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abrupt 突然的,意外的;,鲁莽的2次absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的2次acknowledge 承认,承认……的权威;告知收到,确认;报偿,对……表示谢忱5次activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用2次acquaint 熟悉,认识。2次

acute 严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;2次adhere 坚持,依附2次

allege 断言,宣称,硬说2次ambiguous 模棱两可的暧昧的, 不明确的5次(且5次全部是正确答案)

ambitious 雄心勃勃的2次

anticipate 预期, 期望, 过早使用, 先人一着, 占先, 预订, 预见, 可以预料2次appropriate 适当的,合适的2次

apt 易于,有做某事的倾向;恰当的,适宜的;聪明的,反应敏捷的2次

ascend 渐渐上升,升高;攀登,登上2次ascertain 查明,弄清,确定3次ascribe 把……归因于,把……归属于6次assert 肯定的说,断言;维护,坚持2次authorize 授权,批准3次


barren 不生育的,贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的, 空洞的2次bewilder 迷惑,使糊涂3次

bleak 寒冷的, 阴冷的, 荒凉的, 凄凉的, 黯淡的2次

blunder 错误,大错2次

brisk敏锐的, 凛冽的, 轻快的, 活泼的2次


cater 满足需要,迎合;提供饮食及服务,办酒席2次

certify 证明, 保证2次

charge 价钱,费用;管理,照管;控告,指责;索价,收费2次

cherish 珍爱, 怀抱(希望等) 3次

claim 声明2次compact adj.紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的n.契约, 合同, 小粉盒2次

competitive 竞争性的2次

complement 补足,补充2次compliment 恭维,称赞2次

comply 顺从, 答应, 遵守2次compulsory 必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的2次

coincide 相符和,相一致,相同2次conceive 构想,设想2次

confirm 确定,批准,使巩固,使加强2 conform vt.使一致, 使遵守, 使顺从vi.符合, 相似, 适应环境adj., 顺从的4次considerate 考虑周到的2次

consolidate 巩固,加强;把……联为一体,合并2次

conspicuous 引人注目的,受人注意的2次constrain 强迫,勉强(某人)做某事5次contemplate 盘算,计议;思量,对……作周密考虑;注视,凝视2次

contrive 谋划,策划;设法做到;设计,想出2次

controversy 论争, 辩论, 论战2次cumulative 累积的,渐增的2次


decline 下倾, 下降, 下垂, 斜面, 斜坡, 衰败, 衰落, 拒绝2次

decorate 装饰,布置2次

deduce推论, 演绎出2次

defy 藐视,公然反抗的2次

defect 瑕疵,毛病:缺少圆满或完善所必需的某物,缺点,缺陷3次

degrade 降级,堕落(使)退化4次delay v.耽搁, 延迟, 延期, 迟滞n.耽搁, 延迟, 迟滞2次

depress 压下,使愁苦,使沮丧2次descend下来, 下降, 遗传(指财产,气质,权利), 突击, 出其不意的拜访2次deteriorate 恶化,变坏3次

dilemma 进退两难的窘境,困境2次

disperse (使)分散, (使)散开, 疏散2次disposition 一贯的性情;脾气;倾向; 生理的特性或倾向; 排列;布置;配置2次distinction 差别,不同;区分,辨别;优秀,杰出;荣誉,优待2次

distract 转移注意力,使……分心2次divert 使转变方向,使转移使高兴4次

dominate 统治,占支、主导地位2次dwell 居住, 踌躇2次


elapse 时间消逝,过去2次

eject vt. 逐出, 撵出, 驱逐, 喷射n.推断的事物4次

embody 具体表达, 使具体化, 包含, 收录2次

empirical 试验的2次

endeavor 尽力, 努力2次

endow 资助,捐赠,向……捐钱;给予,赋予,认为……有某种特质3次

enforce 强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强2次engagement 约会,婚约,交战2次eternal 永恒的,不变的2次exclusively 排除其他地,独有地2次exchange 交换, 调换, 兑换, 交流, 交2次expire vi.期满,熄灭,死亡vt.呼气,排出2次

explicit 外在的, 清楚的, 直率的, (租金等)直接付款的2次

extend 扩展2次

extinct 灭种的,熄灭了的3次extract 2次

extravagant 过度的,挥霍的,放纵的2次evoke 召唤,引起3次


fascinate 使着迷, 使神魂颠倒, 入迷, 极度迷人的2次

feasible 可行的,可用的,可能的2次feeble 虚弱的3次

fluctuation 波动, 起伏2次

flutter鼓翼, 飘动, 悸动, 乱跳, 烦扰2次

G glitter 闪闪发光, 闪烁, 闪光2次guarantee 保证,承诺2次


Hamper 妨碍, 牵制2次

Haunt 经常拜访;常去; 时常萦绕心头;使困窘2次

Highlight 强调,突出,使显著;最精彩的部分,最重要的事件3次homogeneously 类似地;同类地;同性质地2次

hoist 举起,升起,吊起2次


identify 等同,认出,鉴定2次

Illusion 幻想错觉,假象:对现实错误的看法3次

Image图象, 肖像, 偶像, 形象化的比喻, 极为相象, 映像, 典型2次

immerse 沉浸, 使陷入使专心,4次impart 告知,透露;赋予,给予3次Implicit 暗示的, 盲从的, 含蓄的, 固有的, 不怀疑的, 绝对的2次

impose 征税, 强加, 以...欺骗, 利用, 欺骗, 施影响2次

Impulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力vt.推动3次

incline使倾向于, 使倾斜2次incompatible 性质相反的,不能和谐并存的,矛盾的3次

Increase 增加,增长,增强2次Increasingly 日益地,逐渐地2次

induce劝诱, 促使, 导致, 引起, 感应2次ingenious 有发明天才的,机敏的,灵巧的3次

inherent固有的, 内在的, 与生俱来的2次Inject 注射, 注入3次

Inspiration 灵感4次

inspire 激励,鼓励,激发2次Installment 分期付款2次Instantaneous 瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的2次integrate使成整体, 使一体化, 求...的积分, 结合2次

