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2019 年全国英语等级考试 pets3三级常见语法解析(4) 虚拟语气表示与客观事实相反的假设,由 if 虚拟条件从句和主句构成。 一、虚拟语气的基本内容 根据虚拟与其这种与事实相反的假设所对应的时间不同,虚拟语气的 if 虚拟条件从句与主句的谓语动词分别有三类构成形式: 假设类型If 虚拟条件从句 主句与现在事实相反Did/were Would/should do与过去事实相反 Had done Would/should have done与将来事实可能相反Were to do/did/should do Would/should do 例: 1、I wouldn't talk that way if I were Peter. 2、If the whole operation had not been planned before hand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost 3、Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she were to get a job she probably wouldn ’t be able to see her friends very often. 4、I would ask George to lend us the money if I knew him. 5、Do you think there would be less conflict ( 战斗、斗争) in the world if all people spoke the same language. 6、If Bob had come with us, he would have had a good time. 二、 if 的省略形式( 又称虚拟语气的倒装结构)


全国大学英语四级考试流程及考生注意事项为了保证大学英语四级考试安全、顺利的进行,请各位考生熟悉以下流程和注意事项: 1、英语四级考试8:45考生进入考场 所有考生一律携带身份证、学生证和准考证进入考场。证件不全者,不得参加考试。考生进入考场后,调试耳机。 2、英语四级考试9:00迟到考生不得入场,监考员发答题卡1和卡2 考生用且只能用黑色字迹签字笔在答题卡上填写姓名、准考证号,用2B铅笔涂黑相应的信息点;暂不填写答题卡2上试卷代号一栏;考生不得提前答题,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省教育考试院处理。 3、英语四级考试9:10考试正式开始,开始做试题第一部分 考生做试题第一部分“写作”,务必用黑色字迹签字笔答题。 4、英语四级考试9:35监考员发试题册 考生不得提前翻阅或改变试卷位置,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省教育考试院处理。 5、英语四级考试9:40开始做试题的第二部分 英语四级写作部分考试结束;考生打开试题册,开始做试题的第二部分“快速阅读理解”。 6、英语四级考试9:55收答题卡1 收卷期间考生不得答题,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省教育考试院处理。 7、英语四级考试10:00听力考试正式开始。 8、英语四级听力考试结束后,开始做试题的第四部分 英语四级听力考试结束后,请立即摘下耳机,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省教育考试院处理;考生开始做试题的第四部分。 9、英语四级11:20考试结束 英语四级考试结束,考生立即停止答题,不离开座位,待监考教师收齐试卷、清点考试材料无误并同意考生离场后,考生方可退场。

10、考生不得提前退场和交卷 英语四级考试过程中,考生不得提前退场,包括提前交卷,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省教育考试院处理。 11、考生进入考场需携带2B铅笔和黑色签字笔,不得携带其它材料 考生进入考场不得携带的材料如书本、纸张、书包、录音器材、电子记事本和通讯工具(含BP机、对讲机和手机等)均不得带入考场,否则按违规违纪处理,并报省教育考试院处理。 12、本次考试的题型分为六部分,第一部分作文的题目在答题卡1上,其余五部分的题目在试题册上;考试材料包括:试题册、答题卡1和答题卡2;考试分A、B卷。


全国英语等级考试(pets)五级样题 Section I: Listening Comprehension This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A , Part B and Part C.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Part A You will hear a conversation between a student, Mr. Wang, and his tutor, Dr. Wilson. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling True or False. You will hear the conversation ONLY ONCE. You now have 60 seconds to read Questions 1-10.1. Dr. Wilson and Mr. Wang have met before. TRUE / FALSE2. Wang prefers to live with an English family. TRUE / FALSE3. Wang intends to study how computer is used


