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2010 年 12 月22日






Analysis on Differences of Body Language in Cultural



Two basic means of communication are used, one is verbal communication and the other is nonverbal communication. Many research showed that in a face-to-face interaction about 35 percent of meaning of information is performed through words while the other information is conveyed through nonverbal means. Body language belongs to a part of culture. It is unavoidable to have body language misunderstanding since body language has different meanings in different culture background. Therefore, conflicts appearing in the process of cross-culture communication are increasing as for the differences in culture, which comes into a field reading more investigation.

Based on the cultural terms, this paper, borrowing systematical theories of the previous scholars, redefines, characterizes and clarifies the functions of body language. Affirming the close relationship between culture and body language, this paper exemplifies the typical differences in Chinese and Western cultures from four aspects: gesture, posture, facial expression and eye contact. Then, emphasis is paid on the “hidden dimensions”that caused such differences, namely, collectivism vs. individualism, high contextual vs. low contextual communication, and feminine culture vs. masculine culture. Through comparative study of body languages between two cultures can help us understand the culture between two countries in order to reach the aim of communication effectively and successfully. The thesis will also give some help and implication for foreign language teaching.

Key Words: body language; differences; cultural terms











2.2.1 Polysemy (5)

2.2.2 Synonymy (5)

2.2.3 Obscurity (5)

2.2.4 Nationality (5)

2.2.5 Unintentional (5)

2.2.6 Reliable (6)


2.3.1 Managing the Immediate Social Situation (6)

2.3.2 Sustaining Verbal Communication (7)

2.3.3 Replacing Verbal Communication (8)





3.2.1 Gestures (12)

3.2.2 Postures (14)

3.2.3 Facial Expressions (15)

3.2.4 Eye Contact (16)


3.3.1 Collectivism and Individualism (17)

3.3.2 High Contextual Communication and Low Contextual Communication (19)

3.3.3 Feminine Culture and Masculine Culture (20)




Analysis on Differences of Body Language in Cultural


1 Introduction


Nowadays, the world is becoming smaller and smaller, which has become a global village. Thus people have more chance to contact with people who are from different culture as to the quick development of not only science, technology but also economy. Cross-cultural communications, involving communication among people who are from different countries, among many others, have been enjoying in a great popularity. They consist of verbal as well as nonverbal communicating.

Yet, r esearchers have showed that most parts of people’s communication are conveyed by nonverbal communication. Many researches have found that when we interact with others face to face, the verbal information covers no more than 35 percent in the social meaning, while other forms of nonverbal communication carries more than 65 percent. Albert Mehrabian finds that only 7 percent of a message is conveyed through explicit verbal information.(Gouran 1992:109). According to researches, our vocal cues such as volume, pitch, and intensity carry 38%while our face carry 55%of the information. In a word, about 93% of the emotional message is conveyed by nonverbal communication, which serves an example of nonverbal communication has the potential power.

As we all know, there are differences in nonverbal communication of cross culture, which are usually obvious in many aspects. Due to its high sensitiveness, body languages play a large part. The same body language has different interpretation because of different cultures. Different body language can be used in different background; however, they can express the same significance. For instance, behavioral communication such as crying, smiling, and so on, which are inclined to have similar significance from different countries.

1.2 The Necessities of Studying Body Language

For one thing, body language is used widely that nobody can ignore the importance of its functions in cross-culture communication. We need to master people’s affections and emotional states based on their actions. For example, if we hear someone’s voice quavering and see his or her hands trembling, we infer that this person is fearful or anxious, despite what he or she might say.

For the other, body language communication is significant in human interaction because it usually helps to create people’s first impressions. More than 90 percent people have the moments when they get judgments based on the first look. Moreover, those initial messages usually color the perception of everything else that follows. As a Chinese saying goes, “fall in love at first sight.” Even we select friends or sexual partners based on our first impressions.

Last but not the least, much more effort has been made towards the study of verbal communication in connection with intercultural communication, while the study of nonverbal communication has been all but neglected, especially the cross-cultural study of body language.

1.3 The Layout of This Paper

The paper is composed of the following four parts:

Part one states the introduction and the focus of the importance of body language.

Part two gives a definition of body language, states the basic features and main functions of body language.

Part three explores the intercultural differences of body language communication between Chinese and American in terms of gestures, postures, facial expressions and eye contacts and cultural values which affect the body language.

Part four gives conclusions and puts forward the limitations.

2 Basic Features and Main Functions of Body Language

2.1 Definitions

Body language is not a language in the strict sense of the word “language”. “Body language” is expressing how one feels by one’s sitting, standing, moving, etc, rather by words. (Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, 1997).To say in a common way, body languages are these body actions or face movements to transmit messages or communicate between people.

Although it is critical that students of other culture be perceptive when it comes to understanding both object and environmental language, the focus of this paper is mainly on body language. Ray L. Birdwhistell (1974) gave the name “kinesis”, to the discipline concerned with the study of all bodily motions that are communicative. From communication aspect: Body language is a kind of nonverbal channel of expression. It is not a process to transmit messages by the way belonging to speak. Using body language properly makes communications go smoothly between people. Body language serves totally for communication. Deviating from that purpose, body language is worthless.

From culture aspect: As body language is a kind of “language”, the relations between language and culture naturally fit into each other. The popularity of one posture over another and the emotion conveyed by a given posture seem to be largely determined by culture. The same culture shares a common idiom; that is to say, that they tend to use a given nonverbal signal in the same way. If two people read a signal in a different way, it is partial evidences that they belong to different cultures. This is why we must study body language in cross-cultural communication. Because the misinterpretation of body language will cause the misunderstanding and even more worse, studying body language cannot be done without cultural circumstance.

2.2 Basic Features

Body language is a form of human communication, and that this kind of communication is more complicated than the term denotes. It has the following

important characteristics:

2.2.1 Polysemy

A body language has more than two meanings is called polysemy body language. This feature is mainly due to the differences of the given cultural context. For example, shaking the head can mean reject, disagree, and not understand. Body language in a certain context has certain meaning. Polysemy of body language can influence peop le’s communication in a specific context.

2.2.2 Synonymy

One meaning can be shown by more than two body language is called synonymy body language. Here is an example, gestures of shaking hands, nodding, or raise hand can show the same meaning-greeting.

2.2.3 Obscurity

Obscurity means the complexity of body language. Even experts in kinesics cannot name precisely all the vocabulary of gestures, for example,when an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone. But there are other explanations too, such as hesitation, dissatisfaction, etc. When this occurs, we must try to get further information or guess the meaning from the context of the situation. In a word, all body language should be explained in a certain context to ignore the situation could cause misunderstandings.

2.2.4 Nationality

Different nations have different cultures, and culture differences can be seen in body language. Although all human beings share some born body language, there are really great differences in expressing ideas by body language. According to Edward Hall, people in high context culture use less than people in low context culture.

2.2.5 Unintentional

Body language communication can be unintentional. The sender may be unaware that he or she is sending a nonverbal message and, consequently, may not be aware of the impact that message may have.

2.2.6 Reliable

Body language may be more reliable than a verbal one. Since the message may be transmitted unconsciously, the sender will not have planned it. That’s why when receivers caught between two discrepant messages; they are more inclined to believe the nonverbal one.

2.3 Main Functions

Although body language can convey meaning alone, in many situations it is used in combination with verbal behaviors to express meanings. Malandorand Barker (1989) stated that nonverbal communication is of six basic functions: complementing, contradicting, repeating, regulating, substituting and accenting (Bi, Jiwan, 1991:45). While, as far as I am concerned, M. Argyle’s trichotomy seems more comprehensive and more general: managing the immediate social situation, communication, and replacing communication.

2.3.1 Managing the Immediate Social Situation

Body language can be used for establishing a set of relationships. Expressing interpersonal attitudes, conveying emotional states and sending messages about oneself-presentation serve this function.

Interpersonal attitudes are attitudes towards others present, the main dimensions of which are found to be inferior-superior (or dominant-submissive), and like-dislike (or friendly-hostile).The combination of the two consists of a coordinate axis, showed in following figure:

Figure The two dimensions of attitudes towards others


Friendly Hostile


In this figure, a superior attitude can be conveyed by:

(a) Posture—body erect, head raised

(b) Facial expression—unsmiling “haughty”

(c) A tone of voice—loud, resonant, “commanding”

(d) Appearance—clothes indicating high status

(e) Looking--staring the other down.

