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初三英语试题2013.5 学校__________________ 姓名_____________ 考号_________________

考生须知1. 本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。

2. 在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和考号。

3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。

4. 在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。

5. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。





A B. C.


A. B. C.


A. B. C.


A. B. C.



5. Where are the two speakers?

A. At home.

B. In an office.

C. In a restaurant.

6. What will the woman do first?

A. Have supper.

B. Make a call.

C. Meet Henry.


7. What time did the woman call Tom?

A. At 7:00 this morning.

B. At 7:00 yesterday evening.

C. At 7:00 last morning.

8. What did the man do last night?

A. Had the piano lesson.

B. Went to a concert.

C. Sang in the theatre.


9. How long has the man been in London?

A. One year.

B. A few months.

C. A couple of years.

10. Why did the woman leave her hometown?新课标第一网

A. To find a job.

B. To open a restaurant.

C. To lead a city life.


11. How does the girl go to her school?

A. By subway.

B. On foot.

C. By bus.

12. Where does the girl eat lunch at school?

A. In her classroom.

B. In the lunchroom.

C. In the c afe.

13. What time does the girl leave school on Friday?

A. 2:00.

B. 3:00.

C. 8:00.


14. What is Mr. King doing?

A. Giving some advice on how to learn English.

B. Making an introducti on of the study.

C. Telling how to take the exams.

15. What do the students do in the afternoon?

A. They must learn English.

B. They are free to do anything.

C. They have to take speaking exam.

16. What can we know from the speaker? ttp://www .xkb https://www.doczj.com/doc/fd12494605.html,

A. The students will take a test in two weeks.

B. The students will get the result three weeks later.

C. The students will sta y in Canada for about four weeks.



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22. Father’s Day is coming. I would like to buy ____ a pair of shoes.

A. him

B. her

C. them

D. us

23. — Do you go to school ______ Li Lei every day?

—Yes. Almost every day.

A. on

B. in

C. by

D. with

24. — How do you like the film Lost In Thailand?

—It’s one of ___________ film that I have ever seen.

A. interesting

B. more interesting

C. most interesting

D. the most interesting X k B 1 . c o m

25. I will tell him the good news as soon as he____ back.

A. come

B. comes

C. came

D. will come

26. Try to study hard, ____ you can’t catch up with others.

A. but

B. and

C. or

D. so

27. — Mom, I feel terrible! Must I finish my homework now?

— No, you _________. You can finish it tomorrow.

A. needn’t

B. may not

C. mustn’t

D. couldn’t

28. Hurry up, there ________ a little time left.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be

29. — Where is Tom?

— He ____ Peter with his math in the classroom.

A. helps

B. will help

C. is helping

D. help

30. — ____ do you usually go to see your grandparents?

— Once a week.

A. How far

B. How long

C. How much

D. How often

31. Our English teacher ___________ in our school for about 20 years so far.

A. works

B. has worked

C. worked

D. will work

32. My mum often tells me ____ to my teacher carefully in class.

A. listen

B. listening

C. to listen

D. listens

33. These tall buildings ________ in our hometown last year.

A. build

B. built

C. were built

D. are built

34. — Do you know _____ to our school?

— Next month.

A. when does the famous writer come

B. when the famous writer comes

C. when will the famous writer come

D. when the famous writer will come

五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)X |k |B| 1 . c|O |m


“Did you see that?”Joe said to his friend Bill. “You’re a

great shooter!”

Bill caught the 35 and bounced it before throwing it

again. The ball flew into the net.

“Bill, you never 36 !” Joe said admiringly.

“Unless I’m in a real game,” Bill complained. “Then I miss all the time.”

Joe knew that Bill was 37 . Bill performed much better when he was having fun with Joe in the school yard than he did when he was playing for the school team in front of a large crowd.

“Maybe you just need to 38 more,” Joe suggested.

“But I practice all the time with you!” Bill objected. He shook his head. “I just can’t play well when people are 39 me.”

“You play well when I’m watching,” Joe pointed out.

“That’s because I’ve known you since we were five years old,” Bill said with a smile. “I’m just not 40 playing when other people are around.”

Joe nodded and understood, but he also had an idea.