全国英语四级考试方法和技巧(实用篇) 一.听力 1.短对话 ①.答案往往在后半人的话语中(带有转折词、原因词、总结性的 ),重点也会引申推出选项答案。 ②.从答案选项中推敲,往往关键词听到与材料一致的, 很可能是陷阱(答案往往是总结、规纳性、替换词、意思一致性) ③.场景考点(每年必考),即听关键词(材料中心词往往对应于相应的 场合)比如,看电影想到影剧院,吃、点菜想到餐馆,时间飞机定票等 想到机场更多得自己不断总结此类关键词。 以后便能条件反射迅速选出答案 总结:听懂抓住重点部分信息,关键中心词必须会把握(语气、转折性 、总结性词等后为主),答案以同义词转换 +意思一致,不改变义反映。切忌无中生有,凭主观来选择。 实在是没听懂或没把握住意思和中心词,看选项来确定(同词不选, 与对话内容无关不选,意思和其他完全不一致排除,带大写性关键词 独一的也不选) 更多在于根据真题总结,以上尽为参考和练习 (充分利用时间提前看题为之重要 ) 2.短文 正题:听到什么与选项对应,意思不变情况下往往是答案 此类型关键就是一个能听及时,准确,把握此特点那听到什么与选项 一致就是答案;另一点误区选项意思与文章无关、无中生有、作者主 观臆断、某一选项与其他选项无关、相差太大往往是误区项;还有一 点题目是按照文章顺序来的,答案也往往顺着题目来的。 总结重点:关键性、重点和中心词必须听到,听之前各选项一定有所 了解,确定中心词并带着它有针对性去听文章。更多在于自己的总结 ,以上仅为参考和供练习。 3 填词 听之前有所了解文章大意, 第一遍听把单一性词填个大概并写点第一句关键意思和单词 ;第二遍完全填满单词并附带着写下第一长句, 确定和大概写出第二、三句长句关键词 ; 第三遍校对单词,并尽量补满长句。 更多在于自己的总结和听写的练习。 二.仔细阅读 1. 做之前花一、二分钟了解大意思(必要) CET4知识点


公共英语等级考试三级(PETS3)学习笔记(六) Unit 21 Services(1) Dialogues /monologues: 1、 Hotel in London or in England specially, will ask for a credit card or a confirmation which will guarantee that your room is held, basically all night or for late arrival. 2、 This could be a precise place for you. 关于:precise 与 accurate 是否有区别? accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意 accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性 correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的 exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差 precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义 3、 Art-house. Art-house:艺术电影院 指放映不属于商业主流电影的电影院。艺术电影院放映的影片,重视电影本身的品质,较不注重商业吸引力,如当代重要导演的影片、独立制片影片、影史的经典作品,及发行有限的前卫及实验电影。亦称 Art theater。 4、 Your restaurant specializes in hamburgers and chicken, right? specializes in:擅长于,专攻。 5、 As an unadvertised special, you can have a trip to the salad bar with your order for only a dollar more. 作为一个末做广告的特价餐,您可以多出一美元随意的在沙拉吧里定购。


公共英语等级考试pets4级真题训练Part C In the following article,some sentences have been removed.For Questions51——55,choose the most suitable one from the list[A]——[G]to fit into each of the numbered gaps.There are two extra choices, which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. On the north bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville,Ind.,home of David Williams,52,and of a riverboat casino(a place where gambling games are played).During several years of gambling in that casino,Williams, a state auditor eaming$35,000a year,lost approximately$175,000.He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for$20worth of gambling. He visited the casino,lost the$20and left.On his second visit he lost$800.The casino issued to him,as a good customer,a"Fun Card", which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks,and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities.For Williams,those activities become what he calls"electronic heroin." (51)In1997he lost$21,000to one slot machine in two days.In March 1997he lost$72,186.He sometimes played two slot machines at a" time,all night,until the boat docked at5a.m.,then went back aboard when the casino opened at9a.m.Now he is suing the casino,charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted. It did know he had a problem. In March1998,a friend of Williams's got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions,and wrote to inform the casino of Williams's gambling problem.The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers,and wrote to him a"cease admissions" letter.


