当前位置:文档之家› 英语专四词汇易考形近词辨析50例






His adherence to the strict letter of the law.

2.adjacent,adjoining和contiguous这些词都有next to“紧挨”的意思。



3.admission和admittance它们都有“the act of entering”的意思。

但admission用于公共场合。The price of admission to the gallery is£5. admittance不指公共场合,一般指私人的住所。


adopted“收养的,过继的”an adopted son(daughter)养子(女);

my adopted country我所入籍的国家;adopted words外来语。

adoptive“收养的”,我们说adoptive parents,但很少说adoptive child;“采用的”,“假冒的”an adoptive courage假充勇敢。



adverse weather conditions;an adverse reaction.





affect v.“影响”,它的第二个意思是“假装”

Though she affectes indifference,I knew she was really very upset.

effect n.“结果”,“效力”。“产生”,“导致”,

它比“to cause,to bring out”更为正式。

His aim was to effect a radical change in the party structure.

8.all ready和already

all ready意思是“completely prepared”

already“已经”。He had already had his lunch.

9.altogether和all together

altogether(in total)“总共”all together意思是“in a group”。如:

We put the sheep all together in one field.这两个词还可以分开。

We put all the sheep together in one field.



elude(to avoid or escape)“闪避,躲避”。

如:to elude sib’s grasp逃脱,没有被逮住;to elude the law规避法律。

The meaning eludes me.那个意义我摸不透。


illusion“幻觉,错觉”be under no illusion about sth.对某事不存幻想。delusion“欺骗,迷惑”

He suffers from the delusionthat he's attractive to women.他糊里糊涂地认为自己对女人很有吸引力。


amended(to alter or add to something)“订正,改正”,“修正(议案等)”。an amended bill修正案;amend one's ways改过自新。

emend(to correct errors in)“校订”。

emend the text of a book校勘某书;

He emended thetypescript before sending it to the printers.在交付印刷之前他校正文稿。



The discussions were amicable,though business-like.讨论虽然是商业形式,但是友好的。


Many people are afraid of him,though I found him to be perfectlyamia ble.虽然我发现他特别和蔼可亲,但还是有很多人害怕他。



ascent n.“上升,晋升”。the ascent of mountain登山。



avoid“回避,逃避”。avoid bad company避免和坏人来往


besides意思是“in addition to”“加之,还有,另外”;


Duncan is the tall manstanding beside my father.




cohesion“结合力,团结”。the cohesion of molecules分子的结合力。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,pare with和compare to

compare with“和……比起来”

compare to“好比”。He compared the moon to asilver plate.他把月亮比成一个大银盘。


impel“推动,驱使,激励”。impel sb.to do sth.激励某人做某事;

compel“强迫,胁迫,迫使”。compel sb.to one's will强迫人服从自己。



compliment“恭维话,赞辞,敬意”;Your presence is agreat compliment.


21.c onfident和confidant


confidant“心腹朋友”。She has no close confidant

to whom she can turn for advice or help.



continual“连续,继续”;“频繁的”;continual bouts of toothache一阵接一阵的牙痛。(这中间可能有停顿或间断。)


的);We have had three weeks of continuous rain.




“permission”.Mum said we could(might)go to the football match.


council“议事机构”,委员会;a cabinet council内阁会议。

counsel“商议,劝告”;follow sb's counsel close牢记某人忠告。



credible“可信的,可靠的”He's the only one withouta credible alibi(辩解,托辞),他是惟一一个没有可信托辞的人。


decisive“果断的,断然的”;decisive measures断然的措施。

decided“明确的,无疑的”;a decided success明显的成功。


defective(having a fault or flaw)“有缺陷的”。

deficient(lacking in what is needed)“不足的”;be deficient in欠缺。


definite(certain or clear,not vague)“明确的,一定的”。

definitive(authoritative,that cannot be improved)“限定的,决定性的,最后的”definitive host宿主;definitive organs定形器官;definitive sentence最后判决。


dependant n.(one who depends on another for support)受赡养者。dependent adj.“依靠的,依赖

的”;He's still dependent on state benefit.Therate of relief is dependen t on one's income.



