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Creep in One Dimension and Phenomenological Theory of Glass Dynamics

Creep in One Dimension and Phenomenological Theory of Glass Dynamics
Creep in One Dimension and Phenomenological Theory of Glass Dynamics

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t



1131v 2 28 J u l 1995

Creep in One Dimension and Phenomenological Theory of Glass Dynamics

Pierre Le Doussal (1,3,?)and Valerii M.Vinokur (2,3)


CNRS-Laboratoire de Physique Th′e orique de l’Ecole Normale Sup′e rieure,24rue Lhomond,F-75231Paris


Materials Science Division,Argonne National Laboratory,Argonne IL 60439


ITP,University of California,Santa Barbara CA 93106

(February 1,2008)

The dynamics of a glass transition is discussed in terms of the motion of a particle in a one dimensional correlated random potential.An exact calculation of the velocity V under an applied force f demonstrates a variety of dynamic regimes depending on the range of correlations.In a gaussian potential with correlator C (x )=x γ,we ?nd a transition from ohmic behaviour (γ<0)to creep motion V ~exp(?const/f μ)(0<γ<1).This provides a generic picture of the glass transition in systems where long range correlations in the e?ective disorder develop due to elasticity such as elastic manifolds subject to quenched disorder and the vortex glass transition in superconductors.74.60.Ge,05.20.-y

The driven dynamics of physical systems which can be modelled as elastic manifolds in quenched random media has received a lot of attention recently.Prominent exam-ples of such systems are the roughening of domain walls [1],directed polymer growth [2],motion of dislocations in disordered media [3],dynamics of charge density waves [4],and surface growth in a random environment [5].This recent interest was partly motivated by extensive studies of vortex dynamics in high-Tc superconductors.It was shown that this problem is related to the dynamics of an elastic manifold subject to quenched disorder [6–9],

and a signi?cant progress in qualitative understanding was achieved.The motion is viewed as a sequence of thermally activated jumps of the optimal ”cell”of the manifold from one metastable state to the next as fa-vored by the applied force.In most of these systems the activation barriers for such a motion,which we will refer to as creep motion,depends on the applied force f and diverges as f →0,giving rise to a strongly non linear velocity versus applied force dependence.The un-limited growth of the creep barriers is taken now as the characteristic feature and operational de?nition of glassy https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea16557196.html,ually [8]the barriers grow as U B (f )~f ?μleading to a typical velocity vs applied force dependence

(or I-V curve)of the form V =e ?1/(T f μ

)in the creep regime.

While there is now a consistent qualitative picture of the low temperature creep motion [10,6],it is based mostly on scaling arguments and numerical simulations,and a rigorous analysis is still lacking.Although inter-esting new results have been obtained recently for the non-equilibrium dynamics of mean ?eld models of glasses [11]and for particle dynamics in an in?nite-dimensional random potential [12,13],a general analytical derivation in physical models remains an unsolved problem.In the absence of a rigorous analysis of realistic physical

situations one is seeking for models which are simple enough to be treated analytically and yet are able to mimic the large diversity of dynamics of real glassy sys-tems.A well known example is the problem of a sin-gle particle driven by an external force f and subject to a one dimensional random force ?eld with Gaus-sian short range correlations.The term random force means that the correlator of the random potential U (x )is

(U (x )?U (y ))2≡K (x ?y )~?|x ?y |γ


and in Fourier space ?K

(q )=2π(1?cos qz )?

K (q ).We ?nd that there

are several regimes depending on how correlated the po-tential is.If correlations are short range (γ<0),we recover a ’viscous ?ow’(ohmic)regime where linear re-sponse V ~f holds for small f .If correlations grow with 0<γ<1we ?nd a new creep regime V ~exp(?1/f μ).The case γ=0corresponds to the transition between these two regimes and we ?nd a power law critical power

law V versus f dependence,reminiscent of the vortex glass transition behaviour[7].Finallyγ=1corresponds to Sinai’s case where V=0below a threshold force. This suggests a deep connection with the motion of elastic manifold in a random medium(such as vortex systems in type II superconductors).In these systems creep behaviour arises from the interplay of the elastic-ity and pinning potential[6]which both determine the creep barriers U b.The bare pinning potential is uncor-related but the elasticity of the manifold generates long range correlations in the e?ective potential U b that deter-mines the motion of the manifold.The role of elasticity as a tuning mecanism for correlations becomes transpar-ent upon noticing that the formation of the vortex glass is caused by a drastic change in elastic https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea16557196.html,ly, the onset of shear modulus at the freezing point devel-ops long range correlations in the vortex system[6].A phenomenological approach to describe a generic glass transition is to introduce a correlation lengthξG charac-terizing the spatial range of critical correlations,which diverges at the transition.The choice of K(x)on both sides of the transition is dictated by physical considera-tions.In the correlated phase(i.e glass phase)the natural choice is a Gaussian random potential with correlator of the form:

K(x?y)~?((|x?y|a)(2) The?rst term which dominates at large distance de-scribes long range correlations in the random potential and generalizes Sinai’s model.The second term describes the behaviour at the critical pointξG=∞.Indeed one hasγ=0and?K(q)~1/q at the transition and thus K(x)~?ln x.The form(2)is an interpolation resulting from the crossover between the critical?xed point and the?xed point describing the glass phase.In the uncorrelated phase correlations are short range and one chooses a correlator as?K(q)=1/


=??U(x(t))+f+η(t)(3) with η(t)η(t′) =2Tδ(t?t′)and T is the temperature.The probability density P(x,t)and the current J(x,t) satisfy:



=? +∞?∞dxx?J= +∞?∞dxJ(x,t)

= L0dx?J(x,t)(5)

where?J(x,t)=?T??P(x,t)+(f??U(x))?P(x,t).At long time?J(x,t)goes to a constant?J and the asymptotic velocity V is exactly given by V=?JL.To?nd?J for a ?xed L and disorder con?guration one must solve the stationarity equation:




(?U(x)+fx))does not,in general,satisfy the pe-riodic boundary conditions.Thus V can be found from the solution with non-zero current:




? x0dye(U(y)?U(x)+f(x?y))/T (7)?J and thus V follow from the normalization condition for?P.In the limit L→∞,imposing the restriction U(0)=U(L),unimportant for f>0,(7)simpli?es to:?P(x)=





The average in (9)exists quite generally and is indepen-dent of the con?guration of the random potential,i.e the velocity is self-averaging.The physical interpretation of (9)in terms of Arrhenius waiting time is transparent.The average waiting time 1/V is a sum of Boltzman weights associated with the barriers the particle must overcome to move in the direction of the driving force.The highest barriers U (x +z )?U (x )with z >0,produce the largest waiting times.

