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英文简历模板(personal resume)

英文简历模板(personal resume)
英文简历模板(personal resume)

First name Family name


Phone number


Job title


Publisher and writer, with 8+ years of experience of working on diverse writing projects. Highly skilled in writing new content, and providing feedback on areas such as syntax, sentence constructions, and mood. Ability to take directions via email and phone to get the things done. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES

Proofreading Editing Story Building


? Co-authored a book with an Italian writer, recently published by Cambridge Publishers.

? Wrote 3 mystery novels in 5 years, as a result, awarded the most prolific novelist of the year.


Content Writer (works from home)

Content Generators Inc., Wheeling, WV | 5/2014 – Present

? Obtain instructions for building content in accordance with specific projects.

? Check timelines and create writing plans accordingly.

? Research facts and fallacies related to subject matters.

? Write content for platforms such as websites and social media channels. EDUCATION

Bachelor’s Degree in Publishing

West Virginia State University, Wheeling, WV – 2009


外企应聘电子版英文简历模板 对于英文简历的写作、参加笔试和面试,都应该作好充分的准备。有关这一方面的技巧,我们将在今后进行介绍。下面搜集外企应聘电子版英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 外企应聘电子版英文简历模板CAREER OBJECTIVE Efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust. SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals. Instructed Quality Development courses. Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems. Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders. Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash


优秀英文个人简历模板范文 英文简历是求职者求职成功的开路先锋,那你知道英文简历该怎 么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文版个人简历范文,希望对你有用。 英文版个人简历范文(一) Basic information Full name: xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant) Education experience

In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版个人简历范文(二) Name XXX mobil:139******** affiliation height Eductional systme degree of census register Professional secretary professional school graduate


Invitation Letter-Visiting Scholar Applicant: Date of Birth: Institution of Applicant: Acceptant Institution: Supervisor: Research field: Proposed starting date: Proposed ending date: Person’s Status: Dear Mr. XX, I would like to formally invite you to be a Visiting Scholar in our laboratory for a year, starting in late 2015. The expected period of visiting will be from December, 2015 to December, 2016. It is my pleasure to write this letter to support your application for the China Scholarship Council (CSC) grant, which would cover the cost of living, travel, medical insurance, etc. for the duration of your stay in Japan, and hope it will be approved. You will focus the research on XXX.You and your home institution will be fully responsible for your stipend to cover all your accommodation and travel cost when you work in our lab, and I will provide you all necessary infrastructure and facilities to carry out the research at our department. In addition, based on our previous contact with you, we believe your English is fluent enough to undertake research studies in our research environment, and your English level has enough to study and work in XXX University. We look forward to your arrival in my Lab. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems. Yours sincerely, (Signature) (Title) Address: E-mail:


出国留学申请CV模板,出国留学申请CV范文 注:原文发表在云飞跃友情博客,链接为https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc16592315.html,/logs/52369497.html。本文由云飞跃市场团队作了适当的校对和采编,转载请注明出处https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc16592315.html,/blog/?p=214。 今天讲CV先,之前收到小叽同学的CV,打开一看,GPA旁边还粘了一张用EXCEL做的GPA四年曲线表,把我昏过去了…所以决心先写CV篇。 CV,两个字加三个符号:Be Professional!!! 一定要看上去专业,CV是你的门面,你的脸,所有的申请,读书也好实习也好工作也好征婚也好,了解一个人,就凭这张纸,把自己化妆得漂亮点,关键是要让人信得过,让人觉得你靠谱,让人觉得你professional! 我三年前申请的时候,也没有任何人教,到处查CV的模板,自己反复改了很多遍改到烦死了,最后就递交了算了,时间也来不及。 后来到了这里,学校有专门的就业指导中心,帮你改CV,各个学院也专门有针对各个学院的,我跑过很多个,也认真研习了各种学校提供的CV参考模板,有很系统的一套。我写这个系列的目的就是指出CV写作的要点,剖析常见错误。我以前犯过的,你们不要重蹈覆辙。 我每年都更新我的CV,主要是确实有需要的场合用到,第一年07年申请学校,第二年08年申请夏天的实习,第三年09年申请工作,后来又申请GA,针对每个工作内容都改一版新的。 “针对”很重要! 内容要针对! 语言和排版要专业! 就这两个。 我为了写这个CV篇重新翻出我当年申请时候的CV,和之后每年更改的CV,现在看当年的,简直是相形见绌,哭笑不得,那幼稚的,拿不出手,遮脸遮脸。 那么Pirate Radio(非常好看英伦摇滚电影海盗电台)里面说,能承认错误的,才称得上是个男人。 话说,CV和RESUME,的区别,是RESUME就一页,你人生之精华,就缩在一页之内,是给人家一瞟眼了解你用的。