的”;On closer examination,we find that the pattern is formed fromthous ands of discrete dots of colors.

31.d istinctive和distinct



的”;a distinct smell ofalcohol on his breath;the distinctive stripes of th

e zebra.


dual“二重的”;dual personality双重人格;dual control双重管辖;[w]duel[/w]“决斗,竞争”;fight a duel with sb.与某人决斗;challenge sb.toa duel向某人提出决

斗;a duel of wits斗智


eatable a.“可食用的,可吃的”;n.“食物、食品”。

edible a.“适合食用的,可以吃的”;n.“食品”。

在指吃的时候二者可通用:The toast was burnt and barely eatable/edible.但在其他情况下不一样。

If something is eatable,it may be eaten(though it may not be safeor desirable to do so);but,if something is edible it is safe to eat.


economic“经济学的,经济上的”an economic survey ofScotland苏格兰经济调查;an economic blockade经济封锁;


的”;He's had to learn to bemore economical now that his only incom

e is a small pension.


evoke“唤起,引起”;evoke admiration引起羡慕。


The shaman invokes the spirits of their ancestors.

If our case fails in the national courts we will invoke the European Declaration on Human Rights.


fatal causing death or disaster”“致命的”;afatal disease不治之症;

a fatal wound致命伤。

fateful crucial,significant,deciding one's fate”“重大的”“决定性的,决定命运的”On that one fateful day in October,millions of pounds were wiped off the value of shares.



(denotes something thatis not real and has been created with the inte ntion of deceiving others);Hegave the police a fictitious name.


historical“有关历史的”,“历史的”,the historicalperiod历史阶段;

historical personage历史人物。

historic“历史上有名的,有历史意义的”,historic town历史名城。


impassable“不能通行的”,“不可逾越的”;an impassable swam不能通行的沼泽地。

impassible“不感疼痛的;无动于衷的”;an impassible God无动于衷的神。


infer“猜想,臆测”,“推断”;infer a motive from aneffect从效果推知动机。imply“含有……的意思”;Do you realize what his words imply?你领会他说话的含意吗?I do not imply that you are wrong.我的意思不是说你错了。

41.i mpractical和impracticable

impractical(not sensible or efficient or not actually possible)“不切实际的,不现实的”。

impracticable(not able to be done or used)“不能实行的,行不通的”;

With a river on one side and a steep drop on the other,it isim practicable to widen the road.


incredible“不可相信的,难以置信的”;incredible energy惊人的能量,精力。incredulous“不相信的,表示怀疑的”;be incredulous ofhearsay不相信道听途

说;an incredulous look怀疑的目光。


ingenious“机灵的”;an ingenious mind机灵的头脑;an ingenious machine精巧的机器。



intense“激烈的,强烈的”,“紧张的”an intense light强烈的灯光;intense heat 酷热;an intense life奋发图强的生活。

intensive“加强的,集中的”;“深入细致的,彻底的”;an intensive bombardment 密集炮击;an intensivestudy彻底的研究;an intensive reading精读

(extensive reading泛读)。


junction“接合,连接”,“(河流的)汇合处”;make a junction取得联络,连接起来junction box接线盒。

juncture(a particular point in time or in a sequence of events)“接合,连接”,“时机,关头”;an important juncture in a man's career人生历程中的重要关头;at this juncture在这个时

候;in the presentcritical juncture of things在目前这一危急关头下。


它们都具有“tending to or in the habit of”的意思,但是prone只用于Elderly people are prone to falls,often because of arthritic joints or dizziness.


loose“松的,宽的”。lose“丢失”;lose one's balance失去平衡,跌倒;

lose one's head被搞糊涂。


luxuriant(growing strongly or vigorously;abundant,prolific)“繁茂的;多产的;丰富的His luxuriant beard was red.

luxurious“豪华的,奢侈的”;a luxurious table奢侈的饭菜。




masterly(showing great skill or the skill of a master)“熟练的;名家的”。masterful(showing power or authority)“主人派头的,专横的”

;You're sostrong and masterful.