The expression (9)reveals immediately several gen-eral features.At large f one has V ≈f .At small force f →0,the response will be linear only if the barriers saturate,i.e do not grow at large distance.If the potential is uncorrelated at large distances such that e (U (x +z )?U (x ))/T → e U/T e ?U/T when z →∞,then:

V ∝


e U/T e ?U/T


where D and D 0are the di?usion coe?cients in presence and in absence of disorder,respectively and the Einstein relation holds.When D ?D 0the V -f curve will show strong nonlinearity at intermediate scales where the tran-sition between low force and high force regime of motion occurs.

We now turn to a detailed study of gaussian disorder with correlator K (x ).Upon averaging over disorder (9yields:

1T ∞

0dx exp(?


2T 2)(11)The choice of K (x )as in (2)gives rise to several regimes

of particle dynamics depending on the range of the cor-relations of the random potential.

Sinai’s case γ=1:For γ>1the integral in (11)di-verges and the velocity is zero.Sinai’s model corresponds to γ=1and appears as a marginal case where the in-tegral (11)diverges for f f th ,in agreement with previous results [15–17,19,20].The system with γ=1ex-hibits algebraic distributions of waiting times which gives rise to aging phenomena [20].Therefore Sinai’s model mimics essential aspects of the spin-glass behavior.In-terestingly,this V versus f dependence mimics also the dry friction phenomenon.

Creep motion 0<γ<1:In the intermediate case 0<γ<1one ?nds the ”creep”dynamics regime.De?n-ing the dynamical exponent z =2+(?/2T 2)and the characteristic force f c =(?/2T 2)1/γT/ξG one arrives at:T

f c z ?1

H (f/f c )

H (y )=

dv v z ?2exp(?yv +v γ)(12)Note that f c reduces to the threshold force f th when γ→

1.At γ<1the sharp threshold disappears but at f ?

f c the V versus f dependence shows strongly nonlinear behaviour with an essential singularity at small f .Usin

g the steepest descent method at f ?f c one ?nds:V =A T f c z ?1(




γf c



with A ~

Γ(z ?1)T 2+z


with z =2+(?/2T 2).resembling the power law

critical behaviour proposed at the vortex glass tran-sition.This transition separates the creep dynamics V ~exp(?const/f μ)in the vortex glass state from the ohmic behaviour V ∝f above the transition.Indeed one ?nds that the scaling function H (y )of (12)reproduces the correct scaling behaviour H (y )~y 1?z in the critical region y ?1which leads to (14)for T/a 2?f ?f c .Using (10)we ?nd the critical behaviour D ∝ξG 2?z .Since in the vortex system the voltage is proportional to the vortex velocity and force is proportional to applied current the obtained behaviour of D reporduces the crit-ical behaviour of the resistivity ρat the transition,ξG playing the role of the vortex glass critical length.

Ohmic behaviour γ≤0:For short-range correlations γ<0,

U (x )U (0)=?C (x ),

with C (0)=1and C (x )decays to zero on a length scale ξ.


T ∞

0dz exp(?

fz T 2(1?C (z )))(15)Two ohmic regimes,one at small force with V ∝e ??/T 2


and one at large force with V ∝f ,appear.At high tem-perature these two regimes match smootly.At low tem-perature there is a sharp crossover.A depinning temper-ature T p =

smooth crossover occurs at f c~T/ξ.For T<>f p.To estimate f p we use C(z)=exp(?(z/ξ)2) which leads to f p≈(T/ξ) ?/ξ.Note that f p does not depend on temperature and has thus a limit when T→0.At T→0the curve V versus f be-comes V=θ(f?f p)(f?f p).It is interesting to mention that this behaviour can be obtained correctly using the perturbation theory analogous to that used for calcula-tion of critical currents in type II superconductors[6]. Disorder induced corrections to the velocity is given by


ξv )).Equatingδv/v≈1

we recover the above result for f p at low temperature T<>T p,δv/v never reaches1and thus f p does not exist.This analysis assume a?nite mean squared force<(?U)2>~f p2<∞,i.e that the random potential is smooth.If we choose instead C(z)=exp(?|z/ξ|)an exact calculation from(15)gives:



)fξ/T exp(??/2T)

whereγis the incomplete Gamma function.In that case the average force is in?nite and at T=0the particle remains pinned at any applied force.

The above model may apply directly to a string(di-rected polymer)of length L in d dimensions driven by its tip at z=0over point like impurities.An example is a ?ux line in a superconductor in presence of an external current J.Because of screening at small?elds the exter-nal Lorentz force of modulus f∝J is exerted only on the end of the line,over a length of orderλ.Let F(r)be the free energy corresponding to equilibrium positions r of the tip at z=0with the other end z=?L?xed at r=0 for large L.One can view the tip as a particle driven in the rough potential F(r)with




γδ?1(18) withν=1/(δ?1?γδ

Note added:After submission we received a preprint by S.Scheidl who also derived Eq.8.in a di?erent context.


