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Part A: Spot Dictation


Was it envisioned for the euro to eventually become such a strong currency that it could compete with the dollar on a global level? Or was that a dream then and is it still a dream now?


I think it was an attainable dream, and it is becoming actually, in some ways, less attainable right now.


You may ask why?


Well, the dream to give credit where credit is due was not only advocated by some European officials but by some American economists, including our Institute’s director, Fred Bergsten, who was way out in the front with that. Richard Portes, who teaches at London Business School, also was way out in front with that. And they were very much against the tide of people like Martin Feldstein and others in London and the United States who were very skeptical towards the euro.


At face value, the euro area is the same size in GDP as the United States, roughly speaking. The euro area does have very large and deep financial markets, although the more you look in detail, there are still some things there that differentiate it from the United States. And the euro area has delivered price stability. They have a very low rate of inflation pretty consistently. So you put those three things together, on paper it looks like the euro should be at least a very clear second to the dollar in investor’s portfolios, in government reserve holdings, in how much you invoice trade like oil or planes or things like that.


But what our research finds in this book -- in particular in good chapters by Kristin Forbes and Linda Goldberg -- is the fact that if you look under the hood a bit, there is a huge shortfall between what you would expect just based on size and how much the euro is used. So there’s an awful lot of trade that’s still invoiced in dollars, not in euros, even between countries that are not dollar countries. There are huge amounts of financial flows that come to the United States, and the depth of European assets and financial flows is not commensurate with the size.




Test 1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-12 Choose Two letters A-E. Which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved? A the gym B the tracks C the indoor pool D the outdoor pool E the sports training for children

Questions 13-20 Complete the notes blow.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Joining the leisure club Personal Assessment ?New members should describe any 13 __________. ?The 14 __________ will be explained to you before you use the equipment. ?You will be given a six-week 15 __________. Types of membership ?There is a compulsory £90 16__________ fee for members. ?Gold members are given 17 __________ to all the LP clubs. ?Premier members are given priority during 18 __________ hours. ?Premier members can bring some 19 __________ every month. ?Members should always take their 20 __________ with them. SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-25 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Global Design Competition 21Students entering the design competition have to A produce an energy-efficient design. B adapt an existing energy-saving appliance. C develop a new use for current technology. 22John chose a dishwasher because he wanted to make dishwashers A more appealing. B more common. C more economical. 23The stone in John’s ‘Rockpool’ design is used A for decoration. B to switch it on. C to stop water escaping. 24In the holding chamber, the carbon dioxide A changes back to a gas. B dries the dishes. C is allowed to cool. 25At the end of the cleaning process, the carbon dioxide A is released into the air. B is disposed of with the waste. C is collected ready to be re-used. Questions 26-30 Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. ?John needs help preparing for his 26 __________. ?The professor advises John to make a 27 __________ of his design. ?John’s main problem is getting good quality 28 __________. ?The professor suggests John apply for a 29 __________. ?The professor will check the 30 __________ information in John’s written report.


听力题(共4题,共4.0分) Questions 21—24 Q5.mp3 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. Self-Access Centre 1 Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because ?[A] they enjoy the variety of equipment. ?[B] they like being able to work on their own. ?[C] It is an important part of their studies. 选择答案: A B C 2 Some teachers would prefer to ?[A] close the Self-Access Centre. ?[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere. ?[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre. 选择答案: A B C 3

The students’ main concern about using the library would be ?[A] the size of the library. ?[B] difficulty in getting help. ?[C] the lack of materials. 选择答案: A B C 4 The Director of Studies is concerned about ?[A] the cost of upgrading the centre. ?[B] the lack of space in the centre. ?[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre. 选择答案: A B C 听力题(共4题,共4.0分) Questions 21—24 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. Self-Access Centre


