当前位置:文档之家› 2019年人教版五年级英语下册第一次月考试卷




Part 1 Listening 听力部分(30分)


()1. A. shop B. stop C. hop

()2. A. song B. strong C. long

()3. A. come on B. come down C. come up

()4. A. tonight B. today C.tomorrow

()5. A. take a test B. have a party C. write a letter

()6. A. meet some friends B. get a haircut C. play games

()7. A. shop for clothes B. shop for shoes C. shop for socks

()8. A. What are you going to do today? B. What is he going to do today?

C. What is she going to do today?

()9. A. Are you going to Beijing for a vacation?

B. Are they going to Shanghai for a vacation?

C. Is your sister going to Hong Kong for a vacation?

()10. A. Is your father going to take a rest tomorrow?

B. Is your brother going to take a test tomorrow?

C. Is your cousin going to have a party tomorrow?


()1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can.

()2. A. I’m going to Shanghai. B. I’m writing a letter. C. I’m going to write a letter.

()3. A. He’s going to write a letter. B. She’s going to shop for clothes.

C. I’m going to get a haircut.

()4. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes , they do. C.Yes, we are.

()5. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t. C. No, I’m not.

()6. A. She’s going to see the doctor. B. No, I’m going to play games.

C. We’re going to meet some friends.

5.( )

6.( )

7.( )

8.( )


Next week is a ________________. We are going do many things. I’m going to _______________some __________ next Sunday. We are going to have a ___________.And we’re going to __________ ______________.

Part 2 Writing 笔试部分(70分)


1. I ___________________to the park tomorrow. (go)

2.What ________you going to do? I _______going to read some books. (be)

3. I like ______________. I am going ______________.(camp)

4.Jenny is going to _______a letter tonight.

She ________a letter every week.(write)

5. Is she ___________homework ? (do)

6. What are you ____________to do ?( go )

7. There are many _____________(wolf) in the forest.

8. Look at the clouds. It _________________(rain)

9. _________ you going to have a party this weekend? Yes, we _______.(be)

10. Teachers’ Day is coming . Tony _____________________(make) a card for

his teacher



A. What are you going to do tomorrow?

B. How are you going there ?

C. Are you going to get a haircut tomorrow ?


A.What are you going to do in summer in Beijing?.

B. I went to Beijing last summer.

C. I am going to Beijing in summer.

()3. 你想知道李明今天打算干什么,可以问他爸爸:

A.What is Liming going to do this afternoon?

B. What are you going to do this afternoon?

C. I’m going to play.

()4.当老师向同学们宣布:Let’s have a party! 同学们欢呼:

A. Oh, on!

B. Hurray!

C. Really ?

( ) 5. 英语考试前小明很紧张,这时你会安慰他说:

A.What are you going to do, Xiaoming?

B. Are you going to take a test, Xiaoming?

C. Don’t worry , Xiaoming.


( )1. I don’t know any new songs _______dances.

A. or

B. and

C. of

( ) 2. ________are you going to do ? I’m going to write _____my grandma.

A. How , to

B. What , on

C. What , to

( ) 3. There are no _________ in Tibet. There are ___________. .

A. beach , mountains

B. beach , mountain

C. beaches , mountains

( ) 4. It’s winter now. It’s ________cold ________camping. .

A. too, to

B. too, for

C. to , too

( ) 5.______are you going ? We’re going to Shanghai. .

A. Where

B. What

C. How

( )6. Let’s __________friends.

A. making

B. being

C. be

( ) 7. I want to have a __________holiday.

A. 2 weeks

B. 2-week

C. two week

( )8. My father and mother ___________read books tonight.

A. are going to

B. is going to

C. go to

( ) 9. _________ is he going to do? He’s going to _________.

A. How, by plane

B. What, play with friends

C. Where, Shanghai ( ) 10. They are going to Australia ________vacation.

A. in

B. on

C. _to


Model A: What are you going to do today? I’m going to shop for clothes.

1.Lisa / take a test

______________________________________________________________________ _____

Model B:Is Gogo going to write to his uncle today? No, he isn’t.