Integrity 正直, 诚实, 完整, 完全, 完整性2次

Intensify vt.加强3次

intervene 干涉,干预;干扰,阻挠3次Intricate复杂的, 错综的, 难以理解的,精巧的4次

Intrinsic (指价值、性质)固有的, 内在的, 本质的5次

intuition 直觉, 直觉的知识4次

invalid 无效的,有病的,无能力的,无价值的2次


legislation 立法,法令2次linger 因不愿离开而继续逗留,留恋徘徊;继续存留,缓慢消失2次

literal 文字的,字面的2次


magnify 夸大,放大,扩大2次manifest 出现, 表明, 证明4次

massive 巨大的,块状的,大量的2次Minimal 最小的, 最小限度的2次

mingle (使)混合4次

monitor 监听,监视,检测2次


nasty adj.严重的,危险的,排斥的2次notify 通知,告知,报告3次notorious adj.恶名昭箸的,声名狼藉的2次

nourish 滋养, 使健壮, 怀有(希望,仇恨等) 2次


Obscure adj.暗的, 朦胧的, 模糊的, 晦涩的vt. 使暗, 使不明显7次

offensive adj.冒犯的,攻击的2次optimistically 乐观地2次

oppress 压迫,压制2次

Orientation 方向, 方位, 定位, 倾向性, 向东方2次


paradox 似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话3次

Penalty n.刑罚,处罚2次

permeate vt.弥漫, 渗透, 透过, 充满vi. 透入4次

Perspective透视的n.展望,透视画法2次perpetual 永久的Permanent 永久的,不变的5次

Persistent 坚持不懈的,执意的:拒绝放弃或听任的;顽固坚持的5次

plead 辩护, 恳求, 为...辩护, 借口, 托称2次

Porch 门廊, 走廊2次

Preclude vt.排除2次

Preliminary 初步(的)2次

Premise 假定2次

premium 额外费用, 奖金, 奖赏, 保险费, (货币兑现的)贴水2次

Presumably 推测地,假定地2次Presentation 介绍,陈述;提出3次Priority 优先权,重点;优先考虑的事2次

prone 倾向于2次

provocative 煽动的2次

provoke 对……挑衅,激怒;激起,引起2次


radiate 放射, 辐射, 传播, 广播, 发光, 流露2次

reassure使...安心, 再保证, 使...恢复信心, 打消...的疑虑2次

Reclaim 要回;开垦荒地,回收3次Reconcile vt. 使和解, 使和谐, 使顺从 4 Rectify 纠正,修复3次

Reflection 反射;影象;沉思2次Refute 反驳,驳斥2次

reinforce 增强,加强,增援2次release 释放, 解放, 放弃, 让与, 免除, 发表2次

remedy 治疗,矫正(坏事,缺点)3次

Retain 保留,维持2次

retrieve 重新得到2次

reproach 责备2次

reservation 保留,(旅馆房间等)预定 2 reside .居住2次

Respectable 可敬的2次

Respectful 恭敬的2次

Revenge 复仇;为…报复2次Revelation 泄露,启示2次

revive (使)苏醒, (使)复兴, (使)复活, (使)再生效, 回想3次

rigorous 严密的,缜密的;严格的,严厉的2次


Scrape 刮,擦2次

scratch 抓,擦伤2次

simulate 模拟, 模仿, 假装, 冒充2次Simultaneous 同时的, 同时发生的simultaneously同时地4次

Spacious 宽广的,宽敞的2次Spontaneous 自发的, 自然产生的spontaneously 自发地4次

Stagger v.口吃, 结巴着说出, 结结巴巴地说2次

Subscribe 订阅,定购书籍;同意,赞成;捐助,赞助2次

Subtle 狡猾的, 敏感的, 微妙的, 精细的, 稀薄的2次

Summit 顶点, 最高阶层2次Superiority 优越,高傲2次

suspicious 可疑的, 怀疑的2次Suppress 镇压,禁止3次

surplus 多余的,剩余的3次


testify 证明, 证实, 作证2次

transfer 迁移,转移2次transformation 变化, 转化, 改适, 改革, 转换4次

transition 转变, 转换, 跃迁, 过渡, 变调6次

transmission 传送,传播4次threshold 开始, 开端, 极限2次

Trivial 琐碎的,不重要的6次

tolerant 宽容的,容忍的2次

tumble 2次

Turbulent 动乱的2次

Twist n.一扭, 扭曲, 盘旋, 曲折, 歪曲, 手法, 螺旋状

vt. 拧, 扭曲, 绞, 搓, 捻, 使苦恼, 使转动, 编织vi. 扭弯, 扭曲, 缠绕, 扭动, 呈螺旋形2次

vulnerable 脆弱的3次

Vulgar 粗俗的,平民的2次

Warrant 授权令;正当理由,根据;证明……是正当的2次


at large (=at liberty, free) 在逃;逍遥法外at large (=in general) 一般来说;大体上at large (=at full length; with details) 详细地accuse…of (=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控;控

allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到;估计到

amount to (=to be equal to) 总计;等于answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对……负责

abide by (=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守comply with (=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.) 遵守,依从

apply to sb. for sth. 为……向……申请apply for 申请apply to 适用

apply to 与……有关;适用

arise from (=be caused by) 由……引起arrive on 到达arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出arrive in 到达某地(大地方)

be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以……为羞耻

assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向……保证,使……确信attach (to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚,系,结attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought) 注意;照顾attend on (upon) (=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候;照料

in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益2) (=at one’s own risk)



82. I think that the meal is well ______________________(没有折扣的情况下值80美元).

83. ______________________ (面对来自其他公司的激烈竞争), the automobile manufacturer is considering launching a promotion campaign.

84. As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister ____________________ __ (几乎没有什么共同之处).

85. Only after many failures_____ _________________ (我才认识到仅凭运气是不能成功的).

86. But for the survival instinct which nearly all creatures have, _____________ _ (更多的物种就可能已经在地球上灭绝了).


82. You shouldn't have run across the road without looking, you _________________________ (也许会被车撞到)

83. By no means _______________________________, (他把自己当成专家)although he knows

a lot about the field.

84. He doesn't appreciate the sacrifice his friends have made for him, ____________________(把他们所做的视作理所应当)

85. Janet told me that she would rather her mother _______________________________ (不干涉她的婚姻)

86. To keep up with the expanding frontiers of scholarship. Edward Wilson found himself _______________________________ (经常上网查信息)


82. Even though they were already late, _______________________________ (宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than just go on.

83.No agreement was reached in the discussion between the two parties, _______________________________ (任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场).

84.The pills _______________________________(本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的), but he didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and take them regularly.

85.It is __________________________________(你真好,给了我那么多帮助);I really feel obliged to you.

86.The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was thirty years ______________________________(他们才得以重聚)


82.There is no denying that you __________________________________ (越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter.

83.Only when I reached my thirties _____________________________(我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的).

84. Much _________________________________(使研究人员感到惊讶), the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected.

85.Oh, my, I can’t find my key; ______________________________(我一定是把它忘在哪儿了).

86. I ________________________________ (宁愿加入你们去做义工) than go to the beach for a



82. _______________________________ (他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties.

83.Before you take any action, please remember to _____________________________ (权衡你的决定会产生的后果).

84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances ____________________________ (他会违背还钱的承诺).

85. Most educators advise that kids _____________________________ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏).

86. Business major as he is, he has ______________________________ (从未考虑过从事推销员工作).


82. How long does a jacket like this last me? ___________________________ (这要看你多长时间穿一次)

83. The theory he advanced has proved _____________________________(对许多传统概念的一种挑战)

84. The manager _____________________________ (本可以亲自参加会议), but he was called away for some urgent business abroad.

85. Both research and practical experience have shown that _____________________________ (均衡的饮食对健康是必不可少的).

86. Much ___________________________(我感到遗憾), I was unable to finish the work on time.


82.With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk __________________________ (说服他不买车)

83. __________________________ (保持幽默有助于) reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society.

84.When confronted with the evidence, _________________________ (他不得不坦白自己的罪行)

85.When people say, “I can feel my ears burning,”it means they think _____________________ (一定有人在说他们坏话).

86.She has decided to go on a diet, but finds _____________________(很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑).


82.He designed the first suspension bridge, which___________________________(把美观与功能完美地结合起来)。

83.It was very dark, but Mary seemed to __________________________________ (本能地知道该走哪条路)

84.I don’t think it advisable that parents______________________________ (剥夺孩子们的自由) to spend their spare time as they wish.

85.Older adults who have a high level of daily activities have more energy and_____________(与不那么活跃的人相比死亡率要低)

86. Your resume should attract a would-be boss’s attention by demonstrating_______________(为什么你是某个特定职位的最佳人选)


82.We can say a lot of things about those _________________________ (毕生致力于诗歌的人): they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.

