当前位置:文档之家› 选修六第四单元学案讲义






1、average adj. 平均的(参看世纪金榜)

2、mild adj. 温和的;温柔的;淡的

1) 温和的,温柔的

He is the mildest man alive. 他是世上最和善的人了。

2) 温暖的,暖和的

It's been a mild winter this year. 今年的冬天一直很暖和。

3) 味淡的,不浓烈的

Please make my drink a mild one. 请把我的酒调得淡一点。

4) 轻微的,不重的;宽大的

He was given a mild punishment. 他被从轻发落。

3、steady adj.平稳的;持续的;稳固的

steady-steadily 平稳的,持续的,可靠地,稳固的

He has made a steady decision

There has been a steady increase in car production in the past 6 months. Zhang Feng is a steady young man.

Please keep the ladder steady.

We drove at a steady speed.

a steady job/income稳定的工作/收入

a steady worker可靠的工人

steady rain连绵的雨

4、widespread adj.分布广的;普遍的

widespread 分布广的,普遍的

The forests are widespread in our country. 我们的国家森林分布很广。The new laws gained widespread acceptance.

Their suggestion met with widespread disagreement普遍的

There was a widespread belief in his innocence

5、casual adj. 随便的;漫不经心的

casual adj. 随便的漫不经心的偶然的,休闲的便装的

His casual manner annoyed me .他无所谓的态度令我恼火

.Don?t be casual about this.不要对此漠不关心

6、outer adj. 外部的,外面的

7、electrical adj.电的;与电有关的

8、nuclear adj.核的;核能的;原子核的

9、per adj. 每,每一


1、quantity n 量,数量(参看世纪金榜)


She has artistic tendencies. 她有艺术气质。

There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices. Mary is nice but she has a tendency to talk too much.

有…倾向; +to/toward

He has a tendency towards pessimism. 他有悲观的倾向。

Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things. 鲍勃有爱夸张的倾向。

trend tendency current:这些名词均含“趋势,倾向”之意。

3、trend: 指事物发展总的方向、倾向或趋势。

A recent trend in literature, fashion trend

tendency: 指固有或习得的倾向性,强调没有外来的影响或干扰。

current: 指向某一方面发展或在确趋向中行动

4、phenomenon (pl. phenomena)n. 现象; 奇迹; 罕见的人才或事物

eg: 雨雪是天气现象。

Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather.

eg: 不应该简单地视未婚妈妈为一种社会现象。

Unmarried mothers should not be regarded simply _____________________.

eg: 贝多芬是音乐家中的天才。

Beethoven was _______________ among musicians.

答案:as a social phenomenon a phenomenon


contribution -- contribute --contribute to

He has/makes an important contribution to the company?s success.


1)He contributed a great deal of money to the Red Cross.

2)She has been contributing to the paper for 5 years.

3)Exercises contributed to our health.

答案:捐钱/ 投稿/ 有助于



1)The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith

2)Ice is the solid state of water .

3)In china, the railway are owned by the state.

4)There are 50 states in America

5)Everything was in a state of disorder.


The president has made an important statement about the matter.

state是常用词,只人或物所处的外表、心理、健康及所处的情形等方面的情况,但不如condition具体,只用作单数形式。The house was in a dirty state. condition是常用词,○1用作单数形式,表示人或物目前所处的真实具体状态,尤指内在状态,可与state替用;eg. be in poor/good condition

○2用作复数形式时,笼统地表示一般状态。eg. poor working conditions


eg.find oneself in an embarrassing situation

position ○1有利的状况(如竞争中或战争中的)○2(尤作单数)处境,情势(尤指影响某人行为的能力)eg.I am not in a position to help you.我帮不了你。

7、consequence n.结果;后果;影响

in consequence = as a consequence 因此;结果

in consequence of =as a consequence of 因为;由于, 因为……的缘故

take//bear the consequences of 承担……的后果

answer for the consequence 对后果负责

(be) of little/no consequence 不重要的, 无足轻重的

①He broke the law, and now he must face/take/suffer the consequences of his action. 他违犯了法律, 现在他必须为他的行为承担后果。

②Your opinion is of little consequence to me.


③She was over the age limit; __ __ ___________, her application was rejected.

她超龄了;因此, 她的申请被拒绝了。

④Jack failed to pass the exam __ ___________ __/__ __ ___________ __ being lazy in study.

