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Test environments and mechanical properties of Zr-base bulk amorphous alloys

Test environments and mechanical properties of Zr-base bulk amorphous alloys
Test environments and mechanical properties of Zr-base bulk amorphous alloys

Fig.1—Zr-based BAA button and ingot prepared by arc melting and drop casting.

present time.One of the reasons is that most advanced BAAs have been developed only within the last 6years.Bruck et al.[18,19]characterized the mechanical properties of Zr 41.25Ti 13.75Ni 10Cu 12.5Be 22.5BAA by tension,compression,and torsion tests at room temperature.This BAA exhibited an elastic–perfectly plastic deformation behavior,similar to that observed previously in Pd 77.5Cu 6Si 16.5(Reference 20)and Pd 40Ni 40P 20(Reference 21)amorphous alloys.The BAA showed excellent tensile properties,with a yield strength up to 1.9GPa and an elastic strain of about 2pct.[18]By combined tension,compression,and torsion tests,Bruck et al.concluded that the Zr-base BAA obeys a pressure-in-sensitive von Mises yield behavior.The examination of the orientation of the shear bands and failure surfaces,however,does not appear to support the von Mises yield behavior,[20]rather,it tends to support the pressure-sensitive Mohr–Cou-lomb criterion suggested by Donovan based on studies of the deformation of Pd 40Ni 40P 20amorphous alloys.[21]In or-der to understand the deformation mechanisms,more stud-ies are required to resolve these con?icting results.The mechanical properties of Zr 65Ni 10Cu 17.5Al 7.5were studied also by Bruck.[22]The limited results indicate that the de-formation behavior of this BAA is not much different from that of Zr 41.25Ti 13.75Ni 10Cu 12.5Be 22.5.The Be-containing BAA exhibited a veinlike fracture mode,[18]similar to other amor-phous alloys.[23,24]The macroscopic stress-strain curves of the Be-containing BAA showed no appreciable plastic de-formation in tension;nevertheless,a plastic strain of several percent was observed during compressive tests at room temperature.[18]

Inoue and co-workers [25,26,27]characterized the mechanical properties of Zr-base and Ti-base BAAs by both tensile and compressive tests at room temperature.The BAAs exhib-ited a fracture strength ranging from 1.4to 2.0GPa with tensile elongations up to 2pct.A small amount of plastic ?ow accompanied by serrations was detected in tensile tests of Zr 60Al 10Co 3Ni 9Cu 18and Zr 55Al 10Ni 10Cu 20Pd 5(Reference 26),although even higher plastic deformation was mea-sured for the BAAs in compression tests.Earlier,Chen [28]reported the observation of serrated plastic ?ow in Pd-and Pt-based amorphous alloys.The Zr-and Ti-base alloys also showed a vein-pattern type of fracture mode,typical of the fracture of viscous materials.[29]The Young’s modulus of the Zr-base BAAs varies from 80to 100GPa at room tem-perature.

At present,all the deformation studies of BAAs have been conducted in air.Recent studies [30,31,32]of intermetallic alloys containing reactive elements such as Al,Si,and Ti indicate that their tensile ductility and fracture behavior are sensitive to test environments at ambient temperatures.The intermetallic alloys exhibit much higher tensile ductility in dry environments than in those containing moisture and hy-drogen,such as ambient air.So far,no attempt has been made to characterize the mechanical properties of BAAs in controlled environments.In this article,two Zr-base BAAs were prepared by melting and casting and their mechanical properties were characterized as a function of the test en-vironment at room temperature.Emphasis has been placed on understanding the mechanism governing the macro-scopic deformation and fracture in these alloys.A careful examination by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)re-veals localized melting at shear-band cracks adjacent to the fracture surface of tensile-fractured specimens.


The following two Zr-base alloy compositions were se-lected for the study of their mechanical properties in vari-ous environments at room temperature:Zr-10Al-30Cu-5Ni (BAA-10)(at.pct),developed at Tohoku University (Sen-dai,Japan)[33]and Zr-10Al-5Ti-17.9Cu-14.6Ni (BAA-11),developed at Caltech (Pasadena,CA).[17]Zone-puri?ed Zr bars (containing 12.3appm O and 10appm Hf),together with pure metal elements,were used as charge materials.The alloys were prepared by arc melting in inert gas,fol-lowed by (1)drop casting into 7.0-mm-diameter by 7.2-cm-long Cu molds at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)(Oak Ridge,TN)(2)injection casting into 5-or 7-mm Cu molds at ORNL,or (3)injection casting into 5-mm Cu molds at Tohoku University.For injection casting,previously arc-melted alloy stock was ?rst induction-melted inside a quartz tube at temperatures ?1000?C in an inert gas chamber and then injected into a Cu mold with a pres-sure difference of 15MPa.

Cast alloy bars were sectioned for microstructural anal-yses.Metallographic specimens were polished on a Syntron and etched in a solution of 40mL HNO 3plus 10drops of HF.Then X-ray diffraction (XRD)and transmission elec-tron microscopy (TEM)were used to characterize the struc-ture of these cast alloys.The XRD was performed on unetched metallographic specimens using Cu K ?radiation.Alloy disks used for TEM were jet-polished in the solution containing 1part sulfuric acid and 7parts methanol at ?25?C and then examined by PHILIPS*CM12microscope.

*PHILIPS is a trademark of Philips Electronic Instruments Corp.,Mahwah,NJ.

Drop-cast and injection-cast rods were used to prepare specimens for tensile and compressive tests.Tensile spec-imens with 2.35-and 3.19-mm gage diameters were fabri-cated by centerless grinding of 5-and 7-mm-diameter rods,respectively.Tensile tests were conducted at room temper-ature in various environments,including air,water,dry ox-ygen (500torr O 2pressure),and vacuum (10?6torr).The details of how the test environments were controlled have been reported elsewhere.[30]Tensile tests were initially per-formed on button-head specimens with a 12.7-mm gage https://www.doczj.com/doc/f910704699.html,ter on,to accurately measure tensile strains,in Instron extensometer with a 12.7-mm gage length was used,

Fig.2—Electron diffraction and XRD showing the formation of amorphous structures in BAA-11ingot.

and tensile tests were performed on specimens with 17.8-mm gage https://www.doczj.com/doc/f910704699.html,pression specimens with 17.8-mm di-ameter were also prepared by grinding,with an aspect ratio of 2:1(length:diameter).Both tensile and compressive specimens were surface-polished with ‘‘00’’-grade SiC pa-pers prior to testing.In order to reduce the frictional stress,the ends of the compressive specimens were lubricated with a lubricating oil.Fracture toughness was determined at room temperature in air by three-point bend testing of edge-notched specimens.[34]The span was 40mm,the specimen cross section was 5by 5mm,and the notch depth was approximately 200?m.The fracture toughness was calcu-lated from the specimen geometry according to equations given in ASTM standard E-399.



Figure 1shows an arc-melted alloy button and a drop-cast alloy ingot of BAA-11prepared at ORNL.Free sur-faces (such as the top surface of the alloy button)showed a mirror ?nish.No shrinkage pipes or defects were ob-served,indicating the absence of large volume changes due to the liquid-to-solid transformation.All these suggest the possible formation of an amorphous structure in the mate-rial.The TEM and XRD results are presented in Figure 2.Figure 3shows that microstructural features were not de-tected in cast alloy bars.Electron diffraction by TEM shows the formation of an amorphous ring without any diffraction features.The XRD also reveals an amorphous peak without any evidence of crystalline phases in the cast alloy bars.Particles of crystalline phases were observed metallograph-ically in specimens prepared during the early stage of this study,with typical amounts of less than a couple of percent.However,by careful control of the casting environment and the impurities in charge materials,and by superheating the molten liquid prior to drop casting,we could essentially eliminate most crystalline particles.As shown in Figure 3,cast BAA-11bars contain essentially no crystalline particles and cast cavities.

Tensile tests were performed on both BAA-10and -11alloys at room temperature in various test environments,including air,water,vacuum,and dry oxygen.The photo in Figure 4shows the moment of tensile fracture of a BAA-11specimen attached to an Instron extensometer.A loud noise,like a ?recracker,together with sparking,was de-tected during the moment of fracture.Table I summarizes the effects of test environment on the room-temperature tensile properties of BAA-10produced at Tohoku Univer-sity and ORNL.All the specimens deformed elastically to a level of ?1.5pct (as measured by the extensometer)fol-lowed by catastrophic failure accompanied by a loud noise and sparks.The stress-strain curves show no appreciable macroscopic plastic deformation.The alloy exhibited a high fracture strength,with an average of 1310MPa for the To-hoku material and 1480MPa for the ORNL material.It is important to point out that the tensile data (within their scattering band)in Table I show that the test environment has no signi?cant effect on the room-temperature tensile properties of BAA-10.

