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3.美国翻译理论学家奈达将翻译的意义概括成:语义和问题。“translating consists in

reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”










3.第三, 就翻译材料的文体而言,可分为应用文体、科技文体、论述文体、

















1.the commuter dies with trememdous mileage to his credit. 上班族一生中有着惊人的行程。

2.I was with my father on a business-and-pleasure trip.我和父亲一起出来,既是出差,也是游


3.size don‘t matter, chopping wood 个头没啥关系,劈柴嘛

4.from there I could the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very

beautiful , and the sight of it filled me with longing. 从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只


5.Edward Ferras was mot recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person

or address. He was not handsome, and his manners required intimacy to make them pleasing.

He was too different to do justice to himself.爱德华·菲拉斯之所以能博得她们的好感,倒不是因为他人品出众,风度翩翩。他并不漂亮,那副仪态嘛,只有和他熟悉了才觉得逗人喜爱。他过于腼腆,这就使得他越发不能显现本色了。

6.he found them pushing needles , threads , pots, pans, ribbons, yarn, scissors and buttons to


7.he sleeps late 他起得晚

8.I shall not expect you until I see you 你随便什么时候来吧。


1.Marianne‘s preserver, as Margaret, with more elegance than precision, stiled Willoughby

called at cottage early the next morning to make his personal inquiries. 玛丽安的救命恩人(这是玛格丽特对威洛比言过其实的美称),第二天一早一早就到乡舍来问安.

2.Mr. Collins had a compliment, and an allusion to throw in here, which were kindly smiled on

the mother and daughter. 说到这里,柯林斯先生赶忙恭维了一句,还暗示了一下原因,母女俩听了,都粲然一笑.

3.He emerged on January 31 to go to Deli for the conference which, however negative from his

point of view, at least provided the occasion for his bath in 29 days. 一月三十一日,史迪威公开露面,去德里参加会议.这次会议在他看来不管有多么消极,至少为他提供了一个29天以来第一次洗澡的机会.

4.―And you are my uncle, then!‖ she cried, reaching up to salute him. ―这么说,你是我姑父啦,‖


5.Clare stood still, and inclined his face towards hers.

―Oh, Tessy!‖ he exclaimed.

The girl‘s cheeks burned to the freeze, and she could not look into his eyes for the emotion.

克莱站住了脚,把脸贴向苔丝的脸. ―哦,苔丝!‖他失声嚷道.苔丝感到了他嘴里冒出来的气息,脸上给烧得火辣辣的,她心神摇荡,不敢在盯着克莱的眼睛了.

6.…the fate of men is as grim and bleak as the fate of women. Toilers and warriors. 男人的命


7.…in 1873 Strauss appropriated and patented the gimmick- and hired Davis as a regional

manager. 1873年,施劳特斯采纳了这一小发明,出资位置申请了专利-并雇用戴维斯做一地区经理.

8.When to those recollections was added the development of Wickham‘s character, it may be

easily believed that the happy spirit which had seldom been depressed before, were now so much affected as to make it almost impossible for her to appear tolerably cheerful. 一丽莎白虽说一向性格开朗,难得有意志消沉的时候,但是一想起这些事,加上渐渐认清了威客姆的真面目,心里难免受激,因而连强作欢颜也办不到了,这是可想而知的.

9.I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last men in the world whom I

could ever be prevailed on to marry. 我认识你还不到一个月的时候,就觉得哪怕我一辈子找不到男人,也休想让我嫁给你.

10.A difficulty of arranging their lips in this crude exposure to public scrutiny, an inability to

balance their heads…was apparent in them…显然, 要在大厅广众面前抛头露面,她们一个


11.O Captain! My Captain! 啊,船长!我的船长!

0 Captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done, 啊,船长!我的船长!我们艰险的航程已经终了, The ship has weather‘d every rack, the prize we sought is won, 这船度过了一个个险阻,我们追寻的目标已经达到,

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, 港口就在前面,我听到了钟声,听到了人们在纵情欢腾,

While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and darling; 一双双眼睛渴望着平稳的龙骨,我们的船坚定而勇猛;

But o heart! heart! heart! 可是啊,心呀!心呀!心呀!

O the bleeding drops of red, 啊,殷红的血在流淌,

Where on the deck my captain lies, 我的船长躺在甲板上,

Fallen cold and dead. 人已死去,浑身冰凉.

12.I never in my life saw a man more intent on being agreeable than Mr. Elton. It is downright

labour to him where ladies are concerned. With men he can be rational and unaffected, but when he has ladies to please every feature works. 我还没见过一个比埃尔顿先生更想讨人喜欢的人.对女人,他毫不掩饰地一味讨好.在俺男人面前,他头脑还算清醒,也不装腔作势,可是见了女人,整副面孔不知有多么做作.

13.―How she has changed! Thank heaven she didn‘t recognize me,‖ muttered Father, mopping

his face with a handkerchief. ―…She was a lovely young thing, very graceful. I fell in love with her, and she with me.‖―她变化多大啊!谢天谢地,她没认出我来,‖父亲小声说道,一面用拿手帕擦擦脸. ―她是个可爱的年轻小姐,我疯狂地爱上了她,她也疯狂地爱上了我.‖14.I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. 我是到了不能自拔的时候,才发现爱上


15.Oh, yes, I want to tell you. I don‘t want you wandering about this. Her father rejected our

romance. I was a foreigner. I had no prospects, and was dependent on my father. 哦,不.我要告诉你.我不想让你胡思乱想.她父亲反对我们恋爱.我是个外国人,没什么前途,还要依靠父亲.

16.They have become, through marketing, word of mouth, and demonstrable reliability, the

common pants of America. 通过市场营销,口口相传,以及凭借显而易见的可靠性,牛仔裤已经成为美国的寻常裤装.

17.The cold weather frosted up the track last night. 昨晚天气寒冷,跑道上结了霜.

18.It was wicked, that is what it was-just blasphemous, and no more becoming to a meek and

humble professor of- 这叫作不知好歹,就是这么回事-无非是冒犯神明的大胆妄为,根本就和你装出的那副温和谦让的派头不相称,你明明是个伪君子,却偏要假惺惺地自名为…19.…nor was Mts. Hurst, who had married a man of more fashion than fortune, less disposed to

consider to his house as her home when it suited her. …而那位赫斯特夫人嫁了个家财不足,派头有余的绅士,因而一旦得便,也很情愿把弟弟的家当做自己的家.

20.The snow lay yards deep in our road; and, as we floundered on, my companion wearied me

with constant reproaches that I had not brought a pilgrim‘s staff…路上的雪有几码深,我们蹒跚走去,我的同伴只管唠唠叨叨地埋怨我连一根朝圣用的拐杖都没有带…

21.He resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating even to childishness to

abandon it now, unless for graver reasons. How could she face her parents, get back her box,

and disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family, on such sentimental grounds. 然而,她当初已打定了主意,如果没有更重要的原因,现在再改变主意,这似乎太游移不定了,甚至太孩子气了.她怎么能这样感情用事,居然敢当着父母的面,去把箱子取回来,从而打乱重整家业的全盘计划呢?

22.But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse

into lachrymose melancholy. 但是这种欢快听上去并不真实,任何人呢只要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下..

23.For those who may be in some doubt as to the nature of chores, their variety, their pleasures

and their drudgery, I am prepared to deliver a short disquisition. 有些人不太清楚家务事的性质、繁杂和甘苦,我打算对此作点探讨.






