音乐剧《猫》的全部歌词 Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats 杰里可歌颂杰里可猫 Are you blind when you're born? Can you see in the dark? Dare you look at a king? Would you sit on his throne? Can you say of your bite that it's worse than your bark? Are you cock of the walk when you're walking alone? Because Jellicles are and Jellicles do Jellicles do and Jellicles would Jellicles would and Jellicles can Jellicles can and Jellicles do When you fall on your head, Do you land on your feet? Are you tense when you sense There's a storm in the air? Can you find your way blind When you're lost in the street? Do you know how to go to the Heaviside Layer? Because Jellicles can and Jellicles do Jellicles do and Jellicles can Jellicles can and Jellicles do Jellicles do and Jellicles can Jellicles can and Jellicles do Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant? Familiar with candle, with book, and with bell? Were you Whittington's friend? The Pied Piper's assistant? Have you been an alumnus of heaven and hell?


歌词说说大全,经典歌词句子 导读:1.在有生的瞬间能遇到你,竟花光所有运气。——《明年今日》2.太耀眼的城市不适合看星星,就如同你的心不适合谈安定。——《记得要忘记》3.原谅捧花的我盛装出席只为错过你。——小时代《不再见》4.他让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅,原来你早就想好你要留在谁的身旁。——《我以为》5.我不唱声嘶力竭的情歌,不表示没有心碎的时刻。——《孤独患者》6.千年之后的你会在哪里,身边有怎样风景,我们的故事并不算美丽,却如此难以忘记。如果当初勇敢的在一起,会不会不同结局。——《星月神话》7.没有关系我们只是朋友,所以不会有分开的理由。——《闹够了没有》8.我过的不是很好,却想问你好吗。——《你还怕大雨吗》9.你的眼泪留给我收藏,那些心碎别白白浪费,人不都是边爱边学求一个无悔。——《替我照顾她》10.你是我今生未完成的歌,唱不到结局却又难以割舍。——《未完成的歌》11.曾经依靠彼此的肩膀,如今各自在人海流浪。——《我爱他》12.我望眼欲穿,看我看不到的你。我侧耳倾听,听我听不到的你。——EXO《十二月的奇迹》13.闭上眼睛你最挂念谁,睁开眼睛身边竟是谁。——《人来人往》14.爱上一匹野马,可我的家里没有草原。——《董小姐》15.你不是真正的快乐,你的笑只是你穿的保护色。你决定不恨了,也决定不爱了,把你的灵魂关在永远锁上的躯壳。——《你不是真正的快乐》16.每一天睁开眼看你和阳光都在,那就是我要的未来。——《幸福的地图》

17.你是我最苦涩的等待,让我欢喜又害怕未来。——《哭砂》18.无论怎么讲,我都觉得虚伪,陪伴你那么久,你说是受罪,从前到现在,当我是谁,你这花心蝴蝶。——《吻得太逼真》19.多平凡的道理,总是要失去才懂得珍惜。——EXO《初雪》20.从前的日色变得慢,车马邮件都慢,一生只够爱一个人。——《从前慢》21.如果这都不算爱,我有什么好悲哀,谢谢你的慷慨,是我自己活该。——《如果这都不算爱》22.不敢勉强你,只好为难自己。——《一言难尽》23.我曾给你最温暖的怀抱,你却给我最痛心的玩笑。——《说好了不见面》24.能不能给我一首歌的时间,把故事听到最后才说再见,你送我的眼泪,让它留在雨天。——《给我一首歌的时间》25.我爱上让我奋不顾身的一个人,我以为这就是我所追求的世界。——《天黑黑》26.你给我听好,想哭就要笑。——《你给我听好》27.为何你不懂,只要有爱就有痛,有一天你会知道,人生没有我并不会不同。——《当爱已成往事》28.我的心事蒸发成云,再下成雨,却舍不得淋湿你。——《背影》29.也许放弃才能靠近你,不再见你,你才会把我记起。——《盛夏的果实》30.有些人,在心底从来没忘记;有些事,有些梦还找不到谜底;有些话,越欲言又止就越是动听。——《悄悄告诉你》更多相关>>>歌词空间说说 感谢您的阅读,如对您有帮助,可下载编辑。


Metallica歌词翻译Creeping Death 《Ride The Lightning》 Slaves Hebrews born to serve, to the pharaoh Heed To his every word, live in fear Faith Of the unknown one, the deliverer Wait Something must be done, four hundred years So let it be written, so let it be done I’m sent here by the chosen one So let it be written, so let it be done To kill the first born pharaoh son I’m creeping death Now Let my people go, land of Goshen Go I will be with thee, bush of fire Blood Running red and strong down the Nile Plague Darkness three days long, hail to fire So let it be written, so let it be done I’m sent here by the chosen one So let it be written, so let it be done To kill the first-born pharaoh son I’m creeping death Die by my hand I creep across the land Killing first-born man Die by my hand I creep across the land Killing first-born man I


适合发心情说说的歌词,适合发说说的歌词 导读:1、努力的往前飞,再累也无所谓,黑夜过后的光芒有多美。——《我们都一样》 2、血染江山的画,怎敌你眉间,一点朱砂,覆了天下也罢,始终不过,一场繁华。——河图《倾尽天下》 3、是我入戏太深,结局却一个人。——《入戏太深》 4、你像一首唱到沙哑偏爱的情歌。——《阴天快乐》 5、我站在原点,始终很怀念,而你却对我很不屑,如果可以让我见你一面,我会看着你失眠。——《放弃》 6、春风再美也比不上你的笑,没见过你的人不会明了。——《鬼迷心窍》 7、谁能帮我传话,告诉她我爱她,我只是一个会说话的哑巴,在她看来我不如路人甲。——《会说话的哑巴》 8、载着你仿佛载着阳光,不管到哪里都是晴天。——《星晴》 9、如果他总为别人撑伞,你何苦非为他等在雨中。——《分手快乐》 10、我在无人的街头想念着某某,你在别人的宇宙施舍着温柔。——《风度》 11、我曾以为我会永远守在她身旁,今天我们已经离去在人海茫茫。——《那些花儿》 12、在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你。——《喜欢》

