当前位置:文档之家› 高考英语词汇复习资料汇总5


16.选A。live up to 意为“实践,做到”;stand up to 意为“勇敢地抵抗”;look up to 意为“尊敬,仰望”;run up to 意为“达到,积累到”。

17.选D。turn in 意为“上交,归还”;turn into 意为“进入,(使)变成”;turn to 意为“转向,变成,求助于,致力于”;turn off 意为“关掉,避开”。

18.选C。see about 意为“查询,留意于”;look after和take careof均表示为“照顾,关心”;get down to 意为“开始认真考虑”。

19.选A。set out 意为“陈述,陈列,出发,开始”;set off 意为“出发,动身”;set over 意为“移交,置于……上,指派……管理”;set up意为“设立,竖立,架起,升起,创(纪录),提出”。

20.选A。take on 意为“披上,呈现,具有,雇用,接纳,流行”;dress up 意为“打扮,装饰,伪装”;put on 意为“穿上,把……放在上,装出,增加”;get into意为“进入,陷入,穿上”。



1.“Mike is often absent from class.” “Tell him he _____ answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.”

A. shall

B. will

C. would

D. can


【分析】最佳答案选A。shall 用作情态动词主要有以下两个用法:

(1) 用于疑问句中征求意见。如:

Shall I help you? 要不要我帮帮你?

Shall I open the window? 要我把窗子打开吗?

(2) 用于陈述句中表示允诺、告诫、警告、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等(可用于各类人称)。如:

You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁)

Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。(表规定)

You shall hear everything as soon as you come. 你一来就可听到所有情况了。(表允诺)


(1) “I promise that she _____ get a nice present on her birthday.” “Will it be a great surprise to her?”

A. should

B. must

C. would

D. shall

2. You _______ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.

A. cannot

B. shouldn’t

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t



You can’t be too careful. 你越仔细越好。

You can’t praise the too much. 这本书值得大加赞扬。

We cannot work too much for the people. 我们为人民做工作是不可能做过头的。

A woman cannot have too many clothes. 女人买的衣服再多也不算多。

注:有时也可用can never, impossible 等与too连用来表示类似意思。如:

It is impossible to get there too soon. 去那儿越早越好。

3.“Is John coming by train?” “He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car.”

A. must

B. can

C. need

D. may


【分析】最佳答案为D。may 表推测,may not 意为“可能不(会坐火车来)”。句中的He should 为He should come by train 之省略,由于其后出现转折连词but,说明语意有变化,再结合下文的He likes driving his car,便可决定此题选D。注意,不能选B,因为can表示推测时通常不用肯定陈述句。

4.“I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.” “It ____ true because there was little snow there.”

A. may not be

B. won’t be

C. couldn’t be

D. mustn’t be


【分析】此题最佳答案为C,主要由下文的because there was little snow there 这一语境所决定,既然“没下什么雪”,那么“滑雪”就应是“不可能”,所以选couldn’t be,即选C。

5.“Do you think he is lazy?” “I _____ so once, but I don’t now.”

A. may have thought

B. can have thought

C. may think

D. might think

答案选A。从答话人的语境可知,空格处的意思“曾经这样想过”,即对过去情况作推测,故应用“情态动词+动词完成式”;又因为can 表推测不用于肯定句,故选A。请看类例:

Their answers are exactly the same — one of them ______ from the other.

A. must copy

B. must have copied

C. should copy

D. should have copied


6.You _____ be right, but I don’t think you are.

A. can

B. could

C. must

D. should


【分析】从语境上看,C、D不宜选,在剩下的A和B中,许多同学想当然地选了A,认为整个句子为现在时态,所以选can,而不选过去式could,但是最佳答案却是B而不是A。按照英语语法,情态动词can 用于推测表示可能性时,通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,而不用于肯定句中;但could 用于表推测时,却不仅可用于否定句和疑问句,也可用于肯定句,且此时的could 并不是can 的过去式,与can 也没有时间上的差别,只是could 比can语气更委婉,所以答案选B。注:can 在以下特殊情况下,也可用于肯定句。一是表示抽象的可能性,即从理论上或逻辑上分析是可能的,但是实际上未必会发生。如:Anyone can make mistakes. 任何人都可能会犯错误。二是后接“be (get, seem, become)+形容词”,表示“有时会”、“时常会”等。如:My father can be very unreasonable. 我父亲有时候很不讲道理。


1.“I thought you wouldn’t mind.” “Well, as a matter of fact I don’t, but you _____ me first.”