英语翻译高级口译-听写题(七) (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、{{B}}Spot Dictation{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、{{B}}A{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:50.00) Is video-game addiction a mental disorder? The telltale signs {{U}} {{U}} 1 {{/U}} {{/U}}: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food or a shower, while {{U}} {{U}} 2 {{/U}} {{/U}}and belligerence soars. The culprit isn't alcohol or drugs. It's video games, which for certain kids can be {{U}} {{U}} 3 {{/U}} {{/U}}as heroin, some doctors contend. A leading council of the nation's largest doctors' group wants to {{U}} {{U}} 4 {{/U}} {{/U}}as a psychiatric disorder, to raise awareness and enable sufferers to {{U}} {{U}} 5 {{/U}} {{/U}}for treatment. In a report prepared for the American Medical Association's annual policy meeting starting {{U}} {{U}} 6 {{/U}} {{/U}}, the council asks the group to lobby for the disorder to be included in {{U}} {{U}} 7 {{/U}} {{/U}}created and published by the American Psychiatric Association. It likely won't happen {{U}} {{U}} 8 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Video game makers scoff at the notion that their products {{U}} {{U}} 9 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Even some mental health experts say labeling the habit a formal addiction {{U}} {{U}} 10 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Dr. James Scully, the psychiatric association's medical director, said the group will seriously consider the AMA report in the long process of {{U}} {{U}} 11 {{/U}} {{/U}}. The current manual was published in 1994; the next edition is to {{U}} {{U}} 12 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Up to 90 percent of American youngsters {{U}} {{U}} 13 {{/U}} {{/U}}and as many as 15 percent of them—{{U}} {{U}} 14 {{/U}} {{/U}}—may be addicted, according to data cited in the AMA council's report. Joyce Peterson of Frisco, Texas, said her 17-year-old son, Michael, {{U}} {{U}} 15 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Over nearly two years, video and Internet games transformed him from an outgoing, {{U}} {{U}} 16 {{/U}} {{/U}}into a reclusive manipulator who flunked two 10th grade classes and {{U}} {{U}} 17 {{/U}} {{/U}}playing a popular online video game. "My father was an alcoholic, and I {{U}} {{U}} 18 {{/U}} {{/U}}in Michael," Peterson said. "We battled him until October of last year," she said. "We went to therapists, we {{U}} {{U}} 19 {{/U}} {{/U}}. He would threaten



Test 1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6 Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD for each answer. SELF-DRIVE TOURS IN THE USA Example Name: Andrea Brown Address: 24 1 __________ Road Postcode: BH5 2OP Phone: (mobile) 077 8664 3091 Heard about company from: 2 __________ Possible self-drive tours Trip One: ?Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some 3 __________ parks with her children ?Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a 4 __________ Trip Two: ?Customer wants to see the 5 __________ on the way to Cambria ?At Santa Monica: not interested in shopping ?At San Diego, wants to spend time on the 6 __________ Questions 7-10 Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Number of days Total distance Price (per person) Includes Trip One 12 days 7__________ km £525 ?accommodation



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup


9月高口笔试真题及参考答案(2) SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST Directions: Translate of the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. The task of writing a history of our nation from Rome’s earliest days fills me, I confess, with some misgivings, and even were I confident in the value of my work, I should hesitate to say so. I am aware that for historians to make extravagant claims is, and always has been, all too common: every writer on history tends to look down his nose at his less cultivated predecessors, happily persuaded that he will better them in point of style, or bring new facts to light. Countless others have written on this theme and it may be that I shall pass unnoticed amongst them; if so, I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendor of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition. My task, moreover, is an immensely laborious one. I shall have to go back more than 700 years, and trace my story from its small beginnings up to these recent times when its ramifications are so vast that any adequate treatment is hardly possible. I shall find antiquity a rewarding study, if only because, while I am absorbed in it, 1 shall be able to turn my eyes from the troubles which for so long have tormented the modern world, and to write without any of that over-anxious consideration which may well plague a writer on contemporary life, even if it does not lead him to conceal the truth.


雅思听力真题分类解析 雅思听力对于许多同学来说是比较难的一部分,相对来说题型也比较多。下面是小编给大家整理的雅思听力真题分类解析,大家可以作为了解。 雅思听力题型分类之选择题: 题量:10道题以上,容易出现在s2和s3部分;难度较高 题型特点: 1.审题压力大:有单选题和多选题,单词量多,阅读速度要求高 2.错误选项干扰大:对听句子的反应速度要求高 3.题目和正确选项会出现同义替换 题目可能已经给出句子的前半部分,考生需在选项中选择一个较好答案完成这个句子。题目也可能是一个完整的问题,考生需在选项中选择一个较好的答案作答。考生需要从三个可供选择的答案A、B、或C选择一个较好的答案或句子结尾。 选择题这种题型中考生都比较熟悉,所以可能对于考生来说算是相对比较容易备考及应的一种题型。但是要记住切忌大意,因为雅思考测的是学生的英语应用能力,所以考试内容的广度及深度都要远远高于内其他类英语考。在雅思听力中的选择题有区别于传统听力考的一些特征。雅思听力的选择题更加注重细节的考察,在section 3和section 4部分听力所涉及的场景内容更加专业。 雅思听力题型分类之填空题: 题量:20道题以上,容易出现在s1和s4部分,是听力中的要点题型,难度中等