Part B Directions: Read the texts from a magazine article in which five people talked about the importance of doing exercise. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person to one qf the statements (A to G)given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Patricia: I went by Inter-Rail this summer with a group of friends from university. I think it worked very well, although a few of them said they'd never do it again—I guess it wasn r t quite like they thought it was going to be~not as comfortable probably. We usually slept in hostels or on the train so we were completely exhausted but 1 think we had a great time. Next year V 11 see if 1 can perhaps visit fewer places and not get so worn out. Davis: I traveled about 6,000 kilometres in four weeks with a couple of friends from college. We spent weeks planning out the route and all the places we were intending to go to. Would I do it again? Well, f d have to think carefully about that but, on the whole the trip was good for me as I was the official translator, which was great as V m normally a bit shy of talking to people 1 don't know. On the last night of the holiday they treated me to a really expensive meal for helping them out. It was terrific! Jenise: Well, I guess I had a good time now when I look back on it, and I saw eight countries in four weeks. Everything went well but I think that from now on 1' 11 probably choose to do something else. I want to meet local people rather than just people who work for the train service ! I did get to know quite a few other English and American students and they were great but it didn* t do much for my French and Gennan. Nigel: I think it's definitely the best way of getting around Europe even though you have to spend money on the Inter-Rail ticket before you leave. I have a friend who hitch-hikes and he says that's the only way to travel because it's free and you see more interesting places. But I knew I could jump on a train wherever I wanted in the morning, while he would still be standing in the rain hoping for a lift. So all in all I think I got the better deal, especially as 1 could take the night train and save on hotel bills. Hawk: F vc done it quite a few times now and V m used to the kind of problems that arisc—likc having to sleep in a park because the train arrived too late for me to get a hotel bed, and trying to keep to a tight budget. The mistake people often make is to just get off at the tourist spots. Try getting off the train at the little villages, like I do. They1 re usually fascinating and the people are friendlier, too. Even if they don't understand your miserable attempt at their language they still smile and nod.


2019年全国英语等级考试四级(pet-4)阅读理解试题 41. A method of parent-teacher communication NOT mentioned or referred to by the author is_______. [ A ] home training [ B ] demonstration lesson [ C ] parent-teacher interviews [ D ] new progress report forms 42. It can be reasonably inferred that the author_______. [ A ] thinks that teachers of this generation are inferior to those of the last generation [ B ] is satisfied with present relationships between home and school [ C ]feels that the traditional program in mathematics is slightly superior to the development program [ D ] feels that parent-teacher interviews can be made much more constructive than they are at present 43. The author’s primary purpose in writing this passage is to_______. [ A ] improve the teaching of mathematics [ B ] tell parents to pay more attention to the guidance of teachers in the matter


全国公共英语等级考试(PETS)五级模拟题第一部分听力 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例如,你将听到以下内容: M:Excuse me.Can you tell me how much the shirt is? W:Yes,it’s nine fifteen. 请看选项: How much is the shirt? [A]£19.15. [B]£9.15. [C]£9.18. 衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择[B]项,并在试卷上将其标出。 Answer:[A] [B]■[C] 1. Where are they talking? [A]In a post office. [B]In a restaurant. [C]In a bank. 2. What does the man want to do? [A]To have tea. [B]To see father. [C]To talk to Ella.

3. For whom is the man making tea and coffee? [A]Lucy. [B]The man himself. [C]Some guests. 4. What are the two speakers talking about? [A]A tea house. [B]A hotel. [C]A restaurant. 5. What’s the man going to do? [A]Buy some bread. [B]Go back home. [C]Ask for directions. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。摘自考试吧 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f316584721.html,/ 听第6段材料,回答第6~7题。 6. When does this conversation take place? [A]In the middle of a vacation. [B]At the end of a term. [C]Before the exams. 7. Where do the speakers plan to go? [A]To a concert. [B]To a party. [C]To a film.