83.Mary couldn’t have received my letter, _________________________ (否则她上周就该回信了).

84.Nancy is supposed to _________________________ (做完化学实验) at least two weeks ago.

85.Never once _________________________ (老两口互相争吵) since they were married 40 years ago.

86. ______________________________________ (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于) the quality of education of its people


82.But for mobile phones, ____________________________ (我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便).

83.In handling an embarrassing situation____________________________ (没有什么比幽默感更有帮助的了).

84.The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, ____________________________ (但他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因).

85.Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, ____________________________ (而动物的行为主要依靠本能).

86.The witness was told that under no circumstances ____________________________ (他都不应该对法庭说谎).


82.The auto manufacturers found themselves ________________________ (正在同外国公司竞争市场的份额)

83.Only in the small town ____________________________ (他才感到安全和放松)

84.It is absolutely unfair that these children ____________________________ (被剥夺了受教育的权利)

85.Our years of hard work are all in vain, ____________________________ (更别提我们花费的大量金钱了)

86.The problems of blacks and women ____________________________ (最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注)



82.would have been knocked down by a car.

83.does he regarded himself as an expert

84. however, he takes it for granted

85. not have interfered with her marriage

86. always searching for information on the internet.


82. would rather stop to enjoy the beautiful scenery

83. neither chose to give up its own position

84. could have cured the cancer patient

85. so kind of you to have given me so much help

86. before they got reunited


82.can not be too careful

83.did I realize that reading could not be negle cted

84.to the research ers' surprise 4. 85.I must have left it somewhere

86.would rather join you to do volunteer work


82. Their only son has never thought

83. weigh your decision against its possible consequences

84. would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money

85. should not be addicted to computer games

86. never considered working as a salesman


82. It depends on how often you wear it

83. a challenge to many traditional concepts

84. could have attended the meeting in person (by himself)

85. a balance diet is essential to health

86. regretted as I felt


82.over him not to buy a car

83. Keeping sense of humor is contributive to

84. he had no choice but to confess his guilt

85. some one must are speaking ill of them 86.it difficult to resist the temptation of ice cream


82.which combined beauty and function perfectly

83.know which way to take by instinct.

84.deprive their children’s freedom

85.a lower death rate compared with those who don't

86.why you are the best candidate for a certain position


82.who have devoted their whole life to poetry

83.or she would have replied to me last week

84.have completed/finished her chemical experiment

85.have the old couple quarreled with each other

86. The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon


82 our communication would not have been so rapid and convenient

83 nothing is more helpful than a sense of humor

84 but (he) refused to make further explanation( for doing so)/ to further explain why

85 while animal behavior depends mainly upon (on) their instinct(s)

86 should he lie to the court


82. competing with foreign firms for market share

83. does he feel secure and relaxed

84. are deprived of the rights to receive education

85. not to mention / let alone the large amount of money we have spent

86. have gained / caused considerable public concern in recent decade


20XX年12月大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷Section A

11. A. Listen to the recorded notes while driving.

B. Cancel the trip to prepare for the test.

C. Prepare for the test after the wedding.

D. Review his notes once he arrives in Chicago.

12. A. The woman will help the man remember the lines.

B. The woman will prompt the man during the show.

C. The man lacks confidence in playing the part.

D. The man hopes to change his role in the play.

13. A. Arranging a bed for a patient. B. Rescuing the woman’s uncle

C. A complicated surgical case.

D. Preparations for an operation.

14. A. He is too busy to accept more responsibility.

B. He is interested in improving his editing skills.

C. He is eager to be nominated the new editor.

D. He is sure to do a better job than Simon.

15. A. He has been successfully elected Prime Minister.

B. He has already reached the retirement age.

C. He has left his position in the government.

D. He made a stupid decision at the cabinet meeting.

16. A. This year’s shuttle mission is a big step in space exploration.

B. The shuttle flight will be broadcast live worldwide.

C. The man is excited at the news of the shuttle flight.

D. The man is well informed about the space shuttle missions.

17. A. at an auto rescue center. B. At a car renting company.

C. At a mountain camp.

D. At a suburban garage.

18. A. He listened to some serious music. B. He bought a stereo system.

C. He got his speakers fixed.

D. He went shopping with the woman. Long Conversation One

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversations you have just heard.

19. A. Providing aid to the disabled.

B. Selling products made for left-handers.

C. Promoting products for manufacturers.

D. Printing labels for manufactured goods.

20. A. About half of them are unavailable on the market.

B. The kitchenware in his shop is of unique design.

C. All of them are manufactured in his own plant.

D. Most of them are specially made for his shop.

21. A. They specialise in one product only. B. They have outlets throughout Britain.

C. They run chain stores in central London.

D. They sell by mail order only.

Long Conversation Two

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. A. It publishes magazines. B. It is engaged in product design.

C. It sponsors trade fairs.

D. It runs sales promotion campaigns.

23. A. The woman’s company failed to make payments in time.

B. The ad specifications had not been given in detail.

C. The woman’s company made last-minute changes.

D. Organising the promotion was really time-consuming.

24. A. Run another four-week campaign. B. Give her a 10 percent discount

C. Extend the campaign to next year.

D. Cut the fee by half for this year.

25. A. Calm down and make peace. B. Improve their promotion plans.

C. Stop negotiating for the time being.

D. Reflect on their respective mistakes. Section B

Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

26. A. They are looked after by animal-care organizations.

B. They sacrifice their lives for the benefit of humans.

C. They look spotlessly clean throughout their lives.

D. They are labeled pet animals by the researchers.

27. A. They may cause damage to the environment.

B. They may breed out of control.

C. They may behave abnormally.

D. They may affect the results of experiments.

28. A. When they are no longer useful. B. Whey they become ill.

C. When they beomce escapees.

D. When they get too old.

29. A. While calling for animal rights, they allowed their kids to keep pet animals.

B. While holding a burial ceremony for a pet mouse, they were killing pest mice.

C. While launching animal protection campaigns, they were trapping kitchen mice.

D. While advocating freedom for animals, they kept their pet mouse in a cage. Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. A. They contribute most to it.

B. They often find fault with it.

C. They take it for granted.

D. They are crazy about it.

31. A. Tidal restlessness. B. Historical continuity.

C. Heat and light.

D. Economic prosperity.

32. A. They are adventures from all over the world.

B. They lack knowledge of the culture of the city.

C. They find the city alien to them.

D. They have difficulty surviving.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. A. A murder mystery. B. A football game.

C. A political debate

D. A documentary.

34. A. It helps broaden one’s horizons. B. It enhances family relationships.

C. It is a sheer waste of time.

D. It is unhealthy for the viewers.

35. A. He watches T.V. programs only selectively.

B. He doe sn’t like watching sports programs.

C. He can’t resist the temptation of T.V. either.

D. He is not a man who can keep his promise.

Section C

In the past, one of the biggest disadvantages of machines has been their inability to work on a micro-scale. For example, doctors did not have devices allowing them to go inside the human body to 36. health problems or to perform 37. surgery. Repair crews did not have a way of 38. broken pipes located deep within a high-rise 39.

building. However, that’s about to change. Advances in computers and biophysics have started a microminiature 40. that allows scientists to envision—and in some cases actually build---microscopic machines. These devices promise to 41. change the way we live and work.