Emotional states differ from interpersonal attitudes in that emotions are not directed towards others present, but are simply the states of the individuals. Inter-actors may try to conceal true emotional state (such as anxious state), or to convey that they are in some different emotional condition, but it is difficult to all of these cues, and impossible to control the more autonomic ones. Emotional states can be conveyed by speech—“I am feeling very happy”—but statements will not be believed unless supported by appropriate nonverbal signals, and the nonverbal communication conveys the message without speech (Argyle, 1988). According to Goffman (1956), self-presentation by nonverbal communication is basically a matter of using signals that are understood to stand for the real thing. A p erson’s status, group membership, occupation, personality can be shown by his appearance and his nonverbal aspects of speech—especially accent, loudness, speed, etc, and general style of verbal and nonverbal performance.

In this context, body language communication works to some degree as verbal communication does, but it is more effective and powerful. Animals’body language systems mainly serve this function, too. In other words, this is the so-called regulating function of nonverbal communication mentioned above.

2.3.2 Sustaining Verbal Communication

Directness and visibility feature body language communication. This feature is the very disadvantage of speech or utterance. In successful interaction, speech is always coordinated with body languages between the speaker and the listener, which is frequently called “interactional synchrony”. In terms of conversational analysis, body language behaviors synchronize with the whole process of a conversation from

beginning to end. For example, the floor-apportionment (the

Adjustments of speaking turns and the amount of speaking) and feedback are obtained through the use of different body language cues. Even, Argyle (1988) postulated that nonverbal communication has a hierarchical, three levels, structure corresponding to sentences, paragraphs, and words or phrases of speech. See the following table:

In general, kinesic signals can affect the meaning of a sentence by providing the punctuation,displaying the grouping of phrases, and the grammatical structure, pointing to people or objects, providing emphasis, giving illustrations of shapes or movements, commenting on the utterance, for example, indicating whether it is supposed to be funny or serious (Ekman and Friesen, 1967). And now we are sure that complimenting, repeating, contradicting and the claimed referential function can be in fact entitled under “supporting verbal communication”.

2.3.3 Replacing Verbal Communication

In social exchange, it is not hard to find occasions where verbal communication becomes invalid or impossible, when body language communication may replace language and serve as the primary communication channel. The extreme example is the deaf and dumb language. When speech fails to work, simpler sign languages have been developed in a number of other settings. For example,in broadcasting, in noisy factories,and between under-water swimmers. For a long time,body language has even been employed by doctors to help cure special patients, including aphasias, schizophrenias and psychosomatics. They are based on the assumption that the symptoms of these patients are a kind of non-verbal communication, used when speech has failed. A lot of experiments have proved that nonverbal body language is

very effective and successful. Besides, many other arts make much use of body language as well. The set of stereotyped movements used at stage are the examples to the point, say, the pantomime and ball-dance. All aerobatic performances are put on by a set of body language behaviors, for example, the shifts of eyes, abundant hand gestures, etc. Thus we conclude that body language expresses what language is inexpressible sometimes. As a matter of fact, body language acts as a substitute for speech.

3 A Panorama of Differences of Chinese and Western Body Language in Cultural Terms

3.1 Culture and Body Language

Studies before World War Ⅱasserted or implied that body movements and gestures were instinctive and biologically determined and therefore did not vary among cultures. However, contemporary scholars agree that it is important to understand the role of culture and its characteristics and potential impact on individuals engaged in cross-cultural communication. Hall (1959) emphasizes its importance:“I am convinced that much of our difficulty with people in other countries stems from the fact that so little is known about cross-communication…f ormal training in the language, history, government, and customs of another nation is only the first step in a comprehensive program. Of equal importance is an introduction to the nonverbal language which exists in every country of the world and among the various groups within each country. Most Americans are only dimly aware of this silent language even though they use it everyday”. Also, Hall (1969) in his book The Hidden Dimension makes the point that we can not shed our culture, we can not erase it, and that can penetrate at the very roots of our nervous system.

Culture is an abstract term that defines a broad range of activities in which individuals express themselves. Culture can be viewed as an organized body of rules, allowing for individual differences, concerning the ways individuals bound together by such things as common boundaries, customs, institutions, and values, languages, nonverbal behavior, arts, should behave toward one another and toward objects in their surroundings. Culture is important because it tells us indifferent degrees What we are expected to think, believe in, say, resent,wear,honor,laugh at,and fight for in typical life situations.

Culture and nonverbal behavior are inseparable because both need to be learned and maintained through human interaction. Although much of outward behavior is innate (such as smiling, moving, touching, eye contact), we are not born knowing the communication dimensions associated with nonverbal messages. Most scholars agree

that culture formulate display rules that dictate when, how, and with what consequences nonverbal expressions will be exhibited in slightly different terms (Burgoon1996). Moreover, culture is primarily a nonverbal phenomenon because most aspects of one’s culture are learned through obs ervation and imitation rather than explicit verbal instruction or expression. The Primary level of culture is communicated implicitly,without awareness, by primarily nonverbal means. Without any hesitation, every culture tries to create a way in which people living in it can interpret their experience and pass down it to forever. So the culture is a main contributor to how we send, receive and respond to the verbal messages.

As body language mostly is culturally-based, what a certain action reflects often is a case of what a culture has transmitted to its members. Moreover, culture tends to determine the specific nonverbal behaviors that represent or symbolize specific thoughts, feelings, or states of the communicator. For instance, handshake is not the only means of conveying greeting. For the Polynesians,it may seem quite out of place because they may greet one another by embracing and rubbing. Here comes the strangest way of greeting: Andamaneses greet one another by one sitting down in the lap of the ot her, arms around each other’s necks and weeping for a while.

In addition, culture is also a determiner of when it is appropriate to display or communicate various thoughts, feelings, or internal states. The evidence can be found in Charles Darwin’s classic book titled The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animal in1872. He displayed that human beings through their common in heritance, and genes have a common way of expressing basic emotions, e.g. fear, happiness, sadness, and these emotions can be understood by men over the world. Some Mediterraneans, for example, intensity grief and exaggerate expressions of sadness. Many British, on the other hand, are famous for their understatement of emotion, even when they are in a low mood or a grief, they will show little emotion outwardly. Many Japanese go further more; they cover anger, sorrow, and disgust with both laughing and smiling.

It is not easy to reach the conclusion: the communicator come from different culture share different rules for nonverbal communication, as the subtle and pervasive

influence of culture.

3.2 Cultural and Contextual Differences in Body Language between Chinese and Western

As mentioned above, different systems of body language can lead to cultural conflict because of different cultural background. There are many stories relating to misunderstanding resulted from body language between different cultures. One famous example involved Churchill, the Prime Minister who led Britain through the Second World War. When appearing before a large cr owd, he flashed the “V for victory” sign—with the forefinger and middle finger raised to form a “V”. Whether by mistake or ignorance, instead of facing the palm of his hand to the front, he made the “V” with the back of his hand towards the audience. Some in the crowd applauded; some gasped; some broke out in laughter. The Prime Minister’s gesture, as given, meant quite something else. Instead of “V for victory”, it meant something dirty; it was an obscene gesture.

In this part, the paper mainly deals with the cultural and contextual differences in body language between Chinese and western. It includes gestures, postures, facial expressions and eye contacts.

3.2.1 Gestures

Gestures are connected with moving of hands or arms to strengthen verbal information. Leger Rosnahan expresses that gesture is actually the central part of body language. (Bi, Jiwan, 1991:115) Gesture can impart numerous significant meanings. For one thing, different meanings can be interpreted by different gestures. People from different country have particular gestures and emotions. For the other, even the same gesture and emotion have separated significance for different people in certain contexts because of their different culture and background.

Gesture vary with culture, here are examples as follow:

(a) There are different meanings within different cultures even with the same gestures

In United States, stamping one’s foot means impatience while in China it means

anger, irritation, frustration, and remorse.

In the United States, using o ne’s thumb and index finger to make a circle while extending the others is symbol of the word “ok”; in China, it stands for “zero”.

In the United States, putting a hand flatly under the neck means “I am full”. In China, such a gesture means “killing”.