Table II summarizes the tensile properties of BAA-11specimens prepared from 7-mm drop-cast alloy bars at ORNL.The tensile data obtained in air and vacuum showed

no signi?cant effects of the test environment.The alloy specimens fractured at an average fracture strength of 1680MPa and an elastic elongation of ?2pct.Note that BAA-11exhibited a fracture strength signi?cantly higher (14pct)than that of BAA-10.From the tensile stress-strain curves,the Young’s modulus is determined to be 89GPa,which agrees well with the moduli of other Zr-base BAAs.[18,25,26]

The compressive properties of BAA-11are also listed in Table II.As compared with its tensile properties,the alloy showed detectable plastic deformation with an average frac-ture strength as high as 1870MPa.Its total strain is around 2.5pct,with ?0.5pct plastic strain prior to fracture.Note that the elastic limit obtained from the compressive tests is comparable to the fracture strength from the tensile tests.The fracture behavior of BAA-10and -11was studied by optical micrography as well as SEM.As shown in Fig-ure 5(a),BAA-10fractured with signi?cant necking at room temperature.Examination of the fracture surface in-



(b )

Fig.3—Optical metallography showing the absence of porosities and

crystalline phases in BAA-11with an amorphous structure:(a )not etched and (b )


Fig.4—Photo showing the moment of fracturing a BAA specimen tested at room temperature in air.

Table I.Effect of Test Environment on Room-Temperature

Tensile Properties of BAA-10(Zr-10Al-30Cu-5Ni)Alloy Preparation*(and Ingot Diameter)Test Environment Fracture Strength (MPa)Fracture

Strain (Pct)

Alloy Ingots Made at Tohoku University


5mm water 1210 1.40IC,5mm air 1310—IC,5mm vacuum 1410—IC,


mm dry oxygen


—Alloy Ingots Made at ORNL

IC,5mm water 1640 1.63IC,5mm air 1340 1.33DC,7mm

air 1450


*IC ?injection casting.DC ?drop casting.

Table II.Effect of Test Environment on Room-Temperature Tensile and Compressive Properties of BAA-11(Zr-10Al-5Ti-17.9Cu-14.6Ni)*Alloy

Number Test Environment

Elastic Limit (MPa)

Fracture Strength (MPa)

Fracture Strain


Tensile Properties

BAA-11-23air —1650 1.8BAA-11-16air —1650 2.0BAA-11-23vacuum —1750?2.0BAA-11-28vacuum —1720?2.0Compressive Properties

BAA-11-25air 16701850 2.6BAA-11-25




*Prepared from drop-cast 7-mm ingots.

dicates that the fracture proceeded mainly by catastrophic shearing.Shear-off steps (?9-?m long)are visible on the outer surfaces near the fracture section (Figure 5(b)).Figure

6shows macroscopic cracks developing along shear bands,with shear-off steps visible on the specimen outer surfaces.Figure 7shows the ductile fracture features for BAA-11in detail.Here,tensile necking,shear-off lips,macro-scopic/microscopic cracks,and cavities are all observed.At higher magni?cation (Figure 7(b)),metal ?bers,presumably formed during the last stage of fracture,are observed,sur-prisingly,on the central fracture surface.At a tip of the fracture,particles,presumably oxide particles,and voids (formed as a result of the falling out of particles)were found mainly on the outer surfaces (Figure 8).The cause for the formation of these oxide particles and pulled-out ?bers will be discussed subsequently.

The fracture mode of selected BAA-10and -11speci-mens was examined by SEM.Vein patterns,commonly as-sociated with the fracture of metallic glasses,[18,19,25–27]fracture steps,and secondary cracks were observed on the fracture surfaces (Figure 9).A cluster of shear-deformation bands close to the fracture section is shown in Figure 10.The average width of these shear bands is around 9?m.(Note that the ?ne surface marks with their orientation al-most perpendicular to the specimen outer surfaces in Figure 10(a)are grinding marks.)Surprisingly,‘‘liquid droplets’’located at a major shear-band crack adjacent to the fracture section are clearly visible (Figure 11).Examination of the droplets indicates the possible formation of crystalline phases at their tip.



(b )

Fig.5—Optical micrographs showing (a )necking and (b )shear-off step formed near the fracture section of BAM-10tensile tested at room


Fig.6—Optical micrograph showing shear-band cracks formed near the fracture surface of BAM-10tensile tested at room temperature.

Table III summarizes the measurement of the orienta-tions of the shear-band steps,shear-band cracks,and frac-ture surfaces relative to the stress axis.For comparison,the orientation data were obtained for both tensile and com-pressive specimens.For the compression specimens,the orientation of their fracture surfaces is ?45deg to the com-pression axis.For the tensile specimens,the orientation of shear-band steps and cracks and the fracture surfaces varies from ??53to 60deg relative to the tensile axis for all the specimens examined.The signi?cance of the orientation difference will be discussed subsequently.

The fracture toughness,K Q ,of BAA-11was estimated by three-point ?exure tests of edge-notched specimens.The results are listed in Table IV.Specimens (1)and (2)exhib-ited a fracture toughness of 51to 56MPa at room tem-?m perature.A sharp precrack was introduced in specimen (3)by a previous ?exure test.The value of K Q obtained from this specimen in 58MPa ,not much different from the ?m other two specimens,where the notch crack was produced by cutting.



The Zr-base BAAs,particularly BAA-11,exhibited ex-cellent tensile properties at room temperature.The BAA-11containing 5at.pct Ti possesses a tensile fracture strength of 1700MPa with 2pct elastic strain prior to frac-ture.The tensile properties of BAA-11are comparable to those of Zr 41.25Ti 13.75Ni 10Cu 125Be 225(Reference 18)and Ti 40Zr 10Cu 50(Reference 27).This is the ?rst time that BAAs were tested in different environments,including air,water,vacuum,and dry oxygen at room temperature.The results in Table I and II indicate that the tensile fracture strength and ductility are not sensitive to the test environments.This behavior is quite different from that of intermetallic alloys such as Ni 3Al and FeAl,whose tensile ductility and fracture strength are very sensitive to moisture and hydrogen.

Recent studies [30–32,35]indicate that moisture-induced hy-drogen embrittlement is a major cause of brittle fracture and low tensile ductility of ordered intermetallic alloys con-taining reactive elements such as Al,Si,and Ti tested at ambient temperatures.In the case of aluminides,e.g.,FeAl,the embrittlement involves the following chemical reaction:



(b )

Fig.7—Optical micrographs showing ductile fracture features observed on the fracture surface of BAA-11tensile tested at room temperature:(a )low magni?cation and (b )high


Fig.9—SEM micrograph showing vein pattern,secondary crack,and fracture step formed on the tensile fracture surface of




(b )

Fig.10—SEM micrographs showing (a )shear-deformation bands and (b )ductile cracks formed on the specimen surface near the tensile fracture section of


Fig.8—Optical micrographs showing oxide particles and microcavities observed near the fracture section of BAA-11tested in tension at room temperature.

Al ?H O →(AlO)?2(H)


2The atomic hydrogen generated from the chemical reaction of Al in FeAl with the moisture in the air penetrates into the alloy and causes severe hydrogen-induced embrittle-ment during tensile testing at ambient temperatures.This

Fig.11—SEM micrographs showing the formation of liquid droplets, indicating localized melting near the fracture section of BAA-11tensile fractured at room temperature.

Table https://www.doczj.com/doc/f910704699.html,parison of Fracture-Surface and Shear-Band Orientations for BAA Specimens Tested in Tension and Compression at Room Temperature

Orientation(Relative to the

Tensile Axis)


Mode Alloy Number Shear-Band






Compression BAA-11






Tension BAA-11









*Average values measured from pro?le projector and visual examination.

**Average values measured from optical micrographs.

?Measured from optical micrographs.

Table IV.Fracture Toughness(K


)of BAA-11Measured from Three-Point Flexure Tests of Notched Specimens Specimen





Load,N K


,MPa?m 1












*Precrack introduced in a previous?exure test.

embrittlement can be alleviated by testing FeAl in dry ox-ygen,which suppresses the formation of atomic hydrogen through the following reaction:



and thus causes no embrittlement in FeAl.For instance,an FeAl alloy,Fe-36.5pct Al,exhibited a tensile ductility of

17.6pct in dry oxygen and only2.2pct in moist air or in

a vacuum back?lled with67Pa water vapor.

The BAA-10and-11contain large amounts of the re-active elements Zr,Al,and Ti.Based on our understanding of the embrittling mechanism in ordered intermetallic al-loys,it is expected that these elements could react with moisture in air or water and generate atomic hydrogen,re-sulting in moisture-induced hydrogen embrittlement.How-ever,as shown in Table I and II,BAAs showed no such embrittlement.There are two possible reasons for the ob-servation of no moisture-induced hydrogen embrittlement in BAAs:

(1)the moisture in air/water does not react with BAA,

thereby generating no hydrogen and causing no em-brittlement during tensile testing at room temperature;


(2)even though hydrogen is generated,the environmental

effect is masked by another embrittling mechanism dominating in BAAs.

First,let us check the?rst possibility.To do so,two BAA-11samples were used,and both of them were?rst vacuum-annealed overnight at100?C,in order to remove residual hydrogen.One of the samples was then submerged in distilled water(H


O)and the other one was submerged in heavy water(D


O),both for3days.In order to promote the reaction with water and D


O,the surfaces of both sam-ples were frequently rubbed against SiC papers in order to create fresh surfaces.The water-and D


O-treated samples were then quickly placed inside the vacuum chamber of a time-of-?ight mass spectrometer at ORNL,and their sur-faces were ablated with a high-power laser beam.All ele-ments,including trapped hydrogen and deuterium,were evaporated from sample surfaces,and their mass-to-charge ratio was measured by the time interval between the abla-tion laser pulse and ion detection in the time-of-?ight mass spectrometer.