中考词汇辨析 §1 a bit/ a little 这两个词都意为“一点儿”有时可以互换,但有时不能。 Ⅰ.二者作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿”“有些”。如: ①I am a bit / a little hungry. 我有点饿。 ②He walked a bit / a little slowly. 他走路有点慢。 Ⅱ.二者都可以作名词词组,充当主语或宾语。如: ①A little / bit is enough for me. 我有一点儿就够了。 ②I know only a little / a bit about her. 我对她的情况只了解一点。 Ⅲ。a little可直接修饰名词;a bit后须加of才可以。如: ①.There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle. [注意]a little of后的名词通常特指,表“……中的一些”,如: ①May I have a little of your tea? Ⅳ. 否定形式not a little 作状语,相当于very/ quite, “很”,“非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为“许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much. Eg: ①He is not a little (=very) hungry. 他饿极了。 ②He is not a bit (=not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。 ③She ate not a little (=much). 她吃得很多。 Ⅴ. Not a bit中的not 可以分开使用;not a littl e中的not 则不能分开。Eg: ①He felt not a bit tired. = He didn’t feel a bit tired. 他觉得一点也不累。 ②He felt not a little tired. 他觉得非常累。但不能说:He didn’t fell a little tired. §2 a few/ few/ a little/ little Ⅰ. a few和few修饰可数名词,a little和little修饰不可数名词;a few和a little表示肯定意义,few和little表示否定意义,可受only修饰。如: ①Few people will agree to the plan because it’s too dangerous. ②This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it. ③T here is little water left in glass. Will you please give me some ④Don’t worry, we have a little time left. §3above/over/on/upon Ⅰ. 方位介词,“在……之上” Ⅱ. above 着重指:在……上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below. ①The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。 ②The aero plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。 Ⅲ.over 表盖在……上面,或铺在……上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under. ①Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。 Ⅳ. on 含有与表面相接触的意思。 ①The book is on the desk. ②There is an oil painting on the wall. 墙上有一幅油画。 Ⅴ.upon 也含有和表面相接触的意思。与on没有多大的区别,但较正式,口语中较少用。 ①He laid his hand upon the boy’s head. 他把手放在孩子的头上。 [注]up 与以上几个不同,它表示向上方或高处,含有由下而上,由低而高的意思。常和表示运动的动词连用。作副词时,表示在上方或高处。 ①We run up a hill. 我们跑上山。 ②The plane was high up in the air.飞机在高空中。 §4accept/receive Ⅰ. accept “接受”,表示其行为是由主观意愿决定的。 ①I accepted it without question. 我毫无疑问地接受了它。


英语易混淆单词辨析 amuse与entertain amuse:强调把注意力吸引到感兴趣的事情上去,多是轻松或引人发笑的事。 entertain:意味着通过公共活动或别人的活动来提供娱乐或消遣,多用于正式场合。 former/preceding/previous/prior former:可表示以前的,即时间上在前的,也可表示前者的,即已提及的两个事物中的前一个。 preceding:表示时间、位置、顺序上紧接在他物之前的,强调中间没有间隙。 previous:指在时间上较早的、顺序上在前的,表示一事做于另一事之先或指目前某事之前一件事,常用于修饰预先准备的行动。 prior:表示时间上早一些,除可用在名词前作定语外(have a prior engagement 预先有约会),还可后接介词to作后置定语或表语(an appointment prior to this one 先于此次约会的一次约会),还常表示更重要的、优先的(a prior consideration 优先考虑)

