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初译:emphasize the need to study, to have political awareness and to be honest

and upright

改译:emphasise on three things: study, politics and integrity



(2)"经济法制化"manage economic affairs according to law或put economic operation

on a legal hasis or within a legal framework

"科研成果产业化"apply scientific research results to industrial production

"国民经济信息化"build an information-based national economy

"社会知识化"build a knowledge-driven society

"国际关系民主化"Democracy should be practised in intemational relations

汉语中经常出现"化"字,有的可直译,譬如:"经济全球化",现译成:economic globalization。但不能一律简单译成"ize",譬如把上句译成:International

relations should be democratized。意思就走样了。




We will go on achieving fresh successes in building socialism with Chinese

characteristics in the new century。

"谱写新篇章"在有的上下文可以译成write a new chapter,例如:"在中泰友好交往的历史中,谱写了新的篇章。"可译为:we have

written a new chapter in the annals of Sino-Thai friendship。而在例句(3)中就不能这样译,因为write

a chapter与building socialism是不能搭配在一起的。


"来信写道"译为the letter writes属搭配不当,也是拟人化,应为:the letter reads

"取得成就"make achievements应为:score或"attain achievements

"革命接班人"successors to the revolution 应为:revolutionary successors

"革命事业接班人"successors to the revolutionary cause应为:successors in the revolutionary cause


"把中国建设成为"build China into属Chinglish,应译为:turn China into。

但在克林顿欢迎江主席的讲话中就用了build San Francisco into a thriving cosmopolitan city。可见英语也在吸收外来语,也在不断发展。



初译:The Chinese Organizing Committee of the postal Union Congress has gone

all out to make preparations in order to make the Congress a success. The

Central Government and the Beijing Municipal Government of China have rendered

unfailing support to the preparatory work of the Congress. The Governments

and competent postal departments of many countries have furnished kind

assistance to China’s preparatory work for the Congress. Here I’d like

to express my most sincere thanks to all countries, departments and friends

that have given us support to the preparatory work for the Congress.


改译:The COC has gone all out and done a lot of preparatory work for the

Postal Union Congress to make it a success. Both the Central Government

and the Beijing Municipal Government of China have rendered unfailing support

to its preparations. The Governments and competent postal departments of

many countries have provided China with kind help in the work. Here I wish

to express most sincere thanks to all the countries, departments and friends

that have given us support in this regard.



初译:To promote the development of China-US relations, China needs to know

the US better and the US also needs to know China better.

改译:To promote China-US relations, China needs to know the US better and

vice versa.



初译:govern the country by law…and build the socialist country ruled by law累赘且费解。

改译:exercise the rule of law…and turn China into a socialist country with

an adequate legal system这样避免出现两个"country",层次比较清楚。






a. We will continue to unswervingly focus on economic development.

We will continue to unswervingly press ahead with reform and opening-up.

We will continue to unswervingly carry out the independent foreign policy

of peace.

b. We will steadfastly focus on economic development, resolutely press

ahead with reform and opening-up, persistently maintain social stability

and unswervingly pursue the independent foreign policy of peace.

c. We will unswervingly focus on economic development, press ahead with

reform and opening-up, maintain social stability and pursue the independent

foreign policy of peace.


再如:"彻底粉碎"completely smash, "smash"本意就是break completely,已经包含了"彻底"的意思,加上completely语气反而弱化。

"完全征服"completely conquer, "conquer"不可能是partly。

"极为可耻"extremely shameless,"shameless"已是最高级。

"伟大的历史性转变"This is a great historic change。在英语里,historic已经包含了great的意思。



初译:if agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, then

the 500million people will feel secure。

改译:If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting,…



It cannot be avoided even if people want to 必须加avoid it。




a. The ship of China’s socialist construction will brave the wind and waves

and sail to the glorious destination of modernization。"ship"没有生命,而搞modernization的主语应当是人。

b. China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving

the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.



a. 不能译成:At the turn of the century, China’s diplomacy is most acitive.

因为diplomacy 是没有生命的,active 的主语应当是人。现译The turn of the century finds China

most active on the diplomatic arena.就解决了拟人化的问题。


初译:……innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress.

