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【考点】may have done

【词汇】担任——be;work as;serve as。

排球教练——volleyball coach(trainer也可以,但球队教练一般用coach)

或用动词:coach a volleyball team

【难点】她们“中”:among/of them

参考译文:Who among them may have coached a volleyball team?

2.我看到他换上徒步鞋,走向草坪。(make for)

【考点】see sb. do sth.(或可用从句see that...)

【词汇】换上——change into;put on

徒步鞋——hiking/trekking/walking boots/shoes(hiking/trekking较地道)

草坪——lawn/green belt;meadow/grassland(一般指草场、牧场)


参考译文:I saw him change into hiking boots and walk toward the lawn.


【考点】as a reminder to do/of sth./that...

【词汇】设置闹钟六个小时响一次——set the alarm clock to ring every six hours

【难点】“提醒自己”用名词表达:a reminder for herself

参考译文:Mom sets the alarm clock to ring every six hours as a reminder for herself to take the baby’s temperature.


【考点】until可以用在“eat until they are satisfied”;或keep the habit...until they have abundant food

【词汇】八分饱——eat 30% less;leave off with an appetite;(not)eat until they are full等

应对……困境——cope with/deal with/respond to;或介词against/in reaction to/in response to... 每餐——for every single meal;each meal

【难点】防止冗余的翻译:如deal with the lack of food(缺少食物的困境);healthy eating habit、或healthy diet(健康的饮食习惯);(通常每餐吃八分饱)

参考译文:People in this village usually eat until they are satisfied,but this healthy diet came from the shortage of food in the early days.


句子翻译(二) 1稍等一会儿,我会帮助你的。(for a while) 2他们作了自我介绍。(introduce) 3请去查询下班火车什么时候开。(find out) 4昨天下午2时到4时你在做什么?(过去进行时) 5我正在吃晚饭,电话铃响了。(when) 6不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(be fond of) 7他今天感到身体好多了。(a lot) 8礼堂里早已挤满了高中学生。(be full of) 9我在街上走时,看到了一些古老的建筑物。(while) 10我走近花园时,几个男孩子在爬树。(用过去进行时) 11请脱下你的旧上衣,穿上这件新的。(take off, put on) 12这件事是什么时候发生的?(happen 13他去办公室查询课程表.(ask abut) 14当我们到达车站时,火车已开出了。(过去完成时) 15他服药后,开始感到好些了.(过去完成时) 16 我观看体育节目你有意见吗? (mind) 17我还没有读完那本有关伦敦的书.(finish) 18 他没有跟我说一声就离开了山村。(without) 19我告诉她我已把餐具洗好了。(过去完成时) 20汤姆上楼去他的卧室时,他的姐姐已把他的上衣改短了一英寸。(过去完成时) 21我和汤姆都盼望早日见到您。(look forward to) 22全世界的人都在电视上观看奥运会.(all over the world) 23我听说这场比赛将延期。(put off) 24这里要讲英语.(被动) 25这座体育馆将于明年建成.(被动语态) 26过马路时要小心.(be careful) 27这次车祸是什么引起的?(cause) 28她总是乐于助人.(be ready to) 29这个女孩由于不遵守交通规则,在车祸中受了伤。(被动) 30到时候会通知你的.(被动语态) 31我根本不喜欢这个铜的框架。(not…at all) 32他把玫瑰栽在花园中间.(in the middle) 33他不知道她为什么在练习中有这么多的错误.(wonder) 34他告诉我一切都会好的。(过去将来时) 35谁也不知道我们什么时候举行下次会议.(过去将来时) 36在新学校里有这么多的东西要学 37当老师进来的时候,我们正在愉快地交谈。38我们一读完初中就进入高中。 39我的老师比我想象的要年轻得多。 40晚饭后,我总是在厨房里洗碗碟.


