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注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头已给出。

关于《红楼梦》 A Dream of Red Mansions

Dear Peter,

I’m very glad to know that you have interest in Chinese novels. There are so many famous novels written in Chinese(非谓语作定语), including classical novels and modern novels(非谓语作状语), among which I like A Dream of Red Mansions most(定从). It is an interesting novel and is excellent beyond comparison. Based on Jia and Lin’s love story(非谓语作状语), it describes a tragedy about love and the decline about a big family, which exposes the social crisis.(非限制性定从)

The book is written in old Chinese, which is difficult to understand(非限制性定从). So when you read it, you’d better get a Chinese dictionary ready for reference. In addition, I suggest that you should know some background knowledge about Qing Dynasty.(宾从)

I wish you would have fun and learn something through reading it.(宾从)


Li Hua

关于《西游记》Journey to the West

Dear Peter,

I’m very gald to know that you have interest in Chinese novels.Journey to the West is one of the most famous novels in China, which tells a fantastic story(定从). Now I recommend it to you to search the beauty of an unusual world.(非谓语表目的)

Journey to the West is a mythological (神话的) novel based on many centuries of popular tradition(非谓语作定语). This novel is about the man-like Monkey King together with other two disciples (徒弟), Greedy Pig, and Friar Sand, protects and attends their master, the priest(牧师) San-zang,to the west to seek Buddhist sutras (佛经).(非谓语表目的) It is really a tough trip, in which they face various troubles. (非谓语定从)It is believed that people who eat the

priest’s meat can live forever;(宾从+定从)as a consequence, many monsters are eager to catch him. Faced with so many problems(非谓语作状语), they never give up and in the end, they succeed.

While you are reading it, you could make a list of all the tough difficulties they meet (定从)so as to have a better understading.(非谓语作状语)You could also take some notes when there are something you are confused about.(定从)

I just can’t wait to talk about the details of the novel with you. An early reply is appreciated.(被动句)


Li Hua

关于《水浒传》The Water Margin

Dear Peter,

I’m very gald to know that you have interest in Chinese novels. There is a novel named The Water Margin,(非谓语作定语)which is beneficial for you to learn Chinese culture and history. (非限制性定语从句)

The story is based on real facts and has inspired many storytellers.There are many notables, strong muscled heroes and intellectual philosophers overcoming all kinds of difficulties. (非谓语作定语)Not only do they help people to solve problems, but also they often figh against injustice and abuse(倒装句).When it comes to those great heroes, we Chinese readers all admire them very much. There was a time when I was so crazy for them. (定从)So I believe that you can love it.

What is more, I have some advice about reading this novel. You can choose some history books about the North Song Dynasty (XIIIth Century), which helps you have a good command of this novel(定从). Time permitting(独立主格结构), you can go to the library to read some book reviews.

Best wishes.


