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新职业英语1Unit 3 教案

新职业英语1Unit 3 教案
新职业英语1Unit 3 教案

Unit 3 Business Meals

Table manners in the western countries

1. How much do you know about the table manners?

2. What are the differences between Chinese table manners and the Western table manners?

Chopsticks are used to eat most kinds of Chinese foods.Hold your chopsticks towards their end, not in the middle or the front third when dining with them.

When you are not using your chopsticks, or have finished eating, lay them down in front of you with the tips to left.

Dinner knife butter spreader (奶油刮刀)刀

Fork:salad fork, dinner fork, dessert fork 叉(餐叉分得很细)Goblet:water goblet, red wine goblet, white wine goblet 酒杯

Spoon:soup spoon tea spoon 勺子

Soup bowl 碗

Service or dinner plate bread and butter plate 餐盘

Napkin 餐巾

1)As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin (餐巾), pick yours up and lay it on your lap.

2)The Soup Course

Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.

3) The Fish Course

If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller.

4) The Meat Course

The main course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl (鸡禽) or a roast which needs to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark (红肉) or light (白肉).

5) Using Knife and Fork

The English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Americans carve the meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up, push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the mouth right-side-up.

6) Helping Yourself and Refusing

If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No, thank you."

5) Using Knife and Fork

The English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Americans carve the

meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up, push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the mouth right-side-up.

6) Helping Yourself and Refusing

If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No, thank you."

9) Other Things on the Table

When there are things on the middle of the table, such as bread, butter, jelly, pickles, nits, candies, you should not take any until the hostess has suggested that they be passed.

10) Leaving the Table

It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests rise from theirs at the same time.

New words in Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc..


? Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.

? Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.

Notes: For a class with higher English proficiency, the teacher may follow the following steps:

? Ss preview the new words and expressions.

? Ss read the new words and expressions.

? Ss dictate several important new words and expressions.

Discussions before Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc..


? Ss know something about Reading A.

? Ss discuss the following two questions:

1.What do you think are good table manners?

2.What do you about deals over meals?

? Comment briefly on their work.

Hours 2-3:

Reading A 45 minutes Language points 35 minutes Paragraph 1

entertain: v. to invite people to your home for a meal or party or take your company’s customers to have a meal, drinks, etc.; to do something that amuses or interests people

e.g. I’ll entertain my friends over the weekend.

The child was entertaining himself with his toys.

build up: to build; to increase, or become bigger or stronger gradually

e.g. They have built up a good reputation.

The noise built up until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

formal: a. appropriate for official or serious situations or occasions

e.g. I only wear this suit for formal dinners.

Our boss is very formal; she doesn’t call anyone by their first name. Paragraph 2

imply: v. to make something understood without expressing it directly

e.g. I do not imply that you are wrong.

urgency: n. something very important and needing to be dealt with immediately

e.g. Well, take it easy! It isn’t a matter of urgency.

company: n. the state of being with someone

e.g. Rita’s husband is away for the week, so I think

I’d better go over and keep her company.

Paragraph 3

turn out: to have a particular result; to happen in a particular way

e.g. That man we met turned out to be Maria’s second cousin.

Don’t worry. I’m sure it will a ll turn out fine.

pay: v. to bring a good result or advantage for someone

e.g. It usually pays to tell the truth.

be on one’s best behavior: to behave as well and politely as you can, especially in order to please someone

e.g. I want you to be on your best behavior at Granddad’s.

knowledgeable: a. (of a person) knowing a lot

e.g. Dick is very knowledgeable about wines.

see someone through (something): to help someone continue doing something, especially something difficult or unpleasant, until it is finished

e.g. This overcoat has seen me through many severe winters.

He saw me through all the hard times.

intelligent: a. having a high level of mental ability; good at understanding ideas and thinking quickly and clearly

e.g. All teachers regard Jimmy as an intelligent student.

intelligently: ad. in an intelligent way

e.g. You have to speak intelligently at this important business meeting.

Paragraph 4

come in handy: to be useful

e.g. I’ll put these bottles in the cupboard—they might come in handy someday. conduct: v. to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where people judge you by the way you behave; to carry out

e.g. Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly.