全国英语等级考试三级写作 邀请信 提出邀请: 我们要……,你能来吗? We’re having a… can you come? We’ll…,will you join us? 我希望你能参加……。好吗?I would like you to come to … 我们准备……,非常希望你能来。 We’re planning…,will you give us the pleasure of your company? 我们希望你尽可能来参加 We’d love to have you here if you can possibly make it. 你愿意来……吗?How would you like to come to…? 你来得了吗?Can you be present?/Will you come? 我们都盼望你来。We hope you can come. / We’re eager to have you here./ We should like to have you join us. 愿意来……吗?Would you care to come for…? 敬请光临request the pleasure of the company of sb.

request the honour of sb.’s presence cordially invite the pleasure of sb…. 为欢迎??to meet sb./in honor of sb 为纪念…诞辰 to commemorate the… birthday of sb./In honour of../ 为庆祝…金婚 to celebrate the gold wedding of… 某人届时将出席 sb.will be present 请答复 R.S.V.P.[reply, if you please] /Please reply/ Kindly send reply to sb./Please respond to sb./ The favor of a reply is requested / 活动内容: 朋友周末小聚 have some friends for the weekend 一起喝茶 come for tea with us 打桥牌 play bridge 跳舞 have dancing /there will be dancing 有两张……票 have two tickets for… 各类聚会:a small,informal party/a birthday party for sb./a garden party/masquerade/holiday party 与某人共进晚餐 join sb.for dinner/ have dinner with sb./dine with sb


2019年全国英语等级考试四级全真预测卷听力(4) Part A Henrv Alfred Kissinger was born in Germany of Jewish nationality on May 27,1 923.He came to the United States in l938 and became a US citizen in l943.He served in the US Army in World War II from1943 to 1946.He studied political science at Harvard University and got his doctoral degree there.He also taught there from l954 until l969.He was a unique teacher and admired by his students.Dr KissirIger entered government service in l969 and eventually became the most celebrated American Secretarv of State since Thomas Jefferson.He was chief foreign policy advisor and Secretary of State to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.Among Kissinger’s achievements were the restoration of US relations with the People’s Republic of China and the arrangement—by“shuttle diplomacy”一0f a cease- fire between the Israelis and the Arabs in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973.He also negotiated a cease-fire in Vietnam and was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for l 973 for his role in US troops withdrawing from Vietnam.Part B Today’s lecture will include the most outstanding achievements in biology as it relates to the medical sciences.Earlv in Greek history,Hippocrates,who lived from 460 to 370 BC,began to study the human body and to apply scientific methods to the problems of diagnosis and the treatment of diseases.He kept careful records of symptoms and treatments,indicating the


全国英语等级考试pets5级历年真题阅读 2016下半年全国英语等级五级pets5考试备考正在进行中,网提供全国英语五级pets5级历年真题并进行汇总,希望能帮助大家顺利备考! Part C Answer Questions 71 to 80 by referring to the following four articles concerning mental illness. Answer each question by choosing A, B, C, or D and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. Note : When more than qne answer is required, these may be given in any order. Some choices may be required more than once. Remember: A = Article A B = Article B C = Article C D = Article DWhich article ( s)... reveals the gender difference in suicide rate? 71.______ point out that youths with mental illness have not received adequate treatment? 72.____73.____ argues that how the public treat the people with mental illness has a di— rect effect on their recovery? 74. reports on the appalling percentage of the mentally ill in Canada’S pop— ulation? 75. says that there is a high correlation between suicide and mental illness? 76. find that mental iUness has mad e Canada’S economy less productive? 77.78. says that organizations aye recommended to practice stress manage- ment? 79. I calls public attention to the unfair treatment of the mentally ill? 80. A