The results obtained from the laser desorption mass spec-trometer(LDMS)are shown in Figure12.Both H+and D+/H+peaks are observed for the D


O-treated sample.In order to understand these peaks,it is necessary to compare the height of these peaks with those obtained from the H


O-treated sample.The larger H+peak for the H


O-treated sam-ple indicates that(1)H


O does react with BAA and generates atomic hydrogen,and(2)the smaller H+peak for the D


O-treated sample was a result of residual hydrogen in BAA even after the vacuum treatment at100?C.The distinctly larger D+/peak for the D


O-treated sample in-




dicates the reaction of D


O with BAA and the generation of deuterium in this sample.On the whole,these results provide direct evidence that BAA-11reacts with moisture and generates atomic hydrogen in this material.A similar

Fig.12—Comparison of trapped hydrogen and deuterium for BAA-11samples treated with distilled water and heavy water,respectively.The same laser energy (50?J/pulse)was used for both


Fig.13—A sketch showing the concept and parameters used to calculate the local increase in temperature at the moment of tensile fracturing BAA samples.

reaction was observed in FeAl,which showed a substantial reduction of tensile ductility in moist air,caused by mois-ture-induced hydrogen embrittlement.[30,36]All these results suggest that the moisture-induced hydrogen embrittlement in BAAs may be masked by another embrittling mechanism dominating the brittle fracture and low ductility of BAAs.As evidenced from the study of the fracture morphology,the catastrophic failure of BAAs is essentially caused by the development of localized shear bands at the end of the elastic deformation in BAAs.

The stress-strain curves recorded from the tensile tests of BAAs displayed no appreciable macroscopic plastic defor-mation prior to catastrophic fracture;however,examination of the fracture region reveals ductile failure at room tem-perature.As shown in Figures 5through 10,the features typical of a ductile fracture,including necking,shear lips,voids,microcracks,and tearing marks,are all observed at the fracture of BAAs.The difference in the deformation behavior and in the fracture mode can be rationalized from consideration of localized adiabatic heating occurring at the moment of fracture.The ?rst evidence of a substantial in-crease in temperature is the observation of metal ?bers be-ing pulled out of the fracture surface (Figure 7).The recent study by Inoue [14]showed that bar specimens could be pulled into ?ne ?bers when BAAs were tensile tested at temperatures above T g (the glass transition temperature).The observation of metal ?bers in the BAA specimens tested at room temperature indicates that the local temper-ature around the ?ber region at the moment of fracture reaches above T g ,which is 393?C for BAA-11.The direct

evidence of a local temperature above the melting point is the observation of liquid droplets located at major cracks adjacent to the fracture section (Figure 11).The melting point of BAA-11is around 850?C,indicating that the tem-perature at the shear-band cracks was signi?cantly above 850?C.It should be pointed out that,by using a high-speed infrared technique,Bruck et al.[19]detected an increase in temperature of ?500?C in the shear-band region in Zr 41.25Ti 13.75Cu 12.5Ni 10Be 22.5when conducting dynamic com-pressive tests at room temperature.

The local increase in temperature can be estimated from considering the conversion of the stored elastic strain en-ergy to the adiabatic heating of a localized region at the moment of tensile fracture.Figure 13is a sketch showing the concept and the parameters used in the calculations.The total elastic strain energy (E e )stored in the gage section prior to fracture is estimated to be 2.45J,calculated based on the following equation:

E ?(1/2)?εAl [3]

e f f g

where ?f is the fracture strength,εf is the elastic strain at fracture,A is the gage diameter,and l g is the gage length.Since all plastic deformation was localized in the shear-deformation bands,it is thus reasonable to assume that all the elastic strain energy is dissipated in the shear-band re-gion at fracture,resulting in the adiabatic heating in that region.The term E e can thus be correlated with the tem-perature increase in the shear-band region by the following equation:

E ?C (?T )(A csc ?)l [4]

e p t

where C p is the speci?c-heat capacity and l t is the width of the total shear-band region.Since C p for BAA-11is not known,C p ?55J/K ?mole for Zr 41.25Ti 13.75Ni 10Cu 12.5Be 22.5BAA [9,18,19]is used for calculating l t in Eq.[4].By inserting E e ?2.45J,?T ?900K,??56deg,and the molar volume of 12.2?10?6m 3in Eq.[4],l t is estimated to be 62?m.The average width of shear bands is equal to roughly 9?m (Figure 10).Then,in terms of the number of shear bands heated at fracture,a total of seven shear bands may be heated adiabatically to ?T ?900K through the conversion of the elastic strain energy.It appears that the total width of the heated region and the number of shear bands heated at fracture are very reasonable,in view of the fracture morphology observed in BAA-11.

A comparison of the data obtained from tensile and com-pressive tests sheds light on mechanistic understanding of the deformation and fracture behavior of Zr-base BAAs.As shown in Table II,the elastic limit obtained from the com-pressive tests is roughly equal to the fracture strength from the tensile tests.This suggests that the fracture occurs upon the development of plastic ?ow through shear-band for-mation.There is enough evidence to indicate that the frac-ture is essentially along shear bands.The BAA-11showed a plastic strain of ?0.5pct prior to fracture in compression but not much plastic strain in tension.This suggests the possibility that the fracture in BAAs may be caused not by simply shearing off along shear bands,but rather by a com-bination of both pulling (related to normal stresses)and shearing (related to shear stresses)at shear bands.Bruck [22]reported that the plastic strain of Zr 41.5Ti 13.5Ni 10Cu 12.5Be 22.5under compression tests depends on the dimension of cast

Fig.14—Effect of resolved shear and normal stresses on shear-band formation and cracking in BAAs.

ingots,which in turn determines the cooling rate of BAAs.The plastic strain of ?0.5pct obtained from the compres-sion tests of BAA-11with a cast ingot size of 7mm in diameter agrees well with that reported by Bruck.

Shear-band and fracture-surface orientations (relative to the tensile or compressive axis)are different for BAA spec-imens tested in tension and compression.Since the fracture occurs along the shear bands,the shear-band and fracture-surface orientations are the same,which is ??45deg to the compression axis.These compression results suggest that the shear bands are developed along the plane of max-imum shear stresses,in agreement with the von Mises yield criterion.In tension,however,the average orientation of shear-band steps,shear-band cracks,and fracture surfaces is ??56deg to the tensile axis.As indicated in Figure 14,the increase in ?from 45to 56deg results in only a 7pct decrease in the resolved shear stress,?,on the shear-band plane,but results in an increase in the tensile normal stress (?n )by 37pct.The observed difference in ?,together with the calculated resolved stresses,suggests that,in ad-dition to the shear stress,the normal stress may play a role in developing shear bands in BAAs.This assertion is rea-sonable in view of the existence of free volumes and dila-tions [21,37,38]in BAAs.Further research is certainly required to elucidate the controlling mechanism,in terms of the pres-sure-insensitive von Mises yield criterion [20]and the pres-sure-sensitive Mohr–Columb yield criterion,[21]for the deformation and fracture in BAAs.

Table IV shows that BAA-11has excellent fracture toughness at room temperature.With a fracture toughness above ?50MPa ,there should be no problem with using ?m BAAs as structural engineering materials.For instance,a 7-mm-diameter cast BAA-11ingot survived an impact test of dropping it on a hard surface from a height of 2m.The excellent fracture toughness of BAAs may be associated with the high fracture strength together with localized crack-tip plasticity involving shear-band formation.Further studies are required to examine the localized plastic defor-mation in detail at crack tips.

Oxide particles are observed at the edge of the fracture surfaces in Figure 8.Note that such oxide particles are not observed on other surfaces of tensile-fractured BAA spec-imens.This suggests the possibility of a substantial increase in temperature,possibly exceeding the melting point,at the fracture tip,resulting in severe surface oxidation.In addi-tion to oxide particles,numerous microcavities are observed at the fracture tip (Figure 8).It is believed that the sparkling observed at the moment of fracture (Figure 4)is attributable to the ?ying away of ‘‘hot’’oxide particles,leaving micro-cavities at the oxide sites.



The mechanical properties of two Zr-base BAAs,BAA-10and BAA-11,were studied by both tensile and com-pression tests at room temperature in various test environ-ments,including air,water,vacuum,and dry oxygen.The study has led to the following conclusions.

1.The BAA ingots up to 7mm in diameter were success-fully produced by conventional arc melting and drop casting,and induction melting and injection casting into Cu molds.

2.The Zr-base BAAs,particularly BAA-11,exhibited ex-cellent tensile properties at room temperature.The BAA-11containing 5pct Ti possesses a tensile fracture strength of ?1700MPa with 2pct elastic strain prior to fracture.

3.The stress-strain curves of the BAAs displayed no ap-preciable macroscopic plastic deformation prior to cat-astrophic fracture;however,examination of the fracture region reveals ductile failure at room temperature.This difference in the deformation and fracture behaviors can be rationalized from consideration of localized adiabatic heating,resulting from the conversion of the stored elas-tic strain energy to heat.

4.A reminiscence of ‘‘liquid droplets’’located at major shear-band cracks adjacent to the fracture surface was observed.A localized surge in temperature exceeding the melting point (?850?C for BAA-11)is supported by the thermodynamic calculations based on the con-version of the stored elastic strain energy to the adiabatic heating of the shear-band region.