外企个人英文简历范文 basic information name: sex don\t: female people race: the han nationality birth: january 27, 1987 body high: 163 cm body weight: 60 kg households record: now is located in guangdong zhanjiang, guangdong zhanjiang graduate school: guangzhou kang big professional technology institute study calendar: the specialized subject professional name: graduated from financial accounting year: XX term: two years or above post says: objective position properties: the post job category: financial/audit/tax-accounting financial/audit/tax-finance/accounting assistant financial/audit/tax-a cashier job title: accounting; accounting assistant; cashier work areas: xia zhan jiang city mountain; zhan jiang city zone; salary: rmb 2500 / month do not need to provide housing starting time: skills expertise language: english level 2; standard mandarin computer ability: certificate national computer rank examination level 1; education training education experience: time school education


2017英语简历模板范文 简历不是很多人认为的用来填写个人的“丰功伟绩”,或者仅仅是把工作经历,学习状况罗列一下。只要你的简历没有引起招聘单位的注意,那么你的这次应聘就是失败的。 2017英语简历模板范文篇一fwdq 女 24岁湖北人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 不限 求职意向:毕业生 自我描述 本人预备党员,本科英语专业应届毕业生,第二外语是韩语,普通话二级乙等,同时精通粤语。获得教师资格证与大学英语六级证书。在校期间获得多次奖学金和一次国家励志奖学金,同时长期担任学生干部,荣获“优秀学生干部”“优秀共青团干部”和校“十佳团员”称号。本人虚心好学,虽是应届毕业生,无工作经验,但在工作中将不断向同事学习提升自我,更好地完成自己的工作。 大学所获荣誉: 院团委第十一届宣传部部长,并荣获“优秀共青团干部”称号 第十六届校卫队队员,于2013年12月荣获“优秀校卫队员”称

号 获得乙等奖学金,荣获“优秀学生干部”称号 荣获“三好学生”称号 在湖北民族学院“青年马克思主义者培养工程”第三期大学生骨干培训班中顺利结业并有幸评为“优秀学员” 在湖北民族学院“星级文明寝室”创建活动中,被评为“优秀寝室长” 在大学生寒期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在湖北民族学院“携手朝阳青年心共筑美丽中国梦”暑期社会实践活动中评为校级“优秀个人” 在大学生暑期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在劳动周保卫工作中获得校级通报嘉奖 荣获年度国家励志奖学金 评为湖北民族学院科技学院学年度“十佳团员” 参加湖北民族学院举办的“敬畏生命”征文比赛,荣获校级三等奖 2017英语简历模板范文篇二fwdq 女 23岁湖南人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资: 5000-8000元 工作地点:广州 - 南沙


访学申请信样本电子邮件版本 该申请信只是样本,请根据自己的需要增补相关信息,尤其是本专业的研究方向、国内研究团队的优势及申请对方学校的原因等 Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc16592315.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信

resume 英文简历模板-精选范文

resume 英文简历模板 My name is HIN RESUME. I was born on August 25, 1985, in Hengyang, Hunan Province. In 1990 I graduated from Harbin Technical Institute where I majored in electronic engineering, and then I was assigned to work in an electronic apparatus factory as a technician for nine years. During this period I gained some practical experience in designing and manufacturing several varieties of electronic apparatus. In the fall of 1983, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University as a graduate student. Six months before I took the examinations, I started to study higher algebra and analysis by myself in my leisure time. Since the enrollment I have completed all the courses required by the graduate program, making straight A both in my undergraduate and graduate courses. My performance in the graduate seminars of Differential Calculus and Mathematical and Physical Formulas shows that I have got a good grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics. I have been studying English intensively for six months. I have attended an English class taught by an American professor. Ms. Kathy Swift, from the City University of New