Micromachines already are making an impact. At Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, research scientists have designed a 4-inch silicon chip that holds 7000 tiny

42. motors. At Lucas NovaSensor in Fremont, California, scientists have perfected the world’s first microscopic blood-pressure sensor. Threaded through a person’s blood

43. , the sensor can provide blood pressure readings at the valve of the heart itself.


Auto manufacturers, for example, are trying to use tiny devices 45.

Some futurists envision nanotechnology also being used to explore the deep sea in a small submarines, or even to launch finger-sized rockets packed with microminiature instruments. There is an explosion of new ideas and applications. So, 46.

. 20XX年6月大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷

Section A

11. A) She will give him the receipt later.

B)The man should make his own copies.

C)She has not got the man's copies ready.

D)The man forgot to make the copies for her.

12. A) She phoned Fred about the book. C) She ran into Fred on her way here.

B) She was late for the appointment. D) She often keeps other people waiting.

13. A) Mark is not fit to take charge of the Student Union.

B)Mark is the best candidate for the post of chairman.

C)It won't be easy for Mark to win the election.

D)Females are more competitive than males in elections.

14. A) It failed to arrive at its destination in time.

B)It got seriously damaged on the way.

C)It got lost at the airport in Paris.

D)It was left behind in the hotel.

15. A) Just make use of whatever information is available.

B)Put more effort into preparing for the presentation.

C)Find more relevant information for their work.

D)Simply raise the issue in their presentation.

16. A) The man has decided to choose Language Studies as his major.

B)The woman isn't interested in the psychology of language.

C)The man is still trying to sign up for the course he is interested in.

D)The woman isn't qualified to take the course the man mentioned.

17. A) They are both to blame.

B)They are both easy to please.

C)They can manage to get along.

D)They will make peace in time.

18. A) They are in desperate need of financial assistance.

B)They hope to do miracles with limited resources.

C)They want to borrow a huge sum from the bank.

D)They plan to buy out their business partners.

Long Conversation One

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A) We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way.

B)We wish to hide our indifference to their misfortune.

C)We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune.

D)We think it serves them right for being mean to other people.

20. A) They want to show their genuine sympathy.

B)They have had similar personal experiences.

C)They don't know how to cope with the situation.

D)They don't want to reveal their own frustration.

21. A) They themselves would like to do it but don't dare to.

B)It's an opportunity for relieving their tension.

C)It's a rare chance for them to see the boss lose face.

D)They have seen this many times in old films.

22. A) To irritate them. C) To relieve her feelings.

B) To teach them a lesson. D) To show her courage.

Long Conversation Two

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23.A) Smuggling drugs into Hong Kong. C) Stealing a fellow passenger's bag.

B) Having committed armed robbery. D) Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong.

24.A) He said not a single word during the entire flight.

B)He took away Kumar's baggage while he was asleep.

C)He was travelling on a scholarship from Delhi University.

D)He is suspected of having slipped something in Kumar's bag.

25. A) Give him a lift. C) Check the passenger list.

B) Find Alfred Foster. D) Search all suspicious cars. Section B

Passage One

B)Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. A) They think travel has become a trend.

C)They think travel gives them their money's worth.

D)They find many of the banks untrustworthy.

E)They lack the expertise to make capital investments.

27. A) Lower their prices to attract more customers.

B)Introduce travel packages for young travelers.

C)Design programs targeted at retired couples.

D)Launch a new program of adventure trips.

28. A) The role of travel agents. C) The number of last-minute bookings.

B) The way people travel. D) The prices of polar expeditions. Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. A)The old stereotypes about men and women.

B)The changing roles played by men and women.

C)The division of labor between men and women.

D)The widespread prejudice against women.

30. A) Offer more creative and practical ideas than men.

B)Ask questions that often lead to controversy.

C)Speak loudly enough to attract attention.

D)Raise issues on behalf of women.

31. A) To prove that she could earn her living as a gardener.

B)To show that women are more hardworking than men.

C)To show that women are capable of doing what men do.

D)To prove that she was really irritated with her husband.

Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. A) Covering major events of the day in the city.

B)Reporting criminal offenses in Greenville.

C)Hunting news for the daily headlines.

D)Writing articles on family violence.

33. A) It is a much safer place than it used to be.

B)Rapes rarely occur in the downtown areas.

C)Assaults often happen on school campuses.

D)It has fewer violent crimes than big cities.

34. A) There are a wide range of cases.

B)They are very destructive.

C)There has been a rise in such crimes.

D)They have aroused fear among the residents.

35. A) Write about something pleasant. C) Offer help to crime victims.

B) Do some research on local politics. D) Work as a newspaper editor.

Section C

In America, people are faced with more and more decisions every day, whether it's picking one of 31 ice cream (36) _____ or deciding whether and when to get married. That sounds like a great thing. But as a recent study has shown, too many choices can make us (37) _____, unhappy – even paralyzed with indecision.

That's (38) _____ true when it comes to the workplace, says Barry Schwartz, an author of six books about human (39) _____. Students are graduating with a (40) _____ of skills and interests, but often find themselves (41) _____ when it comes to choosing an ultimate career goal.

In a study, Schwartz observed decision-making among college students during their (42) _____ year. Based on answers to questions regarding their job-hunting (43) _____ and career decisions, he divided the students into two groups: "maximizers" who consider every possible option, and "satisficers" who look until they find an option that is good enough.

You might expect that the students (44) __ __ ___ ________ _______ ___________. But it turns out that's not true. Schwartz found that while maximizers ended up with better paying jobs than satisficers on average, they weren't as happy with their decision.

The reason (45)_ _ __ ______________ _____. When you look at every possible option, you tend to focus more on what was given up than what was gained. After surveying every option, (46) ______ __ ___ .


Section A

11. [A] The man is the manager of the apartment building.

[B] The woman is very good at bargaining.

[C] The woman will get the apartment refurnished.

[D] The man is looking for an apartment.

12. [A] How the pictures will turn out. [C] What the man thinks of the shots.

[B] Where the botanical garden is. [D] Why the pictures are not ready.

13. [A] There is no replacement for the handle.

[B] There is no match for the suitcase.

[C] The suitcase is not worth fixing.

[D] The suitcase can be fixed in time.

14. [A] He needs a vehicle to be used in harsh weather.

[B] He has a fairly large collection of quality trucks.

[C] He has had his truck adapted for cold temperatures.

[D] He does routine truck maintenance for the woman.

15. [A] She cannot stand her boss’s bad temper.

[B] She has often been criticized by her boss.

[C] She has made up her mind to resign.

[D] She never regrets any decisions she makes.

16. [A] Look for a shirt of a more suitable color and size.

[B] Replace the shirt with one of some other material.

[C] Visit a different store for a silk or cotton shirt.

[D] Get a discount on the shirt she is going to buy.

17. [A] At a “Lost and Found”. [C] At a trade fair.

[B] At a reception desk. [D] At an exhibition.

18. [A] Repair it and move in. [C] Convert it into a hotel.

[B] Pass it on to his grandson. [D] Sell it for a good price.

Long Conversation One

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. [A] Unique descriptive skills. [C] Colourful world experiences.

[B] Good knowledge of readers’ tastes. [D] Careful plotting and clueing.

20. [A] A peaceful setting. [C] To be in the right mood.

[B] A spacious room. [D] To be entirely alone.

21. [A] They rely heavily on their own imagination.

[B] They have experiences similar to the characters’.

[C] They look at the world in a detached manner.