5.The orientation (?)of shear bands,shear-band cracks,and fracture surfaces in reference to the stress axis is quite different for BAA specimens tested in tension (??56deg)and compression (??45deg).This indicates that both shear stress and normal stress may play a role in developing shear bands during the plastic deformation and fracture.

6.The tensile properties of BAA-10and-11are not sen-

sitive to test environment at room temperature.The study by LDMS indicates that the BAAs react with dis-tilled water and heavy water,resulting in the generation of hydrogen and deuterium,respectively.All these re-sults suggest that moisture-induced hydrogen embrittle-ment in the BAAs may be masked by catastrophic fracture following shear bands.


The authors thank E.D.Specht for X-ray analysis and E.H.Lee for technical assistance.This research was spon-sored by the Laboratory Directed Research and Develop-ment Program of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and by the Division of Materials Sciences,United States De-partment of Energy,under Contract No.DE-AC05-96OR22464,with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp. Thanks are also due to E.P.George and L.M.Pike for man-uscript review and Connie Dowker for manuscript prepa-ration.


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《AE影视后期制作》课程设计大纲编号:编制人: 所属院系刘佳审核人写作日期: 批准人: 所属专业2011-5-5 杨继 数字媒体 计算机科学技术学院 课程编码: 课程中文名称: 《AE影视后期制作》 课程英文名称: . Ae film post-production 课程类别: 专业课 开课对象: 计算机数字媒体 开课学期: 第四学期 学分:2分

总学时:40学时 依托教材: 《Aftereffects 7.0标准培训教程》李涛编著希望出版社参考书: 《电视制作手册》,(美)赫伯特–译特尔 以及相关影视合成、非线性编辑书籍 课程设计大纲 一、目标与任务: 学习并掌握影视处理软件Aftereffects(AE)还有一些在国外过内应用的高级合成软件,比如: Digital Fusion[DF],以及时下最流行的高级合成软件SHAKE的、应用。结合数码摄像、采集、合成等技术,能独立编辑视频、音频和熟练运用软件中的特技效果,掌握各种数据压缩方法和输出方法。在当前的数是时代的到来,对电影,电视,动画片,还有电视栏目包装的合成的了解掌握。 二、课程教学内容及要求 第一章影视常识 1、教学内容 影视的基本概念,帧、制式、场、非线性编辑标清与高清等 2、重点、难点 重点: 帧、制式、场、非线性编辑标清与高清等 难点:

帧、制式、场 3、教学基本要求 熟练掌握帧、制式、场 第二章Aftereffects的界面、预设和三大窗口 1、教学内容 AE的软件的基本操作 2、重点、难点 重点: 对软件的操作 3、教学基本要求 熟练掌握AE的软件的基本操作 第三章影视常识 1、教学内容 Aftereffects的层的应用,与命令和操作。 2、重点、难点 重点: Aftereffects的层的应用 3、教学基本要求 熟练掌握Aftereffects的层的应用,与命令和操作 第四章Aftereffects的自由变换命令组、AE与PS的关系1、教学内容


视频切换特效 1.( )使画面像纸一样被重复折叠从而显示另一画面。 2.( )使画面以屏幕的一边为中心从后方转出覆盖另一画面。 3.( )使画面以屏幕的一边为中心从前方转出覆盖另一画面。 4.( )使画面从屏幕的中心逐渐展开覆盖另一画面。 5.( )使画面从屏幕的中心旋转出现而覆盖另一画面。 6.( )使画面像窗帘一样被拉起出现另一画面。 7.( )使画面以立方体的两个面进行过渡转换。 8.( )使两个画面作为页面,通过翻转实现转换。 9.( )使画面从屏幕的中心旋转缩小消失,出现另一画面。 10.( )使画面以关门的方式覆盖另一画面。 11.( )使画面从中心以矩形不断放大覆盖另一画面。 12.( )使画面以十字形向外移动显示另一画面。 13.( )使画面以圆形逐渐放大覆盖另一画面。 14.( )使画面以一个或多个形状打开覆盖另一画面。 15.( )使画面以星形不断放大覆盖另一画面。 16.( )使画面以交叉点擦除显示另一画面。 17.( )使画面以菱形逐渐放大覆盖另一画面。 18.( )画面从屏幕中心逐渐向四角撕开并卷起显示另一画面。 19.( )画面以翻页的形式从一角卷起显示另一画面(背面为灰色)。 20.( )画面以卷纸的形式从一边卷起显示另一画面(卷轴)。 21.( )画面以透明翻页的形式从一角卷起显示另一画面。 22.( )画面在中心分成四块分别卷起显示另一画面。 23.( )淡入淡出效果。 24.( )画面以点的方式叠加后逐渐显示另一画面。 25.( )画面逐渐变白后,由白色逐渐显示另一画面。 26.( )两画面以加亮模式交叉叠加后逐渐显示另一画面。 27.( )画面以随机反色显示的形式消失,逐渐显示另一画面。 28.( )两画面以亮度叠加消融的方式切换。 29.( )画面逐渐变为黑色后,由黑色逐渐显示另一画面。 30.( )画面从不同方向挤压显示另一画面。 31.( )一个画面淡出,另一个画面放大流入。 32.( )一个画面在另一个画面中心横向伸展开来。 33.( )一个画面从一边以伸缩状展开覆盖另一个画面。 34.( )画面沿着“Z”字形交错扫过另一画面。 35.( )画面从中央以开关门的方式转到另一画面。 36.( )画面以棋盘状消失过渡到另一个画面。 37.( )画面从水平、垂直或者对角线的方向以条状覆盖另一画面。 - 1 -


1.Brightness & Contrast(亮度与对比度) 本视频滤镜效果将改变画面的亮度和对比度。类似于电视中的亮度和对比度的调节,但在这里调整则是对滑块的移动, 2.Channel Mixer(通道合成器) 使用本视频滤镜效果,能用几个颜色通道的合成值来修改一个颜色通道。使用该效果可创建使用其他颜色调整工具很难产生的颜色调整效果,通过从每个颜色通道中选择其中一部分就能合成为高质量的灰度级图像,创建高质量的棕褐色或其他色调的图像,已经交换或复制通道, 3.Color Balance(色彩平衡) 本视频滤镜效果利用滑块来调整RGB颜色的分配比例,使得某个颜色偏重以调整其明暗程度。本过滤属于随时间变化的特技, 4.Convolution Kernel(回旋核心) 本视频滤镜效果使用一道内定的数学表达式,通过矩阵文本给内定表达式输入数据,来计算每个像素的周围像素的涡旋值,进而得到丰富的视频效果。可以从提供的模式菜单中选择数据模式进行修改,也可以重新输入新的值(只要效果认为在Convolution Matrix(回旋矩阵)文本框中,中心的数字为该像素的亮度计算值(所输入的数字会乘以像素的亮度值),周围的数字是该像素周围的像素所需要的计算值,在此框内所输入的数值会乘以周围像素的亮度值。 在Misc(杂项)框架中的Scale文本框中输入的数将作为除数,像素点包括周围像素点的像素点与输入给“环境中心像素点的数据矩阵”对应点的乘积之和为被除数。Offset文本框是一个计算结果的偏移量(与所得的商相加)。 所有数值允许的输入范围很大,可从-99999~999999,但实际使用的没有这么大,要根据演示效果而定。 假如发现定义的一套数据很实用,并且以后还要使用,可单击Save按钮将其存储起来,并记住文件夹和文件名(或存储到软盘上)。下次通过单击Load按钮将其装载到当前的数据定义格式中,即可使用。 假如想使用内定的图像转换数据格式,应该单击图7-20中间上方的按钮,从弹出的菜单中选择相应的选项。内定的图像转换数据格式是十分有用的工具,它可让图像变得模糊或清楚。为能充分说明问题,图7-21列出了几种典型的效果供参考。这是从图7-20中选择的典型代表。这些视频效果在制作静态图片的特别节目时非常有用。它类似于Adobe Photoshop 中的过滤效果,只是在这里用于电影制作方面。假如不了解Premiere这个绝活,可能还会想到使用Photoshop进行处理。而假如将一幅照片通过Photoshop加工后再用于电影制作,势必会造成磁盘空间上的浪费和时间浪费。在此可看出Premiere的高效能力。5.Extract(提取) 当想利用一张彩色图片作为蒙板时,应该将它转换成灰度级图片。而利用此视频滤镜效果,可以对灰度级别进行选择,达到更加实用的效果。图7-22是提取视频片断的蒙板成分的对话框。 有2个滑块,带有图线的2个黑3角的滑块用来选定原始画面中的被转换成白色的灰度,Softness滑块用来调节画面的柔和程度。通过Invert复选框可以将已定的灰度图片进行反相。左下角的黑色梯形图(反相时为白色)随着Softness的滑动而变化,当变为三角形时,表明已达到原始画面的效果;当为梯形时,表明对原始画面的明暗分界进行了改动。6.Levels(色彩级别) 本视频滤镜效果将画面的亮度、对比度及色彩平衡(包括颜色反相)等参数的调整功能组合在一起,更方便地用来改善输出画面地画质和效果。图7-23是其调整对话框。