由于在学习上的懒惰, 杰克没通过考试。

答案:as a consequence,as a consequence of


(2011·江苏高考)Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _____.

A. consequence

B. independence

C. competence

D. intelligence


技能, 技巧;intelligence智能, 智慧。

8、commitment n. 承诺;交托;主张

承诺;责任;义务A commitment is something which regularly takes up some of your time because of an agreement you have made or because of I've got a lot of commitments...

试翻译:If you make a commitment to do something, you promise that you will do it.

We made a commitment to keep working together...我们承诺继续合作。commit (查动词用法) :commit a crime

9、graph n. 图表;坐标图;曲线

10、fuel n. 燃料

11、data n.数据

12、flood n. 洪水;水灾

13、existence n. 写出其动词形式

come into existence= 形成




17、educator/ education/educate


19、presentation( 非考纲词汇)写出其动词形式:

20、disagreement n. 分歧;不一致


1、range vi/ vt. 种类;范围(参考世纪金榜)

2、tend vi. 趋向;易于;照顾/ vt.照顾;护理

名词:- tendency

tend vi. 趋向;易于;照顾vt. 照顾;护理

tend to do sth. 往往……;趋向于做……

tend (to) sb. /sth. 照顾……, 看护……

tend towards/to 有……倾向

①The older women tend to believe in strangers easily.


②The young mother stayed at home to tend her child.


③Our school dramas ____ _______ comedy and farce.


④We ____ __ make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.


答案:tend towards/to , tend to

3、advocate vt. 拥护;提倡;主张

advocate v. 提倡主张拥护鼓吹/ n.提倡者

He advocates building more schools.

The public advocated passing the law.

4、、refresh v.(使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复, 更新

When tired, you can refresh yourself with a cup of tea困时喝杯茶提神

Refresh storage battery in case of being out of energy halfway.给蓄电池充电以免半路没电。

The host refreshed our teacups. 主人又为我们斟茶。

Sometimes, a small thing all can refresh your memory

4、consume v.---- consumer (n.).

1) 消耗,花费;耗尽

试翻译:She consumed most of her time in reading.


The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.


The boy was consumed with curiosity. 那男孩充满好奇心。

5、glance vi.看一下;扫视/ n. 一瞥


1、come about(参见世纪金榜)

come about vi. 发生;造成vt. bring about/cause

①How did these differences come about?

②I?ll never understand how it came about that you made such a mistake.



③_____ ___ __ _____ _____ that he had his leg hurt?

他的腿受伤了, 这是怎么发生的?

答案:How does it come about


come out 出来; 被出版(提醒学生注意主动表被动)

come up 上来/走近(to);被提出(提醒学生注意主动表被动)

come across 偶然发现/遇见;被理解(to)

同义:get across (to) get (sth) across to sb

He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't really come across (to us). come on 快点;来吧;得了吧

come in


Which horse came in first?

②(产品,水果)上市(become available)

When do strawberries come in?

③(衣服,观点等)流行起来(become fashionable)

come into power/effect/force/existence/ fashion

come to life 活跃起来

come off it别扯了; 住口,别胡说别吹牛了

How come (…)?

When it comes to (doing) something


1)When he came to, he found himself __ on a chair, with his hands ___ back.

A. to sit; tying

B. sitting; tying

C. seating; tied

D. seated; tied 2)--How did it _______ that you made such a silly mistake?

--I myself haven?t figured it out yet.

A. bring about

B. come about

C. come across

D. come on

3)Please tell me how the accident ___. I am still in the dark. (2005 江西)

A. came by

B. came out

C. came to

D. came about

4)It?s already 10 o?clock. I wonder how it ____ that she was two hou rs late on such a short trip. (湖北2006)

A. came over

B. came out

C. came about

D. came up


2、go up 上升;增长;升起


1)She went up (to Cambridge) in 1977.

2)Cigarettes are going up (in price).

3)New office blocks are going up everywhere.

4)The whole building went up in flames.

5)When are you next going up to Scotland?

6)Unemployment has gone up again.

7)The curtain goes up on a suburban living-room.

8)We…re going up to London next weekend.


go up in smoke化为乌有

go by 经过

go in for 参加

go through经历,遭到

go on 前进

3、result in导致

result in 导致, 造成=lead to

The accident resulted in three people being killed.

The accident ______ the death of two passengers.