A. should ask

B. should have asked

C. must ask

D. must have asked

2.“I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn’t recognize her voice.” “Oh, it _____ my aunt Jean.”

A. must be

B. must have been

C. might be

D. can have been

3. That car nearly hit me; I ______.

A. might be killed

B. might have been killed

C. may be killed

D. may been killed

4.It’s a very kind offer, but I really _____ accept it.

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. don’t

5.The police still haven’t found her, but they’re doing all they _____.

A. may

B. can

C. must

D. will

6. You _____ practise the drums while the baby is sleeping.

A. needn’t

B. mightn’t

C. mustn’t

D. won’t

7. You _____ him the news; he knew it already.

A. needn’t tell

B. needn’t have told

C. mightn’t tell

D. mightn’t have told

8.As she’s not here, I suppose she _____ home.

A. must go

B. must have gone

C. might go

D. might be going

9. Are you still here? You ______ home hours ago.

A. should go

B. should have gone

C. might go

D. may have gone

10.“I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn’t recognize her voice.” “Oh, it _____ my aunt Jean.”

A. must be

B. must have been

C. might be

D. can have been

11. I _______ have met him a long time ago. Both his name and face are very familiar.

A. may

B. can

C. would

D. should

13.“Shall we go shopping?” “Sorry, we _______ buy anything now because none of the shops are open.”

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. shouldn’t

14. They often go to the restaurants for meals. They _____ be very poor.

A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. may not

D. needn’t

15.I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She ______ have spoken at the me eting.

A. mustn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. needn’t

D. couldn’t

17. He ______ the test again, in which case, his mother will be very disappointed.

A. might fail

B. must have failed

C. should fail

D. could have failed

18.“Why didn’t she come to the meeting yesterday?” “I’m not so sure. She ______ ill.”

A. should be

B. should have been

C. must be

D. might have been

19. Why did you just sit and watch? You _______ me.

A. could help

B. should help

C. could have helped

D. must have helped

20.“You ______ your teacher f or help. He is kind-hearted.” “Yes. A whole day _______.”

A. can ask, will waste

B. must have asked, had wasted

C. could have asked, was wasted

D. shouldn’t have asked, would be wasted

21.“Is there a flight to London this evening?” “There _______ be. I’ll phone the airport and find it out.”

A. must

B. might

C. would

D. can

22.“Show me your permit, please.” “Oh, it’s not in my pocket. It ______.”

A. might fall out

B. could fall out

C. should have fallen out

D. must have fallen out

23.“Look at these tracks. It _______ be a wolf.” “Don’t be so sure. I think it _______ be a fox.”

A. must; could

B. may; might

C. need; must

D. could; need

25.“Did Jim come?” “I don’t know. He _______ while I was out.”

A. might have come

B. might come

C. mush have come

D. should have come


1.选B,should 后接动词完成式表示“本来应该做某事,结果未做”,此处含有责备之意。

2.选B,对过去情况的肯定推测,宜用“情态动词+ 动词完成式”,再根据句意,可确定答案为B。注:can 表示推测通常不用于肯定陈述句。

3.选B,表示过去可能发生而实际上未发生的事,用might + 动词完成式。若只是推测过去可能已经发生的事,则可用may [might] + 动词完成式,如He may [might] have gone. 他可能已经走了。


5.选B,do all one can 意为“尽力”或“竭尽全力”。

6.选C,mustn’t 在此相当于can’t,且语气更强。

7.选B,“needn’t + 动词完成式”的意思是:本来不必做某事,但实际上做了。上句意思是“你本来不必告诉他这个消息的,因为他(当时)已经知道了”。注意,句中knew 为过去式。