interval/gap/length/distance interval:两件事之间“间隔的时间”、戏剧两幕之间的“间歇”或两物体之间“间隔的空间” gap:(墙壁等的)“裂缝,缺口”,(思想、意见的)“分歧”(generation gap 代沟) length:(物体的)“长度”,(时间的)“长短” distance:(两地之间的)“距离” limit/confine/control/restrict/restrain limit:指限制在允许或可能的最大或最小的数量、程度、时间等范围内 confine:暗示束缚性、限制性地或阻挠性地限制,常指把人限制在狭窄的范围内,可指把人关闭起来 control:指通过权力或影响加以监督和控制,也常指控制自己的情绪 restrict:指把行为、选择等限制在规定的范围内 restrain:多指感情上、情绪上的克制 accumlate/gather,collect/assemble accumlate:意为“积聚,堆积”,指逐渐地,而且通常是无意识地,使数量越来越大 gather和collect均可表示“收集”,但collect有



英语专业四级(新闻)听力重点词汇 (打*的请重点掌握) 1. 教育用词: curriculum 课程 *academy (高等) 专科院校,研究院,学会,学术团体,学院 *semester 学期 guest professor 客座教授 *statistics 统计学 *president 校长ethics 伦理学plagiarism 剽窃,剽窃物 *assistant助教 *lecture讲师 *associate professor副教授 *post graduate研究生*scholarship奖学金illiteracy文盲2. 能源、交通用词 van 有篷货车 trolley 电车,(电车)滚轮,手推车 shuttle 往返汽车(列车、飞机),航天飞机unleaded 无铅的 *nuclear 原子能的 *petroleum 石油 lorry 铁路货车vehicular 车的,用车辆运载的 *commuter 通勤者,经常往返者 *solar energy 太阳能 heat energy 热能 3. 社会、家庭 *adult成年人 *ancestor祖先 *community团体、同一地区的全体居民

*bachelor学士 dean系主任 *faculty全体教学人员*descendant后代 *divorce离婚 *gay同性恋者 *generation gap代沟 *homosexual同性恋的*illegitimacy 非法、私生lesbian女同性恋者 4. 环境用语 air quality monitoring system 空气质量监测系统thermal pollution 热污染 *tropical island effect 热岛效应 *acid rain 酸雨desertification (土壤)荒漠化,沙漠化 soil erosion 水土流失 *acid rain酸雨 *atmosphere大气5. 健康卫生用语 *life-span 寿命 mortality 死亡率 *chronic 慢性的 non-infection 非传染avian influenza 禽流感taint 感染 venom 毒;毒物 *toxin 毒素 noxious 有害的 placebo 安慰剂immunize 使免疫 fungus 真菌 *remedy 药物,治疗法sanitary (有关)卫生的,


Deceive:欺骗,蒙骗 He deceived his friends about his income. 他在自己的收入问题上欺骗了朋友。 Perceive:感觉,察觉,领悟 She has perceived the danger.她已觉察到那危险了。 Receive:收到,接待 Our TV receives well since we had a new antenna put on. 自从安装了新天线以来, 我们的电视接收良好。 Receipt:收据,发票 I asked for a receipt.我要一张发票。 Consult :咨询,商议 He consulted the workers to understand the technical process. 他询问工人, 想了解技术上的程序。 Result :结果,效果 The result was quite opposite to what we had expected. 结果和我们所期望的完全相反。 Insult:侮辱,冒犯 He turned crimson under the insults. 他的脸因受到侮辱而涨得通红。 Deduce :推论, 演绎 On the basis of evidence we deduced that he was guilty. 根据这些证据我们推断他是有罪的。 Reduce:减少; 降低 He won't reduce the rent of our house. 他不肯减少我们住房的租金。 Reproduce:复制,繁殖 Rabbits reproduce quickly. 兔子繁殖速度很快。 Compose:组成, 构成, 创作 These twelve men are believed to compose the jury. 据信, 陪审团是由这12人组成的。 Dispose处理; 布置 He disposed his books on the shelves. 把书籍排列在书架上。 Propose:提议,求婚 They proposed to make arrangement beforehand. 他们提议事先做好安排。 Radius:半径 He has visited every shop within a radius of two miles.周围两英里以内的店铺他都去过。 Radium :〈化〉镭 Radium can be used to treat cancer.