Li Hua


10篇传统文化英语作文背起来 1 假定你是李华,是某高中的一名学生。为了让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化,你校近日将举办中国传统文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括: (1)展会时间和地点:本周五下午2:00--5:00,本校艺术中心; (2)展会宗旨:让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化; (3)展出内容:相关书籍、图片、实物等: 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Mr. Smith, I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the Fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also definitely feel the unique beauty of it. If you're interested, please come and enjoy it. And I'd be glad to offer any help. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 2 假定你是李华。最近China Daily就“如何看待中国传统文化”面向社会征稿。请你用英语给编辑写一封信,谈谈你自己的想法。要点如下: (1)表明自己的立场(传统文化应该得到保护和传承); (2)给出你的理由;(3)呼吁社会共同参与。 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:传承inherit 【优秀满分范文】 Dear editor, I'm writing to you to talk about my opinions about traditional Chinese culture. I think it's necessary for us to protect and inherit it. Here are some reasons. Firstly, as one of the ancient civilizations in the world, the traditional Chinese culture is the foundation of the development of our country, and it can provide spiritual motivation for Chinese economy. Secondly, it includes many inspiring and shocking events, through which we can learn some useful things to make our country develop more quickly. Last but not least, it is an important part of Chinese history, and inheriting it may make us stronger and benefit our growth. I hope Chinese government and citizens join in the campaign of protecting and inheriting traditional Chinese culture. We should make contributions and efforts to carry it forward. Yours, Li Hua 3 假如你是李华,你校将举办中学生文化艺术节,请给你的英国朋友Peter写信,邀请他参加这次艺术节并请他表演一个节目。信的内容包括: (1)演出地点、时间及参加人员; (2)介绍艺术节主题:弘扬传统文化,促进文化交流. 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:中学生文化艺术节the Middle School Art Festival 承办 host 弘扬 carry forward 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Peter, How is everything going? I'm honored and happy, hearing you are a fan of traditional Chinese Art and Culture. Here comes a piece of good news appealing to you. The Middle School Art Festival hosted by our school is drawing near. The festival is to carry forward traditional culture and promote cultural exch ange. And it provides audience with a stage where they can sample different forms of traditional Chinese and foreign culture while putting on performance. Next Friday,on the 30th of June, the festival will be held in the Shiyu Building. All of us students will take part in it. I sincerely hope that you can join us in our performance. By the way, it will be nicer of you to show us something from your country, since it will satisfy our curiosity about Britain. All of us will feel graced with the presence of you and your family. Yours, Li Hua 4 假如你是新华中学的学生会主席李华,你校学生会应英国Westminster School邀请,下星期将到该校进行交流访问,向该校学生介绍中国传统文化。请你给该校联系人Mr. Smith写一封邮件,信的要点如下: (1)感谢对方的邀请;


传统文化——必备词汇 1. Lantern Festival 元宵节 2. Embroidery 刺绣 3. Double-Ninth Festival 重阳节 4. Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节 5. paper cutting 剪纸 6. Siheyuan/Quadrangle 四合院 7. Warring States 战国 8. Kunqu Opera 昆曲 9. Flower Drum Song 花鼓戏 10. Confucian culture 儒家文化 11. Tang Poetry 唐诗 12. Tang Dynasty 唐朝 13. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 14. Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 京剧 15. Beijing Roast Duck 北京烤鸭 16. Paper Cutting 剪纸 17. lunar calendar 农历 18. the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 19. traditional Chinese festivals 中国传统节日 20. protecting traditional Chinese culture 保护中国传统文化

传统文化——必备句子 1. There are lots of places of interest in Beijing. 2. There are many places of interest where you can experience the traditional Chinese culture in Beijing. 3. I'm glad to hear that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. 4. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country 5. My favorite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival which comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year. 6. In a word, it is high time for us to treasure and develop our own valuable culture. 7. In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. 8. In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture effectively. 一篇好的书面表达,不仅要有亮眼的词汇,语法正确的句子,还要条理清晰地阐述自己的观点,并做到有理有据。下面我们就结合考题来看一看有关传统文化写作的题目和范文。 传统文化——写作题目与范文 (一) 某中学生英文报就“保护中国传统文化”为主题举行英语征文活动。你准备给该报投稿,稿件内容包括: 1. 保护中国传统文化的重要性 2. 列举1-2个你所知道的国家或当地政府文化保护的事例; 3. 谈谈你对文化保护的建议。 注意: 1. 字数:120词。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


