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Arterial baroreflex function is an important determinant of acute cerebral ischemia in rats

Arterial baroreflex function is an important determinant of acute cerebral ischemia in rats
Arterial baroreflex function is an important determinant of acute cerebral ischemia in rats

Arterial barore ?ex function is an important determinant of acute cerebral ischemia in rats with middle cerebral artery occlusion

Ai-Jun Liu a ,1,Gang Ling a ,1,Jian Wu a ,Fu-Ming Shen a ,Di-Song Wang a ,Li-Li Lin b ,Jian-Guo Liu a ,?,Ding-Feng Su a ,?

a Department of Pharmacology,School of Pharmacy,Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China b

Department of Pharmacology,Wu-Xi Health School,Wu Xi 214028,China


A R T I C L E I N F O Article history:

Received 24February 2008Accepted 5June 2008Keywords:

Acute cerebral ischemia Arterial barore ?ex Barore ?ex sensitivity In ?ammation

Aims:To clarify whether arterial barore ?ex function is an important determinant of acute cerebral ischemia in rats.

Main methods:Three animal models were used in this study.In the ?rst,saponin conjugated with substance P (SP-SAP)was injected into the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS)of Sprague –Dawley (SD)rats to block the central barore ?ex arc.In the second model,sinoaortic denervation (SAD)was performed to destroy the peripheral barore ?ex arc in SD rats.In the third model,SD rats were divided into two groups according to their naturally occurring BRS values.After determining hemodynamic indexes and barore ?ex sensitivity (BRS),we subjected the animals to middle cerebral artery (MCA)occlusion.Levels of interleukin (IL)-1βand IL-6were detected both in SAD/sham operation groups and low/high BRS groups.

Key ?ndings:In all three animal models,barore ?ex dysfunction signi ?cantly increased the infarct volume and weight.The levels of in ?ammatory factors were markedly elevated in SAD and low BRS groups.

Signi ?cance:These results demonstrate that the function of arterial barore ?ex is an important determinant of acute cerebral ischemia in rats with MCA occlusion.In ?ammation might be an important mechanism for the arterial barore ?ex dysfunction-induced increase in brain damage in rats with MCA occlusion.

?2008Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.


Arterial barore ?ex is one of the most important mechanisms regulating cardiovascular activity.Its function can be expressed as barore ?ex sensitivity (BRS).Over the past 20years,it has been reported that arterial barore ?ex function is signi ?cantly related to the prognosis of acute cardiovascular infarction,arrhythmias,heart failure and stroke in humans (La Rovere et al.,1998,2001;Mortara et al.,1997;Appenzeller and Descarries 1964;Robinson et al.,1997,2003).Clinical observations indicate that patients with a lower BRS exhibit shorter survival times with these diseases.Recently,we reported that arterial barore ?ex function plays an important role in the pathogen-esis and prognosis of hypertension,atherosclerosis,aconitine-induced arrhythmia and LPS-induced shock (Cai et al.,2005;Shu et al.,2004;Shen et al.,2004;Liu et al.,2007);however,there is still a lot that is unknown about the pathological importance of arterial barore ?ex.Apart from systemic circulation,autonomic nervous system control is less important in cerebral circulation,and it is not clear whether the

arterial barore ?ex plays an important role in the acute cerebral ischemia as it does in other cardiovascular diseases.Additionally,the cause and effect relationship between arterial barore ?ex function and the prognosis of many cardiovascular diseases remains unclear.Finally,the mechanism by which the dysfunction of arterial barore ?ex causes a poor prognosis for acute cerebral ischemia is unknown.We undertook the following study to address these issues.

To study arterial barore ?ex function,we usually use sinoaortic denervation (SAD)to interrupt the barore ?ex arc.In addition,research has shown that the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS)and a certain receptor within it are very important for the modulation of baroreceptor re ?ex of rats (Matsumura et al.,1998).The injection of a cellular toxin,saponin,conjugated with substance P (SP-SAP)into the NTS was recently proposed to be able to block the barore ?ex arc (Riley et al.,2002).Also,we showed in our previous study that a portion of normotensive Sprague –Dawley (SD)rats spontaneously exhibit a lower BRS (Cai et al.,2005).Therefore,in the present work we chose to use three different models of barore ?ex dysfunction:SAD,NTS injection of SP-SAP and spontaneously lower BRS rats.

We also observed how arterial barore ?ex function affects the levels of in ?ammatory factors in the brain to help determine the mechanism underlying arterial barore ?ex dysfunction leading to a poor prognosis in acute cerebral ischemia.

Life Sciences 83(2008)388–


?Corresponding authors.Department of Pharmacology,Second Military Medical University,325Guo He Road,Shanghai 200433,China.Tel./fax:+862165493951.