改译:……innovation sustains the progress of a nation.




a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friends

but also brothers.

b. Our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friends

but also as brothers.



a. The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have

increased and their quality has continued to improve。翻译时词类完全按照中文,因而有Chinglish的味道。

b. Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs

and quality and in richer variety。

b比a 例有明显的改进。


a. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat

to any countries.

b. A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose on threat to any






a. To maintain world peace is very hopeful.

b. There are great hopes for the maintenance of world peace.这两句基本上是字对字翻译。

c. The prospect for world peace is very bright.

d. The prospects for world peace are very encouraging indeed.后两句英文比较通顺。


初译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mental

outlook of having the whole country in mind and the whole world in view

as well s their cultural life.

改译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mental

outlook, their love for the motherland and wide-ranging interest in the

world as well as their cultural life.




As the new century approaches

On the verge of the new century

At the dawn of the new century

At the threshould of the new century

As the new century is just round the corner


increase by double-digit percentages or in some cases several-fold


(21)bring out the best in people,"人尽其才"通常译为:put people’s talents to the

best use,而现英文句型更生动地表达了"充分发挥人的能力"的意思

(Tichets, priced from…to…)are far out of the reach of the ordinary workers,"望尘莫及" If…, all the other problems would melt away."迎刃而解"

A special one-time case"下不为例"

Visitors who overstayed their pemnits"客人住宿证明过期"

Downsizing for efficiency or cut payroll to increase efficiency "减员增效"


二、阅读英译汉文章时,注意搜集常用的词、短语、句子,查阅英语原文是如何表达,利用reverse or back translation的办法,不断积累地道的英语词汇和句型,也就是:英-汉-英。

(22)"我最近常常想到你和贵国"You and your country have been much in my thoughts recently。这个用法比have

often thought of you地道。

(23)"你目睹了中国和世界在本世纪走过的非凡历程"You have witnessed the sweep of a


century, both in China and abroad.这里sweep即是"历程",它比course更为形象,而且有"走过"的动作。

(24)"大力继承这些遗产并发扬光大"…are dramatically building on this legacy 比inheriting and carrying forward this legacy简练贴切。

(25)"经济改革改变了中国的面貌和人民的日常生活"Economic reform…has transformed China’s landscape

and its people’s daily lives.



Chinese Americans’ unique culture and values of … hard work have strengthened

the fabric of our society. Fabric的用法值得学习。

(27)"每个国家都得根据自己的传统寻找发展方案。"Each country has to look for development approaches

within its own traditions. "Within"可以译成"根据",那么在类似情况下,"根据"也可译成within。

(28)"在零售和烹调行业方面,家办企业的买卖完全超过了国家办的。"In the retail and catering sectors, household

operations have completely outmarketed the state. "household operations"和"outmarket"都可拿来为我所用。


(29)我们在许多不同的场合都用"辛苦了"一词,而英语国家的人则随着情况的变化而变换说法。譬如,客人刚抵达时,主人可以说:Did you have

a good trip?某人辛勤工作后,就可以表扬他:Thank you for your hard work.或You’ve been working


但这次江主席在检阅部队时说,"同志们辛苦了!"(还有"同志们好!")怎样翻译,我没有把握。至于"同志们好!"显然不能译成Hello或How are


再如:客人们抵达后,外国主人问道,"Would you like to make yourself comfortable?"我想,这正是我们平时所说"想方便一下么?"

(30)会谈对英方人员说,We have to consult the opinions of a wide cross-section of people。这正是我们所说的"我们必须广泛听取各界人士的意见。"

(31)"凭票入场"外国人用"Admission is by ticket only。"我们可以举一反三,将"凭柬上一号


by card only"or "Please present this card。"Venue: Reviewing Stand NO.1



(32)Quickionary 扫描器字典

Telephovision 电视电话

A not -for -profit group 非赢利集团

Megatrends Asia 《亚洲大趋势》

Quantum Fund 量子基金

Hedge Fund 对冲基金



最常见的10种中国式英语错误 成龙的“Long time no see.”戏剧性地将中国式英语带上了世界的舞台;后起之秀“no zuo no die.”光荣地被美国在线俚语词典收录。越来越多的中国式英语慢慢被世界人民所接受,但这却并不代表所有的中国式英语都将成为一种潮流。今天,我们就来研究一下10个最典型的中国式英语错误吧~ 1. 我没有经验。 误:I have no experience. 正:I don't know much about that. 提示:I have no experience这句话听起来古里古怪,因为您只需要说那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了:I am not really an expert in this area. 2. 现在几点钟了? 误:What time is it now? 正:What time is it, please? 提示:What time is it now是一个直接从汉语翻译过的句子,讲英语的时候没有必要说now,因为您不可能问what time was it yesterday, 或者what time is it tommorow?所以符合英语习惯的说法是:请问现在几点了?还有一种说法是:How are we doing for time?这句话在有时间限制的时候特别合适。 3. 明天我有事情要做。 误:I have something to do tomorrow. 正:I am tied up all day tomorrow. 提示:用I have something to do来表示您很忙,这也完全是中国式的说