传统文化英语作文 1.假定你是李华,是某高中的一名学生。为了让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化,你校近日将举办中国传统文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括: 展会的宗旨,时间、地点以及参加人; 展出内容:相关书籍、图片、实物等; 注意:词数100左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Smith, I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the Fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also definitely feel the unique beauty of it. If you're interested, please come and enjoy it. And I'd be glad to offer any help. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 2.假如你是李华,你校将举办中学生文化艺术节,请给你的英国朋友Peter写信,邀请他参加这次艺术节并请他表演一个节目.信的内容包括: 1.演出地点、时间及参加人员; 2.介绍艺术节主题:弘扬传统文化,促进文化交流. 注意:1.词数:100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. 参考词汇:中学生文化艺术节the Middle School Art Festival 承办 host 弘扬 carry forward . Dear Peter, How is everything going?I'm honored and happy,hearing you are a fan of traditional Chinese Art and Culture.Here comes a piece of good news appealing to you.The Middle School Art Festival hosted by our school is drawing near. The festival is to carry forward traditional culture and promote cultural exchange.And it provides audience with a stage where they can sample different forms of traditional Chinese and foreign culture while putting on performance.Next Friday,on the 30th of June,the festival will be held in the Shiyu Building.All of us students will take part in it.I sincerely hope that you can join us in our performance.By the way,it will be nicer of you to show us something from your country,since it will satisfy our curiosity about Britain. All of us will feel graced with the presence of you and your family. Yours,Li Hua 3. 假定你是李华,你的留学生同学Smith对中国传统文化很感兴趣,想要了解端午节。请你写信向他介绍中国的传统节日——端午节。包括以下要点: 1)端午节的时间及起源(农历五月初五); 2)端午节的习俗; 3)邀请他端午节那天和你一起过节。 注意:1)词数100左右。 2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Smith,


Confucius named Qiu styled Zhongni, a great thinker and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the founder of Confucianism. Confucius instructed more than 3000 disciples and some were from poor families. Confucius gradually changed the tradition that only nobilities had the right to receive education. In his later years , Confucius compiled many literary works of ancient times, including The Book of Songs ,The Book of Documents, and The Books of Changes. His saying and behaviors were compiled in The Analects of Confucius by his disciples. His ideology has been absorbed and carried composing the essential part of Chinese traditional ideology. It was also spread into the border regions and areas building up a circle of Confucianism. UNESCO labeled him one of the “Ten Culture Celebrities”. 孔子 孔子名丘字仲尼,春秋末期伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创史人。孔子一共教授了三千多个学生,其中不乏贫困家庭的孩子,改变了只有贵族子女才有资格上学的传统。孔子晚年还编订上古书籍,《诗经》《尚书》《周易》等。孔子的言行被他的弟子们收集在《论语》中,他的思想也被后人吸收和发扬光大,成为中国传统思想最主要的组成部分,并逐渐传播到周边国家,形成了影响范围很广的儒家文化圈。联合国教科文组织曾将孔子列入世界十大文化名人之一。 Beijing Opera Beijing Opera is the most popular and influential opera in China with a history of almost 200 years. In development Beijing Opera has formed a number of fictitious props. For instance a pedal means a boat. Without any physical props involved , an actor may perform going upstairs or downstairs opening or closing a door by mere gestures. Though exaggerated those actions would give audience an impression with graceful movements. There are four main roles sheng dan jing and chou. A sheng or dan has the eyebrows painted and eyes circled. A jing and chou have their facial makeup ,for example, a red face depicts the loyalty and bravery and a white face symbolizes treachery and guile. 京剧 京剧是中国流行的最广泛影响最大的一个剧种,拥有两百多年的历史。在长期的发展过程中,京剧形成了一套虚拟表演动作,如一条桨就可以代表一只船。不需要任何的道具,演员就能表现出上楼、下楼,开门、关门等动作,虽然经赤了夸张但这些动作能给观众既真实又优美的感觉。京剧演员分生、旦、净、丑四个行当,生和旦的化痕迹要描眉、吊眉、画眼圈,净丑面部需要化妆,比如,红脸表示忠诚勇猛,白脸表示奸险。