1. The Gardiners stayed a week at Longhorn; and what with t he Philips‘s, the Lucases, and the

officers, there was not a day without its engagement. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.2, V.II)


2. I supposed I should be condemned in Hareton Earnshaw‘s heart, if not by his mouth, to the

lowest pit in the infernal regions… (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights, Ch.18, V.II)


3. Unless you‘ve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished.


4. He has fished in Manhattan’s wallet and dug out coins…(E.B.White:‖The There New Yorks‖)


5. As I remained in the Third Fourth three times as long as anyone else, I had three times as

much of it. I learned it thoroughly. Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary English sentence—which is a noble thing.(W.Churchill:‖Harrow‖)


6. Consequently Mr.Micawber was soon so overcome, that he mingled his tears with hers and

mine. (C.Dickens: David Copperfield, Ch.12)


7. ―I known, Dad,‖ she said,‖I’m a selfish Pig. I‘ll think about it…‖ (J.Galsworthy: A Modern

comedy, p.47)


8. Miss Sedley was almost as flurried at the act of defiance as Miss Jemima had been; for,

consider, it was but one minute that she had left school, and the impressions of six years are not got over in that space of time.(W.M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair,Ch.1)


9.She could not desert Tara; she belonged to the red acres far more than they could ever belong to her.(M.Mitchell: Gone with the Wind, p.20)


10. The yeomanry is precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do. A

degree or two lower, and a creditable appearance might interest me; I might have hope to be useful to their families in some way or other. But a farmer can need none of my help, and is therefore in one sense as much above my notice as in every other he is below it.(J.Austen: Emma, Ch.4, V.I)


11. High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms in Beijing.


12. Each of us has his carrot and stick. In my case, the stick is my slackening physical condition, which keeps me from beating opponents at tennis whom I overwhelmed two years ago. My carro t is to win. (C.Tucker:‖Fear of Dearth‖)


13.‖Didn‘t know you were in the States, Mitty,‖groaned Remington. ―Coals to Newcastle, bringing Mitford and me up here for a tertiary.‖(J.Thurber: ‖The Secret Life of Walter Mitty‖) “我不知道你就在美国,密蒂,”雷明顿嘟囔着说。“把我和米特福德叫来治疗这第三期梅毒病,岂不是多此一举?”

14. A man of honour could not have doubted the intention, but Mr.Darcy chose to doubt it—or to treat it as a merely conditional recommendation, and to assert that I have forfeited all claim to it by extravagance, imprudence, in short anything or nothing.(J.Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.16, V.I)


15. Barbara Tober observes that the bridesmaids, in the days when many brides were mere children, were called upon to assist her with dressing and with the logistics of moving to her new home. (T.Tuleja:‖ Wedding Attendants‖)


16.‖Of course it may,‖ said Angel. ‖was it not proved nineteen hundred years ago——if I may trespass upon your domain a little?‖


17. I passed out of my mind, and the next thing I knew I was sitting down on the ground, very cold in the shadows, and looking up at the rock where I had been within an eyelash of eternity…There are such reflections, and for some of them I have the

names.(N.S.Monaday:‖The End of My Childhood‖)


18.Second, there is the New York of the commuter——the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night.


19.While the abilities of the nine-hundredth abridger of the History of England…are eulogized by

a thousand pens, there seems almost a general wish of decrying the capacity and undervaluing the labour of the novelist…


20. With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.


21. Mr.Weston was a great favourite, and there was not a creature in the world to whom she spoke with such unreserved, as to his wife; not any one, to whom she related with such conviction of being listened to and understood, of being always interesting and always intelligible, the little affairs, arrangements, perplexities and pleasures of her father and herself.




1. It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken. (R. Zack: ―The Date Father Didn‘t Keep‖)

故事发生在丹麦的一家雅致的小旅馆里; 这种小旅馆备有酒食招待游客,而且讲英语。

2. People began drinking in their own homes because, after 1920, that was the only legal place they could drink. (T. Tuleja: ―Cocktail Hour‖)


3. …and the respect which he felt for her high rank, and his veneration for her as patroness, mingling with a very good opinion of her himself, of his authority as a clergyman, and his rights as a rector, made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility.(J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice)


4. On the morning of a fine June day, my first bonny little nursling, and the last of the ancient

Earnshaw stock, was born. (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights,Ch.8, V.I)


5. While the present century was in its teens, and on one sunshiny morning in June, there drove up to the great iron gate of Miss Pinkerton‘s academy for young ladies, on Chiswick Mall, a large family coach, with two fat horses in blazing harness, driven by a fat coachman in a three –cornered hat and wig, at the rate of four miles an hour.(W.M.: Vanity Fair, Ch.1)


6 …and the rest of the morning was easily whiled away, in lounging round the kitchen garden, examining the bloom upon the walls, and listening to the gardener‘s lamentations upon blights, in dawdling through the greenhouse, where the loss of her favorite plants, unwarily exposed, and nipped by the lingering frost, raised the laughter of Charlotte, and in visiting her poultry-yard, where in the disappointed hopes of her dairy-maid, by hens of forsaking their nests, or being stolen by a fox, or in the repaid decease of promising young brood, she found fresh sources of merriment. (J. Austen: Sense and Sensibility, Ch. 6, V.Ⅲ)


7. She has been doing everything in her power by thinking and talking on the subject, to give greater – what shall I call it? susceptibility to her feelings; which are naturally lively enough. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.5, V.Ⅲ)


8. …but she would not allow that any objections there had material weight with Mr. Darcy, whose pride, she was convinced, would receive a deeper wound from the want of importance of his friend‘s connections, than from their want of sens e…(J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.10, V.Ⅱ)


9. …and my correct name, Spencer-Churchill, began with an ―S‖, I gained no more advantage from the alphabet than from the wider sphere of letters. (W. Churchill: ―Harrow‖)


10.Mr. Bonnet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid, she had no knowledge of it. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.2, V.Ⅰ)


11. Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right now. Maybe,

when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better. (I. Asimov: “The Difference between a Brain and a Computer”)


12. In consequence large numbers of visitors of both sexes used to wait on the school steps, in order to see me march by; and I frequently heard the irreverent comment, ―Why, he‘s last of all!‖(W. Churchill: ―Harrow‖)


13. I framed the words in my mind:‖ Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you?‖ But I realized I had done nothing –my color offended her. (J.H. Griffin: ―Into Mississippi‖)



1. The human brain weights three pounds, but in that three pounds are ten billion neurons and a hundred billion smaller cells. These many billions of cells are interconnected in a vastly complicated network that we can‘t begin to unravel yet…computer switches and components number in the thousands rather than in the billions. (I. Asimov: “The Difference between a Brain and a Computer”)


2. By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was a expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at library, at church.(S.R.:“Women and Man”)


3. Mr. Collins, meanwhile, was meditating solitude on what had passed. He thought too well of himself to comprehend on what motive his cousin could refuse him; and though his pride was hurt, he suffered in no other way. His regard for her was quite imaginary; and the possibility of her deserving her mother‘s reproach prevented his feeling any regret. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.20, V.Ⅰ)


4. You must remember, my dear mother, that I have never considered this matter as certain. I have had my doubts, I confess; but they are fainter than they were, but they may soon be entirely done away… (J. Austen: Sense and Sensibility, Ch. 15, V.Ⅰ)


5. ―It is hard to forgive, and to look at those eyes, and feel those wasted hands,‖ he answered, ‖ ―kiss me again; and don‘t let me see your eyes! I forgive what you have done to me, I love my murderer—but yours! How can I? ‖ (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights, Ch.1, V.Ⅱ)



6. In a riot of scuba bubbles, tourists and guide plunged 110 feet into an underwater cavern. And, true to his word, the guide darted through the gloom, chasing sleek five feet long shadows. Not to worry. In the spectacular undersea world off Palau, the sharks are as laid back as the local residents. And who wouldn‘t be? Slung across the Pacific 800 miles southwest of Guam, the string of islands—eight inhabited, 200 or more still unpopulated—make up one of those increasingly rare commodities, a Pacific paradise.


