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Observational Matter Power Spectrum and the Height of the Second Acoustic Peak

Observational Matter Power Spectrum and the Height of the Second Acoustic Peak
Observational Matter Power Spectrum and the Height of the Second Acoustic Peak

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0012320v 3 6 N o v 2001

Draft version February 1,2008

Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj




F ′?sica Te′o rica.Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Salamanca,37008Spain



Tartu Observatory,EE-61602Estonia


V.M ¨u

ller,J.P.M ¨u cket Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam

An der Sternwarte 16,D-14482Potsdam,Germany



Research Center for the Early Universe,University of Tokyo,Tokyo 113-0033,Japan and

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics,Moscow 117334,Russia


Draft version February 1,2008


We show that the amplitude of the second acoustic peak in the newly released BOOMERANG-98and MAXIMA-I data is compatible with the standard primordial nucleosynthesis and with the locally broken-scale-invariant matter power spectrum suggested by recent measurements of the power spectrum in the range 20?200h ?1Mpc.If the slope of matter density perturbations on large scales is n ≈1,the Hubble constant is 0.5

Subject headings:cosmic microwave background –cosmology:theory –cosmology:observations


The recently released data from BOOMERANG-98(de Bernardis et al.2000,hereafter B00)and MAXIMA-I (Hanany et al.2000)have determined the amplitude and position of the ?rst and second acoustic (Doppler)peaks of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)radiation angular spectrum.The ?rst analysis (Balbi et al.2000;Lange et al.2001;Ja?e et al.2000)strongly constrained the parameter space of cosmological models.The data clearly displayed a large ?rst acoustic peak with the max-imum at l =l max =212±7(Bond et al.2000)that supported the idea of an approximately spatially ?at Uni-verse with a cosmological constant (vacuum energy)and non-baryonic cold dark matter (CDM).However,rather unexpectedly,the second acoustic peak at l ~500?550appears to have a low amplitude (especially in the B00data).Another unexpected feature was a shift of the ?rst peak to smaller ?than the standard theoretical predic-tion l max ?220for the ?at ΛCDM model.Even more recently,Netter?eld et al.(2001,hereafter B01),Lee et al.(2001,hereafter M01)have estimated the radiation power spectrum up to l ~1100by extending the analy-sis of BOOMERANG-98and MAXIMA-I data to smaller angular scales.Halverson et al.(2001,hereafter D01)pre-sented the angular power spectrum from the ?rst season of DASI observations with data out to l ~800.

A straightforward ?t of the earlier data to ΛCDM mod-els with a scale-invariant initial spectrum of adiabatic per-turbations lead to:

a)a high best ?t value of the baryon density ?B h 2≈0.03(see,e.g.,Tegmark &Zaldarriaga 2000b;Ja?e et al.2000)that signi?cantly exceeds the prediction of the standard Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN),updated for the recent data on the primordial deuterium abundance:?B h 2≈0.019±0.0024(Tytler et al.2000);

b)a best ?t for the density ?tot ≈1.1that corresponds to a closed Universe (Lange et al.2001,Ja?e et al.2000)(though the ?at Universe is inside the 2σerror bars).The former result is mainly the consequence of the low amplitude of the second acoustic peak,while the latter is mostly due to the shift of the ?rst peak to the left.These conclusions persist if additional information on the Large Scale Structure (LSS)of the Universe,as the density ?uc-tuation parameter σ8,and the shape of the power spec-trum of matter are taken into account.In particular,the most exhaustive of these e?orts made by Tegmark,Zaldar-riaga &Hamilton (2000),who performed an 11-parameter ?t to the current CMB and LSS data,has led to essentially the same result about the high baryon density.To avoid contradiction with the standard BBN,a number of drastic changes in the standard FRW cosmology were proposed,as leptonic asymmetry (Lesgourgues &Peloso 2000),delayed recombination (Peebles,Seager &Hu 2000),loss of coher-ence of primordial perturbations remained from in?ation (White,Scott &Pierpaoli 2000),admixture of topological



defects(Bouchet et al.2000)or even the absence of dark non-baryonic matter(McGaugh2000).Moreover,even the fundamental laws of physics itself,as the constancy of the ?ne structure constant,have been abandoned for the sake of explaining these features(Avelino et al.2000,Battye et al.2001).

A preliminar study of the newest D01data shows no con-tradiction with the BBN bound;B01agrees with the ear-lier analysis of Lange et al(2001)except that the baryon abundance is reduced to?b h2=0.027±0.005.This limit gets even closer to the BBN estimates if all points are con-sidered in the analysis.But at high multipoles,the data is not fully consistent.M01data show a third peak higher than the second,while in B01and D01both acoustic peaks are of similar height.

All studies quoted above,even those including infor-mation on LSS,considered matter power spectra only with scale-invariant initial conditions.But Einasto et al.(1999c)have shown that the matter power spectrum as measured from galaxy and cluster catalogs is inconsis-tent with this assumption.A number of di?erent non-scale-invariant initial conditions has been recently used to analyze the CMB data.First,Kanazawa et al.(2000)con-sidered a double in?ationary model in supergravity having a step in the spectrum located around k=0.03h Mpc?1, for which both the matter power at smaller scales and the amplitude of the second Doppler peak are reduced.

A similar matter spectrum was studied in Barriga et al. (2000)which resulted from another kind of in?ationary model with a fast phase transition during in?ation.In contrast,Gri?ths,Silk&Zaroubi(2000)and,most re-cently,Hannestad,Hansen&Villante(2000)advocated the existence of a bump in the matter spectrum on signif-icantly larger scales(k≈0.004h Mpc?1)based on purely phenomenological grounds.Einasto(2000)analyzed the CM

B spectrum resulting from a matter power spectrum with a bump at k=0.05h Mpc?1as suggested by Chung et al.(2000).