(b)There is the same meaning even with different gestures

In China, the gesture of forefinger of one hand stretched, tip touches one’s own face several times quickly, similar to scratching, but with the forefinger upright (usually with the remark “Shame on you!”) means “Shame on you.” In the United States, forefinger of each hand stretched, palms down before somebody’s body, one forefinger makes several brushing moving over other forefinger showing “Shame on you.”

In the United States, hand stretched toward person, closed hand, palm up, with forefinger only moving to and fro while in China a lot of people will regard it as insulting.

(c)There are gestures and meaning in one culture, while there are not the same meaning in another culture

In the United States, in order to show their uneasiness and concern, people tend to turn their finger rings while no such behavior as it is existed in China.

Shrugging shoulders means that “I do not know” or “I have no way” in the USA, but in China such a gesture doesn’t exist.

Chinese gesture, touching or pointing to tip of one’s own nose with raise forefinger, meaning “it’s me” or “I’m the one”, but to westerners, the gestures would seem slightly funny.

There are differences between Chinese and American using hands when they summon by gesture to come over here. People move a hand in greeting downward while Americans wave their hands or forefinger upward moving to and fro, which will offend Chinese.

As a child, Chinese people are taught that it is rude to use forefinger to point at

things or somebody. Everyone knows that the Chinese idioms“指手画脚”have the negative significance. However, as for American people the name of the forefinger is “index finger”. For Americans it is impolite to use the index finger to point at other people. However, it is acceptable to point at things or objects with the index finger.

In America, snapping the fingers is aiming at getting someone’s attention, whereas it is regarded very impolite and ill-behavioral in China.(Gao Yihong (2000) in her study found that forty-one point six percent of students thought “snap and point” is unacceptable.( Gao Yihong 2000:95)

From the above mentioned a contrastive study of Chinese and American gestures shows a number of the similarities and differences between the two nations.

3.2.2 Postures

Postures means the usual means people perform their body. Postures can be divided into three kinds: lying, standing, bent-knee positions. Each culture has its particular postures.

In America when a teacher asks a student to answer the question in their class, the student usually takes the posture of a sitting. On the contrary Chinese students tend to stand when they are answering the teacher’s questions.

Standing with arms akimbo is ordinary in America with impartial meaning. Such a posture may be accepted by men as well as by women. Women use this posture to show that they are not patient. However, such a posture in China is considered as a sign to keep them from being approached.

Posture can demonstrate that culture is connected with social position. In China people told us we should conduct ourselves properly in respect of standing and sitting when we are a child. People tell us that we should stand as straight as a pine tree and sit as static as a bell, which is one of the chief measures of good posture for men as well as for women. However, Americans often stand or sit in a drooping fashion when they stand. Although sometimes you can see that some Chinese people slouch, only people with low social status or poor education have this behavior.

Americans tend to stand and chat on most social cases. As a result, the person


论主持人肢体语言的重要性 l前沿思考 .论主持人肢体语言的重要性 广南宁屯视台李军 电视节目主持人传情达意,不仅要运用有声语言,还要运 用主持人的主体形象和体态语言.体态语,是一种以主持人面 部表情,身体动作,空间距离及服饰等为手段传播信息,交流 感情并诉诸观众的无声语言,又称副语言. 一 ,肢体语言已经成为电视节目主持语言中不可缺少的一 部分 节目主持人的工作,从本质上说也是与受众之间的一种 审美对话.优美而富有个性的主持人形象和得体而富有表现 力的体态语,能增强受众的信任感,能帮助观众更好地理解主 持人所要表达的内容,也是给受众提供了一种审美的享受.虽 然主持人以有声语言为主要传播手段,但其屏幕形象作为图 像信息的重要组成部分,也越来越受到关注甚至挑刺.电视是 声像传播媒体,这就决定了电视节目主持人与广播节目主持 人根本的差异点,即除了用有声语言进行大众传播活动外,还 要通过无声语言传达信息,与受众进行交流.电视节目主持人 的语言,不管是有声语言还是无声语言,都是来源于生活,却 又高于生活的.正如我们在日常生活当中用语言进行交流的 时候,往往都会不自觉的配上手势,动作和表情等,这样就使 得我们的说话变得既有声,又有色,变得更加容易理解,而这 些肢体语言大多是来源于我们的真实思想活动,即便是在没 有任何准备的前提下所作出的下意识的肢体动作,都能够与

有声语言相对应,真实的反映出我们的心理活动. 二,肢体语言在电视主持中发挥着更积极的作用 有声语言是直接通过声音向受众传达内容,而一个电视 节目要求必须有单一的有声语言(过多的有声语言会使得节目变得嘈杂无序)和固定的节目时间,所以有声语言在电视节目的交流传达中就不可避免的具有一定的局限性.当今社会, 人们的认知欲望增强,这就需要增加信息含量.这时,肢体语 言的辅助是不可或缺的.有时候并不需要主持人喋喋不休的话语来进行表述,一个简单的肢体语言就可以囊括所有,同时,肢体语言可以与有声语言同时进行,对有声语言进行生动的解释说明,这样就使主持人的话可以变得更加简洁而不用担心表意不清.另外,肢体语言还可以解决一些有声语言的"难点",有时候有些内容不宜用言语表达或难以直接表达,肢体语言就可以凭借其可视性,模糊性来达到一些特殊的语境效果.肢体语言的这些特性如果脱离有声语言就毫无意义可言,但是与有声语言协作的时候,其产生的积极作用就表露无疑.也正是有了肢体语言在直接交际中的这些积极作用,才使得电视这门艺术在视听相结合这方面表现的更加淋漓尽致. 三,肢体语言蕴含着强烈的情感信息 人与人的交流当中,情感交流首当其冲.同样,在电视节目 主持中,与受众的情感交流也是极其重要的.而情感交流的一教育观察16 个主要手段就是肢体语言.心理学家弗洛伊德曾经说过凡人皆无法隐藏私情,他的嘴可以保持沉默,他的手脚却会"多嘴多舌".的确,人高兴的时候会手舞足蹈,人悲伤的时候会垂头丧气,人难过的时候会捶胸顿足,人慌张的时候会手忙脚乱,人狂喜的时候会手舞足蹈,这些肢体语言都蕴含着强烈的情感信息.情感交流在电视节目主持当中是一个重头戏,所以情感信息的传递方式就显得尤为重要.电视节目主持中的有声语言要


身体语言的含义 一、身体语言沟通的重要性 在沟通过程中,仅仅靠语言是远远不够的,我们还必须借助于自己的目光、面部表情、手势、身体动作等身体语言,以增强口头表达效果。身体语言沟通可以起到支持、修饰或否定语言行为的作用,有时可以直接代替语言行为,甚至表达出语言难以表达的情感内容,它是非常重要的沟通技能。 1.身体语言沟通是一种普遍的沟通方式 有人研究发现,人们每天的讲话时间平均仅占与人交往时间的 10%,而与人交往的其他时间,都在有意无意地进行着身体语言的沟通。 2.身体语言能够增强沟通的有效性 身体语言具有形象、生动、直观、个性化的特点。在沟通中,将身体语言和语言结合起来使用,能够使表达的含义更精彩、更准确。根据对方身体语言所表达的信息,我们也能够更准确地理解对方。 3.在有些情境中,身体语言比文字和言语更有影响力 据英国心理学家阿盖依尔等人的研究,当语言信号与非语言(体态语)信号所代表的意义不一致时,人们相信的是非语言信号所代表的意义,而且非语言交际的影响是语言的43倍。 4.身体语言在表达人类感情上起着重要作用 缕缕相思,点点离愁,满腔爱意,即使用千言万语也难以形容;然而,一个眼神,一个举动,或是相视一笑,便可将种种情感表达得淋漓尽致。 二、几种常见的身体语言 1.目光的作用 目光是人际沟通中重要的信息来源。在人际沟通过程中,与沟通对象保护目光的接触是十分必要的。 (1)目光接触表示对对方的注意。语言沟通是信息发送和信息接收的过程。信息接收方应注意向信息发送方提供有效的反馈。与对方保持一定的目光接触,就是一种重要的反馈方式,它表示你对对方的注意。 (2)目光接触可以实现多种情感交流。目光能准确地表达友爱和敌意、幸福和痛苦、快乐和悲伤以及惊奇、恐惧、厌恶等人类情感。有敏锐观察力的人可以从一个人的目光中感知其情绪、情感和态度的变化。 (3)目光接触可以表示彼此的距离。一般来说,沟通双方的关系越密切接纳程度越高,目光接触的次数就越多,每次接触保持的时间也就越长。目光还可以表现出对他人的不屑一顾,显示自己的优越感。有人用目光来“拒人千里之外”,表示自己与他人之间的社会距离。 2.面部表情 面部表情不仅可以展示自己良好的人格,还可以掩饰自己的一些缺点。善于利用自己丰富多彩的表情,可以在人际沟通的过程中给人留下良好的印象。 下面介绍一些常见的面部表情: (1)嘴部表情:张嘴露齿表示愉快;咬牙切齿表示愤怒;撇撇嘴表示藐视…… (2)鼻部表情:“嗤之以鼻”表示轻蔑;屏住呼吸是紧张小心;愤怒则张大鼻孔;奉承则“仰人鼻息”…… (3)眉毛:扬眉表示得意;皱眉表示愁苦;竖眉表示愤怒;眉毛完全抬高表示难以置信;半抬高表示大吃一惊;半放低表示大惑不解…… (4)微笑:微笑是最有益于人际沟通的面部表情。微笑表明你对人的尊重、友善、欣赏和赞同,也表明你心地善良,表明你有一个好心情。自然的微笑可打破僵局;轻松的微笑可淡化矛盾;坦然的微笑可消除误解;真诚的微笑会使你成为沟通中的常胜将军。


