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A. House of Chow Restaurant (2006 State Winner)

House of Chow is a Multi Award Winner of the Restaurant & Catering Awards for

Excellence. We have a large regular clientele base and we are specialized in all kinds

of Asian food. We strive to maintain quality service and consistency in our product to

our customers.

Seats-Inside: 200 Mains Priced $16 To $30

B. Treasury on King William (2007 State Finalist)

The Treasury Restaurant is housed in the historic multi-award wining heritage. The food is

a mix of Australian, Asian and European influences.

Seats-Inside: 60 / Seats-Outside: 30 Mains Priced $45 To $58

C. Amarin Thai(2007 State Finalist)

The owner of Amarin Thai has bought with her a chef from Bangkok. The restaurant is

tree-fronted and once inside earthen walled with lavender and timber tables.

Seats-Inside: 90 / Seats-Outside: 20 Mains Priced $12 To $19

D. Vino Ristorante (2007 State Finalist)

Reasonable prices and BYO wine is welcome for a minimal $7 corkage, so why not come and relax in true Italian style and enjoy Vic and Tania’s warm hospitality and Italian

cuisine(烹饪). Seats 70 people and also has a small, private function room.

Seats-Inside: 70 / Seats-Outside: 16 Disabled Access Available

Mains Priced $17 To $26

E. Stamps Restaurant (2007 State Finalist)

Stamps Restaurant is set in the heart of historic Mitcham Village. Seating only 40 people, it focuses on great food and service. Finalist in 2007 SA Restaurant & Catering Awards,

Modern Australian category.

Seats-Inside: 40 Smoking Area Available Disabled Access Available

Mains Priced $25 To $32 Cuisine Style: Modern Australian

F. Caffe Buongiorno —O’Halloran Hill (2007 State Finalist)

Authentic Italian Cuisine set in outer Adelaide, 25km from the city. Finalist Restaurant &

Catering 2006. Finalist Small Business Awards 2002. Winner Best Family Restaurant in SA Awards for Excellence 2006, and finalist in 2007 Family category of SA Restaurant &

Catering Awards.

Seats-Inside: 110 / Seats-Outside: 40 Disabled Access Available

Mains Priced $24 To $28 Cuisine Style: Italian

46 Marrenda has just been to Australia for a holiday and she wants to try some foreign food

in Australia. She likes the mysterious atmosphere and she wants something cheap but tasty. 【答案】C

【解析】Marrenda在澳大利亚想吃外国的食物,她想参观有点神秘的气氛。选项C Amarin Thai 餐馆的厨师是曼谷来的,当然做的是外国的菜,根据The restaurant is

tree-fronted and once inside earthen walled with lavender and timber tables.故选C。

47.Being tired of city life in Adelaide, the Smiths want to enjoy their weekend outside the city.

They will go for a barbecue on Saturday morning and noon and plan a big dinner in a

restaurant in the suburbs


【解析】史密斯夫妇厌烦了Adelaide城里的生活,他们要去城外度过周末,选项F Caffe Buongiorno就是在Adelaide城外,是郊外非常出名的餐馆,故选F。

48.Mr. and Mrs. Chou are planning a wedding ceremony for their son, Jansen. They are going

to hold it in a restaurant that can serve Chinese food.


【解析】Mr. and Mrs. Chou计划为他们的儿子Jansen举办婚礼,他们想在一家中国餐馆举办。选项A House of Chow Restaurant根据we are specialized in all kinds of Asian food.,故选A。

49.Lurraon and Finna want to have dinner together on weekend. Both of them prefer small but

elegant restaurants, especially Finna, she likes both food and service are good. At the same time, Lurraon is addicted to smoking.


【解析】Lurraon and Finna他们周末想聚餐,喜欢小的但是高雅的餐馆,并且食物和服务态度都好,选项E Stamps Restaurant仅仅容纳40人,食物和服务态度都好,故选E。

50.Karen wants to have dinner with his father this weekend. He wants to find a restaurant which

is not too big but provides small, private rooms because his father can’t walk properly.


【解析】Karen要和父亲在周末吃饭,他要找一个不是太大的,能够提供小的私人的空间的餐馆。选项D Vino Ristorante根据Seats 70 people and also has a small, private function room.,故选D。




A.This apartment is large with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a not very big living room.

Its inner space is fully used and nothing seems to be a waste. It faces north and not high, which makes it economical. But its construction is just as good as any other.

B.This apartment is one of the best in its building, which is mainly aimed at singles. It has a

bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and of course the kitchen. It is on the shopping mall and close to stores, restaurants, bars and so on, which is a good condition for those who have no time to cook.