7. From the listless looks of some fellow trotters, I gathered I am not alone in my unenthusiasm: Bill-paying, it seems, would be about as diverting. Nonetheless, we continue to jog; more, we continue to choose to jog. (C. Tucker: ―Fear of Dearth‖)


8. I have no pity! I have no pity! The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails! It is a moral teething, and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the increase of pain.

(E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights, Ch.14, V.Ⅰ)


9. At that ball, while I had the honor of\ dancing with you, I was first made acquainted, by Sir William Lucas‘s accidental information, that Bingley‘s attentions to your sister h\ad given rise to a general expectation of their marriage. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch.12, V.Ⅱ)


10. The terrain of New York is such that a resident sometimes travels farther, in the end, than a commuter. The journey of\ the composer Irving Berlin from Cherry Street in the lower East Side to an apartment updown was through an alley and was only three or four miles in length; but it was like going three times around the world. (E. B. White: ―The Three New Yorks‖)


11. ―He‘s been in his room all day,‖ the landlady said to him ?Mr. Anderson, you ought to go out and take a walk on nice fall day like this,‘ but he didn‘t feel like it.‖ (E。Hemingway: ―The Killers‖)






B.部分或大部分对应:parent:1."父亲或母亲" 2.“养父或养母”



For example:

1.I believed then that I would die there,and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below.


2.The large mammalian brain is the most complicated thing,for its size,known to us.


3.When I am finished ,things will be precisely as they were before.


4.Mr.Somerville —a most delightful man,to whom my debt is great —was charged with the duty of teaching the stupidest boys the most disregarded thing—namely,to write mere English.


5.What a fine thing for our girls!



For example:

6.…in the end I had to have a caesarean ,which just knocked me for six.


7.To be sure it would have been more for the advantage of

conversation,had Miss Lydia Bennet come upon the town...







For example:

8.Mrs.Long has just been there, and she told me all about it.


9.I was and still am working as an English teacher in the school.


10.I would have asked why Mrs .Dean had deserted the Grange;but it was impossible to delay her at such a crisis,so i turned away and made my exit...


11."What was I talking of ?"said she,beginning again when they were all in the street.




12.Before I arrived in sighted of it,all that remained of day was a beamless,amber light along the west;but i could see every pebble on the path ,and every blade of grass,by that splendid moon.


13."No,read it over first correctly,without a single mistake."





For example:

14.…but to almost everybody she was a fine and picturesque country girl,and no more.


15.“My dear Mr .Bennet,”replied his wife,"how can you be so tiresome !you must know that i am thinking of his marrying one of them."




Ps:翻译"he replied" ,"she replied"时,需要“直译其名”

For example:

16."Can you deny that you have done it?"she repeated.

With assumed tranquility he then replied,"i have no wish of denying that i did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister..."



For example:

17.The first point about chores is that they are repetitive.they come every day or thereabouts,and once done they require after a certain time to be done again.







For example:

I must confess that with their repetition,and perhaps because of their very inconsequence ,chores can in the end evoke a mild sort of satisfaction.




18.As we resumed walking I blurted out,"It's a lucky thing it happened that way.You wouldn't have met Mother."


19.Ordered!Oh,everything is ordered when a person has to find some way out when he has been stupid.


20.You and the girls may go,or you may send them by themselves,which perhaps will be still better,for as you are as handsome as any of them.Mr.Bingley might like you the best of the party. 你带着女儿们去就行啦,要不你索性打发她们自己去,这样或许更好些,因为你的姿色并不亚于她们中任何一个,你一去,宾利先生倒作兴看中你呢。

21.It will be no use to us,if twenty such should come since you will not visit them.


2.语序差异:英语语序相对灵活,有一定的语序倒置现象;汉语语序相对固定,倒装句较少。Ps:把英语的倒装句译成汉语时,一般采用正常的“主,谓”结构,而宾语该提前的提前。For example:

22.Not only did we learn English parsing thoroughly,but we also practised continually English analysis.


23.Yet few knew,and still fewer considered this.


24.That altered,frightened ,fat face told his secret well enough.


25.She had such a kindly,smiling,tender,gentle,generous heart of her own.


26.I saw a little,yellow,ragged,lame,unshaven beggar.



27.Up went the arrow into the air.





For example;

28.At any rate,she cannot grow many degrees worse,without authorizing us to lock her up for the rest of her life.


29.The college student caught cheating does not even blush.He shrugs his shoulders and comments:"Everybody does it,and besides,I can't see that it really hurts anybody."




30.She sits up late.

她很晚才就寝。(sits up:熬夜)


31.I doubt whether he likes this book.


32.I doubt whether he does not like this book.



33.In this regard a chore is the very opposite of a "happening "—that strange sort of event which a few years back was so much in fashion.



34.I said,"Dad, you don't have to —"

“Oh,yes , I want to tell you.I don't want you wondering about this... ”




35.Jane was as much gratified by this as her mother could be,though in a quieter way.



36...for what can be prettier than an image of Love on his knees before beauty?


37.Phases of her childhood lurked in her aspect still.


38.It is often said... that our seeming great growth in social morality has oddly enough taken place where private morality...seems to be declining.



The happiness of having such a sister was their first effusion, and the fair ladies mingled in embraces and tears of joy.


Tess‘s pride would not allow her to turn her head again, to learn what her father‘s meaning was, if he had any…


It‘s my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been, they seem less likely to be ashamed.


I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drinks before some customers.


Father passed his hand over his face.


They were attended from morning to night by female helpers, wives and nurses and secretaries.


I was truly dumbfounded by this deep fury that possessed her whenever she looked at me.


They can be purchased pre-washed, pre-faded, pre-shrunk for the suitably proletarian look.


The task was done, not free from further blunders…


Levi‘s jeans were first introduced to the East, apparently, during the dude-ranch craze in the 1930s…


And as each and all of them were warmed without by the sun, so each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in …


One must remember that human beings also can only do what they are ―programmed‖ to do. Our genes ―program‖ us the instant the fertilized ovum is formed, and our potentialities are limited by that ―program‖


In the course of my travels in Amercia I have been impressed by a kind of fundamental malaise which seems to me extremely common and which poses difficult problems for the social reformer. 我在美国旅行期间,注意到了一种根深蒂固的忧郁症。这种忧郁症似乎极其普通,这就给社会改革家出了难题。

Each year, more than 25,000,000 items of Levi‘s clothing are sold——including more than 83,000,000 pairs of riveted blue jeans.

每年李维服装的销售量超过2.5亿——其中包括8,300多万条钉有铜铆钉的蓝色牛仔裤The human brain weights three pounds, but in that three pounds are ten billion neurons and a hundred billion smaller cells.


The difference between me and these daughters was that they saw me ,because of me sex , as destined from birth to become like their fathers , and therefore as an enemy to their desires.


Some have beautiful eyes, others a beautiful nose, others a beautiful mouth and figure : few, if any, had all.


I fell madly in love with her, and she with me.


In a moment she reappeared to hurl my change and the ticket on the counter with such force most

of it fell on the floor at my feet.

不一会儿功夫,他又回来了,将零钱和车票往柜台上猛地一摔,打扮都洒落在我脚边。The Harrow custom of calling the roll is different from that of Eton.


On August 16, 1983,they started for the South to seek their fortune.


―C ontrary ,then,‖ answered another, in deep but softened tones. ―A nd now, kiss me, for minding so well.‖

―那好,相反,‖另一个人以深沉而柔和的语调答道。“那就亲亲我吧,我学的这么用心。”Another person runs to avoid doing anything else, to dodge a decision about how to lead his life or a realization that his life is leading nowhere.