A. resulted from

B. resulted in

C. resulted of

D. resulted with

result from: 起因于,因为…

4、put up with 忍受;容忍

put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦

We can?t put up with his endless complaint.

I'm afraid you'll have to put up with his bad temper.

That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with.

Nois e is coming to the point where we can?t put up with it.

与stand, bear 同义

We have to bear with his bad temper because he is a bit frustrated these days.

I cannot stand waiting any longer.

Modern plastics can _______ very high and very low temperature.(山东)A.stand B. hold C. carry D. support

Key: A

短语回顾:put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边

put away 收拾起来;储存(钱)

put back 放回原处;拖延

put down 写下;记下;控制

put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐

put off 延期;推迟

put out 熄灭; 扑灭

put up 举起;张开(伞);张贴;为……提供食宿

5、even if 即使

even if /though

试翻译:1)I wouldn't tell you even if I knew.

2) Even if she survives, she'll never fully recover.

3)Even though he's 24 now, he's still like a little child.

4)I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.

6、on behalf of 代表..的一方

on behalf of代表……一方

My husband could not be here tonight, but l want to thank you on his behalf.

We attended the global conference on behalf of our country.

I?m greatly honored to put on

performance here on behalf of my school.

The hero?s wife accepted the medal on behalf of her dead husband.

7、so long as 只要

as … as one can = as … as possible

Please come here as soon as possible.= Please come here as soon as you can..

as many as 多达

as long as 长达,只要

as far as远至,就…而论

as well as 和…一样好,也,和

as early as 早在

As long as you don't betray me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).

You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.

As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe.

You may borrow this book so long as you promise to give it back.

I will stay as long as I can.

on condition that …在……的条件下

1)I will go abroad on condition that I earn enough money. 如果我挣到足够的钱,我就出国。

2)We will help you on condition that/as long as you can offer us the proper reason. 只要你能给我们合适的原因,我们就会帮助你。

8、keep on 继续

9、on the whole 大体上;基本上


1. There is no doubt that….

doubt 1) 作不可数名词, 作“疑惑; 怀疑”

①肯定句中doubt多接whether (一般不用if代替)同位语从句。如:

There?s some doubt ________ he?ll keep his promise .(whether)


She had her doubts _____ the new book would sell well. (whether)


There is no doubt ______ they will ask you for help. (that)

毫无疑问, 他们会请你帮忙的。(that)

I have no doubt ______ you will succeed.


2)作及物动词常用于下列句型中, 作“怀疑; 不能肯定”解, 一般不用进行时态。

①用于否定句或疑问句, 后接that引导的宾语从句。如:

I don?t doubt ______ he is telling the truth. (that)


Do you doubt ______ he will win the match? (that)


②用于肯定句, 一般接whether 或if引导的宾语从句。如:

I doubt __________ we will make a profit out of it. (whether/if)


We doubt __________ she will be persuaded. (whether/if)



(1). Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ___ a cure for AIDS will be found.


A. which

B. that

C. what

D. whether

(2). It is not who is right but what is right ____ is of importance. (重庆2007)

A. which

B. it

C. that

D. this

解析: 将it is和that去掉后, 此句成为Not who is right but what is right is of importance, 句子完整, 故此题是一个强调句型。

(3). I don?t mind her criticizing me, but ______ is how she does it that I object to. (江西2007)

A. it

B. that

C. this

D. which

2. 强调句

_________(是人类活动) has caused this global warming rather than random but natural phenomenon.

3. 介词短语引导的含蓄虚拟条件句

Without the “greenhouse effect”, the earth _____________(将比现在的温度还要低大约33摄氏度)

4. even if 引导的让步状语从句

____________(即使) we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and others greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep warming for decades or centuries.

5. so long as 引导的条件状语从句

It ok to leave an electrical application on _____________(只要) you are using it .

6. It takes ……to do

_________(需要花费大量能源) to make things from new materials , so, if you can , buy things made from recycled materials.

II. 根据句意, 选择适当的单词或短语填空

1. climate; weather

a. It’s very difficult for her to get used to the dry and cold _______ there. (climate)

b. How we wish the sunny _______ could keep up for another several days!

2. come about; come across

a. I’ve never ___________ anyone quite like her before.

b. Please tell me how the accident _______ . I am still in the dark.