E-mail address:dfsu@https://www.doczj.com/doc/0017552715.html, (D.-F.Su).1

The ?rst two authors equally contributed to this work.0024-3205/$–see front matter ?2008Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:


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Male Sprague–Dawley(SD)rats were purchased from Sino-British SIPPR/BK Lab Animal Ltd(Shanghai,China).They were housed under controlled temperature(23–25°C)and a12:12light/dark cycle with free access to standard food and drinking water.Animal protocols were approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Second Military Medical University,adopting NIH guidelines for health and care of experimental animals.

Middle cerebral artery(MCA)occlusion in rats

Rats were anesthetized with chloral hydrate(300mg/kg,ip).Focal cerebral ischemia was induced by occlusion of the MCA,using the intraluminal?lament technique according to the previously described method(Shimamura et al.,2006).Brie?y,after a midline neck incision had been made,the left common and external carotid arteries were isolated and ligatured.A nylon mono?lament(Ethilon)coated with silicon resin was introduced through a small incision into the common carotid artery and advanced to a position18mm distal from a carotid bifurcation for occlusion of the MCA.

Brain samples were harvested24h after MCA occlusion.Coronal sections2mm in thickness were immediately stained with2%2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride(TTC)as previously described(Beder-son,1986).The infarct region looked pale,while the normal region looked red.The infarct area and hemisphere areas of each section (both sides)were traced and quanti?ed by an image analysis system (Microsystems Type DM LB2,Leica,Germany).The possible inter-ference of a brain edema in assessing the infarct volume was corrected for with a standard method of subtracting the volume of the nonischemic ipsilateral hemisphere from the contralateral hemi-sphere volume.The infarct volume was expressed as a percentage of the contralateral hemisphere.The weights of the infarct tissue and the hemisphere were measured in a similar manner.The infarct weight was expressed as the percentage of hemisphere weight.

Blood pressure and heart period measurements

Systolic blood pressure(SBP),diastolic blood pressure(DBP)and heart period were continuously recorded using our previously described technique(Liu et al.,2007)Brie?y,rats were anesthetized with a combination of ketamine and diazepam(i.p.).A polyethylene catheter was inserted into the lower abdominal aorta via the left femoral artery for blood pressure measurement.Another catheter was inserted into the left femoral vein for phenylephrine administration. The catheters were exteriorized through the interscapular skin.After a one-day recovery from anesthesia,the animals were placed in individual cylindrical cages containing food and water for blood pressure recording.The aortic catheter was connected to a blood pressure transducer via a rotating swivel that allowed the animals to move without constraint in the cage.After4h habituation,the blood pressure signal was digitized by a microcomputer.SBP,DBP and heart period were recorded by remote-controlled computerized transducers for1h.The mean values of these parameters during1h were calculated.

Determination of BRS

In the above-mentioned condition for recording blood pressure, BRS was measured in the conscious rat using a method described previously(Liu et al.,2007).Brie?y,a bolus injection of phenylephrine was used to induce a temporary elevation of blood pressure.The dose of phenylephrine(5–10μg/kg)was adjusted to raise the SBP about 30mm Hg.There was a delay(about1s)between the elevation of blood pressure(stimulus)and the prolongation of heart period (response)for arterial barore?ex.In rats,the heart rate is about5or 6beats per second.Heart period was plotted against SBP for linear regression analysis for2–8shifts(calculated by computer).The slope with the largest correlation coef?cient(r)between heart period and SBP was expressed as BRS(ms/mm Hg).Data were derived from the average of two measurements in each animal.

Preparation of sinoaortic denervation(SAD)

SAD was performed in SD rats according to the procedure described by Krieger(1964)with minor modi?cations(Shen et al., 2006).Brie?y,rats were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine and diazepam(i.p.)and medicated with atropine sulfate(0.5mg/kg,ip) and procaine benzylpenicillin(60,000U,i.m.).Bilateral aortic baroreceptor denervation was performed by cutting the superior laryngeal nerves near the vagi,removing the superior cervical ganglia, including a small section of the sympathetic trunk,and sectioning the aortic depressor nerves.The carotid sinus baroreceptors were denervated bilaterally by stippling the carotid bifurcation and its branches followed by application of10%phenol(in95%ethanol)to the external,internal and common carotid arteries as well as the occipital artery.Sham operation included a midline neck incision and bilateral isolation of the neck muscles.

NTS injection

Rats were anesthetized with a combination of ketamine and diazepam(i.p.).The dorsal surface of the brainstem was exposed as previously described(La Rovere et al.,1998).A glass micropipette ?lled either with SP-SAP(18ng;supplied by Advanced Targeting Systems,San Diego,CA,USA)or vehicle alone(Arti?cial CSF)was stereotaxically placed in the NTS.After injection of100nL over more than15min,the pipette was left in place for15min to limit the ef?ux of the injectate from the pipette track.In all animals,injections were made bilaterally.After withdrawal of the pipette,wounds were closed with silk suture;buprenorphine(0.1mg/kg)was administered for analgesia,and halothane was discontinued.Once they fully recovered from anesthesia,the animals treated with SP-SAP were returned to the animal care facility,where they were carefully observed at least twice a day(morning and night)for2weeks.

