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英语人教版九年级全册unit12 sectionA 1a-2b

英语人教版九年级全册unit12 sectionA 1a-2b
英语人教版九年级全册unit12 sectionA 1a-2b

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.

Section A 1 (1a-2b)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:unexpected, by the time, backpack, oversleep, ring, 2)掌握By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.

When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.

3) 掌握过去完成时时态,结构及用法。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:过去完成时的用法。

2. 教学难点:用过去完成时叙述过去的事件。


Ⅰ. Warm-up


Ⅱ. Lead-in

Do you remember any unexpected situation in your daily life?


Ask: What do you think of the people in these pictures?

Ss: They look scared/bad.

T: What happened to the boy?

Ss: He broke his arm. He is getting an electric shock.

T: I was late for work today. When I got up, I found my clock had rung. It was 7:30. By the time I went to the bathroom, my son had been in. So I had to wait. When I went out, I found my motorbike had broken down. (老师讲述自己迟到的经历,激起学生对一下内容的学习)。

Now look at the picture, let’s learn something about Tina’s bad day。

Ⅲ. Presentation

1. Work on 1a. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in 1a and ask: What happened to the girl?

2. Think and discuss in group: What happened to the girl?

Possible answers: She got up late. By the time she got up, someone had already gotten in the bathroom. She rushed out the door. The bus had left before she got to the station. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. ….

3. Ask Ss to tell a story about the girl.

Ⅳ. Listening

Work on 1b.

1. Listen to the tape of 1b. Complete the sentences.

1. By the time I got up, my brother _____ already _______ in the shower.

2. By the time I got outside, the bus _____ already ______.

3. When I got to school, I realized I _____ ______ my backpack at home.

2. 过去完成时用法:

(1) 构成:由“助动词had (用于各种人称和数) + 过去分词”构成

否定式:had not + 过去分词


(2) 用法:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动


(3) 它所表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”。

①表示过去某一时间可用by, before 等构成的短语来表示。

②也可以用when, before 等引导的时间状语从句来表示。



When I got there, you had already eaten your meal.


By the time he got here, the bus had left.


V. Pair work

Work on 1c. Take turns being Mary. Look at the pictures and talk about what happened this morning.

A: What happened?

B: I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.

VI. Listening

1.Listen to the tape for the first time and finish 2a.

Listen to Mary continue her story. Number the pictures [1-4] in the correct order.

2.Listen to the tape for the second time and finish 2b.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then listen again and check your answers.

1. When I _______ (get) home, I realized I ________ (leave) my keys in the


2. By the time I _____ (get) back to school, the bell _________ (ring).

3. By the time I _______ (walk) into class, the teacher __________ (start)

teaching already.

3.change the verb.,write the past tense and the past participle.

4. Retell the story.


VII. Language points

1. Life is full of the unexpected.

unexpected adj.出乎意料的;始料不及的

e.g. It will not be unexpected if Tom comes late again, because he is always like



2. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.

by the time 在……以前,常引导表示过去的时间状语从句,主句常用过去完成时,即had+动词过去分词

e.g. By the time I got there, he had already left.


VIII. Exercises


by the time, wake up, rush out

1. Tom __________, running after his brother in the dark night yesterday.

2. __________ I was 10, I had been able to either play piano or violin.

3. _________, Sammy! I have been late for you to go to school.


1. There will be an __________ (意外的) surprise.

2. The children _________ (冲,奔) out the school when the bell rang.

3. Yesterday the girl ________ (违反) the rule and her teacher was angry.

4. When I was about to read my book, I found I ________ (忘了带) it at home.

IX. Homework

Write out the story of Mary, note to use the target language.