The next day Joe and Bill met in the school yard again to practice. After a few minutes, Joe 41 himself.

“Practice without me,” Joe said to his friend. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Joe hurried through the school building, gathering together 42 he could find—two students, a math teacher, two secretaries, and a janitor. When Joe explained why he needed them, everyone was happy to help.

Joe reminded the group to stay 43 as they all went toward the school’s basketball court. As Joe had hoped, Bill was still practicing basketball. He made five 44 in a row without noticing the silent people standing behind him.

“Hey, Bill!” Joe called out 45 .

Bill turned. A look of surprise came over his face. “I just wanted to 46 you that you could play well with people watching you,”Joe said. “Now you’ll have nothing to worry about for the next game!”

35. A. basketball B. football C. volleyball D. baseball

36. A. touch B. miss C. hold D. feel

37. A. upset B. right C. active D. different

38. A. train B. play C. practice D. enjoy

39. A. treating B. shouting C. cheering D. watching

40. A. similar B. confident C. successful D. comfortable

41. A. excused B. enjoyed C. helped D. suggested

42. A. whomever B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever

43. A. alone B. silent C. quiet D. safe

44. A. balls B. baskets C. steps D. scores

45. A. quickly B. loudly C. suddenly D. finally

46. A. surprise B. tell C. show D. hope





Actors and Actress Pages 385-399 Maps (colored)Pages 517-528 Museums Pages 454-469 Medical

Pages 492


Pages 841-873 Animals Pages 493-496 Festivals and


Music and art Pages 480-481 Plants and Rivers Pages 108-109 Highways Pages 131-141 National Parks Pages 747-749 Books Best Sellers Pages 476 Countries Pages 529-615 Discoveries and

Pages 336-338 Passports Pages 142-144 Inventions

Environment Pages 80-101 Population Pages 616-619 Education Pages 284-321 Postal Information Pages 1033-1039

Pages 513-516 Sports Pages 884-978 Flags of the World


47. On which page can people get the information on Animals?

A. Pages 493-496.

B. Pages 884-978.

C. Pages 616-619.

D. Pages 284-321.

48. If you are interested in Thomas Edison, you had better search ________.

A. Museums

B. Music and Art

C. Populations

D. Discoveries and Inventions

49. You can see _________ on Pages 517-528. .

A. best-selling books

B. colored maps

C. all kinds of sports

D. many countries


The Power of Dream

When your dream is to become a footballer, nothing should get in your way—even if you have no feet.

Gabriel Muniz, an 11-year-old Brazil kid, was born without feet. Although his family thought he would have serious difficulties living a normal life, he started walking before he was one year old. His mother would go after him, expecting him to keep falling, but he never fell. It took him a while to make the jump from walking to playing football, but he did make it. And, in fact, there’s nothing he loves more than playing football. In his school, the skillful youngster is not only the best player in his school team but also the captain of his gym team.

He knows that his disability means he’ll never be able to play for a professional football team. So Gabriel is hoping that football will one day become a Paralympics (残疾人奥运会的) sport. He proved to everyone there he can go head to head with any other boy. Watching him play is unbelievable. He’s fast and he’s got a big bag of tricks—he’s very skilled and he does everything he can to copy his idol, Messi. So much so that he was invited to go to Spain to meet his idol Messi and show his talent in the Barcelona Football Club.

His coach said he is proving the disability only exists inside our heads and he is challenging the social rules.

50. What’s wrong with Gabriel Muniz?

A. He was born without feet.

B. He can’t see and hear anything.

C. He often argues with his partners.

D. He always gives trouble to his family.

51. According to the passage we can know that Gabriel Muniz ____________.

A. thinks others look down upon him

B. is a professional football player

C. prefers playing for a club

D. is a skillful football player

52. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. The boy’s family was s urprised he can walk well.

B. The boy wants to play football in the Paralympics.

C. The boy has too much difficulty living a normal life.

D. The social has noticed the boy’s hard job and talent.


If I ask you to shut your eyes and gave you a piece of apple to eat, would you be able to tell me what it is just by tasting it? Of course, you could. Your tongue is covered with tiny “taste buds” which help you know what different foods taste like. Do you know that foods would taste different if you did not have a nose? This experiment shows how important your nose is when you taste things.