中国政府部门常见英语词汇 Source: 2008-09-28 我要投稿恒星英语学习论坛Favorite The people's Republic of China (P. R. China) 中华人民共和国Province (Hebei Province) 省 Prefecture (Cangzhou Prefecture) 区 Municipality (Beijing Municipality) 市 City (Cangzhou City) 市 County (Cangxian County) 县 Autonomous 自治(Autonomous District [ Prefecture/ County]) Capital (Provincial Capital) 省会 Communist Party of China 中国共产党 National Party Congress 全国代表大会 Fifteenth National Congress 第十五次全国代表大会(十五大) First Plenary Session 第一届中央全会(一中全会) Central Committee 中央委员会 member of the Central Committee 中央委员 alternate member of the Central Committee 候补中央委员 Political Bureau 政治局 member of the Political Bureau 政治局委员 alternate member of the Political Bureau 政治局候补委员 Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常务委员会 member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常委Secretariat of the Central Committee 中央书记处 General Secretary 总书记 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 中央纪律检查委员会 Military Commission of the Central Committee 中央军事委员会 International Liaison Department 对外联络部 Organization Department 组织部 United Front Work Department 统战部 Propaganda Department 宣传部 State President 国家主席 President of PRC 中华人民共和国主席 Vice President of PRC 中华人民共和国副主席 National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会 Standing Committee 常务委员会 Chairman 委员长 Vice Chairpersons 副委员长 Members of the NPC Standing Committee 常务委员会委员 Central Military Committee 中央军事委员会 Chairman 主席

老友记 经典100句地道口语

老友记《Friends》里经典100句地道口语 1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的 2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况 3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活) 4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。/ 我懂你的意思了 5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看! 6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”) 7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。 8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词) 9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人 10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱 11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用) 12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法) 13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢 14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思) 15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵) 16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配) 17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在 18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略) 19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。 20、I have no idea what you have said不知道你在说什么(I don’t have the slightest idea……)“我不知道”不要总说I don’t know,太土了,可以说I have no idea或者I don’t have a clue…… 21、Just follow my lead. 听我指挥好了。 22、Good for you!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬、表扬句型) 23、Let me put it this way, we’re having sex whether you’re here or not. (主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法) 24、The more I worried about it, the more I couldn’t sleep.(the more……the more……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助) 25、We’re more than happy to give you recommendations.(more han happy等于非常高兴) 26、Rachel, Can you pass me the TV guide? 能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,叫别人递东西可以引用) 27、Not that it’s your business, but we did go out. (倒不是……不过……典型的绕弯子式美国思维模式) 28、We have to cut our trip short! 我们不得不中断旅行.(cut sth short打断话语;中断某事;) 29、This party stinks/ sucks! (sth sucks意思是什么事情很糟糕) 30、You do the math.你自己来算一下 31、I’m with you 我同意你的观点