2.your parents / have a party / tonight

______________________________________________________________________ _____

Model C:Are you going to walk in the park tomorrow? No, I’m not.

3. your cousin / clean your bedroom /next week / yes

______________________________________________________________________ ______

Model D: What is your friend going to do the day after tomorrow? He’s going to see a movie.

4. the man / this weekend / sweep the floor


1. are / we/ the /on / going /after / vacation / go /day / tomorrow / to / (. )

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. there/ can/ get / we/ how / (? )

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. is/ fun lots / to/ going/ of / be / it/ ( . )

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. is / write / cousin / going / your / to/ you /today / to ( ? )

_____________________________________________________________________ 七、看图填空,一空一词。(8分)

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. What are _________going to do today? They’re going to take a __________.

2.Do they like __________ _________ now? Yes , they do .

3.I feel sick. I’m going to __________ the _________?

4. Look !Jenny ____________________some great food for her mom .


1.What are you going to do tomorrow ? ___________________________________

2.Are you going to have a party with your friends next week? ___________________

3.Is it a vacation next week? ________________________________________

4.What do you need for a vacation? __________________________________


May Day is coming. John and Mary are going to go on a vacation with their father and mother on May 1st. They’re going to come back after three days. Their parents are going to meet some friends on May 4 th. On May 5 th, John is going to play games with his cousin. Mary is going to read the English book, because she’s going to take an English test next week. Oh, they’re going to have a very busy May Day.

( )1. John’s family are going to go on a vacation on May 6 th.

( )2. John is going to read the English book on May 5 th.

( )3. Their parents are going to go shopping on May 4 th .

( )4.Mary is going to take a test next week.

( )5. They are going to have a busy May Day.


人教版英语精品资料(精修版) 第一次月考教学质量检测 五年级 英语试卷 卷首寄语: 亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获,老师一直投给你信任的目光。请认真审题,看清要求,仔细答题,祝你成功。 听力部分(40分) 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( 10分) ( )1.A.short B.shirt C.strict ( )2.A.tall B.thin C. Strong ( )3.A.young B.funny C.kind ( )4.A.smart B.active C.old ( )5.A.math B.science C.English 二、听录音,选出你所听到的一项。(10分) ( )1.A.Yes, she is. B.Yes , he is. C.She is kind. ( )2.A.Mr Zhao. B.He ’s funny. C.No, he isn ’t. ( )3.A.She ’s thin. B.Yes, she is. C.Miss Lin. ( )4.A.He ’s from Canada. B.He ’s Wang Tao. C.He ‘s my father. ( )5.A.She ’s our principal. B.She ’s quiet. C.No, she isn ’ t. 三、听录音,给下列句子排序。( 10分) ( )Who is the old lady ? ( ) Is she strict? ( )She is our math teacher? ( )No,she isn ’t. She is very kind. ( )So good! 四、听录音,选择正确的单词。( 10分) —_____1.____ your English _____2.____like? —_____3.____ is tall and strong. —Is she ______4._____ —No, she _______5._____. She ’s very kind. ( )1.A. Who ’s B.What 题 序 一 二 三 四 五 六 总 分 得 分 学校:____________ 班级:____________ 姓名:_____________ 4.O u r p r i n c i p a l i s ( ),b u t h e i s v e r y ( ).


上海市英语五年级下册第一次月考测试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分) A . sweater B . sweaters 2. (2分)(2019·永寿) sc ____ ss____ ____ s (剪刀) A . i,or B . a. er C . a,or 3. (2分)(2019·永寿) ____ nderst ____ nd(明白) A . u,i B . i,a C . u,a 4. (2分)b_rr_ w A . o,a B . a,o C . o,o 5. (2分)容易的 A . the same B . easy 二、选出下列单词的汉语意思。 (共5题;共10分) 6. (2分) How many caps do you have? A . 你看见多少个帽子? B . 你有多少个帽子? 7. (2分) School is over at 3:30 in the afternoon. A . 下课 B . 学校放假 C . 放学