13、不谈寂寞,我们就都快活。——陈奕迅《孤独患者》 14、不敢勉强你,只好为难自己。——《一言难尽》 15、我们说好就算分开一样做朋友,时间说我们从此不可能再问候。——《我们说好的》 16、是你给我爱上你的理由,却又给出离开我的借口。——《伤爱的理由》 17、我已经相信,有些人我永远不必等。——《K歌之王》 18、全世界,我只看见你的伤悲,你的雀跃。——《只看见你》 19、我曾给你最温暖的怀抱,你却给我最痛心的玩笑。——《说好了不见面》 20、这段感情,早就应该放弃,早就不该让我浪费时间找奇迹。——《不值得》 21、他说你任何为人称道的美丽,不及他第一次遇见你。——《南山南》 22、你也不必牵强说再爱我,反正我的灵魂已片片凋落,慢慢的拼凑,慢慢的拼凑,拼凑出一个完全不属于真正的我。——齐秦《夜夜夜夜》 23、你的笑你的泪是我筑梦路上最美的太阳。——张杰《最美的太阳》 24、闭起双眼我最挂念谁,眼睛张开身边竟是谁。——《人来人往》


Dream it possible I will run, I will climb, I will soar. 我奔跑,我攀爬,我会飞翔。 I'm undefeated 永不言败 Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord 跳出我的皮肤,拨弄琴弦 Yeah I believe it 哦,我相信。 The past, is everything we were don't make us who we are 往昔,逝去的光阴不会决定现在 so I'll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars 所以我们梦想,直到变成真,看到满天星光 It's not until you fall that you fly 不怕跌倒,所以飞翔 When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable 当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡 take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful 挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽 We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold 在黑暗中闪耀点石成金 And we'll dream it possible我们会梦想成真 I will chase, I will reach, I will fly 我追逐,我奔驰,我要飞翔 Until I'm breaking, until I'm breaking 直到坠落,直到崩溃 Out of my cage, like a bird in the night 走出我的囚笼,像在黑夜里的莺 I know I'm changing, I know I'm changing 我知道我在变化,在蜕变


1.Welcome, welcome, everyone, Now you are here, let’s have some fun. First we’ll clap our hands just so, Then we’ll reach and touch our toes. Welcome, welcome, everyone, Now you are here, let’s have some fun! https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea16557196.html,e along and play with me, play with me, play with me Come along and play with me My sweet baby 3.Open shut Open shut them Open shut them Give a little clap clap clap Open shut them Open shut them Put them in your lap lap lap Creep them creep them Slowly creep them Right up to your chin chin chin

Open wide your little mouse But do not let them in 4. Gymbo Dance I have a little friend And Gymbo is his name oh G-Y-M-B-O G-Y-M-B-O G-Y-M-B-O And Gymbo is his name oh Gymbo the clown goes up and down up and down, up and down Gymbo the clown goes up and down All day long Gymbo the clown goes side to side side to side, side to side Gymbo the clown goes side to side All day long Gymbo the clown goes twist, twist, twist Twist twist twist Gymbo the clown goes twist, twist, twist Then he blows you a kiss


中国风歌曲歌词集锦 1、周彦宏《醉我一千年》 细雨微风凭栏/思绪如水蔓延/伊人独立窗前/淡妆浓抹容颜/远去的油纸伞/锁住深情的双眼/ 画中私语的浮萍/芬芳谁的诗篇/别再轻叹夕阳/又送走远山/ 断桥虽断/忠贞的爱依然在人间/ 鸿雁飞来升起心帆/吻州西湖的思念/醉我一千年 2、吴品醇《忆长安》 古往今来又一春/百花怒放燕争鸣/独杯空照月无影/留得残烛待天明/世事难料风无形/流云长天几时晴/空叹悲欢无人听/风月雪城几时宁/忆长安/当过往如云烟/香梦未断/只求明朝酒如仙/忆长安/心似春水波澜/ 涟漪点点/化做尽相思畔/等待花再开月再圆/再与你魂梦相连/古往今来又一春/百花怒放燕争鸣/独杯空照月无影/留得残烛待天明/世事难料风无形/流云长天几时晴/空叹悲欢无人听/风月雪城几时宁 3、墨明棋妙《如梦令》 窗棂已凋落了碎红/深醉在驿坊呢喃/那一年烟波渺你自轻舟去异乡闯荡/小溪流松柏苍苍/我裁衣等你还乡/旧岁凤仙已缀满院巷/怀中卷着你陈黄丹青/是不敢去叹言的伤/满西楼未必有明月光/或许南燕纷飞泪别了年少痴狂/今夜醉唱一首如梦令/勾我思绪如涌浪/你已寻仙而去在何方/又恐相见泪染妆/夜风忽然送来桂花香/焰火佳月几度西厢/只是少了你我又为谁梳妆篆香烧尽我登高望/黄鹤驾翅孤帆远/重阳夜水车响你将茱薏别我发瑞旁/溪亭日暮我朝夕顾/那山道弯弯曲长/难再寻觅旧年沉水香/惊蛰花压重门泪两行/而今春联换下几张/昨夜雨疏风骤催荷塘/待你归兮却已人去蒿长添凄凉/花月佳期几度叹西厢/可惜少了你陪伴在 我身旁/独抱浓愁只盼梅雨湮断肠 4、周杰伦《千里之外》 屋檐如悬崖风铃如沧海我等燕归来/时间被安排演一场意外你悄然走开/故事在城外浓雾散不开看不清对白/你听不出来风声不存在是我在感慨/梦醒来是谁在窗台把结局打开/那薄如蝉翼的未来经不起谁来拆/我送你离开千里之外你无声黑白/沉默年代或许不该太遥远的相爱/我送你离开天涯之外你是否还在/琴声何来生死难猜用一生去等待/闻泪声入林寻梨花白只得一行青苔/天在山之外雨落花台我两鬓斑白/闻泪声入林寻梨花白只得一行青苔/天在山之外雨落花台我等你来/一身琉璃白透明着尘埃你无瑕的爱/你从雨中来诗化了悲哀我淋湿现在/芙蓉水面采船行影犹在你却不回来/被岁月覆盖你说的花开过去成空白 5、许嵩《半城烟沙》 有些爱像断线纸鸢结局悲余手中线/有些恨像是一个圈冤冤相报不了结/只为了完成一个夙愿还将付出几多鲜血/忠义之言自欺欺人的谎言/有些情入苦难回绵窗间月夕夕成玦/有些仇心藏却无言腹化风雪为刀剑/只为了完成一个夙愿荒乱中邪正如何辨/飞沙狼烟将乱我徒有悲添/半城烟沙兵临池下/金戈铁马替谁争天下/一将成万骨枯多少白发送走黑发/半城烟沙随风而下/手中还有一缕牵挂/只盼归田卸甲/ 还能捧回你沏的茶/半城烟沙兵临池