视频转场特效 在Adobe Premiere Pro中,根据功能可分为10大类多达73种的转场特效。每一种转场特效都有其独到的特殊效果,但其使用方法基本相同。 如果根据转场影响边数,转场方式可以两大类:单边转场和双边转场。单边转场方式只影响相邻编辑点的前一个或后一片断,其空白区域会透出低层轨道画面,但低层画面只是被动透出而已;而双边转场则需要两个片断的参与。 单边转场的添加需要先用鼠标选中一种转场方式然后再按下CTRL键,将其拖至某一片断的开头或结尾。双边转场只需左键拖至片断相邻处。其转场的标志有差异,注意区分。双连转场有三种对齐方式,左、中、右,但左、右对齐与单边转场有差异。 本节就转场特效的具体内容以分组的形式予以详尽的分析与论述。 1.1 3D Motion转场特效 1.Cube Spin(立方体旋转)特效 这种特效用来产生类似于立方体转动的过渡效果,但是该效果中的立方体转动使得图像会产生透视变形,立体感非常强烈,如图1-1所示。 2.Curtain(舞台拉幕)特效 这种特效用来产生一段素材像被拉起的幕布一样消失,同时另一段素材显露出来的效果,如图1-2所示。 图1-1 Cube Spin特效图1-2 Curtain特效 3.Doors(开关门)特效 这种特效用来产生一段素材位于门后,随着位于门上的另一段素材的开关而显示的效果,如图1-3所示。 4.Flip Over(翻转)特效 这种特效用来产生一段素材像一块板一样翻转,并显示出另一段素材的效果,如图1-4所示。

图1-3 Doors特效图1-4 Flip Over特效 5.Fold Up(折叠)特效 这种特效用来产生一段素材像一张纸一样被折叠起来,逐渐显露另一段素材的效果,如图1-5所示。 6.Spin(旋转)特效 这种特效用来产生一段素材旋转出现在另一段素材上的效果,如图1-6所示。 图1-5 Fold Up特效图1-6 Spin特效 7.Spin Away(变形旋转)特效 这种特效与上述的旋转特效类似,不同之处在于另一段素材旋转出现时画面有透明变形,如图1-7所示。 8.Swing In(摆入)特效 这种特效用来产生一段素材如同摆锤一样摆入,逐渐遮住另一段素材的效果,如图1-8所示。 图1-7 Spin Away特效图1-8 Swing In特效

pr视频特效 转场中英对照表

premiere pro2.0视频转场特效英汉对照 1、3D过渡(3D motion) 英文名中文名备注 Cube spin 立方体旋转立方体旋转切换 Curtain 窗帘图像A呈拉起的链子状消失,图像B出现 Doors 关门图像A、B呈开门状切换 Flip over 翻页图像A翻转到图像B Fold up 折叠图像A像纸一样折叠到图像B Spin 翻转中心向左右扩展图像B旋转出现在图像A上Spin away 旋转中心旋转出图像A旋转离开 Swing in 内关门图像B像摆钟一样摆入 Swing out 外关门与上面一样,方向相反 Tumble away 筋斗翻出图像A像筋斗云一样翻出 2、溶解(Dissolve) 英文名中文名备注 Additive Dissolve 附加溶解图像A溶为图像B,有亮度叠加 Cross Dissolve 交叉溶解图像A与图像B同时淡化溶合 Dip to Black 加入暗场溶解 Dither Dissolve 淡入淡出图像A以点的形式逐渐淡化到图像B Non-Additive Dissolve 无附加溶解亮度映像的图像溶合 Random Invert 随机颠倒附加上了颗粒溶解图像A以随机板块反转消 失,图像B以随机板块反转出现 3、圈入(Iris) 英文名中文名备注 Iris Box 盒装圈出中心点在画面中央 Iris Cross 十字形圈出图像B呈十字形在图像A上展开 Iris Diamond 菱形圈出图像B呈钻石形在图像A上展开 Iris Points 四点圈出从四个角圈出整个画面 Iris Round 圆形圈出图像B呈圆形在图像A上展开 Iris Shapes 形状圈出可以设置菱形、椭圆形或者矩形 Iris Star 五角星圈出图像B呈星形在图像A上展开 4、映射(Map) 英文名中文名备注 Channel Map 通道映射可以设置三基色、alpha、灰度等通道 Luminance Map 亮度映射画面1亮度降低 5、卷页(Page Peel) 英文名中文名备注 Center Peel 中心卷页图像A从中心分裂成四块卷开,显露出图像B Page Peel 翻页图像A带背景色卷走,显露出图像B Page Turn 页面翻转类似上一个,不过图像A卷走时,背景仍然是图像A Peel Back 由中心依次向四个角翻页图像A由中心呈四块分别卷走,显露出图像B Roll Away 滚轴卷出图像A像一张纸一样卷走,显露出图像B 6、滑行(Slide) 英文名中文名备注


《影视后期制作》课程教学大纲 课程名称:《影视后期制作》课程编码: 英文名称: 学时:32 学分:6 开课学期:第4学期 适用专业:动慢设计与制作/游戏设计与制作 课程类别:实做 课程性质:考查 先修课程:MAYA/后期制作 学习形式:多媒体教室/普通电脑教室 一、课程 详细讲解非线形编辑的基础知识、Premiere 7.0的基础、编辑基础知识、等。抠像、字幕和运动、滤镜特效、采集和输出。 二、课程内容及学习方法 学生经过本课程的学习后,要求能独立进行简单影视动画制作、 了解电视包装制作流程等。紧密结合相应的课程,运用本软件进行影视非线性编辑。学习方法为老师示例学生实践。 第一章非线形编辑的基础知识。(10%) 这一部分包括电视制式、帧速率、场、颜色深度等一些有关于视 频合成的概念性问题。 世界上通用的电视制式种类有三种:PAL、NTSC、SECAM。 帧速率的概念,以及不同制式电视所使用的帧速率。 场的概念,如何对场进行分离。 什么是颜色深度? 帧长宽比和像素长宽比的概念。

常用的颜色模式有哪些?电视可以使用的颜色模式有什么? 分量信号和复合信号的区别? 第二章Premiere 7.0的基础(10%) 这一部分包括Premiere 7.0的基础知识要点。包括对Premiere 7.0工作原理的认识,导入文件类型,对素材的管理以及对工作窗口 的概念性认识。 Premiere 7.0可以导入的文件都有哪些格式? 了解Premiere 7.0对素材如何引用。 工作前的常规设置有哪些? 如何在项目窗口中进行文件管理? 熟悉Premiere 7.0的窗口和面板? 第三章编辑基础知识(30%) 这一部分包括编辑的基础知识。熟练掌握各种编辑工具。 对编辑的概念性认识。 熟练的对素材进行浏览和分析。 熟悉监视器窗口的使用方法。能够熟练的为影片打点。 熟练掌握时间线窗口轨道的使用。 熟练掌握时间线窗口工具箱的使用方法。 熟练掌握各种高级编辑工具。 熟练使用修剪模式编辑影片。 学习如何为影片加入软切换。 了解Premiere 7.0中的各种切换效果。


教案(首页) 授课时间教案编写时间 课程名称影视后期特效制作课程代码 总学时64 讲授:40 学时 实践:24 学时学分 4 课程性质必修课(√)选修课()理论课()实践课() 任课教师职称 授课对象 数字媒体艺术专业年班级 教材 和 主要参考 资料宋焕成《摄影教学与创作》中国电力出版社出版时间:2008-09-01 《迈克尔·弗里曼摄影大师班三部曲》[英]迈克尔·弗里曼,达妮埃拉·鲍克著;梅菲,汪梅子译人民邮电出版社出版时间:2013-04-01 教学目的 和 教学要求 通过本课程理论和实践学习使学生对摄影能有一个基本拍摄能力,并掌握各现代摄影器材使用及各种不同素材的拍摄方式技巧,学生能独立完成摄影作品拍摄。 在课间老师应有计划鼓励让学生多拍,多积累素材。和学生一起集中讨论所拍作品,分析其作品,提出意见,使其让学生以后作品更加成熟。 教学重点 和 教学难点教学重点:人物摄影、静物摄影、灯光设置 教学难点:学生如何使用相机正确构图、曝光。 教学进程 第次课授课章节学时备注 1 学习了解摄影基础,摄影的由来。对相机的认识,传统相 机和数码相机它们之间区别,及它们的性能,使用方式。举例 现代各流行品牌相机,并说明其性能特点。 (教师对传统相机及数码相机做基本拍摄示范,让学生能更好 理解) 4 摄影 工作 室授 课 2 1 讲解相机的基本使用方法,及详细解释功能 2 相机机身,及不同参数镜头使用 (教师做示范拍摄作品,让学生能直观理解) 4 摄影 工作 室授 课