C.This is one of the biggest and grandest apartments in this garden, with four bedrooms and a

spacious living room. It is on the top floor, with free and convenient use of the top of the building.

This apartment has every advantage you require, and the only disadvantage exists in its cost.

D.This apartment is at the back of the garden with one bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and

a kitchen. It faces west and looks into a small hill covered with trees. Though small, it is well

equipped with whatever is required of an apartment. It’s on the fourth floor, so it will save quite some money for the buyer.

E.This apartment is at the quiet back of the garden. It is not big, with only two bedrooms but a

large balcony for sunshine. It faces south and looks onto the fountain in the garden. It is away from the road noise and is a good choice for anybody who prefers quiet.

F.This apartment has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It is at the back of the garden, away

from the road. The seventh floor is neither too high nor too low, which makes it neither too

expensive nor too cheap. The majority of average people are its potential buyers.


46. Mr. Yu and his wife both hold a high position in their companies. They are moving to a larger

place to enjoy their life. They need an apartment with a large living room as they have

frequent visitors and guests. Besides, they will give their son and daughter separate rooms. As money is no problem, they want comfort and space besides a shelter.


【解析】于先生想要一个大的房子必须有大的客厅,至少有三个卧室。选项C with four bedrooms and a spacious living room. It is on the top floor, with free and convenient use of the top of the building.正好符合他的要求,故选C。

47. Miss Xie has entered a nice company and she hopes to move from her rented apartment to her

own home, where she could not only feel more secure but also date with her boyfriend. Her

home needn’t be large but has to be convenient to bars or coffee houses as she is very sociable.


【解析】Miss Xie想要一个不是很大的房子,但是离酒吧或咖啡馆比较近,因为她爱社交。

选项B It has a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and of course the kitchen. It is on the

shopping mall and close to stores, restaurants, bars and so on,正符合她的要求,故选B。

48. Mr. Gu has to support both his own parents and his wife’s parents. They need a large enough

apartment to provide enough beds for all of them. Though they have their former apartment to sell, it is still a big challenge to the working couple. Anyway, he plans to give his daughter a

separate room.


【解析】Mr. Gu因为要双方的父母都在一起所以至少需要四个卧室,但是不能太贵。选项A This apartment is large with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a not very big living room. 和makes it economical正符合他的要求,故选A。

49. Mr. Lin and his wife have both retired from work. They want to buy an apartment to live in

while the price is not too high. They don’t need too many rooms but still have to consider a spare bedroom for his son, who may visit them occasionally. Besides, they require the new home to be quiet at night.


【解析】Mr. Lin和他的妻子要一个房子不是太贵,至少有两个卧室,有比较安静的环境。选项E It is not big, with only two bedrooms和It is away from the road noise and is a good choice for anybody who prefers quiet.正符合他们的要求,故选E。

50. Mr. Fei works as a designer in a company while his wife keeps the home. As he has saved

enough money, he wants to buy an apartment of his own. Besides a bedroom for his son, he plans to set aside a room as his studio, where he can continue his work at night. His new home doesn’t have to be big but does have to be quiet.


【解析】Mr. Fei想要一个安静的,至少有三个卧室的公寓。选项F This apartment has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It is at the back of the garden, away from the road.正符合他的要求,故选F。


广东海康县2017高考英语阅读理解一轮系列 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Leadership i s the most significant word in today’s competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal abilities and style. Experts on l eadership will quickly point out that “how things get done” influences the success of the outcomes and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do things. When a noted leader on the art of management, Peter Drucker, coined the phrase“Management is doing th ings right; leadership is doing the right things”, he was seeking to clarify the distinctions he associates with the terms. When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals. His Seven Habits of Highly Effective People became a popular bestseller very quickly. His ideas forced a reexamination of the early leadership example, which centered on the feature that was found in the character ethic(道德准则) and the personality ethic. The former ethic suggested success was founded on modesty, loyalty, courage, patience and so on. The personality ethic suggested it was one’s attitude, not behavior, that inspired success, and this ethic was founded on a belief of positive mental attitude. In contrast to each of these ideas, Covey advocates that leaders need to understand universal principles of effectiveness, and he highlights how vital it is for leaders to first personally manage themselves if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success in their work environments. To achieve a desired vision for your business, it is essential that you have a personal vision of where you are headed and what you value. Business leadership means that managers need to “put first things first,” which implies that before leading others, you need to be clear on your own values, abilities, and strengths and be seen as trustworthy. 1. What does Peter Drucker’s phrase infer?