中国谚语翻译总汇 1.见机行事。Act according to circumstances. 2.兵不厌诈。All is fair in war. 3.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。As long as the green hills last, there'll always be wood to burn. - 4.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As you sow, so shall you reap. 5.不问就听不到假话。Ask no questions and be told no lies. 6.情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover's eye 7.血浓于水。Blood is thicker than water. 8.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near 9.简洁是智慧的灵魂。Brevity is the soul of wit. 10.公事公办。Business is business. 11.车到山前必有路。The cart will find its way round the hill ,when it gets there. 12.巧妇难为无米之炊。he cleverest housewife cannot cook a meal without rice. 13.笨鸟先飞。Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 14.精诚所至,金石为开。Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone. 15.置之死地而后生。Confront a person with the danger of death and he will fight to live. 16.滴水穿石。Constant dripping wears away the stone. 17.习惯成自然。Custom is a second nature. 18.以其人之道,还治其人之身。Deal with a man as he deals with you. 19.血债要用血来还。Debts of blood must be paid in blood. 20.隔行如隔山。Different trades are separated as by mountains. 21.一回生,二回熟。Different the first time, easy the second. 22.早动手,早收获。Early sow, early mow. 23.者千虑,必有一失。Even the wise are not free from error. 24.吃一堑,长一智。Every failure one meets with adds to one's experience. 25.国家兴亡,匹夫有责。Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. 26.每一个人都有美中不足的地方。Every man has the defects of his own virtues. 27.人各有所好。Every man to his taste 28.行行出状元。Every profession produces its own leading authority. 29.仁者见仁,智者见智。Everyone thinks in his way. 30.切莫错过良机。Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 31.凡事总有一个开头。Everything must have a beginning. 32.身教胜于言教。Example is better than precept. 33.经验是智慧之母Experience is the mother of wisdom. 34.经验是愚者之师。Experience is the teacher of fools. 35.乐极生悲。Extreme joy begets sorrow. 36.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 37.心有余而力不足(贪多嚼不烂)。The eye is bigger than the belly. 38.吃一堑,长一智。A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 39.人怕出名猪怕壮。Fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs. 40.少说为佳。Few words are best. 41.寡不敌众。A few are no match for the many. 42.水火无情。Fire and water have no mercy.


一个老外总结的中国式英语及正确的说法 其中每行第一部分是汉语说法,第二部分是Chinglish说法,第三部分则是英语的标准说法。 ①欢迎你到... ②welcome you to ... ③welcome to ... ①永远记住你②remember you forever ③always remember you(没有人能活到forever)①祝你有个... ②wish you have a ... ③I wish you a ... ①给你②give you ③here you are ①很喜欢... ②very like ... ③like ... very much ①黄头发②yellow hair ③blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法) ①厕所②WC ③men's room/women's room/restroom ①真遗憾②it's a pity ③t hat's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老) ①裤子②trousers ③pants/slacks/jeans ①修理②mend ③fix/repair ①入口②way in ③entrance ①出口②way out ③exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思) ①勤奋②diligent ③hardworking/studious/conscientious ①应该②should ③must/shall ①火锅②chafing dish ③hot pot ①大厦②mansion ③center/plaza ①马马虎虎②so-so ③average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so) ①好吃②delicious ③good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用) ①尽我最大努力②try my best ③try/strive(try的本意就是try my best) ①有名②famous ③well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用) ①滑稽②humorous ③funny/witty/amusing/entertaining ①欺骗②to cheat ③to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off ①车门②the door of the car ③the car's door ①怎么拼? ②how to spell? ③how do you spell? ①再见②bye-bye ③bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气) ①玩②play ③go to/do(play在中国被滥用) ①面条②noodles ③pasta(noodles有些孩子气) ①据说②it is said ③I heard/I read/I was told ①等等②and so on ③etc. ①直到现在②till now ③recently/lately/thus far ①农民②peasant ③farmer ①宣传②propaganda ③information


执法部门law-enforcingdepartments 群众组织massorganizations保证将国家机关的工作置于 社会的监督下 toensuretheworksofstateorganizationsbeputunder socialsupervision深入开展反腐败斗争 todeepentheanticorruptioncampaign廉正建设 theconstructionofhonestadministering 社会主义民主政治的核心是人民当家做主,真正享有法律赋予的 各项民主权利. Theessenceandcoreofsocialistdemocraticpoliticsis thatthepeoplearethemastersandtheyreallyenjoyvarious democraticrightsendowedbylaws集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定collectiveleadership, democraticcentralism,case-specificconsultation,decision throughmeeting全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民servethepeopleheartand soul,workforthepublicandassumespowerforthepeople 社会主义制度socialistsystem 社会变革socialtransformation 建设有中国特色的社会主义事业thecauseofbuildingsocialismwithChinesecharacteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴thegreatrejuvenationoftheChinesenation 小康社会、小康生活well-to-dosociety,well-to-dolife 四项基本原则FourCardinalPrinciples 社会主义初级阶段theprimarystageofsocialism 党管干部的原则 theprincipleofthePartyassumingtheresponsibilityforcadres’affairs集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 collectiveleadership,democraticcentralism,case-specific consultation,decisionthroughmeeting 基本国策basicstatepolicy 精神文明intellectualandideologicaldevelopment