Determination of in?ammatory factors in the brain

Rats were deeply anaesthetized with a combination of ketamine (50mg/kg)and diazepam(5mg/kg).Brain samples were removed. The proteins in the brains were extracted by tissue protein extraction solution(Kangcheng Bio-Tech,Shanghai,China)according to the manufacturer's protocol.All samples were stored at?80°C until analysis.Interleukin(IL)-1βand IL-6levels were detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)kits(Shanghai Transhold Tech. Dev.Co.Ltd,Shanghai,China).


Effects of SP-SAP injection into NTS on the cerebral ischemia in rats Rats were randomly divided into two groups(10in the control group and12in the SP-SAP group).SP-SAP or CSF(100nL)were injected into NTS of treated and control rats,respectively.Then,rats were returned to the animal care facility.After3weeks,the blood pressure,heart period and BRS were measured in a conscious state. Then,the rats were subjected to MCA occlusion.The infarct volume and weight of the brain were measured at24h after operation.

The effect of SAD on the cerebral ischemia in rats

Rats were randomly divided into two groups(n=10in each group). SAD and sham operations were performed.To con?rm the success of the SAD operation,SBP and BRS were measured in all rats in a


A.-J.Liu et al./Life Sciences83(2008)388–393

conscious state at four weeks after surgery.The animals were then subjected to MCA occlusion.The infarct volume and weight of the brain were measured at 24h after operation.

The cerebral ischemia rats with spontaneously lower BRS

Rats weighing about 250g were used in this experiment.SBP and BRS were determined with the above mentioned method in 40rats.They were divided into two groups according to their mean BRS values (0.69±0.36ms/mm Hg).Then,half of the animals (n =10in each group)were subjected to MCA occlusion;the rest were used in experiment four.The infarct volume and weight of the brain were measured at 24h after operation.

The expression of IL-1βand IL-6in rats with lower BRS

Rats weighing about 250g were used in this experiment.First,18animals were randomly divided into two groups (n =9in each group).SAD and sham operations were performed.Then,IL-1βand IL-6levels in the brain were detected at four weeks after operation.Second,the other 20animals from experiment three were used.After determina-tion of BRS,the brain content of IL-1βand IL-6levels were detected in rats with lower or higher BRS.

Statistical analysis

Investigators were blind to the procedures during blood pressure recording,BRS determination,measurement and infarct size exam-ination.Data are expressed as the mean ±SD.The comparisons between two groups were made with unpaired t -tests;the compar-isons between three or four groups were made by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).Statistical signi ?cance was judged at P b 0.05level.Results

Effect of SP-SAP injection into the NTS on the cerebral ischemia in rats The effects of SP-SAP injection on blood pressure in conscious rats are summarized in https://www.doczj.com/doc/0017552715.html,pared to the control group,the level of SBP in the SP-SAP group was increased by 17mm Hg,and the DBP increased by 12mm Hg.There was no difference in heart


Fig.1.The effect of saponin conjugated with substance P (SP-SAP)injection into NTS on the hemodynamic indexes and cerebral ischemia induced by middle cerebral artery (MCA)occlusion in SD rats.A,the effect of SP-SAP on SBP,DBP,heart period and BRS in conscious animals.B,Representative images of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC)-stained brain sections.The white-colored area represents the infarct region.C,Summary of cerebral infarct volume and weight in brains from control and SP-SAP groups.Data were presented as mean ±SD.The infarct volume was expressed as a percentage of the contralateral hemisphere.?P b 0.05vs.control group.n =10in control group and n =9in SP-SAP


Fig.2.The effects of SAD on the hemodynamic indexes and cerebral ischemia induced by MCA occlusion in SD rats.A,the effect of SAD on SBP,DBP,heart period and BRS in conscious animals.B,Representative images of TTC-stained brain sections.The white-colored area represents the infarct region.C,Summary of cerebral infarct volume and weight in brains from Sham (n =10)and SAD (n =8)groups.Data were presented as mean ±SD.The infarct volume was expressed as a percentage of the contralateral hemisphere.?P b 0.05vs.Sham group.

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between the two https://www.doczj.com/doc/0017552715.html,pared with the control group,the BRS was signi ?cantly lower in the SP-SAP group in a conscious state (0.31±0.18vs.0.79±0.30ms/mm Hg).In the SP-SAP group,the infarct volume and infarct weight were both larger/heavier than the control group;these differences were statistically signi ?cant (Fig.1B).Effect of SAD on the cerebral ischemia in rats

The blood pressure and heart period in SAD rats were similar to those in sham-operated rats.The BRS in the SAD group was signi ?cantly lower than that in the sham-operated rats (Fig.2A).Focal brain ischemia was induced by MCA occlusion.SAD signi ?cantly increased both the infarct volume and weight (Fig.2B).Cerebral ischemia in rats with spontaneously lower BRS

According to the mean BRS value (0.69ms/mm Hg),40SD rats were divided into two groups:group BRS-low with BRS b 0.6ms/mm Hg (n =18)and group BRS-high with BRS N 0.8ms/mm Hg (n =18).The other four rats with BRS between 0.6and 0.8ms/mm Hg were discarded.There were no differences in blood pressure levels and

heart periods between these two groups,but the BRS values were signi ?cantly different (0.39±0.18vs.0.99±0.23ms/mm Hg).In the BRS-low group,both the infarct volume and weight were signi ?cantly higher than the BRS-high group (Fig.3).

