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2019翻译硕士考研 - 张培基散文精选翻译

2019翻译硕士考研 - 张培基散文精选翻译
2019翻译硕士考研 - 张培基散文精选翻译

2019翻译硕士考研 | 张培基散文精选翻译


However,judgingfromtheChineseidiomqiushi(autumnscholar,mean inganagedscholargrievingoverfrustrationinhislife)andthefreq uentselectioninthetextbooksofouyangxiu’sontheautumnsoughandSuDongpo’

sontheredcliff,Chinesemenoflettersseemtobeparticularlyautum n-minded.



hisibridgeinYangzhou,theflowingseatideatQiantangjiangRiver, themist-shroudedPutuomountainandlotusesattheLizhiwanBay.


Thesouthernautumnistothenorthernautumnwhatyellowricewineist okaoliangwine,congeetosteamedbuns,perchestocrabs,yellowdogs tocamels.


Autumn,Imeannorthernautumn,ifonlyitcouldbemadetolastforever !Iwouldbemorethanwillingtokeepbutone-thirdofmylife-spanandh avetwo-thirdsofitbarteredfortheprolongedstayoftheseason.



Itisattheheightofautumnthatjujubes,shapedlikedates,makethei rappearanceinalightyellowish-greenamongsttinyellipticleaves.



Bythetimewhentheyhaveturnedruddyandleavefallen,thenorth-wes terlywindwillbegintoreignsupremeandmakeadustyworldoftheNort h.


DuetotheabundanceoftreesandthelowaltitudeofdwellinginPeipin g,cicadasareaudibleineverynookandcrannyofthecity.


Becauseoftheirubiquitousshrillnoise,theseinsectsinPeipingse emtobelivingoffeveryhouseholdlikecricketsormice

2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(11) (1)

2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(11) 朋友 巴金 这一次的旅行使我更了解一个名词的意义,这个名词就是:朋友。 七八天以前我曾对一个初次见面的朋友说:“在朋友们面前我只感到惭愧(1)。你们待我太好了,我简直没法报答你们。”这并不是谦虚的客气话,这是真的事实。说过这些话,我第二天就离开了那个朋友,并不知道以后还有没有机会再看见他。但是他给我的那一点点温暖至今还使我的心颤动(2)。 我的生命大概不会很长久罢。然而在短促的过去的回顾中却有一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂的黑暗,使我的生存有一点光彩。这盏灯就是就友情。我应该感谢它,因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。 世间有不少的人为了家庭抛弃朋友,至少也会在家庭和朋友之间划一个界限,把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍。这似乎是很自然的事情。我也曾亲眼看见一些人结婚以后就离开朋友,离开事业。…… 朋友是暂时的,家庭是永久的。在好些人的行为里我发见了这个信条。这个信条在我实在是不可理解的。对于我,要是没有朋友,我现在会变成怎样可怜的东西,我自己也不知道(3)。 然而朋友们把我救了。他们给了我家庭所不能给的东西。他们的友爱,他们的帮助,他们的鼓励,几次把我从深渊的边沿救回来。他们对我表示了无限的慷慨(4)。 我的生活曾经是悲苦的,黑暗的。然而朋友们把多量的同情,多量的爱,多量的欢乐,多量的眼泪分了给我,这些东西都是生存所必需的。这些不要报答的慷慨的施舍,使我的生活里也有了温暖,有了幸福(5)。我默默地接受了它们。我并不曾说一句感激的话,我也没有做过一件报答的行为。但是朋友们却不把自私的形容词加到我的身上。对于我,他们太慷慨了(6)。 这一次我走了许多新地方,看见了许多新朋友。我的生活是忙碌的:忙着看,忙着听,忙着说,忙着走。但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少什么。我每走到一个新地方,我就像回到我那个在上海被日本兵毁掉的旧居一样。 每一个朋友,不管他自己的生活是怎样苦,怎样简单,也要慷慨地分一些东西给我,虽然明知道我不能够报答他。有些朋友,连他们的名字我以前也不知道,他们却关心我的健康,处处打听我的“病况”,直到他们看见了我那被日光晒黑了的脸和膀子,他们才放心地微笑了,这种情形的确值得人掉泪。 有人相信我不写文章就不能够生活。两个月以前,一个同情我的上海朋友寄稿到《广州民国日报》的副刊,说了许多关于我的生活的话。他也说我一天不写文章第二天就没有饭吃(7)。这是不确实的。这次旅行就给我证明;即使我不再写一个字,朋友们也不肯让我冻馁。世间还有许多慷慨的人,他们并不把自己个人和家庭看得异常重要,超过一切。靠了他们我才能够活到现在,而且靠了他们我还要活下去。 朋友们给我的东西是太多、太多了(8)。我将怎样报答他们呢?但是我知道他