In most of these papers,the location of non-scale-invariant features in the spectrum,or even the functional form of these features were introduced ad hoc,with the only aim to explain the BOOMERANG-MAXIMA early data.In contrast,we adopt a completely di?erent ap-proach:without attaching ourselves to any particular the-oretical model,we are trying to use previously existing observational data as much as possible.To obtain the initial(post-in?ation)matter spectrum,?rst,we use the empirical present matter power spectrum of Einasto et al.(1999a),extracted from galaxy and cluster catalogs and estimated in the range~20?200h?1Mpc.Sec-ondly,on very large scales we assume the initial spectrum to be scale-invariant(n=1)and COBE/DMR normal-ized,since this choice produces the best?t to previous CMB data for multipoles l<200(fortunately,it agrees with the prediction of the simplest version of the in?ation-ary scenario,too).In the next section we shall describe two possible ways to match these pieces of the spectrum. In this article,we show that such an empirical spec-trum gives a possibility to explain the peculiar features of the BOOMERANG-98and MAXIMA-I data without changing standard cosmology or the basic laws of physics. Also,we do not introduce non-scale invariant features in the power spectrum ad hoc,but only those required by the observations.In addition to this initial spectrum,we assume certain priors:a spatially?at universe,the age of the universe between12and14Gyr and a negligible contribution from primordial gravitational waves to the COBE/DMR data.We considered models with di?erent Hubble constant,cosmological constant,and baryon frac-tion.We computed the expected temperature anisotropy for each model and found the region of the parameter space that best?tted the BOOMERANG-MAXIMA data.In Section2we describe our methods and results.In Sec-tion3we?nd the cluster mass distribution.We calculate the initial power spectrum for our models in Section4and present the main results in Section5.



Temperature anisotropies are usually expressed in terms of spherical harmonics with coe?cients a lm.At a given angular scale l,the contribution of the matter power spec-trum to the radiation temperature anisotropy is dominated by perturbations with the wavenumber k?(π/2)l/R H, where R H is the radius of the present(post-in?ation)par-ticle horizon(in particular,R H=9900h?1Mpc for a?at Universe with the matter density parameter?m=0.3). Note that only perturbations with wavenumbers k>l/R H contribute to the CMB radiation temperature at any l (for l?1and neglecting the integrated Sachs-Wolfe ef-fect which is usually small for scales of interest here). Observations in the range l≥200probe the amplitude of the matter power spectrum at recombination on the scales also probed by galaxy and cluster catalogs,i.e.on scales smaller than200h?1Mpc.On very large scales (k≤0.005h Mpc?1),temperature anisotropies are gen-erated by?uctuations of the gravitational potential.The amplitude and the slope of the matter power spectrum in this region are strongly constrained by the COBE/DMR data.To compute CMB temperature anisotropies for l=2?1000,and the matter power spectrum on scales 10?4≤k≤1h Mpc?1,we need to provide the initial (post-in?ation)power spectrum in the whole wavenumber range.

We identify the matter power spectrum with the ob-servational spectrum presented in Einasto et al.(1999a) (called HD for High Density as the mean power spectrum was derived including high-density regions such as clusters of galaxies)for k≥0.035h Mpc?1.This spectrum is well approximated by a power law with the slope n=?1.9 for wavenumbers larger than k pl=0.06h Mpc?1up to k~0.4h Mpc?1(the latter value is already su?cient for the calculation of CMB multipoles with l<1000,so we use this?t for larger values of k,too):

P HD(k)=P pl(k/k pl)?1.9h?3Mpc3,(1)

where P pl=1.02×104(σ8/0.65)2h?3Mpc3is the value of the power spectrum at k=k pl(see Table2,Einasto et al.1999a).In the range0.035≤k≤0.3h Mpc?1 this spectrum di?ers from the observed power spectrum of galaxies,by a scale factor or bias.On shorter scales, k≥0.3h Mpc?1,the observed spectrum is corrected for non-linear evolution e?ects(for details see Einasto et al.1999c);these corrections do not introduce any sig-ni?cant di?erences to the CMB spectra at the scales of


interest.Note that in this range,the spectrum of Einasto et al.(1999a,1999c)is in good agreement with results obtained by other authors,for recent new data see Miller et al.(2001),among others.Since we do not know the exact value of the bias between the galaxy and matter power spectra,the value of k pl is a free parameter of our model which is expressed in terms ofσ8once the shape of P(k)is?xed.On the other hand,on very large scales, k

In the intermediate range,k m≤k≤k pl,error bars are large and there is no complete agreement between dif-ferent authors about the exact form of P(k).For this reason,we use two di?erent models of P(k)in this re-gion:one more conservative and another based on the Einasto et al.(1999a)data.In the?rst case we use at small scales the power law behavior given in(1).This spectrum is extrapolated until it crosses the linear COBE-normalized spectrum that is based on the primordial scale invariant spectral index n=1and evolved through recom-bination using cosmological parameters discussed above. On large scales the spectrum based on is n=1used. It was calculated using the CMBFAST program.This power spectrum is called HDL(L standing for linear ex-trapolation).In the second case we apply the observa-tional HD spectrum from Einasto et al.(1999a)up to k=0.035h Mpc?1,i.e.,up to the smallest wavenumber for which it contains reliable data.Then P(k)is linearly matched to the scale invariant n=1COBE normalized spectrum at k=k m=0.03h Mpc?1.For smaller k,we use the scale invariant spectrum as in the?rst case.The resulting spectrum has a distinct bump at k=k b,and a depression in the whole region k>k m,as compared to the COBE normalized n=1spectrum,see Fig1a,b.Thus we call it HDB(B for bump).Notice that the di?erence between the two spectra is still within1σerror bars. The HDL spectrum is similar to those considered in Kanazawa et al.(2000)and Barriga et al.(2000).The HDB spectrum is more complicated,it is not monotonous. Its form is in agreement with the power spectrum pro-posed by Einasto et al.(1997);the existence of the bump at k=0.05h Mpc?1(now understood to be a relative bump above a depression in the spectrum)could help to explain some quasi-periodic features in the large-scale distribution of Abell clusters noted in the latter and other papers.It is interesting that the double feature–the bump at k=0.05h Mpc?1and the depression at k?0.035h Mpc?1–are seen in the Miller&Batuski (2000)and Hamilton,Tegmark&Padmanabhan(2000) data,too,though within1σerror bars.Similar features have been reported in two recent preprints:Hoyle et al. (2001)found a small bump at k≈0.06h Mpc?1(assuming ?m=0.3)in the power spectrum of the2dF QSO Redshift Survey,and Silberman et al.(2001)claimed a wiggle in the power spectrum with an excess at k~0.05h Mpc?1and a de?ciency at k~0.1h Mpc?1,based on peculiar veloci-ties of galaxies from the Mark III and SFI catalogs.Bumps at k≈0.05h Mpc?1and k~0.2h Mpc?1and depres-sions(valleys)at k?0.035h Mpc?1and k~0.1h Mpc?1 have been con?rmed by Miller,Nichol&Batuski(2001)in their analysis of power spectra of Abell and APM clusters of galaxies,and PSCz galaxies.Note,however,that there are no such features in the recent REFLEX X-ray cluster survey(Schuecker et al.2000).Certainly,both HDL and HDB are non-scale-invariant spectra.Though we have ar-rived at them using purely empirical arguments,we shall discuss how they could have arisen in in?ationary models in Section4.

