当前位置:文档之家› 四年级英语上册百词竞赛复习卷




Class ______ Name _______ No. ____ Score______

1 这些玩具动物these toy animals

2 孩子们boys and girls

3 五只狮子five lions

4 喜欢老虎和马like tigers and horses

5 喜欢这只猫like this cat

6 那只熊猫that panda

7 又可爱又胖cute and fat

8 喜欢黄色like yellow

9 看着look at

10 在树上(本身事物) on the tree

11 在树上(外来物) in the tree

12 我喜欢I like

13 一些葡萄some grapes

14 一份水果色拉 a fruit salad

15 十一个芒果eleven mangoes

16 那些香蕉those bananas

17 一个大橘子 a big orange

18 菠萝汁pineapple juice

19 吃一个热狗eat a hot dog

20 喝(一些)果汁drink some juice

21 制作一个水果蛋糕make a fruit cake

22 看我们的贴纸look at our stickers

23 多少how many

24 看一看have a look

25 十三把尺thirteen rulers

26 有十五只足球have fifteen footballs

27 多少机器人how many robots

28 他的玩具小汽车his toy cars

29 非常好看very nice/beautiful

30 许多可爱的洋娃娃many lovely/cute dolls

31 试一试have a try

32 会打篮球can play basketball

33 游泳游得很好swim very well

34 跑和跳run and jump

35 不会滑冰can’t skate

36 踢足球play football

37 打乒乓球play table tennis

38 你的朋友your friend

39 七只新球seven new balls

40 做这个do this

41 看起来如此有趣look so funny

42 我们的新家our new home

43 过来看come and look

44 我的白袜子my white socks

45 在沙发后面behind the sofa

46 在餐桌下面under the table

47 有一个大厨房have a big kitchen

48 我的包my bag

49 看那只钟look at that clock

50 两个卫生间two bathrooms


2014——2015学年第二学期 语文百词竞赛四年级试题 一、看拼音写词语。 1、ch?ng bài 2、jìn pào 3、yǒng xiàn 4、zhu? zhuàng ()()()() 5、kǔ zhōng 6、yùn cáng 7、qíng xù 8、mái m? ()()()() 9、wai láo 10、guì guān 11、fán nǎo 12、dào suì ()()()() 13、jiān ran 14、zhì xù 15、chǐ rǔ 16、miàn jiá ()()()() 17、ēn z? 18、yán sù 19、huī huáng 20、gū fù ()()()() 21、cuī huǐ 22、tiāo tī 23、qià qiǎo 24、táo cuàn ()()()() 25、xiāng qiàn 26、jǔ ju? 27、shēng chù 28、xì nì ()()()() 29、kuī sì 30、yāo he 31、ban zhuō 32、hún zhu? ()()()() 33、bēng kuì 34、cán kuì 35、jiàn bi? 36、h? mù ()()()()

二、把下列成语补充完整。 37、五彩()斓 38、无可耐() 39、郑重其() 40、络绎不() 41、丰富多() 42、提心()胆 43、金()辉煌 44、()山遍野 45、安然无() 46、山崩地() 47、顾名思() 48、心()神往 49、勤能补() 50、宁()不() 51、义正()严 52、大义()然 53、()灯()彩 54、餐()饮() 55、摩()擦() 56、()筋()骨 57、感人()() 58、艰苦()() 59、()天()地 60、()星()月 61、()宇()楼 62、目不()接 63、卧()尝胆 64、人头()动 65、风()电掣 66、流光()彩 67、美()美奂 68()风()雨 69、运()帷幄 70、好()善断 71、沧海一() 72、全力以() 73、瞬()万变 74、风华正() 75、出类拔() 76精妙绝() 77、()()如生 78、忍()负重 79、()举()动 80、一碧万() 81、谈笑风() 82、桃李争() 83、()恶如仇 84、相得益() 85、()古()今 86、()英()华 87、追()究() 88、手不()卷 89、悬()刺() 90、()文()雅 91、()辛()苦 92、如()如() 93、唇()齿() 94、世外桃() 95、浅尝()止 96、天道()勤 97、()烛夜读 98、才华横() 99、鞠躬尽() 100、与时()进