张培基英译现代散文选1 1. Phrasal Expression & Words …amid(st) thun derous applause a bare subsistence A be characteristic of B = B be characterized by A A bend in a river / mountain A blind alley A brass drum 小铜鼓 A bygone age a clot of blood A cobbled path A con fused mass of … A faint scent of A forgone conclusion 预料中的必然结局A hired hand on contract A jumble of … 一大堆 A keen sense of A long-timer of Beijing A loose community of smaller family A man of profound learning A mere drop in the ocean A niche in the temple of fame A passing glance A philosophical approach to life a positive outcome A scene of poetic charm A sensation of blissfulness A speck of mud A stone's throw A trace / shade / tint/ sprinkle of … aptly 恰如其分地Art troupe 文工团At a stretch/sitting At one'scommand at the present moment Avaricious desires 贪念 Bark up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标 bashful Bask in the sunshine Be ablaze/aglow with light be advanced in years be an encumbrance to … Be beset/troubled with/by Be blurred by … Be bogged down = be trapped Be bound up with …密切关联be central/indispensable to sb. Be cooped up = be caged be deeply grieved to learn of … be distinguished by Be en grossed in … Be exquisite and nicely arranged be forever cherished / treasured Be hale and hearty Be havened from be humanly impossible Be imprinted/carved/engraved/ingrained on/upon … be in a fix Be instrumental in 交织着 be irrelevant / foreign to Be keenly aware of be keyed up 紧张Be led by the nose be of southern breed Be off and on be on an equal footing with … Be on the lips of … Be on the minds of.. be out to do … be overgrown with wild woods be packed with … Be plagued = annoyed = upset Be possessed Be possessed of be reconciled to … be reduced to be saddled with be sent to gallows Be short of/devoid of Be shrouded in = be covered in = be enveloped in Be sloppy in thinking Be strewn/covered/festooned with … Be stumped by = baffled Be tantamount to ??= equal Be tinted / colored by … Be troubled / seized with … Be tucked away in … Be weaned 断奶 Be weighed down/ troubled with be wet with perspiration/ … Be wide of / far from the mark 离谱 Be wild with excitement / joy Be worthy of … 无愧于 Beam = a big smile on face Bear a thi n coati ng of … begin by degrees 逐渐开始 Beguile = while / idle / fritter away Bibliomania bicker Birds of a feather flock together Blackout: (战时)灯火管制 Blurt 脱口而出bookish / pedantic / impractical view Border sth on the west boudoir 闺房 Bountiful free gifts Bow down to Brazenly claim / credit 厚颜无耻邀功 Break into uncontrolled sobs Brilliant talent burst with vitality Bury the hatchet Button up clothes By dint of 凭借Capon Carcass: slaughtered animal for food Cavernous mouth Chant ancient Chinese books 诵读古籍 chicken-and-egg 因果难断的 Chit chat Click away the seconds Come dimly into sight Come out exceedingly well Come to pass 出现,发生 Come up against Come upon a windfall Come/be of age A Treasury of Best Chinese Prose 古文观Be interwoven with 止 A vast tract of land A virtuous man / a man of supreme virtue / moral integrity A widening expanse of water abandon … to fate Ache/agonize with pain Adjoining room admire sb for sth affected 做作aim high amiable by nature Amuse on eself by =-do …for fun Amusing episode an enlightened king An odd-jobber An opportune moment 合适时机Ancestral home Approach senility 1