Levels of IL-1βand IL-6in the brains of SAD rats and rats with spontaneously lower BRS

Compared to sham-operated rats,SAD signi ?cantly increased the levels of IL-1βand IL-6in the brains of rats (Fig.4A).Similar results were also obtained for spontaneously BRS-low rats compared to spontaneously BRS-high rats (Fig.4B).Discussion

The main new ?ndings of the present work may be summarized as follows:(1)as it does in many cardiovascular diseases,arterial barore ?ex function plays an important and causal role in acute cerebral ischemia in rats;(2)an increased in ?ammatory reaction may be the main mechanism underlying how arterial barore ?ex dysfunc-tion leads to a poor prognosis in acute cerebral ischemia in rats.

It is well known that baroreceptor afferent terminals are most concentrated in the NTS (Ciriello,1983).Electric lesions of NTS are sometimes used to interrupt the arterial barore ?ex arc in studies concerning arterial barore ?ex function.The main problem with the electric lesion of the NTS is that too many organisms may be affected by this operation.Neurons in the NTS that express certain receptors play a critical role in mediating barore ?ex through the NTS.Additionally,neurokinin-1(NK1)receptors,which bind peptide substance P (SP),are found in the NTS (Dixon et al.,1998).The neurons in the NTS that express SP receptors play a critical role in mediating barore ?ex.These cells can be speci ?cally targeted and selectively killed by SP-SAP (Yip and Chahl,2001;Wiley and Lappi,1997;Mantyh et al.,1997).Previous research has demonstrated that when the toxin is injected bilaterally into the NTS,the barore ?ex gain is signi ?cantly reduced (Riley et al.,2002).It should be noted,however,that this study was performed on anesthetized animals,


Fig.3.Cerebral ischemia induced by MCA occlusion in rats with spontaneously low/high BRS.A,the difference in SBP,DBP,heart period and BRS values between 2groups rats with spontaneously lower/higher BRS.B,Representative images of TTC-stained brain sections.The white-colored area represents the infarct region.C,Summary of cerebral infarct volume and weight in brains from BRS-low (n =9)and BRS-high (n =9)groups.Data were presented as mean ±SD.The infarct volume was expressed as a percentage of the contralateral hemisphere.?P b 0.05vs.BRS-low


Fig.4.Brain contents of IL-1β,IL-6in SAD rats (A)and rats with spontaneously low/high BRS (B).Data were presented as mean±SD.?P b 0.05vs.sham or BRS-low group.n =8–10in each group.


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it is well recognized that anesthesia may blunt or abolish the lability of arterial pressure that follows chronic NTS lesions(Talman et al.,1980; Nathan et al.,1978).The BRS was also inhibited rapidly and dramatically(Rocchiccioli et al.,1989),with maximum depressions of51–80%(Yi-Ming et al.,2004).In the present study,all the hemodynamic indexes and BRS values were measured in conscious animals.BRS values in SP-SAP treated rats were found to be signi?cantly decreased,con?rming that SP-SAP injections into the NTS suf?ciently block the barore?ex arc.

As BRS is a continuous parameter,we can easily divide the animals into two groups according to their BRS values.There were no differences in blood pressure or heart period between rats with low BRS and those with high BRS;the only difference was arterial barore?ex function.Therefore,this may be a useful model for arterial barore?ex function studies.

Together with SAD,a widely used technique,we used three arterial barore?ex dysfunction models in this work to observe the role of arterial barore?ex function in cerebral damage induced by MCA occlusion in rats.Interestingly,the experiments with all three different animal models demonstrated that arterial barore?ex func-tion is an important determinant of cerebral ischemia-induced brain damage.

Many researchers have con?rmed that barore?ex dysfunction is associated with many diseases,including acute myocardial infarction, heart failure and stroke(La Rovere et al.,1998,2001;Mortara et al., 1997;Appenzeller and Descarries,1964;Robinson et al.,1997,2003; Cai et al.,2005;Shu et al.,2004;Shen et al.,2004).Recently,we have demonstrated that BRS is an important factor in determining the survival time in stroke-prone SHR(SHR-SP).Lifespan is increased signi?cantly in rats with high BRS compared to rats with low BRS(Liu et al.,2007)While the association between arterial barore?ex function and certain diseases has been well established,it is still not clear whether barore?ex dysfunction actually causes the poor prognosis in many diseases,including stroke.In this work,we used rats that were normal and healthy prior to the SAD operation,SP-SAP injection or group distribution by BRS values.We only observed a difference in arterial barore?ex dysfunction after the above-mentioned manipula-tions.Clearly,arterial barore?ex dysfunction is the main cause for the increased brain damage induced by MCA occlusion.