肢体语言在教学中的重要性 肢体语言(body language)又称身体语言,是指经由身体的各种动作,从而代替语言藉以达到表情达意的沟通目的。广义言之,肢体语言也包括前述之面部表情在内;狭义言之,肢体语言只包括身体与四肢所表达的意义。在小学教学中充分使用肢体语言,能充分调动学生的积极性,让课堂活起来,让学生的思维随身体动起来。 (一)激发学生兴趣。 兴趣是最好的老师,只有让学生产生了兴趣,学生才会积极探索,成为学习的主人。肢体语言的恰当运用,能使学生对所学知识更感兴趣。肢体语言包含的内容很丰富。简而言之,包括动作、手势、眼神、表情、讲话语气等。活泼的肢体语言可以赢得学生的心,如老师说话的语气响亮、富有朝气,学生也会受到感染。当学生有好的表现时,可以握手、拥抱孩子,让学生感受到成功的喜悦。一个赏识的眼神、一个爱抚的动作都会为学生带去暖流,使其在快乐的海洋中健康成长。所以,教师在教学中如能根据课堂中的不同情况,准确适当地运用激励性眼神,赞扬性动作就可能将问题由难化易,有效调节课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,提高教学效果。

(二)利于学生记忆 记忆在学习中有着十分重要的位置。儿童天性好动,喜欢运动,教师运用肢体语言带领学生边做边学,使学生释放部分体力,增加学生兴趣。另外儿童一般来说属于形象思维,运用肢体语言的教学是通过内化理解,行为反应、听说练习,促使学生在语言环境中对字、词、句达到顺乎自然的记忆。他们感觉轻松自然,没有压力,在身心愉快的同时自然学会了知识。这种记忆是愉快的,牢靠的,遗忘率低。 (三)沟通师生感情 在小学课堂中,教师用肢体语言教学,学生会主动投入到课堂中来,从而拉近了师生间的距离,有利于沟通师生间的感情。教师作为学生学习的指导者,一个眼神,一个手势,都会引起学生的无意注意,从而对教学产生一定的影响。教师和学生打成一片,和学生一起在学中玩,唱,跳,做动作,平时注意多摸摸孩子的头,拉拉孩子的手,多和孩子进行肢体接触发挥肢体语言的作用是很有必要的。当孩子表现好时抚摩他的头说“你真棒”,他们会受到莫大的鼓舞。当孩子回答对他认为较难的问题时说“老师相信你一定行!”和他们一起击掌欢呼,通过手掌传递内心的喜悦,同时增进了师生之间的感情。学生一旦喜欢上老师,就自然会喜欢老师所教的科目。 (四)提高教学效果


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe129211.html, 肢体语言在表演中的作用 作者:丁飞 来源:《戏剧之家》2016年第04期 【摘要】本文以《春江月》中柳二的创作体会为依据,在结合自身实践经验的基础上, 浅谈肢体语言在表演中的作用,以期给相关表演工作者更多的借鉴体会。 【关键词】肢体语言;表演;《春江月》;柳二 中图分类号:J812.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2016)02-0047-01 戏曲表演具有强烈的表现力,它源于生活,又不同于生活,出于生活体验,而又不止于生活体验。作为一名戏曲演员,他必须具备丰富的想象力,但在表演的过程中,必须遵循表演的程式法则,既要把角色蕴藏于内心深处的细微情感刻画的惟妙惟肖,表现得淋漓尽致,又不可以夸张过度,而脱离了这个人物在剧中所担负的角色使命。 《春江月》一剧中的柳二,就是我创作这个角色时,运用了肢体语言丰富了这个角色,从而初次尝到了肢体语言在舞台上呈现的效果。 柳二,柳明月的二叔,里长。他是一个心狠手辣,六亲不认,攀龙附凤的自私自利的小人,小人物。在官兵搜索忠臣遗孤时,闻听侄女柳明月房内有婴儿哭声,为了保自己的里长职务,为了获得官兵的奖赏,他不顾亲情,也不顾侄女即将出嫁,亲自带官兵到哥哥家搜寻孤儿。肢体表达和语言表达构成舞台形象两大要素。语言表达,台词是脚本固定好的,一般来讲,演员在舞台上的即性发挥也只能是围绕固定好的台词,语言在舞台上是对外表达,而肢体则是下意识的产物,肢体恰恰更能表述角色在此情此景中下意识的感应作用。搜孤儿,满门抄斩,官兵如虎狼,迎亲的队伍挑着彩礼,台上是一片混乱的场面,这个时刻柳二鬼鬼祟祟的上场,指认柳明月私藏官府搜查的孤儿,更对这个人物起到一个刻木三分的指控与谴责,首先,他的肢体动作与语言,催动和激发了观众对这个人物的深刻理解。 动作的张力所体现的人物的内心世界和感情生活,对推动戏剧的发展和丰富舞台表现的冲击力起着巨大的作用。 柳二遇见放学回家的柳宝,见到这个孩子,他怒从心中起,恶向胆边生,因为没有证据证明这个孩子是忠臣的遗孤,他丢掉了里长的帽子,并挨了三十大板,把腿打瘸了,而且,哥哥也因此气死。这段表演,我特地用了拐腿放在节奏上,打柳宝,拐一下腿;骂柳宝,拐一下腿,从而显示出柳二此时恨得咬牙切齿,打骂都不解气的情绪里。当柳二看见柳宝哭哭啼啼下场后,还不解气,又追上去骂几句,才唧唧歪歪地拐下了场。演员在舞台上准确到位合理而不做作的肢体语言是表达人物内心和情感的一个重要手段,是刻画人物内心情感的不可或缺的手段表演方式,它为演员的表演增添了光彩。