出国留学英文简历 RESUME No.S, Gate, Building Beijing Language and Culture University Beijing, 100083 People’s Republic of China PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth: 8,7,1968 Sex: Female Place of Birth: Xiamen, Fujian Province Marital Status: Single Nationality: People’s Republic of China Health: Excellent EDUCATION 09/86—07/88 UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, TEH PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY OF BEIJING Graduation: 07/88 Honors: Top Student Class monitor National “Honor Student” Highest scores from the University High School in the National Entrance Examination for Universities

09/88---07/92 BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNIVERSITY, BEIJING (formerly BEIJING LANGUAGE INSTITUTE) Foreign Languages Department Major: English Minors: Linguistics, French and Computer Science Degree: B.A Honors: Dean’s List University Scholarships for 4 consecutive years WORKING EXPERIENCE 08/92---01/94 BEIJING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY, BEIJING Research Foreign Language Department Assistant Project: Improvement of Computer programs for English-Chinese /Chinese-English translations 07/93---pres. BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNIVERSITY, BEIJING Assistant Adult Education Institute Professor Course taught: English Listening Comprehension 01/94---pres. BEIJING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY, BEIJING


外企推荐的超完美简历模板 目录 英文简历模板1(毕业生) (2) 英文简历模板2(有工作经验者) (3) 英文简历模板3(秘书) (4) 英文简历模板4(翻译) (5) 英文简历模板5(律师) (6) 英文简历模板6(前台) (7) 英文简历模板7(后勤) (9) 英文简历模板8(会计师) (10) 英文简历模板9(管理员) (11) 英文简历模板10(销售助理) (12) 英文简历模板11(人事助理) (13) 英文简历模板12(市场主管) (14) 英文简历模板13(培训协调员) (16) 英文简历模板14(工业工程师) (17) 英文简历模板15(人力资源总监) (18) 英文简历模板16(酒店文职人员) (20) 英文简历模板17(人力资源招聘专员) (21) 英文简历模板18(客户服务代表) (22)

英文简历模板1(毕业生) Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (010) 62771234 Email:good@ https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc16592315.html, Zheng Yan --------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development. Education 1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E. 1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E. Academic Main Courses Mathematics Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming Electronics and Computer Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network Computer Abilitees Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, javabeans, HTML, CGI, , Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software English Skills Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213 Scholarships and Awards 1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate 1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award 1997.4 Academic Progress Award


销售类英文简历模板范文 erseas work experience: No Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Chongqing Yuzhong District, Chongqing Jiangbei District Expect to engage in the industry: fast-moving consumer goods (grain, oil, food and drink of alcohol on ...) Consumer durable goods (furniture, textile and apparel ...) Financial sector (banks and insurance securities investment funds futures) Professional services (legal accounting audit consultancy) Expectations of job: Sales Class - staff Insurance / banking Advisory / consultancy category Administrative / Personnel category Salary expectations:到岗time: 1 week Self-evaluation / career goals Self-evaluation: I, outgoing, cheerful, and will actively work towards the use of office software such as WORDEXCEL. A serious and responsible work, communication and sales ability, good with customers to establish a good relationship, have a good professional and vigorous and resolute style of work, at the same time I work in the previous sales have been among the best. Respect for leadership, unity and colleagues, a strong sense of teamwork, courage in the face of setbacks and pressure to adapt to different working environments! Educational background School Name: Chongqing TV (June 2020 - 2020 9 months)