另一个人跑步是为了避而不做别的事,不对如何生活做出决定,不去感受自己生活碌碌无为。They were of course all intending to be surprised; but their astonishment was beyond their expectation…


He had an aversion to yield so completely to his feelings, choosing rather to absent himself; and eating once in 24 hours seemed sufficient sustenance for him.

他不愿意完全凭感觉用,因此宁肯自己不来吃饭。看来24小时吃一顿饭对他来说是足够了I knew her before I ever met your mother.


Even so , I still insist that for the individual himself nothing is more important than this personal, interior sense of right and wrong and his determination to follow that rather than to be guided by what everybody does or merely the criterion of“social usefulness‖


Almost from the first, Strauss had his cloth dyed the distinctive indigo that gave blue jeans their names, but it was not until the 1870s that he added the copper rivets which have long since become a company trademark.


I believed then that I would die there, and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below. They were not the less beautiful to me.


Sir William and Lady Lucas are determined to go, merely on that account, for in general you know they visit no new comers.


No, if I read any, it should be Mrs. Radcliffe‘s. Her novels are amusing enough; they are worth reading; some fun and nature in them.


Again, therefore, she applied herself to the key, and after moving it every possible way, for some instants, with the determined celebrity of hope‘s last effort, the door suddenly yielded to her hand. 因此,她又搬弄钥匙。怀着最后一线希望,她果断利索的朝着各个方向拧了一阵之后,柜门忽然打开了。

Mark his professions to my poor husband. Can anything be stronger?












1、When the lady ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so.


2、They draw no distinction and recognize no classes; they are merely American.


3、I believed then that I would die there, and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below.


4、It is far more than the look of disapproval one occasionally gets. This was so exaggeratedly hateful I would have been amused if I had not been surprised.


5、I wondered how she would feel if she learned that the Negro before whom she had behaved in such an unlady-like manner was habitually a white man.


6、I hate jogging.


7、…and then merciful ushers collected my piece of foolscap with all the others and carried it up to the Headmaster`s table.


8、At Eton the boys stand in a cluster and lift their hats when their names are called.


9、…once again, the idea worked so well that word got around…


10、Surely, though, if a computer can be made complex enough, it can be as creative as we. If it could be made as complex as a human brain, it could be the equivalent of a human brain and do whatever a human brain can do.


11、In consequence of his decision, I was in due course placed in the third, or lowest, division of the Fourth, or bottom, From.


12、It used to be said that English people take their pleasures sadly.


13、I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations…


14、But the steps became deeper and deeper, and at last I had to drop down the length of my body and more.


15、The woman appeared with our beer.


16、Last winter Stanford`s new e-commerce elective was the hottest thing on the business school`s campus, with 28 students using their single "silver bullet" to secure one of the 66 available spots.


17、The study found that non-smoking wives of men who smoke cigarettes face a much greater than normal danger of developing lung cancer.





When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.






Vibration Technique Produces Stronger, Environmentally

Friendly Plastics

Telephones, TV parts, the computer mouse at your fingertips, parts inside a PC, and other everyday products are made with plastics using a process called injection molding. A Lehigh

University professor has developed a simple, software-directed device that vibrates molten plastic in an injection mold to produce stronger plastic products that are environmentally beneficial.

Injection molding involves injecting molten plastic into a mold. Only a small amount of recycled plastic is used in this process, says John Coulter, Lehigh associate professor of mechanical engineering and mechanics, because recycled plastic is poor in quality and would reduce the products strength. Coulters vibration-assisted process enables manufacturers to recycle once-useless and environmentally unfriendly plastic, and still produce stronger products than those produced using new plastic that is not vibrated.

Researchers have tried to vibrate heated plastic, but most methods require costly machine and/or mold changes. Coulter and his Lehigh colleagues have found that by vibrating the feed screw device used to deliver the liquefied plastic material into the mold, they can achieve the same results without the need to vibrate the mold. Making simple alterations to the screw‘s hydraulic system, Coulter designed software that directs the device to vibrate at low frequencies once the plastic has been fed into the mold.






Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right now. Maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better. And if we don‘t step aside , perhaps Supercomputer

will simply move in and push us aside.




Wall Street Takes a Dive

Ronald Reagan's 1985 budget took a thunderous shelling last week. Day after day, jittery Wall


2016翻译硕士复习资料:散文翻译(4) 美文妙译 林语堂的Moment in Peking当中描写慈禧太后的句子: 1. The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back China’s progress. Without her the progressive Emperor Kuangshu would certainly have gone on with his reforms. To the end, the Emperor, like an eagle deprived of its wings, remained submissive to his aunt. Ignorance added to a strong character was a double curse; stupidity joining hands with stubbornness was twice stupid. 张振玉先生的译文: 那个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了19世纪的后50年,使中国不能进步,她可算功劳第一。若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。光绪皇帝,像个剪去翅膀的苍鹰,一直对他这位大权在握的老伯母必恭必敬,百依百顺。愚而妄,其为祸则加倍地强烈。愚蠢再与刚愎携手,则愚蠢倍增。 【spoiltcat点评】 最后一句实在是经典。“愚蠢无知”来译ignorant,有点过,因为ignorant 似乎并无“愚蠢”之意。 苍鹰不是一个一个的吧。“必恭必敬”尚可表现出无奈的感觉,“百依百顺”则不可。 【spoiltcat改译】那个无知的老太婆在19世纪后半叶统治中国整整50年之久。阻止中国进步的第一大功臣,当真非她莫属。若不是她,锐意进取的光绪皇帝,一定能推行他的维新大计。然而自始至终,光绪都慑服于他这位伯母的淫威之下,如一只剪去翅膀的苍鹰。无知而刚愎,其为祸则倍增。愚蠢与顽固携手,便是愚不可耐。 2. All of these disciplines have changed so much in recent years that I cannot image people climbing over departmental walls and specialty boards so easily. On the other hand, I do envision a time ahead when the clinical science will come to share the same ground in their base of knowledge. 原译: 所有这些学科在近年来变化如此之大,我真难以想象我们何以能够容易地跨越科学的高墙和不同的专业舞台。但是,我确能预见,有朝一日名临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。 【spoiltcat点评】 此译妙在“共享一席”。“如此之大”,句子有欧化之嫌。“何以能够……”,似乎含有“已经跨越,只是原因未知”的意思,而原文中是否定性的预见,觉得这种跨越不太可能。要“跨越”“高墙”恐怕确实非一般人所能,且“跨越”与“舞台”搭配也有些勉强。 【spoiltcat改译】所有这些学科在近年发生了深刻的变化,能否轻易翻越科学的高墙和不同的专业舞台,我着实难以想象。但是,我确能预见,有朝一日各临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。 PS:这段话是从一篇关于医学的文章里选出来的,所以“临床学科”似乎可