1. 活该! serves you(him her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.) e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying! 2. 活该! you had it coming! e.g. a: i gained weight! b: well you had it coming because you''ve been eating so much without exercising. 3. 胡闹that’s monkey business! e.g. a: stop fooling around! that’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛! 注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!” 3.请便! help yourself. do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。) 4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all! 注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。 5.才怪! yeah,right! as if! e.g. a: today’s test was very easy. b: yeah right! a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往!才怪! 注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。 6.加油! go for it! e.g. a: go for it! you can do it! 注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。 7.够了! enough! stop it! 注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around (无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)


Ξ №.1 西北轻工业学院学报 M ar.2000   ?120? JOU RNAL O F NOR THW EST I N ST ITU T E O F L IGH T I NDU STR Y V o l.18 文章编号:1000-5811(2000)01-0120-04 中国英语初探 曹丽娟 (西北轻工业学院基础部,陕西咸阳 712081) 摘 要:长期以来,Ch inese English一直被认为是不规范的错误的英语,但实际上 Ch inese English还有其积极的一面,即它准确地反映了某些有中国特色的事物. 作者将Ch inese English中消极的一面称为“中国式英语”,而将其积极的一面称为 “中国英语”,认为中国英语的存在具有可能性、客观性和有效性. 关键词:中国英语;可能性;客观性;有效性 中图分类号:H310.1 文献标识码:A 长期以来,人们一直把中国人所习惯使用的不符合英语语法习惯和用法的英语叫作“中 国式英语”(Ch inese English).实际上,以往我们只注意到Ch inese English的消极方面,而 并没有注意到它还有积极的一面.鉴于此,我们可做如下划分,将Ch inese English的消极方 面称为“中国式英语”,而将其积极方面称为“中国英语”.本文旨在讨论中国英语存在的可能 性、客观性和有效性. 1 中国英语存在的可能性 英语是当今通用的国际语言,近代英语由古斯堪的纳维亚语、德语、拉丁语和诺曼法语 混合而成.英语在大英帝国向外扩张的过程中被输入到其它国家和地区后,在这些国家和地 区的使用便产生了变异,带上了地方色彩.美国英语就是英国英语的主要变体,它在发音、词 尾变化、拼写形式以及词汇、词语用法等方面都同英国英语有明显的差别.在中国,英国英语 和美国英语并存,也就是说,中国人所接触的是具有一定差异的两种标准英语. 英国英语和美国英语在其各自的发展和使用过程中,还形成了各种各样的变体.这些变 体主要有五大类,即情景性变体、区域性变体、社会性变体、功能题材性变体和历时性变体. 英语在以英语为官方语言的国家和地区所产生的变体主要有北爱尔兰英语(N o rthern Irish English)、澳大利亚英语(A u stralian English)、新西兰英语(N ew Zealand English)、加拿大英语(Canadian English)等;英语在以英语为外语和第二语言的国家和地区所产生的变体主要有非洲英语(A frican English)、印度英语(Indian English)、日本英语(Jap anese English)、 Ξ收稿日期:1999-12-04  作者简介:曹丽娟(1968-),女,河北定州市人,讲师


无源之水,无本之木water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots 无中生有make/create something out of nothing 无风不起浪There are no waves without wind. There\\\'s no smoke without fire. 徇私枉法bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends 新官上任三把火a new broom sweeps clean 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 蓄势而发accumulate strength for a take-off 心想事成May all your wish come true 心照不宣have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding 先入为主First impressions are firmly entrenched. 先下手为强catch the ball before the bound 像热锅上的蚂蚁like an ant on a hot pan 现身说法warn people by taking oneself as an example 息事宁人pour oil on troubled waters 喜忧参半mingled hope and fear 循序渐进step by step 一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest 严以律己,宽以待人be strict with oneself and lenient towards others 鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey 有情人终成眷属"Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well." 有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money talks. 有识之士people of vision 有勇无谋use brawn rather than brain 有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination. 与时俱进advance with times 以人为本people oriented; people foremost 因材施教teach students according to their aptitude 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼"to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight."