2020 年全国公共英语等级考试PETS 三级模拟试题Text Most young people enjoy physical activities, walking, cycling, football, or mountaineering. These who have a passion 26 climbing high and difficult mountains are often 27 with astonishment. Why are men and women 28 to suffer cold and hardship, and to 29 on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activities 30 which men give their leisure. There are no man-made rules, as there are for 31 as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of different kinds which it would be dangerous to 32 , but it is this freedom from man-made rules 33 makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to their own 34 . If we 35 mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is 36 mountaineering is not a “team work ” . However, it is only our misunderstanding. There are, in fact, no :matches” 37 “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may 38 , obviously, there is teamwork. A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight with natural 39 that ate stronger and more powerful than man. His sport requires high mental and 40 qualities.


全国英语等级考试PETS考试流程 (一)关于考试指导语和题目用语 为了让考生发挥应有的水平,在PETS一、二级的笔试中听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作的指导语都是中文的。此外,为避免考生直接挪用试题中的语言,写作和口试试题也有可能是中文的,但口试中口试教师的口头说明仍使用英文。在PETS三、四、五级的考试中,笔、口试的指导语都将使用英文。在三、四级写作题中所提供的引导性材料可能会涉及到少量的中文。 (二)关于答题卡和登分卡的使用 PETS各级别的考试都有其特别设计的答题卡和登分卡。笔试中,使用的是用于光电阅读器(OMR)评分的客观题答题卡和用于人工阅卷的主观题答题(阅读器登分)卡。四、五级的客观题答题卡在机器阅读前,有部分题目也需要人工评阅。 口试使用的是口试成绩登分卡。口试开始前考生在卡上填好自己的考号等有关信息,口试结束时口试教师在卡上填上考生的口试成绩。 *包括翻译题(阅读理解部分B节)的作答和评分。 (三)关于答题时间PETS各级别的答题时间分配如下表所示:

单位:分钟一级二级三级四级五级 听力20 20 25 30 35 英语知识运用20 25 15 15 20 阅读理解30 35 40 60 50 写作20 40 40 35 35 笔试(共)90 120 120 140 140 口试(共)8 10 10 12 15 (四)关于笔试试卷的采分点(原始赋分) PETS每一级别各部分的采分点(原始赋分)如下表所示。除特殊情况外,原则上每题一分,括号内的数字表示各部分的题量。 一级二级三级四级 五级 听力25(25)20(20)25(25) 25(20)30(30) 英语知识运用25(25)35(35)20(20) 20(20)20(20) 阅读理解20(20)20(20)35*(20) 35**(25) 35***(30) 写作13(3+1) 35(10+1) 30(1+1) 20(1)25(1) 笔试(合计)83 110 110 100 110


全国英语等级考试(PEST)三级笔试模拟试题及详解(二) SECTION I Listening(略) SECTION II Reading Part A Directions: Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET. Text 1 Foxes and farmers have never got on well. These small dog-like animals have long been accused of killing farm animals. They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them. Farmers can also call on the services of their local hunt to control the fox population. Hunting consists of pursuing a fox across the countryside, with a group of specially trained dogs, followed by men and women riding horses. When the dogs eventually catch the fox they kill it or a hunter shoots it. People who take part in hunting think of it as a sport, they wear a special uniform of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes of behavior. But owning a horse and hunting regularly is expensive, so most hunters are wealthy.