3 1 讲解相机的基本使用方法,快门与光圈,焦距。 2快门与光圈、焦距参数值介绍讲解,并说明不同参数值下成 像会有不同效果。 (教师做示范拍摄作品,让学生一起试用在不同参数下拍摄) 4 摄影 工作 室授 课 教学进程 第次课授课章节学时备注 4 1 讲解摄影构图的基本法则,摄影构图的特点。 2摄影拍摄取景与构图,摄影造型基础。 (教师推荐优秀作品赏析,分析不同作品的趣味性) 4 摄影工 作室授 课 5 1 摄影基本拍摄:静物拍摄,立体感与空间感 2摄影基本拍摄:静物质感与肌理 (教师做示范拍摄作品,并指导学生拍摄,每天不少于3组照 片) 4 摄影工 作室授 课 6 1 摄影拍摄练习:校园内植物风景拍摄 2建筑摄影基本拍摄:校园建筑摄影 (教师做示范拍摄作品,并指导学生拍摄,每天不少于3组照 片) 4 校园 内完 成素 材的 收集 拍摄 7 1 组织学生到实地进行拍摄,提高学生兴趣,丰富素材,积累 拍摄经验 2 教师现场指导学生拍摄,提高学生兴趣。 4 武汉 市植 物园 采风 拍摄 8 期中测试练习(主题不限,自命题拍摄3个不同主题作品) 教师布置测验要求,并随堂辅导学生练习 4 校园 内完 成素 材的 收集 拍摄 9 1 摄影基本拍摄:人物肖像拍摄、及化妆造型。 2摄影基本拍摄:主题人物拍摄、艺术、商业拍摄 (教师做示范拍摄作品,并指导学生拍摄,每天不少于3组照 片) 4 校园 内完 成素 材的 收集 拍摄


1、3D过渡(3D motion) Cube spin 立方体旋转 Curtain 窗帘 Doors 关门 Flip over 翻页 Fold up 折叠 Spin 翻转 Spin away 旋转 Swing in 内关门 Swing out 外关门 Tumble away 筋斗翻出 2、溶解(Dissolve) Additive Dissolve 附加溶解 Cross Dissolve 交叉溶解 Dip to Black 加入暗场溶解Dither Dissolve 淡入淡出 Non-Additive Dissolve 无附加溶解Random Invert 随机颠倒 3、圈入(Iris) Iris Box 盒装圈出 Iris Cross 十字形圈出 Iris Diamond 菱形圈出 Iris Points 四点圈出 Iris Round 圆形圈出 Iris Shapes 形状圈出 Iris Star 五角星圈出 4、映射(Map) Channel Map 通道映射 Luminance Map 亮度映射 5、卷页(Page Peel) Center Peel 中心卷页 Page Peel 左上角卷页 Page Turn 页面翻转 Peel Back 由中心依次向四个角翻页Roll Away 滚轴卷出 6、滑行(Slide) Band Slide 带状滑行 Center merge 向中心收缩至消失Center split 十字形撕开画面 Multi-Spin 多图旋转 Push 推出 Slash slide 斜线滑行 Slide 滑行 Sliding Bands 带状滑行 Sliding Boxes 移动带状滑行Split 撕开画面 swap 滑行交换 Swirl 盘旋 7、特技 Direct 硬切 Displace 替换 Image Mask 图片遮罩 Take 硬切 Texture 贴图 Three—D 三维 8、伸展(Stretch) Cross Stretch 交叉伸展 Funnel 漏斗收缩 Stretch 伸展 Stretch In 伸展进入 Stretch Over 伸展覆盖 9、擦除 Band Wipe 带状擦除 Barn Doors 左右推开 Checker Wipe 方格擦除 Checkerboard 积木碎块 Clock Wipe 时钟擦除 Gradient Wipe 渐进擦除 Inset 插入 Paint Splatter 泼溅油漆 Pinwheel 转轮风车 Radial Wipe 射线擦除 Random Wipe 随机擦除 Random Blocks 随机碎片擦除 Spiral Boxes 旋转擦除消失 Venetian Blinds 百叶窗 Wedge Wipe 楔形擦除 Wipe 擦除 Zig-Zag Blocks Z字形擦除 10、变焦(Zoom) Cross Zoom 交叉变焦 Zoom 变焦放大 Zoom Boxes 方格放大 Zoom Trails 拖尾缩小 1


《影视后期制作》课程改革方案随着我国对文化产业的日益重视,影视制作等相关文化产业得到国家大力扶持,涉及到影视后期制作的人才缺口日益增大,就业需求十分旺盛。高职院校在设置动画基础专业课程的同时,应对影视后期制作类课程以市场化为导向改革,更加侧重对学生实际操作能力和实践技能的培养。 一、影视后期制作课程在动画专业中的重要性 随着人民群众物质文化水平的日益提高,影视作品越来越成为当今大众休闲和消费的方式。比如现在的电影票房,制作方和投资方都赚得盆满钵满,引发了极强的经济效应和财富效应,这与其日臻完善的影视后期制作是密不可分的。 影视后期制作是利用实际拍摄所用的素材,通过三维动画和合成手段制作特技镜头,然后把镜头剪辑到一起,形成完整的影片,并且为影片制作声音。影视后期制作对动画及影视作品极其重要,影响着整部作品的制作品质,它将在二维、三维中制作完成的素材以及拍摄的素材进行最后一道工序的加工处理,使作品的最终效果锦上添花、更上一层楼。 我国影视后期制作行业正处于快速上升的通道,影视后期制作人才目前较为缺乏,尚属于稀缺性的技术人才,发展前景非常看好。现在国内大多数高职高专院校均开设了动画专业,招生人数也在逐年增加,影视后期课程是高职院校影视动画专业的一门核心技术课程,它是通过研

究视频的获取、剪辑、后期合成、输出等实用技术技巧为主要内容的一门应用型学科。据统计,大部分高职院校动画专业的学生毕业后的去向以传统的动画公司居多,并表现出工作时间较长、劳动强度过大、工资效益不高的特点。因此,在实际教学过程中,进一步改革和发展影视后期专业课程,从课程设置和开外实习方面更导向于培养具有丰富理论知识和较强动手能力的高级技术应用型人才,对开辟学生新的就业渠道,提高动画专业学生就业率;提升毕业学生的职业生涯和薪酬水平,增强动画专业学生的就业质量,意义十分重大。 二、影视动画制作课程教学改革的原则和方向 通常来说,影视制作主要分为三个阶段,即前期准备、实际拍摄和后期制作。前期准备是指策划和准备阶段。拍摄阶段是利用拍摄设备记录画面的全过程。后期制作就是将已经拍摄到的素材,最后利用三维动画和合成手段制作成特技镜头,再把需要的镜头剪辑到一起,最后制作成为一步影片,其实还包括影片的声音制作等。 为了使本专业学生能达到掌握动画影视后期制作的相关知识与技能的要求,影视动画后期制作专业的学习包括影视动画后期编辑、特效制作、非线性编辑和数字合成技术等。影视动画制作课程教学有以下两大特点:一是影视动画后期制作强调动画与新技术的巧妙结合。在电脑技术的支持下,教师可以利用目前PC平台上最为广泛的非线性编辑软件Premiere和合成软件AfterEffects进行教学。二是影视动画后期制作强调技巧与艺术的高度融合。教师应该从艺术和技术结合的新视角来讲


影视后期教学总结 本页是精品最新发布的《影视后期教学总结》的详细文章,篇一:影视后期制作学习心得 影视后期制作学习心得 在学习影视后期制作这门课程之前,我一直对影视后期制作非常感兴趣尤其特别崇拜那些好莱坞大片中的场景。但是我一直认为影视后期制作不过是简单的用软件做一些东西罢了,但是重要的是需要用软件,所以我就选修了这门课程希望可以好好学习(转载于: 在点网:影视后期教学总结)精通软件。但是等到学了之后我才发现影视后期制作其实是一个相当复杂的过程。在这门课程里我才第一次知道还有个软件叫做会声会影。虽然只是短短的几节选修课但是我感受颇深。 在课堂上,老师讲的很详细,在这里我知道了影视后期制作可以分为前期制作、实景拍摄和后期制作三个主要阶段。而且各个阶段都很复杂,并没有我想象中的那么简单。我还知道了什么是非线性编辑什么是线性编辑以及它们各有的特别和局限性。这是我以前一点都不了解的。 在老师的详细讲解中我还懂得了影视后期制作中的四个要素和三大关系。四个要素分别是: (1)色彩与光线的校正 (2)动画

(3)合成 (4)喷绘 三大关系: (1)处理画面与画面之间的关系 (2)处理声音与画面至今的关系 (3)处理电视字幕与画面之间的关系 这些都是我以前从来都没有接触过的。中国人民公安大学电教中心商燕虹谈影视后期编辑艺术的再创作:后期编辑是影视艺术的再创作者影视艺术创作过程包含三个不同特点的阶段:一是用文字写出视觉、精品听觉形象的稿本的创作阶段;二是将文字分解为一系列不同镜头并摄录下来的拍摄阶段;三是将拍摄素材创造性。以前只看过这些话,到现在才有点理解了其中的内涵。 学习了影视后期制作之后我才懂得了影视后期制作的博大精深,但是如果不精通计算机软件一切都是白搭。所以我现在要更多练习,务必精通计算机软件技术,为将来做出好的影视作品而努力。 篇二:20XX年技能大赛数字影视后期教师总结 20XX年技能大赛数字影视后期制作技术 教师总结 通过参加此次济南市中职组技能大赛数字影视后期制作技术组的比赛,作为一个指导老师我从各方面进行了反思和总结。下面是我从参赛起初至参赛结束的记录