●肢体语言的重要性 一位心理学家曾指出:无声语言所显示的意义要比有声语言多得多,而且深刻。 他还对此列出了一个公式=信息的传递:7%言语+38%语音+55%表情。 ●肢体语言的作用 在某种特殊情况下,肢体语言不但可以单独使用,甚至还可以表达出自然有声语言难以表达的思想感情,直接代替自然有声语言。 第一个特点:使用的广泛性 肢体语言的使用简便快捷、灵活自由。只要人们张口说话,都会有意或无意地运用肢体语 言来传情达意,交流信息。有时肢体语言甚至先于自然有声语言在口才表达接受者的心目中形 成第一视觉形象,直接影响自然有声语言的表达效果;有时说话人在不开口的情况下,单纯运 用肢体语言,也能传达一定的信息。在人类的交谈活动中,没有只运用自然有声语言而不运用 肢体语言的。它总是与自然有声语言配合默契,协调一致,相辅相成,相得益彰。 第二个特点:表达的直观性 有声语言直接诉诸于人的听觉器官,不具有视觉的形象可感性;而肢体语言则不同,它以 灵活多变的表情、动作、体姿构成一定的人体图像来表情达意,交流信息.直接诉诸于人的视觉 器官,具有形象直观的特点。如形容物体的大小,用手势来比划,对某二事物表示赞成或反 对,采用点头或摇头的方式等,就具有鲜明的形象直观性。 第三个特点:交谈中的对应性 肢体语言不但要与有声语言协调配合,而且交谈双方,要协调配合,双向交流,才能达到 交谈的目的。美国著名人类学家霍尔曾指出这种人类交际的常见现象:一个人倾听别人说话 时,总会望着对方的脸,尤其是他的眼睛;为了表示注意,听话者会轻轻地点头,或者说“嗯”、 是的,如果哪句话他深表赞同,点头就点得很深;如果感到怀疑,他就会扬起或皱起眉头来, 或者嘴角向下拉;要是不想再听下去,就会将身子挪一挪,把腿伸一伸,或者移开视线,不再注。视说话人等等。以上说的种种现象,正是对应性的表现。如果某人在说话时运用了各种肢体语 第四个特点:对有声语言的依赖性 肢体语言对有声语言和具体言语环境的依存性决定了它表意的多义性。离开了自然有声 语言,离开了一定的言语环境,肢体语言在当时特定的含义就不明确,就难于辨析和领会。 ●通过你的身体全方位表态 我们与人交谈时,每个人都会自觉或不自觉地用眼睛、面孔、身体和态度来表达自己的真正感觉,这就是肢体语言。 握手是一种肢体语言 一个人的身体语言反映一个人的感觉,而恰到好处地用力握手对交谈也至关重要。握手 的方式往往在不知不觉向别人透露不少你自身的秘密。


一、身体语言沟通的重要性在沟通过程中,仅仅靠语言是远远不够的,我们还必须借助于自己的目光、面部表情、手势、身体动作等身体语言,以增强口头表达效果。身体语言沟通可以起到支持、修饰或否定语言行为的作用,有时可以直接代替语言行为,甚至表达出语言难以表达的情感内容,它是非常重要的沟通技能。1.身体语言沟通是一种普遍的沟通方式有人研究发现,人们每天的讲话时间平均仅占与人交往时间的 10%,而与人交往的其他时间,都在有意无意地进行着身体语言的沟通。2.身体语言能够增强沟通的有效性身体语言具有形象、生动、直观、个性化的特点。在沟通中,将身体语言和语言结合起来使用,能够使表达的含义更精彩、更准确。根据对方身体语言所表达的信息,我们也能够更准确地理解对方。3.在有些情境中,身体语言比文字和言语更有影响力据英国心理学家阿盖依尔等人的研究,当语言信号与非语言(体态语)信号所代表的意义不一致时,人们相信的是非语言信号所代表的意义,而且非语言交际的影响是语言的43倍。4.身体语言在表达人类感情上起着重要作用缕缕相思,点点离愁,满腔爱意,即使用千言万语也难以形容;然而,一个眼神,一个举动,或是相视一笑,便可将种种情感表达得淋漓尽致。 二、几种常见的身体语言1.目光的作用目光是人际沟通中重要的信息来源。在人际沟通过程中,与沟通对象保护目光的接触是十分必要的。(1)目光接触表示对对方的注意。语言沟通是信息发送和信息接收的过程。信息接收方应注意向信息发送方提供有效的反馈。与对方保持一定的目光接触,就是一种重要的反馈方式,它表示你对对方的注意。(2)目光接触可以实现多种情感交流。目光能准确地表达友爱和敌意、幸福和痛苦、快乐和悲伤以及惊奇、恐惧、厌恶等人类情感。有敏锐观察力的人可以从一个人的目光中感知其情绪、情感和态度的变化。(3)目光接触可以表示彼此的距离。一般来说,沟通双方的关系越密切接纳程度越高,目光接触的次数就越多,每次接触保持的时间也就越长。目光还可以表现出对他人的不屑一顾,显示自己的优越感。有人用目光来“拒人千里之外”,表示自己与他人之间的社会距离。 2.面部表情面部表情不仅可以展示自己良好的人格,还可以掩饰自己的一些缺点。善于利用自己丰富多彩的表情,可以在人际沟通的过程中给人留下良好的印象。下面介绍一些常见的面部表情:(1)嘴部表情:张嘴露齿表示愉快;咬牙切齿表示愤怒;撇撇嘴表示藐视……(2)鼻部表情:“嗤之以鼻”表示轻蔑;屏住呼吸是紧张小心;愤怒则张大鼻孔;奉承则“仰人鼻息”……(3)眉毛:扬眉表示得意;皱眉表示愁苦;竖眉表示愤怒;眉毛完全抬高表示难以置信;半抬高表示大吃一惊;半放低表示大惑不解…… 1 2


中西方肢体语言差异 西方的肢体语言手势,面部表情等,都相对来说比较夸,是动作配合表情的。而中国人比较含蓄。 一、常见手势在不同国家和地区的含义 1,拇指和食指合成一个圈,其余三个手指头伸直或者略屈(OK手势):中国和世界很多地方:零或三 美国、英国:OK,即赞同、了不起的意思 日本、缅甸、国:金钱 突尼斯:傻瓜 2,食指和中指上伸成V形,拇指弯曲压于无名指和小指上: 世界大多数地区:伸手示数时表示二,用它表示胜利据说是二战时期英国首相丘吉尔发明的。不过在表示胜利的时候,手掌一定要向外,如果手掌向,就是贬低人、侮辱人的意思了。 在希腊,做这一手势的时候,即使手心向外,如手臂伸直,也有对人不恭之嫌。 3、举大拇指: 中国:好、了不起,有赞赏、夸奖之意 意大利:数字一 希腊:拇指向上表示“够了”,向下表示“厌恶”、“坏蛋” 美国、英国、澳大利亚等国:好、行、不错.

二、不同处举例列表 A 动作一样,意义不同 B 意义相同,动作有差异

C 只存在于一种文化中的动作

这几表中所举的例子不全,但是可以说明肢体语言的差异,也说明了解另一种语言中的肢体语言的重要性。 三、各国不同的面部和肢体语言 ◆美国 美国人非常注重交谈时两眼正视对方。如果谈话时您目光游离或者看向一旁,美国人便会认为您对谈话不感兴趣,甚至以为您在对他隐瞒什么。 在美国,有两种手势是最具侮辱性的:第一种手势是左手握拳且弯曲左臂,同时将右手掌按在左臂肱二头肌的位置上;第二种是中指伸直向上,其余4指弯曲。 ◆埃及 在交谈中,如果埃及人拉起您的手,抓住您的胳膊,或是抚摸您的肩

膀时,请不要误以为他们缺少礼数,这是他们真情实感的流露。在埃及,交谈者会尽量站得离您更近此,如果您企图躲闪,这将被视为对对方的侮辱。 ◆英国 同英国人谈话,实际上是很复杂的事情:英国人所受的教育不仅不允许打断交谈者的话,而且面部也不允许流露出不赞成的表情。英国人可以心平气和地听您喋喋不休地说上半个小时,当您终于沉默的时候,他才断然说个“不”字。因此,您在独自一人滔滔不绝讲话的时候,别忘了必要时停顿一下。 如果英国人用弯曲的食指敲打自己的前额,其含义是,他不愿意说您是个“笨蛋”,但他想说,他是个智者。 ◆希腊 希腊人总是面带微笑,即使在生气的时候也是如此。比方说,在舞会上,希腊男人即便邀请女士跳舞遭到拒绝,也不会立刻闷闷不乐地走开,而是仍然站在原地满脸笑容地谈笑风生。 如果希腊人大开五指,将手掌向您的脸伸过去的话,这是想让您不再作声。 希腊人有可能把“OK”手势理解成……肛门,尤其在女士面前,做这样的手势是非常没有礼貌的。 结论:对肢体语言的研究有助于对语言的研究。对前者的理解可以



浅谈肢体在商务谈判中的作用 写作提纲 一、绪论 由于当前经济全球化,人们越来越频繁地参与到商务谈判中,商务谈判是市场经济条件下最普通的活动之一。成功的商务谈判不仅要求谈判人员熟知谈判原则、相关法律及商务业务,而且要掌握谈判技巧。肢体语言作为一种语言交际策略,在国际商务谈判中也有着重要的作用。本文从肢体语言的特点着手,旨在突出肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用。 二、本论 (一)肢体语言的概念及特点 1.肢体语言的概念 2.肢体语言的特点 (二)肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用 1.增强有声语言的表达力 2.具有暗示性 3.能迅速传递、反馈信息,增加互动性 (三)肢体语言在商务谈判中的运用 1.上肢动作语言信息 2.下肢动作语言信息 3.腹部动作语言信息 三、结论