四年级英语竞赛试题 一、根据提示写出单词。(10分) 1.家,家庭: 2.喜欢,爱: 3.谁: 4.十二点二十: 5.农民: 二.看图写单词。(10分) 1、Mr Li is our English ______. 2.He ’s a ______. 3. I like and . 5. How many ______ can you see? I can see nine. 6.T his is my uncle .He’s a . 7. I can see two in the 8. John and Mike are good . 9. This is my __________. It ’s big. 三、选出不同类的一项。(10分) 6. ( ) A.Bob B.Ann C.Sam D.Mr 7. ( ) A.his B.her C.my D.they 8. ( ) A.apple B.banana C.strawberry D.pencil 9. ( ) A.Linda B.dad C. mum D.sister 10. ( ) A.doctor B.father C.pupil D.teather 四、猜猜他是谁。(10分) 11. He is my father’s father. He is my 12. She is my father’s mother. She is my 13. He is my aunt’s son. He is my 14. He is my father’ brother. He is my 15.She is my father’s wife. She is my 五、阅读短文,根据短文内容填写单词,完成文后句子。(10分) Andy, Peter, Jack and Lucy are my good friends. We’re in the same class. We like different kinds of sports. Andy likes football, Peter likes basketball, Jack likes volleyball, Lucy likes tennis and I like ping-pong. Look!We are having a good time today. 16. I have ________ good friends. 17. We‘re in the ________ class. 18. Andy likes ________. 19. ________ likes basketball. 20. We are ________ a good time today. 六、从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选择最佳的一项完成下列句子。(20分) 31. What’s ________ the picture? A. in B. off C. at D. up 32. The box is too heavy. Please let ________ help you. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 33. Who‘s that boy ________? A. in green B. in the green C. in a green D. with green 34. Look!Andy is ________ a kite on the playground. A. fly B. flies C. flying D. to fly 35. ________ fine the weather is! A. How B. What C. It’s D. Its 36. —What's your name? —My name is Cindy. —________? —Yes, C-I-N-D-Y, Cindy. A. How are you B. How do you do C. Can you spell it, please D. What can I do 37. —________? —It's eight thirty. A. How old is your grandma B. How many students are there in your class C. What's the time, please D. What number is your car 38. —You speak good English. —________. A. No, not at all. B. Thank you. C. You are welcome. D. It doesn't matter. 39. --Who’s this? -- . A. she is in B. she is here C. she isn't at home D. this is Bob 40. —Who's under the tree over there? —Frank and Dale. —________? —Frank's bird. A. Where is it B. Who's that C. What's that D. How is it 七、情景会话。(20分)


四年级英语单词竞赛 班级 ________________ 姓名 _________________ 一、根据中文写英文20% 1.铅笔 2.钢笔 3.书 4.尺子 5.铅笔盒 6.教师 7.学生 8.男孩 9.女孩10.课桌 二、写出下列单词相应的大写或小写形式5% CLASSROOM science painting KITCHEN VEGETABLE 三、填空10% 1. What’s in your .(书包) 2. Amy and Chen Jie are good .(朋友) 3. My (房间) is small. There is a (窗户), a (门),a (床) and a (椅子). I like it. 4. What would you like for breakfast? I’ d like some (面包), some (牛奶)and two (蛋). 四、把下面单词补充完整,每一条横线写一个字母。10% 1. __ork 2. f__sh 3. so__a 4. m__sic 5. w__ll 6. cla__ __room 7. p__cture 8. wind__ __ 五、根据图片写单词10%

六、把下列单词翻译成中文。10% teacher ’s desk_________forty-one________quiet_________ hair________ painting____________ fridge______________ chopsticks____________ vegetable____________ watermelon_____________colour____________ 七、句子配对10% 1.Where is my seat? A. Good idea! 2.Let ’s clean the classroom. B.Sure. Here you are. 3.Is she in the living room? C.It ’s near the door. Go to the living _______. Watch________. Go to the __________. Have a snack. Go to the study. Read a ________. Go to the _________. Take a shower. Go to the _________. Have a sleep.