出题特点: 1.单词拼写一般是低难度,比如:月份,星期、旅游景点,但是对于书写格式要求严格 2.题目会出现同义替换,需要积累一定同意替换词汇 3.所听即所得:答案会直接在听力中给出 4.先答案后题目:在个别填空题中会先出现答案,然后再出现题目中的信息 考生先阅读一组句子,这些句子对听力材料中部分或者全部内容进行了总结。考生需使用听力材料中的信息对每个句子的空格以简短的方式进行填空作答。题目的指示中会对字数要求进行限定,通常为不超过三个单词和/或一个数字。考生所用的单词应该是直接从听力材料中所听到的单词。如果考生填写了超过问题指示中所要求的字数,即使所填的内容中包含正确的答案,也会被扣分。缩写的单词不会被作为考的内容。带有连字符的单词按照一个单词计算。 雅思听力填空题有单句填空和摘要填空两种。这类题型因为给出一定的信息,所以对考生来说是相对来说比较简单的一类题。同内英语考相同,建议考生在听听力之前,留意句子关键词,并根据空格前后内容猜测并判断空格处要填入部分的词性或所担当的成分。切记不要超过三个单词和/或一个数字,要仔细阅读题目的指示再作答。 雅思听力题型分类之匹配题: 题量:4-8题左右;常出现在section2和section3中,难度较高 题型特点: 1.审题压力大:选项较多时对于阅读速度有要求 2.听题节奏快,干扰多,容易抓不到答案


一男一女讨论关于有价值的历史物件。 21-22填空题 21. a piece of jewelry 22. stitching 23-26选择题 23. 选C. much more information on the Internet 24. 选A. visible label 25. 选B. useful for owner to remove 26. 选B. 好像是关于metal on top来辨认物品的年代27-30搭配题 A. Linda only B. Both C. Neil only 27. met interesting person 选A 28. new method for search 选B 29. can't answer the question 选C 30. felt prepared at the start 选A Section 4 版本号场景题型 V09136 S4Zoology Completion / Multiple Choice 详细说明 讲chimpanzee黑猩猩的行为研究。 31-38填空题 31. 研究方法:genetic and biological factors 32. learn through observation of each other 33. Use a stone hammer to crash nuts 34. on the other side of a river 35. can open shell/hull of a… 36. know making tools 37. considerable skills 38. population density 39-40选择题 39. Conclusion of the passage: 选A A. chimpanzee can copy humans’ behavior B. chimpanzee follow the instructions (trap option) C. chimpanzee has very strong ability of logically thinking 40. Another conclusion of the passage: 选A A. Modify these behaviors over generations B. adapt to the environment C. chimpanzee is slower than human in every different ways 综合点评 三旧一新,难度中等


9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方) 2014年9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方) Section 1 题目题型:选择+配对+填空 题目场景:一个音乐老师与家长通电话 机经版本号:V08146S1 (红色为答案,蓝色的为解析) 1-3 Multiple Choices 1. What the teacher praise student Emma for: A. Good performance in public show B. Set example to others C. Get start quickly Emma 在学校的表现好,是其他同学的role model 2. Why did the course need to change in time? A. Falling enrolment B. Size of the classroom C. Availability of music room 注册的人太多了,地方space room limited不够大了 3. When dies the new class begin? A. 3.15pm B. 4.15pm C. 4.45pm

原来顶的是3.15,女的说了a quarter to 5,男的说这个时间没空,女的说只有这个时间有空,男的说好吧 4-6 Matching: What is the reason that Emma cannot have the course? A. the course is full B. the course fee is too expensive C. she has another activity at that time D. she has another activity at that evening 4. dance class A I have to put you in the waiting list 5. singing class D Emma has drama class in Friday evenings, it is too late in the evening 6. vocal class B 老师说Emma’s voice很好,但是家长说太贵了 7-10 Completing 7. teach children to play instruments and to write music compose music, at last, performance music, having lot of fun 8. course fee: $85 包括多加的22 dollar