广东新会县2017高考英语完形填空一轮选练(一) 完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Whenever a disaster takes place,thousands of people start to contact various organizations and post to online groups in an effort to try to volunteer at 1.________ disaster site.Some2.________ jump into their cars and drive to the area. But 3.___ _____ most of these people don't realize is that spontaneous(自发 的)volunteers 4.________ specific training can actually cause more problems rather than reduce them in a disaster situation. In disaster situations,volunteers 5.________ be mentally and physically prepared to work 16 hours a day or more in highlystressed situations.6.________ may have to live in simple conditions,sleeping in a tent that they bring with them7.________ a gym with many people.And what happens if you get to the situation and discover you can't handle what is happening around you? Volunteers who show up untrained can get in the way rather 8.________ provide some help.So make sure you are trained if you want to be a volunteer. (二) 1. the 考查冠词。此处特指“发生灾害的地方”,故填the。 2. even 考查副词。有些人甚至跳进车里就奔向(发生灾难的)现场。 3. what 考查名词性从句的引导词。该空引导主语从句且在从句中作realize的宾语,故填what。 4. without 考查介词。没有接受过专业训练的自发的志愿者实际上可能会导致更多的问题。 5. must 考查情态动词。在灾难现场,志愿者们必须做好思想上和身体上的准备,准备在高强度的压力下一天工作长达16个小时,甚至更久。 6. They 考查代词。该空作主语,指代volunteers,故填they,首字母要大写。 7.or 考查并列连词。此空连接两个并列的名词短语a tent和a gym,且表示选择关系,故填or。 8. than 考查介词。rather than而不是。

广东省高考数学一轮复习:62 几何概型

广东省高考数学一轮复习:62 几何概型 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共17题;共34分) 1. (2分)(2018·宜宾模拟) 设不等式组表示的平面区域为,在区域内随机取一个点,则此点到坐标原点的距离大于1的概率是() A . B . C . D . 2. (2分)已知实数x∈[0,8],执行如右图所示的程序框图,则输出的x不小于55的概率为() A . B . C .

D . 3. (2分) (2018高二上·唐县期中) 在长为12cm的线段AB上任取一点C,现作一矩形,邻边长分别等于线段AC、CB的长,则该矩形面积大于20cm2的概率为() A . B . C . D . 4. (2分) (2018高二上·阳高月考) 两人约定在20∶00到21∶00之间相见,并且先到者必须等迟到者40分钟方可离去,如果两人出发是各自独立的,在20∶00至21∶00各时刻相见的可能性是相等的,则他们两人在约定时间内相见的概率为(). A . B . C . D . 5. (2分) (2016高一下·烟台期中) “勾股定理”在西方被称为“毕达哥拉斯定理”,三国时期吴国的数学家赵爽创制了一幅“勾股圆方图”,用数形结合的方法给出了勾股定理的详细证明.如图所示的“勾股圆方图”中,四个相同的直角三角形与中间的小正方形拼成一个边长为2的大正方形,若直角三角形中较小的锐角,现在向该正方形区域内随机地投掷一枚飞镖,飞镖落在小正方形内的概率是()

A . B . C . D . 6. (2分)(2019·永州模拟) 如图,在边长为的正六边形内任取一点,则点到正六边形六个顶点的距离都大于的概率为() A . B . C . D . 7. (2分)已知满足约束条件,且的最小值为6.若实数则点落在上述区域内的概率为() A . B .


英语测试 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置。 3. 全部答案应在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第I卷 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I have many new teachers in high school, but Lori Runkle, my English Language and Composition teacher, is my favorite teacher. Ms. Runkle enjoys getting to know more about students, so I have many chances to talk with her after class. I have always wanted to become a journalist. Since Ms. Runkle used to be a journalist back in the United States, she has introduced many helpful journalistic writing skills to me. Although she is my teacher, Ms. Runkle and I are more like friends. She often invites my classmates and me to take part in different activities outside of school. For example, I went to listen to a journalist's speech, which helped me better understand current events (时事). Not only does Ms. Runkle talk with me outside of school, she is also a great teacher in the classroom. English Language and Composition is a really hard subject for a second language learner. We felt worried in the beginning, but Ms. Runkle really makes an effort to help us out. In class, Ms. Runkle always encourages students to question everything to keep us active. One part of class I love the most is when groups of students are required to give speeches on events that are happening in the world. It requires a lot of deep thinking and I really learn quite a lot from it. I love Ms. Runkle very much. She not only helps me to get good scores, but also acts as a good friend and always gives me advice on life. 1. After class, the author _____. A. seldom sees Ms. Runkle B. talks with Ms. Runkle quite a lot C. enjoys introducing Ms. Runkle to her friends D. often invites Ms. Runkle to different activities 2. We can infer from the text that Ms. Runkle is _____. A. friendly and helpful B. kind and humorous C. clever and active D. strict and boring