8.选B,must 后接动词完成式表示对过去情况的肯定推测,意为“一定已经做了某事”。

9.选B,should 后接动词完成式表示“本来应该做某事,结果未做”。

10.选B,对过去情况的肯定推测,宜用“情态动词+ 动词完成式”,再根据句意,可确定答案为B。注:can 表示推测通常不用于肯定句。

12.选A。may have done sth 表示对过去可能发生的事进行推测,意为“可能曾经”。

13.选C。根据上下文的语境推知。can’t 意为“不能”。

14.选B。根据上下文的语境推知。can’t 表推测,意为“不不能”。

16.选D。couldn’t have done sth 表示对过去情况进行推测,意为“过去不可能发生过某情况”。

17.选A。根据下文的will be 可知,“他考试再不及格”是将来的事,据此可排除B和D。再根据语意,排除C。

18.选D。从时间上看,由于是昨天没来开会,所以推测他生病也应指昨天,故排除A和C。从语境上看,既然上文说I’m not so sure,那么说明说话者对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选D。


20.选C。couldn’t have done sth 结构在此表示责备,指过去本来可以做某事但实际上未做。第二空填was wasted,陈述的是过去的一事实。

21.选B。根据下文的I’ll phone the airport and find it out 可知,说话人对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选might。若选A,语气太强,不合语境;若选D,不合语法习惯,因为can 表推测通常不用于肯定陈述句中。


24.选A。根据Don’t be so sure 可知前面一空应填must。第二空填的could表示推测,虽为过去式形式,但表示现在意义,语气较委婉,它与表推测的can 主要用于否定句和疑问句不同,它可以用于肯定陈述句。

25.选A。根据句中有关时态可知“他来”发生在过去,故排除B;根据I don’t know 可知选项C语气太肯定,不合适;选项D的意思是“本来应该来”,与语境不合。



1. Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could _______ a good college.

A. enter

B. to enter

C. entering

D. entered

【陷阱】容易误选A。有的同学一看到空格前的情态动词could 就断定此处应填动词原形enter。

【分析】其实正确答案应是B。此句为省略句,即在could 后省略了动词do,若把句子补完整应为Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could do to enter a good college。即句中的不定式短语(to enter a good college)是用作目的状语的,而不是与情态动词(could)一起构成谓语。请再看类似例句:

(1) They did what they could to comfort her. 他们尽量安慰她。

(2) They did everything they could to save her life. 他们尽一切力量拯救她的性命。

(3) He studies as hard as he could to catch up with his classmates. 他拼命学习以便赶上他的同学。


(4) He ran as fast as he could _____ to catch the early bus.

A. to hope

B. hope

C. hoping

D. hoped

此题的答案是C不是A,其中的现在分词短语hoping to catch the early bus 用作伴随状语。

(5) He spent every minute he could _____ spoken English.

A. practise

B. to practise

C. practising

D. practised

此题答案选C,这与前面动词spent 的搭配有关,即spend … (in) doing sth。若将此句补充完整,即为He spent every minute he could spend in practising spoken English.

(6) Before going abroad he devoted all he could ____D____ his oral English.

A. improve

B. to improve

C. improving

D. to improving

此题答案选D,注意两点:一是devote … to … 是固定搭配,意为“把……贡献给……”;二是其中的to 是介词,不是不定式符号,后接动词时要用动名词。

2.He knows nothing about it, so he can’t help _______ any of your work.

A. doing

B. to do

C. being doing

D. to be done

【陷阱】容易误选B,根据can’t help doing sth 这一结构推出。


can’t help to do sth = 不能帮助做某事

can’t help doing sth = 禁不住做某事,情不自禁地做某事


She can’t help ____ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A cleaning B. to clean

C. cleaned

D. being cleaned


While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _____ into buying something they don’t really need.

A. to persuade

B. persuading

C. being persuaded

D. be persuaded

此题应选C,句中的can’t help 意为“禁不住”(注意根据句意用被动形式)。

3. All her time _______ experiments, she has no time for films.

A. devoted to do

B. devoted to doing

C. devoting to doing

D. is devoted to doing



(1) devote 意为“致力于,献身于”,主要用devote…to…或be devoted to,其中的to 是介词,不是不定式符号,故后接动词时要用动名词,不用不定式。

(2) 选A错误:若将do 改为doing 则可以。

(3) 选B正确:all her time devoted to doing experiments为独立主格结构,用作状语。

(4) 选C错误:因为all her time 与devote 为被动关系,故应将devoting改为devoted。

(5) 选D错误:若单独看All her time is devoted to doing experiments,此句并没有错,但问题是逗号前后两个简单句没有必要的连接方式,所以从整体上看仍不对,假若在后一句的句首加上and或so,则可选D,或将D将中的is 改为being也可选它。


(1) All the preparations for the project ______, we’re ready to start.