翻译硕士考研真实个人经验 感谢凯程郑老师对本文做出的重要贡献 成绩出来了,看到拟录取那三个字,一下子平静了。想想从去年6月份,到现在,一年而已,却觉得考研的岁月倏忽而过,早成了很遥远的过去。现在整日玩乐enjoy毕业季的心情,一下子不知道该怎么兑现这个要写考经的承诺。因为每次回想,记起来的全是零零碎碎的片段,那些和研友们一起吐槽一起叹息的镜头,那些一个人趴桌上不想坚持的时光,那些个早上起不来的日子,那条飞奔而去抢座位的路。学姐又在煽情,写个考经废话太多了。 好吧,先报一下初试成绩,我考的是北外翻译硕士(MTI)的笔译专业,初试有四科:政治(65),法语(84),翻译基础(专业课一)(105),汉语写作与百科知识(专业课二)(120),总分374。不知道大家晓不晓得北外复试的时候只用两门专业课的成绩,我的专业课成绩加起来是225,不是很好,属于中等吧,因为复试的时候听说还有240+的,所以我不是什么大牛,大三的时候考过一次二级笔译,实务也没有及格,考研的时候只想报个自己向往的学校,所以就选了北外,但是心里一直没底,能做的也只有咬牙坚持,一步一步的慢慢走,只是感谢那时候的坚持,才能有现在的安生日子。 一、汉语写作与百科知识 百科知识是专业课之一,满分150分,25个名词解释,每个2分,一篇应用文写作40分,一篇大作文60分。百科是我考得最好的一科,但也是考试之前我最没底的一科,因为我自己知识面很窄,也没有读过很多书,历史也学得不好,想想就打怵。但这一科,按我自己的经验,绝对可以好好复习准备提高成绩。因为好好分析真题就发现,北外的百科虽然是名词解释,但并不是特别难,主要侧重历史文化方面,所以我的复习方法是各个击破,用过的书有中国历史,世界通史,中国文学史,世界文学史,中国古代史,就是这些类的书,不一定非要用哪本,但看的时候一定要把可能考到的人物,术语等做好笔记,等考前就靠你的笔记了。虽然百科很exclusive,但好好复习一定能涵盖考点。【插播广告:既然这一科我考的还拿得出手,笔记又很重要,所以学姐想卖掉自己的笔记资料,我的笔记全是词条,即名词冒号后加我整理的解释答案,一共整理了一个大笔记本,一个小笔记本,包括世界历史中国历史世界文学史中国文学史等,售价100。13年的百科里名词解释部分,90%我都复习到了,所以笔记还是很有用的,不过不排除13年题目偏简单的原因~】但是想提醒大家,只看笔记的话应该印象不怎么深刻,大家还是把这些书看看,做到重点心里有数,然后背诵我的笔记,效果应该不错。 应用文写作和大作文部分,我真心没怎么上心,就是应用文熟悉一下各种类型的写作方法,大作文我考试之前练过4,5次,找找手感。 二、翻译基础 翻译基础是专业课之一,满分150,对于注重专业课成绩的北外来说更是重要。北外的翻译基础考试分为三部分,第一部分是短语翻译,汉译英英译汉各15个,每个1分;第二部分是英译汉,60分,共两篇,每篇的字数在200字左右;第三部分是汉译英,60分,共两篇,每篇字数也是200-300字。 先说说短语翻译吧,短语翻译一共30分,希望大家好好研究北外的真题,就会发现北外出题很喜欢时事,政经类的词汇,还有一些很热的词汇,比如13年就考到了“屌丝”“富二


2020年英语翻译资格考试中级口译考试模拟题(2) 今天,我很高兴能有机会同青年朋友见面,讲几句话。青年是国家和民族的未来,也是维护世界和平与发展的主力军。 青年富于朝气和活力。他们积极向上,对新鲜事物充满了好奇,强力的求知欲促使他们了解世界。 各国青年如能有充足的交流途径来促动互相理解,那么世界的和平与发展就有了充分的保证。 我希望在座来自世界各地的青年朋友,能畅所俗言,传递经验,把世界青年团结友爱的事业推向前进。 参考答案 Today, I’m glad to have the opportunity to meet our young friends and say a few words. Youth are the future of a country and nation, and the major force in promoting world peace and development as well. Youth are full of vigor and vitality. They are active, aspirant and curious about the new things. Their strong desire for knowledge pushes them to learn what is going on in the world / about the world. If the youth of all countries have enough exchange channels to promote mutual understanding, world peace and development will be ensured. I hope that all the young friends from different parts of the world presents (today) can share /exchange their views freely, pass on their pass on their experience so as to promote the cause of unity and friendship among youth in the world.


翻译硕士必看参考书目 泛瑞翻译 考研应该怎么备考?资料又多又乱应该怎么看? 跨考孟老师为大家总结了翻硕考研备考的一些书籍,同时也希望大家不要一味的只买书而不看书,到考完研书还是新的。大家可以在各模块各找一本书坚持看完,坚持做笔记、读书总结,杜绝“abandon”。 1单词 背单词的话就背专八单词就可以。如果是报考华东师大、北航这种对单词要求较高的学校,可以准备GRE单词。大家可以以专八词汇书为重点,平时应该注意多看些文章,例如,每天一篇经济学人(大家可以加2016翻硕考研交流群427120314,从2015年2月3号起每天提供一篇经济学人材料以及材料中相对应词汇)。 2语法 按照专四语法复习,这部分大家一定要重视,很多同学都是载到了语法上。 3百科 百科知识的文学类的书给大家推荐《中国文化概要》,蓝色的封面。这本书一定要自己看自己做笔记,如果你看完就能记住当然牛叉,记不住的一定要记笔记。除此之外,如果有的学校的百科知识不是选择题而是填空或者简答题,那复习的时候一定要按照考试的格式做笔记。百科的书除此之外还有一些,自然科学12讲之类的,这种书说实在的可看可不看。如果大家觉得自己知识面不广的话,一定要结合自己学校的历年真题,有针对性的去找一些书来看。

这部分春季以词汇解释题为主,注意整理笔记。可参考中国通史、不可不知的2000历史常识、历史辞海、报栏文章、网络资源等。暑期通览中国文化概要、英美文学史、历史辞海、报栏文章、网络资源,做专八人文知识部分真题,议论文、应用文练习。秋季就要看各大高校汉语写作与百科知识真题+跨考专业硕士翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题解析与习题详解+作文练习 另外这两本书也不错:叶朗《中国文化读本》,外语教学与研究出版社,2008年;白延庆《公文写作》,对外经贸大学出版社,2004年; 4翻译 这部分大家除了看一些翻译理论外,还应该尝试翻译政府工作报告、真题中的阅读部分、英语笔译3级等。翻译理论给大家推荐以下书籍: 庄绎传《英汉翻译简明教程》,外语教学与研究出版社,2002年; 陈宏薇《新编英汉翻译》(很多学校的参考书目,其中理论可能要大于实践); 叶子南《高级翻译理论与实践》(后面有学生的译文和叶老师自己的译文,大家在看的时候可以作对比); 李长栓《非文学翻译理论与实践》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2004年; 刘宓庆《文体与翻译》,中国对外翻译出版公司,1998年; 张培基散文108篇; 5口译 除了看一些教程之外,更多的是要坚持每日朗读,做一些口语练习。前期应该练习听力、复述,后期还要找partner互练口译。给大家推荐以下两本书目。 《基础口译》仲伟合、口译 《现代汉译英口译教程》(第二版)吴冰等口译 同时告诫大家,最近真题中多次复现原题,大家不妨把其他院校的历年真题也多做几套,考真题是有可能的。