2018年12月大学英语六级翻译练习题:喝茶 2018年12月大学英语六级翻译练习题库 英语六级翻译练习题:喝茶 在中国,喝茶是一种仪式(ritual),一种精致品味(refined taste)的展示。人们在饮茶的同时,也领略着(take delight in)品茶的情趣之意。喝茶聊天是中国人中最流行的打发时间的方式。过去,他们是以进有名的茶馆(teahouse)而开始一天的生活的。中国的茶馆相当于法国的咖啡馆和英国的酒馆。人们到这里不仅是为了喝茶。也是为了议论当地的新闻或对政治话题进行激烈的(furious)争论。 参考译文 Tea drinking in China is a ritual and a demonstration of the refined taste. While drinking tea, people also take delight in the essence of tea itself. Chatting over a pot of tea is a very popular way of pastime among Chinese. In the past, they would start the day with a visit to a well-known teahouse. Chinese teahouses would be the equivalent of French cafes and English pubs. People come here not just for tea, but also to discuss local news or to have furious political debates. 难点注释 1.汉语形散神聚,英文结构紧凑。处理第一句时,可以将几个小短句合译为一句结构严谨的英文。先确定句子的主谓宾,其中Tea thinking作句子主语,is可作系动词,本句中有两个并列表语,即“仪式”和“展示”,分别译为:ritual,demonstration。 2.第二句中,“领略”可以译为:take delight in;“品茶的情趣之意”可以译为:the essence of tea itself。


2018年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题: 中国城市化 2018年12月英语四六级开始考试,其中英语四六级考试翻译目前考察的方向多偏向于社会经济、文化等方面,日常复习中我们也要提前储备一些常考话题材料。无忧考网英语四六级频道特别整理《2018年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题:中国城市化》一文奉献给考生,希望可以为大家带来帮助,预祝大家高分通过考试。 英语四级翻译练习题:中国城市化 中国城市化(urbanization)将会充分释放潜在内需(domestic demand)。一些经济学家指出,在中国几乎所有的发展中城市都面临着城市化的进程。这使得许多人的生活水平有所提高,也为人们提供更多的就业机会。随着越来越多的人向城市迁徙,住房及城市基础设施建设(infrastructure construction),包括水源等能源的供应将

会成为城市发展的焦点问题。商品与服务的自由、快速流通是城市化社会的一项基本特征。逐渐扩张的城市需要更多的零售店来满足消费者的需求。 汉译英: China’s urbanization will release the full potential of domestic demand. Some economists point out that urbanization is a process that is occurring in nearly every developing city in the country. It will lead to a better quality of life for many people,and provide individuals with more job opportunities. The construction of housing and city infrastructure, in?cluding water and energy supplies, will be a focal point of urban develop?ment as more people migrate to cities. Urbanization means better access to educational and medical resources in the city. But it also predicts less use of personal vehicles and more use of public transportation. The fast, free flow of goods and services is a basic trait of an urbanized society. Ex-panding cities require more retail outlets to serve customers。


上海历届春高考英语句子翻译汇编(2000年-----2016年) 2000上海春考 1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) He became very interested in computers after he entered college. 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) Collecting stamps occupies almost all his spare time. 3. 只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) As long as you concentrate on your study, you are sure to pass the exam. 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) More and more people are aware of the importance of observing traffic regulations. 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) In spite of many difficulties/hardships, we will still carry out our plan. 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) The Nobel Prizes are awarded to those scientists who have made great contributions i n a certain field. 2000上海高考 1. 这张照片是我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。(remind) This picture reminds me of the days that we spent in the summer camp. 2. 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) If you want to take up this job, you must first receive three months’ training. 3. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) Once you develop a bad habit, it is difficult to get rid of it. 4. 同其他同学相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听,说能力。(compare) Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking skills. 5. 众所周知,成功来自于勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without) As is known to all, success comes from hard work/diligence, and nothing can be achie ved without efforts/hard work.


