当前位置:文档之家› 第二次八年级上册第二次月考



Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( ) 21. They invited us _______ their country house for the weekend.

A. with

B. to

C. for

D. on

( ) 22. You’ll just have to wait _______ they call your name.


B. if

C. although

D. When

( )23. Mr. Smith plans ______ here much longer because he has lots of things to do.

A. to keep

B. keep

C. to stay

D. stay

( ) 24. Ted looks forward to _______ to Xi’an for his vacation by high-speed railway.


B. going

C. keep

D. Keeping ( )25. I have to say that luck played a part _______ my success.

A. with

B. In

C. to

D. for

( ) 26. The little boy gave me a _______ answer after I asked him the question.


B. surprises

C. surprised

D. Surprising ( )27. Look, Bob! There are some girls _______ under the tree.

A. dance

B. dancing

C. to dance

D. to dancing ( ) 28. Peter, you can’t le ave ________ your work is finished.

A. if

B. although

C. when

D. until

( )29. The hole is dangerous. Let’s fill it ______ earth.


B. by

C. in

D. For

( )30. This is a fantastic place. Some people even travel _______ miles to get here.

A. hundred of

B. hundred

C. hundreds of

D. hundreds

( )31. —Mary, how much ______ do you have for breakfast?

—Only one piece.

A. potatoes

B. salt

C. peppers

D. bread ( )32. —I’ve waited here for an hour.

—Sorry, I forgot ________ that I would be late.

A. to say

B. saying

C. say

D. to saying

( )33. Bob, the radio is too noisy. ________.

A. Turn it on

B. Turn on it

C. Turn it off

D. Turn off it

( ) 34. —Frank, are your parents strict with you?

—Yes. They always make me ________ my homework before I go out.

A. to finishing

B. Finishing

C. to finish

D. finish ( ) 35. Mrs. Green always says it’s important for her students ________ these rules.

A. to follow

B. followed

C. follow

D. following

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Are you looking for a quick, simple, and delicious dinner? Spaghetti (意大利面条) and rice are always 36 , and many people like to eat them. Now let’s learn 37 to make them.

● How to make spaghetti

First, cook the spaghetti in hot water for 20 minutes. After that, you can start to make the sauce (调味汁). 38 an onion. Heat (加热) a little oil, and cook the 39 in it. You can also add pepper, beef and other things. Then add gravy and some potatoes, and cook them for a few minutes over a low heat. Finally, put the spaghetti 40 a plate, pour the sauce over the top and 41 them together. Now, you can start to eat.

● How to cook 42 with a rice cooker

Put water and rice in the pot and close the cover. Turn on the rice cooker and it will start to cook the rice. It 43 takes about 30 minutes, so you can cook vegetables and meat during this time. You will 44 a special sound when the rice is

ready. 45 you should wait about five minutes before you open the cover. It will make the rice more delicious.

It’s easy to make both of them. Do you want to have a try?

( )36. A. traditional B. popular C. fresh D. creative

( )37. A. how B. what C. when D. where

( )38. A. Take up B. Make up C. Cut up D. Put up

( )39. A. carrot B. tomato C. potato D. onion

( )40. A. in B. on C. at D. with

( )41. A. move B. plan C. grow D. mix

( )42. A. rice B. noodles C. pancakes D. porridge

( )43. A. hardly B. even C. usually D. again

( )44. A. hear B. give C. choose D. enjoy

( )45. A. Or B. But C. So D. If

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


“I’m bored,” Spencer said and looked at the rain out of the window.

“Read a book,” said his mom.

“I read all the time at school. I planned to ride bikes with Elton today.”

“Well, this rain won’t stop until (直到……为止) Monday, so you’ll have to find some other ways to spend the weekend,” Mom said with a smile. “You could clean your room.”

“Anything was better than cleaning my room,” thought Spencer. He walked to the garage (车库) and rode his bike in there for a few minutes, but it was not fun at all. For Spencer, the best thing about riding a bike was going to different places and seeing things.

“Hey,” said Elton from the door to the garage.

“Why did you come here?” asked Spencer.

“Your mom called me. She said you were bored. My mom was happy to drive me over because I kept saying I was bored, too.”

“It’s not much fun riding here,” said Spencer.

Elton looked around the garage and said, “Let’s do something new.” He put a set of cones (圆锥形物) all around the garage. “OK, yo u have to ride through them and you can’t knock any over (撞倒). Oh, and I’ll time you on my watch.”

“All right,” Spencer agreed. It seemed not too boring. He tried and it was harder than he thought it would be. He knocked over two cones.

They kept riding and tried to see who could do it faster. They always knocked over some cones, but that just made them laugh.


( ) 46. Spencer felt bored because ______.

A. his mother asked him to read

B. he had a lot of homework to do

C. he couldn’t go out to ride his bike

D. his friend didn’t agree with his plan for the weekend

( ) 47. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5?

A. Spencer didn’t want to clean his room.

B. Spencer thought his mother’s idea was go od.

C. Spencer liked cleaning the room better than anything.

D. Spencer couldn’t do anything better than cleaning the room.

( ) 48. How did Elton come to Spencer’s home?

A. By bus.

B. By bike.

C. By car.

D. By taxi.

( ) 49. The underlined word “time” means “______” in Chinese.

A. 选择时机

B. 安排时间

C. 延长期限

D. 测定时间

( ) 50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Elton liked going to different places and seeing things by bike.

B. Spencer and Elton had fun playing in the garage.

C. Spencer called Elton to come and play with him.

D. It would be sunny in the next few days.


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