中国人民大学翻译硕士经验帖(含复试) 大家好,我是2018级中国人民大学笔译硕士~2019年的研究生考试刚结束一个多月吧,说来感慨万千,作为一个过来人,想在这里把备考经验分享给大家,希望大家会有所收获。 谁的青春不迷茫?当年的我却觉得,我的青春特别迷茫。学了三年,不知道自己路在何方,往前看,保研成果的希望很小,而我却不想在自己没有搞清楚想做什么的时候糊涂地步入社会。于是,我想给自己多几年时间,了解一下自己想做什么。所以,我选择考研。 我是在2017年2月决定考研的,一年不到的时间,但是时间也是很充分了。其实大三上学期的时候,大部分人对未来都有了一些想法。跟我一样选择考研的,大多在那个时候开始准备。其实做这个决定并不困难,毕竟高三那样辛苦的日子都熬过来了,考研对我来说当然不算什么。 我选择了MTI翻译硕士的方向。因为对语言本身很感兴趣,为了保险起见,选择不跨考,于是就开始有针对性的复习了。MTI考四门,基础英语,翻译基础,汉语百科和政治。每一门都有很大的复习量。这意味着我需要投入全面的复习,我的考验战线拉的比较长,足足10个月,我将其分为三个阶段:前期了解考研信息+好好完成大三课业+准备最无法“突击”的科目;中期进入全科式复习;后期冲刺训练。 前期搜集信息和打基础:3月-7月中旬 这一段时间,除了认真完成学业任务之外,我每日都会做以下几件与考研相关的事情: 1.搜集信息:首先确定地理范围,确定研究生在北京读,就定了北大、北师、人大、北外、中传,后来七挑八选,在北大和人大中间摇摆不定,一直到9月份都还

没有完全决定好。不过,时间最后给出了答案。在凯程老师的指导下,充分考虑我的实力、潜在竞争对手数量和能力、与上岸的师兄师姐们数次交流、了解人大的授课风格和学校的风格之后,我选择了人大。当时没有考虑卷子难不难的问题,一方面觉得,难都一起难,简单也一起简单,所以一直觉得卷子的难度根本跟自己考得好不好(相对排名)没有很大关系。主要还是实力这种主观因素。 2.英语基础:这一时期,我特别重视单词和句式的积累。所以这一段时间我一直在做的事情主要是外刊精读、单词背诵(专八单词书)以及雅思写作,多看,多抄,能记多少是多少。 3.翻译基础:这一段时间,我看了2-3本翻译教程。还是喜欢张培基先生的翻译,很有味道,我认为里面的例句可以好好钻研,尤其适合北师大和北大这样偏文学风格的MTI学生学习。可惜张老的书有点太久了,不适合MTI考研用,不推荐他的翻译教程。我现在觉得大家可以好好钻研二级笔译教材,比较适合偏实务类的MTI专业(如人民大学、北京外国语大学、中传媒等),但是汉英翻译过于灵活,可能不适合按点拿分的应试考试。所以我的建议是大家几本书都看一下,有针对性地利用,各取所长,不需要全部吸收。此外,我从三月中旬开始练习三笔真题,每天一对英汉互译,节奏把握得很好。进步大不大不知道,但是那种踏实的感觉,让我觉得复习渐入佳境(其实后来你会发现,考研复习最重要的不是实力,而是如何克服那种焦虑的心情,如何习惯踏实耕耘的感觉)。 4.政治、百科3-7月都没有动。政治这一阶段完全不用管,百科大家比较闲的话可以考虑好好看看书。 中期全科练习:7月中旬-10月底 暑假是每一个考研学生的黄金时期,我建议大家能留校都留校吧!这一阶段,我开始革除自己松散的学习习惯,进入全面的复习。我每天6:15起床到晚上23:30结束,午休半小时到一小时(有段时间放弃午休,发现中午下午的学习量很大,不午休很容易犯困),每天安排得很满,这一段时间我: 1.英语基础:专八单词一天不落地背诵,另外五月份找师兄师姐要了资料,现在也开始利用了(选择性地看)。有一份材料是经典汉英翻译(句子),一共1000条,每天背诵40条,非常痛苦,背了500条但是那500条可是背的很熟练的了。不敢说绝对有很大用处,也就是养兵千日用兵一时的心态吧,多读没坏处。八月份


2019年商务英语考试中级阅读翻译考点解析一 0 Regular meetings with clients are important to a healthy collaboration. They 00 may be set up by the client, for example to review with the progress of current 34 projects, to give new instructions that may have lead to a contract variation 35 or to discuss any concerns. The client meeting which can also be arranged 36 by you or another member of your company to attract from new business, to 37 address a problem unless that needs to be solved or to give an update or status 38 report on current business ventures. Your part is in these meetings will dictate 39 the kind of information you need and how you should prepare for them. If you 40 will be responding to questions put by your client, the material you present 41 should deal in specifically with the request that was made. The meeting should not 42 only move off the agenda without the permission of the person you are meeting.


一、翻译的标准 严复:信、达、雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance—忠实于原文;译文通顺易懂;译文展示出风采) 二、汉译英常用方法和技巧 与词有关的翻译方法包括: 直译和意译 词义的选择 词的增补与省略 词类转义法 重复法 正说反译法和反说正译法 分句法和合句法 直译和意译 首先应当指出,直译不是死译,而是指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译。意译也不是胡译、乱译,而是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文作相应的调整。 例 原文:我们的朋友遍天下。 直译:Our friends are all over the world. 意译:We have friends all over the world. 直译以严格意义上的忠实为宗旨,意译则更多考虑英语的特点,更强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只求语言在深层次中的对应。总之,选择直译还是意译,应该根据文章具体需要而定,两种译法可以并用。 能直译则直译 例 原文:爱是耐心和善良;爱不是妒忌和吹嘘;爱不是傲慢和粗鲁。 译文: Love is patience and kindness; love is not jealous and boast; love is not

arrogance and rudeness. 原文:你们要八仙过海,各显其能,完成这项工作。 译文:You should display your special prowess like eight immortals ( in Chinese legend) crossing the sea, to fulfill this task. 必须意译 例 原文:怕什么呢死了张屠夫,还有李屠夫,人多得很。 直译:If Butcher Zhang dies, there’s Butcher Li yet. 译文:What are you afraid of He is not the only pebble on the beach. 意译效果比直译好 例 原文:她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边,又把它吞了下去。 译文:She was afraid of being turned down / snubbed, so she swallowed the words that came up to her lips. 词义的选择 汉译英的过程就是寻找适当的英语词、词组和句型来重新表达汉语原文的思想的过程。正确的选词是保证译文质量的重要前提。词的选择主要从以下两个方面着手。 一、根据上下文正确理解原文的词义 词的正确选择首先取决于对原文词义的确切理解,而这又取决于对原文上下文的推敲。在具体运用中,词义往往随着语言情境而千变万化,因此,我们必须熟悉词在运用中的灵活变化,才有可能选择出等值词或近值词。 英语词汇在翻译成汉语时也需要根据具体的语言环境选择适当的词义,因为汉语也有丰富的同义表达法。 二、辨析词义和正确选词 (一)注意词的广义和狭义 词义有广狭之分,运用范围也就各不相同。


2016翻硕笔译备考技巧 Why mixing alcohol and caffeine is so deadly Americans love their caffeine — in coffee, colas and now in their alcohol. But mixed, particularly in high volumes, the combination of caffeine and alcohol can be deadly. Why caffeine and alcohol are so toxic together isn't fully understood, but the combination appears to impair a drinker's judgment more than drinking alcohol alone. That has led to what some researchers call "toxic-jock syndrome." As a stimulant, caffeine jazzes up your whole body, increasing blood pressure, heart rate and, in some cases, causing heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat. Caffeine also leads to headaches, jitteriness, agitation, stomach problems and abnormal breathing. It's the equivalent of an adrenaline rush. Alcohol, on the other hand, is a depressant that slows the brain's functioning and impairs one's ability to walk, talk and think clearly. Mixed, the stimulant and the depressant do not cancel each other out. 译文: 咖啡因配酒精是找死? Americans love their caffeine — in coffee, colas and now in their alcohol. 美国人爱他们的咖啡因——在咖啡里,在可乐里。现在在酒精里。 But mixed, particularly in high volumes, the combination of caffeine and alcohol can be deadly. 但是将咖啡因和酒精加在一起,尤其是高容量混合时,将产生致命后果。 Why caffeine and alcohol are so toxic together isn't fully understood, but the combination appears to impair a drinker's judgment more than drinking alcohol alone. That has led to what some researchers call "toxic-jock syndrome.