A. completed

B. have been completed

C. had been completed

D. been completed

(2) Such _______ the case, I couldn’t help but______ him.

A. being, support

B. was, support

C. has been, supporting

D. is, to support


(1) All the preparations for the project ______, and we’re ready to start.

A. completed

B. have been completed

C. had been completed

D. been completed

(2) Such _______ the case, I couldn’t help but______ him.

A. being, support

B. was, support

C. has been, supporting

D. is, to support

4. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult.

A. not make

B. not to make

C. not making

D. do not make


【分析】其实答案应选B,句中的逗号相当于连词and 或but,not to make it more difficult 是对逗号前的不定式to make life easier 的补充说明。此句的意思是“新技术的目的是为了使生活变得更容易,而不是使生活变得更困难”。两个不定式同时用以说明句子主语purpose 的内容。请做以下类似试题(答案选B):

The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but _____ work for young people.

A. provide

B. to provide

C. providing

D. provided

5. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ______ behind his back.

A. to be tied

B. being tied

C. tied

D. having tied


【分析】最佳答案为C。从意义上看,hands 与tie 的关系应属被动关系,故排除D。在A、B、C三个选项中,选项A比较容易排除,因为不定式表示将来意义,在此与语境不符。现将B和C作一比较:B为现在分词的被动式,它表示两层意义,一是表被动,二是表进行,也就是说his hands being tied 的实际意思是“他的手正在被捆住”,这显然与语境不符。而C为过去分词,它也表示两层意义,一是表被动,二是表示动词的完成或完成后的状态,此句中的with his hands tied behind his back 可视为手被捆在背后的一种状态。由此可知最佳答案为C。请看下面一题:

Anyone ______ trying to take knives on heard flights would be caught by the police.

A. finds

B. found

C. being found

D. will find



(1) The court hears about 120 cases a year; visitors are welcome to see a case ______.

A. argued

B. to be argued

C. to be arguing

D. being argued

(2) The silence of the library was sometimes broken by an occasional cough or by the sound of pages _______.

A. turned

B. having turned

C. to be turned

D. being turned

6. Remind me _______ the medicine tomorrow.

A. of taking

B. taking

C. to take

D. take

【陷阱】容易误选A。受remind sb of (doing) sth 这一常用结构的影响。


remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事

remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)

remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)


I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言。

My wife reminded me of seeing that film. 我妻子提醒我曾经看过那部电影。

Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能否提醒我给她打电话?

7. Once your business becomes international, _____ constantly will be part of your life.

A. you fly

B. your flight

C. flight

D. flying


【分析】最佳答案为D。由于空格后出现了constantly这一副词,这就说明不能选B或C,因为B、C均为名词,不能受副词constantly 的修饰。A和D均是可能的,因为其中有动词fly。但若选A,you fly 是一个主谓结构,与其后的谓语will be 相冲突,所以只能选D,即动名词flying在此用作主语。

8. Not only should you get used ______ under difficult conditions but you also you pay more attention ______ your work well.

A. to work, to do

B. to working, to doing

C. to work, to doing

D. to working, to do


【分析】正确答案为B,因为get used to与pay attention to 这两个结构中的to均为介词,不是不定式符号,故后接动词时要用动名词,不能动词原形。类似地,以下各结构中的to 也是介词,不是不定式符号,后接动词时也应用动名词,而不是动词原形:

look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

be opposed to doing sth 反对做某事

object to doing sth反对做某事

stick to doing sth 坚持做某事

get down to doing sth 开始做某事

take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事

admit to doing 承认做了某事

pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事

devote one’s time to doing sth 把某人的时间用于(奉献于)做某事

be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某事

What do you say to doing sth 你认为做某事怎么样

9.Both of my parents insisted _______ a computer for me, but I don’t think it is necessary.