歌词说说大全 导读:本文是关于歌词说说大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、逃避没有出口,信仰爱就有可能你会发光的,何时为爱而活。 2、喜欢你,那双眼动人,笑声更迷人,愿再可,轻抚你,那可爱面容,挽手说梦话,像昨天,你共我。 3、看一看天地,到底太昏暗,越渴望传奇。 4、聊一聊我们曾经做的傻事,醒来以后是不是就有解释。原来承诺两个字,累人一辈子,也轻易让人勾勾手指。 5、如果你身边找不到酒,把自己的影子饮用。如果你觉得有点词穷,让四只眼睛来沟通。 6、爱你那么用力,却好像一场闹剧。 7、是否对你承诺了太多,还是我原本给的就不够。 8、只为这一场命中的相遇,用我每一个呼吸去爱你。 9、有的人说不清哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了。 10、告诉我你等待的是我,告诉我你不要再错过。 11、一句问候,对我来说也太多。 12、你闪烁的眼眸,仿佛有些话始终无法说出口。 13、我们最后这么遗憾,我们最后这么无关。 14、怎么忍心怪你犯了错,是我给你自由过了火。 15、我还没清醒,所以把自己关在房里。

16、收起心中的忧伤,抛开今天的抑郁,加添一份力量,今天必须洗去那悲伤! 17、你仿佛有一种魔力,那一刻我竟然无法言语。 18、其实你与昨日的我,活到今天变化甚多 19、我已背上一生苦困后悔与唏嘘,这眼里却此刻充满泪,竟然在这不知不觉的空虚,不想你别去。 20、太美的承诺因为太年轻! 21、等待我请等待我,靠近我再拥抱我,不要走请不要走,直到约定融化成笑颜,直到我看见生命的绝对。 22、愿这土地里,不分你我高低。缤纷色彩闪出的美丽,是因它没有,分开每种色彩。 23、终于你身影消失在人海尽头,才发现笑着哭最痛。 24、是缘是情是童真,还是意外。有泪有罪有付出,还有忍耐。 25、会感动我过一种生活,简单到没有奢侈的轻松。 26、你的爱就像彩虹,雨后的天空,绚烂却教人迷惑,蓝绿黄红。 27、不出声,不等于我满意现时,点解,你话你无事无事! 28、就请你给我多一点点时间,再多一点点问候,不要一切都带走。 29、你能推我下悬崖,我能学会飞行。 30、白月光,心里某个地方,那么亮,却那么冰凉。 31、你爱充满诱惑,让我着迷无法自拔的难过,而你却不愿意


Little Bee Little bee, little bee 小蜜蜂小蜜蜂,Round round round 飞飞飞。 Little bee, little bee 小蜜蜂小蜜蜂,Sound sound sound 嗡嗡嗡。Bzzzzzzzzzz 嗡…… bee round sound 1. bee: 蜜蜂 little bee: 小蜜蜂 2. round: 旋转,环绕,兜圈子 3. sound: 发出声响 Open,shut Open, shut. Open, shut, 张、合、张、合, Give a little clap. 啪啪啪啪拍拍手。 Creep, creep, creep, creep, 爬、爬、爬、爬 Give a little flap. 啪啦啪啦飞得快。 open shut clap creep flap 1. open: 开 2. shut: 合拢(打开着的东西) 3. clap: n.拍手,拍手声v.鼓掌,轻敲 give a little clap: 拍拍手 4.creep: 慢慢地、悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走) 5. flap: n.拍打,拍打声,轻击 v.(使某物)上下或左右移动、摆动、摇动等(通常发出声响) give a little flap: 让它左右移动,就是飞起来 十个小手指 one little, two little, three little fingers 小小手指,一二三 four little, five little, six little fingers 小小手指,四五六 seven little, eight little, nine little fingers 小小手指,七八九 ten fingers on my hands 十根手指,是一家 three little fingers six little fingers nine little fingers ten fingers on my hands 1.little 小的;比较小的 2.finger 手指 3.hand 手 ten fingers on my hands 十根手指,是一家 the chimney Here is the chimney. 一个烟囱, Here is the top. 一个盖儿, Open the lid, 揭开这个盖儿, out Santa will pop. 圣诞老人冒出来! chimney lid Santa pop 1. chimney: 烟囱,烟筒 例句:Here is the chimney. 这是一个烟囱。 2. top: 盖子 例句: Here is the top. 这是一个盖子。 3. lid: 盖,盖子 4. pop: 突然从某物中出来,蹦出 Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill 杰克和吉尔, to fetch a pail of water 上山去打水。 Jack fell down 杰克滑倒了, and broke his crown 脑袋摔着了。 and Jill came tumbling after 吉尔跟着滑倒了。 hill pail a pail of water 1. hill: 小山,斜坡 2. fetch: (去)拿来 pail: 桶 a pail of water: 一桶水 例句:Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. 杰克和吉尔上山取了一桶水。 3. crown: 敲(某人的)脑壳 broke his crown: 敲到了他的脑袋 4. tumble: 使摔倒,摔倒 come after: 跟着来,跟在后面 例句:Jill came tumbling after.吉尔跟着摔倒了。 two little black birds two little black birds,sitting on a hill 两只小黑鸟,坐在小山上 one named Jack,one named Jill一只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔 fly away Jack ,fly away Jill杰克飞走了,吉尔飞走了 Jack come back,Jill come back 杰克飞回来,