广东省2021届新高考地理一轮复习检测卷(4) 一、选择题:共15个小题,每小题3分,共45分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 稻米油是世界卫生组织推荐的三大健康油种之一,以来糠为原料提炼、加工而成。因米糠容易酸败变质、生产工艺复杂,出油率低,我国稻术油产量一直不高。设备简单、易操作的膨化保鲜技术出现后,我国M公司在黑龙江省建立了稻米油生产厂,利用保鲜米糠生产稻米油。下图示意稻谷加工产物比例及稻米油生产流程。据此完成1—3题。 1.M公司选择在黑龙江建立稻米油生产厂,主要是由于当地 A.市场需求大 B.工业基础好 C.原材料充足 D.交通条件好 2.利用米糠生产稻米油,宜采用的生产模式是 A.集中保鲜,集中制取 B.集中保鲜,分散制取 C.分散保鲜,分散制取 D.分散保鲜,集中制取 3.推广利用米糠生产稻米油产业,对我国的主要影响是 A.提高食用油自给率 B.减少稻米进口量 C.扩大水稻种植面积 D.降低食用油制取成本 积雪对地理环境和农业有重要的影响,某地理科研小组对长白山北支完达山山区29. 53万平千米范围内土地的坡度、农业利用和年平均雪深进行了调查,数据如下表所示。据此 坡度/°1—5 6—8 9—15 16—25 26—35 >35 农业利用及措施条件良好, 适宜农业 农耕,需有 水保措施 耕地,需修 筑梯田 可农,需有 工程和水 保措施 可用于林 业 只可用于 林业 年平均雪 深/cm 2.4 1 3.2 17.4 17.6 31.9 38.5 A.面积占比增大 B.耕地面积增大 C.森林覆盖率增高 D.土壤厚度增大 5.坡度大于25°的区域年平均雪深明显大于其他区域的主要原因是 A.平均海拔较高 B.森林覆盖率高 C.坡度大,易积雪 D.太阳辐射较弱 6.积雪对完达山山区坡度在1°—25°区域的主要影响是 A.防止越冬粮食作物发生冻害 B.春季融雪多,易积水成涝 C.降低地温,增大冻土层厚度 D.融雪可缓解春季旱情 钢铁工业是法国工业的重要部门之一。法国钢铁工业的布局前后经历了三次较大的变化。(下图)目前,两大沿海钢铁基地的钢产量已占到法国的60%以上。据此完成7—8题。


广东大埔县 2017 高考英语一轮语法填空综合训练(4) 2016 高考语法填空。 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 While thousands of college students headed for warm climate to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes, seven local students had other plans. The Northern Essex Community College (NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City, helping repair an area 61 (destroy) by the hurricane. “I wanted to see for myself what happened,”said Terry. “I couldn’t imagine 62 it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the 63 (power) effect the hurricane had on those people. I wanted to do something, to understand their feeling of helplessness.” The group headed into Brooklyn’s Red Hook district, which was hit hard by the hurricane. There they met people from other parts of the country, 64 had also volunteered to help. Together, those volunteers and the NECC students 65 (work) to clear rubbish out of a three-story building. They put on protective suits and gloves 66 they entered the building. Inside the building, the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building 67 (lie) all over the place. The students returned to school with 68 sense of achievement, a feeling that 69 helped people in need. I was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover, and this left the deepest impression 70 the students. 语法填空 61. destroyed 62. what 63. powerful 64. who 65. worked 66. before 67. lying 68. a 69. they 70. On 语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用 括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Levi Strauss was born in 1829 in Germany. He was the fifth of six children. In 1845,his father died. All six children decided 1. (go) to the United States. Strauss went to the southeastern part of the US. For eight years,he walked along the country roads 2. (sell)