A. to buy

B. buying

C. on buying

D. in buying


【分析】答案应选C。其实,动词insist 后既不能接不定式也不能接动名词,因为insist 通常用作不及物动词;若语义上需接宾语,要借助介词on或upon,即用于insist on [upon] (doing) sth;但它有时的确也可用作及物动词,不过其宾语通常只能是that 从句,而不能是普通的名词、代词或动名词。如:

He insisted on seeing her home. 他坚持送她回家。

I insisted that he (should) stay. 我坚持要他留下。

10.“Do you have anything more ______, sir?” “No. You can have a rest or do something else.”

A. typing

B. to be typed

C. typed

D. to type

【陷阱】容易误选D,根据have sth to do 这一常用结构推出。

【分析】最佳答案是B。确实,在“have+宾语+不定式”结构中,用作定语的不定式通常用主动式表示被动含义,如I have some clothes to wash等,即尽管其中的some clothes 与其后的不定式to wash 具有被动关系,但却习惯上用主动式表示被动意义。但值得指出的是,这类句型的主语与其后的不定式具有主动关系,如I have some clothes to wash 中的to wash 就是由该句主语I 来完成的。而上面一题的情形有所不同,即其中的to type 这一动作不是由句子主语you来完成的,而是由说话者“我”来完成的。比较:

Are you going to Shanghai? Do you have anything to take to your son? 你要去上海吗?你有什么东西要带给你儿子吗?

I’m going to Shanghai next week. I have a lot of things to take with me. 下个星期我要去上海,我随身要带很多东西去。

11. She took her son, ran out of the house, _____ him in the car and drove quickly to the nearest doctor’s office.

A. put

B. to put

C. putting

D. having put


【分析】正确答案选A。句中的took, ran, put, drove 为四并列的谓语动词,其时态应一致。类似地如(答案选A):

I got out of the taxi, _____ the fare and dashed into the station.

A. paid

B. paying

C. to pay

D. having paid


Hearing the news, he rushed out, ______ the book ______ on the table and disappeared into the distance.

A. left; lain open

B. leaving; lying open

C. leaving; lie opened

D. left; lay opened

此题答案选B,leaving 在此表结果,lying open 与其前的动词leave有关,leave 后接现在分词作宾语补足语,表示使某人或某物处于做某事的状态中。

12. The boss insisted that every minute ______ made full use of ______ the work well.

A. be, to do

B. was, doing

C. be, doing

D. was, to do



(1) 第一空填be,是因为insisted 后接that从句,从句谓语要用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气,其中的should 也可省略。

(2) 第二空要填to do,是因为此句谓语为被动语态,假若将此句转换成主动语态,则是…should make full use of every minute to do the work well, 句中涉及make use of … to do sth (利用……做某事)这一结构。另外,还有make the most of (尽量利用),make the best of (尽量利用)等短语也可能用于此类试题。请看以下类似例子:

(1) The old professor told us every part of the materials should be made use of ______ the power station.

A. to build

B. building

C. build

D. built


…make use of every part of the materials to build the power station

由此可见,make use of 的宾语是every part of the materials,其后的不定式to build the power station 为目的状语。

(2) Does the way you thought of _______ the water clean make any sense?

A. making

B. to make

C. how to make

D. having made

此题答案选B,不是A。句子主语是the way,you thought of 是修饰主语的定语从句,不定式to make the water clean 也是修饰主语的定语,也就是说,句子主语带有两个定语修饰语。

13. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.

A. carried out

B. carrying out

C. carry out

D. to carry out



(1) that they would like to see _____ the next year 是修饰名词the plan 的定语从句。

(2) 由于the plan 与空格处的carry out 有被动关系,故填过去分词carried out。


(1) Who do you think you’d like _____ with you, a boy or a girl?

A. to have go

B. to have to go

C. to have gone

D. having to go


I think I’d like to have a boy go with me.

句中的go 要用原形,这是因为其前有表示使役的动词have。在此句中,假若对名词a boy 提问,便可得出:Who do you think you’d like to have go with you?


(2) Who did the boss _____ his car this time?

A. make wash

B. make to wash

C. make washing

D. making to wash


The boss made Jack wash his car this time.

假若对句中的名词Jack 提问,便可得出:

Who did the boss make wash his car this time?


(3) You can never imagine what great difficulty I had ______ your house all by myself.