最新版九年级英语词汇表 Until textbook n. 教科书;课本conversation n. 交谈;谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地pronunciation n. 发音;读音sentence n. 句子 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人expression n. 表达(方式);表示discover v. 发现;发觉 secret n. 秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的;保密的 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱grammar n. 语法 repeat v. 重复;重做 note /n n. 笔记;记录v. 注意;指出 pal /p n. 朋友;伙伴 pattern n. 模式;方式 physics n. 物理;物理学 chemistry n. 化学 partner n. 搭档;同伴 pronounce v. 发音increase v. 增加;增长 speed n. 速度 ability n. 能力;才能 brain n. 大脑 active adj. 活跃的;积极的 attention n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect v.(使)连接;与…有联系 connect … with把…和…连接或联系起来 overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间review v. & n. 回顾;复习knowledge n. 知识;学问 wisely adv. 明智地;聪明地 Annie /{ni/ 安妮(女名) Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔 Unit2 lantern n. 灯笼 stranger n. 陌生人


人教版九年级英语课文翻译 一单元 SECTION A 1a 我通过制作抽认卡来学习。通过和朋友一起学习。通过听磁带。通过做抽认卡。通过向老师求助。通过读课本。通过制作单词本。 1c A:你怎么为考试而学习。B:我通过参加学习小组来学习。 2a 1、你是通过看英文录像学英语的吗? 2、你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗? 3、听磁带怎么样? 4、大声朗读以练习发音怎么样?5、我曾经通过参加学习小组的方式学习过吗? 2b A是的,我通过那种学习方式学到了很多。B、哦,是的,它提高了我说英语的能力。C、有时那样做。我觉得他有用。D、不。(通过看英语录像学习)太难了,无法理解录像中的人所说的话。 2c A你曾经通过参加学习小组来学习吗?B、是的,我参加赤字,通过那种方式我学到了很多。 Grammer Focus 你怎么为准备一场考试而学习?我靠听磁带。你怎样学习英语?我通过参加学习小组来学习。你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?是的,我是。你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗?哦,是的,他提高了我说英语的能力。你曾经通过参加学习?小组来学习吗?是的,我参加过。通过那种方式我学习到了很多。 3a如何才能学得最好 这星期我们询问了新星高中的同学关于学习更多英语的最佳方法的问题。许多同学说他们通过使用英语为学习它,一些还有很特别的建议。比如,李莉莲说学习新单词的最好的方法是阅读英语杂志。她说记忆浒音乐的歌词也有一些作用。当我们问及学习语法的问题时,她说:“我从不学习语法。它太枯燥了。” 魏明有不同的看法。他学习英语已经6年了,并且确实喜欢英语。他认为学习语法是学习一门语言的一种好方法。他还认为观看英语电影也不错,国灰他可以看到演员说话的情形。但是,有时候他发现看英语电影是件很头痛的事情,因为那些演员说话太快了。 刘畅说加入学校英语俱乐部是提高英语最好的方法。学生有很多练习的机会并且他们也有很多乐趣。她补充说和朋友练习会话一点用处也没有。“我们会因为某件事变得很激动,最后用汉语来讲,”她说。 3b A:我正在作一个关于学习英语的调查。我能问你一些问题吗?B:当然。A:太好了!你叫什么名字?B:魏明。A:那么你是怎样学习英语的,魏明?B:…… 4 A:你列词汇表吗?B:噢,是的。我常那样做。 SECTION B 1a我不会发其中一些单词的音。我不会拼写一些英语单词。我听不懂英语口语。我在语法上犯错误。我读得很慢。1b我不知道怎么使用逗号。 2a 1、不能正确发音。 2、忘记很多生词。 3、人们和我说话时我不能每次都听懂。 4、不能理解杂志中的单词。 5、没有获得很多写作训练。 2B A、你可以一直将生词写在你的笔记本里,并在家学习它们。B、你应该找一个笔友。C、听力能起作用。D、为什么不加入一个英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢? 2C A:我没有搭档来练习英语。B、也许我应该加入一个英语俱乐部。 3a我是怎样学习英语的 去年英语课对我来说很难。首先,对我来说听懂老师说话很难。开始,她说的太快,我不能听懂每个单词,后来,我意识到如果你听不懂每个单词并没有关系。而且我害怕在班上说话,因为我认为同学们可能会嘲笑我。我也不是总能造出完整的句子。然后我开始看英文电视。那很有用。我认为做大量听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘决之一。另一件我觉得很难的事是英语语法。所以我决定在每节课上记大量语法要点。然后我开始用我正在学的语法自己写新句子。这样作用处之大令人惊奇。现在我很喜欢学英语并且这学期我得了个A。我的老师对我印象很深。作者觉学英语很难是因为……1、老师发音差。2、她说话时人们总是嘲笑她。3、她在造完整的句子方面有困难。4、英语语法很难。当她开始…她的英语提高了。5、和说英语的朋友一起出去。6、大量的听力练习。7、在自己组织的句子里使用语法。 3b 亲爱的,我知道学英语不容易,但我有一些想法可能有用。你说你不能理解说话太快的人。那么,你可以尽量听最重要的单词,而不是每个单词。 4 1、关于学英语什么不容易。2、就这一点你作了什么?3、你最喜欢的学习更多英语的方式是什么?韩文说如果人