2018年12月大学英语六级翻译练习题:义务教育2018年12月大学英语六级翻译练习题库 英语六级翻译练习题:义务教育 在中国,小学教育需要花费12年的时间来完成,分为小学、初中和高中三个阶段。小学教育持续5年或6年。在初中阶段,大多数学生上3年制初中,极少数上4年制。几乎98%的学生在前一种学校入学。在小学和初中的9年教育属于义务教育。普通高中教育持续3年时间,在整个义务教育阶段,学生要求在每学期未参加期末考试。 参考译文 In China, primary and secondary education takes 12 years to complete, divided into primary, junior secondary and senior secondary stages. Primary education lasts either five or six years. At junior secondary stage, most have three-year schooling with any part of four-year. Almost 98 percent of students are enrolled in the former schools. The nine-year schooling in primary and junior secondary schools belongs to compulsory education. General senior secondary education lasts for three years. Throughout the whole process of compulsory education, students are required to take final examinations at the end of each semester. 难点注释 1.第一句句子结构较为复杂,翻译时首先理清句子主干,然后补充修饰成分。句子主干为:中小学教育需要花费l2年的时间来完成。“在中国”为地点状语,“分为小学……阶段”为伴随状语。“花费……时问”用take…to…表达,“分为”暗含被动含义,故用过去分词divided into.表被动。


2018年12月大学英语四级翻译真题汇总 【手机改变阅读方式】 由于通信网络的快速发展,中国智能手机用户数量近年来以惊人的速度增长。这极大地改变了许多人的阅读方式。他们现在经常在智能手机上看新闻和文章,而不买传统报刊。大量移动应用程序(apps)的开发使人们能用手机阅读小说和其他形式的文学作品。因此,纸质书籍的销售受到了影响。但调查显示,尽管智能手机阅读市场稳步增长,超半数成年人仍喜欢读纸质书。(164字) In recent years, the number of Chinese smartphone users has been growing at an alarming rate as the result of the rapid development of communication networks. This has dramatically changed the ways of reading for many people. They now often read news and articles on their smartphones instead of buying traditional newspapers. The development of a large number of mobile apps enables people to read novels and other forms of literature works on their mobile phones. Therefore, the sale of paper books has been affected. But the survey indicates that, despite the steady growth of the mobile phone reading market, more than half of the adults still prefer to read paper books. 【手机改变支付方式】 过去几年里,移动支付市场在中国蓬勃发展。随着移动互联网的出现,手机购物逐渐成为一种趋势。18到30岁的年轻人构成了移动支付市场的最大群体。由于现在用手机付款很容易,许多消费者在购物时宁愿用手机付款,而不愿用现金或信用卡。为了鼓励人们多消费,

2020上海高考英语 翻译练习100句-2

翻译100句详解 21.你是在什么时候才开始意识到地理非常值得学习?(强调句,worth) When was it that you began to realize Geography was well worth learning? 考点一:强调句结构的掌握It is/was…that…. 考点二:开始意识到(begin to realize ) 考点三:非常值得学习(be well worth doing) 22.多亏了那场大雨,持续了一个半月的森林大火终于扑灭了。(thanks to) Thanks to the heavy rain, the big forest fire which had lasted for a month and a half was put out at last. 考点一:多亏(thanks to) 考点二:用定语从句表达“持续了一个半月的森林大火” 考点三:扑灭火(put out the fire) 23.由于我无法找到一个更好的方法解决这个问题,他建议我向父母求助。(suggest) As I couldn’t find a better way to w ork out the problem, ha suggested my turning to the parents. 考点一:原因状语从句的表达方法,如:because/as… 考点二:找到一个更好的方法解决这个问题(find a better way to work out the problem) 考点三: 建议某人做某事(suggest one’s doing sth.) 24.许多大学生对在考试中作弊的学生是否应被开除,进行了热烈讨论。(dismiss) Many college students had a heated discussion on whether the students who cheated in exams should be dismissed. 考点一:对…进行了热烈讨论(have a heated discussion) 考点二:考试作弊(cheat in exams ) 考点三: dismiss(vt) 有“解散,开除,逃避,(法律)驳回”的意思。 25.当孩子们向他献花时,他激动得热泪盈眶。(present) When the children presented flowers to him, he was so excited that tears came to his eyes.


. 汉译英 1.好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人 . 2.这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流 . 3. 网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流. 4.现在 , 每年有超过 100 万的旅客来广州观光旅游. 5. 世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用. 6. 不管你相不相信 , 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己了.