To compute the radiation and matter power spectrum at the present epoch we used the CMBFAST program de-veloped by Seljak&Zaldarriaga(1996).Given a set of pa-rameters and scale-invariant initial conditions of the type ?δ(k)=Ak(n?1)/2for the rms Fourier amplitudes of the density contrast at horizon crossing,we obtained a matter power spectrum with spectral index n at large scales.Pa-rameter A was normalized to reproduce the COBE/DMR amplitude.In this work,we assumed that a di?erence between the power spectrum predicted by a given cosmo-logical model today,P(k),and the observed power spec-trum,P HD(k),was due to initial conditions only.Then, as all scales of interest are still in the linear regime,the ini-tial rms Fourier amplitude of matter density perturbations that give rise to the observed spectrum is


(k)=?δ(k)(P HD(k)/P(k))1/2.(2) In this expression,the power spectra are evaluated at the present time,and the amplitude of?δHD(k)is evaluated at the horizon crossing.

Our main goal is to determine if the B01and M01 new measurements agree with the observed matter power spectrum and with the standard BBN.Therefore,we re-stricted our analysis of the parameter space to a rather limited set,centered upon the region that best?tted the CMB data before BOOMERANG-98and MAXIMA-I data(see Tegmark&Zaldarriaga2000a).We considered spatially?at models with and without cosmological con-stant(?m+?Λ=1,?m=?CDM+?B),with matter density in the range0.3≤?m≤1,with n=1and baryon fraction0.005≤?B h2≤0.035centered on the range sug-gested by Tytler et al.(2000).Particular attention was paid to models with a cosmological constant.We took the age of the Universe t0to be between12and14Gyr,in agreement with the recalibration of the cosmic ages made by Feast&Catchpole(1997)using new Hipparcos distance determinations,and from estimations of the age of globu-lar clusters(Jimenez1999).The resulting Hubble constant varied from h?0.5to0.75,consistent with observations. Models with a small mixture of massive neutrinos have also been discussed in the literature,but this component has little e?ect on the radiation power spectrum in the range considered here.However,it is important to realize that as neutrino free-streaming erases the matter power spectrum at small scales,they have an e?ect on the ini-tial matter power spectrum computed using(2).If the dark matter is“cold”and?m?1then the initial spec-trum deviates strongly from scale invariant initial condi-tions.This is expected since the standard CDM has too


Fig. 1.—(a,b)Matter power spectrum ofΛCDM models with scale invariant(dashed line),HDB(solid line)and HDL (thick dot-dashed line)initial conditions.The matter density is?m=0.5in(a)and0.3in(b).The box encloses the region where the observed power spectrum is extended to match smoothly the scale invariant spectrum at large scales. Diamonds and bars represent the observed matter power spectrum P HD(k)and the associated1σerror bar(data taken from Table2of Einasto et al1999a).This area has been enlarged in(c,d)to show the di?erence between the spectra HDL and HDB.For clarity the scale invariantΛCDM model is not plotted.(e,f)Radiation power spectrum of the same models.Filled diamonds and open circles correspond to B01and M01data,respectively.


Position of the?rst maximum of the CMB spectrum


much power on small scales.If we assume that the ob-served spectrum deviates only weakly from the Harrison-



Goodness-of-?t contours of the likelihood function at 95%(thick solid line)and 99%(thin solid lines)con?dence

levels.The ?t was performed using the newly released data B01,M01up to l ?650.No calibration uncertainties were included.Contours on the left side of panels correspond to scale invariant ΛCDM models and are shown for comparison;right contours correspond to HDL or HDB models.All models correspond to a Universe age of 14Gyr and to matter power spectra with a n =1spectral index on large scales.Upper two panels:solid lines correspond to a HDL power spectrum with (a)σ8=0.65and (b)σ8=0.75.Lower two panels:solid lines correspond to a HDB power spectrum with (c)σ8=0.65and (d)σ8=0.75.Dot-dashed straight lines lines correspond to the 1σBBN limits on the baryon fraction.

Zeldovich spectrum,then the theoretical power spectrum on scales smaller than the bump (k ≥0.05h Mpc ?1)co-incides with the observed spectrum only for a restricted set of cosmological parameters.In particular,demanding that the observed spectrum deviates only slightly from scale invariance,we ?x the matter density parameter to be ?m ≈0.3(if the non-baryonic dark matter is “cold”).A small mixture of “hot”dark matter would allow for a larger matter density (Einasto 2000and Section 4below).In Figure 1,we present the COBE-normalized matter power spectra (upper panels a and b with an enlarged ver-sion in the middle panels c and d)and radiation power spectra (lower panels e and f)for three di?erent types of spectra:scale invariant (dashed line),HDB (solid)and HDL (thick dot-dashed),for a universe with t 0=14Gyr,the baryon fraction ?B h 2=0.02and the matter den-sity ?m =0.5(left panels)and ?m =0.3(right pan-els).In this ?gure we use σ8=0.75in the left panel and σ8=0.65in the right panel.The HDL power spectrum follows Eq (1)till k ?0.08h Mpc ?1(for ?m =0.5),and till k ?0.06(for ?m =0.3)where it follows the ΛCDM spectrum.Then HDL coincides or is below the scale in-variant power spectrum.The HDB spectrum follows the observed spectrum up to k =0.035h Mpc ?1,and then is linearly extrapolated until it reaches the scale invariant spectrum at k =0.03h Mpc ?1.It can be above or below the scale invariant spectrum.In the radiation spectra,the main di?erences between HDB and HDL are around the ?rst Doppler peak.The data on the matter power spec-trum was taken from Einasto et al.(1999a),while the CMB data is the latest M01and B01(this is also the data used to ?t the models shown in Figure 2).