《影视后期合成制作AE》教学大纲 一、课程性质与任务 课程性质: 《影视后期合成制作》是动漫设计与制作专业的一门专业必修课程,主要是学习软件AfteraEffects,这个软件是从事影视后期制作工作人员必须掌握的影像后期特效软件之一,它越来越多的应用到设计的各个领域,深受人们的重视,也是专业教学的重要内容。 本大纲根据动漫设计专业教学计划的要求制订。 课程任务: 通过这门课程的学习,可以使得学生对动画后期制作有一定的了解,其中包括影片的剪辑、转场特效、影片视频特效等等。 二、课程教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)学会如何运用AE等软件进行影片后期特效的设计表现。 (2)以便进一步学习各种动画专业知识与技能。 2、能力目标 (1)学会如何运用Premiere、AE等软件进行影片后期特效的设计表现。 (2)以便进一步学习各种动画专业知识与技能。 三、教学内容与教学基本要求 单元一初识After Effects [教学目的与要求] 1、熟悉After Effects的操作面板;

2、掌握片头制作的流程; 3、了解影视片头的流行趋势。[教学重点与难点] 1、重点 (1)After Effects的操作面板;(2)片头制作的流程。 2、难点 (1)After Effects的操作面板;(2)影视片头的流行趋势。 [教学内容] 1、熟悉After Effects的操作面板; 3、了解影视片头的流行趋势。 单元二: 基础动画的学习 [教学目的与要求] 1、掌握基础动画的制作方法;[教学重点与难点] 1、重点 (1)码表的使用; (2)位置、旋转等属性的设置。 2、难点

(1)码表的使用; (2)位置、旋转等属性的设置。[教学内容] 1、码表的使用; 2、位置、旋转等属性的设置。单元三文字特效 [教学目的与要求] 1、掌握文字工具的使用; 2、掌握文字特效的使用。 [教学重点与难点] 1、重点 (1)路径文字的使用; (2)文字特效的使用。 2、难点 (1)路径文字的使用; (2)文字特效的使用。 [教学内容] 1、文字工具的使用; 2、文字特效的使用。 单元四: 制作xx特效


Distort扭曲特效 --Bezier warp贝赛尔曲线弯曲 --Bulge凹凸镜 --CC Bend It 区域卷曲效果 --CC Bender 层卷曲效果 --CC Blobbylize 融化效果 --CC Flo Motion 两点收缩变形 --CC Griddler 网格状变形 --CC Lens 鱼眼镜头效果,不如Pan Lens Flare Pro --CC Page Turn 卷页效果 --CC Power Pin 带有透视效果的四角扯动工具,类似Distort/CornerPin --CC Ripple Pulse 扩散波纹变形,必需打关键帧才有效果 --CC Slant 倾斜变形 --CC Smear 涂抹变形 --CC Split 简单的胀裂效果 --CC Split 2 不对称的胀裂效果 --CC Tiler 简便的电视墙效果 --Corner pin边角定位 --Displacement map置换这招 --Liquify像素溶解变换 --Magnify像素无损放大 --Mesh warp液态变形 --Mirror镜像 --Offset位移 --Optics compensation镜头变形 --Polar coordinates极坐标转换 --Puppet木偶工具 --Reshape形容 --Ripple波纹 --Smear涂抹 --Spherize球面化 --Transform变换 --Turbulent displace变形置换 --Twirl扭转 --Warp歪曲边框 --Wave warp波浪变形 Expression Controls表达式控制特效 --Angel control角度控制 --Aheckbox control检验盒控制 --Color control色彩控制 --Layer control层控制 --Point control点控制 --Slider control游标控制


影视后期制作教案 影视后期制作讲义 第一部分AE技术 16学时 1 After Effects CS4界面介绍教学目标: 1. 让学生初步认识After Effects CS4的工作界面教学重难点: 1、教学重点:让学生初步认识After Effects CS4的工作界面; 2、教学难点:让学生初步认识After Effects CS4的工作界面案例效果案例目的 通过该案例的学习,使读者了解After Effects CS4界面的各个组成部分和作用。案例分析 本案例主要介绍After Effects CS4界面中各个面板的作用以及各种工作界面模式之间的转换,该案例比较简单,主要介绍的知识点有项目窗口;时间线窗口;合成窗口;特效和预置面板;特效控制台;信息面板;跟踪面板;摇摆器;预览控制台;绘图控制面板;平滑器;字符面板;各种工作界面模式之间的转换。技术实训 After Effects CS4的功能强大,其操作界面跟其它影视后期xx软件的界面差不多。启动After Effects CS4软件。 1.项目窗口 项目窗口主要作用是导入、存放和管理素材,在项目窗

口中用户可以清楚了解素材文件的路径、缩略图、名称、类型、颜色标签和使用情况等信息。可以为素材分类,重命名。也可以创建合成或文件夹,还可以对素材进行简单的xx和设置。项目窗口如图所示。 2.时间线窗口 时间线窗口是After Effects CS4的主要xx窗口,在时间窗口中可以将素材按时间顺序进行排列和连接,片段的剪辑和图层叠加,设置动画关键帧和合成效果,每一个时间线窗口对应一个合成窗口,在After Effects CS4中合成还可以进行多重嵌套,从而制作出各种复杂的视频效果。 3.合成窗口 合成窗口的主要作用是显示合成素材的最终xx效果。在合成窗口中,用户不仅可以从多个视角对添加的特效进行预览,还可以对图层进行操作。 4.特效和预置面板特效和预置面板主要用来放置After Effects CS4中内置的各种视频特效和预设特效。所有特效按效果用途进行分组存放,如果用户安装了第三方插件特效,也将显示在该面板的最下面。特效的使用也非常简单,选择需要添加特效的图层,再单击需要添加的特效即可。 5.特效控制台特效控制台主要作用是用来设置特效的参数和添加关键帧,画面运动特效的设置。特效控制台会根据特效的不同显示的内容也不同。 6.信息面板 信息面板的主要作用是显示当前鼠标所在的图像的坐


Video Effects 【视频效果】 一. Adjust【调整】 1. Lighting effects【照明效果】 2. Levels【色阶】 二. Blur&Sharpen【模糊&锐化】 1. Fast blur【快速模糊】 2. Directional blur【方向模糊】 3. Gaussian blur【高斯模糊】 三. Channel【通道】 1. Set matte【设置蒙版】 四. Color Correction【色彩校正】 1. RGB Curves【RGB曲线】

2. Change color【更改颜色】 3.Color balance HLS【色彩平衡HLS】 4. Change to color【转换颜色】 5. Luma curve【亮度曲线】 五.Distort【扭曲】 1. Offset【偏移】 2. Wave warp【波形弯曲】 3. Magnify【放大】

4. Twirl【旋转扭曲】 5. Spherize【球面化】 6. Corner pin【边角固定】 7. Lens distortion【镜头扭曲】 六.Generate【生成】 1. Circle【圆】 2. Ramp【渐变】 3. Grid【网格】 4. Lens flare【镜头光晕】 5. Lighting【闪电】

七. Generate【键控】 1. Four-Point Garbage Matte【四点蒙版键】 2. Luma【亮度键】 3. Image Matte Key【图像遮罩键】 4. Chroma Key【色度键】 5. Color Key【颜色键】 6. Blue Screen Key【蓝屏键】 7. Track Matte Key【轨道蒙版键】 8. Non Red Key【非红色键】 八. Noise&Grain【噪波与颗粒】 1. Noise【噪波】 2. Noise Alpha【通道噪波】 九. Perspective【透视】 1. Basic 3D【基本3D】 2. Drop Shadow【投影】 3. Bevel Edges【斜角边】


教案(首页) 授课时间教案编写时间课程名称 影视后期特效制作 课程代码 总学时64 讲授:40 学时 实践:24 学时 学分 4 课程性质 必修课(√)选修课() 理论课()实践课() 任课教师 职称 授课对象 数字媒体艺术专业年班级

教材 和 主要参考资料 宋焕成《摄影教学与创作》中国电力出版社出版时间:2008-09-01 《迈克尔·弗里曼摄影大师班三部曲》[英]迈克尔·弗里曼,达妮埃拉·鲍克著;梅菲,汪梅子译人民邮电出版社出版时间:2013-04-01 教学目的和 教学要求 通过本课程理论和实践学习使学生对摄影能有一个基本拍摄能力,并掌握各现代摄影器材使用及各种不同素材的拍摄方式技巧,学生能独立完成摄影作品拍摄。 在课间老师应有计划鼓励让学生多拍,多积累素材。和学生一起集中讨论所拍作品,分析其作品,提出意见,使其让学生以后作品更加成熟。 教学重点和 教学难点 教学重点:人物摄影、静物摄影、灯光设置 教学难点:学生如何使用相机正确构图、曝光。 教学进程 第次课 授课章节 学时 备注 1 学习了解摄影基础,摄影的由来。对相机的认识,传统相机和数码相机它们之间区别,及它们的性能,使用方式。举例现代各流行品牌相机,并说明其性能特点。 (教师对传统相机及数码相机做基本拍摄示范,让学生能更好理解) 4

摄影工作室授课 2 1 讲解相机的基本使用方法,及详细解释功能 2 相机机身,及不同参数镜头使用 (教师做示范拍摄作品,让学生能直观理解) 4 摄影工作室授课 3 1 讲解相机的基本使用方法,快门与光圈,焦距。 2快门与光圈、焦距参数值介绍讲解,并说明不同参数值下成像会有不同效果。(教师做示范拍摄作品,让学生一起试用在不同参数下拍摄) 4 摄影工作室授课 教学进程 第次课 授课章节 学时 备注 4 1 讲解摄影构图的基本法则,摄影构图的特点。 2摄影拍摄取景与构图,摄影造型基础。 (教师推荐优秀作品赏析,分析不同作品的趣味性)