2013——2014学年度第一学期六年级百词竞赛卷2013、12 班级姓名 一、看拼音写词语20% wū jǐ diān bǒ xiū saɡān ɡà quán shì ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) zhì xù tǎn lù p?nɡ bó yóu yù dǒu qiào ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) zhuàn xiě nì jìng yìng chóu shuǎ lài hún qiān mang rào ()()()()() cuī huǐ bào yuàn shēn suì sōng xia xiāng fǔ xiāng ch?ng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、在括号里填上合适的字。12% lán:()天()球波()斑() jiàn:()议关()矫()宝() fù:()裕奔()()近()习 shì:姿()()当()儿()样 给“肖”加偏旁,把故事补充完整。 元()节那天,有个俊()的女孩翻过陡()的山岭,来到城市卖鸡蛋。浓烈的节日气氛让她把疲劳抛到了九()云外,发()上的汗还没干,她便吆喝起来。一会儿鸡蛋就被()售一空。女孩高兴得吹起了口(),开始()遥地往回走。 三、圈出下面成语中用错的字,然后按顺序改正6% 阴谋鬼计走头无路谈笑风声天翻地复甘败下风悲愤欲决温文而雅按步就班能曲能伸金壁辉煌无原无故再接再励( ) 四、选择正确的读音12% 呼号(hào háo) 蹭破(zanɡ canɡ) 闷得慌(man mēn) 脚腕(wàn wǎn ) 侮辱(wǔ wú) 惩罚(ch?nɡ ch?n) 择菜(zhái z? ) 生肖(xiào shào) 撇下(piē piě) 挑剔(tì tī) 桂冠(guān ɡuàn ) 悄无声息(qiǎo qiāo) 五、把成语补充完整,并解释所填的字4% 悲愤欲()与世长() 脱( )而出爱不( )手 六、给带点字选择正确的解释,填序号。6%


(一)翰林英语第一届英语能力竞赛(四年级试题) Ⅰ.语音:(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) A)下列单词拼写均不完整,请从A、B、C、D中选择适当的字母或字母组合使之完整、正确。 1.hap y A.i B.p C.y D.e 2.m ning A.ar B.er C.or D.ir 3.m th A.oa B.ao C.ou D.uo 4.n e A.ai B.ci C.ic D.ia 5.plan A.a B.e C.y D.n B)根据音标,填写单词,使句子意思完整。 1.I have a[sist ],her name is Joan. 2.My [igli ]teacher is very kind. 3.I am in Class One,[greid]Five. 4.Let's go[h m]. 5.There are[meni]pens in the box. Ⅱ.单词和短语:(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) A)请将括号内单词的字母重新排列顺序,组成新单词,填在横线上,使句子能完整达意。 1.There are(net)books on the table. 2.We are(ton)in Class 4. 3.Nice to(teem)you! 4.Tom and Mary are in the(eams)class. 5.Good morning, Mum. Good morning,(add). B)英汉互译,请将答案写在题后的横线上。 1.上学 2.在课桌上 3.一只棕色的狗 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f57345507.html,e in 5.a beautiful girl Ⅲ.句型:(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 单项选择。把正确答案的标号写在题前括号中。 ()1.—Who's duty today?—It's me. A. on B. in C. at D. to ()2.—are you?—Ten. A. How B. Where C. What D. How old ()3.—is this bag?—It's red. A. What B. Whose C. Where D. What colour ()4.—Good morning,!—Good morning, Miss Liu. A. classes B. class C. Classes D. my Class ()5. is a girl,name is Alice. A. Her;She B. She;Her C. He;His D. His;He ()6.This is classroom.like it. A. us;Our B. your;Us C. our;We D. we;Our ()7.—This is John, my friend.— A. How you are? B. What's your name? C. Nice to meet you! D. Good. ()8.—Whose book is it?—It's. A.I B. me C. my D. mine ()9.—Is he a teacher or a doctor?— A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. A teacher. D. A nurse. ()10.—Can you spell name, please?—Yes,can. A. you;you B. your;you C. you;I D. your;I Ⅳ.情景会话:(共10小题,A部分每小题2分,B部分每小题1分,计15分) A)根据下列情景,选择一个最佳答案,补全对话。 ()1.——Fine, thank you. And you?—I'm fine, too. A. How old are you? B. How is the day? C. How nice it is? D. How are you? ()2.What color is this dress? A. It's green. B. It's a green. C. It's Green. D. It's greens. ()3.—What's the name of his cat?—. A. It's a Chinese cat. B. It's an English cat. C. Mimi is one. D. Its name is Mimi. ()4.你想借朋友的自行车,你会说 A. May I use your bike? B. Is this your bike? C. What's this in English? D. What colour is it? ()5.你想询问对方是做什么工作的,你会说 A. What class are you in? B. Where are you? C. Where are you from? D. What are you? B)根据下列每题所设情景,选出最佳答案。 ()1.如果你不会用英语说某物,你该怎样问老师: A. Do you know English? B. What's this in English? C. Can you spell it, please? D. Can you speak English? ()2.有一位外国人问你去飞机场的路,你告诉他后,他对你说:“Thank you.”你应说: A. Don't thank me. B. That's all right. C. Very good. D. All right. ()3.你的好朋友Ann今天过生日,你应该对她说:

四年级英语上册知识竞赛卷(无答案) 人教版

四年级英语上册英语知识竞赛 Class: ___________ Name:__________ Mark_________ 一、写出与下列有关的单词。 1.number(数字) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2.people(人物:家庭成员……) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3.job(职业) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4.fruit(水果) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5.food and drink(食物和饮料) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6.course(课程) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7.clothes(衣服) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 8.weather(天气) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 9.colour(颜色) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 10.body(人体) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 11.vehicle(交通工具) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 12.animal(动物) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 13.教室物品和家庭物品 _________________________________________________________


四年级百词竞赛 姓名__________ 班级_________ 分数_________ Part A: 1.关于;大约,到处____________ 2.在……之后____________ 3.向后,回____________ 4.球____________ 5.在……后面____________ 6.兄弟____________ 7.棕色的,褐色的____________ 8.买____________ 9.打电话____________ 10.抓住____________ 11.小鸡____________ 12.衣服(复数)____________ 13.外套,上衣____________ 14.颜色____________ 15.哭,喊____________ 16.跳舞____________ 17.书桌____________ 18.向下____________ 19.十一____________ 20.落下,跌倒____________ 21.家,家庭____________ 22.农场____________ 23.快速地;快的____________

24.花____________ 25.空闲的,自由的____________ 26.来自,从……____________ 27.山羊____________ 28.帮助____________ 29.这里,这儿____________ 30.饥饿的____________ 31.晚的,迟的____________ 32.午饭____________ 33.早晨,上午____________ 34.星期一____________ 35.现在____________ 36.仅仅,只____________ 37.橘子;橘色的____________ 38.公园____________ 39.盘,碟____________ 40.请____________ 41.比赛,赛跑____________ 42.座位____________ 43.鞋____________ 44.商店____________ 45.女裙____________ 46.小的____________ 47.某事(物)____________ 48.儿子____________ 49.运动____________