It should be noted that BRS may be in?uenced by the occlusion of the MCA.Clinically,Robinson et al.(2003)reported that BRS was signi?cantly lower in stroke patients compared to in aged-matched controls.In rats,it was reported that MCA occlusion increases BRS by 10days after operation(Saad et al.,1989).It will be interesting to measure in patients an evolution of BRS with time after stroke or in rats after MCA occlusion;this type of experiment will be necessary to fully understand the in?uence of cerebral infarction on arterial barore?ex function.

While the relationship between arterial barore?ex function and cardiovascular diseases has been widely studied,the mechanism underlying this relationship remains unclear.Our previous work has shown that in?ammatory factors are markedly elevated in the serum of SAD rats.In this work,we observed that the levels of in?ammatory factors are also increased signi?cantly in the brains of SAD or low-BRS rats.In?ammation is an important feature of the pathophysiological response to ischemic stroke(Gerritsen et al.,2001)and may also predispose one to the initial development of ischemic stroke(Emsley and Tyrrell,2002).An increase in the levels of these in?ammatory factors and the acute phase response appear to predict a poor outcome after stroke(Vila et al.,1999;Di Napoli et al.,2002).Accordingly,in?ammation might be an important part of the mechanism of the regulation of arterial barore?ex dysfunction on the cerebral ischemia in rats.

A detailed explanation of how arterial barore?ex dysfunction increases in?ammation is still lacking.It was reported that the parasympathetic nervous system plays an important role in the regulation of the in?ammatory response by controlling the release of certain in?ammatory factors(Libert,2003;Borovikova et al.,2000; Wang et al.,2003).The activation of the vagus nerve can suppress in?ammation quickly and ef?ciently.Surgically severing the vagus nerve not only removes this suppression of in?ammation,but also sensitizes the animals to lipopolysaccharide.This effect of the vagus nerve was attributed to its nicotinic acetylcholine receptor:one of the ?ve copies of theα7monomers(Wang et al.,2003).It is well known that an intact arterial barore?ex is required for maintaining the balance of the autonomic nervous systems.This balance is disturbed in rats with BRS dysfunction.Therefore,it is possible that the elevation of the in?ammatory factors in SAD or low-BRS rats is due to a removal of the control of the release of in?ammatory factors by the vagus nerve.The relationship between in?ammation and BRS dysfunction and their effects on cerebral ischemia need to be further investigated.

In conclusion,arterial barore?ex function is an important determinant of acute cerebral ischemia in rats with MCA occlusion. In?ammation might play an important role in the arterial barore?ex dysfunction-induced increase in brain damage in rats with MCA occlusion.


This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30670833,30672456,30730106),the National Hi-Technology Research&Development Programme(project 863,2006AA02Z4C1)and the Science and Technology Development Foundation of Shanghai(07JC14065).


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函数说明: 1.TransformWindow(窗口句柄) 功能:转换窗口,对要取后台图色数据的窗口使用该函数后才能取后台图色数据。如果是DX图形绘图的窗口,DX绘图区域必须有部分移到屏幕外,否则无法使用。转换窗口后,有些窗口(特别是大多数游戏的)要等待一会儿才能用其它函数可靠地取到后台图色数据,等待的时间要大于画面两次刷新的时间间隔。转换后到取消转换前,可以无限次使用取到后台图色数据的命令,即通常只需要转换一次。 参数: 1)窗口句柄:整型数。 2.UnTransformWindow(窗口句柄) 功能:取消窗口转换,DX图形绘图的窗口,用过TransformWindow后,必须用UnTransformWindow取消窗口转换才能让DX绘图完全移到屏幕中,否则后很严重(不会损坏电脑的),自己试下就知道了。 参数: 1)窗口句柄:整型数。 3.GetPixelColor(窗口句柄,横坐标,纵坐标)[颜色值] 功能:获得指定点的颜色 参数: 1)窗口句柄:整型数。 2)横坐标:整型数,窗口客户区坐标。 3)纵坐标:整型数,窗口客户区坐标。 返回值: 颜色值:整型数。 例子: Plugin hwnd=Window.Foreground() Plugin Window.Move(hwnd,-30,10) Plugin BGCP2_02.TransformWindow(hwnd) Delay 200 Plugin color=BGCP2_02.GetPixelColor(hwnd,0,0) MsgBox CStr(Hex(color)),4096,"颜色" Plugin BGCP2_02.UnTransformWindow(hwnd) Plugin Window.Move(hwnd,10,10) 4.CmpColor(窗口句柄,横坐标,纵坐标,颜色,颜色最大偏差)[是否满足条件] 功能:判断指定点的颜色,后台的IfColor 参数: 1)窗口句柄:整型数。 2)横坐标:整型数,窗口客户区坐标。 3)纵坐标:整型数,窗口客户区坐标。 4)颜色:整型数。 5)颜色最大偏差:整型数。游戏中不同电脑上显示的颜色会有点偏差,这个参数用于兼容这种情况,它设置的是RGB各颜色分量偏差的最大允许值,取值范围是0-255,0是无颜色偏差。 返回值: 是否满足条件:布尔值,布尔值是用来表达是真是假的,指定点的颜色满足条件就返回真,否则返回假。 例子: Import "BGCP2_02.dll" Plugin hwnd=Window.Foreground() Plugin Window.Move(hwnd,-30,10) Plugin BGCP2_02.TransformWindow(hwnd) Delay 200 Plugin tj=BGCP2_02.CmpColor(hwnd,6,5,&HFF7F00,30) If tj=true MsgBox "满足条件",4096 Else MsgBox "不满足条件",4096 EndIf Plugin BGCP2_02.UnTransformWindow(hwnd) Plugin Window.Move(hwnd,10,10) 5.FindColor(窗口句柄,左边界,上边界,右边界,下边界,颜色,颜色最大偏差,查找方式,横坐标,纵坐标) 功能:找色 参数: 1)窗口句柄:整型数。 2)左边界,整型数,用于设置找色范围,找色区域左上角的横坐标(窗口客户区坐标)。 3)上边界,整型数,用于设置找色范围,找色区域左上角的纵坐标(窗口客户区坐标)。 4)右边界,整型数,用于设置找色范围,找色区域右下角的横坐标(窗口客户区坐标)。 5)下边界,整型数,用于设置找色范围,找色区域右下角的纵坐标(窗口客户区坐标)。