From the initial power spectrum,we compute the radi-ation power spectrum and compare the expected level of anisotropy with the CMB data.We used the radical com-pression of the cosmic microwave background data method described in Bond,Ja?e &Knox (2000).We computed the parameter space compatible with the newly released B01,M01and,for comparison,with the earlier data recal-ibrated according to Ja?e et al.(2000).We restricted our study to l ≤650since it allows a better comparison with earlier parameter estimates.Further,above that scale the error bars are most a?ected by ±13%e?ective beam uncer-tainty and this uncertainty is not included in the published


M [h ?1

M 0]














n (>M )

M [h ?1

M 0]














n (>M )


Cluster mass functions for models with the density parameter ?m =0.3and ?m =0.5are plotted in the left and

right panels,respectively.The observed cluster mass functions are given according to Bahcall &Cen (1993)(thick solid line indicates the data and thin solid lines the width of the error corridor)and Girardi et al.(1998).Model functions are given for scale-invariant CDM models (with a cosmological constant),and for our models HDB with a bump for σ8=0.65and σ8=0.75.

error bars.In Fig 2we give the contours at the 95%(2σ)and 99%con?dence levels for ΛCDM models with scale invariant,HDB and HDL power spectra.The ?gure cor-responds to a ?t to the B01,M01data.On the upper axis we plot the corresponding Hubble constant.All models presented in Fig.2correspond to the slope n =1on very large scales.Figure 2a shows that scale invariant models are marginally consistent with the BBN bounds only at the 99%level.Our results also indicate that HDL and HDB models with t 0=12Gyr (not shown in the ?gure)require ?Λ>0.75(at the 2σlevel),hardly compatible with direct measurements of ?m =1??Λ.On the contrary,models with t 0=14Gyr lay inside the standard BBN limits and ?t the recent CMB data very well for both the HDL and HDB spectra.We repeated the same analysis with the original recalibrated data.In this case,the contours were wider and scale invariant models become compatible with the BBN bound.Let us remark that,as seen in Figure 1,BOOMERANG-98and MAXIMA-I have di?erent ampli-tudes at the scale of the second acoustic peak,thus it is harder for the models to ?t them both.However,in both cases the contours for HDL and HDB spectra were cen-tered on the same region of the parameter space,implying that our results are robust.

In Table 1we give the position of the maximum of the ?rst acoustic peak for the models presented in Fig.1.Let us remark that since,in general,the HDB and HDL spec-tra have less power than a scale invariant model with the same cosmological parameters,the position of the maxi-mum of the ?rst acoustic peak is shifted with respect to the scale invariant model.This e?ect is easily explained by the k ?l correspondence given at the beginning of this section:the depression in the HDB spectrum relative to the scale-invariant spectrum in the range k =0.03?0.05h Mpc ?1results in the decrease of the corresponding angular radia-

tion spectrum for l =200?500(if ?m =0.3).This e?ect explains the position of the ?rst Doppler peak without in-voking a small positive spatial curvature.


Another important constraint of cosmological models is the cluster mass function.This function is rather sensi-tive to cosmological parameters and features in the power spectrum on intermediate and small scales which have the highest weight in the cluster formation process.To check our results we calculated the cluster mass function using the Press-Schechter (1974)method.Mass functions were found for two sets of models;we used the Hubble con-stant h =0.65and the baryon fraction ?B =0.05,the matter density was taken ?m =0.3and ?m =0.5,vary-ing the density of the cold dark matter and the vacuum energy (cosmological constant)respectively.The Hubble constant used is a compromise between recent new esti-mates by di?erent teams (Parodi et al.2000,Sakai et al.2000).As before,we used only spatially ?at models (?m +?Λ=1);the slope of the spectrum on small scales was taken to be n =?1.9,and the spectrum amplitude parameters σ8=0.65,0.75were used.

The results of calculations are shown in Figure 3.The HDB model with ?m =0.3and σ8=0.65,that ?ts the CMB data rather well,has a too low abundance of clusters while the scale invariant ΛCDM model and HDB model with ?m =0.3and σ8=0.75lie within the range allowed by observations.It is not surprising that the last two mod-els coincide since the ΛCDM model with ?m =0.3has σ8=0.78,very close to our HDB model with ?m =0.3and σ8=0.75.This σ8value is in good agreement with other independent estimates (Einasto et al.1999b,Van Waerbeke et al.2001).The ΛCDM model with ?m =0.5has too high abundance of clusters over the whole mass


range(about a factor of ten).In contrast,?m=0.5HDB models with both values ofσ8have cluster mass functions which lie within the allowed region.In other words,cluster mass functions of HDB models are rather insensitive to the density parameter.This result is expected since our HDB models with both density values(but an identical Hub-ble parameter)are identical on medium and small scales, k≥0.06,which have the highest weight in determining the cluster mass function.

Using the preprint version of this paper,Gramann& H¨u tsi(2001)investigated properties of models similar to our models HDL,?xing the break of the power spectrum at k pl=0.05h Mpc?1(instead of at0.06h Mpc?1). They con?rmed our results that the amplitude of the sec-ond and third peak in the radiation power spectrum de-creases and?ts the CMB data better.Gramann&H¨u tsi also calculated the cluster mass function with the Press-Schechter method and found that the amplitude of the power spectrum of their models was too low which lead to a low cluster mass function incompatible with observa-tions.They suggested to use an initial power spectrum which has a depression around k=0.1h Mpc?1and an increased amplitude starting from k=0.2h Mpc?1.Mod-els with such spectra were investigated by Suhhonenko &Gramann(1999).Such spectra also yield satisfactory agreement both with the observed cluster mass function and with the recent CMB spectrum data.A similar power spectrum was found in the recent paper by Silberman et al.(2001)based on the analysis of galaxy peculiar veloci-ties,and by Miller,Nichol&Batuski(2001)based on the analysis of power spectra of Abell and APM clusters of galaxies,and IRAS Point Source redshift catalog galaxies. To bring our HDB model with?m=0.3andσ8=0.75 into a better agreement with the CMB data,perhaps a model with a second feature on small scales is needed,as suggested by Gramann&H¨u tsi(2001)and Miller,Nichol &Batuski(2001).The latter authors considered the pres-ence of two bumps and two depressions(valleys)in the observed power spectrum as evidence for baryonic?uc-tuations,as discussed by Eisenstein et al.(1998).How-ever,this hypothesis encounters one problem:the posi-tion of the?rst baryonic bump on the matter power spec-trum is expected at the wavenumber k≈0.07h Mpc?1, whereas the observed bump is located at the wavenum-ber k≈0.05h Mpc?1.The bump at k=0.05h Mpc?1 corresponds to the scale of the supercluster-void network,~120h?1Mpc,as seen in the distribution of high-density regions in a pencil-beam near galactic poles(Broadhurst et al.1990),and in the distribution of clusters of galax-ies(Einasto et al.1997a,1997b).More accurate data are needed to decide whether the observed features of the power spectrum are due to a high baryon fraction or are primordial e?ects.At present,we are inclined to accept the second alternative since,without requiring new physics,it?ts the CMB data within the BBN bounds quite naturally.