2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析 考研历年真题一定要用好,研究好。结合大纲和真题来选择辅导用书是最明智的。本文带大家回顾2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析: Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals, and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end, that I realised just how bad much of the medical literature frequently was. I came to recognise various signs of a bad paper: the kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia. (46) There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms. Why is so much bad science published? A recent paper, titled “The Natural Selection of Bad Science”, published on the Royal Society’s open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and important question. It says that the problem is not merely that people do bad science, but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it. What is important is not truth, but publication, which has become almost an end in itself. There has been a kind of inflationary process at work: (47) nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago. Never mind the quality, then, count the number. (48) Attempts have been made to curb this tendency, for example, by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity int o the assessment of an applicant’s papers. This is the famed citation index, that is to say the number of times a paper has been quoted elsewhere in the scientific literature, the assumption being that an important paper will be cited more often than one of small account. (49) This would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favours. Boiling down an individual’s o utput to simple metrics, such as number of publications or journal impacts, entails considerable savings in time, energy and ambiguity. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great. (50) If we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reproducible, we must ensure that our institutions encourage that kind of science. 46-50参考答案及解析:



大连外国语大学应用英语学院翻译硕士MTI培养具备优秀笔译译员的素质:了解我国的国情和英语国家的社会和文化,掌握丰富的百科知识和必要的翻译理论知识,熟练掌握翻译技能与技巧,具备良好的职业道德和专业精神,能够在外事、经贸、法律、文化、旅游等方面从事笔译工作;能够初步运用第二外国语,了解学术规范,具备发现问题,解决问题的基本科学研究能力。 一、学制:全脱产学制两年半 二、翻译硕士MTI课程设置 1、学位课 马克思主义经典著作选读、科学社会主义理论与实践、现代汉语、 汉语修辞与写作、第二外语、翻译概论、基础笔译、基础口译; 2、公共选修课: 中外文化比较、中外语言比较、国际关系概况、西方经济学、法律基础; 3、专业选修课: 翻译简史、翻译理论基础、典籍英译、科技翻译、商务翻译、应用文体翻译、 旅游翻译、文学翻译、法律翻译、国际政治与外交翻译、计算机辅助翻译、 术语翻译、翻译批评、笔译工作坊/笔译实践、口译理论基础、口译工作坊/口译实践; 三、学位论文 1、学位论文写作时间一般为一个学期。学位论文可以采用以下形式(学生任选一种,字数均以汉字计算): 2、项目:学生在导师的指导下选择中外文本进行翻译,字数不少于10000字,并根据译文就翻译问题写出不少于5000字的研究报告。 3、实验报告:大连外国语大学研究生在导师的指导下就笔译的某个环节展开实验,并就实验结果进行分析,写出不少于10000字的实验报告。 4、学位论文采用匿名评审,论文评阅人中至少有一位是校外专家。答辩委员会成员中必须有一位具有丰富的笔译实践经验且具有高级专业技术职称的专家。

张培基散文翻译 张培基散文翻译108篇

张培基散文翻译张培基散文翻译108篇 转] 张培基散文翻译语言点精要 xx-6-1614:19阅读转载自甲壳虫 · · · · · · 赞赞赞赞评论转载分享复制地址编辑上一篇| 下一篇:此文胜过你上三年、、、 1、It is sometimes beset with …有时候会有…的境遇/会有…相伴 2、 Nothing short of a … can help …唯有…才能/全靠…才能够 3、 Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles、一泻千里 4、 Fare likewise、正如这样 5、 Now … , now …有时…,有时… 6、 Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of …更能让人产生一种…之 感

7、… is now confronted with a … section of its course、…现在正遭遇进程上的 一段… 8、… , however, can only be shared by …而…,只有…样的人才可体会到 9、 The present … crisis can never obstacle the advance of …目前的…危机绝 不会阻碍…的进步 10、 Let us pace up our spirits and march through ...让我们鼓起雄健的精神 (1) 1、The greatest joy of …, is to … during its most difficult days、在最艰难的日 子里…,亦是最大的乐趣 12、 Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见 13、 Dash here and there in search of …跑来跑去的寻找 14、 He is going to … so that he could …他决定…以便… 15、… is not groundless because ……并非空害怕/没依据,因为… 16、 Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑


2019考研英语5500词背诵(18) 2019考研英语复习首先要从背单词开始,5500个大纲词汇,一定要熟练掌握。小编分享考研英语5500词背诵,大家按阶段按计划来累积记忆。背单词是一个长期积累的过程,要温故而知新,要在运用中去熟练掌握。 2019考研英语5500词背诵(18) 1 clock n.钟vt.记录(时间、速度等),为…计时 2 clockwise a.顺时针方向 3 clone n.无性繁殖,克隆;复制品v.克隆 4 close v./n.关;结束a./ad.近的(地);紧密的(地) 5 closet n.(壁)橱a.私下的vt.把…引进密室会谈 6 cloth n.(一块)布,织物,衣料 7 clothe v.(给…)穿衣,供给…衣服 8 clothes n.衣服(虽为复数,亦不可数) 9 clothing n.服装,被褥 10 cloud n.云(状物);遮暗物,阴影;一大群 11 cloudy a.多云的,阴(天)的;混浊的,模糊的 12 club n.俱乐部,夜总会;社团;棍棒,球棒 13 clue n.线索,暗示 14 clumsy a.笨拙的,愚笨的 15 cluster n.丛,群,串v.群集,丛生 16 clutch v.抓住,攫住,掌握n.离合器 17 coach n.长途公共汽车;教练vt.训练,指导,培训 18 coal n.煤,煤块 19 coalition n.结合体,同盟;结合,联合 20 coarse a.粗糙的,粗劣的;粗鲁的,粗俗的 21 coast n.海岸,海滨 22 coat n.上衣,外套;表皮;层,覆盖物v.涂(盖)上 23 cocaine n.可卡因,古柯碱(用作局部麻醉剂) 24 cock n.公鸡,雄鸡;龙头,开关 25 code n.代码,代号,密码;法典,法规,规划 26 coffee n.咖啡(色) 27 cognitive a.认知的,认识能力的 28 coherent a.一致的,协调的;(话语等)条理清楚的 29 cohesive a.粘合性的,有结合力的 30 coil v.卷,盘绕n.(一)卷,(一)圈;线圈,绕组 31 coin n.硬币,货币v.铸造(硬币),创造(新词) 32 coincide vi.同时发生;巧合;一致;相符; 33 coincidence n.巧合;同时发生,共同存在;符合,一致 34 coke n.焦炭;可口可乐(COCA-COLA)的缩写 35 cold a.冷的,寒冷的;冷淡的n.冷,寒冷;伤风 36 collaborate vi.协作,合作;(与敌人)勾结 37 collapse v./n.倒塌;崩溃;(价格)暴跌;倒闭,破产 38 collar n.衣领;环状物


2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(2) 螃蟹 老螃蟹觉得不安了,觉得全身太硬了(1),自己知道要蜕壳(2)了。 他跑来跑去的寻。他想寻一个窟穴,躲了身子,将石子堵了穴口,隐隐的蜕壳。他知道外面蜕壳(3)是危险的。身子还软(4),要被别的螃蟹吃去的。这并非空害怕,他实在亲眼见过。 他慌慌张张的走。 旁边的螃蟹(5)问他说:“老兄,你何以这般慌?” 他说:“我要蜕壳了。” “就在这里蜕不是很好么?我还要帮你呢。” “那可太怕人了。” “你不怕窟穴里的别的东西,却怕我们同种么?” “我不是怕同种。” “那是怕什么呢?” “就怕你要吃掉我(6)。” The Crab An old crab grew restless. Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell. He dashed here and there in search of a cave to hide. He was going to block up the mouth of cave so that he could moult in secret. He knew it would be very dangerous to shed his shell in the open because, with his new shell still being soft, he might be eaten up by other crabs. This fear was not groundless for he himself had really seen it happen to other moulting crabs. The old crab kept moving about in a hurry. A nearby crab asked, “Hey, brother, what’s the rush?” “I am going to moult,” answered the old crab. “Wouldn’t it be all right to moult right here? I could help you out with it.” “How horrible that would be!” “You mean while you’ll not scared of other things in the cave you’re scared of your own kind?” “No, I’m not scared of my own kind.” “Then what are you scared of?” “Nothing but being eaten up by you.” 注释: 《螃蟹》是近年发现的鲁迅佚文。文章发表于1919年8月间,时值五四运动方兴未艾,作者通过寓言故事,提醒人们新生事物往往有被旧事物消灭于萌芽状态的危险。 (1)“觉得全身太硬了”译为Finding himself stiff al over,其中all over 意即“全身”或“浑身”,作状语短语用。如逐字译为finding his whole body stiff并无不可,但语言稍欠地道。