浅谈肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用 饶慕容 【内容摘要】近年来,我国与世界各国的国际商务关系不断地发展变化,商务谈判在跨国商务和国际经济活动中日益频繁。肢体语言作为商务谈判中重要的一部分,其作用也是非常重要的。本文就肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用提出了在商务谈判中上肢动作、下肢动作和腹部动作三大肢体的语言信息,力求把握好肢体语言技巧,让商务谈判更好更顺利的进行。 【关键词】肢体语言商务谈判作用 由于当前经济全球化,人们越来越频繁地参与到商务谈判中,商务谈判是市场经济条件下最普通的活动之一。成功的商务谈判要求谈判人员不仅要熟知谈判原则、相关法律和商务业务,而且要掌握谈判技巧。肢体语言作为商务谈判中重要的一部分,在商务谈判中也有着重要的作用。本文就肢体语言的特点着手,旨在突出肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用。 一、肢体语言的概念及特点 (一)肢体语言的概念 肢体语言又称身体语言,是指非语言性的身体符号,包括眼神与面部表情、身体运动与触摸、姿势、身体间的空间距离等,是除语言表达外另一种重要的沟通方式广义言之,肢体语言也包括前述之面部表情在内;狭义言之,肢体语言只包括身体与四肢所表达的意义。 一般在面对面的交流中,语言所传递的信息量在总信息量中所占的份额还不到35%,剩下的超过65% 的信息都是通过非语言交流方式完成的。人们说话时总会运用一系列的动作来配合自己的谈话,相比语言的有意识,这些动作是无

身体语言在交流中的重要性 英文

The Importance of Body Language in Communication 身体语言在交流中的重要性 When working with other people, verbal communication is only one way that you show others emotion, approval, disappointment and confidence. How you walk, how you position yourself when talking and how you use your facial expression are all cues that other people rely on when making assessments about your abilities and current state of mind. Using Body Language in the Workplace The more you understand body language and its affect on others, the better you will be in communicating with co-workers, bosses, clients, vendors and others you encounter during the day. By making simple adjustments to your posture, facial expressions and mannerisms, you can improve the way others view you. Assessing how people view you is necessary in order to make changes. Ask those around you whose opinion you can trust to determine where improvements need to be made. Adjustments can include the following: * Maintaining a relaxed posture while walking or during a meeting. Relaxed posture indicates you're comfortable in your surroundings and not under stress. Even if you experience stress while working on a project, when you reduce the appearance of stress, those around you will feel more comfortable and will have more faith in your abilities to lead, delegate responsibility and manage the project. * Mannerisms such as fidgeting, moving around a room while talking, breaking eye contact with others frequently and other bodily quirks you have can be seen as a


怎样撰写演讲稿 “台上十分钟,台下十年功”,用这句话来形容演讲前的准备工作十分贴切。优秀演讲者除了要有口才、学识、品德和稳定的心理素质外,在每一次演讲前都要进行认真的准备,深入了解听众、广泛收集材料、写好演讲稿、反复演练等。其中演讲稿的撰写是关键,写好演讲稿可以帮助演讲者加深对主题、内容的理解和熟悉,理清思路,增强语言表现力,恰当掌握演讲时间,使演讲者心中有数,有助于打消紧张情绪。 写好演讲稿要注意以下几点: 一、根据听众特点确定演讲内容 演讲是讲给人听的,听众听得懂、喜欢听才能有助于演讲目的的实现。听众渴望了解的是他们关心的问题,对其工作生活有指导价值的知识和信息,因此演讲者的选题应从听众的心理需求出发,这能缩短演讲者与听众间的心理距离,获得支持。了解听众首先要了解听众的身份阶层、文化层次、职业、年龄等,这些因素会影响听众的理解能力、语言感知能力;其次要了解听众心的焦点,有时一场演讲的听众成百上千,难免各有所思各有所想,性格、心态各不相同,但在某种特定的场合下,比如一个非常的时代、某个特殊意义的时刻、某种特定的情景等,人们所关心的焦点往往会比较集中地落在一个问题上而暂时统一了愿望和要求,那么演讲者就应该因地制宜、有的放矢。 二、提练主题深刻恨之情 主题是演讲稿的统帅,演讲主题的提练应本着使人获益的原则,那种空洞肤浅或主题拥塞演讲会令人生厌的。演讲主题应是演讲者的真知灼见,才能吸引听众,使人获益。然而演讲者的真知灼见又是来源于广博的生活的,因此提练主题还应善于对生活进行升华,能够以小见大、从平凡中见精神,由细小中见伟奇,善于挖掘社会现象中所隐含的人生哲理、客观规律,善于从一个比较新奇的角度去切入生活的实质,在一个更高的高度上去观察生活、思索现实。 三、材料充实新颖感人 文章学要求选择材料要围绕主旨、典型真实,演讲稿的写作也不例外。但演讲作为一种特殊的语言活动,要求其材料要符合演讲的鼓动性、针对性、情感性等特征。此外,演讲选择材料要多准备几套,有备无患,以便临场应变,留有增减的余地。 从以下几方面选择材料一般能取支较好的效果: (一)新闻事件真实而新鲜,知识性强、时效性强。 (二)亲身经历或亲眼所见富于真情实感,有利于打动听众。


肢体语言 肢体语言,也称体态语言、态势语言、态势语,它是运用身体或身体的某一部分肢体作出动作,以表达思想、沟通感情、传递信息的一种表达形式。肢体语言是一种无声语言,它与有声语言一样,是人们交往中经常使用的一种不可或缺的交际形式。 肢体语言的表现形式很多。由于文化环境不同,有些肢体语言的意义也不完全相同。随着我国对外交流的不断加强,了解一些常见、常用肢体语言的用法,对于我们恰当、得体地运用肢体语言,提高交际的效果是非常必要的。 1、点头与摇头 在我国和世界上大多数国家,点头表示肯定、同意、承认、认可、满意、理解、顺从、感谢或打招呼等(英、美人点头还可表示告别)。与点头相反,摇头则表示否定、不同意、不承认、不满意、不理解等。但是,在印度、斯里兰卡、保加利亚、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦等国家或其中的一些地区,则是摇头表示同意,点头表示不同意。比如,在印度表示同意就是把头向左摇动。 2、伸舌头(吐舌头) 在我国,伸舌头有表示吃惊、得意、艳羡、惊讶、调皮、害羞、

不好意思,或意识到自己做错了事而表示抱歉等意思。而纽西兰的毛利人对某人伸舌头,则是尊敬的表示。当贵宾到来时,为了表示欢迎,毛利人不仅上身裸露穿干草制作的裙子跳草裙舞,而且在跳舞的过程中,一边跺脚一边把舌头伸出来。据说,鲜红的舌头是表示赤诚的心。 3、竖大拇指 在我国,竖大拇指是表示“好”的意思,用来称赞交际对方干得好、了不起、高明等,这个意思在世界上许多国家都是相同的。但是,在有些国家还有其他一些意思。在德国,竖大拇指表示数字“1”;在日本,表示数字“5”,还表示“男人”、“您的父亲”、“最高”;在韩国,表示“首领”、“自己的父亲”、“部长”、“队长”;在墨西哥、荷兰等国,表示“祈祷幸运”;在美国、法国、印度等国,表示“拦路搭车”;而在澳大利亚、希腊,竖起大拇指,尤其是横向伸出大拇指被认为是一种污辱。 在我国,一些人往往用大拇指指自己的鼻尖表示“自己”的意思。而在西方,任何情况下都不要用大拇指指自己的鼻尖,谈到自己时应用手掌轻按自己的左胸,那样会显得端庄、大方、可信。 4、伸食指 伸出食指往下弯曲这一手势,使用范围也很广泛。在我国,表示数字“9”;在日本,表示“偷窃”;在泰国、新加坡、马来西亚,表示“死亡”;在墨西哥,表示“钱”或询问价格、数量的多少。 5、伸中指 在我国,中指伸出,其他四至弯曲向下,像乌龟