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-中级口译听力试题分析 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

纵观本次3.19中级口译考试听力部分,难度基本与05年9月持平,低于最难的05年3月试题。文章体裁虽呈多元化趋势,但即使略 有难度的金融类(如ATM取款机)、商务类(如工作午餐)、教育类(如继续教育)却都与生活息息相关,广大考生也可得心应手。 Spot-dictation几乎没有超出六级范围的词汇,因此对大多数考 生来说生词不是难点,相反一些其它的因素制约了我们得到满分的几率。比如由于在考场的紧张情绪而没有能够按照预定的计划在听写之 前进行抢读,导致不能进行有效预测,部分空格多填或少填单词而造 成失分。 针对Statement部分,相对以往,原句长度略微有所增加,但并 没有如托福考试那样出现中国考生不熟悉的本土化词组搭配;同时转 折题型多次出现,对于这样的考点,我们在培训过程中已有应对准备,考生通过反复操练已经形成了对“but”的条件反射;另外,因果题、 观点题也有明显引导词,只要听时注意句子的重心所在,题目也就能 迎刃而解。此外,本次考试第三题后半句“There goes my social life”也是此次听力照搬《中级听力教程(第二版)》(P.404,sample test 5, statement第二句)原文的情况了,如此一来,原先,面对与教材多处雷同的听力考试,很多同学会走只不听听力、只看 tape script的捷径,现今,这样的窍门已经不再适用,当下中级口译听力明显关注实际听力能力的考察,因此通过课堂上的大量练习、提 高实力还是重中之重。 对于Talks & Conversations的解题,并不存在有意设置的难点。细节题相当平实,有些与托福相似,可以利用特定场景的特定思路来


2014年3月高级口译听力真题NTGF含解析 Note Taking and Gap Filling Good afternoon, class. I want to start my lecture by telling you a story. Once there was a young woman from Mexico named Consuela, who came to New York to learn English. She got a job at a factory owned by a Chinese. One day as Consuela came to work, her Chinese boss handed her a red envelope. Consuela looked inside and saw 20 dollars. She became very upset and threw the envelope back at her boss! Her boss was shocked. Well, he had given her the red envelope and the money because it was Chinese New Year. And on the Chinese New Year, it is traditional to give money to young, single people for good luck. However, from Consuela’s point of view, he was an older man giving her money in an envelope, which meant that he was asking her for sexual favors. Naturally, she refused to take the money. Now, what does this story show us? It shows that an action can have totally opposite meanings in different cultures. Every culture has its own rules for what is appropriate and what is not appropriate behavior. And to illustrate my point today, I’m going to give examples from four areas. First, the way people greet each other in different cultures. Second, the way they use names and titles. Third, the way people eat. And finally, the way they exchange gifts. OK, let’s start with greeting customs—First of all, I’m sure you know that in the United States and in most western countries, greetings often involve some sort of touching, such as a handshake, a hug, or a kiss if people know each other very well. On the other hand, people from most Asian countries don’t usually feel as comfortable touching in public. Although handshakes between business people are common, many Japanese prefer a bow, while people from Thailand, normally hold their hands together in a kind of prayer position. So imagine how embarrassing it would be if an American was invited to someone’s home in Japan or Thailand and she tried to hug the host! Now, another behavior that differs from culture to culture is the use of names. Have you noticed that Americans ar e quick to use people’s first names even if they have just met. For instance, visitors to the United States are always surprised to hear employees speak to their bosses using first names. In contrast, people in most other cultures are more formal and prefer to be addressed as Mr. Brown or Mr. Honda, for example. In addition, in some countries, such as Italy or Korea, people like you to include their title or


雅思听力真题场景词汇六、library 雅思听力场景对于雅思听力的重要性毋庸置疑,本文是与library相关的雅思听力场景词汇,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。 图书馆是雅思听力中经久不衰的场景之一,建议大家应该把握住图书馆的基本布局和功能、完整的借阅流程、以及图书馆所藏的素材。除了上课以外,图书馆应该是学生待的时间最长的地方了。国外的书籍价格还是比较高的,尤其是一些专业书籍,所以图书馆比较受欢迎也就理所应当了。 registration: information desk, information sector, librarian desk registration fee, membership fee ID documents: passport, visa, student card, library card, driver’s license,credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letter Library card, borrower’s card, reader’s card, electronic card, PIN,password Books: fiction, reference books, technical books, leisure books, notion,academic Periodicals: magazines, journals Current issues, back issues