. 7.实际上学好英语有很多简单的方法 , 例如看英文电视或和外国朋友在线聊 天. 7. 即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作. 8.全体同学都要准时参加明天举行的会议 . 9.花了一周时间才把衣物和药品送达灾区 . 10.请耐心点。火车十分钟后到 . 11.消防员没有多考虑个人的安危 , 像平常一样将困在大火中的人员援救出来 . 12. 一些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来.

13. 上一次考试考砸了之后,那个男孩向父母许诺今后会努力学习. 14.约翰要给捡到他钱包的出租司机一百元作为酬劳 . 15. 除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存. 16.这是目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部 . 17.我家门前的漂亮新车是我邻居的,不是我的 . 18.当午餐的铃声敲响的时候 , 学生们一个接一个走出教室 . 19.经理不在时 , 他负责这个商店 .

20.他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动 . 21. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的. 22.这个母亲正看护着她熟睡的孩子 . 23.由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了 . 24.开车的时候,你应该注意路标 . 25. 政府提出了一项新的政策,旨在保护城市里一些重要的历史遗迹. 26. 根据气象报告,今天将会是一个晴朗的日子.


2018年12月英语六级真题及答案解析和听力原文(卷一) 2018年12月英语六级真题(卷一) Part I Writing (30 minutes) For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance academic study and extracurricular activities. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A)It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike. B)It lists the various challenges physicists are confronting. C)It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved. D)It is one of the most fascinating physics books ever written. 2.A)Physicists’ contribution to humanity. B)Stories about some female physicists. C)Historical evolution of modern physicists. D)Women’s changing attitudes to physics. 3.A)By exposing a lot of myths in physics. B)By describing her own life experiences. C)By including lots of fascinating knowledge. D)By telling anecdotes about famous professors. 4.A) It avoids detailing abstract concepts of physics. B)It contains a lot of thought-provoking questions. C)It demonstrates how they can become physicists. D)It provides experiments they can do themselves. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5.A)He is too busy to finish his assignment in time. B)He does not know what kid of topic to write on. C)He does not understand the professor’s instructions.


2018年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题:灵隐寺 2018年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题库 英语四级翻译练习题:灵隐寺 灵隐寺(Lingyin Temple)位于浙江省杭州市西湖的西北部。它是 江南古刹。该寺建于公元326年,有1600多年的历史。传说, 印度一 个叫作慧理的和尚来到杭州,被这美丽的山区景色深深地吸引了。他 认为这里有神佛,所以建了一座庙宇,取名“灵隐”,意思是隐藏的 灵魂。据说的济公和尚也是在这座寺庙皈依的,这使灵隐寺更加有名。 参考译文 Lingyin Temple is located in the northwest side of West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is a famous ancient temple in the south of the Yangtze River. The temple was built in 326 AD and has a history of over 1,600 years. Legend has it that an Indian monk named Huili came to Hangzhou and was deeply attracted by the beautiful mountainous scenery. He thought there lived immortals and then he built a temple and named it “Lingyin”,which means hidden souls. It is said that the famous monk Jigong also took vows in the temple, which made Lingyin Temple even more famous. 2018年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题库