[D] They are overwhelmed by their own prejudices.

Long Conversation Two

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. [A] Good or bad, they are there to stay.

[B] Like it or not, you have to use them.

[C] Believe it or not, they have survived.

[D] Gain or lose, they should be modernised.

23. [A] The frequent train delays. [C]The food sold on the trains.

[B] The high train ticket fares. [D] The monopoly of British Railways.

24. [A] The low efficiency of their operation.

[B] Competition from other modes of transport.

[C] Constant complaints from passengers.

[D] The passing of the new transport act.

25. [A] They will be de-nationalised. [C] They are fast disappearing.

[B] They provide worse service. [D] They lose a lot of money.

Section B

Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. [A] The whole Antarctic region will be submerged.

[B] Some polar animals will soon become extinct.

[C] Many coastal cities will be covered with water.

[D] The earth will experience extreme weathers.

27. [A] How humans are to cope with global warming.

[B] How unstable the West Antarctic ice sheet is.

[C] How vulnerable the coastal cities are.

[D] How polar ice impacts global weather.

28. [A] It collapsed at least once in the past 1.3 million years.

[B] It sits firmly on solid rock at the bottom of the ocean.

[C] It melted at temperatures a bit higher than those of today.

[D] It will have little impact on sea level when it breaks up.

29. [A] The West Antarctic region was once an open ocean.

[B] The West Antarctic ice sheet was about 7,000 feet thick.

[C] The West Antarctic ice sheet was once floating ice.

[D] The West Antarctic region used to be warmer than today.

Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. [A] Whether we can develop social ties on the Internet.

[B] Whether a deleted photo is immediately removed from the web.

[C] Whether our blogs can be renewed daily.

[D] Whether we can set up our own websites.

31. [A] The number of visits they receive. [C] The files they have collected.

[B] The way they store data. [D] The means they use to get information.

32. [A] When the system is down. [C] When the URL is reused.

[B] When new links are set up. [D] When the server is restarted.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. [A] Some iced coffees have as many calories as a hot dinner.

[B] Iced coffees sold by some popular chains are contaminated.

[C] Drinking coffee after a meal is more likely to cause obesity.

[D] Some brand-name coffees contain harmful substances.

34. [A] Have some fresh fruit. [C] Take a hot shower.

[B] Exercise at the gym. [D] Eat a hot dinner.

35. [A] They could enjoy a happier family life.

[B] They could greatly improve their work efficiency.

[C] Many cancer cases could be prevented.

[D] Many embarrassing situations could be avoided.

Section C

Psychologists are finding that hope plays a surprisingly vital role in giving people a measurable advantage in realms as (36) _____________ as academic achievement, bearing up in tough jobs and coping with (37) ______________ illness. And, by contrast, the loss of hope is turning out to be a stronger sign that a person may (38) ______________ suicide than other factors long thought to be more likely risks.

“Hope has proven a powerful predictor of (39) ______________ in every study we’ve done so far,” said Dr. Charles R. Snyder, a psychologist who has devised a (40) ______________ to assess how much hope a person has.

For example, in research with 3,920 college students, Dr. Snyder and his (41) ______________ found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first semester was a more (42) ______________ predictor of their college grades than were their S.A.T. scores or their grade point (43) ______________ in high school, the two measures most commonly used to predict college performance.

(44)”_________________________________________________________,” Dr. Snyder said. “When you compare students of equivalent intelligence and past academic achievements, what sets th em apart is hope.”In devising a way to assess hope scientifically, Dr. Snyder (45)_______________________________________________________. “That notion is not concrete enough, and it blurs two key components of hope,” Dr. Snyder said.



Section A


A) The man failed to keep his promise.

B) The woman has a poor memory.

C) The man borrowed the book from the library.

D) The woman does not need the book any more.


A) The woman is making too big a fuss about her condition.

B) Fatigue is a typical symptom of lack of exercise.

C) The woman should spend more time outdoors.

D) People tend to work longer hours with artificial lighting.


A) The printing on her T-shirt has faded.

B) It is not in fashion to have a logo on a T-shirt.

C) She regrets having bought one of the T-shirts.

D) It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt.


A) He regrets having published the article.

B) Most readers do not share his viewpoints.

C) Not many people have read his article.

D) The woman is only trying to console him.


A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being.

B) Go see Daisy immediately.

C) Apologize to Daisy again by phone.

D) Buy Daisy a new notebook.


A) Batteries.

B) Garden tools.

C) Cameras.

D) Light bulbs.


A) The speakers will watch the game together.

B) The woman feels lucky to have got a ticket.

C) The man plays center on the basketball team.

D) The man can get the ticket at its original price.


A) The speakers will dress formally for the concert.

B) The man will return home before going to the concert.

C) It is the first time the speakers are attending a concert.

D) The woman is going to buy a new dress for the concert.

Long Conversation One

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) He wants to sign a long-term contract.

B) He is good at both language and literature.

C) He prefers teaching to administrative work.

D) He is undecided as to which job to go for.


A) They hate exams.

B) The all plan to study in Cambridge.

C) They are all adults.

D) They are going to work in companies.


A) Difficult but rewarding.

B) Varied and interesting.

C) Time-consuming and tiring.

D) Demanding and frustrating.

Long Conversation Two

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) Interviewing a moving star.

B) Discussing teenage role models.

C) Hosting a television show.

D) Reviewing a new biography.


A) He lost his mother.

B) He was unhappy in California.

C) He missed his aunt.

D) He had to attend school there.


A) He delivered public speeches.

B) He got seriously into acting.

C) He hosted talk shows on TV.

D) He played a role in East of Eden.


A) He made numerous popular movies.

B) He has long been a legendary figure.

C) He was best at acting in Hollywood tragedies.

D) He was the most successful actor of his time.

Section B

Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) It carried passengers leaving an island.

B) A terrorist forced it to land on Tenerife.

C) It crashed when it was circling to land.

D) 18 of its passengers survived the crash.


A) He was kidnapped eight months ago.

B) He failed in his negotiations with the Africans.

C) He was assassinated in Central Africa.

D) He lost lots of money in his African business.


A) The management and union representatives reached an agreement.

B) The workers' pay was raised and their working hours were shortened.

C) The trade union gave up its demand.

D) The workers on strike were all fired.


A) Sunny.

B) Rainy.

C) Windy.

D) Cloudy.

Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) Some of them had once experienced an earthquake.

B) Most of them lacked interest in the subject.

C) Very few of them knew much about geology.

D) A couple of them had listened to a similar speech before.


A) By reflecting on Americans' previous failures in predicting earthquakes.

B) By noting where the most severe earthquake in U. S. history occurred.

C) By describing the destructive power of earthquakes.

D) By explaining some essential geological principles.


A) Interrupt him whenever he detected a mistake.

B) Focus on the accuracy of the language he used.

C) Stop him when he had difficulty understanding.

D) Write down any points where he could improve.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) It was invented by a group of language experts in the year of 1887.

B) It is a language that has its origin in ancient Polish.

C) It was created to promote economic globalization.

D) It is a tool of communication among speakers of different languages.


A) It aims to make Esperanto a working language in the U. N.

B) It has increased its popularity with the help of the media.

C) It has encountered increasingly tougher challenges.

D) It has supporters from many countries in the world.


A) It is used by a number of influential science journals.

B) It is widely taught at schools and in universities.

C) It has aroused the interest of many young learners.

D) It has had a greater impact than in any other country.