8. (2分) Would you like a hot dog? A . 我想要一个热狗。 B . 你想要一个热狗吗? 9. (2分) It's spring. It's warm. A . 热的 B . 凉爽的 C . 暖和的 10. (2分) colour it red A . 让我看看 B . 做 C . 把它涂成红色 三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 (共5题;共10分) 11. (2分)选出不同项() A . boy B . girl C . and 12. (2分)选出不同类的一项() A . hospital B . manger C . driver 13. (2分)选出不同类的一项() A . hospital B . policeman C . factory 14. (2分)选出不同项() A . bowl B . try C . plate 15. (2分)选出不同类的一项 A . hand B . head C . kite


2016-2017学年度第一学期期末质量检测五年级 英语试题2017年1月 温馨提示: 1. 本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,60分;第II卷为非选择题,40分,总分100分。 2. 答卷前务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、考号清楚地填写在试卷密封线内。 3. 第Ⅰ卷每题选出答案后,都必须用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在第II卷前的答题纸上。第II卷用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 4. 考生交卷时只交第Ⅰ卷答卷纸和第II卷。 第I卷(选择题,共60分) 一、听力选择。(共20小题,计30分) (一)听辨单词。听录音,选出你所听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(5分) 1. A. hungry B. angry C. very 2. A. thirteen B. thirty C. thirsty 3. A. sad B. sell C. send 4. A. last B. lost C. list 5. A. took B. told C. toilet (二)听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片,每个句子读两遍。(5分) 6. A. B. C. 7. A. B. C. 8. A. B. C. 9. A. B. C. 10. A. B. C. (三)听录音,给下列图片排序,每个句子读两遍。(5分) 11.________ 12.________ 13.________ 14.________ 15.________ A. B. C. D. E. (四)听录音,选出正确的答语,每个问题读两遍。(5分) 16. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I don’t. C. I feel happy. 17. A. She went to the zoo. B. She went there by bus. C. She bought some juice. 18. A. Last Sunday. B. I played basketball. C. I watch TV. 19. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, she did. 20. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, she can. C. No, they can’t. (五)听录音,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F), 短文读两遍。(10分) 21. Amy’s bedroom is not very big. 22. There's a bed in her bedroom. 23. There isn't a clock on the desk. 24. There is a desk near the bed. 25. There isn't a phone on the desk. ()()

新北京课改版五年级下册小学英语 Unit 1 单元知识点小结

UNIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING? 一、核心词汇 1.动词 practice 练习read读,阅读talk谈话,交谈have有,享受 2.名词 textbook教科书,课本TV电视chess国际象棋photo相片,照片 picture照片;图片 二、了解词汇 常见动词短语 drawapicture画画docrafts做工艺品playbasketball打篮球playfootball 踢足球washclothes洗衣服makea model做模型practice KungFu练功夫putcandlesonthecake往蛋糕上插蜡烛playhide-and-seek玩捉迷藏 三、核心句型 1. — What are you doing? 你在干什么? — I’m practicing my English. 我在练习英语。 解读:这是询问某人在做某事的句子。 举一反三: — What are you doing? 你在干什么? — I’m reading a book. 我在看书。 2. — What is Mike doing? 迈克在干什么? — He is watching a basketball game. 他在看篮球比赛。 解读:这是询问他人在做某事的句子。 举一反三: — What is Jenny doing? 詹妮在干什么? — She is watching TV. 她在看电视。 3. There are so many people in this picture. 照片里有很多人。

解读:这是介绍某处有某物的句子。 举一反三: There are three lights in the room. 房间里有三盏灯。 4. They are putting candles on the cake. 他们在往蛋糕上插蜡烛。 解读:这是描述某人在做某事的句子。 举一反三: She is dancing. 她在跳舞。 四、了解句型 1. — Are you reading your textbook? 你在读课本吗? — Yes. 是的。 解读:这是现在进行时的一般疑问句形式,肯定回答用“Yes, ….”否定回答用“No, ….”。 举一反三: — Are you dancing? 你在跳舞吗? — No, I am not. 不,我没有。 — Are you making handwork? 你在做手工吗? — Yes, I am. 是的,我在做。 2. Reading aloud is important. 大声朗读很重要。 解读:这是讲某事很重要的句子。 举一反三: Eating breakfast is important. 吃早饭很重要。