疑问词+ever与no matter+疑问词的异同 在英语名词性从句的学习过程中,我们经常会遇到疑问词+ever引导的名词性从句,老师也告诫我们说他们的含义和no matter+疑问词所表示的含义是一样的,都表示“无论……”,但是两者究竟有什么区别呢?是不是在所有的情况下两者都可以通用呢?今天我们就一起来研究下吧。 疑问词+ever包括疑问代词+ever和疑问副词+ever。 ①疑问代词:whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever ②疑问副词:whenever, wherever, however (1)疑问词+ever与no matter+疑问词引导从句时的区别 1、疑问词+ever引导名词性从句,不可以与no matter+疑问词互换使用。 例: Whoever comes to the party will receive a gift. 来参加晚会的人都会收到一份礼物。 分析: Whoever意为“无论是谁”,引导名词性从句时,不可以与no matterwho互换。 2、引导让步状语从句,可以与no matter+疑问词互换使用。 例: The quality will be the same, whichever(=no matter which)of them you choose. 它们当中无论你选哪一个,品质都一样。 分析: Whichever意为“无论哪一个”,引导让步状语从句时,可以与no matter which互换。 归纳: 简单说来:疑问句+ever可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,但是No matter+疑问词只可以引导让步状语从句,也就说说前者适用的范围比后者大。所以选项中两者都有的情况下,我们尽量选择使用范围较广的疑问词+ever,答对的可能性较大。 (2)疑问词+ever引导名词性从句时注意事项 Whatever我们知道相当于No matter what,但是在引导名词性从句时相当于anything that,我们来分析以下的例句。例: Whatever he did was right. =Anything (that he did ) was right.(正确) Anything he did was right. (错误) 他无论做什么都是争取的。 分析: Whatever意为“无论是什么”,相当于anything that,anything是题干中的主语,同时充当先行词,后面that


初中英语常用易混词汇辨析 汇用法例句above“在……上方”,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:belowThe sun rose above the horizon、太阳 升到了地平线以上。over“在……上面”,含有垂直在上的意思There is a bridge over the river、河上有座桥。o n“在…… 上面”,含有与表面相接触的意思There is an oil painting on the wall、墙上有一幅油画。across/through 词汇用法例句across“横过,穿过”,指从……的一边到另一边Be careful when you walk across the road、当你过马路的时候要小心。through “穿过”,强调从内部穿过The river flows through the city from west to east、这条河从西到东流过城市。at all/ after all 词汇用法例句at all“全然,根本不”,一 般用于否定句中加强语气She doesn’t like football at all、她一点也不喜欢足球。a fter all“毕竟,终究,到底”,一般 置于句首或句末作状语After all, he is a child、毕竟,他还是个孩子。f ew / a few / little / a little 词汇含义修饰名 词肯定/否定例句few几乎没有可数否定I am a new comer here, so I have few friends here、我刚来到这里,所以我在这里没 有几个朋友。a few有一些肯定Though the man has been here for only one month, he has a few friends、尽管这个人才在 这里住了一个月,但他就有了一些朋友。l ittle几乎没有不可数


anger, indignation, fury, wrath 这些名词均含“愤怒”之意。 1.anger :普通用词,通常指因受到侮辱、损害、指责或顶撞等而引起的愤怒。 例如:She is swift to anger. (她爱生气。) He is quivering with anger. (他气得全身发抖。) 2.indignation :较正式用词,指出于正义或对不公正之事而发出的愤怒。 例如:The news aroused the great indignation. (这消息激起了极大的愤慨。)3.fury :语气最强,指极端的气愤,甚至达到发疯的程度。 例如:He flew into a fury and said that the whole thing was disgusting.(他勃然大怒,说这一切令人作呕。) 4.wrath :文学用词,含义与anger相近,但语气强,含欲加惩罚或报复的意味。 例如:His silence marked his wrath.(他的沉默表明了他的愤怒。) 这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。 1.appoint :通常指不经过选择的官方委任。 例如:He was appointed secretary.(他被任命为秘书。) 2.designate :书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。 例如:The chairman has designated her as his successor. (主席已指定她作为他的接班人。) 3.assign :常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。 例如:The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate.(上尉派了两个士兵守大门。)