Section C

George Herbert Mead said that humans are talked into humanity. He meant that we gain


2006.12 1.If you 听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦).If + had 表示对过去事实的假设,用would/should + have + 过去分词 2.With tears on her face, the lady watched her injured son being sent into the surgery(手术室). 3.After the terrorist attack, tourists were advised not 被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游). 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话). 5.It was not until the deadline that he sent out/posted(直到截止日他才寄出)his application form. 2007.06 against foreign companies for market share(正在同外国公司竞争市场份额).find sb.+ doing sth 3.It is absolutely unfair that these children deprived of the right to receive education(被剥夺了

受教育的权利).虚拟语气. 4.Our years of hard work are all in vain, not to mention 更别提我们所花费的大量金钱了). 5.The problems of backs and women have received great 最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注). 2007.12 1.But for mobile phones(要不是), our communication 我们的通信就不能如此迅速和方便).虚拟语气. 2.In handling an embarrassing situation, nothing is more helpful than a sense of humor(没什么比幽默感更有帮助的了). 3.The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, but refused to make further explanation why he was doing so(但他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因). 4.Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while 而动物的行为主要依靠本能). 5.The witness was told that under no circumstances(在

英语六级 翻译常用词

剪纸paper-cuts 除夕the eve of the lunar New Year 守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 放爆竹let off firecrackers 拜年pay a New Year visit 团圆饭family reunion dinner 敬酒propose a toast 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper) 舞狮lion dance 舞龙dragon dance 灯笼lantern 灯谜riddles written on lanterns 灯会exhibit of lanterns 表示主要的,重要的词primary, major, main, chief, important, essential, significant 表示充足的enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant 表示适当的appropriate 表示提升,改善,加强enhance, improve, strengthen 表示合法valid, legal, lawful, rightful 表示卓越不凡extraordinary, excellent, uncommon, remarkable, outstanding. 表示很有名气well-known, noticeable, famous 表示义务,有责任去做compulsory, required, obligatory 表示积极,主动positive, proactive 表示合理sound, rational, correct, sensible, logical,


大学英语四六级翻译常用词汇汇总1. 中国经济发展 总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply 企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司cross-national corporation 创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry 娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry 知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业light industry 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries 市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy 市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power 熊市bear market 牛市bull market 城镇化urbanization 房地产real estate 首付down-payment 业主home owner 个人购房贷款individual housing loan 经济全球化economic globalization 经济特区special economic zones (SEZ) 经济增长economic growth 泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff 纳税人tax payer 宏观经济macro economy


英语六级翻译常用搭配 1.keep up with 跟上 2. Catch up with 赶上 3. Come up with 想出提出 4. End up with 最终 5. Put up with 忍受 6. Make up for 弥补 7. Live up to 达到 8. Turn up 把…… 9. Turn down 拒绝 10. Turn over 翻 11. Turn in 把 12. Have access to sth 获得… 13. Be used to doing sth 习惯做…… 14. Look forward to doing sth/sth 期待做…… 15. Get down to sth. 安下心来…… 16. Lead to/contribute to…/attribute to…归因于…… 17. Be superior to 优越于…… 18. Be inferior to 劣于…… 19. Be senior to 比……年长 20. Be junior to 比……年轻 21. Prior to sth. 22. Range from… to…从……范围到…… 23. Be busy in 在某方面很忙 24. Be busy doing sth 忙于做…… 25. Can’t help doing情不自禁的做…… 26. Feel like doing 喜欢做…… 27. Have a good time (in ) ……玩得开心 28. Have difficulty( trouble) (in) 在某方面遇到问题 29. Spend /waste time(in) 花时间在…… 30. It’s no use doing sth做某事是没有用的 31. There’s no point in做……没有意义 32. In the way/by the way/ in no way 在某种程度上 33. It’s the first/second time that这是第一次…… 34. Catch sb doing sth 赶上某人做某事 35. Call off=cancel 取消 36. Have an influence on sth/sb 对……有影响37. Impose sth on sb. 强加某人做某事 38. But for sth. 但是…… 39. Risk doing sth. 冒险做某事 40. Escape doing sth. 逃避做某事 41. Accuse sb of sth. 指控某人 42. Charge sb with sth. 对某人某事负责 43. Be innocent of sth. 在……上是无辜的 44. Be alert to sth 要警觉…… 45. play a role/part in sth./doing sth 在……扮演重要角色 46. be worth doing sth 值得做…… 47. be worthy of doing sth 做……是有意义的 48. keep/lose contact with sb. 与……保持/失去联系 49. be second to none(首)首屈一指于…… 50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone+名词/代词/动名词不要谈到/提及/忘记…… 51. delay/ mind/ admit/ avoid/ anticipate/ consider/ contemplate/ +doing 推脱/介意/承认/避免/预计/考虑/思考做…… deny/ dislike/ fancy/ finish/ involve/ permit/ practice/ quit/ risk +doing 否认/不喜欢/幻想/结束/沉迷/许可./练习/停止/冒险做…… 52. adapt oneself to…使自己适应…… 53. have no objection to doing sth. 不反对做…… 54. be/get used to doing 习惯做…… 55. confess to 拒绝做…… 56. contribute to 有助于…… 57. devote to 奉献…… 58. object to 反对…… 59. be opposed to 与……相对 60. resort to 诉诸 61. stick to 坚持 62. take to 要…… 63. turn out 生产/证明是 64. a sheet of paper 一张纸 65. throw/cast light on 使明白/阐明 66. response/ reply/ key/ attitude/ approach/ answer/ introduction


翻译题应试技巧 汉语主动句译成英语被动句 我们在汉译英时,往往也需要把汉语主动句译成被动句。这是因为:为了保证上下文连贯,使衔接更紧密,句子更自然;或强调动作承受者;或使语气婉转、措辞恰当。具体转换方法有如下两种。 1)把汉语主动句的宾语译成英语被动句的主语。 例1 ____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary. 译文:Y ou will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new workshop。正是因为题型是补全句子,这就给翻译带来了一定的难度,你必须去适应题型要求而不是让题型来适应你。让我们看看译文已给出部分:by the secretary显然是一个被动语态特征,"秘书"在译文里已经由原来的主语变成了译文句子的补足成分。所以,题目是暗示我们要把原句中"你们"转换成译句里的主语,这样才符合出题要求。 例2 Y ou __________(我们期待你能组织贸易推广活动)this time. 译文:are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns. 简评:根据题目可推知全句意思是:我们期望你能组织这次的贸易推广活动。中文句子主语、谓语、宾语分别是:我们、期望、你。但是在英文译文的给出部分中我们看到句子以you开头,也就是说"你被期望能组织这次贸易推广活动"。中文的宾语变成了英文的主语,这就要求我们在翻译时要使用被动语态。全句完整答案是:Y ou are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns this time. 2)当汉语句以"我们"、"人们"、"大家"等泛指性代词作主语时,在翻译成英文的时候常常可以忽略主语不译,并把英文译句处理成被动语态。处理后的英文译句往往带有know,see,find,say,suppose,estimate,report,suggest,stress,consider,expect,admit,point,understand 等动词。 例3 如果原子失去一个或多个电子,我们就说这个原子带正电荷。 译文:If one or more electrons are removed,the atom is said/believed/thought to be positively charged. 简评:这句话是一个条件从句。即:在原子失去一个或多个电子的情况下,这个电子带正电荷。"我们就说这个原子带正电荷"可理解为"这个原子被认为/ 被确信/ 被说成是带正电荷"。那么根据前面所说的原则,我们在翻译时可以将泛指性主语"我们"省略不译,并使用被动语态。 从这个例子里我们还可以看出,在科技文章中,根据英语表达习惯我们应当多采用被动语态,以强调事物的客观性。 例4 人们采用各种措施来防止腐蚀。 译文:All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion. 简评:这句话可以按原文译成主动态,即:People have taken all kinds of measures to prevent corrosion。也可以用被动语态来翻译--All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion。两者比较而言,被动态译文更突出表明所有、种种措施已经付诸实施,all kinds of measures得到强调,而主动态译法只是平铺直叙,重点不突出。