What You Need:

? a friend to help

? small pieces of any food like carrot, orange, banana

? small pieces of apple, raw(生的) potato, and onion

What You Do:

There are actually three different experiments. You and your friend should take turns trying them on each other.

Experiment 1:

Have your friend close her eyes and open her mouth.

Give her a piece of the food and ask her to taste it.

Then, ask her what she thinks it is. She will probably guess


Experiment 2:

While your friend has her eyes closed, give her a piece of the

raw potato. At the same time, hold a piece of apple right under

her nose. Ask her to eat the potato (but don’t call it by name) and

tell you what she thinks it is. She will say it is a piece of apple!

Experiment 3: (for the brave)

Take a piece of raw onion. You don’t have to close your

eyes this time. Squeeze your nose closed with your other hand so

that no smells can get into your nose. Now take a nibble of the

onion. Surprise! As long as you hold your nose, you will not be

able to taste the onion.

The Science Secret

You already know the science secret. Your nose and your tongue work together to make food taste the way it does. Your tongue, however, can taste only certain flavors like salty, bitter, sour, and sweet. All of the other “tastes” are actually “smells,” and you need your nose to “taste” them. Oh, and you might use this science secr et the next time you are told to eat something you don’t like the taste of. If you hold your nose while you eat it, you won’t “taste” it at all.

53. What is this article mostly about?

A. Why different foods can smell the same.

B. How smell changes the way people see.

C. How smell affects the way food tastes.

D. Why some things smell better than others.

54. What is the most likely reason Experiment 3 is called “for the brave”?

A. You keep your eyes open.

B. You have to eat a raw onion.

C. You have to squeeze your nose.

D. You do the experiment alone.

55. According to this article, what could a reader conclude about food?

A. People hold their noses to eat onions.

B. If you can smell potatoes, you will taste apples.

C. People need a sense of smell to taste some food.

D. If you close your eyes, food will taste better.

56. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Your Eyes Knows

B. Your Nose Knows

C. Your Mouth Knows

D. Your Tongue Knows


Jan Hargrave is a body language expert in America. I was very pleased to hear Jan Hargrave speak the other day. She explained that although our mouths may lie, our bodies do not. For the most part, we all have the ability to tell when people are lying to us by reading their tone of voice and body signals.

It was Professor Albert Mehrabian who discovered that we express our feelings and attitudes with 55 percent body language, 38 percent tone of voice and only 7 percent actual words. In other words, if I asked you how you were doing and you said “fine”, that word wouldn’t mean anything by itself. It would be your body signals and how you said it that would let me know how you were really doing.

So, can you tell when people are lying to you? Jan Hargrave says we lie with the right side of your brains, so it is our left hand that tips us off. A person touching his nose, pulling at his ear or rubbing his eye with his left hand might be lying to you. Also, a person who, in a way crosses fingers might just be lying.

Here are some things we do to shut people out. We continually look at our watch. We fail to make eye contact. We fail to look up from the paper or away from the TV. Our body is leaning away from them.

By paying attention, we can open these important lines of communication and see the truth more clearly. I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to control or lie to people, but we need to realize the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.

57. What does the underlined sentence “it is our left hand that tips us off” in the third

paragraph mean?

A. Our left hand is more faithful than our right hand.

B. Our left hand is connected with the right side of our brains.

C. Our left hand can tell people that we are lying.

D. Our left hand shows our feelings in a negative way.

58. Which of the following do we do to shut people out, according to the fourth


a. look at our watch continually

b. fail to look up from the TV

c. stare at people for a long time

d. lean away from people

A. abc.

B. abd.

C. acd.

D. bcd.

59. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To advise people to act more than they speak.

B. To compare different body signals.

C. To explain how people express their feelings.

D. To make people realize the importance of body language.



You have been thinking about it all week. It kept

you awake last night. Now, as you walk to the front of

the class, your throat is dry and your stomach feels

funny. 60 . However, by making a few small

preparations and rehearsing (预演) carefully, you too

can be a public speaking star.