歌曲:中华人民共和国国歌 义勇军进行曲 田汉作词,聂耳作曲 起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉, 筑成我们新的长城! 中华民族到了 最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着 发出最后的吼声! 起来! 起来! 起来! 我们万众一心, 冒着敌人的炮火 前进, 冒着敌人的炮火 前进! 前进! 前进!进!! 爱国主义精神永垂不朽!!! 冒着敌人的炮火,前进,前进,前进进”。作为国歌的尾句,这句耳熟能详的歌词已经被广大群众传唱已久。在今年的陕西两会上,政协委员李玉先对这句歌词提出了自己的看法,他认为,现代战争“不需要冒着炮火前进,不提倡冒着炮火前进,也没必要冒着炮火前进”,并建议以《2009阅兵曲》作为新的国歌。 政协委员李玉先认为,我国国歌自新中国成立以来一直沿用《义勇军进行曲》,已经不太符合现代环境。李玉先提出,《义勇军进行曲》的歌词其中有一句“冒着敌人的炮火前进”。在当时条件下激励了无数先烈义士不怕牺牲、勇往直前的精神。但现在技术隔空交战,不需要冒着敌人的炮火前进;也没必要冒着敌人的炮火前进;也不提倡冒着敌人的炮火前进;在当时提倡冒着敌人的炮火前进,但现在不提倡冒着敌人的炮火前进;冒着敌人的炮火前进也不吉祥,应把敌人覆盖在我们的炮火之下消灭。 政协委员李玉先提出,现在提倡人性化的和谐管理,不能用我们的军人血肉之躯去抵挡敌人先进武器;现在不同了,我们的武器虽然在某些方面还赶不上某些先进国家,但在某些方面还处于国际领先地位。现代战争,也不主张用人的生命,不惜一切生命代价,取得胜利。现代战争,先进的新型武器,也不是用落后的武器和用血肉之躯能容易挡住敌人进攻的。 《2009阅兵曲》其中一句歌词为“中国军队不可阻挡”,李玉先委员认为体现了中国军人的勇猛和不可阻挡。也体现了中国综合国力的强大、军事实力的强大,极大地激发


歌词心情说说 导读:1、我存在在你的存在。——《崇拜》 2、怀念没有吻过的嘴唇。——《天灯》 3、没结果的故事才最美。——《儿歌》 4、还是学不会,再聪明一点——《学不会》 5、时间,让痛苦不平都沉淀。——《花园》 6、好时光都该被宝贝,因为有限——《心墙》 7、我喜欢一醒来有你在身边。——《我喜欢》 8、我说我说,爱我没有如果。——《如果没有》 9、不信命。只信双手去苦拼。——《有谁共鸣》 10、我不确定,几个我,住在心里面——《分生》 11、学会温柔地理解和原谅——《挡不住的太阳》 12、时间洗刷所有不愉快。——《不是我不明白》 13、你的痛苦我都心疼,想为你解决——《学不会》 14、不爱我的我不想,讲的洒脱却感伤——《逞强》 15、不好看我都要看,谁叫我喜欢你。——《胭脂扣》 16、自尊常常将人拖着,把爱都走曲折——《我怀念的》 17、就算爱也会变冷,可现在抱的你却是暖的《想自由》 18、不做你的公主,我要做你的快乐——《我是幸福的》 19、其实爱对了人,情人节每天都过。——《分手快乐》 20、或许爱情更像落叶,看似飞翔却在坠落——《假如》

21、原来人会变得温柔,是透彻的懂了——《开始懂了》 22、尽管叫我疯子,不准叫我傻子——《魔鬼中的天使》 23、为何要无话可说才懂沉默比争吵难熬。——《为我好》 24、无需太多,只需要你一张温柔面容。——《无需太多》 25、或许这世上有些梦,美在永远握不到。——《知多少》 26、海岸线越让人流连,总是美得越蜿蜒——《一眼万年》 27、谁带我踏上孤独的丝路,追逐你的脚步。——《丝路》 28、属于我们闪闪发亮的爱情,我们还要努力。——《属于》 29、你的爱就像彩虹,我张开手,却只能抱住风。——《彩虹》 30、一定是彼此不够成熟,在爱情里分不了轻重。——《接受》 31、我们拥抱着就能取暖,我们依偎着就能生存。——《取暖》 32、你心里有多少忐忑,交给我去用力抱着。——《用力抱着》 33、心中感叹,似水流年,不可以留住昨天。——《似水流年》 34、我怀念的是争吵以后,还是想要爱你的冲动——《我怀念的》 35、不敢问当年是真是假,流水不管年华任他去。——《明日夜》 36、唯独你双手握得碎我,但我享受这折磨。——《怪你过分美丽》 37、我的声音在笑,泪在飚,电话那头的你可知道。——《听不到》 38、如果他总为别人撑伞,你何苦非为他等在雨中——《分手快乐》