3. quantity; quality

a. Much of the land was of poor ______.

b. Buy vegetables in small __________, for your immediate use.

4. result in; result from

a. The accident ___________ the death of three people.

b. His failure ______________ not working hard enough.

5. glance; glare; stare

a. He ______ angrily at her across the dinner table.

b. She ______ at the page for several minutes, trying to understand.

c. She _______ round the room before she left.

人教版 选修六第四单元

Unit 4 一.知识点 词汇: 1. phenomenon n. pl phenomena 现象 An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon. Bankruptcy is a common phenomenon in an economic recession. 2. glance vi. look quickly at (sb./sth.) n. a quick look glance at = take a glance at 匆匆一看;扫视 stare at 盯着看;凝视 glare at 瞪着眼看;怒目而视;怒视 She glanced shyly at the young fellow from behind. They stood glaring at each other as if they were enemies. 3. decrease vt.&vi. become smaller or fewer;diminish;reduce decrease/reduce…to/by…减小,降低到(了);反义increase Student numbers have decreased by/to 500. Interest in the sport is decreasing. 4. exist vi. 存在 existence n.存在生存came into existence产生 Does life exist on other planets? Few of these monkeys still exist in the world. Pakistan came into existence as an independent country after the war. 5.. supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. for/to sb.提供/供应某物给某人 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 1) The school supplies books for/to the children. 2) We are here to provide a service for the public. 6. compare…to…把……比作 compare…with…把……和……比较 compared with/to与……相比(在句中常作状语) compare with与某人/物相比 People often compare children to flowers. If you compare her work with his,you?ll find hers is better. Compared with/to many women, she was indeed very fortunate This can?t compare with that. 7. come about发生come across偶然遇到come out出版,(花)开 Please tell me how the accident came about,I?m still in the dark. 8. build up 树立,逐步建立;增加;增进(健康);集结 build up one?s health增进健康build up a good reputation/fame树立良好的声誉;Traffic is building up.车辆在增多 1) This built up my hope after the interview. 9. keep on sth/doing sth 继续/坚持做某事表动作的反复,有停顿 keep doing sth一直不断地做某事表动作的持续,无停顿 1) Though it was raining, they kept on working until it was finished. 2) I kept standing in the train


选修6 Unit 3 A healthy life自学提纲 第一部分词汇学习 使用日期:12月8-9 【学习目标】 知识与能力:利用构词法背诵单词,掌握重点单词的用法 过程与方法:兴趣记忆法、形义联想法、利用词根词缀法、最佳时间记忆法等,师生互动情感态度价值观:在学习新单词的过程中,教育学生热爱生活,珍爱生命 【课前自学】 查字典,了解词汇的词性变化,并写出正确形式。 1. 健康n. _________ 不健康的adj.___________ 对……合适的______________ 2. 压力n.________ adj.__________(同义词)n.___________ 3. 青春期的adj.________ n.__________ 4. 自动的adj.________ adv.________ 5. 精神的adj._________ adv._________ 6.正常的adj.__________(反)___________ 7. 结果n._______ adj.________ adv.________ 8. 加强v.__________ n.长处__________ 9. 放松n._________ v.__________ 10.失望的adj._________/__________ n.___________ 11. 违法的adj.______(反)________ 12. 尴尬的adj._________/_________ n.____________ 【问题展示】 1.ban vt 禁止,取缔n 禁令;谴责 He was banned ______driving for six months due to speeding. The police lifted the ban _____parking on the street. Dolly’s cloning raised the fear of human cloning, so they called for a worldwide ban _____ human cloning. 归纳:____________________________________________________ ★【拓展与延伸】还有哪些词表示“禁止”? ____________________________________________________ 2.addicted adj 入了迷的,上了瘾的 He found his son addicted to ______(play) computer games. He was involved in the accident under the influence of alcohol, ______which he is addicted. Driven by curiosity, he ______ addicted to drugs. 归纳;______________________________________________________________________ 3.accustomed 惯常的;习惯了的。 It took me a long time to get accustomed to ______(work) inside the noise and excitement of the environment. You must accustom yourself to the new climate .(adapt句型转换) ___________________________________________________________________________ 归纳;______________________________________________________________________ ★【拓展与延伸】adapt 与accustom 的相同之处 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 .effect 影响,成效 His sudden death had a great effect ______ the future of both mother and son. He left a note ____ the effect that he was affected by HINI FLU .