全国翻译价格 关于全国各地区翻译价格我们根据客户的不同需求和具体情况,提供多种等级和特色的翻译服务,供客户选择:(注:以下报价均为参考价格,精确报价将根据稿件内容的难度、技术处理的复杂程度和时限要求的缓急而定。

品质控制 坚持高端定位是外语通翻译的核心要素,追求高品质翻译需要译员具备深厚的语言功底和专业背景知 识,更需要严格的质量控制体系来管理这一过程: 外语通六阶梯质量控制体系 第一阶梯:译文评估承接 分析稿件性质、用途要求、商务背景、专业术语、数量和交稿时间等,确定是否有100%的把握承接, 否则坚决放弃,以免因质量或交稿时间耽误客户和影响品牌形象。 第二阶梯:专业译员翻译 专业背景的译员只专注于一个行业领域的精准翻译,项目经理根据译文评估,从外语通全球译员库中 分析挑选多名此行业的专业译员成立项目组,统一专业术语和标准,协同翻译。 第三阶梯:翻译质量监控 项目经理监控翻译进展,每日集中疑难词汇,请签约专家释疑。每日抽查译文质量,及时解决译文质 量问题。 第四阶梯:译文校对排版 汇总所有译文,查错补漏,进一步统一术语,按原文进行排版,形成完整初稿。 第五阶梯:专家译审修改 专家译审对翻译初稿进行翻译准确性审核,确保译稿忠于原文,专业词汇纯正地道。 六阶梯:外籍母语润色第 在华外籍翻译(外译中稿件由中文功底深厚的编辑)对译稿的语法、词汇进行修正和润色,确保译稿 纯正、地道,达到母语品质。 外语通翻译严格执行《ISO译文质量体系》,《翻译质量国家标准GB/T 19682-2005》: 译文质量标准Ⅲ类通用笔译Ⅱ类专业笔译Ⅰ类高级笔译译文用途内容概要、参考资料一般文件和材料正式文件、法律文书、出版物错漏译率小于5‰小于2‰0‰ 译员经验3年以上5年以上8年以上 译员学历硕士以上硕士以上硕士以上 行业背景常识业内资深 海外背景无/短期中期长期 译文校对有有有 专家译审无有有 母语润色无无有 译文排版简单排版详细排版出版级别


学习游戏脚本制作:按键精灵里的if语句教程 来源:按键学院【按键精灵】万万没有想到……有一天居然会栽在if语句手里。 First—小编的凄惨经历 小编今早写脚本,由于无意间将if语句中的end if错删了,弹出了这样的错误提示: “(错误码0)没有找到合法的符号。” 看到这个提示,小编以为是哪个逗号不小心写成中文逗号,没成想丢了个end if也是出现这样的提示。 好在代码不多,所以错误点容易找到,那……如果,代码多达几百上千条的时候呢?眼泪马上掉出来~ 今天在这里和童鞋们一起来了解下,按键里的夫妻组合,看看这些夫妻被分开之后都会出现什么样的可怕情况: Second—一夫一妻制 If……end if判断语句 If判断语句,有分为两种: 1、 if语句条(条模式) 当判断完之后,要执行的语句只有一条的时候,使用if语句条