The company conducted a survey to find out what their customers think about the new product.

concentrate (on): v. to think very carefully about something that you are doing

e.g. She was concentrating on her book and didn’t know what had happened. Paragraph 5

sought-after: a. wanted by a lot of people

e.g. Doctors are the most sought-after people in the area.

Task 1, 2 10 minutes Task 1

Objective:Ss can find some specific information in the passage.


? Ss do Task 1.

? Ask Ss to work individually.

? Check the answers.

Suggested Answers:

Task 2

Objective:Ss can find some specific information in the passage.


?Ss do Task 2.

? Ask Ss to work individually.

? Check the answers.

Suggested Answers:

Language lab 45 minutes Task 1 5 minutes Objective:Ss know the spelling and meaning of the words and expressions from Reading A.


? Ss read Task 1.

? Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task.

? Check the answers.


Key: 1. E 2. D 3. A 4. H 5. I 6. B 7. J 8. C 9. G 10. F Task 2 10 minutes Objective:Ss can use the words and expressions from Reading A.


? Ss do Task 2.

? Ask Ss to work individually.

? Check the answers.


1. entertaining

2. manners

3. implied

4. urgency

5. intelligently

6. formal

7. conduct

8. knowledgeable

9. turned out 10. representative

Task 3 10 minutes Objective:Ss can use the words and expressions from Reading A.


? Ss do Task 3.

? Ask Ss to work individually.

? Check the answers.


1. He has built up a good reputation for his business.

2. My little brother was on his best behavior in the summer camp.

3. If you have a difficult time, I’ll see you through.

4. Don’t throw the plastic bags away, as they may come in handy.

5. It pays to know what you don’t know.

Task 4 10 minutes Objective: Ss can express ideas in writing using the two models outlined for Task 4. Steps:

? Read the models to Ss with an explanation if needed.

? Ss work in pairs.

? Check the answers.


Model 1

1. He did not know where to go.

2. We have not decided whether to go there or not.

3. I can tell you how to get to the cinema.

Model 2

1. Where is the book which/that I bought this morning?

2. The teacher who teaches you Spanish will come tomorrow.

3. The woman who is speaking at the meeting is our manager.

Task 5 10 minutes Objective:Ss can use the vocabulary in Reading A for translation.


? Ss work individually or in pairs and translate the sentences.

? Ask two Ss to write their translations on the board.

? Comment briefly on their work with emphasis on the structures of their sentences. Key:

1. It pays a lot to be careful in work.

2. I have just enough money to see me through a year in the US.

3. It turned out that he had never worked in that company.

4. It is bad manners to stare at people.

5. It’s too noisy outside for me to concentrate on my work.

6. The Board of Directors selected him to be the General Manager of the company.

7. Roast Chicken is my favorite dish in this Thai restaurant.

8. We had ice cream for dessert after the main course.

Hours 4-5:

Listening 45 minutes Task 1 5 minutes Objective:Ss can understand the conversation and choose the best answer. Script:

M: Excuse me, you must be Ms. Green from Australia?

W: Yes, I’m Lisa Green from Australia.

M: How do you do, Ms. Green. I’m Peter Smith, secretary to the Sales Manager of the GM Electronics.

W: How do you do, Mr. Smith. I’m very glad to meet you.

M: Glad to meet you too, Ms. Green. The waiting room is over there. Let’s take a short rest there and then we can go to the hotel.

W: Thanks very much for your arrangement.

Q1: Where is Ms. Green from?

Q2: What is Peter’s job?

Q3: What will the two speakers probably do next?

Key: 1. D 2. C 3. B

Task 2 10 minutes Objective:Ss can find specific information from listening to a passage related to the theme.

Script & Key:

M: Hi Diana, thanks for your help on the contract. We’re having a dinner this evening to celebrate getting the contract. We’d love you to come.

W: I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have to work overtime tonight.

M: That’s a pity! Maybe you could join us a little later?

W: I’m really sorry. I just can’t make it this time. I’m going on a business trip tomorrow and have got an early plane to catch.

M: Sorry you can’t be there. Maybe some other time?

W: Sure. Anyway, thanks for asking. Hope you guys have fun!

Task 3 10 minutes Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information.


M: Good morning, Season Hotel. May I help you?

W: Good morning. I’d like to book two single rooms.

M: OK. May I have the names, please?