英语六级翻译指导及练习 翻译策略 1) 分句法 把原文中一个单词或短语译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。 或干脆把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。 例1 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。 译文: It was in mid-August,and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.(一个单句拆分成了一个并列复合句) 例2 他为人单纯而坦率。 译文: He was very clean.His mind was open. (一个单句拆分成两个简单句了) 例3 The mother might have spoken with understandable pride of her child. 译文: 母亲谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感,这是可以理解的。(形容词被拆开) 例4 I wrote four books in the first three years ,a record never touched before. 译文: 我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。(名词短语拆开) 2)合句法 把原文中两个或以上的简单句,主从复合句或并列复合句等译成一个单句。 例5 她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。 译文:She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success.(多个简单句合成一个单句) 例6 他们有遵守交通规则,机器出了故障。 译文:His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.(并列复合句合成一个单句) 例7 When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite. 译文:我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅是出于礼貌。(主从复合句合成一个单句) 翻译练习 1._______________ (通过体育锻炼),we can always stay healthy. 2.According to the scientific research , _____________ (听音乐能使我们放松).Is this really true? 3.______________ (我们绝对不能)ignore the value of knowledge. 4.As is known to all, ______________ (假冒伪劣商品)harm the interests of consumers. 5.Faced with failure,some people can stand up to it, _____________ (从失败中汲取教训)and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. 答案及解析 1. By taking exercises 解析:通过锻炼,我们可以保持健康。其实这题答案不止一个。“锻炼”可以用名词也 “通过”可以用by表示方式,through表示途径。By taking exercises /Through 可以用动词短语。 exercises。往往by用于“by + doing”,而through后接名词哦。 2. listening to music enables us to feel relaxed 解析:“听音乐”在句中作主语,“听”应当处理成动名词形式。“能使我们放松”很多同学会采用can make us feel relaxed的结构。其实,enable就有“能够使某人……”的含义,注意enable sb. to do 的表达。 3. On no account can we


英语六级翻译必备词汇——中国文化 来源:文都图书 自从四六级改革以后,翻译就由之前的部分句子汉译英变成了整段的汉译英,这对于考生来说难度确实加大不少。新翻译涉及到社会、经济、历史、文化等等,这就要求大家在这些方面多加注意并积累。文都在这里给大家总结了一些有关中国文化的必备词。 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 《三字经》The Three-Word Chant 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms 《西游记》Journey to the West; 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions 中国画traditional Chinese painting 书法calligraphy 水墨画Chinese brush painting; 中国结Chinese knot 旗袍Cheongsam 京剧人物脸谱Peking Opera Mask 相声comic crosstalk

皮影戏shadow play; 说书story-telling 武术martial art 阳历solarcalendar 阴历lunarcalendar 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 针灸:Acupuncture 太极拳:Tai Chi 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 孟子:Mencius 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 火锅:Hot Pot 关于六级翻译,内容还是比较广泛的,对于日常生活中比较常见的词语最好都要弄清它的英文翻译。平时也要多注意进行练习,因为是新题型,所以真题比较少,大家可以配套文都出版的《大学英语六级考试真题精析与标准预测》,里面附赠20片短文翻译,让大家有题可做。


大学英语六级翻译策略之汉语主动句译成英语被动句 我们在汉译英时,往往也需要把汉语主动句译成被动句。这是因为:为了保证上下文连贯,使衔接更紧密,句子更自然;或强调动作承受者;或使语气婉转、措辞恰当。具体转换方法有如下两种。 1)把汉语主动句的宾语译成英语被动句的主语。 例1____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary.来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/f011200064.html, 译文:You will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new workshop。正是因为题型是补全句子,这就给翻译带来了一定的难度,你必须去适应题型要求而不是让题型来适应你。让我们看看译文已给出部分:by the secretary显然是一个被动语态特征,“秘书”在译文里已经由原来的主语变成了译文句子的补足成分。所以,题目是暗示我们要把原句中“你们”转换成译句里的主语,这样才符合出题要求。 例2You__________(我们期待你能组织贸易推广活动)this time. 译文:are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns. 简评:根据题目可推知全句意思是:我们期望你能组织这次的贸易推广活动。中文句子主语、谓语、宾语分别是:我们、期望、你。但是在英文译文的给出部分中我们看到句子以you开头,也就是说“你被期望能组织这次贸易推广活动”。中文的宾语变成了英文的主语,这就要求我们在翻译时要使用被动语态。全句完整答案是:You are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns this time. 2)当汉语句以“我们”、“人们”、“大家”等泛指性代词作主语时,在翻译成英文的时候常常可以忽略主语不译,并把英文译句处理成被动语态。处理后的英文译句往往带有know,see,find,say,suppose,estimate,report,suggest,stress,consider,expect,admit,point,understand等动词。 例3如果原子失去一个或多个电子,我们就说这个原子带正电荷。 译文:If one or more electrons are removed,the atom is said/believed/thought to be positively charged. 简评:这句话是一个条件从句。即:在原子失去一个或多个电子的情况下,这个电子带正电荷。“我们就说这个原子带正电荷”可理解为“这个原子被认为/被确信/被说成


英语六级翻译必备短语汇总 1.keep up with 跟上,不落后 2. catch up with 追上,赶上 3. come up with 提出 4. end up with 以…告终 5. put up with 忍受 6. make up for 补偿/填补 7. live up to 不辜负 8. turn up 出现 9. turn down 减少、拒绝 10. turn over 翻转 11. turn in 上缴 12. have access to sth. 有权利使用;有接近(享受)…的机会 13. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 14. look forward to doing sth./sth. 期待做某事/某事 15. get down to sth. 着手做/正式做某事 16. lead to/contribute to…/attribute to… 导致 17. be superior to 优于,胜过 18. be inferior to 比差…,不如… 19. be senior to 比…年长 20. be junior to比…年少 21. prior to 在…之前 22. range from… to… (范围)从…到…;在…范围内变动 23. be busy in 忙于 24. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 25. can't help doing sth.禁不住做某事 26. feel like doing sth. 想要走某事

