest this afternoon. A. was B. were C. is 37. We have studied for two hours. Let’s stop _______B__________. A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 38. We won’t go to Great Wall if it ___B_____tomorrow. A. rains B. rain C. will rain 39. No book and no pen__A____in the bag. A. is B. are C. has 40. Please give me ___C___. A. two cups of milks B. two cup of milk C. two cups of milk 第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。 It’s fine spring weather now. The trees and fields are___C__. The farmers are busy ___B__in the fields. The birds are singing happily in the forest and the__C__ are coming out. The sun is shining warmly and __C__ is a warm wind. Some little boys are flying kites in the fields. They like the wind


第5章口语技巧指南及专项训练 5.1 题型概述 口试分3节,考查考生用英语进行口头交际的能力。考试时间约10分钟。每次口试采取两名口试教师和两名考生的形式。一名口试教师不参与交谈,专事评分;另一名主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分。专事评分的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的2/3,主持口试的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的1/3。 A节:考查考生提供个人信息,回答有关他们日常生活、家乡、家庭、工作、学习等问题的能力。该节约需2分钟时间。 B节:考查考生就信息卡上的图片或文字讨论有关问题的能力。该节约需3分钟时间。 C节:要求考生就信息卡上的图片或文字做简短描述,之后另一考生就同一话题阐述个人观点。该节约需5分钟时间。 5.2 应试技巧 I. A节 A节主要是考官了解考生的相关信息。在第一节中,考官常用语从内容上可分为6个部分。 ①互致问候: Good morning/afternoon!

②索要考生的准考证(candidate numbers)和口试登分卡(mark sheets): Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. ③考官自我介绍: My name is…and this is my colleague…He/She is just going to be listening to US. ④考官确认考生姓名: So your are…(name of Candidate A) and…(name of Candidate B)? Thank you. ⑤询问考生A的一些情况: First of all we’d like to know something about you, so I’m going to ask you some questions. (name of Candidate A), … Thank you. ⑥询问考生B的一些情况: Now, (name of Candidate B),… Thank you. 按照大纲的规定,口试教师使用标准语言提出问题。并且在每一次考前的教师培训中,都会要求教师们严格按照实录上的程序来进行(当然不包括具体的有关个人的信息)。因此,考生不用担心口试教师在此过程中的问话会有什么变化。只要考生熟记上面口试教师的常用语,就可以轻松自如地应付这一节的考试。情绪稳定,紧张消除,轻轻松松进入下一关。 ◆考官常问问题 ①Hometown (家乡) Either(或者):(for candidates from other provinces对来自外省的考生)


第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。 It (Example:0) 8 o’clock 41,and the last bus42at the second bus stop.A middle aged woman got out,and the conductor was going to ring the bell for43to start the bus again,just at that moment he saw a small child44at the bus stop. “What’s wrong with you?” the bus conductor said to the boy. “Well,my mother gave me ten pence to go home by bus after school,but I45the money after I finished playing football with my classmates,” the child answered, “so I have to walk all the way home.” “That’s OK.” said the conductor. “Come on.We’ll take you home.” The child thanked him,46the bus and sat down near the door.The conductor rang the bell,then the bus started. “How47are you living?” asked the conducto r. The child told him the name of the place where he lived.It was about two miles away,and48would have cost him two pence if the child had had the money to pay for it. The conductor went to give some other people on the bus their tickets,and when he came back a few minutes49,he saw that child crying again. “And what’s the matter with you now?” he asked. “Aren’t you on your way home?” “Yes,I am,” answered the child, “but what about my change?You haven’t given it to me,have you?You should give me50.” 例: 0.[A]is[B]are[C]was 答案:[C]41.[A]in the morning[B]in the afternoon[C]at noon 42.[A]just had left[B]have just left[C]has just stopped 43.[A]the driver[B]the conductor[C]the old woman 44.[A]to cry[B]crying [C]to be crying 45.[A]had forgot[B]has dropped[C]lost 46.[A]got on[B]got up[C]getting on 47.[A]long[B]far[C]soon 48.[A]the seat[B]the chair[C]the ticket 49.[A]later[B]late[C]after 50.[A]ten pence[B]eight pence[C]two pence 第三部分阅读理解 第一节词语配伍从右栏所给选项中选出与左栏各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。 例: 0. They guard the exits. 答案:[E]51.People cook food here.[A]shop

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