上海市历年高考文言语段中句子翻译(参考答 案) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

上海市历年高考文言语段中的句子翻译参考答案 (1)是是、非非谓之知,非是、是非谓之愚。(1992) 肯定对的,否定错的,叫做聪明;否定对的,肯定错的,叫做愚蠢。 (2)不死而死,以形求脱也(1992) 没有死却装死,以装死的样子来求得逃脱。 (1)与其不逊也宁固(1993) 与其骄纵,无宁固陋 (2)役天下以奉天子邪( 1993) 驱使天下的人来奉养皇帝吗? (1)穷饿无聊,追购又急。(1994) (我)困窘饥饿没有依靠,(元军)悬赏捉拿(我)有很紧急。 (2)闻玮利牛羊而师不整。(1994) 得知曹玮贪牛羊之利而部队散乱 (1)金块珠砾。(1995) 把黄金看作土块,把珍珠看作石子(碎石、碎瓦) (2)吾取其犯命者。(1995) 我只捕捉那些违犯天命的。 (3)非桀其孰为此( 1995) 不是夏桀谁能做出这种事情呢? (1)村中少年好事者驯养一虫。(1996) 村子里有一位喜欢多事的年轻人驯养了一只促织。 (2)召医而尤其故。(1996) 把医生叫来责问这是什么缘故 (1)痛定思痛,痛何如哉(1997) 悲痛的心情平静下来后,再回想当时遭受痛悲的情景,该是多么痛苦的啊!或:一个人遭受痛苦之后,再回想当时的痛苦,更加悲痛。 (2)道其不济夫。(1997) 我的主张大概不能实现了。 (1)鼠度其无他技。(1998) 老鼠估计它(狸)没有别的本领(重点词“度”、“他”、“技”) (2)所以终不辱于愚僧俗士之剥凿也。(1998) 所以始终不被愚蠢的和尚庸俗的士人开凿所玷辱。 (1)卒以为将。(1999) 终于任命他为将军。


句子翻译 1.我是学生.(简单句)______________________________________________________________________________ 2.他在做的与我无关._____________________________________________________________________________ 3.我来了,但他已经走了. (复合句)___________________________________________________________________ 4.我不知道他已经走了,但是她知道. (并列复合句)_____________________________________________________ 5.你能回答我的问题吗?___________________________________________________________________________ 6.我在写信.______________________________________________________________________________________ 7.请开门.________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.他是一个多聪明的男孩啊!________________________________________________________________________ 9.我非常喜欢这本书.______________________________________________________________________________ 10.他昨天去哪儿了?_______________________________________________________________________________ 第二组:词类 11.你应该用正确的方法做这件事.____________________________________________________________________ 12.最终, 他受到了惩罚.____________________________________________________________________________ 13.他在湖里游泳. He is swimming in the lake. 14.至今,我已经读了100部小说. So far, I have read 100 novels. 15.我不喜欢这乐曲. I don’t like the music. 16.你喜欢音乐吗? Do you like music? 17.如果我是你, 我会跟他在一起. If I were you, I would stay with him. 18.面对困难,一定要保持冷静. When facing difficulty, you should keep calm. 19.最终,他梦想成真. At last, his dream came true. 20.你所说的听起来很有道理.


年月六级翻译真题解析(体育馆) 来源:文都教育 年月大学英语六级考试已结束,翻译中涉及到三个场所:图书馆、博物馆和体育馆。文都四六级辅导老师现将六级翻译真题(体育馆)的的文章给大家进行一下深度剖析。 【六级翻译原文】 ()近年来,中国政府进一步加大体育馆建设投资,以更好地满足人们快速增长地健身需求。()除了新建体育馆外,许多城市还采取了改造旧工厂和商业建筑等措施,来增加当地体育馆的数量。()在政府资金的支持下,越来越多的体育馆向公众免费开放,或者只收取少量费用。()许多体育馆通过应用现代信息技术大大提高了服务质量。()人们可以方便地在先预订场地和付费。()可以预见,随着运动设施地不断改善,愈来愈多的人将会去体育馆健身。 【六级翻译相关词汇】 政府: 加大:() () 体育馆: 投资:() () 满足:() () 除了......外: 采取 改造: 商业建筑: 资金: 公众: 免费: 收取费用: 信息技术: 方便地: 预订: 场地: 付费: 预见:() () 设施: 健身: 【六级翻译逐句解析】 第一句话中,“近年来”是时间状语,可以直接翻译为“ ”,可放句首。后面是主干部分,主语为“中国政府”,译为“ ”,谓语部分是“加大”,宾语是“投资”,译为“ ”,此处注意时态是现在完成时。“体育馆建设”是“投资”的定语,因此可以选用介词短语做后置定语,译为“ ”。“以更好……”是目的状语,可以译为“ ”。最后“满足人们快速增长地健身需求”就可以直接顺译为“ ' ”。 第二句话中,因为“新建体育馆”跟上句有所重复,所以可以选择省略不译。“除了.....之外”,在这里只能用,不能用。“还采取了改造旧工厂和商业建筑等措施”是方式状语,可以采用“ ”的句型结构,译为“ ”放句尾。那么句子的主干部分就是许多城市增加当地体育馆数量,译为“ ”