Technical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier, color, white andblack photocopier, printer, laser printer, card, coin, internet access,computers, laptops Electronic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos, tapes, cassettes, CD-ROM Recall system: catalogue (title, author, press, category) , call slip,librarian Circulation: borrow, loan, return, renew, overdue, fine, reserve Loan time: weeks, months (up to 4 weeks, maximum loan time) Training classes: research methods, IT, computer software, dissertationwriting


2001.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Dictation 1. human relationship 11. cover up 2. sum up 12. intend to do 3. in office 13. their feelings or intentions 4. find out 14. automatically 5. know them better 15. telephone number 6. looking and listening 16. stand or speak 7. behavior and actions 17. more time together 8. ignore 18. share more 9. the way he speaks 19. deeper and stronger 10. afraid to show 20. what we hear Part B: listening Comprehension 1—5 B D C DD 6—10 C B D A D 11—15 D B C CD 16—20 B BA B A 21—25 C CA D B 22—30 C B D DA Part C: Listening and translation Ⅰ. sentence Translation 1. 老年人口的数量在急剧增加,原因是人们比过去更加长寿。这在发达国家更是如此。 2. 在我们造出产品和提供服务,可以改善我们生活条件的同时,我们可能会毁坏自然资源和环境。 3. 根据我们的记者报道,加拿大北部下了大雪。许多道路被封闭,交通严重堵塞。 4. 在苏格兰,又发生了一场火车事故。四人死亡,至少有十人受伤。相当数量的火车误点。 5. 我们的家庭和社会更加强盛。犯罪率是25年以来最低的。而且,700万以上的美国人摆脱了贫困。 Ⅱ. Passage Translation Passage 1 我们与中国同行刚刚签下一份新的合同。我们认为这份新的贸易协议会给欧洲的农民、制造业主和服务行业带来数以百万元计的销售额,尤其是食品和饮料业。然而,来自欧洲产品的强力竞争会导致中国方面的人员失业,特别是在国有企业内。 Passage 2 在英国,教师们担忧在不久的将来,他们可能会无法进行教学,除非采取措施,恢复课堂上的纪律。在许多学校,一小部分青少年学生调皮捣蛋,完全不受管束。结果是,教师无法把课教好。课堂比足球场还要嘈杂,上课已完全失去其教育开导、令人欢愉的体验。 SECTION 2:STUDY SKILLS 1—5 D B C CB 6—10 C B C CD 11—15 C A C B D 16—20 C B D BB


上外口译培训网[https://www.doczj.com/doc/ed10106522.html,] 2015年3月上海高级口译考试真题(阅读部分) 第六部分汉译英(下半场) 2015年春季上海英语高级口译考试考生须知: 2015年春季高级口译考试在3月15日上午8:00开考进场,考试分为上下两个半场,中间10:00—10:10休息。如欲中途退场,须在听力考试结束后方可交卷离场,但上下半场考试结束后前10分钟内,不得交卷离场。英译汉试题是高级口译考试上半场最后一道题,汉译英试题是下半场最后一道题。 Parenthood should be affordable in this country, but the cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood is now a quarter of a million dollars and projected to double by the time today's toddlers reach their teens. 首段无需过分投入,只需看到两个关键词 affordable 和 cost 便知文章的话题所在。 Will having kids soon be out of reach economically for many American families? A recent report from the Center for American Progress found that middle-class families are feeling an unprecedented economic squeeze - caught between stagnating wages and the exploding cost of basics like housing, health care and children's education. Most families, it seems, are getting by on less and living closer to the financial edge to help their kids grow up healthy and get ahead. 第二段开篇以设问形式点出文章主体:为什么迫于经济压力,很多美国家庭无法生儿育女?答案的关键词在于“caught between stagnating wages and the exploding cost of basics” The most striking growth in costs to families has been in child care, where expenses have climbed about $200 annually in each of the last dozen years, with nearly tenfold growth since the 1960s. Child care, on average, consumes $1 of every $5 in a family's budget and exceeds the typical rent in every state. 本段以细节形式点出抚养儿女的成本增加之快。 In terms of their kids' health, families increasingly have to choose between treating their children's medical needs and paying household bills. Despite gains in the percentage of children with health insurance, per capita medical spending

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