PR 内置特效一览表 1.预置 A.卷积内核:查找边缘、模糊、模糊更多、浅浮雕、浮雕、 锐化、锐化更多、锐化边缘、高斯模糊、高斯锐化 B.斜角边:厚斜边、薄斜边 C.旋转扭曲:旋转扭曲入、旋转扭曲出 D.曝光过度:曝光入、曝光出 E.模糊:快速模糊入、快速模糊出 F.画中画:25%画中画 G.马赛克:马赛克入、马赛克出 2.音频特效 A.5.1:选频、多功能延迟、Chorus、DeClicker、DeCracker、 DeEsser、DeNoiser、Dynamics、EQ、Flanger、 MultibandCompressor、低通、低音、Phaser、PitchShifter、Reverb、Spectral NoiseReduction、去除指定频率、参数 平衡、反相、声道音量、延迟、音量、高通、高音 B.立体声:选项、多功能延迟、Chorus、DeClicker、 DeCracker、DeEsser、DeHummer、DeNoiser、Dynamics、EQ、Flanger、MultibandCompressor、低通、低音、Phaser、PitchShifter、Reverb、平衡、Spectral NoiseReduction、 使用右声道、使用左声道、互换声道、去除指定频率、参

数平衡、反相、声道音量、延迟、音量、高通、高音 C.单声道:选项、多功能延迟、Chorus、DeClicker、 DeCracker、DeEsser、DeuHummer、DeNoiser、 Dynamics、EQ、Flanger、MultibandCompressor、低通、低音、Phaser、PitchShifter、Reverb、Spectral NoiseReduction、去除指定频率、参数平衡、反相、声道 音量、延迟、音量、高通、高音 3.音频过度:交叉渐隐:恒定功率、恒定增益、指数型淡入淡 出 4.视频特效 A.CPU特效:卷叶折射、波纹(圆形) B.变换:垂直保持、垂直翻转、摄像机视图、水平保持、水 平翻转滚动、羽化边缘、裁剪 C.噪波与颗粒:中间值、噪波、噪波Alpha、噪波HLS、自 动噪波HLS、蒙版与刮痕 D.图像控制:灰度系数(Gamma)校正、色彩传递、色彩匹 配、颜色平衡、(RGB)、颜色替换、黑白 E.实用:Cineon转换 F.扭曲:偏移、变换、弯曲、放大、旋转、波形弯曲、球面 化、紊乱置换、边角固定、镜像、镜头扭曲 G.时间:抽帧、时间偏差、重影 H.模糊与锐化:复合模糊、定向模糊、快速模糊、摄像机模


影视后期合成教案.doc /职业学院课件教案下载 第一讲影视制作技术概述 课程名称影视后期合成课时 4 序号 1 授课班级日期教学方式讲授课题 第一章影视后期技术的基础 第一节影视后期技术的简介 任课教师教学主要内容、目的、要求、重点与难点、复习、提问、备注、布置作业等 教学 主要 内容 影视后期合成产生与发展、工作流程与特点、分工制作的分类。 目的要求1、了解影视后期的的产生与发展; 2、理解影视后期的工作原理、组成与特点 3、熟悉影视后期的分类 重点影视后期的工作原理、组成与特点难点影视后期的工作原理与工作界面 作业 1.影视后期合成由几个部分组成的? 2.影视后期的工作原理?

备注讲清教学要求、注意学习方法,引起学习兴趣。 教学过程及内容: 一、影视后期合成的产生与发展 1、影视技术的产生与发展的产生 在现今和今后的发展趋势,电影电视的数字后期制作将成为视觉艺术的核心,全国各大电视台制播分离后,大量的影视制作公司如雨后春笋般诞生,影视特效合成和非线性编辑人才也成为最欠缺的人才,数字影视后期制作迅速成为职场新贵。 二、影视后期合成的工作原理、组成与特点 1、影视后期合成的工作原理与分工。 影视后期主要分为剪辑和合成。非编指的是非线型编辑,也称为影视后期剪辑处理,它是针对以前老的线型编辑方式的非逻辑编辑新技术。主要用于给影视作品添加视觉特效、配音、字幕等后期处理。一些在前期三维制作和拍摄所不能完成的或很难完成的工作将通过后期剪辑处理轻松达到。合成就是将视频、图片、音效等种种效果通过艺术的手段进行结合在一起的一种工作,如何将这种效果发挥到最好的状态就需要我们操作者平时的艺术水平修养。 2、影视后期合成在视频制作中的地位与功能 影视后期合成主要是服务于电影、电视、广告或者平时所看的动画片等等,都有影视后期的影子存在,它可以将前期的拍摄所造成的不足进行修正。可以将电视的播放节奏进行加快达到扣人心弦的效果,可以将动画的效果制作的炫丽多彩引人夺目。全国各大电视台制播分离后,大量的影视制作公司如雨后春笋般诞生,影视特效合成和非线性编辑人才也成为最欠缺的人才,数字影视后期制作迅速成为职场新贵。而且由于影视技术的不断更新使影视包装变得越来越重要了。电影制作建立在胶片基础之上,形成了一套完整的制作工艺和流程,剪辑是重要的制作环节。电影胶片的剪辑过程就具有非线性编辑的雏形,因为它允许在编辑成片中调整镜头的组接顺序,可以在两个镜头间加入新的画面。电影的胶片剪辑具有非线性编辑的某些特点,但是并没有被刻意称为非线性编辑,因为当时只有电影制作采用剪辑的方法。非线性编辑这一概念的提出,实际上是相对于磁带编辑即带式线性编辑而提出的,这还得归因于电视的诞生。早期电视编辑技术和磁带录像技术有着密切的联系,与电影胶片剪辑方法相同。电子编辑诞生于20世纪60年代,采用这种方法不必剪断录像带就能进行画面剪辑。 影视编辑的工作方式分为:直接编辑、间接编辑、电子编辑。直接编辑是多数电视节目制作采用的工作方式,它指的是从源素材带直接编辑到节目带的工作方式,效率较高,适用于新闻节目等时效性强、片长较短的节目。间接编辑是在电影电视剧剪辑中为了保护源素材带和减少制作成本采用的工作方式。电子编辑是自盒式录像机诞生到目前为止电视节目制作中主流的制作手段。 随着影音技术的不断提高和硬件技术的不断发展,影视后期合成技术在电影、电视娱乐中占有非常重要的地位。学习影视后期合成技术可以在影视行业中找到符合自己的岗位。 3、影视后期合成在视频制作中的分工


关于premiere中音频特效的翻译和使用方法介绍 1.Balance(平衡):改变左右声道的音量大小。 Bypass (旁路) 2.Bandpass(带通滤波器) center(中心频率) Q值:Q= center / bandwidth,主要用来限定某些频率音频的输出 3.Bass(低音):调节音频中的低音部分,消弱高频部分的影响 boost(推子):增大音频中低音(低频)部分的影响(音量) 4.Channel Volume(通道音量):用来调节左右声道的音量的大小,参数只有Left和Right 5.Chorus(合唱):用来模拟产生大环境合唱的效果。模拟很多声音和乐器同时工作,带有一定的延迟和回声 6.Declicker(消音器):去除喀嚓声 7.Decrackler(消音器):去除爆破音 8.Deesser:去除唇齿音,去咝咝音 9.DeHummer:去除嗡嗡声 10.Denoiser:去或降低噪音 11.Delay(延迟) delay:设置延迟时间 feedback:设置回响 Mix:设置延迟声音的混合度 12.Dynamics(动态调整):以不同的模式调整音频 13.EQ(均衡器):通过控制音频中的频率成分在调整音频输出效果。 主要将音频的频率分成五个段落来调节。 14.Fill right/Fill left:向左或者向右填充音频声道。 立体声中,利用左(右)声道去填充或覆盖右(左)声道里的音频。 15.flanger:声音的延迟和叠加(就是产生一个与原音频一样的音频带有一定的延迟与原音频混合)。 16.Hightpass(高通滤波器):控制在一个数值之上的所有频率能够输出。 Cutoff设置一个频率值。 17.Invert(倒置):将音频所有通道的相位(Phase)倒转。 18.Lowpass(低通滤波器):与HP相对 19.Multibandcompressor(多频带压缩):把音频中的频率分成多段,通过改变某一段或者多段,从而来影响音频的输出效果。 ~ 1 / 2 ~ 可以使用该效果模拟电话中的人声等。 20.Multitap Delay(多重延迟):对音频添加多个级别Delay的效果。 21.Notch(V形滤波器):类似于Bandpass 22.Parameticra EQ(参数均衡器):类似于EQ,但是功能和参数都比EQ少,只控制某一频段的音频。 23.Phaser(相位器):将音频某部分频率的相位发生反转,并与原音频混合。(sin & rect& Tri等低频震荡方式) 24.Pitch Shifter(声音变调):改变声音的音调。可以模拟卡通鼠等声音 25.Reverb(混响):模拟声音在房间里的效果和氛围。 26. Spectral Noise Reduction (频谱降噪):使用特殊的算法来消除素材片段中的噪声。

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