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张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(修订本)学习指南(The Trial That Rocked the Wo

张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(修订本)学习指南(The Trial That Rocked the Wo
张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(修订本)学习指南(The Trial That Rocked the Wo

Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World


1. sweltering [5sweltEriN] adj. oppressively hot and humid; sultry酷热的,热得发昏

的:We were sweltering in our winter clothes.我们穿着冬衣热得够呛。

2. counsel [5kaunsEl]n. a lawyer or group of lawyers giving legal advice and

especially conducting a case in court辩护律师,法律顾问

3. sliver-tongued [5silvE5tQN]adj. eloquent; persuasive口才好的,雄辩的:a

silver-tongued lawyer能言善辩的律师

4. orator [5CrEtE] n. an eloquent and skilled public speaker演讲家,雄辩家:He is

known as a gifted orator.众所周知,他是一位天才演说家。

5. nominee [nCmi5ni:]n. one who has been nominated to an office or for a

candidacy被提名者,被任命者:the Democratic nominee for the


6. testify [5testifai]v. to make a declaration of truth or fact under oath; submit

testimony作证:The witnesses testified before a grand jury.目击证人在陪审


7. jury [5dVuEri] n. a group of 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case

in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not陪审团

8. erupt [i5rQpt] v. burst forth or out, as from some restraint爆发,迸发,喷出:The

wisdom of Chinese people will erupt like a volcano.中国人的智慧会像火山一样爆发出来。

9. clash [klAF] n. a conflict, as between opposing or irreconcilable ideas冲突,抵触,

意见不一致:a clash of views见解的冲突

10. fundamentalism [fQndE5mentElIz(E)m]n. religious beliefs based on a literal

interpretation of everything in the Bible and regarded as

fundamental to Christian faith and morals [宗]原教旨主义

11. legislature [5ledVis7leitFE]n. an institution that has the power to make or

change laws立法机关

12. prohibit [prE5hibit] vt. a). to forbid by authority禁止:Smoking is prohibited in

most theaters.在大多数戏剧院里禁止吸烟。b). to prevent; preclude妨碍,

阻止:Modesty prohibits me from saying what happened.羞怯妨碍我说出


13. legality [l i(:)5^Aliti] n. the state or quality of being legal; lawfulness依法,合法:

There is doubt about the legality of the company’s action in dismiss him


14. indict [in5dait] vt. to accuse of wrongdoing; charge控告,起诉:indict a person for


15. anticipate [An5tisipeit] vt. to feel or realize beforehand; foresee预期,预料:I don’

t anticipate meeting any opposition.我估计不会遇到任何反对意见。16. prosecute [5prCsikju:t] v. to initiate civil or criminal court action against起诉,告

发;检举:He was prosecuted for murder.他被指控犯有谋杀罪。

17. festoon [fes5tu:n] vt. to cover something with flowers, long pieces of material

etc, especially for decoration用花彩装饰,结彩于:a square festooned with

electric lights张灯结彩的广场

18. sprout [spraut] v. to begin to grow; give off shoots or buds发芽:The rain has

sprouted the seeds overnight.雨一夜就使种子发芽了。b). to emerge and

develop rapidly很快地生长或发展

19. rickety [5rikiti] adj. likely to break or fall apart; shaky易破裂的,易垮的,摇晃的:

rickety wooden stairs摇摇晃晃的木楼梯

20. evangelist [i5vAndVilist] n. any one of the authors of the four New Testament

gospel books福音传道者

21. exhort [i^5zC:t]vt. to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition,

advice, or appeal规劝,告诫,敦促:They exhorted her to confess the truth.