张培基散文翻译语言点精要 1. It is sometimes beset with…有时候会有…的境遇/会有…相伴 2. Nothing short of a…can help…唯有...才能/全靠…才能够 3. rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles一泻千里 4. Fare likewise.正如这样 5. Now…, now….有时…,有时… 6. Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of…更能让人产生一种…之感 7.…is now confronted with a…section of its course……现在正遭遇进程上的一段… 8.…, however, can only be shared by…而…,只有…样的人才可体会到 9.Thepresent…criscanneverobstacletheadvanceof…目前的…危机绝不会阻碍…的进步。 1 0." Let us brace up our spirit and march through…让我们鼓起雄健的精神… 1 1." The greatest joy of…, is to…during its most difficult days.在最艰难的日子里…,亦是最大的乐趣。 1 2." Grow restless变得焦躁不安Beg to differ恕不同意/持反对意见 1 3." Dash here and there in search o f…跑来跑去的寻找 1


张培基英译现代散文选3 The Commercial Press and I Unable to see the manuscripts well, I have to rely on someone to read out for me.只能听别人念 With a comment scribbled in red ink about my mistake Enter…on the recommendation of sb. 经…介绍 Co-compile with sb.与…合编 I acted on his behalf as editor of the magazine Fiction Monthly. 代他编…(小说月报)With sb. as my collaborator跟…合作 Do proofreading看校样 It was the post-Great Revolution days when the stirring times found expression in literature.时代的激荡会在文学领域反应出来。 He had up to then written no fiction.他过去不写小说。 Start its publication of the magazine…创办…杂志 Sports requisites体育器械 …boast a galaxy of talent…是知识分子聚集的地方。A galaxy of talent人才济济 Became concurrently director of the People’s Education Publishing House兼任社长 …are still living and enjoy good health健在 It is said that people in the publishing trade live longer.有人说做出版工作的人就是长寿。《什么事不可能》Nothing Is Impossible to a Willing Mind 中国古代神话classical Chinese mythology 《封神传》Canonization of the Gods Make aviation experiments 不过这还是极少数“痴子”的信心,一般人还是嗤之以鼻。 Yet the handful of“dreamers”of those days were subjected to jeers and laughters. 学徒出身的发明家an apprentice-turned-inventor Without the above-mentioned early trailblazers, there would be no human flight to speak of today. 对于飞机大饶兴趣(sb. be) enamored of the flying machine. …不是一蹴而成的。Orville’s 1903 plane was something he accomplished after going through numerous setbacks. Made their first glider(滑翔机)patterned after a paper kite(纸鸢) 所以能向前努力者,无论成败,都有贡献。Therefore, succeed or fail, one is considered to have made a contribution so long as he has tried his utmost. In the face of obstacles面对困难 You need to take much time, do a lot of planning, go through countless procedures and carry out many improvements. And you’ll never make it unless you show the utmost patience. 《说开卷有益》On “Reading Is Always Beneficial” 现在多了一点智识,反过来又觉得古人的不欺我了。Now I know better than to do that. (明事理而不至于…) 可是坏书读了,而知道它的坏的原因与地方,岂不也是一得?After reading a bad book, we know all the whys and wherefores of its being bad.Isn’t that something of benefit to us too? 《当教师的快乐》Joys of the Teaching Career


