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BerconMaps MAX免费纹理插件

BerconMaps MAX免费纹理插件
BerconMaps MAX免费纹理插件


2011-8-8 21:54 上传下载附件(129.05 KB)

3D wood map that allows y The patterns are truly 3-dimensio

Noise 3D noise map that offers you all well-known noise patterns such as Perlin, Worley and Simplex.

Support for large number of fractal options such

as fBm and Turbulence. With distortion and mapping all parameters from Size to Fractal Levels you get infinite number of

different patterns.

More information about Noise 2011-8-8 21:54 上传

下载附件(84.63 KB)


下载附件(84.63 KB)


The only 2D map of the group offers all common brick

patterns and their variations.

Advanced UVW mapping options allows you to map

bitmaps into tiles.

Rounding and smoothing corners ensures that the map works perfectly in bump mapping and displacement.

More information about Tile


Combines features of 3ds Max's own Gradient

Ramp, Falloff and Particle Age maps and expands

them even further.

Allows you easily to control color variation

between objects and particles.

Fully animatable and Maxscriptable gradient that

is lightning fast to render.

More information about Gradient

2011-8-8 21:54 上传

下载附件(195.99 KB)

2011-8-8 21:54 上传下载附件(130.09 KB)

Distortion Allows you to distort any and all 3ds Max's

texture maps with other maps. This feature is also integrated in all of my other maps to distort only their pattern and not any

submaps they may be using.

More information about Distortion

And more...

These maps allow you to do nearly everything

you've ever imagined to do with prodecural


For more detailed descriptions and instructions

for each map you can check the Help section


Copy the correct file into your 3dsmax plugins folder (for example: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\plugins). After this you can find the maps in your material editor just like every other 3ds max map.

Error when launching 3ds Max

If you get error while starting max once you've copied the correct version (32/64) of the file into your plugins folder you need to instal Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package, its a small file and doesn't require VS2005 or anything.

Download 32/64 bit MS VC++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package from here.

Source code

Included in the download above.


Click here to see help section.

User Interface

Click here to view how the maps look in material editor.

Supported renderers

Scanline, finalRender, VRay and Brazil. mental ray is NOT supported, it would take me too much time to do the conversion. Maps are open source so if somebody really really wants the maps on

mental ray, they can be ported by anybody.

Version history:

05.11.2010 - 3.01

- Fixed Tile map requiring manual update to show up correctly after loading scene (fixes Distributed Rendering problems too I hope)

- Added version tag to coordinate rollout so you can check which version you are currently running

06.06.2010 - 3.0

- Major chances that make the maps uncompatible with older 2.0 version maps

- See all changes in the "release_notes.txt" file that is included in the download

16.04.2009 - 2.0b Released (Max 2010 version)

- The Gradient reseting fix is NOT included in Max 2010 2.0b version

12.01.2009 - 2.0b Released (Max 9, 2008 and 2009 versions)

- Fixed curve in Noise and Gradient, it failed to save with scene

- Fixed reseting gradient, which left current key selected although it might have been removed.

11.01.2009 - 2.0 Released (Max 9, 2008 and 2009 versions)

- Redesigned the Gradient map

- BerconNoise: Fixed bug that disabled Perlin (Old) noise.

- BerconNoise, Tile, Wood: Fixed incorrect subanim names

- BerconTile: Fixed bug with distortion

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