W: Sure. Please reserve the rooms under the names of Angel Smith and Mark Johnson. M: Angel Smith and Mark Johnson… No problem. When will they be arriving?

W: This Friday, and they will stay for five nights.

M: This Friday will be July 25th and they are leaving on July 30th. Right?

W: Exactly.

M: Any requirements for the rooms, Miss?

W: Yes. I’d prefer them with a view of the sea.

M: OK. I see. The room numbers are 1606 and 1608.

W: Thank you very much for your help. Bye.


Task 4 10 minutes Objective: Ss can decide whether the statements are true or false.


M: Here we are at the Hongfu Restaurant. What would you like to eat, Ella?

W: Of course I’d like to have some Chinese food. But I know very little about it. Could you recommend some?

M: Sure. This restaurant is famous for its Kungpao Chicken, Sweet-and-Sour Fish, Mapo Tofu and Tomato and Egg Soup.

W: Wow, what a variety! Let’s try the chicken and the fish, shall we?

M: That sounds great. How about a Kungpao Chicken, a Sweet-and-Sour Fish, a Tomato and Egg Soup, and two bottles of Tsingtao beer?

W: My mouth is already watering.

M: You know we usually serve the food first and then the soup. But if you like, we can ask for the soup first.

W: Oh, that is very kind of you. Thank you.


Key: 1. F knows little about 2. T

3. F two bottles of Tsingtao beer

4. F before

Task 5 10 minutes Objective:Ss can find specific information from listening to a passage related to the theme.

Script & Key:

The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that in the West everyone has their own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes. The Chinese are very proud of their food culture, and will do their best to show their hospitality.

The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings.

Perhaps one of the things that surprise a Western visitor most is that some Chinese hosts like to put food onto the plates of their guests. This is a sign of friendship and

politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. But if you do not like it, just leave the food on the plate.

Speaking 45 minutes Task 6 45 minutes Objective:Ss are able to ask and give advice with the useful expressions.


? Ss read Task 6.

? Ss work in pairs to ask and give advice.

? Ss complete the chart.

Key: (Omitted)

Extensive Reading

1. Ask the students to discuss in pairs something about west meals manners

2. Read the passage. Then match the business meals with their characteristics.

3. Lead the students to read the text together part by part and ask them to answer some simple questions to check whether they have understood the passage or not.


Westerners do an extraordinary amount of business over meals, from a quick breakfast to ―working lunches‖ to cocktail receptions and formal dinn ers.

amount of不可以修饰可数名词。例子:a fair amount of 大量a great amount of 大量a incalculable amount of 不计其数的 a large amount of 大量 a limited amount of 极少数; 极少量 a moderate amount of 适量 a small amount of 少量 a substantial amount of 大量a suitable amount of 适量a vast amount of 大量

an amount of一般是指某个物体的的多少,一般用an large amount of等。

the amount of一般是某个物体的具体的数量,后面一般加名词

a number of与可数、有生命或无生命的名词连用。如:

The president has made a large number of mistakes. 总统已犯了许多错误。

a number of与an amount of的意思差不多,但一般后面加群体性的名词,如:people. the number of也和the amount of差不多,也是后面一般加群体性名词


1.Breakfast meetings rarely last more than an hour.

More than

A. ―More than+名词‖表示―多于……‖、―非但……尤其是‖如:

1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.

2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

● B. ―More than+数词‖含―以上‖或―不止‖之意,如:

3) I have known David for more than 20 years.

4) Let's carry out the test with more than the sample copy.

● C. ―More than+形容词‖等于―很‖或―非常‖的意思,如:

5) In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.

6) I assure you I am more than glad to help you.

● D. 在―More...than...‖中,肯定―more‖后面的而否定―than‖后面的,约等于―是……而不是……‖如:

7) The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real.

8) This book seems to be more a manual than a text.

9) Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent.

10) Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened.

● F. ―No more...than...‖表示―不……;不如……‖,如:

14) I can no more do that than anyone else.

15) A learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing.‖

―No more…...than...‖的语义,也可用―not any more than...‖来取代,因此15 可以变成16。

16) A learner cannot... any more than ...‖同样的,17可以变成18:

17) Dr Hu is no more a poet than Dr Wu is a philosopher.

18) Dr Hu is not a poet any more than Dr Wu is a philosopher.