2016---2017学年度四年级英语竞赛试题 姓名得分 一、每题写出4个与下列有关的单词。(共8题,计16分) 1、job(职业) 2、fruit(水果) __________________________________ ________________________________ 3、clothes(衣服) 4 、colour(颜色) __________________________________ _________________________________ 5、body(人体) 6、vehicle(交通工具) _________________________________ _____________________________ 7、stationery(文具) 8、animal(动物) ___________________________________ 二、选择最佳答案填空。(共14题,计14分) 1、School is over、Let's go ________ now、 A、to class B、home C、to bed 2、Mary no new pens and pencils、 A、have B、having C、has 3、Is this computer your father's or yours? 、 A、Mine、 B、Your、 C、Yes, it's my father's、 4、________ at the blackboard!Can you ________ it? A、Look; see B、Watch; see C、See; look 5、The girl is five but she can ________ pictures all by herself、 A、draw B、draws C、to draw 6、Animals are our ________ friends、 A、good B、very C、well 7、It's time ________ go to school、 A、in B、for C、to 8、The pencil is ________、 A、of Jim B、of Jim's C、Jim's 9.A: Happy birthday to you! B:______ A、OK! B、Thank you ! C、Great! 10、________ clever you are! A、How B、What C、It's 11、Look at ________ wall on the left、There is ________ old photo on it、It's ________ photo of my family、


选择优质教育 走进颍河学校 小学四年级英语竞赛试题 班级______ 姓名______ 考号________ 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 得分 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 一、写出所给字母的相邻字母大小写。(10分) (1) Ee (2) Oo (3) Mm (4) Tt (5) Yy 二、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(10分) ( )1、 A 、 window B 、 board C 、 black ( )2、 A 、 fifty B 、book C 、 five ( )3、 A 、 colour B 、 Chinese book C 、 math book ( )4 、A 、 thin B 、 strong C 、student ( )5、 A 、 music B 、 nose C 、 mouth ( )6、 A 、 bag B 、 pencil C 、 we ( )7、 A 、 computer B 、 big C 、 small ( )8、 A 、 book B 、 teacher C 、 ruler ( )9、 A 、 desk B 、 chair C 、 computer game ( )10、A 、 teacher B 、 student C 、 school 三、把下列单词补充完整。(10分) 1、 b _ g (包) 2.b _ _k (书) 3.t _ _cher (教 师) 4.f id e(冰箱) 4.fri __d (朋友) 5.p __cil (铅笔) 6.st _d __t (学生 7.r _ler (尺子) 8、g __l (女孩) 9、 penc _l (铅笔盒) 10、 b _y (男孩) 四、单项选择。( 10分) ( ) 1.What ’s in your schoolbag? ________________. A. desks. B.books . C.sixty. ( )2、Who ′s the girl ? _________________________ . A.I ′m Amy . B. She ′s Amy. C. She is a student. ( )3、What ′s ____ name? A.his B. he C. she ( ) 4、What colors is it? It is_____________________ . A. new . B. like . C.yellow. ( ) 5、What ′s __________ your classroom ? A. in B. on C. is ( ) 6. There are four in our classroom. A. light B. lights C.lihgts ( ) 7. -Let ’s computer games A.listen B.do C.play ( ) 8. Where ----my shoes? They are on the bed. A. is B. Are. C.are ( )9、I have a sister.__name is Chen Jie A .His(他的) B. She C.Her (她的) ( )10、__color is it ? A 、 What B 、 Where C 、 Who 五、情景选择。(10分) ( )1. 当有人问你“她叫什么名字?”,你回答: A. My name is Amy. B. Her name is Amy. C. His name is Amy. ( )2. 当你想告诉别人你有一个新朋友,你说: A. I have a friend. B. I have a new classmate. C. I have a new friend. ( )3当你想让别人看这张图片时,你说:


鹏晖中英文学校xx年度第一学期 小学四年级语文百词竞赛试题 (时间25分钟;总分100分,试题90分,书写占10分) 班级学号姓名成绩 一、看拼音,写词语(12分) lǜ shù chénɡ yīn xiān ɡuǒ piāo xiānɡ kuánɡ fēnɡ dà zuò ( ) ( ) ( ) 二辨字组词(16分) 骤()佛()抹()浑() 聚()拂()沫()辉()三我能将词语补充完整(12分) 枝()花()()顾()盼照()画() 惟()惟()()武()威()()私语 四给下列带点的字选择正确读音。(对的打“∨”)(6分) 屏住(píng bǐng)粗糙(cāo zāo) 报酬(chóu chui) 禁不住(jìn jīn)兴旺( xīng xìng) 勉强(qiáng qiǎng ) 五填关联词语。(10分) 1 刘胡兰()牺牲自己的生命,()说出党的机密。 2 我()知道这件事情,()并不了解事情的全过程。 3 同学们()走着,()谈论着。 4 很多同学在实践中体会到,()多读多写,作文()会有进步。 5()没有老师的耐心教育和帮助,我()不会有这么大的进步。

六课文内容积累。(10分) 1、劝君更尽一杯酒,_____________。 2、不识庐山真面目,_____________。 3、绿树村边合,_____________。 4、十五个吊桶打水——____________________。 5、小葱拌豆腐——____________________。 七、先填空组成成语,使所填的相邻的两个字组成一个词语并写在横线上。(12分) 无恶不()()过饰非心心相()()日如年 自怨自()()出于蓝下里()人()碧辉煌 八、成语接龙(12分) 恋恋不舍---()---()---() 妙手回春---()---()---()


四年级下册英语综合知识竞赛试题 name:_________ class:____________point: ____________ 一.找出不同类的一个单词。(5) ( )1.A.purple B.hill C.pink ( )2.A.twenty B.fifteen C.turn ( )3.A.bike B.house C.car ( )4.A.road B.run C.jump ( )5.A.far B.china C.long 二.单项选择(15) ()1.你想向别人问路,首先要说:____________ A.Excuse me Bthank you C.You’re welcome ( )2.where is the school?It’s____________the supermaket. A.next to Bthank you C.turn left ()3.Twenty and one is____________ A.twenty B three C.twenty-one ()4.Can you jump high?____________ A.Yes,I can B Yes,he can C. no,I can ()5.Do you want some vegetables?Yes___________ A.please Bso C.You’re welcome ( )6.Have you got fast food in England?Yes,____________ A.we haven’t B.we have C.we has ()7.what are you doing?____________ A.I am swim B.I am swiming C. .I am swimming ()8.姐姐今天要去参加一个运动会,你会祝福她:____________


崆峒区***小学 2018-2019学年度第一学期 四年级英语能力竞赛试卷 I . 判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音, 相同打“ √ ”,不同打“ × ”.(5分) ( ) 1. apple cat ( ) 2.sister white ( ) 3. what who ( ) 4.some student ( ) 5. black duck II.选出与划线单词不同类的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. My bag is blue. A.yellow B. red C. cat ( ) 2. John is strong. A. glasses B.thin C.tall ( ) 3. I like English. A. Chinese B. maths C. candy ( ) 4 Open the door. A. window B. quiet C. light ( ) 5. My shoes are white. A.glasses B.friendly C.hat III.单词英汉互译(10分) 刀(复数) ________ 表兄弟;堂姐妹 _________篮球 __________ 为(自己)取用_______________丢失(动词原形) _________ storybook _______________ glasses __________ strong ___________ really _________ fridge _________ IV .按要求写出单词的正确形式(10分) 1.his (对应词)_____ 2.let’s (完全形式) _______ 3. long (反义词) ______ 4.friend (复数)____________ 5. candy (复数)____________ 6.I (宾格)_______ 7. shoes (单数)_______ 8.英语(汉译英)_______ 9.white (反义词)______ 10.Good idea (英译汉)_______ V .选择题。(10分) ( )1. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: __________. A. Nice to meet you,too. B. Good morning . C. Hi ( )2. Let______clean the board. A. me B. my C. I ( )3. How many ________do you have? A math books B math book C a math book ( )4. _________ is it? ---It’s r ed. A. What B. Where C. What colour ( )5.Look ________ the blackboard! A. at B. / C. to ( )6.We ______ a new classroom. A. have B. has C. had ( )7.--- I have two_______. A. friend B. book C. storybooks ( ) 8.---_______ is my pencil? ---It’s under your book. A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) 9. I have _______English book and _______ storybook. A. a , a B. an , an C. an , a ( ) 10. ---What`s _______ name ? --- His name is Zhang Peng. A. he B. His C. her VI . 在○里填入“>”或“<”(10分) twenty ○thirty fifty ○forty-nine thirty-five ○thirty-three 装 订 线 学校 班级 \姓名 考号