2014人民教育出版社九年级英语教科书课本课文目录 Unit1 how can we become good learners How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke too quickly. But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked up the words in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar. Then I


人教版九年级英语词汇表 (注:在本词表中,在英式和美式发音有区别时,英式发音在前,美式发音在后。) Unit 1 textbook /tekstbUk/ n. 教科书;课本p.1 conversation /kQnvseISn/, /kA:nvrseISn/ n. 交谈;谈话p.2 aloud /laUd/ adv. 大声地;出声地p.2 pronunciation /prnVnsieISn/ n. 发音;读音p.2 sentence /sentns/ n.句子p.2 patient /peISnt/ adj.有耐心的n.病人p.2 expression /IkspreSn/ n.表达(方式);表示p.3 discover /dIskVv(r)/ v. 发现;发觉p.3 secret /si:krt/ n. 秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的;的p.3 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱p.3 grammar /gr{m(r)/ n.语法p.3 repeat /rIpi:t/ v.重复;重做p.4 note /nUt/ n.笔记;记录v. 注意;指出p.4 pal /p{l/ n. 朋友;伙伴p.4 pattern /p{tn/, /p{trn/n. 模式;方式p.4 physics /fIzIks/ n. 物理;物理学p.4 chemistry /kemIstri/ n.化学p.4 partner /pA:(r)tn(r)/ n. 搭档;同伴p.5 pronounce /prnaUns/ v.发音p.5 increase /Inkri:s/ v. 增加;增长p.5 speed /spi:d/ n. 速度p.5 ability /bIlti/ n.能力;才能p.6 brain /breIn/ n. 大脑p.6 active /{ktIv/ adj. 活跃的;积极的p.6 atention /tenSn/ n. 注意;关注p.6 pay attention to 注意;关注p.6 connect /knekt/ v.(使)连接;与??有联系p.6 connect … with把??和??连接或联系起来p.6 overnight /Uv(r)naIt/adv. 一夜之间;在


(2014新人教版九年级英语全册知识点归纳及习题(最新) Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 短语总结: 1. good learners 优秀的学习者 2. work with friends 和朋友一起学习 3. study for a test 备考 4.have conversations with 与……交谈 5.speaking skills 口语技巧 6.a little 有点儿 7.at first 起初起先8.the secret to......,(to是介词) .......的秘诀 9.because of 因为10.as well 也 11.look up (在词典中等)查阅;抬头看(代词放中间)12.so that 以便,为了13.the meaning of ……的意思14.make mistakes 犯错误 15.talk to 交谈16.depend on 依靠依赖 17.in common 共有的18.pay attention to (to是介词)注意关注 19.connect ……with ……把……联系。20.for example 例如 21.think about 考虑22.even if 即使尽管纵容 23.look for 寻找24.worry about 担心担忧 25.make word cards 制作单词卡片26.ask the teacher for help 向老师求助 27.read aloud 大声读28.spoken english 英语口语 29.give a report 作报告30.word by word 一字一字地 31.so……that 如此……以至于32.fall in love with 爱上 33.something interesting 有趣的事情34.take notes 记笔记 35.how often 多久一次36.a lot of 许多 37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力38.learning habits 学习习惯 39.be interested in 对……感兴趣40.get bored 感到无聊 41.be good at 在……方面擅长42.be afraid of doing 害怕 43.each other 彼此互相44.instead of+doing 代替而不是 二.用法集萃 1. by doing sth 通过做某事 2.it +is+adj+to do sth 做某事是……的 3.finish doing sth 完成某事 4.what about doing sth?做某事怎么样? 5.try to do sth 尽力做某事 6.the +比较近,the+比较近越……,就越……


Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Language Goal 【语言目标】 Talk about how things affect you Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words drive,friendship,king,power,banker,pale,queen, examine,nor,palace,wealth,grey,lemon,uncomfortable, weight,shoulder,goal,coach,kick,courage,pull, nod,agreement,disappoint Key Phrases would rather,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more…the more…, be friends with sb.,leave out,call in,neither…nor…, to start with,let…down,kick sb.off,be hard on sb.,rather than,pull together Key Sentences 1.The loud music makes me nervous. 2.Sad movies don't make John cry. 3.Money and fame don't always make people happy. 4.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. Key Grammar Learn to use “make+sb.+infinitive without to;make +sb.+adj.” Ability Goals 【能力目标】 1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages. 2.Learn to talk about how things affect you by using “make sb.do sth.”and “make sb. adj.”. Moral Goals 【情感目标】 With the help of this unit's study,students should know that things affect our feelings.We should treat it correctly and be happy and active in our life. Teaching Time 【课时】 Five periods Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) Period 2 Section A(3a-4b) Period 3 Section B(1a-1e) Period 4 Section B(2a-2e) Period 5 Section B(3a-3b) & Self Check 本单元围绕情感的话题,通过学习让学生能够表达自己的感受。Section A通过谈论不同事物对情绪的影响,要求学生学习与情感有关的词汇,并通过听说读写逐步掌握make作使役动词的语言结构,学习掌握表达情绪和感受的形容词和动词,学习make+sb.+do sth.和