此外,―more than‖也在一些惯用语中出现,如:

19) More offen than not (经常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take

rather than what they can give.

20) All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常关心)the current economic problems

2. Lunch is usually best for getting to know a guest a bit better.

a bit与a little这两个词组意思相同,有时可以互换,但却又有各自独特的用法.


1).a bit与a little都可作程度副词,表示"稍微、一点儿"的意思,修饰动词、形容词、比较级等,二者可以互换。例如:

Will you please turn down the radio a bit/a little?(动词)请你把收音机声音关小一点


She's a bit/a little afraid of the teacher.(形容词)她有点怕老师。

Her mother feels a bit/a little better today.(比较级)她母亲今天感觉好一些。

2).for a bit和for a little意思相同,相当于for a while或for a short time,可互换。例如:

Let's rest for a bit/a little.让我们休息一下。


1).a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,而a bit修饰不可数名词时,只能用a bit of。例如:

Tom has a little money./Tom has a bit of money.汤姆有一点钱。

但是,当a little修饰的名词前有this,that,所有格等限定词时,也要用a little of结构。例如:

I want to drink a little of that drink.我想喝点那种饮料。

2).a bit和a little与not连用时,意思大相径庭。not a bit=not at all,意为"一点也不";not a little=very much,意为"十分"、"相当"、"极其"。例如:

He is not a bit tired.他一点不累。

He is not a little tired.他很累。

3. Generally, this is not a time to talk about business, but rather a time to get to know the other person and enjoy each other’s company.

Not….bur rather……不是…….而是

Para 3

1. Business meals are multi-tasking jobs which can often turn out to be nightmares. Which引导的定语从句,which在从句中作主语。

2. it pays to be on your best behavior at any such meal.


It will pay to be kind to others.


It pays to learn a foreign language.


Para 4

After all, you are trying to have a conversation with your guest, not concentrating on which fork to use.

可以改写为not concentrating on which fork we should use.

Para 5

at the table基本翻译:在谈判中


At the table:在桌子旁|在桌旁|吃饭时

sit at the table:坐在桌边|坐在桌子旁

Meal at the Table:餐桌上用餐

at table基本翻译

a. 在进餐


at table:在餐桌边,在进餐时|在用餐|在餐桌边

sit at table:吃饭

wait at table:伺候进餐

Step 3. Exercise

Lead the students to discuss Task 2 and fill in the form without rereading the passage. Then check the answers together.

Step 4. Assignments

1.Task 3 of language lab

2.Exercises. on the workbook

Practical Writing (Invitation)


英文邀请信可分为两种。一种为正规的格式(formal correspondence),亦称请柬(invitation card),这是一种正规的邀请信,格式严谨而固定,一般适用于较庄重严肃的场合。另一种是非正式格式(informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信,适用于一些平常的事情的邀请,通常邀请人同被邀请人之间比较熟悉,这种邀请信具有简短、热情的特点。









第二部分是request(s)the pleasure/honor of,相当于汉语中的“恭请”;


第四部分是company/presence at...,相当于汉语中的“光临…”;




法式(色拉酱)vegebable salad 素菜色拉Italian 意大利式(色拉酱)ham salad 火腿色拉Blue cheese 蓝乳酪式(色拉酱)Russian 俄式(色拉酱)backed potato 烤土豆mashed potato 土豆泥

清汤pottage/thick soup 浓汤broth 肉汤beef soup 牛肉汤tomato soup 西红柿

汤cabbage soup 洋白菜汤vegetable soup 菜汤chicken soup 鸡汤creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤hot and sour soup 酸辣汤minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤Grammar (passive Voice)



The bridge was built last year.这座桥是去年建造的。

He was elected chairman.他被选为主席。


The room hasn't been cleaned yet.房间还没有打扫。

The tiger was killed by him.老虎被他杀死了。


The window was blown by wind.窗户被风吹开了。

The whole village has been washed away by the flood.整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。4、表示客观的说明常用"It is + 过去分词."句型。

It is said that Lucy has gone abroad.据说露茜已经出国了。

It is believed that he is a spy. (=He is believed to be a spy.)大家相信他是个间谍。

其它常见的"It is + 过去分词+ that"句型还有

It is reported that…据报道

It is said that…据说

It is believed that…大家相信

Writing 45 minutes Task 1 15 minutes Objective:Ss can get familiar with the style of invitation.


