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《经济学人》双语精读 NO.1

《经济学人》双语精读 NO.1
《经济学人》双语精读 NO.1


Speech is silver, silence is gold

DONALD TRUMP and Joe Biden are not merely the two oldest candidates to contest a presidential election. They also may be the most prolix. Their speaking styles differ—Mr Trump riffs while Mr Biden rambles; Mr Trump nurses personal grievances and Mr Biden tells stories — but they both love to talk. However, in the run-up to last night’s debate, the campaign’s second and last, both campaigns signalled that they wanted their candidates to allow the other more speaking time.


Mr Trump’s campaign believed that the more Mr Biden spoke, the likelier he was to ramble and lose his train of thought, which would give credence to their charge that he has lost his mental acuity. Mr Biden’s camp—judging by the first debate’s aftermath, in which Mr Biden’s polling lead grew after Trump repeatedly interrupted, hectored and insulted him—reasoned that the more airtime Mr Trump gets, the less voters like him.


1.Speech is silver, silence is golden. 俗语:能言是银,沉默是金

2.Silver tongue 铁齿铜牙/silver-tongued 形容词形式

Sb have a sliver tougue.

3.Not (only)...but also...


Eg:they are not merely (only) the two oldest candidates,(but) also may be the most prolix.

4.Contest 作动词,指竞争、争夺,后边可以直接加名词

Contest the leadership 争夺领导权

5.Prolix 指写文章或说话时啰里啰唆的using or containing too many words

6.Nerse personal grievances 心怀个人不满nerse 作动词,怀有

7.Ramble 闲逛/漫步ramble around the little island

Ramble (on) about sth 在某一主题下东拉西扯/漫无目的

Eg:ramble on about old sotries.

8.In the run-up to... 在...的准备阶段,名词短语

同义:in the lead-up to.../as sth draws near/as sth approches

In the run-up to Singles Day 双十一来临之际

9.Singal :express opinions ,表达,表示

10.C ampaign 运动/战役/活动/竞选/竞选活动/竞选团队

Launch an anti-corruption campaign 发起反腐败运动

A campaign against of food waste 反对食物浪费的行动

11.A llow sb sth=let sb have sth 使某人拥有/做某事

12.L ose one's train of thought 走神,失去思路

To forget what one was talking or thinking about

13.give/lead credence to sth 增加...的可信性

Make something more believable

13.c harge : a statement blaming someone for doing something bad or illegal 指责别人哪里不对/不好的说法、批评、责备===allegation 陈述、指控

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