A. found

B. finding

C. to find

D. for finding

此题答案选B。考查的基本结构是have great difficulty (in) doing sth。

14. How happy we are! The holiday we have been looking forward _______ at last.

A. to has come

B. to have come

C. to having come

D. has come


【分析】其实正确答案是A。大家知道,短语look forward to意为“盼望”,其中的to 是介词,而不是不定式符号,所以后接动词要用动名词,许多同学据此便选择了C。但问题是,句中介词to 的宾语不是have come,而是the holiday。正解的句子分析是:the holiday为句子主语,we have been looking forward to 是修饰主语的定语从句(介词to 的宾语是引导该定语从句的关系代词that,被省略),has come 是句子谓语。请做以下类似试题:

(1) The man you referred to _____ just now.

A. comes

B. come

C. coming

D. came

答案选D,句子主语为the man,you referred to 为修饰the man 的定语从句,空白处填came,为句子谓语。

(2) The theory he sticks to ______ to be of no use in our studies.

A. proves

B. prove

C. proving

D. be proved

答案选A,he sticks to 是修饰主语the theory 的定语从句,句子的基本结构为The theory proves to be of no use i n our studies.

(3) The work he devoted his time to _____ worth praising.

A. was

B. be

C. being

D. been

答案选A,he devoted his time to 是修饰主语the work 的定语从句。句子的基本结构为The work was worth praising.

(4) I think this is the very work that we must finish ____ her.

A. to help

B. help

C. helping

D. helped

答案是A。句中空格处填的动词help 并不是finish 的宾语,正确的句子分析是:that I must finish 是修饰名词the very work 的定语从句,finish 的宾语是引导该定语从句的关系代词that,其后的不定式to help her 是目的状语。

(5) Which do you enjoy ____ your weekend, swimming or fishing?

A. spending

B. being spent

C. spend

D. to spend

答案选D。enjoy 的宾语是句首的疑问词which,不是其后的动词spending。此题中的to spend… 用作目的状语。

(5) What the boy enjoys _____ to have a room of his own.

A. being

B. to be

C. is

D. are

答案选C,而不选A。what the boy enjoys 是主语从句,空格处填的is 为谓语动词。

(6) Nothing that he suggested _____ to be of any use.

A. prove

B. proved

C. proving

D. to prove

答案选B,而不选C。句子主语是nothing,that he suggested 是修饰主语的定语从句,suggested 的宾语是引导该定语从句的关系代词that,而不是其后的动词;句子谓语是proved。全句意为“他建议的情况没有一条是有用的。”

(7) The old house we paid a visit _____ at the top of the hill.

A. standing

B. to stand

C. to standing

D. to stands

答案选D。we paid a visit to 是修饰the old house 的定语从句,句中的stands 为主句谓语。

(8) The life he is now used _____ quite different from ours.

A. is

B. to be

C. to being

D. to is

答案选D。句中he is now used to 是修饰the life 的定语从句,to 后的动词is 是句子的谓语,句意为“他现在习惯的这种生活与我们的生活很不相同”。

(9) The work he paid special attention _____ to nothing.

A. came

B. to come

C. to coming

D. to came

答案选D。句中的he paid special attention to 是修饰the work 的定语从句,to 后的动词came 是句子的谓语,句意为“他特别关注的那项工作泡汤了”。

(10) The result what he said would lead _____ his regret in the future.

A. is

B. to be

C. to being

D. to was

答案选D。句中what he said would lead to 是修饰the result 的定语从句,to 后的动词was 是句子的谓语,句意为“他所说的话将导致的结果是他今后的后悔”。

15._______ the road round to the right and you’ll find his house.

A. Follow

B. Following

C. To follow

D. Followed


【分析】正确答案选A。根据句中的连词and 可推知它是一个并列句。假若将此题改为下面这样,则答案为B:_______ the road round to the right, you’ll find his house.

A. Follow

B. Following

C. To follow

D. Followed


_______ the road round to the right, the blind man asked a boy to guide him.

A. Follow

B. Following

C. To follow

D. Followed


(1) _______ to the top of the hill, and you can see the whole of the town.

A. Get

B. To get

C. Getting

D. Having got

(2) ______ the milk and set a good example to the other children.

A. Drink

B. To drink

C. Drinking

D. Having drinking

(3) ______ me, and then try to copy what I do.