2017北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研备考 经验分享 先说下自己的情况,二战正式备考大概是从9月开始的。8月份之前我一直挺迷茫,不知道考哪个学校好。当时做过各个学校的真题,专业课我觉得最贴近自己能力的是2017北京外国语大学(主要是看的百科词条的出题偏好),而且2017北京外国语大学复试线只划专业课,我对专业课比较有把握,所以选择了2017北京外国语大学。 初试 我从2011年就拿到N1了,同时加入了字幕组,一战备考的时候重心也在日语翻译上,所以二战日语专业课我基本上是没有怎么复习的,仅仅是每天做少量翻译练习,跟读20分钟NHK新闻(影子练习),精读本日的天声人语。这科的备考教材推荐《汉日日汉同声传译》(宋协毅),《catti口译实务》(系列,随意哪本都行)。 初试备考我最头疼的是英语。因为近6年没学过,快等于零基础。3个月的时间要过2017北京外国语大学的二外,真是非常大的挑战。最后成绩是56。起作用最大的是刘一男的4,6级单词书,超级推荐!背起来相对轻松,注意反复加深记忆即可。题我则是做的苹果英语的专4真题(2017北京外国语大学出的题集),作文素材也是用的2017北京外国语大学出的专四满分作文,就是背了几个比较亮点的短语,这个非常重要,让作文有话可说系列。翻译我没准备,尽力就好吧。注意提升阅读能力,因为真的挺长的,真题的阅读篇幅。 接下来是百科词条的准备。我推荐把自己的高中历史地理教材(理科生可以选择新买一套)翻出来整理重要的知识点为词条,再加一本《不可不知的3000个文化常识》(或者类似的书,只要勾些重点词汇就行,太冷门的没必要),以及真题一本(这个随意哪个出版社的都行,注意要有详解)就差不多了。注意词条必须要自己整理,记忆的时候反复阅读,记住关键词,大概3要点即可。做这个的原则是少挖井多挖坑,涉及面要广,但不需要太深入。 写作则是一定要动手写,不要只是看,最好有个人能帮你改改(小作文)。大作文,买两本高考满分作文啥的看看吧,注意写议论文的时候要有理有据,不能空谈也不能事例堆砌。至于文体,一般的真题集都会有整理,就不赘述了。 政治,可以的话报个新东方啥的吧,这些考研机构还是很厉害的。不要死背,理解记忆。不要把希望寄托于押题,这两年反押题很严重。注意灵活掌握。 复试 2017北京外国语大学复试非常重要,占50%,而且初试分数6分才折算成最后总分的1分。 主要说说面试吧,笔试基本上就和初试差不多,所以不赘述了。 面试内容1篇中译日视译,1篇日译中听译。准备时间10分钟,视译稿子上会有听译的关键词,准备视译的时候最好把关键词的翻译写上去,视译准备时间是足够的。今年2017北京外国语大学日语系面试第一次加入听译部分。提升听译能力主要靠大量的听译实践(字幕组等)和NHK新闻跟读。如果每天的NHK新闻你能做到95%听懂且跟读基本上无压力,说明它已成为你的强项。还有对自己瞬间记忆力的练习,这个也可以通过跟读来提高。我大


2019年翻译资格口译中级考试模拟试题(1)The purpose of the American court system is to protect the rights of the people. According to American law,if someone is accused of a crime,he or she is considered innocent until the court proves that the person is guilty. In other words,it is the responsibility of the court to prove that a person is guilty. It is not the responsibility of the person to prove that he or she is innocent. In order to arrest a person,the police have to be reasonably sure that a crime has been committed. The police must give the suspect the reasons why they are arresting him and tell him his rights under the law. Then the police take the suspect to the police station to book him. Booking means that the name of the person and the charges against him are formally listed at the police station. The next step is for the suspect to go before a judge. The judge decides whether the suspect should be kept in jail or released. If the suspect has no previous criminal record and the judge feels that he will return to court rather than run awayfor example,because he owns a house and has a familyhe can go free. Otherwise,the suspect must put up bail. At this time,too,the judge will appoint a court layer to defend the suspect if he cant afford one. The suspect returns to court a week or two later. A lawyer from the district attorneys office presents a case against the suspect. This


很多同学都认为四级翻译最重要的是词汇,我们不能否认四级翻译中词汇的重要性,但是最重要的还应该是句式。一个好的句式能瞬间提升阅卷老师的印象,分数提高一 个档次。下面我们就结合例题来为大家讲解一下。 1.四级段落翻译技巧:修饰后置 例题: 做秘书是一份非常复杂的需要组织、协调和沟通能力的工作。 Being a secretary is a very complex job which needs the ability to organize, coordinate and communicate. 分析:本句中“非常复杂的需要组织、协调和沟通能力”是修饰工作的,所以修 饰部分放在后面用which引导定语从句。同学们在备考时也要注意,不要逐字翻译进 行单词的罗列,一定注意句式分开层次。 2.四级段落翻译技巧:插入语 插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的重点,也是高考(微博)的考点。通常与句中其它部分没有语法上的联系,将它删掉之后,句子结构 仍然完整。插入语在句中有时是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表达说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子衔接得更紧密一些。 插入语真题重现: 中国结(the Chinese knot)最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已 经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。 The Chinese knot,originally invented by craftsman, has become an elegant and colorful art and craft after hundred years of improvement. 分析:本句中“最初是由手工艺人发明的”是对中国结的补充说明,将它删掉之 后主句依然完整,故在译文中将其作为插入语。 3.四级段落翻译技巧:非限定性从句 非限定性定语从句起补充说明作用,缺少也不会影响全句的理解,在非限定性定 语从句的前面往往有逗号隔开,如若将非限定性定语从句放在句子中间,其前后都需 要用逗号隔开。 非限定从(样题重现):


天津理工大学翻译硕士考研参考书大全 翻译硕士专业学位研究生,即MTI(Master of Translation and Interpreting)是为了适应市场经济对应用型高层次专门人才的需求,国务院学位委员会于2007年1月批准设置的一种专业学位。2008年开始招生,2009年面向应届本科毕业生招生。 MTI教育重视实践环节,强调翻译实践能力的培养。翻译硕士专业学位的培养目标为具有专业口笔译能力的高级翻译人才。翻译硕士专业学位获得者应具有较强的语言运用能力、熟练地翻译技能和宽广的知识面,能够胜任不同专业领域所需的高级翻译工作。 全日制MTI招生对象为具有国民教育序列大学本科学历(或本科同等学力)人员,具有良好的双语基础。作为我国专业硕士之一,MTI不仅面向英语专业的考生,同时也鼓励非外语专业毕业生及有口笔译时间经验者报考,其中非外语专业的毕业生更受到报考院校的欢迎。 由于天津理工大学翻译硕士不提供参考书,这里凯程天津理工大学翻译硕士王牌老师给大家整理出来了,以供参考: 《实用汉语语法与修辞》,杨月蓉,西南师范大学出版社 《中国文化读本》,叶朗,北京外语教学与研究出版社 《自然科学史十二讲》,卢晓江,北京中国轻工业出版社 《中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南》,林青松,东南大学出版社 《公文写作》,白延庆,对外经贸大学出版社 《英语专业考研基础英语高分突破》,吴中东,世界图书出版社 《英语专业考研名校全真试卷——基础英语(全新精华版)》,张光明 《名校全真试卷(基础英语)》,郭棲庆 《英语笔译综合能力2级》,外文出版社 《当代西方翻译理论探索》,廖七一 《翻译学词典》,中英两版,Mark&Moira原著,谭载喜译著 《西方翻译理论流派研究》,李文革 《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》,叶子南,清华大学出版社 《英汉翻译教程(修订本)》,张培基,外教社 提示:以上参考书比较多,实际复习的时候,请按照凯程老师指导的重点进行复习,有些内容是不考的,帮助你减轻复习压力,提高复习效率。 下面凯程老师给大家详细介绍下天津理工大学的翻译硕士专业: 一、天津理工大学翻硕研究方向 翻译硕士的细分研究方向大体分为笔译和口译。笔译要求在英语和汉语方面同时提高,加强两种语言的运用能力和互译能力。会开设英汉、汉英的翻译课程,同时英文写作和关于中文素养的课程也会同时开设。目的是可以在翻译各种文体的文本时,采用恰当的方法以及准确的用语进行翻译工作。口译在交传和同传方面都会有相应的课程开设,同时进行培训,其中包括视译、带稿同传等各种方式。口译更为注重实战经验,培养过程中,模拟回忆或实际回忆的次数非常多。 二、天津理工大学翻译硕士考研好不好考 众所周知,近年来翻译硕士一直是一个比较热门的专业。2015年天津理工大学翻译硕士招生人数为45人,复试分数线相对于人大等学校低,因此总体来说,天津理工大学翻译