例如: If 1 > 0 Then MessageBox"Hello~" // If语句条,不需要添加end if //条模式的时候,if语句还是单身,不是夫妻组合 2、 if语句块(块模式) 当判断完之后,要执行的语句有很多条的时候,使用if语句块 例如: If 1 > 0Then MessageBox"Hello~" MessageBox"Hello~" End If //块模式的时候,if语句是已婚状态,夫妻组合。如果这个时候缺少了end if 就会出现下面的错误提示: 拓展:if语句块中then 可以省略 例如: If 1 >0 MessageBox"Hello~" MessageBox"Hello~"

End If For……next循环语句 例子: For i=1 To 10 //这里的脚本可以循环10次 Next 拓展:如果,循环体里不需要用到循环次数值,例如,需要打开十个记事本,可以这样写: For 10 RunApp "Notepad.exe" Next 当for循环语句缺少next的时候,会出现下面的错误提示: Do……Loop 循环语句 Do……Loop循环语句分为两种情况: 1、前判断 Do While条件 Loop


C#中如何调用按键精灵插件 原来是为了在游戏外挂中发送键盘鼠标消息,自己写个sendmessage或者是postmessage又比较麻烦。于是google了一下,发现现在很多脚本工具都有这个功能,其中按键精灵的一个叫361度的插件已经有这个的实现,还验证过了。为什么不拿来己用呢?首先分析一下按键精灵插件的接口,发现: 插件的功能函数没有直接暴露出来,而是通过一个GetCommand的函数返回一个函数描述结构。 接下来看看这个结构: 上面这个结构我已经是转换成C#的对应结构了,原结构可以查看按键精灵提供的插件C++接口源代码。 这个结构里面的handlerFunction 实际上是指向函数的入口点,也就是一个函数指针,每个函数都一样是2个参数: typedef int (*QMPLUGIN_HANDLER)(char *lpszParamList, char *lpszRetVal); 转换为C#中相应的委托为: delegate void Invoker(string parameters, StringBuilder returnValue); 大家注意到,有两个参数,c++原型中都是char*类型,转换为C#的delegate后第一个为string,第二个为StringBuilder。这是因为parameters是in的,dll中不会对这个参数做修改,而returnValue是out的,dll返回时候要把返回值写入这个StringBuilder的缓冲区。 原本的想法是用C++写一个桥来调用dll,不过在.net 2.0 中,框架直接提供了

Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer 来转换一个函数指针为一个委托,这就方便多拉。请看下面代码,注意看BGKM_ExecuteCommand 这个函数里面的东西。 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace WJsHome.Game.Utility { public class QMacro { [DllImport("BGKM5.dll", EntryPoint = "GetCommand")] static extern IntPtr BGKM_GetCommand(int commandNum); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] class QMPLUGIN_CMD_INFO { public string commandName; public string commandDescription; public IntPtr handlerFunction; public uint paramNumber; } delegate void Invoker(string parameters, StringBuilder returnValue); static string BuildParameters(params object[] parameters) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { sb.Append(parameters[i].ToString());

按键精灵脚本制作教程: HSV搞定偏色!

按键精灵脚本制作教程:HSV搞定偏色! 来源:按键学院【按键精灵】 院刊《如何识别渐变色或半透明的文字》中, 我们分享了如何通过设置偏色来查找渐变文字, 我们使用的是RGB方式,然后配合偏色计算器来计算出偏色的。 今天我们换个方式,不使用偏色计算器,依靠肉眼对颜色的感觉,看看能不能搞定偏色~ HSV颜色模型 了解HSV颜色模型前,我们先来看看RGB颜色模型 RGB颜色空间采用物理三基色表示:红、绿、蓝 任何一个颜色都是有三基色混合而成的。但是,人的视觉不适应这种颜色体制, 人的肉眼看颜色,不可能像机器一样,分析出颜色里含有多少比重的红、绿、蓝 肉眼看颜色,是通过由色相(Hue,简H),饱和度(Saturation,简S)和色明度(Value,简V)来识别我们看到的是什么颜色。

HSV就是用色相,饱和度和色明度来形容颜色,所以它适合人的视觉。 这个色彩缤纷的圆锥形就是HSV的色彩空间。 我们举个例子好好的理解下它。 例如,我们要找的颜色是,下图中红色点的颜色: 怎样才能描述这个颜色在圆锥里的位置呢? 首先要看圆锥的平面圆,这是一个被颜色块分割了的圆。(这个圆表示的是色相 H)图中为了便于查看,只分了几个大块,实际上,圆的360度每一度都表示着一种颜色。

我们看到了,我们要找的颜色它是在紫色的那一块。 接着我们看圆锥被切开的那个口子, 横向数进去,我们看到,红色点的颜色位于紫色块的第五个位置, 而且,我们发现,越靠近圆锥心,颜色就越淡,好像被掺和了水一样变得不纯洁了。这就是颜色的纯度,即饱和度S 。 最后,我们看圆锥被切开的口子,往圆锥底部而下的变化。 越往下颜色就越暗淡。 这就是颜色的亮度即色明度V 我们发现我们要找的点是在最亮的地方。 三步骤我们就确定了颜色的所在位置。 那么,真正应用到偏色里要怎么应用呢? 我们找个实例操作下~ 偏色处理