访问学者英文信 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

D e a r p r o f e s s o r As an professor of xx University, I am writing the recommendation letter with great sincerity to furnish you with my knowledge of my student xx in support of his visting scholor to your laboratory. Should this letter be of any assistance of your processing of his application, I will be much delighted. xx is now studying at our university for his phD studies and I am tutoring his phD thesis. I taught him the courses of xx and xx during his graduate student period.To be honest, he exhibited diligent and industrious research spirit significantly in the learning process. With agile thinking, he also positively devoted himself to the literatures and specialized training intently and earnestly. What's more,he displayed positive attitude towards writing his graduation thesis by asking me for large amount of advices modestly and raising various originative opinions. During studies at university, he is enthusiastic for every specialized course and school activities. Adopting a diligent and surefooted attitude and striving for excellence, he was obsessed with application software relating to our speciality and brings forward his own ideas, cultivating his own ways of

英文求职简历模板 CV or Resume model

XXXXXX ? : 35 Mowbray Street Date of Birth: Coventry CV2 4FZ Nationality: XXXXX (eligible to work in XXXX) ? : 00 44 0 ..................... @ : XXXXX@hotmail.fr Profile/Careers Objective A highly-motivated (1. personal attribute), second-/final- year student in XXX (e.g. Business Studies) (2. academic background), with substantial relevant work experience in XXXX (e.g. marketing/manufacturing) (3. experience) through which I acquired solid team-working, communication and problem solving skills (4. skills), seeking a position as a XXX (e.g. trainee), etc in the company XXXX (5. goal) 2005 / 2006 BEng in European Engineering Studies University of Coventry Modules Included: Network Management, Multimedia Technology, Networks & Protocols, English for Engineers, Management, Communication Networks & Transmission, Principles of Computers Networks Skills developed: Excellent command of xxx (software/machinery), good team- working and leadership skills (leader on various team projects), good communication skills (produced a number of oral and written reports). 2003 / 2005BTEC Higher National Diploma (Telecoms & Networks) University Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 Modules Included: Networks, Programming, Mathematics, Electronics, Telecoms, English, Management, Laws of economy Skills developed: ………………………. (June 2003 A-Level in Electronics College of Gresivaudan France) April - Placement at research center : CEA May 2005 Commissariat Energies Atomiques at Grenoble Position: Network Administrator Responsibilities:Placement for an end of Year Project Network supervision, setting up of server with MRTG software, worked on router CISCO for manage VLAN Skills Acquired: IT Skills; Installation of LINUX, Command switch CISCO, research and analytical skills, Communication within a company July - Retail Experience : Cash Converter’s August 2004Duration: 2 Months with additional shifts through the year Position: Sales Assistant & Shop Cashier Responsibilities: Clients information, Stock Checks, Repairs (PCs & other hardware) Skills Acquired:Communication skills were improved, gained experience in how a store operates and functions


出国留学个人英文简历范文 出国留学是的英文简历要怎么写呢?下文是出国留学个人英文简历范文,希望可以帮到你们。 出国留学个人英文简历范文(一) Curriculum Vitae Name: Gender: Male Date of Birth: Place of Birth: China Marital status: SingleLanguage: English, proficient Telephone: Email: Education Experience September 1989 - July 1993 Department of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang Institute of Aeronautics * Majored in Radio Engineering * Won a third-class Award in the Contest of Technological Facture &; Experimental Skills in Electronics and Electrician, for Students from the Colleges affiliated to the Ministry of Aeronautics &; Astronautics

*Masterful in analog circuit, power circuit, switching power circuit, operation and lification; proficient in solving problems related to analog circuit. * Bachelor of Engineering Degree obtained in July 1993 September 1993 - July 1996 Nanjing University of Aeronautics &; Astronautics * Majored in munication &; Electrical System * Main field of research was contemporary munication circuit, especially on high efficiency, high frequency power lifier (Class E and Class S). *Instructed undergraduate students in their research on wide band frequency multiplier * My diploma thesis was The Electromagic patibility Testing System of an Airplane * Read extensively on electromagic patibility and its testing, obtained a through knowledge on the test of electromagic patibility, and on the solutions (methods and instrument) to the issues of electromagic patibility. Familiar with the testing standards, especially the GJB and the MTL-STD * Master of Engineering Degree obtained in July 1996

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