2019高考英语(广东)完形填空系列(6) 〔1〕 Nasreddinwasapoorman,sohetriedtogrow__1__hecouldinhisowngarden,so thathewouldnothavetobuysomanyinthemarket. Oneeveningheheardanoiseinhisgardenandlookedoutofthewindow.Awhiteo xhadgotintothegardenand__2__hisvegetables.Nasreddinatoncetookhisstick ,ranoutandchasedtheox,buthewastoooldtocatchit.Whenhegotbacktohisgarde n,hefoundthattheoxhadruinedmostofhispreciousvegetables. __3__,whilehe__4__inthestreetnearhishouse,hesawacartwithtwowhiteo xenwhichlookedverymuchliketheonethat__5__hisvegetables.Hewascarryingh isstickwithhim,__6__heatoncebegantobeatthetwooxenwithit.Asneitherofth emlookedmoreliketheoxthathadeatenhisvegetablesthantheother,hebeatboth ofthemequallyhard. Theowneroftheoxandcartwasdrinkingcoffeeina__7__coffee-house.Whenh esaw__8__Nasreddinwasdoing__9__hisanimals,heranoutandshouted,“Whatareyoudoing?Whathavethosepooranimalsdonetoyouforyoutobeatthemli kethat?” “Youkeepoutthis!”Nasreddinshoutedback,“Thisisamatterbetweenmeandoneofthesetwooxen.Heknowsverywell__10__Iam beatinghim!” 1.A.somanyvegetables B.manyvegetables C.asmanyasvegetables D.asmanyvegetablesas 2.A.waseating B.ate C.hadeaten D.haseaten 3.A.Nextday B.Nextmorning https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc18520198.html,stmorning D.Thenextmorning 4.A.walks B.waked C.waswalking D.walking 5.A.ruined B.hadeaten C.ate D.hadruin 6.A.so B.and C.but D.or 7.A.beside B.nearby C.near D.nearby 8.A.that B.which C.why D.what 9.A.for B.to C.with D.on 10.A.reason B.when C.why D.because 名师点评 这是一个笑话,贫农Nasreddin在街上碰到两头牛,搞不清是哪一头毁坏了他家的菜园,于是用棒子将两头牛一起抽打,牛主人制止时,他却强词夺理,无理取闹。 答案简析 1、D。习惯用语asmanyaspossible意为“尽可能多的”合乎文意,为正确选项。 2、A。过去进行时强调过去正在进行的动作,根据文意Nasreddin看到牛正在吃蔬菜,应选waseating。 3、D。指过去某一天的第一天或第二天早上、晚上,应用thenextday/morning/evening。故应选Thenextmorning。

广东省高考数学一轮复习:18 三角函数的图象与性质

广东省高考数学一轮复习:18 三角函数的图象与性质 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共12题;共24分) 1. (2分)在下列函数中,图象关于直线对称的是() A . B . C . D . 2. (2分)已知函数在上有两个零点,则的值为() A . B . C . D . 3. (2分)下列函数中,在区间(0,)上为增函数且以为周期的函数是() A . B . C . D . 4. (2分)若函数是奇函数,则()

A . 1 B . 0 C . 2 D . -1 5. (2分)(2019·大连模拟) 函数的最小正周期为() A . B . C . D . 2 6. (2分) (2020高二上·安徽月考) 已知函数,将函数图象向右平移个单位得到 的图象,若点为函数图象的一个对称中心,为图象的一个对称中心,则的最小值为() A . B . C . D . 7. (2分)(2019·新乡模拟) 已知函数,若 的最小正周期为,且,则的解析式为() A . B .

C . D . 8. (2分)(2017·重庆模拟) 已知f(x)是定义在(0,3)上的函数,f(x)的图象如图所示,那么不等式f(x)cosx<0的解集是() A . (0,1)∪(2,3) B . C . D . (0,1)∪(1,3) 9. (2分) (2019高一下·宁江期末) 已知函数,若存在满足 ,且,则n 的最小值为() A . 3 B . 4 C . 5 D . 6 10. (2分) (2020高三上·郑州月考) 已知点在函数(且, )的图象上,直线是函数的图象的一条对称轴.若在区间内单调,则 ()

2021年广东高考地理复习练习讲义:专题一 地球与地图

专题一地球与地图 【考情探究】 课标解读考情分析备考指导内容解读 地球仪与经纬网地球的形状和大小、 经纬网及其应用 考查形式: 多以选择题形式出现。 考查内容: 区域空间定位、方向判断、两点间 距离计算与地图的判读。 考查频率: 考查频率较低,它往往和区域图相 结合。 考查能力: 获取和解读地理信息的能力与计 算能力。 考查素养: 侧重考查区域认知、综合思维等素 养 本专题是地理学 科最基础的知识。 要强化对经纬网 图、等高线地形图 判读与应用等知 识点的学习与训 练;要养成良好的 读图习惯,掌握正 确的读图方法 地图的三要素地图上的方向、比例尺、图例和注记 等高线地形图海拔(绝对高度)和相对高度、等高(深)线和地形图 地形剖面 图 地形剖面图