61 . Being excited about your topic is

necessary for all the good speeches, so it’s important to

choose carefully. If you enjoy your topic, your audience (观众) will, too. Even if you are given a topic, try to find something about it that is exciting or funny.

Next, do some research. Don’t just research your topic. 62 . If you can, study video of a great speaker to see how they move, speak, and pause (停顿). Copying their style will help you to write a great speech.

Aft er researching, it’s time to write your speech. During this stage, think of your audience all the time. Entertaining your audience is important. It helps you relax if you know that your audience is enjoying your speech.新课标第一网Finally, rehearse(预演). You really need to rehearse a lot. Measure your speech with a watch, and practice in front of a mirror. 63 .

If you have followed all these steps, you should be ready for your audience.

A. You are a very successful speaker

B. Research some great speakers as well

C. Start by choosing a topic that you are interested in

D. You can check your hand movement and facial expression

E. Many students fin d it difficult to give a public speech


Reading is very important. World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It encourages people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. It is also the day to honor great writers.

Many countries celebrate World Book Day. On that day, millions of school children can buy books at a much lower price than usual in any bookstore in England. It has been done every year since 1998. World Book Day is also celebrated in China. Wen Jiabao, Premier of China, is an avid reader. He does lots of reading every day though he is very busy. On World Book Day 2009, he called on people to do more reading. Wen suggested that young people should spend more time reading. “Books can not change the world, but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading,” he said.

Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and smarter. Reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Reading gives us information about other cultures and places in the world. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like Engl ish. We all know that it is difficult to learn everything in the classroom, for example, the ways English people are living and working today can be learnt by reading.

Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us to know more about the outside world. Therefore, it is necessary for us to spend time reading every day.

64. When is World Book Day?

65. What can the students do on that day in England?

66. Did World Book Day celebrate in China?

67. Why does World Book Day set up?

68. What’s the passage mainly talking about?





___________________,which is the nearest way to the hospital?

70. 上周末你们玩得高兴吗?

___________________________________ last weekend?

71. 只要努力,我们的梦想总有一天会实现。

So long as we work hard, our dream ________________________ some day. 72. 对于我们来说学会如何与别人相处真的很重要。

It’s really important for us to learn _____________________.


The soldiers didn’t _______________ they had kept working for more than ten hours in Ya’an.



Name: Andy Lewis

Age :21

Interest: collecting coins, stamps and postcards, learning foreign languages. All letters will be answered.

Address: 20 Staten Street,Eylandt. DFB https://www.doczj.com/doc/fd12494605.html,A


Dear Andy,

I have read the advertisement and I am very glad to become your pen-friend.


Yours sincerely,

Li Ping


上海金山区2018届中考英语二模试卷(有答案) 上海市金山区2018届中考英语二模试题考生注意: 1. 本卷有7大题,共94小题。 2. 试卷满分150分。考试时间100分钟。 3. 全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) A B C D E F G H 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A) By plane. B) By train. C) By car. D) By ship. 8. A) At 12:00. B) At 12:15. C) At 11:15. D) At 12:45. 9. A) Husband and wife. B) Father and daughter. C) Shop assistant and customer. D) Doctor and patient. 10. A) Lily. B) Lena. C) Tim. D) David. 11. A) In the classroom. B) In the library. C) In the reading room. D) On the playground. 12. A) Because they jumped into a river. B) Because they met a policeman. C) Because their car broke down. D) Because they met a traffic jam. 13. A) She wants to lose weight. B) She doesn't like sweet food. C) She is too full to eat anything else. D) She would like something else. 14. A) Whether she has something to do on New Year's Eve. B) Whether she will have a New Year's party successfully. C) Whether she will have enough guests for this party. D) Whether she will receive any invitation from others. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 15. A young man was once travelling by train and the journey was long but interesting. 16. Almost all passengers in the train were attracted by the house but the young man wasn’t. 17. The noise


宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. April 23 is World Reading Day. Write a short passage of at least 60 words to call on your classmates to get into good habits of reading and read more good books. (4月23日是“世界读书日”,请你写一篇短文,呼吁全班同学以实际行动迎接“世界读书日”的到来,为创建“书香校园”,多读书、读好书,养成课外读书的好习惯。字数不少于60个,标点符号不占格。要求内容切题,意思连贯.) ( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分. ) Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点): 1. What do the students who are not interested in study usually do in their spare time? 2.What are the advantages of reading? 3.What are your suggestions? 长宁区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Happiness is for everyone”. ( 以“幸福/快乐属于每个 人”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) For reference: Do you feel happy in your life? What / Who usually brings happiness to you? What can you do to make yourself or others happy? 崇明县初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “Something I want to do during the winter holiday”. (以“寒假 中我想做的一件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考) What is the thing that you want to do during the winter holiday? Why do you want to do it? How are you going to do it? (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名 ...........、校名及其它相关信息 .........,否则不予评分 ......。 奉贤区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据所给情景写一封不少于60词的信) Suppose you are Sara, you want to enter your ideal school –Flower Senior High School. Please write a letter 作文


中考英语二模试题(含答案) 历下区2019年初三年级学业水平第二次模拟考试 英语试题 本试题共10页,分选择题部分和非选择题部分,考试用时共120分钟。 答题前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号写在答题卡的规定位置,并同时将考点、姓名、准考证号、座号填写在试卷规定位置。 答题时,选择题部分每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题部分,用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。 考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 选择题部分共105分 I.听力测试(30分) A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(7.5分) 1.A.Thatishershlbag.B.Thisisyfriend..Thseareybrther s. 2.A.Isyurfathertall?B.Dyuhaveabaseball?.anyuplaythe

pian? 3.A.Ididn’twatertheplants.B.Theydn’tlikearrts..Sheisn’twathingTV. 4.A.herearekalasfr?B.hatdeshelklike?.henisyurusilas s? 5.A.Let’sinthesprtslub.B.Haveagddayatshl..keepquietinthelib rary. B)听录音,从每题A、B、三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。(7.5分) 10.A.B.. )在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(7.5分) 11.A.inanZ.B.iuruuntain..BatuSpring. 12.A.Sewrkers.B.Selassates..Sefarers. 13.A.indyandld.B.Sunnyandwar..ludyanddry. 14.A.At5:00a..B.At5:30a...At8:30a.. 15.A.Hekedeals.B.Hedrankilktea..Hereadbks. D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短及五个问题。请根据短内容及问题选择正确答案。短及问题听两遍。(7.5分) 16.A.nFriday.B.nSaturday..nSunday.


2020届九年级英语中考二模试卷A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共20题;共40分) 1. (2分)Which of the following phonetic transcriptions is right for the “cold”? A . /kold/ B . /k?ud/ C . /kod/ D . /k?uld/ 2. (2分)Which of the following underlined parts matches the sound /I/? A . wine B . fight C . high D . habit 3. (2分)Mom, I don't want to be else. I just want to be_______. A . anybody; myself B . everybody; myself C . everybody; me D . anybody; me 4. (2分)Could you give me some on how to learn English well? A . advice B . advices C . piece of advice D . pieces of advices 5. (2分)——Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? ——Go______ the post office, and you will find it on the left. A . pass B . past C . to pass


杨浦区2012学年度第一学期期末质量调研 初三英语练习卷(满分150分) 2013.1 (完卷时间:100分钟,答案一律写在答卷纸上) Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分) A B C D E F G 1. ________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分) 7. A) By bike. B) By train. C) By car. D) By bus. 8. A) Hainan. B) Beijing. C) Paris. D) London. 9. A) 8:45. B) 9:15. C) 8:30. D) 9:00. 10. A) Pink. B) Black. C) White. D) Red. 11. A) Rainy. B) Cloudy. C) Snowy. D) Sunny. 12. A) Shop assistant and customer. B) Teacher and student. C) Hostess and guest. D) Repairman and customer. 13. A) 100 yuan. B) 900 yuan. C) 920 yuan. D) 1,000 yuan. 14. A) From newspapers. B) From a message. C) From ads on the train. D) From the woman. 15. A) Have a party on Friday. B) Have a party on Saturday. C) Look for another restaurant. D) Book a more expensive room. 16. A) Geography. B) Chinese. C) History. D) Science. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)