高二英语人教版选修六第三单元学案 答案

ban doing sth. /ban…from sth./doing sth.禁止做某事 a ban on 关于……的禁令 put a ban on….发布禁令 一、词汇变形 Book6 Unit3 A healthy life 词汇导学案 1. use(n./v.)---abuse(n./v.)滥用 2. fit(adj.)---fitness(n.)健康---unfit(adj.) 3.stress(n.)---stressful(adj.)---stressed(adj.) 4. addicted(adj.)---addiction(n.) 上瘾 5. automatic(adj.)---automatically(adv.)自动的 6.mental(adj.)---mentally(adv.)精神上的 7. effect(n.)---effective(adj.)---effectively(adv.) 8. normal(adj.)正常的---abnormal(adj.) 9. breath(n.)---breathe(v.)---breathless(adj.) 10. strong(adj.)---strength(n.)---strengthen(v.) 11. resolve(n.)---resolution(n.)解决,决心 12. relax(v.)---relaxed/relaxing(adj.) ---relaxation(n.)放松,消遣 13.desperate(adj.)---desperately(adv.)绝望地二、重点单词 1. abuse v&n 滥用; 虐待; 辱骂 14. chemistry(n.)---chemist(n.)药剂师,化学家 15. disappoint(v.)--- disappointment(n.)失望 ---disappointed/disappointing(adj.)失望的16.weak(adj.)--weakness(n.)---weaken(v.)削弱17.ashamed(adj.)羞愧的--shame(n.)羞愧,遗憾 -shameless(adj.)无耻的--shameful(adj.)可耻的18.illegal(adj.)-legal(adj.)合法的--legally(adv.) 19.rob(v.)---robber(n.)---robbery(n.)抢劫20.slip(v.)---slippery(adj.)滑的 21. survive(v.)幸存---survival(n.)--survivor(n.) 22. inject(v.)---injection(n.)注射 23. judge(v.)---judgement(n.)判断 24. embarrass(v.)---embarrassed/embarrassing ---embarrassment(n.)尴尬 v n 滥用 abuse one’s power ____ abuse one’s trust /confidence ___ abuse alcohol/drugs__ the abuse of power____ _ alcohol/drug abuse ___ 虐待 abuse children___ _ child abuse____ _ 辱骂 (un) scream abuse___ _ 2. ban n.&v.禁止;取缔;禁令(say officially that sth is not allowed ) 1) He was banned from ____ _(drive) for 6 months. 2) He started a campaign to ban ____ _ _(smoke) in public places. 3)Our government has put a ban _____ plastic bags. 3. s tress n. 压力; 重要性 vt.重读;强调 stressful 产生压力的 stressed 感到压力的 relieve/reduce/ease/ lessen/lighten stress 缓解压力 under stress/pressure 在压力下 stress the importance of 强调...的重要性 place/lay/put stress on sth.着重强调某事 =attach great importance to sth =put emphasis on sth. 1) *The government should organize varieties of activities to___ _(强调 的重要性) protecting and improving human environment. 4. quit 停止(做某事); 离开 (quit/quitted; quit/quitted) ?离开(工作职位,学校等);离任 quit school 辍学quit office 离职 quit one’s job ?停止;戒掉 quit doing sth. quit the habit ?迁出;搬离 quit the city 1) You must quit __ (smoke) at once for the benefit of you and your family. 2) Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her. She was told six teachers _ _______ (quit) before her.