4.POST-INFLATION INITIAL CONDITIONS Though we did not require a priori that our initial spec-tra should be“explicable”by any theoretical model,it ap-pears that,for?m≈0.3,the form of the HDB spectrum suggests an in?ationary model with a fast phase transi-tion occurring approximately50e-folds before the end of in?ation,similar to those with a sudden jump in an in?a-ton potential which were considered in Starobinsky(1992) and Adams,Ross&Sarkar(1997);see also the recent paper by Adams,Cresswell&Easther(2001)(which ap-peared after the preprint version of the present paper was sent to the archive)where a very similar spectrum is ob-tained.As for the simpler HDL spectrum,and for the HDB spectrum with?m≈0.5,it is rather typical for dou-ble in?ationary models,see,e.g.,the models in Polarski &Starobinsky(1992),Gottl¨o ber,M¨u cket&Starobinsky (1994),as well as the models proposed in Kanazawa et al. (2000)and Barriga et al.(2000).Also,a similar step-like spectrum appears in the case when the in?aton potential has a jump of its?rst derivative(Starobinsky1992).Thus, relatively small changes in cosmological parameters and in the present form of P(k)may lead to signi?cantly di?erent models of the phase transition during in?ation.

To elaborate this point further,let us compute the ratio of power spectra:

S(k)=P HDB(k)/P CDM(k).(3) Here,we use the power spectrum with a bump,P HDB(k), and the scale-invariantΛCDM power spectrum P CDM(k), calculated for the same set of cosmological parameters as the spectrum with a bump.The function S(k)charac-terizes the deviation of our accepted spectrum from the scale-invariant case,namely,the initial spectrum P0(k)∝kS(k).In Fig.4we plot the ratio S(k)for a Hubble con-stant h=0.65,baryon density?B=0.05,andσ8=0.65 andσ8=0.75for three di?erent values of the matter den-sity.We do not plot the ratio using the HDL spectrum since S(k)is the same as for HDB for k≥0.06h Mpc?1 and coincides with the scale invariant case(S(k)=1)for k<~0.05h Mpc?1as explained in Section2.

By construction,on large scales the HDB spectrum is identical to the scale-invariantΛCDM spectrum,i.e., S(k)=1.Deviations start at k?0.03h Mpc?1:all initial spectra have a depression around k=0.035h Mpc?1,a bump at k=0.05h Mpc?1,and an approximate power law dependence on smaller scales.The initial spectrum given in(3)depends only slightly on theσ8parameter.For the matter density?m=0.3,deviations of our accepted spec-tra from the scale-invariant spectrum are moderate and lo-calized near k=0.05h Mpc?1.We call these spectra“lo-cally broken-scale-invariant”.In contrast,for the matter density?m=0.5and?m=1.0,deviations on small scales become large.Even if we do not include a small fraction of hot dark matter,the function S(k)can be brought closer to unity on the scale interval0.06≤k≤0.4h Mpc?1 using a tilted spectrum.Tilted spectra have been often used to explain the observed power spectrum of galaxies. This helps to bring S(k)≈1over the whole range only for?m=0.3.For higher values of the matter density,the tilt needed becomes too large and is excluded using the COBE data,that suggest n=1±0.1.

To summarize,the CMB data in combination with the matter spectrum and cluster abundance favor the density parameter?m?0.3.For this density value,the initial matter power spectrum is approximately scale invariant. Figure2indicates that for?m?0.3the CMB data prefers σ8=0.65for both the HDL and HDB spectra,while the value of?m?0.5is preferred by the data whenσ8=0.75.




k [h Mpc ?1



10.0S (k )

h=0.65, ?b =0.05





k [h Mpc ?1




S (k )

h=0.65, ?b =0.05



The initial power spectrum,expressed as the ratio of our adopted HDB spectrum to the scale-invariant ΛCDM

spectrum,S (k )=P HDB (k )/P CDM (k ).The initial power spectrum is calculated for 3values of the matter density,?m =0.3,0.5,1.0.In the left panel σ8=0.65,in the right panel σ8=0.75.

However,this density value exceeds considerably the value preferred by other data sets (Perlmutter et al.1998,Riess et al.1998,see also Ostriker &Steinhardt 1995),and also requires large deviations from the scale-invariant initial conditions.


We have shown that the amplitude of the second acous-tic peak measured by BOOMERANG-98and MAXIMA-I is compatible both with the standard BBN and with the matter power spectrum obtained from galaxy and cluster catalogs,if we accept a non-scale-invariant power spec-trum.If we assume that the age of the Universe is 14Gyr,and the initial power spectrum has an index close to the Harrison-Zeldovich value,n =1±0.1,then our best ?t within the standard BBN bound gives for the matter den-sity parameter,0.3≤?m ≤0.5.If we demand that the matter power spectrum yields a correct cluster abundance,then the matter density is further constraint:?m ≈0.3.The amplitude of the second peak in the radiation power spectrum and the shape of the matter power spectrum can be both simultaneously explained using models with the standard baryon abundance.Since our accepted spectra have less power than the scale-invariant model with the same cosmological parameters (and before the new data was available)we had predicted a low third acoustic peak.This testable prediction of our models can be clearly seen in Figs 1(e),1(f):the third acoustic peak is not higher (and typically lower)than the second peak.While the original paper was being refereed,Netter?eld et al.(2001)extended the analysis of the BOOMERANG-98data to higher multipoles and indeed found an amplitude of the third Doppler peak being of a similar amplitude as the second one.However,Lee et al.(2001)claim to have seen a larger third peak in the MAXIMA-I data.In this re-spect,let us remark that HDL and HDB spectra coincide for k >0.05h Mpc ?1,their CMB angular spectra are prac-

tically the same for l >500(if ?m =0.3)while in scale invariant models with a high baryon abundance and mod-els with leptonic asymmetry the third peak is higher than the second.As the data around the third peak improves,its amplitude will be an important test on our models.Our second result is the shift of the ?rst acoustic peak to a smaller value of l as compared to the scale-invariant spectrum (see Table 1).This e?ect is especially notice-able in the case of the HDB spectrum.This brings the BOOMERANG-MAXIMA data to excellent agreement with a spatially ?at Universe,removing the need for a slightly positive spatial curvature.Also,the cluster mass function for the HDB type models is well within the ob-servational error bars.