江苏省苏州市2017届中考英语二模试题 第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.–How do you like _______ holiday in Mount Tai? --We enjoyed it very much. _______ view is very beautiful. A. a, the B. the, / C. a, / D. the, the 2. They went climbing the morning of May 1st and came back the late afternoon. A.on;on B.in;in C.on;in D.in;on 3. He thinks himself________, but we think him ________. A. somebody, anybody B. anybody, somebody C. somebody, nobody D. anybody, nobody 4. —Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,Tony? —Sure,Mom will be mad if she sees this _________,I think. A.matter B.mess C.trouble D.difficulty 5. –Dad, _______ we wait until the light becomes green? --Yes, I’m afraid we _______. That’s the traffic rules. A. must, have to B. should, must C. must, should D. should, have to 6. Tim told us that his company __________ robots to do some of the work. A. uses B. will use C. has used D. would use 7. The nurse won't leave her patients _ she's sure they are all taken g ood care of. A.unless B.because C.since D.if 8. I'm afraid that this type of energy will if we continue to waste it. A.run out B.break out C.come down D.fall down 9. —Have you read the book Jane Eyre? —Yes. It’s a famous book and really worth ________.


年中考二模英语试卷南京市鼓楼区2016 2016.05注意事项: 1.本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2.请将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。 3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其它位置答题一律无效。 选择题(共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. —Bob, you should put away the things in your room. It is a terrible mess! —OK, I'm coming, Mum! A. on B. at C. in D. for 2. My elder sister managed to lose weight last year and she found herself each time she weighed herself. A. light B. lighter C. heavy D. heavier Which city do you prefer, Nanjing or Shanghai? —3. city very much. Big cities are too crowded and noisy. —I don't like D. neither C. either A. none B. each not allowed to enter are opened. Shanghai Legoland Discovery Centre has recently It has a special rule that adults 4. ___________ they go with a child. D. unless B. until C. though A. whenever and eating a balanced diet. 5. According to the doctor's advice, people can keep healthy by exercising B. properly C. exact D. exactly A. proper to the country? Have you read the —Hi, Wang Ling! I hear you'll go to Italy. 6. ). 遗产—Yes. Now I know Italy has a long history and many world heritages (. information D C A. introduction B. instruction . interview greatest advantage of shopping online? —Jim, what's the 7. spend a lot of time going from shop to shop. —I think I D. needn't C. can't A. shouldn't B. mustn't 8. A 12-year-old boy, who ran away from home, walked back more than 50 kilometres towards his house after he _______________ his pocket money. A. took out of B. ran out of C. got out of D. cut out of


广东省深圳市罗湖区2020届九年级英语下学期第二次调研试题(二 模) 一、听选信息 1、听第一段对话,选出回答两个问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1)What birthday presents are they going to prepare? A、A birthday cake, a new shirt and a card. B、A birthday cake, a beautiful skirt and a special dinner. C、A beautiful shirt, a birthday card and a special dinner. (2)Where are they going to have the special dinner? A、In a restaurant. B、At home. C、At a friend's home. 2、听第二段对话,选出回答下面问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1)What colour the shoes does the man want to buy? A、Black. B、Brown. C、Black and brown. (2)How does the man pay for the shoes? A、In cash. B、With Wechat. C、By Ali-pay. 3、听第三段对话,选出回答下面问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1)Who is Joseph? A、Sue's father. B、Sue's brother. C、Sue's uncle. (2)What is Joseph's telephone number? A、82926323. B、82926363.