Big Bang歌词

Big Bang - Number 1 Yeah~ Are you ready for the show~!!! I?ll be ready in an hour, jump in the shower Crisp and clean now I got the power Blasting music from my speakers T-shirts fresh, brand new sneakers Ready to flow, ready to go, Ready for the spot light, ready for the show Let me tell you something that you already know I?m a hardworking man and I work for my fans. Girl, I love your style, love your smile Wish that you could be Only mine, be only mine (fa?sho) I can?t let it go, I don?t kn ow What you?re doin? to me (yeah) You?re so fine (yeah uh huh), oh you?re so fine (let?s go) Gettin? hot in the club, I can see they want some more (I will give you more; I?m your number one) Once I get up I will rock, never stop, you can be sure (Yeah you can be sure; I?m your number one) I, (uh) you know I (yes) you know I(yo) I?m your number one. (I?m your number one) Crazy hot, mad party Shorty drop it low for me You can keep me company Your look sweet smell like honey I need a girl who is in it for me. Not for the money, not for the fame, Not for the glory, not for the name. It ain?t easy cause all they just sayin' is… “Boy I love your style, I love your smile Wish that you could be Only mine be only mine (fa?sho) I can?t let it go, I don?t know What you?re doin? to me You?re so fine, ooh you?re so fine” Gettin? hot in the club, I can see they want some more~ (I will give you more; I?m your number one) Once I get up I will rock, never stop, you can be sure~ (Yeah you can be s ure; I?m your number one) I, (you know I) you know I, (yeah you know I) you know I I?m you?re number one We jump, jump, jump to the ceiling (everybody in the place c?mon now) We jump, jump, jump what a feeling, feeling~ We jump, jump, jump to the ceiling, ceiling (once again BIGBANG c?mon) We jump, jump, jump, what a feeling, feeling~ Gettin? hot in the club yeah I can see they want some more~ you want some more (I will give you more I give you more ; I?m your number one) Once I get up I will rock rock rock rock never stop, you can be sure~ you can be sure (Yeah you can be sure; I?m your number one) Gettin? hot in the club, I can see they want some more~ (oh its getting hot in here~) (I will give you more; I?m your number one) Once I get up I will rock, never stop, you can be sure~ (Yeah you can be sure; I?m your number one) I, (you know I) you know I, (yeah you know I) you know I I?m you?re number one (I?m.your.number.one) Make love I never knew I?d find a love so true | This one right here, is just for you | Remember that One day | I held your hands then I kissed your lips then I told you | Our love was meant to be and always will forever | Give me that happiness I get from you just being there |


歌词说说大全 [标签:栏目] ,歌词说说大全 1、我会很快回来继续我们未完的天堂。 2、风卷过的起点,有疲倦也有种新鲜。太舍不得昨天,就去完成一个更幸福的明天。 3、我和你都约好了,要再唱这首笑忘歌。 4、想得太仔细,累坏了情绪。 5、我试过看开,尽量没感慨。 6、逃避没有出口,信仰爱就有可能你会发光的,何时为爱而活。 7、你要相信我,再不用多久,我要你和我今生一起度过。 8、我感受的、思想的、会用歌唱出来。 9、思念不再风吹时飘了,能够死心是种解脱。 10、为何不牵我的手,同看海天成一色。 11、我只是无辜的人,很需要叹气声。 12、只留下一段岁月,让我无怨无悔,全心的付出。 13、让悲伤麻木,快乐也开始麻木。 14、靠得再近也是种亏欠,我不是你随随便可以敷衍。 15、一句问候,对我来说也太多。 16、是否对你承诺了太多,还是我原本给的就不够。 17、花的心藏在蕊中,空把花期都错过。 18、我还没清醒,所以把自己关在房里。 19、愿这土地里,不分你我高低。缤纷色彩闪出的美丽,是因它没有,分开每种色彩。 20、告诉我你等待的是我,告诉我你不要再错过。 21、如果你身边找不到酒,把自己的影子饮用。如果你觉得有点词穷,让四只眼睛来沟通。 22、我们曾经那么精彩,我们曾经那么期待,最后你把回忆还我要我好好过。 23、眼泪咸哭到眼泪不咸,过一天痛一天。

24、能不能不要说,你想要的是什么,能不能就爱我。 25、你闪烁的眼眸,仿佛有些话始终无法说出口。 26、爱是一种天分,还是一种天真,我不多想我不多问。 27、你能推我下悬崖,我能学会飞行。 28、就让静夜吐心事,别让旧日创作牵绊着。 29、喜欢你,那双眼动人,笑声更迷人,愿再可,轻抚你,那可爱面容,挽手说梦话,像昨天,你共我。 30、不管身边始终不停有冷笑侵袭,你有你去干不会怕。 31、就算偶尔透露,你的不安和放纵,我总是相信你。 32、等待我请等待我,靠近我再拥抱我,不要走请不要走,直到约定融化成笑颜,直到我看见生命的绝对。 33、只为这一场命中的相遇,用我每一个呼吸去爱你。 34、爱你那么用力,却好像一场闹剧。 35、提着昨日种种千辛万苦,向明天换一些美满和幸福。 36、让你幸福是我一生在乎的事。 37、挣扎于风雨中已习惯,望能造个梦;失意总锻炼我,奋力去寻自我路。 38、冲出他朝崎岖道上,哪怕会退倒;试问谁人曾会考虑,过去与今天。 39、其实你与昨日的我,活到今天变化甚多 40、自始至终只能为你感动,和你相拥风中泪眼朦胧。 41、冷雨冷风锁着你心若是为了这便叹息垂头寻觅你的的影。 42、心中一把痴痴狂狂的剑,梦中朝朝暮暮的脸,最怕你看见我心里的剑,最怕把痴狂停在你眉尖。 43、多少泪还有多少的盼望,多少人变成紧闭门窗孤独的国王。 44、一双只懂哭的眼,落泪又再落泪。 45、梦不会实现了,我应该要醒了。 46、爱你够不够多,对你够不够好,可以要求不要不在乎。 47、你爱充满**,让我着迷无法自拔的难过,而你却不愿意施舍。 48、有些人没想像中的完美到没所谓。 49、握你的温柔,散落在我心中的是错过。我需要寂寞来抚摸,雨季中百花


Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Let me know(让我知道) Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it(女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做) And we start real slow(然后我们慢慢开始) You just put your lips together(你只要把双唇合拢) And you come real close(然后你就能发出类似的(声音)) Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Here we go(我们一起开始吧) I'm betting you like bebop(我猜你是喜欢比波普音乐的) And i'm betting you love creep mode(而且我猜你也喜欢令人惊悚的调式) And i'm betting you like girls that give love to girls(而且我猜你会喜欢关爱同性的女孩)And stroke your little ego(轻抚你的小小自我) I bet i'm guilty your honor(我猜你的荣誉令我感到内疚) But that's how we live in my genre(但这就是我们生活中的风格) When in hell I pay rottweiler(该死我到底该什么时候该付洛威纳犬的价钱) There's only one flo, and one rida(这儿只有一个Flo先生,一个Rida先生) I'm a damn shame(该死我真够惭愧) Order more champagne, pull it down hellstream(再点些香槟酒,倒下去) Tryna put it on ya(试着把它放在你那里) Bet your lips spin back around corner(我猜你角落边上的你会动动嘴巴) Slow it down baby take a little longer(慢一点宝贝(我希望你再)延长些时间) Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Let me know(让我知道) Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it(女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做) And we start real slow(然后我们慢慢开始) You just put your lips together(你只要把双唇合拢) And you come real close(然后你就能发出类似的(声音)) Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Here we go(我们一起开始吧) Whistle baby, whistle baby,(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝) Whistle baby, whistle baby(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝) It's like everywhere I go(就像在我去过的所有地方一样) My whistle ready to blow(我随时都准备吹口哨) Shorty don't leave a note(这美女没留下什么便条) She can get any by the low(不过她轻易就能得到些) Permission not approved(这种允许可不被认可) It's okay, it's under control(这样就好,在我的控制之下) Show me soprano, cause girl you can handle(给我秀秀女高音,因为女孩你能搞定它)Baby we start snagging, you come in part clothes(宝贝我们开始消除阻碍,你让些新服饰登场)Girl i'm losing wing, my bucatti the same road(女孩我丢了翅膀,我的布拉迪跑车在同一条路上) Show me your perfect pitch,(向我展示出你最完美的音调) You got it my banjo(你已学会弹我的班卓琴) Talented with your lips, like you blew out candles(你的双唇天赋异禀就像你在吹蜡烛时一样)


[标签:标题] 篇一:中国梦歌词 中国梦- 陈思思 你在倾听我在倾听 一个声音在历史穿行你在追寻我在追寻一个夙愿让民族振奋啊这就是你的梦这就是我的梦这就是我们的中国梦中国梦啊文明梦中国梦啊和谐梦中国梦啊文明梦中国梦啊和谐梦沿着梦的方向触摸幸福我们走向新的征程 你在倾听我在倾听 一个声音在历史穿行你在追寻我在追寻一个夙愿让民族振奋啊这就是你的梦这就是我的梦这就是我们的中国梦中国梦啊强国梦中国梦啊富民梦中国梦啊强国梦中国梦啊富民梦 跟着梦的引领脚踏实地 我们走向伟大复兴中国梦啊强国梦 中国梦啊富民梦 中国梦啊强国梦 中国梦啊富民梦 跟着梦的引领脚踏实地 我们走向伟大复兴 - 篇二:我们的中国梦歌词 我们的中国梦 作词:晓岭 作曲:孟庆云 (合)啊你的梦我的梦梦的翅膀在飞翔 啊母亲梦儿女梦梦的翅膀在歌唱 (独)风儿送来春的气息让我与梦不期而遇 一滴露珠晶晶落下一双翅膀翩翩飞起 (合)寻一个幸福梦哪怕千里万里 飞过雪穿过雨我知道了新天地 薪火相传生生不息生生不息 啊你的梦我的梦梦的翅膀在飞翔 啊母亲梦儿女梦梦的翅膀在歌唱 (独)汗水染得山青水绿歌声引来花香鸟语 自豪的笑容多么甜蜜自信的道路开创奇迹 (合)寻到了幸福梦就在情里爱里 手相牵心相聚我看到了新天地 更加宽广更加美丽更加美丽更加美丽 毛委员和我们在一起 作曲:颂刚、春森、向义 作词:山樵、永立 红米饭那个南瓜汤哟咳罗咳,

挖野菜那个也当粮罗咳罗咳, 毛委员和我们在一起罗咳罗咳, 咳!餐餐味道香,味道香咳罗咳。 (二重唱)毛委员和我们在一起罗咳,餐餐味道香,味道香咳罗咳。 干稻草那个软又黄哟咳罗咳, 金丝被那个盖身上罗咳罗咳, 毛委员和我们在一起罗咳罗咳, 咳!心里暖洋洋,暖洋洋咳罗咳。 (二重唱)毛委员和我们在一起罗咳,心里暖洋洋,暖洋洋咳罗咳。 穿草鞋那个背土枪哟咳罗咳, 反围剿那个斗志旺罗咳罗咳, 毛委员和我们在一起罗咳罗咳, 咳!天天打胜仗,打胜仗,打胜仗。 (二重唱)毛委员和我们在一起罗咳,天天打胜仗,打胜仗,打胜仗。 篇三:共筑中国梦歌词 歌曲名称:共筑中国梦(2016年元旦教师大合唱)雄伟是山的梦宽阔是海的梦蔚蓝是天的梦幸福是百姓梦鲜花是春天的梦翱翔是雄鹰的梦远航是帆的梦强盛是中国梦满怀豪情领略浩荡的风踏平坎坷我们荣辱与共实现梦想拥抱天边彩虹我们昂首再启程共筑中国梦 雄伟是山的梦宽阔是海的梦蔚蓝是天的梦幸福是百姓梦鲜花是春天的梦翱翔是雄鹰的梦远航是帆的梦强盛是中国梦 满怀豪情领略浩荡的风踏平坎坷我们荣辱与共实现梦想拥抱天边彩虹我们昂首再启程共筑中国梦 满怀豪情领略浩荡的风踏平坎坷我们荣辱与共实现梦想拥抱天边彩虹我们昂首再启程共筑中国梦 共筑梦

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