老外眼里的中式英语 在各个英语学习论坛上,经常可以看到有关Chinglish(中式英语)的文章,但一般都是中国人写的。不过我看到过一篇长文,也是有关Chinglish的,但却是美国人写的,很有意思。这篇长文的标题是Ching lish 2 English(从中式英语到标准英语),作者是浙江大学的美国外教Chuck Allanson,内容则是Chuck 在中国五年任教期间所听到、所看到的各种Chinglish说法。 比如Chuck第一次来中国,下飞机后,负责接待他的东北某大学英语系陈老师说:您刚到,我们吃点饭吧。我们要点Chinese dumpling(饺子)和Chinese beancurd(豆腐),您看可以吗?Chuck以前从未听说过这两种东西,但出于好奇,就说可以,结果饭菜端上来一看,原来就是ravioli(饺子,来自意大利语)和tofu(豆腐,来自日语)。Chuck当时心里暗想,这两种东西,国际上早已经有通用的说法(raviol i和tofu),他们中国人为什么还要用那种生僻的说法呢?以后Chuck跟陈先生混熟了,就问他,当初你为什么不说ravio li和tofu呢?陈先生听了大吃一惊,连忙解释说,我真的不知道这两个词,而且我们的《英汉词典》上也没有这两个词。于是Chuck开始意识到,中国的英语教师、英语课本、甚至英语词典肯定存在问题,否则不可能发生这种事情。在中国五年的任教期间,Chuck收集了大量的Chinglish说法,从中挑选出一组最常见的,编写了上面提到的那篇长文。下面就是这些Chinglish说法,其中每行第一部分是汉语说法,第二部分是Chinglish说法,第三部分则是英语的标准说法。 ①欢迎你到... ② welcome you to ... ③ welcome to ... ①永远记住你② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever) ①祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ... ①给你② give you ③here you are ①很喜欢... ② very like ... ③like ... very much ①黄头发② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法) ①厕所② WC ③ men's room/women's room/restroom ①真遗憾② it's a pity ③ that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老) ①裤子② trousers ③pants/slacks/jeans ①修理② mend ③fix/repair ①入口② way in ③entrance ①出口② way out ③ exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思) ①勤奋② diligent ③hardworking/studious/conscientious ①应该② should ③ must/shall ①火锅② chafing dish ③hot pot ①大厦② mansion ③ center/plaza ①马马虎虎② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so) ①好吃② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用) ①尽我最大努力② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best) ①有名② famous ③well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用) ①滑稽② humorous ③ funny/witty/amusing/entertaining ①欺骗② to cheat ③to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off ①车门② the door of the car ③the car's door ①怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③how do you spell?


100句英语谚语经典表达英语谚语承载着浓厚的文化韵味,要想让英语学习达到出神入化的地步,那么英语谚语最能提升英语使用者的逼格和格调了,瑞思学科英语甄选出以下100句使用频率最高的英语谚语,以供读者锤炼语言哦~ 1、Some thing is learned every time a book is opened. 开卷有益。 2、Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 3、The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there.车到山前必有路。 4、The heart is seen in wine. 酒后吐真言。 5、The worse luck now, the better another time. 风水轮流转。 6、Time tries all things. 时间检验一切。

7、Use legs and have legs. 经常用腿,健步如飞。 8、Virtue never grows old. 美德常青。 9、Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。 10、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。

11、Life is real, life is earnest.人生真实,人生诚挚。

12、Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it. 生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇。 13、Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises. 生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提下得出充足的结论。 14、Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life. 人生是美好的,但要学会如何享用美好的生活。 15、Life is but a hard and tortuous journey. 人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程,人生无坦途。 16、Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you. 人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你。 17、Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. 人生是一幅大画布,你应该努力绘出绚丽多彩的画面。 18、Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule. 人生如一首乐曲,要用乐感,感情和直觉去谱写,不能只按乐律行事。