A. Watch

B. Watching

C. To watch

D. Have watching

(4) _____ through this book and tell me what you think of it.

A. Look

B. Looking

C. To look

D. Having looked

(5) _____ it with me and I’ll see what I can do.

A. Leave

B. Leaving

C. If you leave

D. When left


(6) _____ down the radio —the baby’s asleep in the next room.

A. Turn

B. Turning

C. to turn

D. To have turned

(7) _____ some of this juice — perhaps you will like it.

A. Try

B. Trying

C. To try

D. To have tried

以下各题也应选A,是因为句中的从属连词when, before, until 等(填空句为祈使句):

(8) ______ him enough time to get home before you telephone.

A. Give

B. To give

C. Giving

D. Given

(9) ______ left when you get to the end of the street.

A. Keep

B. Keeping

C. To keep

D. Kept

(10) ______ your hand over your mouth when you cough.

A. Put

B. Putting

C. To put

D. To be putting

(11)______ until the lights have turned to green.

A. Wait

B. To wait

C. Waiting

D. Having waited

(12) ______ the pieces of cloth with a loose stitch before finally sewing them together.

A. Join

B. To join

C. Joining

D. Joined


(13) I don’t want to listen a long story — just _____ me the result.

A. tell

B. telling

C. to tell

D. to be telling

(14) Why stand there watching — _____ and help us!

A. come

B. coming

C. to come

D. to be coming

(15) Don’t waste your m oney on silly things — ______ it.

A. save

B. to save

C. saving

D. having saved

(16) First ______ the rice by washing it, then ______ it in boiling water.

A. prepare, cook

B. preparing, cooking

C. preparing, cook

D. prepare, cooking

(17) To test eggs, _____ them in a bowl of water: if they float they’re bad, if they sink they’re good.

A. put

B. putting

C. to put

D. to be putting


(18) ______ French well, she went to France to live with his cousins.

A. Study

B. To study

C. Studying

D. Having studied

(19) _____ late in the morning, Mr. Smith turned off the alarm.

A. Sleep

B. To sleep

C. Sleeping

D. Having slept

(20) ______ the flies out, we had to shut all the doors and windows.

A. Keep

B. To keep

C. Keeping

D. Having kept

(21) ______ their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English.

A. Improving

B. To improve

C. Improve

D. Having improved


1. He looked around and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put

B. to be putting

C. to put

D. putting

2.When you’re learning to drive, _______ a good teacher makes a big difference.

A. have

B. having

C. and have

D. and having

3. I felt it a great honour ______ to speak to you.

A. to ask

B. asking

C. to be asked

D. having asked

4. I would love _______ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go

B. to have gone

C. going

D. having gone

5. Before you decide to leave your job, _______ the effect it will have on your family.

A. consider

B. considering

C. to consider

D. considered

6.Robert is said _______ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

A. to have studied

B. to study

C. to be studying

D. to have been studying

7. It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows _______.

A. it what to do with

B. what to do it with

C. what to do with it

D. to do what with it

8. Anyone _______ bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police.

A. seen carry

B. seen carrying

C. saw to carry

D. saw carrying

9. Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _______ some schools for poor children.

A. set up

B. setting up

C. have set up

D. having set up

10. The discovery of new evidence led to _______.

A. the thief having caught

B. catch the thief

C. the thief being caught

D. the thief to be caught

11. She looks forward every spring to _______ the flower-lined garden.

A. visit

B. paying a visit

C. walk in

D. walking in

12.To test eggs, _______ them in a bowl of water: if they float they’re bad, if they sink they’re good.

A. put

B. putting

C. to put

D. to be putting

13.“Where is David?” “He is upstairs ______ ready to go out.”

A. to get

B. getting

C. to be getting

D. having got

14.“Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?” “________ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.”

A. Get

B. Getting

C. To get

D. to be getting

15. He was reading his book, completely _______ to the world.

A. lost

B. losing

C. to lose

D. to have lost

16. We looked everywhere for the keys, but they are nowhere _______.

A. to find

B. to have found

C. to be found

D. being found

17. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______.

A. not to

B. not to do

C. not do it

D. do not do

18. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _______ in the kitchen.