27. have a good time (in ) 玩得高兴,过得愉快 28. have difficulty( trouble) (in) doing sth. 做…有困难 29. spend /waste time(in) 花费/浪费时间在… 30. It's no use doing sth. 做某事没有好处/意义 31. There's no point in doing sth. 没必要做某事 32. in the way/by the way/ in no way 挡路/顺便说一下/决不 33. It's the first/second time that第一次/第二次… 34. catch sb doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 35. call off/cancel 取消 36. have an influence on sth./sb. 对某事/某人有影响 37. impose sth on sb. 把…强加于某人 38. but for sth. 要不是… 39. risk doing sth. 冒险做某事 40. escape doing sth. 避免做某事 41. accuse sb of sth. 控告某人做某事 42.charge sb with sth. 控告某人做某事 43. be innocent of 无辜的,无罪的 44. be alert to sth. 对…保持警惕 45. play a role/part in sth./doing sth. 在…中扮演角色/发作用 46. be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 47. be worthy of doing sth. 值得做某事 48. keep/lose contact with sb. 与某人保持/失去联系 49. be second to none 最好的,最棒的 50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone 更不要说… 51. delay/ mind/ admit/ avoid// consider/ contemplate/deny/ dislike/ finish/ permit/ practice+doing推迟/介意/承认/避免/考虑/沉思/否认/不喜欢/结束/允许/联系


大学英语六级翻译常用词汇:经济类 中国经济 总需求 aggregate demand 总供给 aggregate supply 企业文化 corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象 corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司 cross-national corporation 创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济 holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业 electronic industry 汽车制造工业 car industry 娱乐业 entertainment industry 信息产业 information industry 知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业 light industry 博彩业 lottery industry 制造业 manufacturing industry 垄断行业 monopoly industries 市场多元化 market diversification 市场经济 market economy 市场监管 market supervision 购买力 purchasing power 熊市 bear market 牛市 bull market 城镇化 urbanization 房地产 real estate 首付 down-payment 业主 home owner 个人购房贷款 individual housing loan


英语六级翻译必背 一、常用句型 一)原因 1.A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem). 2. The change in https://www.doczj.com/doc/f011200064.html,rgely results from the fact that... 3. We may blame ...,but the real causes are... 4.Another contributing factor (cause ) is ... 二)比较 1.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 2.For all the disadvantages,it has its compensating advantages. 3.A and B has several points in common. 4. People used to think ...,but things are different now. 三)批驳 1.There is a grain of truth in these statements,but they ignore a more important fact. 2.Some people say ...,but it does not hold water. 3.It makes no sense to argue for ... 4.Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ... 四)后果 1. It may give rise to a host of problems. 2. The immediate result it produces is ... 3. It will exercise a profound influence upon... 4. Its consequence can be so great that... 五)举例 1.A good case in point is ... 2.Such examples might be given easily. 六)证明 1.No one can deny the fact that ... 2.Recent studies indicate that ... 3.There is sufficient evidence to show that ... 七)开篇 1.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ... 2.Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular. 3.Faced with ...,quite a few people argue that ... 4.According to a recent survey,... 5.With the rapid development of ...... 八)结尾 1. From what has been discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that ... 2. It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ... 3. With the efforts of all parts concerned,the problem will be solved thoroughly. 九)解释原因的 1.to begin with,then,furthermore,finally(强烈推荐) 2.to start with,next,in addition,finally(强烈推荐) 3.first and foremost,besides,last but not least(强烈推荐)


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/f011200064.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 5) 顺序法 顺序法翻译不改变原文表达语序,不会影响对原文内容的理解。 例 1 即使在我们关掉床头灯甜甜地进入梦乡时,电仍然为我们工作:开动电冰箱,把水加热,或使室内空调机继续运转。 译文: Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep ,electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating ourwater, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. 在句子中,句子前半部分是一个让步状语从句,后半句的"开动","加热","使......运转"都是"电在为我们工作"的具体内容。因而在译文中,译者将这三个并行动作处理成了V-ing形式,补充说明working的内容。译文按照原句的语序完全传达了原文的意思,采用顺序法翻译,达到了"精确,通顺"的目的。 例2 It was a Saturday evening, when Tom was lying on the bench ofthe school listening to a blackbird and composing a lyric, that he sawthe girls running among the trees, with the red-cheeked Joe in swiftpursuit. 译文: 那是周六的傍晚,汤姆正躺在学校的长凳上,一面听画眉鸟唱歌,一面写一首抒情诗,忽然看见女孩子们在树林里奔跑,后面紧跟着那红脸的乔。 原句里一连串出现了一系列的动词如:lying, listening, composing, saw,这是按汤姆进行这些动作的先后顺序来描述的,如果在译文中打乱这些顺序,就反而会显得凌乱,没有逻辑。 6)逆序法 逆序法根据目标语使用者表达习惯与目标语读者的认知能力,按原文语序反向翻译,以便更好地传达原文的内容。 例 3 他经常做礼拜的时候,总坐在固定的座位上,可是那天他们发现他不坐在老地方。 请读者比较下面两句译文,你认为哪一句较好? 译文1:When he attended worship, he always took a certain seat, but they found that he took a different one that day.


六级翻译高频词汇 表示主要的:primary, major, main, chief, important, essential, significant 表示充足的enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant 表示适当的appropriate 表示提升,改善,加强enhance, improve, strengthen 表示合法valid, legal, lawful, rightful 表示卓越不凡extraordinary, excellent, uncommon, remarkable, outstanding. 表示很有名气well-known, noticeable, famous 表示义务,有责任去做compulsory, required, obligatory 表示积极,主动positive, proactive 表示合理sound, rational, correct, sensible, logical, reasonable 表示英勇brave, bold, valiant, heroic, courageous, fearless 表示巨大huge, large, giant, vast, enormous 表示牢固稳定sturdy, strong, firm, tough, stable, hardy 表示声誉reputation, fame, prestige 表示巅峰、顶点tip, top, peak, apex, climax 表示发现、探索discover, seek, search 表示增加increase, enlarge, multiply, expand, raise, accelerate, broaden, magnify 表示减少reduce, decrease, decelerate, lessen, diminish, decline, discount, subtract, deduct 表示转变convert, change, transform, switch 表示提供、提交offer, supply, provide, contribute, submit 表示构成、组成constitute, consist, organize, form, establish, compose, comprise,


社会篇 小康社会a well-to-do society 人民生活people’s livelihood 生活水平living standards 生活质量quality of life 住房条件housing conditions 文化程度educational level 就业率employment rate 人均收入average income per capita 年平均工资average annual pay 奖金bonus 生活费用cost of living 消费价格指数consumer price index 环境污染指数environment pollution index 衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling 购买力purchasing power 贫困家庭the needy family 贫困地区poverty-stricken region 下岗be laid off 小康relative affluence 安居乐业live a good life 共同富裕shared prosperity 社会保险social insurance 助学金grant-in-aid 赈灾救济金disaster relief funds 人口population 人口分布population distribution 流动人口transient population 城市人口urban population 农业人口agriculture population 出生率birth rate 自然增长率natural growth rate 负增长率negative growth rate 普查census 户口册household register 计划生育family planning/planned parenthood 优生优育ensure good prenatal and postnatal care 自治区autonomous region 民族ethnic groups 少数民族ethnic minorities/ minority peoples 中国共产党Communist Party of China 经济篇 宏观经济macro economy 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 知识经济knowledge economy 网络经济Internet-based economy 经济规律law of economy 大规模生产mass production 生产力productive forces 生产关系relations of production 公有制public ownership 私有制private ownership 国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 私营企业private business 民营企业privately-run business 中小企业small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 连锁企业franchise / chain business 国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP) 国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 实际增长率growth rate in real terms 年均增长率average growth rate per annum 可持续增长sustainable growth 经济效益economic returns 投资回报率rate of return on investment 衰退recession 宏观调控macro control 提高经济效益enhance economic performance 扭亏为盈turn a loss-making business into a profitable one 优化经济结构optimize economic structure 扩大内需expand domestic demand

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