五年级上册九月月考 听力部分 30分 一.听录音,编号。(5分) 星期一星期四看电视星期日做作业 ()()()()() 二.听录音,选出你听到的一项。(10分) 1. ( ) A short B shirt 2 ( ) A tall B ball 3. ( ) A thin B this 4 ( ) A miss B Mr 5()A break B black 6 ( ) A English B science 7 ( ) A It’s Monday. B It’s Wednesday. 8 ( ) A Yes, I do. B Yes, I don’t. 9 ( ) A What is your father like? B Where is he from? 10 ( ) A Who’s t hat lady? B Whose bag is it? 三.听录音,选出所听到的问题的最佳答语。(5分) 1.( ) A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is. 2.( ) A. Mr Zhao. B He’s funny. 3. ( ) A He’s from Canada.B. He’s Wang Tao. 4. ( ) A She’s thin. B Yes, she is. 5. ( ) A. P.E. and math.. B No, she is quite. 四.听录音,填空(10分) 1._______ day ________it today? It’s ________. 2. What you on Saturdays? I often TV. 3. The story(故事) is ________, but it’s very _______. 4. I play do . 笔试部分(70分) 一、选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. A. strict B. active C. quiet D. very ( ) 2. A. Sunday B. science C. Friday D. Tuesday ( ) 3. A. Mr B. Miss C. lady D. Mrs ( ) 4. A. pork B. chicken C. bread D. beef ( ) 5. A. sound B. tasty C. have D. look 二、从框中选择恰当的词填空。(12分) 1. _________ days are there in a week? 2. My sister is a student. 3. _________ is my new friend , Tom.


2020 学年第二学期第一次月考五年级英语测试卷(Module 1 --- Module 2) Class____________ Name ____________ No. ________ Assessment___________ 一、听句子三次,选出句子所含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。10% ( ) 1. A. fifth B. first C. third ( ) 2. A. spring B. autumn C. winter ( ) 3. A. China B. Australia C. England ( ) 4. A. food B. month C. season ( ) 5. A. and B. too C. either ( ) 6. A. go skiing B. make a snowman C. play on the beach ( ) 7. A. talk with his mouth B. work with his hands C. walk with his feet ( ) 8. A. go camping B. go swimming C. mountain climbing ( ) 9. A. windy and cool B. rainy and wet C. snowy and cold ( ) 10.A. fly back home B. fly to Hainan C. visit a farm 二、听句子三次,判断听到的内容是否符合图意,如符合,在括号内写“T”,否则 写“F”。8%

Lily and mum ()()()() ()()()() 三、听句子三次,写出句子所缺的词。6% 1. What’s your favourite _____________, Mike? 2. What do you usually do in _______________? 3. We are going to visit a _______________ tomorrow. 4. In winter I can _______________ and make a snowman. 5. The students will have a _______________ ___________ on April 12th. 四、听句子三次,选出正确的答语,并把答语的字母编号写在括号内。10% ( ) 1. A. Football. B. Music. C. Fish. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. B. I like spring best. C. Because I can skate.


小学五年级英语重点课目第五册英语期中考试试卷Name----------- class____ 听力部分:20分Listening Part (听力部分,每题念两遍) 一.Listen, choose A or B. (听音, 选A或B, 将答案序号填入题前括号内。5分每题1分) ( ) 1. A. father B.mother ( ) 2. A.ball B.door ( ) 3. A.for B. or ( ) 4. A.tree B. dree ( ) 5. A. that B.thas 二.听力,选择听到的句子,句子读两遍5分(每题1分) ( ) 1. A. What 's this ? B. Who are they? ( )2. A. What does he like? B. What is he like? ()3.A I 'm happy.? B.You are sad ? ( ) 4.A.Thank you ? B.sit down , please ? ( ) 5.A.we speak Chinese? B.They speak English? ( ) 5.AYou are right? B.That's great? 二.请听句子,找出与内容相符的图片,将答案序号填入题前括号内,句子读两遍10分(每题2分) ( ) 1. A. Chinese B. London ( ) 2. A.doctor B. nurse ( ) 3. A. lion B. elephant ( ) 4. A.running B. walk ( ) 5. A. flower B banana 笔试部分 三:按顺序默写大小字母。(30分大小写各占1分) G C M O B E L J I D H K A F N 四、读一读,正确抄写下列字母和单词。(每题1分计5分) take a picture make chopsticks love Play basketball white watch Tv 五.判断,单词归类,把单词写在相应的位置,写序号。5分【每词1分】( 1) 【1】English Chinese Maths Music Science Art PE 【2】white red purple pink white orange blue yellow green black 【3】one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve


北京版小学五年级英语下册(一年级起点)知识点梳理 教材共8个单元(6个学习单元,2个复习单元): Unit one What are you doing?(第一单元你正在做什么事?) 单元目标:1. 能够询问、回答或表述自己或他人正在做的事情并发表简单的看法。 2. 能听懂、认读本单元以现在分词的形式呈现的12个动词及动词短语,并能在相应情景中运用。 3. 能根据字母qu 在单词中发音为/kw/ (类似发音“扩”)的规律拼读单词。 4. 能理解Listen and say的对话内容,并能朗读对话。 5. 能读懂Now I can read板块中转述主课文的语段,并尝试复述。 Unit two What do flowers do? (第二单元花是能做什么?) 单元目标:1. 能听懂、指认并说出植物各部分名称以及它们的作用的词汇,能在情景 中运用。 2. 能听懂、表达植物各部分的作业及做不同事物所需条件的功能句型: What do ... flowers do? They ... . What do ... need to ...? They need ... . 3. 能听懂、理解并朗读对话。 4. 能够体会辅音字母r及与r 组合的字母在单词中的发音,并根据规律尝试拼读单词。 5. 能够读懂Now I can read转述课文的小语篇,并尝试复述。 Unit three How do seeds travel? (第三单元种子如何传播?) 单元目标:1. 围绕有关植物的相关知识进行交流,如简单介绍树的作用、种子的传播等。 2. 能听懂、会说、认读get fruits from trees, make p aper caps, potatoes, in water等词汇或词组,并能在相应的情景中应用。 3. 能用How do ... travel? 就出行方式进行询问,并用some..., and others... .句型结构表达不同的人会有不同的方式。 4. 能感知字母s在单词中的不同发音/s/, /z/,并能够拼读单词,朗读句子。 5. 能够借助插图理解对话内容,并能正确朗读对话。 6. 能读懂转述课文的语段,并尝试复述。 Unit four Revision (第四单元复习单元) 单元目标:1. 将一至三单元的知识点进行复习和操练。 2. 能够结合自身实际,写一写周末活动、日常交通、日常饮食等。 Unit five Who’s that baby boy? (第五单元那个男婴是谁?) 单元目标:1. 能够听懂、会说关于询问对方家人情况的交际用语,并能在情景中进行 交流。 2. 能够理解并运用比较级结构... years older than ... 来介绍家人年龄。


五年级上册英语第一次月考试卷分析 一、试题的特点: (一)、注重了基础知识的考查 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容(如动词的时态的运用,重点短语等),因为这些知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 (二)、突出语言的交际功能 英语作为语言,是一种交际的工具。而小学英语教学根据小学生的年龄特点和语言学习的规律,确立以听说能力的培养为主要目标,读写跟上的原则进行。 (三)、渗透了能力考查的要求 学习语言是为了交际。小学英语教学不仅要教给学生一些最基本的语言知识,而且要教给学生运用语言的方法和能力。在试卷的问题设计上,增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。 二、下面就试卷的总体情况分析如下: 本次试卷主要考查学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,包括字母、词、词组、语法等方面的考查。现分述如下: 1、字母、抄写句子,属于基础知识,主要考察学生对26个字母的掌握及书写情况。 2、单项选择、情景交际,主要考查学生对时态的掌握情况。从卷面上看得分并不是很高。 3、英汉互译。完全都是平时所熟悉的短语,但是学生眼高手低,扣分很多,尤其是汉语短语译成英语,失分很重。这也说明在学生眼中英语并没有被足够重视起来。