? Ss do the task individually.

? Ss compare with each othe r’s answers.

? Provide help if needed.

? Present the answers.


1. On many occasions people will send and receive invitations, such as a celebration,

a banquet, a reception, a party, a dinner, a concert or just a football match.

2. An invitation usually includes the event, date, time and place. If necessary, indicate the appropriate dress, or ask for a response by a specific date.

Task 2 15 minutes Objective:Ss can get familiar with the style of invitation.


? Ss do the task individually.

? Ss compare with each other’s answers.

? Provide help if needed.

? Present the answers.


1. The dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stevenson will be held at Grand Hotel.

2. Sarah invites her friends to celebrate her birthday.

3. ―RSVP‖ means ―please reply‖. (French abbreviation for ―please reply‖)

4. Bob invites Lisa to a concert.

Task 3 15 minutes Objective:Ss can write an invitation, and can make a response by accepting or declining it.


? Ss do the task individually.

? Ss compare with each other’s answers.

? Provide help if needed.

Hour 8:

Mini-Project 40 minutes

Objective:Ss search online for the rules of table setting for a Western dinner and give illustration in class.


? Grouping. Divide the class into groups. There are several ways: Ss pick up their own partners; Teachers group fast learners with slow learners; Ss find their partners by drawing lots.

? Defining the project. Go through the project with t he class and clarify requirements. You are advised to do it after Ss study Reading A. Explain that those tableware pictures on Ss’ books are to make the task easier. Ss can simply draw a picture to illustrate the rules.

? Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together. Remind them that different Ss have different work but everybody contributes to the project. They discuss first and then decide who will do what.

? Presentation. Ss present their evidence for compl etion. In this project, they can use either real tableware or a picture to explain table setting rules orally in class. Ask them to do it after they study the whole unit.

Quiz 5 minutes

新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 1 Organization 电子教案

Unit 1 Organization Teaching Objectives 1.To require students think what organization is. 2.To help students master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.To enrich students’ English for careers. 4.To improve students’ listenin g, speaking, reading and writing skills. Teaching focus https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef5465602.html,prehension of reading A. 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.Listening and writing skills. Teaching procedures Step1. Warming-up Students read warming-up Task1. Get students to look at the logos. Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word. Ask students to give the names of the countries. Give the answers. Step2. Background Information What is a logo? Company introduction Step3. Language points Step4 Reading A explanation a.Students read the passage and find out important events in the different periods of Google’s history on page 5. b.Ask students to divide this text into several parts and sum up the main ideas. c.Teachers explain the text in details one paragraph by one paragraph and give the translation Step5 Reading B Step6 Listening & Speaking Step 7 Writing How to write an envelope?


新职业英语教案 第一册 《职业综合英语》第一册2011-2012第1学期导言 本学期是学生入学后英语学习的第一学期,是紧张学习最关键的一个学期,在本学期要求大多数同学能够掌握《职业综合英语》中要求的基本词汇、语法,能听懂并学会一些较简单的职场口语。为了使学生对本学期的学习目的、授课内容及测试等有所了解,现说明如下:本学期必讲课程有八个单元每个单元分为听、说、读、写几个板块。听说读写译五种技能同时发展。尤其是听说比重会适度加大。ReadingA为精读文章,考核时较为全面,ReadingB 为一篇实用文体的文章,考核的重点是阅读。同时在授课中会一些更高层次的要求,诸如篇章的理解,句子深层次含义的理解,词汇的搭配学习等。本学期要适当调动学生自主学习的积极性,集中体现在听说方面就是让他们更多的练习语言的实际应用,可适当进行一些与授课内容有关的课外活动,如:讨论、演讲、故事接龙、电影赏析等。为了使学生提高学习效

率,增强课堂互动性,要求讲解每一单元前都进行复习,有些单元教师布置具体复习任务让学生完成。成绩的评定以期末考试和平时成绩相结合,平时的作业完成情况、出勤、课堂表现都将作为采分依据。 本学期的学时为48或52学时,第一次课为导论课不进行新课讲授,作为学生了解本学期教学内容、教学要求之用, 同时教师可适当征求学生对本学期课程的要求和建议。