浅谈“肢体语言”的作用 摘要:在跨文化交流中,语言是必须的,语言包括说话、肢体语言等。在这里,我们探讨一下肢体语言在不同问下的不同表现。在不同的地域、文化背景下,人们对同一个肢体语言会有不同的认识,我们将通过对不同文化、地域的不同的肢体语言的了解来学习如何在跨文化交流中运用肢体语言。 关键字:肢体语言跨文化交流文化地域 美国心理学家阿尔伯特·马洛比恩发明了一个原则:总交流量=7%的文字交流+38%口头交流+55%的面部表情交流,这说明了肢体语言的重要性。在日常交际活动中,我们都通过言语和非言语相互交流。肢体语言是非言语交流的重要组成部分,在人际交往中起了不可忽视的重要作用。但是并非所有的肢体语言都表达了同一种意义,它会受多种因素的影响而有差异。 美国人问候时要握手,阿拉伯人问候时要亲吻脸颊,日本人问候时要鞠躬,墨西哥人则常常相互拥抱。在土耳其,人们认为摸一下耳朵可是人免受凶眼的伤寒;在意大利南部,这种手势却用来嘲笑人懦弱无能;在印度,这又是自责或真诚的表现。在大多数中东和远东国家,用食指指认是不礼貌的。在泰国,示意某人走过来,需要手掌向下,手指向自己移动;而在美国,让人过来则应手掌向上,手指向自己移动;在越南,美国这种手掌向上的手势只用来唤狗。汤加人在长辈面前应该坐下,而在西方晚辈应该站着。在美国,两腿交叉而坐是表示放松;在朝鲜,这是社交的禁忌。在日本,交换礼物要用双手;穆斯林人则视左手不洁,不用左手吃东西或传递物品。佛教认为,人在沉默时能大彻大悟,美国人则认为交谈出真知。 由此可见,肢体语言在不同的地域、不同的文化背景下,同样的动作,具有不同的意义。 广州大学,是一个有不少外国友人积聚的地方。所以,在这里也会遇到一些跨文化交流,特别是在健身房,外国友人更是随处可见。在遇到这些外国友人时,问候方式也是不同的,就像我第一次去健身房的时候,见到两个法国的男人在亲吻脸颊,我不禁跟旁边的朋友小声议论:“怎么这两个‘玻璃’那么高大啊!”朋


浅析肢体语言在音乐教学中的作用 【摘要】由于小学生好动的天性使得肢体动作在音乐中的应用显得尤为重要。肢体动作的加入可以进一步激发起小学生对学习音乐的积极性和主动性,从而有效地提高教学的效率和效果,实现音乐教学的最终目的。本文通过对肢体语言在音乐教学中作用个的浅析来明确肢体语言的巧妙运用来传达情感,使肢体语言成为一种具有较高审美价值和情感交流价值的工具。 【关键词】肢体语言;音乐教学;作用;运用;律动; 一、肢体语言 含义:肢体语言(又称身体语言),是指通过头、眼、颈、手、肘、臂、身、胯、足等人体部位的协调活动来传达人物的思想,形象地借以表情达意的一种沟通方式。肢体语言又称身体语言,是指经由身体的各种动作,从而代替语言藉以达到表情达意的沟通目的。广义言之,肢体语言也包括前述之面部表情在内;狭义言之,肢体语言只包括身体与四肢所表达的意义。谈到由肢体表达情绪时,我们自然会想到很多惯用动作的含义。诸如鼓掌表示兴奋,顿足代表生气,搓手表示焦虑,垂头代表沮丧,摊手表示无奈,捶胸代表痛苦。当事人以此等肢体活动表达情绪,别人也可由之辨识出当事人用其肢体所表达的心境。 常用的肢体语言:拍手、拍腿、拍肩、跺脚、旋转、眼神、眨眼、面部表情。

作用:由肢体动作表达情绪时,当事人经常并不自知。当我们与人谈话时,时而蹙额,时而摇头,时而摆动手势,时而两腿交叉,我们多半并不自知。正因如此,心理学家提出一个如下的假设:当你与人说真话的时候,你的身体将与对方接近;当你与人说假话的时候,你的身体将离开对方较远。此一假设验证的结果发现:如果要求不同受试者,分别与别人陈述明知是编造的假话与正确的事实时,说假话的受试者会不自觉地与对方保持较远的距离,而且显得身体向后靠,肢体的活动较少,惟面部笑容反而增多。 一个人要向外界传达完整的信息,单纯的语言成分只占 7/100,声调占38/100,另外的55/100信息都需要由非语言的体态来传达,而且因为肢体语言通常是一个人下意识的举动,所以,它很少具有欺骗性。 二、小学音乐的教学特性 小学生对艺术的感受力属于发展的初期,由于他们特殊的心理特征音乐教材的编排也是以节奏欢快,歌词简洁为主。在音乐教学的过程中主要挑选简单明了的歌曲,比较忌讳较难的歌曲,由曲谱简单的歌曲开始入门,主要是为了激发学生对音乐的兴趣,学到音乐知识是次要的。由于小学生心理尚不成熟,又有好动的特性,绝大部分孩子很难“坐得住”,因此在音乐教学中要善于抓住这一特点,利用好学生的这种好动爱动的心理吸引学生的注意力,在活动中学习歌曲和音乐知识。 三、肢体语言在音乐中的作用:


礼貌用语 ㈠语言美 ⒈礼貌的基本要求:①说话要尊称,态度平稳;②说话要文雅,简练,明确;③说话要婉转热情;④说话要讲究语言艺术,力求语言优美,婉转悦耳;⑤与宾客讲话要注意举止表情。 2、'三轻':走路轻,说话轻,操作轻。 '三不计较':不计较宾客不美的语言;不计较宾客急躁的态度;不计较个别宾客无理的要求。'四勤':嘴勤、眼勤、腿勤、手勤(脑勤)。 '四不讲':不讲粗话;不讲脏话;不讲讽刺话;不讲与服务无关的话。 '五声':客来有迎声,客问有答声,工作失误道歉声,受到帮助致谢声,客人走时有送声。 '六种礼貌用语':问候用语,征求用语,致歉用语,致谢用语,尊称用语,道别用语。 '文明礼貌用语十一字':请,您,您好,谢谢,对不起,再见。 '四种服务忌语':蔑视语、否定语、顶撞语、烦躁语。 3、敬语服务 基本要求:①语言语调悦耳清晰;②语言内容准确充实;③语气诚恳亲切;④讲好普通话;⑤语言表达恰恰相反到好处。 4、基本用语 1)基本服务用语 ①'欢迎'、'欢迎您'、'您好',用于客人来到餐厅时,迎宾人员使用。 ②'谢谢'、'谢谢您',用于客人为服务员的工作带来方便时,本着的态度说。 ③'请您稍侯'或'请您稍等一下',用于不能立刻为客人提供服务,本着歉真负责的态度说。 ④'请您稍侯'或'请您稍等一下',用于因打扰客人或给客人带来不便,本着歉意的心情说。 ⑤'让您久等了',用对等候的客人,本着热情而表示歉意。 ⑥'对不起'或'实在对不起,用于因打扰客人或给客人带来不便,本着真诚而有礼貌地说。 ⑦'再见'、'您慢走'、'欢迎下次光临',用于客人离开时,本着热情而真诚地说。 2)日常服务用语 ①当客人进入餐厅 --早上好,先生(小姐)您一共几位? --请往这边走。 --请跟我来。 --请坐。 --请稍候,我马上为您安排。 --请等一等,您的餐台马上准备(收拾)好。 --请您先看一下菜单(请您先点一下凉菜) --先生(小姐),您喜欢坐在这里吗? --对不起,您跟那位先生合用一张餐台好吗? --对不起,这里有空位吗? --对不起,我可以用这着把椅子吗? ②为客人点菜时 --对不起,先生(小姐)现在可以为您点菜吗? --您喜欢用什么饮料,我们餐厅有…… --您喜欢用些什么酒? --您是否喜欢…… --您是否有兴趣品尝今天的特色菜?