4、根据要求选择单词的正确形式,涉及到动词的时态变化、复数,反义词的使用等,同时考查了学生对句子的整体认读能力,学生完成的还可以。 5、连词成句。本题较为简单,学生多数完成的可以,失分点在第四小题上。 6、阅读,判断。学生在本题扣分很多,究其原因可能有三:一是学生审题不够认真,要求没看清楚,把看“T““F““成了√““ד;二是学生对词的形态不能正确运用;三是学生练得太少或者说学生没有太多的时间学英语。 三、以后努力的方向 1、加强词汇教学。包括单词拼写,词义记忆,语用功能的训练,在大凡的教学中一定要常抓不懈。词汇是文章、句子的基本单位,词汇量的大小,将直接关系到学生能否流利地运用英语进行交际;能否熟练地用英语读和写;能否顺利地用英语思考。从阅卷所反映的问题看,在今后的教学中,在加强拼读与拼写的同时,应帮助学生进行有意识记,应加强对词的用法及内在含义的理解,要培养学生用英语解释单词的能力,逐步启发引导学生用英语思考。单词教学一定要做到词不离句,这样,学生在学会了单词的同时,也学会了词的一些基本用法。 2、基本的语法教学一定要与语境相结合。进行语法操练时,要坚持“四位一体“,即话题、语境、结构、功能相结合。抓住话题,联系语境,确定语法结构,明确语法功能(交际功能)。要重视语法知识对于培养语言运用功能的基础作用,又要注重改革教法。课堂上一定要有生动活泼的教学活动。 3、进一步培养阅读能力。阅读能力的培养是英语教学的又一重点。《课标》规定“学生应达到一定量的课外阅读量“。其实,试卷上每一题都要求学生阅读。 我们常说,“这类题目已讲过x遍,y个学生不会做。“这不是因为学生没有听懂老师所讲的题目,而是因为学生不会阅读试卷上的题目,对不上适用的语法结构。阅读能力的培养在于平时。教师在平时讲解阅读理解题时,应着力帮助学生分析语言材料,而不是核对答案。


五年级英语下期4月月考试题 听力部分(30分) ()()()()() 三、根据所听内容判断下列句子,相符写T,不相符写F。(10分) ( ) 1. I usually go for a walk in the morning. ( ) 2. We will have an English party in February. ( ) 3. Mother’s Day is in May. ( ) 4. My uncle’s birthday isn’t in July. ( ) 5. Spring is Sarah’s favourite season. 四、根据你听到的问题,选择合适的答句,将其编号写在题前括号里。(10分) ()1、A、Yes, I do. B、Yes, he is. ()2、A、She can sing. B、No, she isn’t. ()3、A、I often go swimming. B、My birthday is in June.

()4、A、At 10:00. B、Because I can make a snowman. ()5、A、It’s in June.B、At 8:00. 笔试部分(30分) 一找出不同类的单词(5分) ( )1. A. mother B. family C. father ( )2. A. cook B. pick C. weekend ( )3. A. holiday B. Teachers’ Day C. May Day ( ) 4. A Monday B. June C. March ( ) 5. A. China B. Chinese C. American 二选择(10分) ()1.----- Why do you like summer best? ----- _____ the colours are pretty. A. With B. Because C. Which ( ) 2. --- When is Children’s Day? --- I t’s ___ June. A.on B. in C. at ( ) 3.---_________is Tree Planting Day? ---It’s in March. A Where B What C When


紫云自治县2016—2017 学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测试卷()13.—Do you often play football on the weekend? —________ 语五年级英 B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do. A. Yes, I am. 100分钟)100 分时间:(总分:)14. Where________the girl come from? ( A. are B. is C. does 题号一二三四五六七八九总分

()15. ________nice camera it is! 分得A. What B. How C. What a 评卷人 三、根据所给场景,选择合适的句子。(10 分) 分)一、找出下列单词中与众不同的一项。(10 ()16.当你想知道今天是星期几时,应问:C. hot B. sweet ()1.A. tea A. What day is it today? B. What do you have? C. It's Monday? (B. bike C. lake )17.当你想知道别人会做什么事时,应问:()2.A. river A. What do you do? )(3.A. park B. old C. young B. What can you do? C. What are you do? ()18.当你想知道别人最喜欢的食物是什么时,应问:()4. A. flower C. mountain B. tree