2018年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS) 四年级组初赛题(上) (答题时间:60分钟总分:100分) (全国小学生英语竞赛组委会办公室提供) 听力部分(共四大题,计30分) Ⅰ. Words(听辨单词)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 听音,从A,B,C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。 1. A. sea B. six C. sit 2. A. aside B. beside C. ahead 3. A. twenty B. thirty C. forty 4. A. degree B. green C. agree 5. A. window B. windy C. week Ⅱ. Sentences(句子理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) (A)听音,从A,B,C三个选项中选出与你所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。 6. A. B. C.

7. A. B. C. 8. A. B. C. 9. A. B. C. 10. A. B. C. (B)听音,根据所听问句选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 11. A. No,I can't. B. Here you are. C. I want some bread. 12. A. Yes,I am. B. You are a nurse. C. I'm all right. 13. A. It's white. B. It's mine. C. It's a pen. 14. A. Sure. B. I like the red one best. C. Nice to meet you.

【推荐】四年级上册英语试题-英语竞赛题 冀教版(无答案)

一、读单词,按读音规律填空。(15分) 1、Meet tree f d t th n d sh p 2、Eat dream l f m t ice-cr m 3、thirty skirt b d sh t 4、School room kangar t 5、three theatre irty ank 6、car market M ch p k 二、从每座房子里找出不同类的单词并写在横线上。(4分) 三、去掉字母中的一个,组成一个正确的单词,写在括号里。(10分) 1、w ,h ,e ,e ,r ,e ( ) 2、t ,r ,u ,c ,s ,k ( ) 3、n ,i ,n ,e ,e ,t ,y ( ) 4、d ,r ,e ,e ,s ,s ( ) 5、m ,e ,a ,l ,l ( ) 6、c ,l ,e ,a ,r ,k ( ) 7、s ,t ,o ,r ,e ,a ( ) 8、p ,u ,u ,t ( ) 9、d ,u ,c ,e ,k ( ) 10、p ,o ,o ,n ,d ( ) 四、根据对话填空。(14分) Li Lin:I like your T-shirt. Wang Qing:─────── ───────. LiLin: ────── ────── new ? Wang Qin:Yes !I like your shoes. ───── ────── new ? Li Lin:No ,thy 're ────. 五、写出下列单词的反义词。(14分) far —( ) far —( ) far —( ) far —( ) happy─( ) happy─( ) happy─( ) 六、连线。(15分) A B A small truck 一件蓝衬衣 A red desk 一顶黄帽子 A new telephone 一张红色书桌 A yellow hat 一辆小卡车 A blue shirt 一部新电话 December 八月 April 四月 August 十二月 July 十月 October 七月 绵羊 elephant 蛇 kangaroo 大象 lion 狮子 snake 袋鼠 sheep 七、将下列单词翻译成汉语。(12分) traffic lights office building grocery store clothes shop movie theatre stay home 八、用括号内的字母组成单词并填空。(14分) 1、Please speak (l,s,o,y,l,w ). 2、A duck can (m,s,w,i ). 3、Let’s go to the (r,m,a,t,e,k ). 4、 (e,Y ,l,o,l,w )is wait. 5、The weather is warm and (a,r,y,n,i ). 6、My mother is a (a,t,s,e,w,i,r,s ). 四年级上册英语试题-英语竞赛题-(冀教版) 学校 班级 姓名 ……………………………………………………密………………………………封………………………………线……………………………………… cold mall warm hot bus truck shop bicycle dress hat car coat school zoo store cashier

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