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The Teaching Plan Of

Lesson 28


本单元紧紧围绕与学生生活实际---课外生活及兴趣爱好的话题开展,在学习了本单元2、3课之后,学生要进一步深入学习表达个人的爱好及擅长的项目,从而自如地运用“Are you good at ---?” I’m good at---. 本课时为一课时,纵观教材,该课时是前一课的延伸、拓展,并为后面的课的学习作好铺垫,该课具有承上启下的作用。因此,本课时具有重要的地位。该课时的话题中牵涉了运动,在教学中可适当渗透2008奥运会的精神,激发学生的爱国之情,从而育德育于教学中。









结合该教材、本单元话题及学生现有认识水平,我确定如下教学目标:Teaching demands :

1、Target language: ( Can express the following sentences)

Are you good at swimming?

I’m good at it.

I’ll go swimming.

I’ll go with you.

2、Can phone the others initially.

3、Grasp the following words:

swimming/ roller skating/skateboarding( Can listen, speak and say.)

swimming/skating( Can listen, speak, say and write)

Key points and emphasis:

1、Can express the following sentences fluently:

Are you good at ---?

I’m good at---.

2、Can speak ,say and write the following words:

swimming, skating

Emotional effect and cultural link:

1、Let the children know we should love sports and love our lives.

2、let the children know the hobbies of the foreign children.

Teaching aids:

A recorder, a computer, some slides ,a life buoy, roller-skates , a skateboard and some cards.

Teaching steps:

Step1 Warm up (about 3 minutes)

1、Sing a song.

T:Hello!Children,let’s do the morning exercises and do the actions ,OK?

S:Ok.(Sing the song while doing the actions)

2、Make dialogues with Ss:

T: Boys and girls, tell me: Do you like the morning exercises ?

Ss:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

(Ask individual student)

T: Are you interested in doing the morning exercises?

S1:Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.

T:What are you interested in?

S1:I’m interested in….

(Ask more students to answer the questions)


Step2 Presentation (about 15 minutes)

1、Present the new words like this:

(Ask the whole class)

T:Are you interested in playing a game?


T:Let’s play a guessing-game,Ok?


T:(Do the action of swimming)What kinds of action? Guess?


T:You’re great!I can swim.I like swimming.

(Write down the words swim and swimming on the Bb,draw the picture on the Bb.)

T:Now,I’ll ask one of you to come here and do the act ion!

(Ask one student to come to the blackboard,teacher tell him/her a kind of action in whisper, let him/her do the action)

Guess, what kinds of action?

Ss:play basketball.

(Use the roller-skates and a skateboard,present the new words in the same way , wite the words and draw the pictures

on the Bb.)

2、Listen to the tape and repeat

T: Ok,you are all do a good jop. Let’s stop her e.Open your books,turn to Page63,listen to the tape and repeat after the tape.


T:(Use the cards of the new words)Now,clap your hands and read after me.

swimming swimming swimming

roller skating roller skating roller skating

skateboarding skateboarding skateboarding

3、Ask them to find the same points and different points between the following words. swim~swimming roller-skates~rollerskating skateboard~skateboarding (设计意图:设计“猜一猜”游戏,激发学生学习兴趣,引入新单词教学,并通过旱冰鞋、滑板等实物,加深学生学习新单词的印象。而后,通过听音、跟读,进步巩固之后,让他们观察黑板上的单词,说出这些单词的共同点和区别点,了解一点构词法,并有利他们记忆单词。)

4、Show the following words through the slide:


Ask them to write after the teacher with their middle fingers while spelling the words.Then ask the Ss to write them on their Activity Books.


5、Use the life buoy and do the action,present like this:

T:Boys and girls, look! (Do the action of swimming)I can swim.I’m interested in swimming,but I’m not good at swimming.(Shake my head)

Are you good at swimming ?

(Ask some children to answer,help them to answer:Yes,I am.or No,I’m not.Then write the following sentences on the Bb)

I’m good at swimming.

Yes,I am. / NO,I’m not.

Then show the slide and flash ,present the new content:


6、Ask the children to look at the picture and answer:

Who are they?

What will they do?

7 、listen to the tape and answer:

Are they good at swimming?

What are they interested in?

8、Listen to the tape and repeat after the tape.

9、Ask Ss to find the main and new points, let them talk about it ,then the teacher explain the main points:

(When phone Sb.)This is ---.

Are you good at swimming?

I’m good at it.(swimming)

I’ll go swimming. I’ll go with you.


Step3 Practice (about 15 minutes)

1、Depart the whole class in pairs( six children in a pair),let them ask and answer by using

the following table, then have a competition.(Give each group one minute, let them ask and answer one by one in the group, then count which group has the most sentences and which group is the best.)


I’m good at---. Are you good at---? Ye s, I am. No,I’m not.

Ask your friends, draw the or in the table.


Name dancing singing drawing swimming roller

skating skate- boarging







2、Ask one member of the groups to act like a reporter and interview the members of the

other groups.

(设计意图:通过布置任务型活动,开展小组合作学习,计时竞赛,并让学习接受快的学生帮助学习接受慢的学生,进一步巩固、突破本课教学的重难点。在学生熟练之后,让他们扮演“小记者”去采访其他组员,从而使他们有展现自己的机会,体验到学习的乐趣。)Step4 Do some exercises(about 5 minutes)

Do Ex1 in the Activity Book and check it.

Step5 Consolidation ( about 1 minute)

Use the melodies of the “ 两只老虎”,ask the children to sing like this:


Are you good at swimming? Are you good at swimming?

Yes,I am. Yes,I am.

Are you good at rollerskating? Are you good at rollerskating?

No,I’m not. No, I’m not.

2 、

I’m good at skateboarding. I’m good at skateboarding.

How about you? How about you?

Are you good at skating? Are you good at skating?

No,I’m not. No,I’m not.


Step6 Evaluation &assign the homework ( about 1 minute)


1、Copy and recite the words: swimming/ skating








Words & cards Sentences 评价栏

swimming I’m good at swimming.(简笔画) IV III II I

roller skating Are you good at swimming?

s kateboarding Yes,I am./No,I’m not.

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