2019考研英语翻译每日一句精析(63) Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change //that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it, //whereas Greenbergian universality predicts strong co-dependencies between particular types of word-order relations. (33 words) 词汇要点: 1) track //v. 跟踪,追寻 2) co-dependency //n. 互相依存 结构要点: 1) 第一个并列句主干是Chomsky’s grammar should show…,后面有that引导一个定语从句; 2) whereas连接的第二个并列句,主干是Greenbergian universality predicts strong co-dependencies…。 汉译逻辑要点: 1) family tree是“家谱,家族谱系”,这里是指“语言的谱系”。 2) pathway是“道路,路径”的意思, tracked through it是 分词短语作定语,修饰pathway。其中代词it应该指的是familytree,trackedthrough是“贯穿…”的意思,the pathway tracked through it则翻译为:贯穿语言谱系的路径。 3) …that are independent of the family tree or the pathway trackedthrough it中的beindependent of是“独立的,不 相关的,没相关联的,不受影响的”等意思。最后,这个定语从句是 修饰上文的patterns,能够直接翻译在后面,重复先行词patters(这


2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(33) 母亲的回忆 朱德 得到母亲去世的消息,我很悲痛。我爱我母亲,特别是她勤劳一生,很多事情是值得我永远回忆的。 我家是佃农,祖籍广东韶关籍人,在“湖广填四川” (1)时迁移四川仪陇县马鞍场。世代为地主耕种,家境是贫苦的(2),和我们来往的朋友也都是老老实实的贫苦农民。 母亲一共生了十三个儿女,因为家境贫穷,无法全部养活,只留下八个,以后再生下的被迫溺死了。这在母亲心里是多么悲痛、悲哀和无可奈何的事啊!母亲把八个孩子一手养大成人。可是她的时间大半给家务和耕种占去了,没法多照顾孩子,只好让孩子们在地里爬着。 母亲是个“好劳动” (3)。从我能记忆时起,总是天不亮就起床。全家二十口人,妇女轮班煮饭,轮到就煮一年。母亲把饭煮了,还要种田种菜,喂猪养蚕,纺棉花。因为她身材高大结实,还能挑水挑粪。 母亲这样地整日劳碌着,我们到四五岁时就很自然地在旁边帮她的忙,到八九岁时就不单能挑能背,还会种地了。记得那时我从学堂回家,母亲总在灶上汗流满面地烧饭,我就悄悄把书本一放,挑水或放牛去了。有的季节里,我上午读书下午种地,一到农忙便整月停在地里跟着母亲劳动。这个时期母亲教给我许多生产知识。 佃农家庭的生活自然是很苦的。可是由于母亲的聪明能干,却很舒服。我们把桐子榨油来点灯。吃的是豌豆饭,菜花,红薯饭,杂粮饭,把菜籽榨出的油放在饭里做调料,这种地主富人家看也不看的饭食,母亲却能做得使一家吃起来有滋味。赶上丰年,才能缝上一些新衣服,衣服也是自己生产出来的。母亲亲手纺出线,请人织成布,染了颜色,我们叫做“家织布”,有铜钱那样厚,一套衣服老大穿过了,老二老三接下来穿还穿不烂(4)。 劳动的家庭是有规律有组织的。我的祖父是一个中国标本式的农民,到了八九十岁还非耕田不可,不耕田就会害病,直到临死前不久还在地里劳动。祖母是家庭的组织者,一切生产事务由她管理分派。每年除夕,分派好一年的工作以后,天还没亮,母亲就第一个起床烧火做饭去了,接着听见祖父起来的声音,接着大家都离开床铺,喂猪的喂养猪,砍柴的砍柴,挑水的挑水。母亲在家庭里极能够任劳任怨,她和蔼的性格使她从来没有打骂过我们上次,而且也没有和任何人炒过架(5)。因此,虽在这样的大家庭里,长幼叔伯妯娌相处都很和睦。母亲同情贫苦的人——这是她朴素的阶级意识——虽然自己不富裕,还周济和照顾比自己更穷的亲戚(6)。她自己是很节省的。父亲有时吸点大烟,喝点酒,母亲管束着我们,不允许我们沾染上一点。母亲那种劳动简朴的习惯,母亲那种宽厚仁慈的态度,至今还在我心中留有深刻的印象。 但是灾难不因为中国农民的和平就不能降临到他们的身上。庚子(一九○○)后前后,四川连年旱灾,很多农民饥饿破产。农民不得不成群结队去“吃大户”。我亲眼见到六七百著得破破烂烂的农民和他们的妻子儿女,被所谓“官兵”一阵