中国式英语及地道英语的说法比较 其中每行第一部分是汉语说法,第二部分是Chinglish说法,第三部分则是英语的标准说法。 ①欢迎你到... ②welcome you to ... ③welcome to ... ①永远记住你②remember you forever ③always remember you(没有人能活到forever) ①祝你有个... ②wish you have a ... ③I wish you a ... ①给你②give you ③here you are ①很喜欢... ②very like ... ③like ... very much ①黄头发②yellow hair ③blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法) ①厕所②WC ③men's room/women's room/restroom ①真遗憾②it's a pity ③that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老) ①裤子②trousers ③pants/slacks/jeans ①修理②mend ③fix/repair ①入口②way in ③entrance ①出口②way out ③exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思) ①勤奋②diligent ③hardworking/studious/conscientious ①应该②should ③must/shall ①火锅②chafing dish ③hot pot ①大厦②mansion ③center/plaza https://www.doczj.com/doc/f816040102.html, ①马马虎虎②so-so ③average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so) ①好吃②delicious ③good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用) ①尽我最大努力②try my best ③try/strive(try的本意就是try my best) ①有名②famous ③well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用) ①滑稽②humorous ③funny/witty/amusing/entertaining ①欺骗②to cheat ③to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off ①车门②the door of the car ③the car's door ①怎么拼? ②how to spell? ③how do you spell? ①再见②bye-bye ③bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气) ①玩②play ③go to/do(play在中国被滥用) ①面条②noodles ③pasta(noodles有些孩子气) ①据说②it is said ③I heard/I read/I was told ①等等②and so on ③etc. https://www.doczj.com/doc/f816040102.html, ①直到现在②till now ③recently/lately/thus far ①农民②peasant ③farmer ①宣传②propaganda ③information


中国英语的历史及其发展趋势 随着国际社会间交流的融合与发展,语言也越来越趋于全球化。英语作为世界广泛接受与使用的一种语言,其全球化趋势及区域特征表现也愈加明显。英语在过去的50年里逐渐成为了一种全球性的语言,在国际会议,跨国公司和互联网上都得到了广泛地发展和应用。虽然英国英语和美国英语仍是全球英语的主流,但人们发现一批带有地域特征的英语,如澳大利亚英语、南非英语、尼日利亚英语、新加坡英语等也纷纷崛起,使作为全球英语标准的英美英语受到了前所未有的挑战。作为世界第一人口大国的中国自改革开放以来国际参与力度逐渐加强,国际地位也得到巨大的提高,中国人逐步在世界的舞台出现并扮演着越来越重要的角色。为适应全球化的世界发展趋势,也为更好的在世界的舞台上发挥作用,越来越多的中国人参与到英语的学习中去,这就为中国英语的发展提供了条件和可能,并推动了英语的发展及其区域化。由于英汉文化的差异,在用英语表示中国社会文化中某些特有的事物与现象时,经常发现空词项,即英语中无对应表达,出现了表达真空。这时人们常通过音译、译借、语义再生等手段,使汉语词汇进入英语交际,从而形成了“中国英语”。 中国英语是以规范英语为核心,用来表达中国特有的事物与现象的一种英语变体。它是英语国家使用的英语跟中国特有的社会文化相结合的产物,是国际使用型的英语变体。中国英语的特点主要是由中国人所固有的思维模式和中国特有的社会文化所决定的。举个典型例子,在词汇方面,具体表现为数量大、淘汰率低、翻译方式灵

活多样、表意准确,许多汉语借词常见诸英美报刊,如具有历史文化特色的词汇:Confucianism(儒家思想)、Five Classics(五经)、paper tiger(纸老虎)、Great Leap Forward(大跃进)、Cultural Revolution (文化大革命)、Chinese herbal medicine(中草药)等;反映中国时代变化的词汇:two civilizations (两个文明)、One China Policy(一个中国政策)、iron rice bowl (铁饭碗)、open-door policy(开放政策)、floating population(流动人口)、vegetable basket project(菜篮子工程)、emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts(解放思想、实事求是)、special economic zone (经济特区)、reform and opening-up program (改革开放)等。甚至有些习惯表达法,例如中国人见面时常说的long time no see(好久不见了),也为英美人所接受。 随着中国英语的发展,中式英语应运而生。英语的国际化与本土化之间必定存在着辩证关系,中式英语也必然有着自身的现实价值和潜在价值。例如打招呼时说的“Long time no see!”(好久不见)就是中式英语被接纳的最好体现。英语中大量涌现汉语借词的现象始于一百多年前。近年来,随着中国改革开放及对外文化交流和商贸往来的不断扩大与深入,英语中更是大量借用反映中国文化各方面特有的事物与现象的词。中国英语作为一种语言形式必经过相当长的历史时期的发展,有其发展历程,也必定将得到继续发展。 我认为中国英语的发展前景是光明的。中国作为一个人口大国,英语使用者占世界的巨大且随着中国在国际社会上地位的不断提高。中式英语中国人在使用英语将汉语习惯和语法加入而产生的,因而它

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