It is uni versally ack no wledged that Chin ese culture has a history of more tha n two thousa nd years, which once had great in flue nee on the world. Although China risks copying the Western lifestyle ' s worst aspects, especially of unhealthy eating and drinking, Which once gave rise to many problems. Fort un ately, Chi nese begin to realize the importanee of Chinese traditional culture. Such examples might be given easily, Chinese traditional culture was added into our CET4and CET6,which help us get hold of it better. All in all, Chin ese traditi onal culture accompa nies our growth all the time, which has already deeply rooted in our daily lives. As a Chinese, What we ought to do is to transmitte Chinese traditional culture from generation to generation. Only with these efforts adopted can we en sure that Chi nese traditional culture will be leaded to a brilliant future. The passage mainly tells us the importa nee of protect ing traditi onal Chin ese culture, which is challenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and cha nging lifestyle. Besides, China is n ati on wide spari ng no efforts to do it.(36 words) The protection of national and folk culture is of great significanee to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harm onious developme nt betwee n local econo mic and social developme nt. In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture 1 / 21 / 2


20篇作文高考热点传统文化英语作文 1.假如你叫李华,最近你的美国笔友Tony要来北京体验中国传统文化,请根据他的问题回复邮件, 为他设计北京一日游活动,帮助他体验中国传统文化。请描述你们打算去的地方、具体的活动 安排、以及这样安排的理由。 参考词汇:四合院Siheyuan 胡同Hutong Hi, Tony! I' m glad that you will come to Beijing soon. There are lots of places of interest in Beijing.In order to experience traditional Chinese culture better, I dorecommend Beijing Hutong tour. First, we' re going to go sightseeing along the lanes in Hutong. The houses in Hutong are traditional, such as Siheyuan. From them, you can imagine how people used to live. Of course you can stop anywhere you like and it is interesting to take pictures or have a close look. Second, we are going to pay visits to a Hutong family. We can have lunch there and have a short talk with the local residents, which can help you learn about many stories of the past. We can not only appreciate the dramatic changes that Hutong has undergone but also see evidence of the history of Beijing, experiencing the old way of life and traditional Beijing culture. In a word, Hutongs were the homes of common people in the past. It is easy to know how people lived and had fun in the old days. So it is a good choice to learn about traditional Chinese culture. I' m looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua 2.假定你是李华,你校学生会近日将举办中国传统文化展会(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。 请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括: 1.展会的时间和地点:本周五下午2:00--5:00,本校艺术中心; 2.展会宗旨:让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化; 3.展示内容:书籍、图片、实物等。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Mr. Smith,


Five Famous Symbols of Chinese Culture Chinese martial arts Chinese martial arts are a culture with Chinese characteristics. Chinese martial arts include a number of areas: self-defense (fighting), health (medical), heart repair (philosophy). Combined, the three Chinese martial arts are. This is simply fighting with other big difference between patients and therefore can be said that unique. Chinese martial arts has over time become a formal branch of study in the performing arts by the Chinese. It is the most popular national sport in the country of China, and is practiced by people of all ages. It's emphasis has shifted from combat to performance, and it is practiced for its method of achieving heath, self-defense skills, mental discipline, recreational pursuit and competition. Chinese martial arts is characterized by it dynamic and fluid motions along with its Arial kicks and rolling techniques. Chinese martial arts is the Chinese word for all the styles of Chinese Martial Arts. These arts can be Tai Chi, Shaolin Boxing, Wing Chun, and many other martial styles. Tea Tea is the nation's national drink. It first appears in Shennong period, now has become fashionable in the world's three major non-alcoholic drinks (tea, coffee and cocoa), and will be the king of the beverage of the 21st century. The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. China is the birthplace of tea, known as "tea of the motherland." Tea is the pride of the Chinese nation! Great Wall The Great Wall was built in the Spring and Autumn period, which lasted up to more than 2,000 years, with a total length of more than 10,000,000 m 5. Today, we referred to the Great Wall, referring to the construction of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. It west China's Gansu Province, Jiayuguan in the western East, Northeast China Liaoning Province of the Yalu River, while 6,350,000 meters long as it is a powerful dragon through steep mountains and the more cross-desert grasslands through ups and downs in the top of mountains on the other side of the Yellow Sea and Bohai all times and in all who have visited the Great Wall were all amazed that it's Bang Bo Momentum of the grand scale and difficulty of the project is a rare treasure of the Great Wall is an extraordinary artistic heritage symbolizes the Chinese nation in the world forever indestructible strength and the will of the Chinese nation is proud of is the pride of humanity as a whole.