A. What's your favorite food? B. What 's your best like food? C. Sunday 5. A. Friday B. dirty ()C. What's your favorite fruit? 20 分)二、单项选择。(()19.当你想感谢对方时,应说:________is your English teacher? (6. )—A. You are welcome. B. I see. C. Thank you! Miss Liu. —()20.当你问别人想喝什么时,你应说: C. Who B. Which A. What A. What do you like? B. What would you like to drink? 7. I________ a student. ()C. What's your like? C. is B. are A. am 四、从 B 栏中选出 A 栏的最佳答语。(10 分)8.


一、看一看,写一写。 1__________________ 2___________________ 3__________________ 4_________________ 5__________________ 6___________________ 7__________________ 8_________________ 9__________________ 10___________________ 11__________________ 12_________________ 13__________________ 14___________________ 15__________________ 16._________________________ 17.______________________________ 16.__________________ 17.__ 二、看一看,写出下列的中文。 1.which _________________ 2.better__________________ 3.favourite ___________________ 4.subject ________________ 5.class_________________ 6.like _____________________ 三、看一看,写一写。 1.____________________________ 2.___________________________ 3._____________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.____________________________ 6.________________________________ 北京版小学英语五年级上Unit1(一) 姓名____________________ meat chicken English fish water PE sandwiches hamburgers Chinese donuts Calligraphy cupcakes science milk shake apple juice art maths reading keeping birds growing flowers throwing beanbags drawing jumping rope 数学


Pep小学英语五年级上册月考测试题 班级______________ 姓名______________ 得分______________ 一、选出不同类的一项,将其序号填在括号里。(10分) ()1、A、young B、old C、math D、tall ()2、A、teacher B、student C、principal D、university ()3、A、day B、Monday C、Wednesday D、Saturday ()4、A、quiet B、strict C、kind D、like ()5、A、Miss B、Mr C、lady D、he 二、找出画线部分读音不同的单词。(4分) ()1、A、seat B、peach C、bread ()2、A、bed B、sheep C、beef ()3、A、jeans B、tea C、head ()4、A、black B、brown C、blue 三、写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分) 1、quiet(反义词)_________ 2、Wednesday(缩写形式) ____________ 3、what’s (完整形式) ___________ 4、tall(反义词)_______________ 5、thin(反义词)_____________ 四、读一读,选一选。(20分) ()1、_________ your English teacher? A、What’s B、Who C、Who’s ()2、What’s she like ? A. She’s our principal. B. She’s quiet. C. She likes music. ( ) 3、— Is she quiet?


学校 班级 姓名 ………………………装……………………………订…………………线……………………… 五年级英语月考试卷 (考试时间60分钟,总分100分) 听力部分 一、 听录音,选出您所听到的选项,并将序号填在题前括号内。 A B C D ( )1、 science subject social studies ( )2、 chicken kitchen trick earache ( )3、how many how much how old how about ( )4、at home go home at school at eight ( ) 5、toothache fever headache cough ( ) 6、in a week a week this week this term 二 、听录音,选择正确的应答,并将序号填在题前括号内 ( ) 1、 A 、 Nice to see you, too 、 B 、 How are you? C 、 I’m OK ( ) 2、 A 、 there ’re four B 、 it ’s four C 、 Four ( ) 3、 A I feel ill B I feel cold C I’ve got a cold ( ) 4、 A I like science B 、 I like this mask C 、 I’d like some juice ( ) 5、 A 、 I’m Helen 、 B 、 My name is Helen 、 C 、 This is Helen speaking 、 三 、听录音,完成对话 1.A: What ______ is it today? B: It’s _____、 A: what ______ do you ______ in the afternoon? B: We have _______, Chinese, _______ and Maths 、 A: What subject do you like? B: I like ______ very much 、 ______ ______ you? A: I like ______、 2. A: Hello, ______ I ______ to Su Hai? B: ______ is Su Hai _______、