张培基英译现代散文选1 1. Phrasal Expression & Words … amid(st) thunderous applause a bare subsistence A be characteristic of B = B be characterized by A A bend in a river / mountain A blind alley A brass drum 小铜鼓 A bygone age a clot of blood A cobbled path A confused mass of … A faint scent of A forgone conclusion 预料中的必然结局 A hired hand on contract A jumble of … 一大堆 A keen sense of A long-timer of Beijing A loose community of smaller family A man of profound learning A mere drop in the ocean A niche in the temple of fame A passing glance A philosophical approach to life a positive outcome A scene of poetic charm A sensation of blissfulness A speck of mud A ston e’s throw A trace / shade / tint/ sprinkle of … A Treasury of Best Chinese Prose 古文观止 A vast tract of land A virtuous man / a man of supreme virtue / moral integrity A widening expanse of water abandon … to fate Ache/agonize with pain Adjoining room admire sb for sth affected 做作 aim high amiable by nature Amuse one self by… = do … for fun Amusing episode an enlightened king An odd-jobber An opportune moment 合适时机 Ancestral home Approach senility aptly 恰如其分地 Art troupe 文工团 At a stretch/sitting At one ’s command at the present moment Avaricious desires 贪念 Bark up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标 bashful Bask in the sunshine Be ablaze/aglow with light be advanced in years be an encumbrance to … Be beset/troubled with/by Be blurred by … Be bogged down = be trapped Be bound up with …密切关联 be central/indispensable to sb. Be cooped up = be caged be deeply grieved to learn of … be distinguished by Be engrossed in … Be exquisite and nicely arranged be forever cherished / treasured Be hale and hearty Be havened from be humanly impossible Be imprinted/carved/engraved/ingrained on/upon … be in a fix Be instrumental in Be interwoven with 交织着 be irrelevant / foreign to Be keenly aware of be keyed up 紧张 Be led by the nose be of southern breed Be off and on be on an equal footing with … Be on the lips of … Be on the minds of.. be out to do … be overgrown with wild woods be packed with … Be plagued = annoyed = upset Be possessed Be possessed of be reconciled to … be reduced to be saddled with be sent to gallows Be short of/devoid of Be shrouded in = be covered in = be enveloped in Be sloppy in thinking Be strewn/covered/festooned with … Be stumped by = baffled Be tantamount to …= equal Be tinted / colored by … Be troubled / seized with … Be tucked away in … Be weaned 断奶 Be weighed down/ troubled with be wet with perspiration/… Be wide of / far from the mark 离谱 Be wild with excitement / joy Be worthy of … 无愧于 Beam = a big smile on face Bear a thin coating of … begin by degrees 逐渐开始 Beguile = while / idle / fritter away Bibliomania bicker Birds of a feather flock together Blackout: (战时)灯火管制 Blurt 脱口而出 bookish / pedantic / impractical view Border sth on the west boudoir 闺房 Bountiful free gifts Bow down to Brazenly claim / credit 厚颜无耻邀功 Break into uncontrolled sobs Brilliant talent burst with vitality Bury the hatchet Button up clothes By dint of 凭借 Capon Carcass: slaughtered animal for food Cavernous mouth Chant ancient Chinese books 诵读古籍 chicken-and-egg 因果难断的 Chit chat Click away the seconds Come dimly into sight Come out exceedingly well Come to pass 出现,发生 Come up against Come upon a windfall Come/be of age Confirmed = habitual Confirmed = habitual Congenial disposition 天性 convulsive sob cool one ’s heel Cordially

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