155******** 一单元 SECTION A 1a 我通过制作抽认卡来学习。通过和朋友一起学习。通过听磁带。通过做抽认卡。通过向老师求助。通过读课本。通过制作单词本。 1c A:你怎么为考试而学习。B:我通过参加学习小组来学习。 2a 1、你是通过看英文录像学英语的吗? 2、你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗? 3、听磁带怎么样? 4、大声朗读以练习发音怎么样?5、我曾经通过参加学习小组的方式学习过吗? 2b A是的,我通过那种学习方式学到了很多。B、哦,是的,它提高了我说英语的能力。C、有时那样做。我觉得他有用。D、不。(通过看英语录像学习)太难了,无法理解录像中的人所说的话。 2c A你曾经通过参加学习小组来学习吗?B、是的,我参加赤字,通过那种方式我学到了很多。 Grammer Focus 你怎么为准备一场考试而学习?我靠听磁带。你怎样学习英语?我通过参加学习小组来学习。你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?是的,我是。你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗?哦,是的,他提高了我说英语的能力。你曾经通过参加学习?小组来学习吗?是的,我参加过。通过那种方式我学习到了很多。 3a如何才能学得最好 这星期我们询问了新星高中的同学关于学习更多英语的最佳方法的问题。许多同学说他们通过使用英语为学习它,一些还有很特别的建议。比如,李莉莲说学习新单词的最好的方法是阅读英语杂志。她说记忆浒音乐的歌词也有一些作用。当我们问及学习语法的问题时,她说:“我从不学习语法。它太枯燥了。” 魏明有不同的看法。他学习英语已经6年了,并且确实喜欢英语。他认为学习语法是学习一门语言的一种好方法。他还认为观看英语电影也不错,国灰他可以看到演员说话的情形。但是,有时候他发现看英语电影是件很头痛的事情,因为那些演员说话太快了。 刘畅说加入学校英语俱乐部是提高英语最好的方法。学生有很多练习的机会并且他们也有很多乐趣。她补充说和朋友练习会话一点用处也没有。“我们会因为某件事变得很激动,最后用汉语来讲,”她说。 3b A:我正在作一个关于学习英语的调查。我能问你一些问题吗?B:当然。A:太好了!你叫什么名字?B:魏明。A:那么你是怎样学习英语的,魏明?B:…… 4 A:你列词汇表吗?B:噢,是的。我常那样做。SECTION B 1a我不会发其中一些单词的音。我不会拼写一些英语单词。我听不懂英语口语。我在语法上犯错误。我读得很慢。1b我不知道怎么使用逗号。2a 1、不能正确发音。 2、忘记很多生词。 3、人们和我说话时我不能每次都听懂。 4、不能理解杂志中的单词。 5、没有获得很多写作训练。 2B A、你可以一直将生词写在你的笔记本里,并在家学习它们。B、你应该找一个笔友。C、听力能起作用。D、为什么不加入一个英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢? 2C A:我没有搭档来练习英语。B、也许我应该加入一个英语俱乐部。 3a我是怎样学习英语的 去年英语课对我来说很难。首先,对我来说听懂老师说话很难。开始,她说的太快,我不能听懂每个单词,后来,我意识到如果你听不懂每个单词并没有关系。而且我害怕在班上说话,因为我认为同学们可能会嘲笑我。我也不是总能造出完整的句子。然后我开始看英文电视。那很有用。我认为做大量听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘决之一。另一件我觉得很难的事是英语语法。所以我决定在每节课上记大量语法要点。然后我开始用我正在学的语法自己写新句子。这样作用处之大令人惊奇。现在我很喜欢学英语并且这学期我得了个A。我的老师对我印象很深。作者觉学英语很难是因为……1、老师发音差。2、她说话时人们总是嘲笑她。3、她在造完整的句子方面有困难。4、英语语法很难。当她开始…她的英语提高了。5、和说英语的朋友一起出去。6、大量的听力练习。7、在自己组织的句子里使用语法。 3b 亲爱的,我知道学英语不容易,但我有一些想法可能有用。你说你不能理解说话太快的人。那么,你可以尽量听最重要的单词,而不是每个单词。 4 1、关于学英语什么不容易。2、就这一点你作了什么? 3、你最喜欢的学习更多英语的方式是什么?韩文说如果人们语速太快听力有时就很难。 SELF CHECK 1 你应该在词汇表中写下新的英文单词。2、如果你不知道怎样拼写生词,就查词典。3、最好的提高你的英语(水平)的方法是加入英语俱乐部。4、另一件他觉得很困难的事是英语语法。5、这种纸摸上去非常柔软。 2 READING Section 2使用词典词典是有用的学习工具,但许多英语单词有不同的含义和用法。我们需要确定我们从词典中找到的含义与语境匹配。 我们该怎样解决我们的烦恼? 无论贫富、老少,我们都有烦恼。并且除非我们解决了问题,否则我们会轻易变得不开心。为我们的问题担忧会影响我们在学校的表现。它也会影响我们同家人相处的方式。所以我们该怎么解决我们的烦恼呢?有许多方法。它不是烦恼----它是挑战。享受面对它(的过程)。 通过学会忘记


九年级单词 Until textbook n. 教科书;课本conversation n. 交谈;谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地pronunciation n. 发音;读音 sentence n. 句子 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人expression n. 表达(方式);表示discover v. 发现;发觉 secret n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱 grammar n. 语法 repeat v. 重复;重做 note n. 笔记;记v. 注意;指出pal n. 朋友;伙伴 pattern n. 模式;方式 physics n. 物理;物理学chemistry n. 化学 partner n. 搭档;同伴pronounce v. 发音

increase v. 增加;增长 speed n. 速度 ability n. 能力;才能 brain n. 大脑 active adj. 活跃的;积极的attention n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect v.(使)连接与?有联系connect … with把??和??连接或联系起来overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间review v. & n. 回顾;复习knowledge n. 知识;学问 wisely adv. 明智地;聪明地 Unit2 lantern n. 灯笼 stranger n. 陌生人 relative n. 亲属;亲戚 put on 增加(体重);发胖 folk adj. 民间的;民俗的goddess n. 女神 steal v. 偷;窃取