Book 2 Unit 3 Computers Period 6 Writing 教学目标 学习一般性说明文的写作 重点难点 说明性的文章,写作时应注意的问题 1、常用短语及句型 (1)借用、引用: As the saying goes, “knowledge is power.” As the picture shows……  (2)自然衔接 Personally I think……  As far as I am concerned…… In my view, (3)高级词汇: devote, acquire, afford, tips, ignore, regularly, relieve, follow, declining, goes, (4)结构连接成分:first, besides, the above, secondly, lastly ,on the contrary, what’s worse, however, as to, after all (5)高级句式: It goes without saying that……, which can reduce …… 2、【写作例题】: 请你根据提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍第十五届全国书市开幕当天的情况,并浅谈举办 书市的意义。 日期2005年5月18日 地点天津 人数6万余人(来自全国各地、各行各业) 主要活动开幕式、科普讲座、作者与读者见面 受欢迎图书社会科学、少儿读物、外语等 意义提供好书、方便购书、满足人们增长知识的愿望 注意:1.词数120—150左右。 2.参考词汇:全国书市National Book Fair 开幕式opening ceremony 3、【佳作欣赏】: The 15th National Book Fair was declared open in Tianjin on May 18th,2005. It was an exceptionally grand fair. On that day, more than 60,000 people from all walks of life, such as teachers, students and workers, poured to the fair from all over the country. The main activities consisted of the opening ceremony, lectures on popular science, and meetings at which writers and readers communicated face to face. People went around hunting for their favorite books and books books. Among the most popular were books about social sciences, children’s about foreign language learning. The book fair brings to the book lovers much convenience as it can provide such a great eir knowledge. variety of books. It satisfies people’s need to increase th 【亮点点击】 1.On that day, more than 60,000 people from all ... 2. Teachers, students and workers, poured to the fair from all over the country. 3. The main activities consisted of the opening ...


人教版英语选修六第四单元知识点 U4(选修六) Language points-reading 1 on/ upon+ n 依靠,依赖, 确(坚)信 You can’t depend on your parents forever. depend on/upon+sb.+to do 指望某人做…… You can’t depend on him to come on time. depend on/upon +it +that…. 指望….. You may depend on it that he will come. depend on/upon +wh-从句 Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work. That (all) depends./ it all depends. (口语)视情况而定, I may help you. But that/ it depends. 2. light 1)n. 光,线,灯 2)v.照亮,点燃 He lit a match. 他划着了一根火柴。 A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她的脸上闪耀着胜利的微笑。 The match lights easily. 这火柴容易划着 3)adj The suitcase is very light.(轻的) There was a light rain falling. He is a light sleeper. 他睡不沉。(易醒的) 3. heat v. / heat up 是某物变热或变暖 heated adj. 热的激烈的 heated debate, heated discussion heatedly adv.愤怒地激昂地 heater加热器发热器 consumer(n.). 1 消耗,花费;耗尽 She consumed most of her time in reading. 2吃完,喝光 The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. 孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。 3 使全神贯注,使着迷+with The boy was consumed with curiosity. 那男孩充满好奇心。 … as one can = as … as possible Please come here as soon as possible.= Please come here as soon as you can.. as many as 多达 as long as 长达,只要 as far as远至,就…而论 as well as 和…一样好,也,和 as early as 早在 6.对比:


第四单元检测 (时间:90分钟满分:120分) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A You might think that “global warming” means nothing more than a rise in the world’s temperature.But rising sea levels caused by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离) of an island nation—the citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland. During the 20th century,sea level rose 8-12 inches.As a result,Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water that has polluted the country’s drinking water. Paani Laupepa,a Tuvaluan government official,reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years.Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms. Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol,an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(温室气体的排放),which are a main cause of global warming.“By refusing to sign the agreement,the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live