初中英语易混词辨析. 中考常考同义词或词组 同近义词或词组的辨析题,不仅在平时测验、周考、月考

中常出,也是中考的一个重要考察点,平时我们就应该注意这些词的不同用法以及一些固定搭配,这样不仅对平时成绩有帮助,也会在中考时起一定的作用,下面我们就逐步的总结一下这些重要的常考的同近义词:1.spend, pay, cost, take (1) spend vt. “花费”,主语只能是人; 常用结构: sb. spend 时间/钱 on sth. “在…上花时间/金钱 sb. spend 时间/钱 (in) doing sth. “在做某事上花费时间/金钱”eg: I spend two hours on my homework every day.

=I spend two hours (in) doing my homework every day. spend 还有“度过”的意思。此外,※ 常用结构:with sb. spend…。 's friends“和朋友一起度假”eg: spend one's holiday with one (2) pay vt. & vi. “花费,付款”,主语只能是人;常用结构:“某人为某物付钱” sb. pay 钱 for sth. “某人付钱给某人”= sb. pay钱 to sb. 钱sb, pay sb. 我们必须付他10美元。eg: We must pay him 10 dollars. = She paid 100 dollars for her new shoes. ,主语是物,(3) cost vt.“花费”常用结构: sth. cost sb钱“某物花费某人多少钱”- 2 - eg: This dictionary cost me 50 yuan. =I spent 50 yuan on this dictionary.