教案 第 2 次课

Unit 1 Organization Teaching steps Pre-reading tasks: Warming -up Task 1 Look at the following logos and give the names of the countries in which the companies are headquartered. Steps: 1)Ss read Warming –up task 1 2)get Ss to look at the logos 3)go through the pronunciation of any problematic word 4) ask Ss to give the names of the countries and give answers. Germany Japan USA Germany USA France Republic of Korea Finland P. R. China Background information introduction 1.What is a logo? A logo is a graphical element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark or commercial brand. Typically, a logo’s design is for immediate recog nition. The logo is one aspect of a company’s 2. Metro AG, established in 1964, is a diversified retail and wholesale group based in Germany. It is the largest in its home market, and one of the most globalized retail and wholesale corporations. 3. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1962, is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the “2008 Fortune Global 500”. Carrefour SA is a French international hypermarket chain, with a global network of outlets. It is the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart. Samsung Group is the largest company of the Republic of Korea. It is composed of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Engineering & Construction. Lenovo Group Limited is China’s largest and the world’s fourth largest personal computer manufacturer. Lenovo mainly produces desktops, laptops, servers, handheld computers, imaging equipment and mobile phone handsets (听筒). Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. Nokia is focused on


Unit 4 Product Teaching objectives: 1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; 2) Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3) Reading strategy and methods 4) How to make a catalog ? Teaching contents: Reading A & B Teaching focuses: 1) the main idea of the reading A & B; 2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3) How to make a catalog ? Teaching methods: Task-based Approach; Communicative Language Teaching; Activity Teaching Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach. Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tape Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and revision 1) Check the homework 2) Dictation (Unit 3) Step 2 Warming-up 1) work in pairs. Choose one product from each pair and explain why. 2) Ask Ss to role-play their dialogs. 3) Discuss: what factors do you need to consider before you buy a product ? which one is the most important for you ? why ? Suggested answers: Before you make purchase of any product, there are some factors you should consider. Necessity : Do you really need this? Property: Do I really like this? Am I really satisfied with the quality ,color, shape, packaging, etc.

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit3(1)

外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit3教案1 授课时间 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次12 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit3 Business Meals: Lead–in &Reading A: Deals over Meals 教学目的Ss learn how to arrange the table seats for an English banquet Ss Understand the main idea and structure of the text 教学重点 1. The usages of new words and expressions in reading A 2. Understanding of Reading A 教学难点 1. How to use the key words and expressions in Reading A 2. Analysis on the text structure 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT;CD 教学方法Case teaching; Pair-work; Analyzing 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Unit 1. Reading A: Deals over Meals I.Warm-up (10’) Task Complete the following table seating arrangement. Principles of Seating Arrangement Guest Information II. Reading A: Secretaries (80’) 1.Lead-in 2.Global reading (1) Listen to the passage while reading and think about the main idea of each paragraph. (2) Information collection a. Skimming Task1 Read the passage. Then match the business meals with their characteristics. b. Scanning Task 2 Decide which of the fo llowing behaviors are Do’s or Don’ts for business meals according to the passage. 3.Intensive reading a. Text structure analysis Para 1: Westerners do business over all kinds of meals. Para 2: Different meals have different characteristics. Para 3: Watch your behavior during business meals. Para 4: Mastery of good table manners is of great help. Para 5: Polite dinning at the table pays. b. Language Points entertain: e.g. 1. I’ll entertain my friends over the weekend. 2. The child was entertaining himself with his toys. build up: to build; to increase, or become bigger or stronger gradually