Book6 Unit 1 Art Reading A Short History of Western Painting 【Learning goals】 1. Talk about the art in the past, at present and in the future. 2. Learn how to describe the art in the past, at present and in the future. 3. Learn some words, phrases about arts. 【使用说明】 1. 15分钟阅读课本P1课文A Short History of Western Painting独立完成导学案。 ⑴略读课文1遍,把握文章主旨大意,完成【预习探究】。 ⑵跳读课文1遍,把握文章结构,完成【课内探究】。 ⑶结合课后注释和课本翻译,找出并理解课文中重难点词组和句子。 2. 仍未解决的问题填写在学贵有疑中,留待课堂质疑解决。 【预习探究】 Task1 Read the text quickly and complete the main idea of it. The text mainly tells us 1.______ of the major movements in 2.______ art over the centuries. Task2 Scan the text and then choose the best answer. ( )1. The painters during the Middle Ages mainly ________. A. showed people as they really were B. looked at their environment in new ways C. expressed their respect and love for nature D. represented religious themes Clue: ___________________________________________________________ ( )2. According to the text,the painters during the Renaissance ________. ①adopted a more humanistic attitude to life ②discovered the rules of perspective ③developed oil paints ④broke away from the traditional style of painting A. ①③④ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①②③ Clue: ___________________________________________________________ ( )3. Who was first to use perspective in his paintings in 1428? A. Bondone. B. Roman and Greek painters. C. Masaccio. D. The Impressionists. Clue: ___________________________________________________________ ( )4. Which of the following is NOT true about Impressionism? A. It appeared in the early 20th century. B. It was the beginning of modern art. C. Its painters were the first ones to work outdoors. D. It was not accepted at first. Clue: ___________________________________________________________ ( )5. It can be inferred that classical Roman and Greek ideas were ________.[来源学+科+网] A. imaginary B. realistic C. ridiculous D. abstract Clue: ___________________________________________________________ 【方法指导】 跳读课文,培养 快速寻找有效 信息的能力。 【随堂笔记】 【方法指导】 有效的进行整 理阅读才能把 握文章主题。 【方法指导】 细读课文,构建 文章的整体框 架,培养捕捉细 节能力。 【随堂笔记】 Task3 Read the text carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ( )1. Paintings in the Middle Ages were very realistic. ( )2. Painters in the Middle Ages painted mainly religious subjects. ( )3. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. ( )4. Renaissance painters tried to paint things in a realistic way. ( )5. Two important discoveries in the Renaissance period were oil paints and drawing in perspective. Task 4 Read the text again and then fill in the form. Names of ages Time Artists Feature The Middle Age The Renaissance[来源学科网][来源:学科网Z XXK] Impressionism \ Modern art \ 【课内探究】 Task 5单句改错 1. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, start from the sixth century AD 2. One of the most important discovery during this period was how to draw things in perspective. 3. Today they are accepted as the beginning of which we call “modern art” 4. When people first saw his paintings, they were convincing that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. 5. But without the Impressionists, many of these painting styles may not exist. 6. During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradual replaced those held in the Middle Ages. 7. A typical picture at his time was full of religious symbols,which created a feeling of respect and love of God. 8. A convention artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. 9. Without the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces which this period is famous. 10. Their paintings were not as detailed as those of early painters 【方法指导】 单句改错是学 习地道英语的 最佳途径。 【随堂笔记】

2020学年高中语文 第三单元 面对现实的智慧 6 淳于髡学案 鲁人版选修《史记选读》

6 淳 于 髡 《史记·滑稽列传》记载了淳于髡、优孟、优旃三人的故事,主旨是颂扬淳于髡一类滑稽人物“不流世俗,不争势利”的可贵精神,以及“谈言微中,亦可以解纷”的非凡讽谏能力。淳于髡出身于赘婿,优孟、优旃出身于优伶,这两种人在他们生活的时代处于社会底层。他们虽出身微贱,但机智聪敏,能言善辩,善于缘理设喻,察情取譬,借事托讽,因而其言其行起到了与“六艺于治一也”的重要作用。 一、字音 赘. 婿(zhuì) 滑.稽(ɡǔ) 不蜚.(fēi) 十驷. (sì) 赍.金(jī) 禳.田(rán ɡ) 鞠跽. (jì) 目眙.(chì) 狼藉. (jí) 二、通假字 ①三年不蜚. 又不鸣 蜚,通“飞” ②诸侯振. 惊 振,同“震”,惊恐 ③汙. 邪满车 汙,同“污”,低洼地 ④威王大说. 说,通“悦”,高兴 ⑤卒. 然相睹 卒,通“猝”,突然 ⑥于是齐威王乃益赍黄金千溢. 溢,通“镒”,古代的重量单位 ⑦合尊. 促坐 尊,同“樽”,酒器 ⑧髡尝. 在侧 尝,通“常”,常常 三、一词多义 (1)说?????①淳于髡说.之以隐曰 动词,劝说②笑岂有说.乎 名词,说法

(2)者?????①淳于髡者.,齐之赘婿也 语气词,用于判断句中,放在主语后,引出判断 ②今者.臣从东方来 代词,用于时间词后,表示“……的时候” ③臣见其所持者.狭而所欲者.奢 代词,用于动词、形容词后,指代人或事物 (3)故?????①欢然道故. 名词,往事 ②故.曰酒极则乱 连词,所以 (4)引?????①夜引.兵而去 动词,率领 ②六博投壶,相引.为曹 动词,邀请 (5)以?????①淳于髡说之以.隐曰 介词,用 ②以. 讽谏焉 连词,表目的,来③以.髡为诸侯主客 介词,把 四、古今异义 ①长不满七尺,滑稽..多辩 古义:言谈辩捷,无所阻碍。 今义:(言语动作)引人发笑。 ②未尝屈辱.. 古义:屈于压力而受辱。 今义:受到压迫和侮辱。 ③百官荒乱.. 古义:懈怠混乱。 今义:社会秩序极度不安定。 ④执法..在傍,御史在后 古义:指监视酒政的人。 今义:执行法令、法律。 ⑤私情..相语 古义:个人情感。 今义:私人的交情。 五、词类活用