Finally,it is important to notice that the data do not contradict the existence of a bump and a depression of the HDB spectrum.The existing CMB data are not su?-cient to determine the detailed form of the matter power spectrum in the range 0.03

Acknowledgements:We thank Mirt Gramann and Enn Saar for discussion. F.A.-B.acknowledges the ?nan-cial support or the Junta de Castilla y Le′o n (project SA 19/00B)and the Ministerio de Educaci′o n y Cultura (project BFM2000-1322).J.E.was supported by Estonian Science Foundation grant 2625.A.S.was partly supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,grant 99-02-16224,and by the Russian Research Project “Cosmomi-crophysics”.


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POWERMAX 无线报警系统编程及操作指南 2006-7-11 一.安装 POWERMAX 无线报警主机 按产品说明书固定安装架,联接电话线, AC 9V 电源线,安装后备电池,使用6节5号AA 电池,跳线放在下边, 使用充电电池,跳线放在上边,主机安装在安装架上. 编程设置时主要使用下列按键: 二.注册无线探测器(ENROLLING) 先对无线探测器编防区号,安装电池,红外探测器J2放在TEST 位置(安装调试完成后J2放在OFF 位置),将红外探测器放回到包装盒里,门磁发射器(MCT-302)和磁体吸俯在一起. 按NEXT 键 直到LCD 显示屏出现 (安装模式) 按 SHOW/OK 键,输入安装员密码(出产设置9999),进入安装模式, 按主机的NEXT 键 直到LCD 显示屏出现 2 ENROLLING (注册) 按 SHOW/OK 键 LCD 显示屏出现 ZONE NO: 输入无线探测器编防区号(两位数字)01 将门磁发射器(MCT-302)与磁体分开,报警主机将收到门磁发射器发出的无线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀..嘀”,表示注册成功 ,门磁发射器(MCT-302)和磁体重新吸俯在一起.继续注册下一个无线探测器 . 按 按

将无线红外探测器从包装盒里取出,触发无线红外探测器, 探测器红灯亮, 报警主机将收到无线红外探测器发出的无线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀..嘀”,表示注册成功, 将红外探测器放回到包装盒里,继续注册下一个无线探测器. 按SHOW/OK键LCD显示屏出现ZONE NO: 输入无线探测器编防区号(两位数字)03 , 报警主机将收到无线烟感探测器发出的无线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀..嘀”,表示注册成功, 继续注册下一个无线探测器. 完成注册无线探测器后,按AW AY键, LCD显示屏出现OK 按SHOW/OK键返回到开机状态 三.注册无线按钮(ENROLLING Keyfob) 按NEXT键直到LCD显示屏出现 按SHOW/OK键,输入安装员密码(出产设置9999),进入安装模式, 按SHOW/OK键LCD显示屏出现Keyfob NO: 输入无线按钮号 1 按无线按钮的任意键, 按钮的红灯亮,发出的无线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀..嘀”,表示注册成功, 继续注册下一个无线按钮. 完成注册无线按钮,按AW AY键, LCD显示屏出现OK 按SHOW/OK键返回到开机状态 四.定义防区类型,名称及门铃功能 按SHOW/OK键,输入安装员密码(出产设置9999),进入安装模式, NO: 输入无线探测器编防区号(两位数字)01


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常见应用Array加热、通风和空气调节 (HVAC),采矿, 房屋/工厂维护,消防和急救,普通制造业,以及: 一般金属加工 汽车维修和改装


T100 consumables Powermax1650 S h i e l d e d U n s h i e l d e d 60 AMP 100 AMP80 AMP40 AMP QUANTITY PER PACKAGE WARNING *In countries following CE standards, unshielded consumables may only be used in mechanized torch applications. Unshielded consumables: maintain torch-to-work distance of approximately 3/16” (4.8 mm). T100M torch DESCRIPTION ITEM PART ITEM PART ITEM PART ITEM PART F i n e C u t p a r t s

ITEM PART DE CRIPTION QUAN TITY NUMBER NUMBER 059265^T100M Machine Torch Assembly with 25 ft (7.6 m) Lead 059268^T100M Machine Torch Assembly with 35 ft (10.7 m) Lead 059272^T100M Machine Torch Assembly with 50 ft (15.2 m) Lead 1128754T100M Torch Main Body Replacement Kit 12027889Retaining Clip 13058519O-ring 14128639Cap-off Sensor Replacement Kit 15075571Cap-off Sensor Screws 26128768T100/T100M Torch Head Repair Kit 17128643Torch Mounting Sleeve Replacement Kit 18075004Torch Mounting Screws 39128710Torch Positioning Sleeve 11012875325 ft (7.6 m) Torch Lead Replacement Kit 11112875135 ft (10.7 m) Torch Lead Replacement Kit 11212875950 ft (15.2 m) Torch Lead Replacement Kit 113 128638ETR Repair Kit (Regional Repair Centers only) 1128645Torch Mounting Kit (for reassembly after installation) 1 T100M torch ^ Assembly includes consumables Hypertherm, Powermax, G3 Series, FineCut and PAC are trademarks of Hypertherm, Inc. and may be registered in the United States and/or other countries. ? Copyright 3/04 Hypertherm, Inc. Revision 1 881260 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm, Inc. USA 603-643-3441 Tel 603-643-5352 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm Automation USA 603-298-7970 Tel 603-298-7977 Fax info@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm Plasmatechnik GmbH Deutschland 49 6181 58 2100 Tel 49 6181 58 2134 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm (S) Pte Ltd Singapore 65 841 2489 Tel 65 841 2490 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm UK Ltd England 44 1928 579 074 Tel 44 1928 579 604 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, France 0805 050 111 Tél 0805 050 222 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm S.r.L. Italia 39 02 725 46 312 Tel 39 02 725 46 400 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm Europe B.V. Nederland 31 165 596908 Tel 31 165 596901 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Japan 8105 59757387 Tel 8105 59757376 Fax HT https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Hypertherm Brasil Ltda. Brasil 55 21 2278 6162 Tel 55 21 2578 0947 Fax https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Powermax1650T100M machine torch assembly


CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66 Document Number 83540Vishay Semiconductors https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, Very High Isolation Voltage Features ?Rated isolation voltage (RMS includes DC) V IOWM = 1000 V RMS (1450 V peak) ?Rated recurring peak voltage (repetitive) V IORM = 1000 V RMS ?Thickness through insulation ≥ 3 mm ?Creepage current resistance according to V DE 0303/IEC 60112 C omparative T racking I ndex: CTI ≥ 200 ?Lead-free component ?Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/EC Agency Approvals ?UL1577, File No. E76222 System Code H,J &K, Double Protection ?DIN EN 60747-5-2 (V DE0884)DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending ?V DE related features: ?Rated impulse voltage (transient overvoltage)V IOTM = 8 k V peak ?Isolation test voltage (partial discharge test volt-age) V pd = 2.8 k V peak Applications Circuits for safe protective separation against electri-cal shock according to safety class II (reinforced iso-lation): For appl. class I - I V at mains voltage ≤ 300 V For appl. class I - I V at mains voltage ≤ 600 V For appl. class I - III at mains voltage ≤ 1000 V accord-ing to DIN EN 60747-5-2(V DE0884)/ DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending, table 2, suitable for: Switch-mode power supplies, line receiver, computer peripheral interface, microprocessor system inter-face. Order Information Description The CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66 consist of a phototrans-istor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared-emitting diode in a 4-pin plastic package. The single components are mounted opposite one another, providing a distance between input and out-put for highest safety requirements of > 3 mm.VDE Standards These couplers perform safety functions according to the following equipment standards: DIN EN 60747-5-2(V DE0884)/ DIN EN 60747-5-5pending Optocoupler for electrical safety requirements IEC 60950/EN 60950 Part Remarks CNY64CTR 50 - 300 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY65CTR 50 - 300 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY66CTR 50 - 300 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY64A CTR 63 - 125 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY65A CTR 63 - 125 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY64B CTR 100 - 200 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY65B CTR 100 - 200 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN


LA6510 Overview The LA6510 is a dual power operational amplifier IC capable of delivering larger output currents than conventional operational amplifiers. The LA6510 features an on-chip current limiter and provides high voltage gain and a high common-mode rejection ratio. The LA6510 is an ideal choice for power applications such as DC servos, capstan drivers, actuator drivers, programmable power supplies and high-quality audio amplifiers. Functions ? High output current (I O max = 1.0A) ? High gain ? Equipped with current limiter pin ? Supports single power source operation Specifications Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit Maximum supply voltage V CC / V EE max ±18V Differential input voltage V ID 30V Common mode input voltage V ICOM ±15V Maximum output current I O max 1.0 A Allowable power dissipation Pd max 2.5 W Operating temperature Topr -40 to +85°C Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 °C Monolithic Linear IC Dual Power Operational Amplifier


Electrical Data RC55 RC65 RC70 NOTES COMMERCIAL Power rating at 70°C watts 0.250.5 1.0Resistance range ohms 1R to 4M 1R to 4M 1R to 10M Limiting element voltage volts 350350500Isolation voltage volts 500 500700 TCR (20 to +70°C) & codes ppm/°C 5(V), 10(T), 15(Y), 25(D), 50(C) & 100(Z)See resistance Resistance tolerance % 0.05(W), 0.1(B), 0.25(C), 0.5(D) & 1(F) restrictions APPROVED CECC 40101-004H J K K L Power rating at 70°C watts 0.0630.1250.250.250.5Resistance range ohms 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M Limiting element voltage volts 200200250250350Isolation voltage volts 280280350350500TCR & codes ppm/°C 15(Y), 25(D), 50(C) & 100(Z)See resistance Resistance tolerance (code)%0.05(W), 0.1(B), 0.25(C), 0.5(D) & 1(F)restrictions APPROVED CECC 40101-804A B B C Power rating at 70°C watts 0.1250.250.250.5Resistance range ohms 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M Limiting element voltage volts 200250250350Isolation voltage volts 280 350 350500 TCR & codes ppm/°C 15(T), 25(E) & 50(C) See resistance Resistance tolerance (code)%0.05(W), 0.1(B), 0.25(C), 0.5(D) & 1(F) restrictions Standard values E24, E96 preferred Any value Thermal impedance °C/watt 11070 60 to order Ambient temperature range °C -55 to +155 ? Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, England Tel: 01670 822181 Fax: 01670 829465 Web: https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html, Issue A 07/99 General Note Welwyn Components reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to Welwyn’s own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. Precision Metal Film Resistors RC SERIES ●CECC released products with low TCRs over a wide resistance range ●Resistance tolerance down to 0.05%●Express delivery available ●Low noise and negligible voltage coefficient 173


MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converter General Description The MAX31865 is an easy-to-use resistance-to-digital converter optimized for platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). An external resistor sets the sensitivity for the RTD being used and a precision delta-sigma ADC converts the ratio of the RTD resistance to the reference resistance into digital form. The MAX31865’s inputs are protected against overvoltage faults as large as Q 50V. Programmable detection of RTD and cable open and short conditions is included. Applications Industrial Equipment Medical Equipment Instrumentation Features S Simple Conversion of Platinum RTD Resistance to Digital Value S Handles 100? to 1k ? (at 0°C) Platinum RTDs (PT100 to PT1000)S Compatible with 2-, 3-, and 4-wire Sensor Connections S Conversion Time: 21ms max S 15-Bit ADC Resolution; Nominal Temperature Resolution 0.03125N C (Varies Due to RTD Nonlinearity)S Total Accuracy Over All Operating Conditions: 0.5N C (0.05% of Full Scale) max S ±50V Input Protection S Fully Differential V REF Inputs S Fault Detection (Open RTD Element, RTD Shorted to Out-of-Range Voltage, or Short Across RTD Element)S SPI-Compatible Interface S 20-Pin TQFN Package Typical Application Circuits Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. For related parts and recommended products to use with this part, refer to https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,/MAX31865.related . EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE


POWERMAX 无线报警系统编程 使用指南 1. 安装 POWERMAX 无线报警主机 按产品说明书固定安装架,联接电话线, AC 9V 电源线,安装后备电池,使用6节5号AA 电池,跳线放在下边, 使用充电电池,跳线放在上边,主机安装在安装架上. 编程设置时主要使用下列按键: 2. 注册无线探测器(ENROLLING) 先对无线探测器编防区号,安装电池,红外探测器J2放在TEST 位置(安装调试完成后J2放在OFF 位置),将红外探测器放回到包装盒里,门磁发射器(MCT-302)和磁体吸俯在一起. 按 SHOW/OK 键,输入安装员密码(出产设置9999),进入安装模式 , 按 SHOW/OK 键 LCD 显示屏出现 ZONE NO: 输入无线探测器编防区号(两位数字)01 线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀..嘀”,表示注册成功 ,门磁发射器(MCT-302)和磁体重新吸俯在一起. 继续注册下一个无线探测器. 按 按 , 探测器红灯亮, 报警主机将收到无线红外探测器发出的无线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀..嘀”,表示注册成功, 将红外探测器放回到包装盒里,继续注册下一个无线探测器. 按 SHOW/OK 键 LCD 显示屏出现 ZONE NO: 输入无线探测器编防区号

(两位数字)03 , 报警主机将收到无线烟感探测器发出的无线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀..嘀”,表示注册成功, 继续注册下一个无线探测器. 完成注册无线探测器后,按AWAY键, LCD显示屏出现OK 按SHOW/OK键返回到开机状态 3 注册无线按钮(ENROLLING Keyfob) 9999),进入安装模式, 输入无线按钮号 1 按SHOW/OK键LCD显示屏出现TRANSMIT NOW(发射无线信号) 按无线按钮的任意键, 按钮的红灯亮,发出的无线信号,报警主机发出”嘀..嘀.. 嘀”,表示注册成功, 继续注册下一个无线按钮. 完成注册无线按钮,按AWAY键, LCD显示屏出现OK 按SHOW/OK键返回到开机状态 4.定义防区类型,名称及门铃功能 9999),进入安装模式, ZONE NO: 输入无线探测器编防区号(两位数字)01 1) 键确认,主机存储了30个英文名字.


General Description The MAX6190–MAX6195/MAX6198 precision, micro-power, low-dropout voltage references offer high initial accuracy and very low temperature coefficient through a proprietary curvature-correction circuit and laser-trimmed precision thin-film resistors. These series-mode bandgap references draw a maxi-mum of only 35μA quiescent supply current, making them ideal for battery-powered instruments. They offer a supply current that is virtually immune to input volt-age variations. Load-regulation specifications are guaranteed for source and sink currents up to 500μA.These devices are internally compensated, making them ideal for applications that require fast settling,and are stable with capacitive loads up to 2.2nF. Features o ±2mV (max) Initial Accuracy o 5ppm/°C (max) Temperature Coefficient o 35μA (max) Supply Current o 100mV Dropout at 500μA Load Current o 0.12μV/μA Load Regulation o 8μV/V Line Regulation Applications Hand-Held Instruments Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters Industrial Process Control Precision 3V/5V Systems Hard-Disk Drives MAX6190–MAX6195/MAX6198 Precision, Micropower, Low-Dropout Voltage References ________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1 19-1408; Rev 2; 10/01 Ordering Information Selector Guide Typical Operating Circuit appears at end of data sheet. Pin Configuration For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,. Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.


For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at https://www.doczj.com/doc/f619157808.html,. General Description The MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487–MAX491, and MAX1487 are low-power transceivers for RS-485 and RS-422 communication. Each part contains one driver and one receiver. The MAX483, MAX487, MAX488, and MAX489feature reduced slew-rate drivers that minimize EMI and reduce reflections caused by improperly terminated cables,thus allowing error-free data transmission up to 250kbps.The driver slew rates of the MAX481, MAX485, MAX490,MAX491, and MAX1487 are not limited, allowing them to transmit up to 2.5Mbps. These transceivers draw between 120μA and 500μA of supply current when unloaded or fully loaded with disabled drivers. Additionally, the MAX481, MAX483, and MAX487have a low-current shutdown mode in which they consume only 0.1μA. All parts operate from a single 5V supply. Drivers are short-circuit current limited and are protected against excessive power dissipation by thermal shutdown circuitry that places the driver outputs into a high-imped-ance state. The receiver input has a fail-safe feature that guarantees a logic-high output if the input is open circuit.The MAX487 and MAX1487 feature quarter-unit-load receiver input impedance, allowing up to 128 MAX487/MAX1487 transceivers on the bus. Full-duplex communi-cations are obtained using the MAX488–MAX491, while the MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487, and MAX1487are designed for half-duplex applications. ________________________Applications Low-Power RS-485 Transceivers Low-Power RS-422 Transceivers Level Translators Transceivers for EMI-Sensitive Applications Industrial-Control Local Area Networks __Next Generation Device Features ?For Fault-Tolerant Applications MAX3430: ±80V Fault-Protected, Fail-Safe, 1/4Unit Load, +3.3V, RS-485 Transceiver MAX3440E–MAX3444E: ±15kV ESD-Protected,±60V Fault-Protected, 10Mbps, Fail-Safe, RS-485/J1708 Transceivers ?For Space-Constrained Applications MAX3460–MAX3464: +5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps,Profibus RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers MAX3362: +3.3V, High-Speed, RS-485/RS-422Transceiver in a SOT23 Package MAX3280E–MAX3284E: ±15kV ESD-Protected,52Mbps, +3V to +5.5V, SOT23, RS-485/RS-422,True Fail-Safe Receivers MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295: 20Mbps, +3.3V,SOT23, RS-855/RS-422 Transmitters ?For Multiple Transceiver Applications MAX3030E–MAX3033E: ±15kV ESD-Protected,+3.3V, Quad RS-422 Transmitters ?For Fail-Safe Applications MAX3080–MAX3089: Fail-Safe, High-Speed (10Mbps), Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422Transceivers ?For Low-Voltage Applications MAX3483E/MAX3485E/MAX3486E/MAX3488E/MAX3490E/MAX3491E: +3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited,True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487 Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers ______________________________________________________________Selection Table 19-0122; Rev 8; 10/03 Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.

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