2013中考英语模拟试卷 班级: 姓名: A卷基础题共100分 I.按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(10 x 0.5=5分) 1.good(最高级) 2.invite(名词) 3.tall(反义词) 4.go (过去式) 5.tooth(复数) 6.babysit(现在分词) 7.watch(单三) 8.have(单三)_____9.one (序数词)_____ 10 . know (同音词)_____ Ⅱ.英汉互译(10 x 0.5=5分) 1.上网 2.感冒, 受凉 3.到达 4.照顾,照看 5后天 6.be good at 7.去看电影 8. .last name 9.take out the trash 10.hung out Ⅲ.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(15 x 1=15分) 1.How often does she do exercise? ------- (two) a week. 2.I have a toothache ----You should (see) a dentist. 3.How many (banana) do we need? 4.I enjoy (read)books 5.Let's (make) fruit salad now. 6.He always (take) walks 7.Yao Ming is the .(popular)basketball player in China . 8.I 'd love (come) to your birthday party. 9.The apple is (big) than that one 10.He must (do) the chores on weekends. 11.Jim runs as (fast) as Jack. 12.I sometimes go (shop) with my mother. 13.The girl (make) her bed yesterday morning 14.They are going to (study) computer science 15.Do you have to (clean) your room?. Ⅳ.选择填空(30 x 1=30分) ( ) 1 .I ______ a student. You _____a teacher. It _____a map. A .am, is, are B. am, are, is C. is, are, am D. is, am, are ( ) 2. Is this _______ pencil case? A. she B. she’s C .her D you ( ) 3 .This is ____eraser and that is ______ ruler. A. an ,an B. a , a C .an a D. a an ( )4. .They don’t have _____ color pencil ,_____I have some . A . some, so B . any, but C .any ,or D. some , and ( ) 5 . --Your T –shirt is very nice , ----- __________. A . Thank you. B. You’re welcome .C. That’s all right. D. Oh ,no ( ) 6. _____ is the ninth month of the year? A . September B . November C . December D. October ( ) 7. -- ________ does he like P.E.? ---- Because it’s interesting. A. what B. why C. who D. when ( ) 8. Can you play _______ guitar? A. the B . / C. a D. an ( ) 9. ---What’s your favorite __________? --- Science. A. sport B . food C . color D . subject ( ) 10. --- what’s the time, please ? ---- sorry ___________. A . It’s six thirty B. I don’t know C. let me see D. I don’t think so ( ) 11. -----How _____ do you go to the health club ?----Three times a month A . Soon B .many C .much D. often. ( ) 12. ---What’s the matter with you, lily? ---- I’m not _________. A good B better C feeling well D feeling good ( ) 13. ---_______ do you usually get to school? --- By bike A What B Where C How D Why ( )14.---- Are you free tomorrow?--- No. I ______ see my grandma with my mother. A.be going to B.am going to C.going to D.am not going to ( )15.------______ you at home last night? ------ No, I ______. A.Were, were not B.Were, wasn't C.is, isn't D.Are, am not ( ) 16-----Where ____ you meet him yesterday?---- I _____ him in front of the station. A.do, meet B.were, met C.did, meet D.did, met ( ) 17.Who has ______ apples, Li Lei, Jim or Lucy? A.much B.Most C.the most D.more ( ) 18Cut ______ the apples and then put them _______ the blender.


2019年九年级网上阅卷适应性训练(二) 英语试卷 注意:1.本试卷共8页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.所有试卷答案均填写在答题卡上,答在试卷、草稿纸等其他位置上一律无效。 第Ⅰ部分选择题(共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1.There is______8-year-old boy playing ______Chinese chess with his friend in the classroom. A. a;/ B. an;/ C. a; the D. an; the 2.My little cousin is a (n) ______boy and he always comes up with new ideas for class activities. A. creative B. curious C. organized D. energetic 3. —Bob, you look blue. Don’t make any decision, ______when you’re in a bad mood. —OK,I won’t. Thanks. A. exactly B. probably C. especially D. generally 4. —What do you think of the Navy Parade(海军阅兵式) in Qingdao? —_______wonderful! I’ve never watched a _______ one. A. What; good B. How; good C. What; better D. How; better 5. Alice ______ for 15 years, yet she still doesn’t know what kind of man she ______. A. has been married; has married with B. has got married; married to C. has been married; married D. has married; has married to 6.—Would you mind going on a trip with us this Saturday? —_______. I haven’t been outdoors these days. I can’t wait! A. Sorry, I can’t B. Certainly not C. Sure, I’d love to D. My pleasure 7. Go and visit the hospital, ______ you’ll find that not everything can be bought with money. A. so B. and C. but D. or 8. —Good news! A company producing a special battery will be set up in Taizhou. — True! A series of new policies(政策) have ______ the use of new energy cars around China recently. A. pushed for B. pushed in C. put out D. put through 9. —The famous Notre Dame Cathedral(巴黎圣母院) caught a big fire on April 16, 2019. —What a pity! I think French people may have difficulty ______ it well. A. repair B. to repair C. repaired D. repairing 10. —I’m so hungry. shall we begin the dinner, Mum? —_______your father comes from work, dear. A. When; Until B. How long; Not until C. How soon; Not until D. How soon; Until 11. —I promise I’ll do my homework by myself and never copy others’ from now on. —Really? _______.