新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit7

新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit7教案1 授课时间 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次17 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□ 授课题目Unit7 Customer Service Reading A: I Really Want to Know 教学目的Ss understand successfully measuring customer satisfaction Ss make and handle a complaint 教学重点 1. The main idea and the structure of the reading A. 2. Master the key words and language points. 教学难点 1.How to use the key words and expressions in reading A. 2.Analysis on the text structure. 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT; CD 教学方法Pair-work; Discussing, lecturing 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Part I Warming-up 20 minutes Task 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss learn how to collect customer opinions through a survey. ? Explain briefly what a survey is. E.g. “A survey is a method of gathering information from a sample of individuals. The goal is to find out people’s stand or opinion on certain matters.” Task 2 10 minutes Objective: Ss can analyze data, find problems and give solutions. ? Divide the class into groups of 4-6 students and ask each group to collect and analyze the data. ? Ask some groups to present their conclusions and solutions to the class. Part II New words in Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps: ? Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc. ? Ss read the new words a nd expressions, etc. Part III Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps: ? Ss know something about Reading A. ? Ss discuss the following two questions: 1.Why did the writer and his wife go to their favorite restaurant for dinner? 2.In order to successfully measure customer satisfaction, what should you pay attention to? Part IV Reading A Language points 35 minutes Paragraph 1 deserve: v. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior e.g. You’ve been working all the morning—I think you deserve a rest. gain: v. to increase in weight, speed, height or value e.g. Last week I gained another five pounds. Paragraph 3 admirable: a. having many good qualities that people respect and admire e.g. This essay is admirable in all respects. implement: v. to take action or put into practice e.g. We have decided to implement the president’s suggestion in full. establish: v. to start; to set up e.g. My grandfather established the family business in 1938. The relationships between the two companies were established two years ago. obtain: v. to get something especially by means of effort e.g. We wish to obtain first-hand information. particular: a. unusual, single and different from others

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit3(3)

外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit3教案3 授课时间 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次14 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit3 Business Meals. Listening and Speaking & Writing 教学目的Ss master how to ask and give advice in English. Ss learn how to write an invitation in English 教学重点 1. The useful expressions about asking and giving advice in English. 2. How to write an invitation in English 教学难点 1. How to ask and give advice in English. 2. How to write an invitation in English 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT;CD 教学方法Case teaching; Pair work 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Unit 1. Listening and Speaking & Writing I.Listening and Speaking(45’) Task 1 Peter is meeting a guest at the airport. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Task 2 Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Task 3 John works in Season Hotel. He is receiving a phone call. Listen to the conversation and fill in the hotel reservation form below. Task 4 Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write key words to support your answers. L-Task 4 Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. III. Speaking Ask Ss to role play the conversations they hear or work in pairs to practice asking and giving advice with the help of the useful expressions listed in Task 6. II. Writing: Invitation (45’) Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below. 1. On what occasions do people send and receive invitations? Suggested answer: On many occasions people will send and receive invitations, such as a celebration, a banquet, a reception, a party, a dinner, a concert or just a football match. 2. What information is usually included in an invitation? Suggested answer: An invitation usually includes the event, date, time and place. If necessary, indicate the appropriate dress, or ask for a response by a specific date. Task 2 Read the invitations below and complete the following statements. The dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stevenson will be held at Grand Hotel. 2. Sarah invites her friends to celebrate her birthday. 3. “RSVP” means“please reply” (French abbreviation for “please reply”) 4. Bob invites Lisa to a concert.

新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan

English for Careers 2 Unit 1 Workplace

Unit Focus fit in with reputation pros and cons outfit compliment for instance casual setting productive incorporate Teaching procedures This unit is arranged for a time span of 8 hours, during which a time limit is suggested for each step. Though it’s always important to keep a time limit in mind for each activity, a teacher should never stick to a rigid time plan in teaching, but rather follow a more flexible time table when dealing with unexpected in-class occurrences and make necessary adjustments accordingly. Note that not every step suggested here is a must in teaching. A teacher can make whatever changes he thinks necessary. Hour 1: Course introduction 45 minutes Warming-up Task 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss can identify different rooms in an office. Steps: ? Ss read Warming-up Task 1. ? Get Ss to look at the layout of the office. ? Ask Ss to identify different rooms. ? Give the suggested answers. Suggested answers:


Unit 5 Trade Warming-up Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match slogans A-H with pictures 1-8. Objective: Ss can identify the slogans of some famous companies. Steps:

1. Ss read warming-up task 1. 2. Go through slogans a-h with Ss. 3. Ask Ss to match the slogans with the pictures. 4. Give the key. 5. Time permitting, encourage Ss to brainstorm more slogans. Background information 1. What is a slogan? A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. Slogans in advertising are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product. 2. Company introduction Nike Inc. is a major publicly-traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. it is the world’s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel(服装) and a major manufacturer of sports equipment . Apple Inc., is an American multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and software products. Panasonic is an international brand name for Japanese electric products manufacturer Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Under this brand Matsushita sells plasma(等离子)and LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)panels, DVD recorders and players, telephones, microwave ovens, shavers, projectors, digital cameras, batteries, laptop computers, etc. All of these are marketed under their slogan “Ideas for Life”. Maxwell House is a brand of coffee manufactured by a like-named division of Kraft Foods Seven-- up is the brand of a soft drink. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd, shortened to Nissan, is a multinational automaker headquartered in Japan. Currently it is the third largest Japanese car manufacturer. Koninklijke Philips Electronics ., usually known as Philips, is one of the largest electronics companies in the world, founded and headquartered in the Netherlands. The products include consumer electronics, domestic appliances, lighting and medical systems. Task 2Work in pairs. Please tell where you have seen or heard the above slogans. Discuss with your partner and list three places. Objective: Ss can identify several kinds of advertisement media. Steps: 1. Ss read warming-up Task 2 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and list places where they have seen or heard the slogans in Task 1 3. Get some Ss to give their answers. 4. Ask the class to add more if necessary.

新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit1(1)

新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit1教案1 授课时间班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次 4 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit1 Organization: Reading A: Google 教学目的Ss can identify the logos of some famous international companies. Ss have a general understanding of Reading A 教学重点1. Background information about Google Company 2.Words and expressions relevant to “Google” 3.Global reading of passage A 教学难点 1. Learning for words and expressions 2. Understanding of the passage A 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT; 教学方法Case teaching; Group discussion; 参考资料English for Careers (Book1) (1st Edition)

教学基本内容及设计Unit 1. Reading A: Google I. Warm-up (15’) Task 1. Look at the following logos and give the names of the countries in which the companies are headquartered. Car Companies: BMW (U.S.); Toyota (Japan); Ford (U.S.) Supermarket: Walmart (U.S.); Metro(Germany); Carrafour(France) Mobile Phone: Nokia (Finland); Samsung (Korea); Lenovo (China) Background information: What is a logo? Task 2. List at least two companies for each type of the following products. Compare the brands and choose your favorite one. Eg. Household appliance: TCL, Sony, Panasonic, Philips… Computers: Lenovo, Apple, IBM, Sony… Sportswear: Li-Ning, Adidas, Nike, Reebok… II. Reading A 1.Global reading (25’) (1) Listen to the passage and read the new words (2) information collection What do you know about "google"? What search engine do you often use to find information about something on the Internet? (Ask Ss to present their ideas. Knowledge inside or outside the text is welcome.) Periods and events about google according to the events. Google began as Larry Page’s research project. Page and Sergey set up the company and registered the https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef5465602.html,. The search engine grew quickly and it began to sell advertising on the website. Google has acquired https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef5465602.html, and continues to add new features. Google has also owned Blogger and other hot websites and become the leader in terms of ad-based revenue on the web.


Unit 6 Transportation Warming-up Task 1 Match the following express company logos with their names. Objective: Ss can identify some world-famous express companies. Steps: 1. Ss read warming-up task 1.

2. Go through logos 1-4 with Ss. 3. Get Ss to match the logos with their company names. 4. Give the key. Background information Express Mail Service (EMS) (全球邮政特快专递业务) is an international express postal service offered by postal-administration members of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a specialized agency of the UN, which created the EMS Cooperative in 1998 to promote the harmonization and development of postal services worldwide. United Parcel Service, Inc. (国际联合包裹运输公司), commonly referred to as UPS, is one of the world’s largest package delivery companies. FedEx Corporation (联邦国际快递)is a logistics services company based in the United States. Its current slogan is “The World on Time”. China Railway Express Co., Ltd. (中铁快运) is a logistics services company in China. Task 2Use one or two sentences to describe the meaning of the following shipping labels. Objective: Ss can identify some typical shipping labels. Steps: 1. Ss read warming-up Task 2 2. Get Ss to do the task individually before they discuss their answers with others. 3. Ask some Ss to present their work. 4. Give the key. Study of Reading A Objectives: 1.Grasp the main idea 2.Master some language points 3.Get to know the mode of transporting goods and their advantages and disadvantages Steps: 1.Structure of Reading A----How Do We Transport Our Goods Ask the students to talk about the title before reading the text. Ss can tell several way of transportation and then ask them to think about the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of transportation to help students understand the text. After that, ask Ss to skim the text with Task 1, next, ask several students to share their answers; finally, the Ts give some explanation to Ss.

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