五年级英语考试卷_五年级试卷 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分 Ⅰ. Read, choose and write.(读单词,把下列单词分类.)15﹪ north east museum dictionary pet shop shoe store newspaper magazine west 1. south ________ ________ _________ 2. notebook ________ ________ __________ 3. supermarket ________ _________ _________ Ⅱ Read and choose.(请划去划线部分发音不同的单词) 8﹪ 1. get very seven ear 2. path bag father ask 3. pig big tin ice 4. must nut ruler thus Ⅲ Read and choose,(选择正确的答句或问句.)20﹪ ( ) 1. How do you go to school? A. By foot. B. By bike. C. walk ( ) 2. Where is your home? A. M y home is near the post office. B. Im at home. C. I live in a city. ( ) 3. See you at 2 oclock. A. Goodbye. B. Thank you! C. See you then! ( ) 4. _______________________? You can go by the NO. 15 bus. A. Can I go on foot? 姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------


五年级英语上册第一次月考试题 姓名:_____________ 得分:____________ 一、选出划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. bike A. sit B. pig C. rice ( ) 2. milk A. like B. pig C. ice ( ) 3. time A. city B. ride C. fish ( ) 4. dish A. big B. bike C. life ( ) 5. nice A. kick B. picture C. smile 二、英汉互译。(10分) 1.按时_____________________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/f17202941.html,e in____________________ 3.玩电脑游戏_____________________ 4.do the dish_____________________ 5.浇花_____________________ 6.chocolate_____________________ 7.水果_____________________ 8. clean the windows_______________ 9.洗衣服_____________________ 10.wall_____________________ 三、选一选。(20分) ()1. My dad _______________ from Monday to Friday. A. are sweeping the floor B. cleaning the windows C. is doing the dishes D. cooks the meal ()2.---I can make the bed. ---Dear, __________! A. I’m helpful B. you’re helpful C. she’s helpful D. he is helpful ()3. ---Can you sweep the floor? --- __________. A. Yes, I can’t B. No, I can C. Yes, I can D. No, she can’t ()4. ---___________________?


2016年五年级英语下册第一次月考试卷(译林版) 南马厂小学五年级英语学科阶段性学情调研试卷(2016.03)(总分:100+20 考试时间:60 分钟命题人:靳小佳审核人:周红玉)听 力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(8分) ( )1. A. nice B. nine C.fine ( )2. A. ride B. riding C.rides ( )3. A. fridge B. first C.fruit ( )4. A. same B. name C. some ( )5. A. shop B. ship C. show ( )6. A. tree B. train C. trip ( )7.A.get there B.over there C. come here ( )8.A.near B. early C. late 二、听录音,选择相应的答句。(10分) ( ) 1、A. He goes to work by bike. B. By bus. C. He’s from Shanghai. ( ) 2、A.No,they aren’t. B. Yes, I am. C. I like January.om ( ) 3、A. I often climb mountains. B. I am a student. C. I can plant trees. ( ) 4、A. Seven. B. At seven. C. On Seven. 2-1-c-n-j-y ( ) 5、A. They’re over there. B. It’s over there. C. It’s on the river.【三、根据录音内容,在句子的空格填上单词,将句子补充完整。(12分) 1、I have big . 2、Is there a ___________ near here? 3、Li Ming to Hong Kong by _______. 4、_______ are you going to do sports? This . 5、The coat you well. 6、 are you so , lovely girl? 7、We are some . 笔试部分(70分)一、辨音,划线部分相同的打√ 不同打× 表示。(5分) 1、()buy by 2、()near early 3、()traffic train 4、()ship city 5、()young about 二、英汉互译。(10分) 1、我们的新家__________________ 2、试穿它 ________________ 3、脱下__________________ 4、谁的鞋子 5、坐在篮子里 6、太年轻__________________ 7、喜欢骑自行车________________ 8、show them your new clothes _____________ 9、离……远 ______________ 10、through the tree ___________ 三、按要求写词。(10分) 1、young(反义词)____________ 2、sad (对应词)___________ 3、city(复数形式)____________ 4、have (三单)________ 5、buy(同音词)______________ 6、don’t(完

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