1.She _____at the mention of her lover’s name. A.blushed B.flushed C.blushed her face D.flushed with 2.Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a _____to the Shanghai_Nanjing Express way. A.sign B.mark C.signal D.board 3.He spent his weekend in the _____of his family. A.blossom B.belly C.blond D.bosom 4.The river is the _____between the two countries. A.border B.boundary C.limit D.frontier 5.If the body is robbed this way for too long, vital organs_____. A.break down B.break out C.break through D.break up 6.A faint _____stirred tiny ripples on the surface of the water. A.breeze B.gust C.gale D.typhoon 7.The diamond sparkles with _____light. A.glorious B.magnificent C.grand D.brilliant 8.The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to _____government spending. A.fiance B.expand C.enlarge D.buget 9.In the dim light he couldn’t see clearly and _____a tree. A.bump into https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,e across C.crash against D.stumble over 10.We _____everythin into the drawers. A.buried B.burdened C.hustled D.bundled 11.The light bulb in the bathroom_____and Father put in a new one. A.burnt down B.burnt off C.burnt out D.burnt away 12.This automobile plant has a monthly_____of 500 cars. A.proficiency B.strength C.capability D.capacity 13.With her soft curls and her sweet, innocent smile, she had _____film-goers heats by 1914. A.capture B.seized C.gripped D.grasped 14.The talented artist_____an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root. A.cut B.carved C.trimmed D.chopped 15.His very presence_____a shadow on the meeting. A.threw B.cast C.tossed D.caste 16.There were different _____of books in a library. A.kinds B.sorts C.varieties D.categories 17.Many people nowadays save money to _____ for their old age. A.cater B.supply C.provide D.equip 18.The Prime Minster is the _____figure in the government. A.central B.century C.certificate D.centenary 19.I had the _____that he was at home. A.confirmation B.affirmation C.appraisal D.certainty 20.These boundary disputes can be solved through diplomatic_____. A.ways B.methods C.means D.channels 21.What are the _____that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese. A.features B.traits C.characteristics D.character 22._____your bicyle brakes before you ride. A.Examine B.Inspect C.Investigate D.check 23.The whole class replied in _____to the teacher’s questions. A.together B.line C.chorus D.queue 24.The audience _____Billy Graham’s speech enthusiastically. A.attacked B.beat C.hit D.clapped 25.His manual of botany has become a _____among scientists. A.classic B.masterpiece C.legend D.work 26.He _____his pencil in his teeth while he wiped his glasses. A.grasped B.clinched C.clenched D.seized 27.Many college students in China today still _____to their parents for support. A.keep B.hold C.cling D.stick 28.Does the witness’s story _____with that of the defendant? A.coincide B.coincidental C.coherent D.collapse 29.In those days, many Frenchmen looked fown upon those who were in _____with the Nazis. A.cooperation B.corporation C.coincidence D.collaboration 30.The Great Depression taking place in the United States in 1929 caused many business _____all over the world. A.falling B.collapses C.endings D.collaboration 31.The government _____with Parliament over its industrial plans. A.crashed B.smashed C.collided D.colluded 32.The Brazilian football players showed good _____in the matches of the World Cup. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,bination https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,batant C.union D.together 33.One atom of carbon_____with two atoms of oxygen to form a molecule of carbon dioxide. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,bines B.joins C.unites D.connects\ 34.Napoleon took _____of numerous battles in his life time. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,mand B.order C.rule D.leading 35.After the election the new government _____developing the roads. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,menced B.started C.began D.embarked 36.He wanted to make a living in the arts rather than in the _____world. A.partial B.beneficial https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,mercial D.advantageous 37.Without a proper education in their childhood, young people could _____all kinds of crimes. A.conduct B.perform C.do https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,mit 38.They used carrier pigeons to _____with the headquarters. A.associate https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,municate C.assist https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,pact 39.Racial and religious similarities _____ the tribes into a nation. A.strengthened https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,pacted C.reinforced D.powered 40.What he said was too _____for me to understand. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,plex https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,plicated https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,prehensive https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,pletive 41.The United Kingdom _____England, Wales, Scotland and North Ireland. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,prises B.includes C.contains https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,prehends 42.You must go; it’s _____and you’ll be fined if you don’t. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,plusive https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,pulsory C.demanded D.claimed 43.The heat in summer is no less _____here in this mountain region. A.concentrated B.extensive C.intense D.intensive 44.Through literary woeks he comes to understand that blood, sewat, and tears is a _____description of war. A.concise https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,pact C.terse D.brief 45.The bar associtaion_____the lawyer’s action but did not dis bar him. A.denounced B.condemned C.charged D.accused 46.We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and _____. A.conducive B.wholesome C.helpful D.appreciative 47.Her heart was breaking, and she had no one to _____in. A.entrust B.consign C.confide https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef16553580.html,mit 48.Our knowedge about agriculture has so far been exclusively _____to books. A.restricted B.controlled C.confined D.restrained 49.We _____two apartments buildings for 80 households. A.established B.erected C.constructed D.consulted 50.Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _____against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field. A.contradict B.reform C.counter D.protest