【真题探秘】 基础篇固本夯基 【基础集训】知识1 地球仪与经纬网 读下列经纬网,完成下面两题。 1.关于图中四点所在的经纬线的叙述,正确的是( ) A.甲、丙所在经线长于乙、丁所在经线 B.甲、丁所在纬线短于乙、丙所在纬线 C.甲、乙、丙、丁所在经纬线长度均相等 D.甲、乙所在纬线距离与丙、丁所在纬线距离相等

答案 D 2.若保持经度不变,将甲、乙、丙、丁移动到同一条纬线上,则四点之间距离最大的是( ) A.乙、丁之间在丁所在纬线上 B.甲、丁之间在甲所在纬线上 C.丙、丁之间在0°纬线上 D.乙、丙之间在丙所在纬线上 答案 C 知识2 地图的三要素 小明在纸上绘制了他所在学校的平面图(学校长500m、宽240m)。每周一全校师生都会在广场上举行庄严的升旗(国旗与太阳同时升起)仪式。据此完成下面两题。 1.小明所在学校( ) A.从广场向正西走可直达校门 B.教学楼Ⅰ位于教学楼Ⅱ的北面 C.喷泉位于办公楼的东北方向 D.夏至日升旗时旗杆影子朝向校训牌 答案 C 2.小明绘制该平面图时用的纸长51.5cm、宽36.4cm,其绘图时用的比例尺最可能为( ) A.1∶100 B.1∶1000 C.1∶10000 D.1∶100000 答案 B 知识3 等高线地形图 下图为某地等高线地形图,读图完成下面三题。


广东陆丰县2017高考英语短文语法填空一轮选练语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【辽宁卷题型】 Ryan:Did you have a good vacation, Katie? Katie:Yeah! It was__1__(excite)?Probably my__2__ exciting vacation ever! Ryan:Wow! What did you do? Katie:I took a nature__3__(冒险) tour.For the first part, we went__4__(hike).It was so much fun! We hiked all the way__5__these beautiful waterfalls.I took lots of pictures. Ryan:Sounds great.So, what else did you do on the tour? Katie:Well, the best part was at the end of the trip.We went skydiving. Can you believe it? I jumped__6__an airplane. Ryan:Wow! Katie:Yeah, it was just a fantastic vacation.How did you spend your break, Ryan? Ryan:Oh, I__7__(drive) to visit my relatives. Katie:Oh-huh.Did you have a good time? Ryan:Well, it was pretty boring,__8__.It rained every day __9__we had to stay inside.We just stayed home and watched TV a lot. Katie:Oh, that's too bad. Ryan:No, that's OK.It really was very relaxing,__10__it was a little boring. 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______ 答案: 1.exciting 考查形容词。此处修饰事情,故用exciting。 2.most 考查最高级。 3.adventure 考查名词。此处用名词作定语。 4.hiking go hiking远足。 5.up to 直到那些美丽的瀑布下。 6.out of 从飞机里跳出去。 7.drove 考查时态。此文记叙一件事情,应用过去时。 8.actually 考查副词。actually竟然。 9.so 考查连词。此处上下文为因果关系,故用so。 10.even though 考查让步状语从句,即使有点厌倦。


广东高考英语完形填空命题简析与技巧点拨 1、命题特点 完型填空综合考察学生的语言知识、阅读能力和总体语言水平,检查学生在有信息空缺的前提下理解整篇文章的能力,要求通过上下文判断,选择恰当的单词或词组填入空格中,使之成为上下合乎逻辑、语言通顺、意义连贯的文章。 广东卷近来年来的高考完形填空题,具有以下几个特点: 1.一个只考。只考实词,包括名词、动词、形容词和副词。 2.两种体裁。记叙文和说明文,以记叙文为主,间或夹叙夹议的内容。 3.三个相同。每小题的四个选项有以下三个相同点: (1)词类相同。要么都是名词,要么都是动词,要么都是形容词或副词; (2)语法形式相同。名词或动词的单复数形式相同,动词-ing或-ed形式相同,形容词或副词的比较等级形式相同; (3)正确选项的分布基本相同。即A、B、C、D四个选项各自所占比例