九年级英语 第1页 共8页 九年级英语 第2页 共8页 学校 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 2018年中考第二次模拟试卷 英 语 满分 120分 考试时间:120分钟 亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获,我们一直投给你信任的目 20分,每小题约有8秒钟的答題时间) Ⅰ、录音中有五个句子(每题1分),每题读一遍,然后从每小题A 、B 、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 ( )1. A. I know. B. Yes, I do. C. With pleasure. ( )2.A. south B. north C. west ( )3. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Don’t say so. ( )4. A. What a pity! B. Good idea! C. Don’t mention it! ( )6. Where are they talking? A. In a store. B. In a restaurant. C. At a bus stop. ( )7. How did the man use to go to work? A.by taxi B.by bike C.by bus ( )8. Where does the woman want to go? A. The bank. B. The post office. C. The book shop. ( )9. How long haven ’t they seen each other? A. For a year. B. For 18 months. C. For half a year. ( )10. What does the woman ask the man to drink? . ( ) 11. When will the new term begin? A. In July. B. In August. C. In September. ( )12. What kind of class does the man want to choose? A. A two-hour class. B. A one-hour class. C. A fifty-minute class. ( )13. Who’s the teacher of the fifty -minute class? A. Mr. Black. B. Miss Green. C. Frank. ( )14. How much should the man pay for the class in total (总计)? A. 60 yuan. B. 320 yuan. C. 720 yuan. ( )15. Which telephone number should the man call for more information? A. 352-2472. B. 352-2481. C. 752-2461. 笔试部分(100分) I .词汇考查(15分) A) 读句子,根据所给汉语提示写出单词。 1.The ol d man gave away eight ________ (百) books to the primary school in the countryside. 2. Details decide ______ (成功) or not. If we take everything seriously, we’ll achieve our goals. 3. Ten people, ________ (包含) a baby, were hurt in the crash. 4. Email English is ________(广泛地) used among young people. 5. When we ___________ (比较) western culture with Chinese culture, you’ll find many differences. B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. After so many ________ (year) practice, Li Na is a well-known tennis player. 7. We’ll have a surp rise party for my mother’s ________ (forty) birthday next Saturday. 8. The higher the mountain is, the ________ (thin) the air is. 9. To tell the ________ (true), I don’t like the drinks in that café. 10. It’s a (an) ________ (usual) experience, few people have chances to do it. Ⅱ.单项选择 (共20题,20分) ( )1. This is 3-D printer. And this is an artificial (人工的) ear. Can you believe that scientists printed this artificial ear by this 3-D printer? A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2.Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)? --Yes. The flowers were beautiful. Bees were flying them. A. in B. among C. between D. through ( )3. Though they are far away from school, the children who live in mountains ______ go to school on foot. A. ever B. always C. never D. hardly ever ( )4. –Excuse me, haven’t you learned the new law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt. -- Sorry, we won’t do that again.


英语试卷 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。考试时间为100分钟。试卷满分为90分。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡 的相应位置上;并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。 2.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔作答,写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应 位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不 按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ι 卷(客观题共 50 分) 一、单项选择在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共 14 分, 每小题 1 分) 1. —Do you think your appearance is ______ help when you look for a new job? —Well, it all depends. Anyway, it may give me _________ chances to try. A.a; many more B. 不填; much more C. a; much more D.不填; many more 2.Amazing China 《厉害了,我的国》, a ___________ documentary, arouses(激发) Chinese _____ from deep inside. A.90-minutes; proud B. 90-minute; pride C. 90-minute; proud D. 90 minutes; pride 3.A hard-working man ______ become a great scientist, but a great scientist _______ be a hard-working man. A. can’t; can B. may not; must C. can’t; must D. may not; can 4. — Do you drink wine as much as before? — _______ at all. My heart problem is getting worse. A. None B. Little C. Nothing D. Anything

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