Words and Expressions in Each Unit (Book 9) Unit 1 How can we become good learners textbook /tekstbuk/ n. 教科书;课本 conversation /k ?nv ?s e ??n/, n. 交谈;谈话 aloud /?laud/ adv. 大声地;出声地 pronunciation /pr ?n ?nsieI ?n/ n. 发音;读音 sentence /sent ?ns/ n. 句子 patient /pei ?nt/ adj. 有耐心的 n. 病人 expression /ikspre ?n/ n. 表达(方式);表示 discover /dIsk ?v ? (r)/ v. 发现;发觉 secret /si:kr ?t/ n. 秘密;adj. 秘密的; fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱 grammar /gr ?m ? (r)/ n. 语法 repeat /ripi:t/ v. 重复;重做 note /n ?ut/ n. 笔记;记录 v. 注意;指出 pal /p ?l/ n. 朋友;伙伴 pattern /p ?tn/, /p ?t ?n/ n. 模式;方式 physics /fiziks/ n. 物理;物理学 chemistry /kemistri/ n. 化学 partner /pa:(r)tn ? (r)/ n. 搭档;同伴 pronounce /pr ?nauns/ v. 发音 increase /Inkri:s/ v. 增加;增长 speed /spi:d/ n. 速度 v.加速 ability /?bil ?ti/ n. 能力;才能 brain /brein/ n. 大脑 active /?ktiv/ adj. 活跃的;积极的 attention /?ten ?n/ n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注 意;关注 connect /k ?nekt/ v. (使)连接; 与??有联系 connect … with 把??和??连接或联系起来


Unit1 How can we become good learners? How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class、Every class was like a bad dream、The teacher spoke too quickly、But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad、So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything、 Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story、I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as well、Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning、I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words、My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies、I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning、I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right、” I did not understand these sentences at first、But because I wanted to understand the story, I


Unit 1 1、n、教科书;课本 2、n、交谈;谈话 3、adv、大声地;出声地 4、n、发音;读音 5、n、句子 6、adj、有耐心的n、病人 7、n、表达(方式);表示 8、v、发现;发觉 9、n、秘密;秘诀adj、秘密的;保密的 10、(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头瞧 11、n、语法 12、v、重复;重做 13、n、笔记;记录v、注意;指出 14、n、朋友;伙伴 15、n、模式;方式 16、n、物理;物理学 17、n、化学 18、v、记忆;记住 19、n、模式;方式 20、v、发音 21、v、增加;增长 22、n、速度 23、n、搭档;同伴 24、v、出生adj、天生的 25、天生具有 26、n、能力;才能 27、v、创造;创建 28、n、大脑 29、adj、活跃的;积极的 30、n、注意;关注 31、注意;关注 32、v、(使)连接;与??有联系 33、把??与??连接或联系起来 34、adv、一夜之间;在夜间 35、v、& n、回顾;复习 36、n、知识;学问 37、adv、明智地;聪明地 Unit2 1、n、月饼 2、n、灯笼 3、n、陌生人 4、n、亲属;亲戚

7、adj、民间的;民俗的 8、n、女神 9、pron、无论谁;不管什么人 10、v、偷;窃取 11、v、放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) 12、摆开;布置 13、n(饭后)甜点;甜食 14、n、花园;园子 15、n、传统 16、v、欣赏;仰慕 17、n、领带v、捆;束 18、adj、有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 19、n、鬼;鬼魂 20、n、花招;把戏 21、n、款待;招待v、招待;请客 22、n、蜘蛛 23、圣诞节 24、v、存在;平躺;处于 25、n、(长篇)小说 26、n(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜 27、adj、死的;失去生命的 28、n、生意;商业 29、v、处罚;惩罚 30、v、警告;告诫 31、n、现在;礼物adj、现在的 32、n、温暖;暖与 33、v、传播;展开n、蔓延;传播