一、damage/harm destroy ruin disturb 1.The bright sunlight will ________ your eyesight. 2.The whole building was ________ by a fire. 3.His disappointing performance __________ yesterday’s party. 4.Did the dog’s barks last night ___________ your peace of mind? 分析:1. damage/harm 2. destroyed 3. ruined 4. disturb damage/harm强调造成伤害或损害,destroy则是立竿见影、毁灭性的破坏。上面三个单词都是指具体、有形物的破坏,而ruin还可以表示对抽象事物的如名声、活动的破坏、影响。disturb是“打断,干扰”的意思,在危害程度上远远比不上前面四个词。 二、dead dying deadly late 1.The _______ father wanted to see his son for the last time. 2.His grandpa has been ________ for 5 years, but he still remembers him clearly. 3.The ________ Chairman Mao is a great figure in Chinese history. 4.The ________ bite of a poisonous snake made him die. 1. dying 2. dead 3. late 4. deadly同样与死有关,这四个单词用法完全不一样。dying表示“垂死的, 将要死的”;dead是“(已)死的”;late是“已故的”之意,往往指有一定社会地位之人,是死的委婉表达方式;deadly意思是“致命的”,只能修饰物,不能修饰人。注意它虽然以-ly结尾,但却是一个形容词。 三、distance way length space 1.The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a ___________ of 60 miles. 2.The two rulers have no differences between each other in ____________. 3.The box takes up too much ___________. Will you please move it away? 4.There is still a long ___________ to go if we want to succeed. 1. distance 2. lengths 3. space 4. way distance是空间距离;length则是指一般事物的长度;way 虽然也表示路程,但是指抽象的路,没有个体的数量单位;space是抽象名词,意为“空间”,与room是同义词。 四、dress wear put…on have…on 1.The teacher came in, ____________ a happy smile. 2.__________ in a red suit, the teacher came in. 3.___________ the red suit _________, or you will probably catch a cold. 4.In fact the foolish emperor ____________ nothing ___________. 1. wearing 2. dressed 3. put… on 4. had… on 同样表示“穿”,wear与have… on表示状态,而 put… on表示动作。不过wear除了表示“穿衣服”之外,还可以表示“戴首饰;带着某种表情”等意思。dress与前面三个单词不同的地方是它后面的宾语不是衣服,而是somebody,由somebody 做主语,构成“be dressed in…”结构。 五、elect select choose sort 1.The peasants are busy __________ the seeds now. 2.Do you think George W. Bush will be _____________ president again? 3.Before recycling the waste must be _____________. 4.You can ___________ anything you like from the jewelry. 1


1.study & learn Sometimes my students get confused about when to use “study” and when to use “learn”. Therefore, I would like to write about that in today’s blog entry. Both words are used to convey the idea of trying to intake information in order to become more knowledgeable or intelligent. When we put them in order, however, we have to place “study” first, and then “learn” after that. Therefore, when we “study” we are reading, watching or listening to something in order to keep it in our memories. If we do this successfully, we can say that we “learned” it. Let me give you some example sentences using these words. ?I have to study fifty new words for my final exam in Spanish. I hope I can learn all of them. ?I studied really hard in my history class, but I couldn’t learn all of the information. ?I learned a lot in my economics class because I studied every day. As I said before, learning is successful studying. Therefore, just because you study something doesn’t mean you will learn it. But if you never study at all, then you will never learn. In addition, it’s possible for us to learn something and then over a period of time, forget it. I’m sure all of us have had this experience when we think about our high school or university days. We can also “learn” something in ways that don’t involve studying. All of us learn things just from living our lives and making mistakes.Some people don’t learn from their mistakes, but I hope that most of us do. 2.plausible & implausible For today’s blog entry, I’d like to go over the adjectives “plausible” and “implausible”. We use them when we want to talk about something which a person says that is likely to be believed or not believed. We can also use them when we are trying to figure out if something is true or not. Finally, they can be used to talk about the believability of a story in a novel, movie, or TV show. Let me give you some example sentences using them. ?I was late for work because I overslept, but I can’t tell my boss that. I have to think of a plausible excuse for being late. ?I can’t tell my boss that I was mugged on my way to work. This is a safe city, so that would be totally implausible. ?Some people don’t think it’s plausible that a meteor hitting the earth could cause the dinosaurs to die, but I think it’s tot ally plausible. ?Some people think it’s implausible that a meteor hitting the earth could cause the dinosaurs to die, but I don’t agree. ?I like action movies even though most of the time the stories are not plausible at all. ?I like action movies even though most of the time the stories are completely implausible. The word “plausible” is used positively, and the word “implausible” is used negatively, so they are the opposite of each other. However, we can also say “not plausible”, as in my fifth example sente nce. The only difference between “not plausible” and “implausible” is that “implausible” is slightly more formal than the other one. Please note that we don’t usually use words like “very” or “really” to emphasize these adjectives. Instead, it’s more commo n to use words such as “totally” and “completely” in order to emphasize them. 3.little did I know For today, I want to go over the expression “little did I know”. We can also change the word “I”

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