Part I Writing (30 minutes) Section A Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have justheard. 1. A) Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019. B) Design a new generation of mobile phones. C) Set up a mobile phonenetwork on the moon. D) Gather data from themoon with a tiny device. 2. A) It is stable. B)It is durable. C) It is inexpensive. D) It issophisticated. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have justheard. 3. A) It lasted more than six hours. B) No injuries were yet reported. C) Nobody was in thebuilding when it broke out. D) It had burned for 45minutes by the time firefighters arrived. 4. A) Recruit and train more firefighters. B) Pull down the deserted shopping mall. C) Turn the shopping mallinto an amusement park. D) Find money to renovatethe local neighborhood. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have justheard. 5. A) Shrinking potato farming. B)Heavy reliance on import. C) Widespread plantdisease. D)Insufficient potato supply. 6. A) It intends to keep its traditional diet. B) It wants to expand its own farming. C) It is afraid of thespread of disease. D) It is worried aboutunfair competition. 7. A) Global warming. B)Ever-rising prices. C) Government regulation. D) Diminishinginvestment. Section B Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have justheard. 8. A) Informative. B)Inspiring. C) Dull. D)Shallow. 9. A) She types on a keyboard. B)She does recording. C) She takes photos. D) She takes notes. 10. A) It keeps her mind active. B)It makes her stay awake. C) It enables her to thinkhard. D) It helps herkill time. 11. A) It enables her to improve her pronunciation. B) It helps her better remember what she learns. C) It turns out to be anenjoyable way of learning. D) It proves to be farmore effective than writing. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have justheard. 12. A) To spend her honeymoon. B) To try authentic Indian food. C) To take photos of theTaj Mahal. D) To trace the origin ofa love story.


1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or prongho rn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are univ ersally reflected in facial expressions.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antisepti c has been largely discontinued. 由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flower y but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to perso nalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is sp oken. 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。 10. The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower le g. 膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。 11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corro


1稍等一会儿,我会帮助你的。(for a while)Just wait for a while and then I'll help you. 句型:祈使句, and / or 主语+谓语… 如:请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机.(or) Please make your decision as early as possible, or you’ll miss the golden chance. 2他们作了自我介绍。(introduce) They introduced themselves. 3请去查询下班火车什么时候开。(find out) Please find out when the next train leaves. 划线部分为宾语从句:关联词when+主语the next train+谓语leaves 4昨天下午2时到4时你在做什么?(过去进行时) What were you doing from two to four yesterday afternoon? 表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内正在发生的动作 5我正在吃晚饭,电话铃响了。(when) I was having dinner when the phone rang. was/were doing…when: 过去正在做某事,就在那时when=at that time 6不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(be fond of) Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of swimming. not only…but also:就近原则,此句主语为Tome and Mary 喜欢: be fond of 7他今天感到身体好多了。(a lot) He's feeling a lot better today. a lot 修饰比较级 8礼堂里早已挤满了高中学生。(be full of) The hall was already full of senior high school students. 高中生senior high school students be full of:充满 9我在街上走时,看到了一些古老的建筑物。(while) While I was walking down the street, I saw some old buildings 10我走近花园时,几个男孩子在爬树。(用过去进行时) Some boys were climbing a tree when I entered the garden。 11请脱下你的旧上衣,穿上这件新的。(take off, put on) Please take off your old coat and put on this new one. 12这件事是什么时候发生的?(happen)What time did it happen? happen vi 发生没有被动某人发生某事: sth happened to sb 13他去办公室查询课程表.(ask abut) He went to the office to ask about the time-table. 14当我们到达车站时,火车已开出了。(过去完成时) When we got to the station the train had left。 15他服药后,开始感到好些了.(过去完成时) After he had taken the medicine, he began to feel better.

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