基本相同。如15个小题,A、B、C、D各占3—4个。 4.四个不考。 (1)不考虚词,包括冠词、代词、介词、连词等; (2)不考纯语法。答案都要通过上下文理解来确定,没有纯语法考查题; (3)不考纯固定搭配。没有考查纯固定搭配记忆题,即使是搭配,也是可以通过上下文语境推知。 (4)不考词语辨析。不考查词义或用法非常相似或难以辨析的词语。一般说来,四个选项的意义相差很大。 二、五个根据 解答完形填空题,有以下五条“根据”: 1.根据首句暗示。 高考完形填空首句往往不设空,是个完整的句子,通过它可以了解全文,判断文章的大意或主题,建立正确的思维导向,对解题非常关键。 2.根据逻辑推理。

考生要懂得根据文段意思和日常生活经验及科普常识等进行简单的逻辑推理来确定答案。 3.根据语言结构。 就是根据选项所在句的对比结构、排比结构、类似结构等语言结构形式来判断和选择答案。 4.根据词语复现。 词汇复现往往会使语篇中的句子相互衔接得更紧密。利用词语的复现,对解题很有帮助。 5.根据前后语境。 高考完形填空中绝大多数题是要通过理解上下文语境才能选出正确答案。有的根据上文,有的根据下文,有的要上下文结合,甚至通篇看完并理解才能作出正确的选择。


广东高考数学考试一轮复习攻略 一、夯实基础,知识与能力并重。 没有基础谈不上能力;复习要真正地回到重视基础的轨道上来,这里的基础不是指针 对考试机械重复的训练,而是指要搞清基本原理、基本方法,体验知识形成过程以及对知 识本质意义的理解与感悟,同时,对基础知识进行全面回顾,并形成自己的知识体系。 著名数学家华罗庚先生说:“数学是一个原则,无数内容,一种方法,到处可用。” 华罗庚先生还一再倡导读书要把书读得“由薄到厚”,再“由厚到薄”,如果说我们从小 学到中学学习12年数学的过程是“由薄到厚”的过程,那么高考复习的过程应该是深刻 领会数学的内容、意义和方法,认真梳理、归纳、探究、总结、提练,把握规律、灵活运用,把数学学习变成“由厚变薄”的过程,变成我们培养科学精神、掌握科学方法的最有 效的工具,成为自己做高素质现代人的重要武器,那时,做高考数学题就会得心应手。 二、复习中要把注意力放在培养自己的思维能力上。 培养自己独立解决问题的能力始终是数学复习的出发点与落脚点,要在体验知识的过 程中,适时进行探究式、开放式题目的研究和学习,深刻领悟蕴涵在其中的数学思想方法,并加以自觉的应用,力求做到使自己的理性思维能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力有切实 的提高。 学习好数学要抓住“四个三”:1、内容上要充分领悟三个方面:理论、方法、思 维;2、解题上要抓好三个字:数、式、形;3、阅读、审题和表述上要实现数学的三种语言 自如转化文字语言、符号语言、图形语言;4、学习中要驾驭好三条线:知识结构是明线要 清晰,方法能力是暗线要领悟、要提练,思维训练是主线思维能力是数学诸能力的核心, 创造性的思维能力是最强大的创新动力,是检验自己大脑潜能开发好坏的试金石。 三、讲究复习策略。 在第一轮复习中,要注意构建完整的知识网络,不要盲目地做题,不要急于攻难度大 的“综合题、探究题”,复习要以中档题为主,选题要典型,要深刻理解概念,抓住问题 的本质,抓住知识间的相互联系。高考题大多数都很常规,只不过问题的情景、设问的角 度改变了一下,因此,建议考生在首轮复习中,不要盲目地自己找题,而应在老师的指导下,精做题。 数学是应用性很强的学科,学习数学就是学习解题。搞题海战术的方式、方法固然是 不对的,但离开解题来学习数学同样也是错误的的,其中的关键在于对待题目的态度和处 理解题的方式上。


广东高考地理必背知识点 复习要以历年频繁出现的考点为重点,这样才会事半功倍。下面是小编为大家整理的广东高考地理必背知识点,希望对大家有所帮助。 广东高考地理必背知识点(一) 1.水循环:自然界的水在四大圈层中通过各个环节连续运动的过程。能量来源:太阳能和重力能 2.类型:包括海陆间大循环、内陆循环、海上内循环 3.主要环节:包括蒸发,水汽输送,降水、下渗,径流(分地表和地下径流)等。 4.意义: ①联系四大圈层,在它们之间进行能量交换和物质迁移,塑造地表形态 ②使各种水体相互转化,维持全球水的动态平衡 ③更新陆地水资源。 5.人类对水循环的影响: 主要对地表径流,及对小范围的蒸发、降水环节进行影响,修建水库、跨流域调水和人工降雨等是常见的形式。 广东高考地理必背知识点(二) 1、岩石按成因分为岩浆岩、变质岩和沉积岩。 (1)岩浆岩:是岩浆活动的产物。是在地球内部压力作用下,岩浆沿着岩石圈的薄弱地带侵入岩石圈上部或喷出地