假如你叫李华,最近你的美国笔友Tony 要来北京体验中国传统文化,请根据他的问题回复邮件,为他设计北京一日游活动,帮助他体验 中国传统文化。请描述你们打算去的地方、具体的活动安排、以及 这样安排的理由。 提示词语:traditional Chinese culture, tea house, Peking Opera, paper cutting Hi, Tony! I ’m glad that you will come to Beijing soon.There are lots of places of interes t in Beijing. In order to experience traditional Chinese culture better, I advice Beijing Hutong tour. First, we ’re going to go t o visit in Hutong. The houses in Hutong are traditional, such as Siheyuan. From them, you can imagine how people used to live. Of course you can stop anywhere you like and it is interesting to take pictures or have a close look. Second, we are going to pay visits to a Hutong family. We can have lunch there and have a short talk with the localts, which can help you learn about many stories of the past. We can not only appreciate the dramatic changes that Hutong has undergone, but also see evidence of the history of Beijing, experience the old way of life and experience traditional Beijing culture. In a word , Hutongs are the homes of commonys. So it is a good choice to learn about traditional Chinese culture. I ’m looking forward to your coming . Yours, Li Hua 传统文化: ?Where shall we go during the day in Beijing? ? What are we going to do there?


It is generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students. Not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and colorful, but it can expand our horizons. As a result, with reading more, we would grow into a better person. As we all know, different books have different advantages and disadvantages. One great person had ever said,”Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man”. In fact, it is of great significance for us students to know reading selectively is important. Different books broaden the student’s knowledge horizon and cultivate their interests in different fields. Some books of low quality may do harm to the readers. There is an old proverb which goes that keep good men company and you shall be of the number. The truth of it is profound and significant. It is very important to read selectively. After all, you are what you read.


这10篇传统文化英语作文,绝对考试热点,背起来~ 今天和大家分享的是10篇关于传统文化的英语作文,也是近年高考热门话题 01 假定你是华,是某高中的一名学生。为了让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化,你校近日将举办中国传统文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子,邀请他参加。的容包括: (1)展会时间和地点:本周五下午2:00--5:00,本校艺术中心; (2)展会宗旨:让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化; (3)展出容:相关书籍、图片、实物等: 注意: (1)词数100左右; (2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分文】 Dear Mr. Smith, I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the Fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also


保护中国传统文化英语作文 【篇一:2016高考英语作文预测范文:保护文化遗产】 2016高考英语作文预测范文:保护文化遗产 2016高考正在紧张的 复习备考阶段,菁优英语小编为大家整理了《2016高考英语作文预 测范文:保护文化遗产》,供大家参考。 2016高考英语作文预测范文:保护文化遗产 cultural heritage is a very important resource.文化遗产是很重要 的资源。 1. it is an awareness of ancient civilizations important way to study an important resource for human civilization. 它是人们认识古文明的一条重要的途径,研究人类文明的重要资源。 2. cultural heritage is an important indicator of national development is the distinction between national or regional differences in other important reference. 文化遗产是一个国家发展的重要标志,是区分于其他国家或地区差 别的重要参考。 3. animal or plant can study the remains and other heritage of the history of the human body structure and better understand their own. 动物或植物尸骸等遗产可以研究人类身体结构的发展史,更好的认 识自己。 4. with regard to natural heritage allows us to recognize the difference between the present and ancient times,recognizing that they have on this environment on this planet caused much destruction,called on people to protect the earth. 关于自然遗产可以让我们认识到现在与古代的差别,认识到自己已 经对这个环境对这个地球造成了多大的破坏,呼吁人们保护地球。 5. of course,there are ancient buildings,etc.,let us insight into the unsurpassed wisdom of our ancestors,to succeed in life! 当然了,还有古建筑等,让我们见识到我们祖先的绝伦的智慧,奋 发向上! in short,the cultural heritage of human development has an indelible impact,we should protect the cultural heritage,and

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