九年级英语全册各单元知识点总结 Unit1How can we become good learners? 一、短语: 1.have conversation with sb. 同某人谈话 2.connect …with… 把…和…连接/联系起来 3.the secret to… ……的秘诀 4.be afraid of doing sth./to do sth. 害怕做某事 5.look up 查阅 6.repeat out loud 大声跟读 7.make mistakes in 在……方面犯错误8.get bored 感到厌烦 9.be stressed out 焦虑不安的10.pay attention to 注意;关注 11.depend on 取决于;依靠12.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 二、知识点: 1. by + doing:通过……方式(by是介词,后面要跟动名词,也就是动词的ing形式); 2. a lot:许多,常用于句末; 3. aloud, loud与loudly的用法,三个词都与“大声”或“响亮”有关。 ①aloud是副词,通常放在动词之后。 ②loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级, 须放在动词之后。 ③loudly是副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,可位于动词之前或之后。 4. not …at all:一点也不,根本不,not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾; 5. be / get excited about sth.:对…感到兴奋; 6. end up doing sth:终止/结束做某事;end up with sth.:以…结束; 7. first of all:首先(这个短语可用在作文中,使得文章有层次); 8. make mistakes:犯错make a mistake 犯一个错误; 9. laugh at sb.:笑话;取笑(某人)(常见短语) 10. take notes:做笔记/记录; 11. native speaker 说本国语的人; 12. make up:组成、构成; 13. deal with:处理、应付; 14. perhaps = maybe:也许; 15. go by:(时间)过去; 16.each other:彼此; 17.regard… as … :把…看作为…; 18.change… into…:将…变为…; 19. with the help of sb. = with one's help 在某人的帮助下(注意介词of和with,容易出题) 20. compar e … to …:把…比作…compare with拿…和…作比较; 21. instead:代替,用在句末,副词; instead of sth / doing sth:代替,而不是(这个地方考的较多的就是instead of doing sth,也就是说如果of后面跟动词时,要用动名词形式,也就是动词的ing形式) 22.Shall we/ I + do sth.? 我们/我…好吗? 23. too…to:太…而不能,常用的句型是too+形容词/副词+ to do sth.


Unit1 3a How do you learn best This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. Many said they learnt by using English. Some students had more specific suggestions. Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. When we asked about studying grammar, she said, “I never study grammar. It’s too boring.” Wei Ming feels differently. He’s been learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. He also thinks that watching English movies isn’t a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. Students get lots of practice and they also have fun. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,” she said. 3a How I learned to learn English Last year my English class was difficult. First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn’t understand every word. Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. I was also afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. I couldn’t always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. It’s amazing how much this helped. Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed. Unit2 3a My biggest problem is that I’m too busy. When I was young, I used to have so much time, but these days I get up early and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but I just don't have the time anymore. In the evening, I used to watch TV or chat with my grandmother, but now I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really miss the old days. Unit 3 3a The old day, my friends and I talked about the rules that we have in school. At our school, we have to wear uniforms every day. The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. We think young people should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes. Our teachers believe that if we did that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies. We disagree. We would feel more


最新版九年级英语词汇表Until textbook n. 教科书;课本conversation n. 交谈;谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地pronunciation n. 发音;读音sentence n. 句子 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人expression n. 表达(方式);表示discover v. 发现;发觉 secret n. 秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的;保密的 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱grammar n. 语法 repeat v. 重复;重做 note /n n. 笔记;记录v. 注意;指出 pal /p n. 朋友;伙伴 pattern n. 模式;方式 physics n. 物理;物理学chemistry n. 化学 partner n. 搭档;同伴pronounce v. 发音increase v. 增加;增长 speed n. 速度 ability n. 能力;才能 brain n. 大脑 active adj. 活跃的;积极的attention n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注意;关注connect v.(使)连接;与…有联系 connect …with 把…和…连接或联系起来 overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间review v. & n. 回顾;复习knowledge n. 知识;学问 wisely adv. 明智地;聪明地 Annie /{ni/ 安妮(女名)Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔 Unit2 lantern n. 灯笼 stranger n. 陌生人

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