北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研初试经验 集锦及心得 先说下自己的情况,二战正式备考大概是从9月开始的。8月份之前我一直挺迷茫,不知道考哪个学校好。当时做过各个学校的真题,专业课我觉得最贴近自己能力的是北京外国语大学(主要是看的百科词条的出题偏好,而且北京外国语大学复试线只划专业课,我对专业课比较有把握,所以选择了北京外国语大学。 初试 我从2011年就拿到N1了,同时加入了字幕组,一战备考的时候重心也在日语翻译上,所以二战日语专业课我基本上是没有怎么复习的,仅仅是每天做少量翻译练习,跟读20分钟NHK新闻(影子练习,精读本日的天声人语。这科的备考教材推荐《汉日日汉同声传译》(宋协毅,《catti口译实务》(系列,随意哪本都行。 初试备考我最头疼的是英语。因为近6年没学过,快等于零基础。3个月的时间要过北京外国语大学的二外,真是非常大的挑战。最后成绩是56。起作用最大的是刘一男的4,6级单词书,超级推荐!背起来相对轻松,注意反复加深记忆即可。题我则是做的苹果英语的专4真题(北京外国语大学出的题集,作文素材也是用的北京外国语大学出的专四满分作文,就是背了几个比较亮点的短语,这个非常重要,让作文有话可说系列。翻译我没准备,尽力就好吧。注意提升阅读能力,因为真的挺长的,真题的阅读篇幅。 接下来是百科词条的准备。我推荐把自己的高中历史地理教材(理科生可以选择新买一套翻出来整理重要的知识点为词条,再加一本《不可不知的3000个文化常识》(或者类似的书,只要勾些重点词汇就行,太冷门的没必要,以及真题一本(这个随意哪个出版社的都行,注意要有详解就差不多了。注意词条必须要自己整理,记忆的时候反复阅读,记住关键词,大概3要点即可。做这个的原则是少挖井多挖坑,涉及面要广,但不需要太深入。


翻译硕士(MTI)备考:常见外贸缩略词 翻译 A @ at 每 a.a.r against all risks 全险 ac account 帐目 AC account current 往来帐目 acc acceptance;accepted 承兑;已承兑 a.g.b a good brand 任何名牌 ao account of 记入……帐目 a.p. additional premium 附加保险 a.r. all risks 全险 AS;accs account sales 售货清单 av;AV average 平均数 B BB bill book 出纳簿 BD bank draft 银行汇票 bd. bond 债券 bds. boards 董事会 BE bill of exchange 汇票

bk. bank book 帐簿 bkg. banking 银行业 BL bill of lading 提货单 B.P.B bank post bill 银行汇票 BR bank rate 银行贴现率 BR;b.r. bill receivable 应收票据 B.S;b.s. balance sheet 资产负债表 bt bought 购入 C C currency,coupon 现金,息单 CA capital account 资本帐户 CAD cash against document 凭单付款canclg. cancelling 取消 cat. catalogue 目录 CB cash book 现金簿 CD cash dividend 现金折扣 c.d. cum dividend 付股息报关单 C and D collection and delivery 收款发货cert. certificate 证明 CF carried forward 转下页 cge. carriage 运费 CH custom house 海关


北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研个人经验 精华详细分析 先说下自己的情况,二战正式备考大概是从9月开始的。8月份之前我一直挺迷茫,不知道考哪个学校好。当时做过各个学校的真题,专业课我觉得最贴近自己能力的是北京外国语大学(主要是看的百科词条的出题偏好),而且北京外国语大学复试线只划专业课,我对专业课比较有把握,所以选择了北京外国语大学。 初试 我从2011年就拿到N1了,同时加入了字幕组,一战备考的时候重心也在日语翻译上,所以二战日语专业课我基本上是没有怎么复习的,仅仅是每天做少量翻译练习,跟读20分钟NHK新闻(影子练习),精读本日的天声人语。这科的备考教材推荐《汉日日汉同声传译》(宋协毅),《catti口译实务》(系列,随意哪本都行)。 初试备考我最头疼的是英语。因为近6年没学过,快等于零基础。3个月的时间要过北京外国语大学的二外,真是非常大的挑战。最后成绩是56。起作用最大的是刘一男的4,6级单词书,超级推荐!背起来相对轻松,注意反复加深记忆即可。题我则是做的苹果英语的专4真题(北京外国语大学出的题集),作文素材也是用的北京外国语大学出的专四满分作文,就是背了几个比较亮点的短语,这个非常重要,让作文有话可说系列。翻译我没准备,尽力就好吧。注意提升阅读能力,因为真的挺长的,真题的阅读篇幅。 接下来是百科词条的准备。我推荐把自己的高中历史地理教材(理科生可以选择新买一套)翻出来整理重要的知识点为词条,再加一本《不可不知的3000个文化常识》(或者类似的书,只要勾些重点词汇就行,太冷门的没必要),以及真题一本(这个随意哪个出版社的都行,注意要有详解)就差不多了。注意词条必须要自己整理,记忆的时候反复阅读,记住关键词,大概3要点即可。做这个的原则是少挖井多挖坑,涉及面要广,但不需要太深入。 写作则是一定要动手写,不要只是看,最好有个人能帮你改改(小作文)。大作文,买两本高考满分作文啥的看看吧,注意写议论文的时候要有理有据,不能空谈也不能事例堆砌。至于文体,一般的真题集都会有整理,就不赘述了。 政治,可以的话报个新东方啥的吧,这些考研机构还是很厉害的。不要死背,理解记忆。不要把希望寄托于押题,这两年反押题很严重。注意灵活掌握。 复试 北京外国语大学复试非常重要,占50%,而且初试分数6分才折算成最后总分的1分。 主要说说面试吧,笔试基本上就和初试差不多,所以不赘述了。 面试内容1篇中译日视译,1篇日译中听译。准备时间10分钟,视译稿子上会有听译的关键词,准备视译的时候最好把关键词的翻译写上去,视译准备时间是足够的。今年北京外国语大学日语系面试第一次加入听译部分。提升听译能力主要靠大量的听译实践(字幕组等)和NHK新闻跟读。如果每天的NHK新闻你能做到95%听懂且跟读基本上无压力,说明它已成为你的强项。还有对自己瞬间记忆力的练习,这个也可以通过跟读来提高。我大概就是靠这个才能面试92分的吧~ 然后就是老师提问,回答的时候一定要大方,别太紧张,平常怎么说话就怎么说,用敬

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