选修七unit3 课文

高二英语第七模块第三单元课文教学案 制作人:审核人:使用时间:编号: —课前预习案—— Put the events in the reading passage into this timeline. (根据课文内容将下列时间排序) 1. The killer whale guided the team to the hunt. 2. The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale. 3. He heard a loud noise coming from the bay. 4. The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt. 5. Clancy arrived at the whaling station. 6.Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killers. 7. He saw a huge animal in the water, which was Old Tom, the killer whale. 8. The men returned for the baleen whale the next day. 正确顺序为____________________________________________ 主旨大意 1. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE? A. The fierce killers would attack people when they were hungry. B. The author didn?t believe the killers helped the whalers catch whales at first. C. One of the whalers, George, liked being kept waiting. D. The killers could race whales as well as excited dogs. 2.What is the main idea of the first anecdote? A. About a hunting experience of old Tom. B. About how the killer whales helps the whalers to hunt a whale. C. About how the whalers killed Old Tom. D. About how the killer whales killed the whales. 3. What does the word “it” in the sentence “He let it g o and the harpoon hit the spot” refer to? A. The whale. B. The boat. C. The harpoon. D. The killer. 4. What?s the main idea of the second anecdote? A. Fierce killers, like Old Tom, could protect people. B. James was washed off the boat. C. It was hard to handle the boat in rough sea. D. Old Tom rescued James from other killers. 5. According to the text, the killer whales can protect men from being attacked by____. A. whales B. tigers C. enemies D. sharks

人教版高中英语选修六《Unit3 A healthy life》教学设计

教学设计 课题: Unit 3 A Healthy Life Period 1: warming-up&reading Learning goals: 1.Knowledge and ability: (1)To learn important words and phrases about health. (2)To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning. 2.Process and method: (1)To inspire students to think about things from different aspects. (2)To let students discuss the bad effects of smoking. (3)To help students make a summary of quitting smoking. 3.Attitude and value: To lead students to live a healthy life. Important points: To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning. Difficult points: How to lead students to live a healthy life. Teaching methods: (1)Task-based method (2)Student-centered method (3)Pair-work and group work Teaching aids: CAI Teaching procedure:

2020年高二英语外研版选修六教学案:Module 6 Section 3 含答案

2020年精编外研版英语资料 [语法初识]

[语法剖析] 1.虚拟语气用于宾语从句中 (1)动词wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气 ①对现在进行虚拟:did (be→were) ②对过去进行虚拟:had done ③对将来进行虚拟:would/could+动词原形

I wish I were back home; I don't like this place. 我要是回家就好了;我不喜欢这个地方。 I wish I had never met him. 但愿我从没遇见过他。 I do wish it would be a fine day tomorrow. 但愿明天是个晴天。 (2)would rather后跟宾语从句时,从句使用虚拟语气。 ①表示现在或将来的愿望:did ②表示过去的愿望:had done I would rather we had a rest now. 我宁愿我们现在休息一下。 John would rather Mary had not attended the party yesterday evening. 约翰宁愿玛丽昨天晚上没有参加宴会。 (3)表示建议、命令、要求、坚持等意义的动词,如suggest, advise, propose, order, demand, request, insist等后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词通常使用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。 The organization demanded that the report (should) be made public. 这个组织要求应该公开这份报告。 Local police have ordered that all guns in the religion (should) be registered. 当地警察已经命令这一地区的枪支必须登记。 They are advising that children (should) keep away from the river. 他们正在建议孩子们要远离河水。 [名师点津] 当suggest 表示“表明,暗示”,insist表示“坚持认为”之意时,从句不用虚拟语气。 The man insisted that he had never stolen the money. 这个人坚持说他绝对没有偷钱。 His puzzled expression suggested that he didn't understand the foreigner's words. 他迷惑的表情表明他不明白那个外国人的话。 2.虚拟语气用于表语从句和同位语从句中 (1)在suggestion, proposal, order, request, advice等表示建议、命令、坚持等意义的名词

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