他们劝诫她招认实情。其派生词主要形式有exhortation(n. 劝勉,告诫)/

exhortative或exhortatory( adj. 劝勉的,告诫的)

22. infidel [5infidEl] n. one who has no religious beliefs无信仰者,不信宗教者

23. florid [5flCrid] adj. flushed with rosy color; ruddy红润的:a florid complexion红润的面色

24. paunchy [`pR:ntFI] adj. having a potbelly罗汉肚的,大腹便便的

25. attorney [E5tE:ni] n. a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts

lawsuits or gives legal advice律师,(被当事人授权的法律事务中的)代理人26. shrewd [Fru:d]adj. characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and

often a sense of the practical机敏的,精明的:a shrewd answer机敏的回

27. magnetic [mA^5netik] adj. having an unusual power or ability to attract有魅力

的,有吸引力的:a magnetic personality有魅力的个性

28. steep [sti:p] vi. immense, saturate, absorb or imbue沉浸,埋头于:be steeped in


29. agnostic [A^5nCstik]n. someone who believes that people cannot know

whether God exists or not不可知论者

30. session [5seFEn] n. Law a court of criminal jurisdiction in the United States[法律]开庭

31. growl [^raul] vi. to speak in an angry or surly manner抱怨,牢骚满腹地说:growl

(out) an answer咆哮着回答

32. spar [spB:] vi. dispute or wrangle争论,争吵:spar at each other对骂

33. drawl [drC:l] vi. to speak with lengthened or drawn-out vowels拉长调说话,慢慢吞吞地说

34. bigotry [5bi^Etri] n. the attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a

bigot; intolerance偏执,偏见,顽固

35. rampant [5rAmpEnt] adj. extending unchecked; unrestrained蔓延的,猖獗的:

Sickness was rampant in the area.该地区疾病蔓延。

36. bigot [5bi^Et] n. one who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race,

or politics and is intolerant of those who differ盲目信仰者,顽固者:a

narrow-minded bigot狭隘偏执的人

37. faggot [5fA^Et] n. a buddle of sticks, twigs or branches柴捆,柴把

38. contaminate [kEn5tAmineit]vt. to make impure or unclean by contact or

mixture污染,使侵害:The waste from this factory contaminates the

water in the river.来自这家工厂的废物污染河水。

39. mammal [5mAmEl] n. a type of animal that drinks milk from its mother’s body

when it is young. Humans, dogs, and whales are mammals.哺乳动物40. snort [snC:t] vi. utter with a snort to express anger, contempt or the like哼着鼻


41. brandish [5brAndiF] vt. to wave or flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly

挥舞:The old man brandish his walking stick at the menace dog.老人对


42. denounce [di5nauns] vt. to condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible指责,

斥责,声讨:We should denounce a heresy.我们应该公开指责异端学说。


43. sonorous [sE5nC:rEs] adj. having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound(声音)


44. reconcile [5rekEnsail] v. a). to settle or resolve调停,解决;b). to make compatible

or consistent使符合,使一致:reconcile their words with their actions使


45. divine [di5vain] adj. being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred神圣的,奉为神的

46. fervour [5fE:vE] n. great warmth and intensity of emotion热诚,热烈,热情

47. arena [E5ri:nE]n. the area in the center of an ancient Roman amphitheater

where contests and other spectacles were held竞技场,舞台

48. prairie [5prZEri] n. a wide open area of fairly flat land in North America which is

covered in grass or wheat大草原

49. scorch [skC:tF] v. a). to burn superficially so as to discolor or damage the texture

of烧焦,晒焦:The hot sun scorched the flowers.烈日晒枯了花朵。b). to

subject to severe censure; excoriate痛骂,责骂

50. pop [pCp] vi. to move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly突然出现:pop up


51. duel [5dju(:)El] n. a fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to

settle a quarrel决斗,斗争,冲突

52. momentary [5mEumEntEri] adj. lasting for only a moment瞬息间的,暂时的

53. hush [hQF] n. a silence or stillness, especially after noise静寂,沉默:A hush fell

over the meeting-room.会议室里一下子安静了下来。

54. adjourn [E5dVE:n] vt. to suspend proceedings to another time or place延会,闭

会;延期:adjourn a trial延期审讯

55. swarm [swC:m] vi. be filled or crowded; teem (with)充满,被挤满:The beach is

swarming with bathers.海滩满是海水浴的人。

56. hawker [5hC:kE] n. one who sells goods aggressively, especially by calling out叫卖小贩

57. entrepreneur [7CntrEprE5nE:]n. someone who starts a new business or

arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way

that involves financial risks企业家,创业者

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