表,冷却凝固形成。分为喷出岩和侵入岩,如花岗岩、玄武岩等 (2)沉积岩:是裸露地表的岩浆岩在风吹、雨打、日晒以及生物作用下,逐渐成为砾石、沙子和泥土。这些碎屑物质被风、流水等搬运后沉积下来,经过固结成岩作用形成。如砾岩、砂岩、页岩、石灰岩等。沉积岩的特点:具有层理构造,含有化石。 (3)变质岩:各种已经生成的岩石,在一定的温度和压力下发生变质作用形成。如大理岩、板岩等 2、做快的情况下,岩层向上拱起的是背斜,岩层向下弯曲的是向斜。(不完整的要补完整) 3、最科学的依据是根据岩层的新老关系: 中心部分岩层老,两翼岩层新的是背斜;中心部分岩层新,两翼岩层老的是向斜。 4、利用向斜找水,背斜找油。 广东高考地理必背知识点(三) 1.热力环流:由于地面冷热不均而形成的空气环流,是大气运动的一种最简单的形式。 地面间冷热不均是大气运动的根本原因,水平气压差是大气水平运动的直接原因 2.大气的水平运动--风 高空风:在水平气压梯度力和地转偏向力作用下,风向


20XX年中学测试 中 学 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期: 20XX届广东省英语高考一轮复习(六)

一. 教学内容: 一轮知识点Module 3 Unit 1 &2 二. 重点、难点 (一)重点单词 1. forgive vt. 原谅;宽恕 please forgive me—I didn’t mean to be rude. I’ll never for give you for what you have done wrong to your parents. 辨析:forgive, excuse和pardon excuse常指原谅轻微的过错(用于问路,问事;表示失礼;纠正别人的话;在打喷嚏、打嗝时;插话;表示异议等场合的客套话)。 forgive 有很浓的个人感情色彩,语气较重。 pardon指饶恕严重过错或法律上的犯罪。 Excuse me, but I must say you are completely wrong. The government pardoned the criminal.政府赦免了那个罪犯。 2. satisfy vt.使满足;使满意;符合(达到)标准satisfaction n. Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car? It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事。 Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。 联想记忆: satisfy the eye悦目 satisfy the people’s needs满足人民的需要 satisfy one’s desire(curiosity)满足欲望 be satisfied with sth. / sb. 对……感到满意 with satisfaction满意地 satisfactory adj.令人满意的(to),圆满的;符合要求的 far from satisfactory远不能令人满意 考点例题: Our teacher was ____________ with us. Because our answers are ___________. A. satisfy; satisfy B. satisfied; satisfying C. satisfied; satisfaction D. satisfying; satisfied 3. gain vt.获得;得到。该词有三种含义 (1)表示经过努力一点一点地获得自己渴望的东西 Gain experience, fame/other’s respect, love, trust获得经验、名望/别人的尊敬、爱戴、信任He has gained rich experience in these years.


广东省2011英语完形填空专题训练 A I can still remember when I met my best friend.She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to 1 me.I hid behind my motherland she hid behind her grandmother, 3 to look at each other.Soon we lost the 2 and started playing with each other. In the 7th grade,I first lost touch with her.She was 4 family problems and I deserted her to be with the because they knew she had 5 people.None of my new friends liked her as much as I did because they knew she had 6 .However,every summer we could always sit at each other’s house and watch soap operas,and talk about all the boys we liked. It was last year when I noticed the problem.I guess I was too devoted in high school to 7 she needed someone there for her.Anyway, she made a new best friend and so did I.Then 1 didn’t know why,but she started cutting herself! She then was diagnosed(诊断)with clinical depression.At first,1 was very 8 ,but we still stayed in 9 .I wanted to be there for her since her new best friend basically 10 her and people were calling her 11 . Yesterday she came to me and said:“I never knew what a best friend was until you were the only person that would stop me cutting.I 12 you so much,and you didn’t even know you were 13 me.” We both cried.And I guess a kind of 14 from my life so far is never to give up on your friends.Even if they aren’t as cool as others,or people think they are crazy,they need someone t here.If you desert them,you will only be 15 yourself. 1.A.follow B.meet C.join D.support 2.A.scared B.annoyed C.worried D.delighted 3.A.temper B.interest C.confidence D.shyness 4.A.taking up B.getting through C.going through D.making up 5.A.happier B.cooler C.stronger D.cleverer

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