1 1 a (an ) art. (非特指的)一(个);任何一个;每一(个) AD . n.公元 A .M . adv.上午,午前 abandon v.放弃;抛弃,离弃 abdomen n.腹;腹部 abide v.(by)坚持;遵守;容忍 ability n.能力,智能;才能,才干;技能 able adj.能够,有能力的 abolish v.废除,取消 about prep.关于;在…周围;在…各处 adv.大约 above prep.在…上方;(数量,价格等)大于… abroad adv.出国,在国外 abrupt adj.突然的,意外的;陡峭的,险峻的;(举止,言谈等) 不流畅的 absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 absent adj.(from) 缺席的,不在场的;漫不经心的 absolute adj.绝对的;完全的;专制的 absorb v.吸收;吸引,使专心 abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的 n.摘要;抽象 v.摘要;转移 absurd adj.愚蠢的;荒唐的 abundant adj.丰富的;充足的 abuse v.& n.滥用;谩骂 academic adj.学院的;学术的,教学的 accelerate v.加速;促进 accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号) accept v.认可,接受 access n.接近,进入;入口,通路;接近(或进入) 的方法 accident n.事故 accidental adj.偶然的,意外的 accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给;容纳 accommodations n.住宿 accompany v.陪伴,陪同 accomplish v.完成,实现 according to prep.根据 account n.账户 accumulate v.积累,积蓄;堆积 accurate adj.精确的,准确的 accuse v.(of) 控告,谴责 accustom v.(to) 使习惯 ache v.痛;哀怜 n.疼痛,酸痛 achieve v.完成,达到;获得 acid n.酸 adj.酸的;酸性的 acquaint v.使认识,使了解 acquaintance n.熟人;相识;熟悉 acquire v.取得,获得;学到 acre n.英亩 acrobat n.杂技演员 across prep.穿过;在另一边,在对面 adv.横越 act v.行动;做 action n.行动,行为;动作,活动;(on) 作用 active adj. 活动的,活泼的,活跃的;主动的,积极的;敏捷的;剧烈的 activity n.活动 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual adj.实际的,事实上的;真实的 ad (=advertisement )n.广告 adapt v.(to)(使) 适合;改编,改写 add v.加 addition n.加,加法;附加物 additional adj.附加的,另外的 address n.地址 adequate adj.足够的,充分的;符合要求的 adhere v.(to) 粘附;坚持,遵循 adjective n.形容词 adj.形容词的 adjust v.调节,校正;(to)(使)适应 administration n.管理,经营;行政(机关,部门);政府 admire v.羡慕,赞赏,钦佩 admit v.承认 adopt v.采用,采纳;收养 adult n.成(年)人;成体 adj.成年人的;已成熟的 advance v.前进;取得进展 advanced adj.高级的,先进的 advantage n.优点,优势 adventure v.大胆进行,拿…冒风险 n.冒险活动,冒险;奇遇 advertise v.做广告 advice n.忠告;建议 advise v.劝告,建议 adviser n.(政府,公司等的) 顾问 affair n.事,事情,事件 affect v.影响,传染;感动 affection n.爱,慈爱 affirm v.断言;(法庭上) 陈述 affirmative adj.肯定的 n.(指言语) 表示同意的词语 afford v.买得起,担负得起 afraid adj.恐怕的;担心的;害怕的 Africa n.非洲 African adj.非洲的 n.非洲人 after prep.在…以后 conj.在…以后 adv.以后 afternoon n.下午 afterward adv.(-s )后来,以后 again adv.又,再 against prep.反对;与之成对手,对着;防止;碰 age n.年龄 agency n.经办;媒介;代理处 agent n.代理人,代表 ago adv.以前 agony n.苦恼;极大痛苦 agree v.同意 agreement n.协议,协定;一致,同意 agricultural adj. 农业的 agriculture n.农业,农学 ahead adv.在前;向前 aid v./n.辅助,援助,救助 aim v.把…瞄准,把…对准 air n.空气;天空 aircraft n.飞机,航空器 airline n.航线;航空公司 airmail n.空邮 airplane n.飞机 airport n.机场 alarm n.警报;惊恐 v.使惊恐,惊动,惊吓;向…报警 alcohol n.酒精,乙醇 alert adj.警惕的;机灵的 n.警报;警戒状态;警戒期间 v.使警觉 alike adj.相同的;相像的 adv.相同地,一样地 alive adj.活着的;存在的;有活力的,活跃的

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