俗话说:人心隔肚皮,人心莫测。事实上,人的内心状态并非不可揣测。人们的表现即使在有声语言方面有所掩饰,也会通过无声语言,尤其是体态语言表露出来。因为体态语言具有习惯成自然的下意识特性,所以它比有声语言更能表现出人的心理状态。 一天晚上,丈夫很晚回来。进门后,他就向妻子解释因为有许多事要和同事与客户交谈,所以耽误了很久的时间。但他说话时却下意识地用手摸摸嘴唇,而且尽量避免与妻子目光相对。如果妻子善于观察,一眼便可看出:他的理由是编造的,为了隐瞒什么。 为什么体态会泄露天机呢?因为这是很早形成的习惯,不易掩饰和改变。一个孩子向父母撒谎,说完话,他会下意识地用手捂嘴巴。在人的一生中,这一动作会使用下去,只不过随着年龄和阅历的增长而有所变化,不那么明显罢了。如捂嘴不再用整个手掌,而是改用手指轻轻触摸一下嘴角或鼻子,其意图仍象童年时一样用手捂嘴,阻止谎言出口,但手的动作却变得快速、轻巧而微妙了。 既然人的经历越复杂,经验越丰富,其体态语言也就越含蓄微妙,那么一个人在体态语言上只要善于掩饰、伪装,不就可以不被别人看穿了吗?然而,要做到完全不露痕迹、天衣无缝是不可能的。孩子对父母撒谎,还有一种习惯动作,就是常把手藏在背后;而成年人

撒谎时,会把这一动作演变为双手插进衣兜里,或是摆出一副双臂交叉,以示防范的姿态。我们已知手掌敞开表示诚实,那么你撒谎时有意地把手掌敞开,不就行了吗?问题没这么简单。虚假的体态瞒不住懂得体态语言而又细心观察的眼睛。主要的消极手势被控制了,但其他体态信号仍然“泄密“:脸色变化、动作不自然、肌肉紧张、眼神不自然等等。这些信号与敞开的手掌相矛盾,仍然会给人一种不诚实的感觉。这就是说,当人的大脑有某种打算时,其思维活动会支配身体的各个部位发出各种细微信号,这是人们不能完全控制,也是难以充分意识到的。可以控制的有声语言与难以控制的体态语言之间,有意识控制的部分体态与难以意识到的部分体态之间,有意控制的短暂时间与难以控制的较长时间之间,必然会出现某种矛盾、差别,显得不协调、不自然。这就是体态语言的心理表现不可改变的原因。 人事部经理与求职者的谈话结束了。经理站起来和求职者握手:“请回吧,我们研究一下,会告诉你消息的,再见。“这位求职者心中没底,拿不准主意:他应该等这个单位的通知,还是立刻再到别处去联系?其实,他如果懂得体态语言就已经看出这次面试的结果了。因为在谈话时,经理的右手总是撑在脸上,中指封在嘴上,食指伸直指向右眼角,左臂又横在胸前,目光很少对着这位求职的青年人。这种体态就是表示:我对你讲的不感兴趣,你不是我们所需要的人。


沉默中有意义,手势中有语言。 ——威廉·莎士比亚 1、不要错过口头交流之外的信息沟通 销售人员最终能否实现预期的销售目标,一定程度上还取决于非语言的沟通过程。著名人类学家、现代非语言沟通首席研究员雷·伯德威斯特尔指出,在典型的两个人的谈话或交流中,口头传递的信号实际上还不到全部表达意思的35%,而其余65%的信号必须通过非语言信号的沟通来传递。 非语言又常常被人们称为“身体语言”、“体态语言”或者“动作语言”和“肢体语言”等。它是口头交流之外的又一种沟通方式,这种沟通需要借助表情、动作或体态等工具来进行,比如眼神的交流和手势传递的信息。有了身体语言的配合,整个沟通过程才显得更加充实和活跃。试想一下,当销售人员和客户两眼无神、动作僵硬地坐在那里你一言我一语地搭话时,那种情景将显得多么呆板和无聊。 在口头交流之外,沟通双方的身体语言交流可以互相传递很多信息。比如,当一个人身体前倾、不住点头时,表明这个人对某种事物很感兴趣,或者对某人的观点表示支持和认同;又如,当一个人突然向上用力挥舞手臂时,这个人很可能是对某种观点或事物表示强烈不满。 即使是在口头交流过程中,身体语言的信息传递功能也会同时发生。比如,当一个人说话时呼吸急促、说话速度比平时快、声音也比平时高时,常常表示这个人此时的心情比较激动,或者正在受某些问题的困扰;又如,当一个人说话时的眼神游移不定、不敢与他人对视时,那么这个人很可能不够自信,或者他(她) 说的话不够真实。 当然了,对于身体语言的解读,必须结合具体的沟通情境、不同的风俗习惯以及人物的性格特点等进行具体分析。同样一种表情、动作或神态,在不同的沟通情境、不同的地域特点中所反映的意义可能会大相径庭,而不同性格的人在传递信息时展示出的身体语言也各不相同。例如:竖起大拇指的手势,在中国表示赞扬,在日本表示“老爷子”,在希腊表示让对方“滚蛋”,而在英国等地则常常有一种侮辱人的意味。又如:有些人用双手摊开的动作表示“我就是这么倔犟,你还是不要再浪费口舌了”,而另外一些人则用这个动作表示“真拿你没办法,我服了你,就按你说的意思办吧”。 具体地说,按照不同的身体部位划分,身体语言可以分为表情语、手势语和肢体动作语三大类。 (1)表情语。 人们常常通过面部表情互相传递信息,像眼神动作和微笑、愤怒、悲伤等表情都可以起到传递信息的作用。眼神的动作和变化尤其能反映人们内心的思想和情绪等,因此,销售人员一定要学会通过眼睛这扇窗户来观察客户的内心想法,同时也要学会利用眼神的交流向客户传递你的真诚和关心等。 (2)手势语。 顾名思义,手势语主要是指包括人的手指、手掌、手臂及双手发出的各种动作。比如伸出某个手指的具体的含义、相互握手时传递的信息等。很多时候,人们还可以通过自己手部的特定动作向交流的另一方表达特定的意义,比如把手轻轻地搭在对方肩上或胳膊上表示亲密,伸开双臂拥抱表示喜欢或安慰对方等。 手势语在与客户沟通的过程中往往非常吸引双方的注意力。所以,销售人员在与客户沟通的时候最好注意自己的每一个手势,千万不要因为一个不经意的手部动作而引起客户的不满。 (3)肢体动作语。

为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language Is Important-

为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language Is Important? When you learn a foreign language, you must learn more than the vocabulary and the grammar. To communicate successfully, you must also learn the non-verbal language, or "body language" of that culture. "Body language" is a term used to describe facial expression, gestures, and other movements of the body that send messages. This means of communication is so important that we may actually say more with our movements than with words. 当你学习一门外语的时候,你必须学习词汇和语法以外的东西。为了能够顺利沟通,你必须学会那一文化的肢体语言。"肢体语言"是用来描述面部表情,姿势以及其他传递信息的身体动作的术语。这种沟通方式很重要,因而我们实际上可能用动作比用话语表达的更多。 For some messages, words are not enough. Speaking a foreign language is sometimes difficult because we may not understand the non-verbal signals of another culture. For example, nodding the head up and down is a gesture that may communicate different messages in different parts of the world. In North America, it means "I agree". In the Middle East, nodding the head down means "I agree" and up means "I disagree". In a conversation among Japanese it often simply means "I'm listening". 对于有些信息,言语是不够的。有时候说一门外语很难,因为我们可能不理解另一文化的非语言信号。比如,上下点头这一姿势在世界不同的地方表达的信息也是不一样的。在北美,这一姿势意味着"我同意"。在中东,点头表示"我同意",而抬头表示"我不同意"。在日本人的对话当中,它通常只是表示"我在听"。 Eye contact is also very meaningful, but it can also mean different things in different countries. In some Spanish-speaking countries, children show respect to an old person by not looking directly into the person's eye during a conversation. In other cultures, looking into a person's eye is expected. For example, if you don't do it in the United States, people may think that you are afraid, embarrassed, or angry. In the Middle East, direct eye contact in a conversation is more continuous than in many other parts of the world. People who are not used to this may feel uncomfortable. 眼神接触也很有意义,但是它在不同的国家也可以表示不同的意思。在一些说西班牙语的国家,孩子们在与老人的对话中通过不直视对方的眼睛来对对方表示尊敬。在其他文化中,人们期待别人直视眼睛。比如,在美国,如果你不这样做,人们可能会认为你害怕,尴尬或者生气。在中东,对话中直接的眼神接触比世界上很多其他地方更持久。不习惯的人可能会觉得不舒服。

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