A. smoke

B. smoking

C. to smoke

D. smoked

19. Finding her car stolen, _______.

A. a policeman was asked to help

B. the area was searching thoroughly

C. it was looked for everywhere

D. she hurried to a policeman for help

20.“How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?” “The key ______ the problem is to meet the demand ______ by the customers.”

A. to solving, making

B. to solving, made

C. to solve, making

D. to solve, made

21.“What do you think made Mary so upset?” “_______ her new bike.”

A. As she lost

B. Lost

C. Losing

D. Because of losing

22. The research is so designed that once _______ nothing can be done to change it.

A. begins

B. having begun

C. beginning

D. begun

23. Though ________ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked

B. lacking of

C. lacking

D. lacked in

24. Tony was very unhappy for _______ to the party.

A. having not been invited

B. not having invited

C. having not invited

D. not having been invited

25. Though I have often heard this song _______. I have never heard you _______ it.

A. being sung, sang

B. sang, singing

C. sung, sing

D. to be sung, to sing

26. He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until _______ to.

A. spoken

B. speaking

C. speak

D. be spoken

28. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person _______.

A. to send

B. for sending it

C. to send it to

D. for sending it to

29. _______ on time, this medicine will be quite effective.

A. Taking

B. Being taken

C. Taken

D. Having taken

30. The film star walked to his car, ______ a crowd of journalists.

A. followed by

B. following by

C. to follow

D. to be followed by

31. After describing the planned improvements, she went on _______ how much they would cost.

A. to explain

B. explaining

C. to be explaining

D. having explained

32. Please excuse me _______ your letter by mistake.

A. to open

B. to have opened

C. for opening

D. in opening

33.Please remember _______ the plants while I’m away.

A. watering

B. to be watering

C. to water

D. being watering

34. Certainly I posted your letter — I remember ______ it.

A. posting

B. to post

C. to be posting

D. have posted

35. Stop _______ me to hurry up. I can only go so fast.

A. to tell

B. telling

C. to have told

D. having told

36. Remember _______ off the light when _______ to bed.

A. turning, going

B. to turn, to go

C. turning, to go

D. to turn, going

37._______ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

A. Having given

B. To give

C. Giving

D. Given

38. _______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

A. Being founded

B. It was founded

C. Founded

D. Founding

39. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ________.

A. 20 dollars remained

B. 20 dollars to remain

C. remained 20 dollars

D. remaining 20 dollars

40. The picture _______ on the wall is painted by my nephew.

A. having hung

B. hanging

C. hangs

D. being hung

41. With a lot of difficult problems ________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

A. settled

B. setting

C. to settle

D. being settled

42. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _______ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see

B. to be seen

C. seeing

D. seen

43. Tony was very unhappy for _______ to the party.

A. having not been invited

B. not having invited

C. having not invited

D. not having been invited

44.“Good morning. Can I help you?” “I’d like to have this package _______.”

A. be weighed

B. to be weighed

C. to weigh

D. weighed

45. What have we said _______ her so happy?

A. makes

B. to make

C. made

D. has made

46. What worried the child most was ______ to visit his mother in the hospital.

A. his not allowing

B. his not being allowed

C his being not allowed D. having not being allowed

47.“Which sweater is yours?” “The one _______ No. 9.”

A. that marked

B. was marked with

C. which marked

D. marked with

48.If the car won’t start, _____ it.

A. try push

B. try pushing

C. to try pushing

D. to try to push

49. They stayed up until midnight _____ the old year out and the new year in.

A. and saw

B. to see

C. seeing

D. for seeing


1.选D。catch sb doing sth 意为“碰上某人在做某事”或“逮住某做某事”。

2.选B。这是一个含when 引导时间状语从句的主从复合句,having a good teacher 在主句中用作主语。

3.选C。句中的it 为形式主语,不定式to be asked to speak to you 为真正主语,因“我”与ask为被动关系,故用被动式。

4.选B。like 和love后接不定式或动名词均可,但would love / like 后只能接不定式,据此可排除选项C、D。表示过去未曾实现的愿望,其后要接不定式完成式,即选B。

5.选A,before 引导的是时间状语从句,填空句为主句,而此主句为一祈使句,故动词用原形。其中it will hav e … 为修饰名词the effect 的宾语从句。

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