目录 插件命令面板 - BKgnd后台控制 (6) KeyPress 按键 (6) KeyDown 按下 (7) KeyUp 弹起 (8) LeftClick 左键单击 (9) LeftDoubleClick 左键双击 (10) LeftDown 左键按下 (11) LeftUp 左键弹起 (12) RightClick 右键单击 (13) RightDown 右键按下 (14) RightUp 右键弹起 (15) MiddleClick 中键单击 (16) SendString 发送字符串 (17) MoveTo 鼠标移动 (18) GetPixelColor 得到指定点颜色 (19) FindColor 区域找色 (20) FindColorEx 模糊找色 (21) FindCenterColor 中心找色 (22) 插件命令面板 - Color颜色 (23) ColorToRGB 颜色转RGB (23) GetRGB 得到RGB分量合并值 (23) ColorToHSL 颜色转HSL (24) CountColor 区域搜索颜色数量 (25) FindMutiColor 区域多点找色 (26) FindShape 区域多点找形状 (27) 插件命令面板 - Console控制台 (27) Open 打开 (28) Close 关闭 (29) ReadLine 读取一行 (29) WriteLine 写入一行 (29)

WaitKey 等待按键 (30) 插件命令面板 - Encrypt加解密 (30) Md5String 字符串MD5加密 (30) Md5File 文件MD5加密 (31) 插件命令面板 - File文件 (31) CloseFile 关闭文件 (31) CopyFile 复制文件 (31) CreateFolder 创建文件夹 (32) DeleteFile 删除文件 (32) DeleteFolder 删除文件夹 (33) ExistFile 判断文件(旧) (33) GetFileLength 得到文件长度 (33) IsFileExit 判断文件 (34) MoveFile 移动文件 (35) OpenFile 打开文件 (35) ReadFile 读取文件 (36) ReadFileEx 读取文件 (36) ReadINI 读取键值 (37) ReadLine 读取一行 (37) ReNameFile 重命名文件 (38) SeekFile 设置文件的当前读写位置 (38) SelectDirectory 弹出选择文件夹对话框 (39) SelectFile 弹出选择文件对话框 (39) SetAttrib 设置文件属性 (40) SetDate 设置文件日期时间 (41) WriteFile 写入文件 (41) WriteFileEx 写入文件 (41) WriteINI 写入键值 (42) WriteLine 写入一行 (42) 插件命令面板 - Media多媒体 (43) Beep 蜂鸣器 (43) Play 播放 (44)


1.什么是按键精灵的插件 按键精灵的插件是由按键精灵官方或用户自己提供的一种功能扩展。由于按键精灵本身只提供脚本制作过程中最常用的功能,而不可能面面俱到。所以,如果您稍懂一点Visual C++编写程序的知识,就可以通过自己写按键精灵插件,实现比较特殊、高级的功能,如文件读写、注册表访问,等等。如果您愿意,还可以把自己写的插件提交给我们,我们可以在按键精灵的最新版中捆绑您编写的插件,和大家共同分享您的智慧! 按键精灵的插件是通过动态链接库(DLL)的形式提供的。这些动态链接库必须满足一定的规范,并且放在按键精灵所在路径的plugin文件夹下。在按键精灵启动的时候,会自动加载plugin文件夹下的每个插件。每个插件可以包含多个“命令”,每个命令则可以看作是一个独立的函数或者子程序。比如我们提供的文件相关操作插件File.dll,就提供了ExistFile(判断文件是否存在)、CopyFile(复制一个文件)、DeleteFile(删除一个文件)等多个命令。 目前按键精灵的插件只能使用Visual C++编写。您不需要懂得很高深的Visual C++编程技巧,也不需要知道插件的技术细节。因为我们已经提供了一个“模板”插件,您只需要在这个模板上按照下文所述的步骤进行一点点修改,一个属于您自己的插件就完成了。我们推荐您使用Visual C++ 6.0,也可以用Visual C++.NET。 值得说明的是,由于技术原因,按键精灵的插件目前还不能用Visual Basic、Delphi、JBuilder等常见的开发工具编写。但是有聪明的用户使用VBScript脚本和ActiveX DLL的形式,同样实现了按键精灵的功能扩展,典型的例子如Ringfo大虾制作的QMBoost等等。严格说来,这种功能扩展不能称为按键精灵的插件,但是我们同样欢迎这种类型的功能扩展。 2. 如何制作一个插件 2.1.准备动手 为按键精灵写一个插件其实非常简单,只需要您有一点Visual C++编程的知识就够了。如果您懂Visual C++编程,就请跟我一步一步的来完成一个简单的插件。 首先得计划一下,我们的插件完成什么功能,再考虑一下这个插件都需要具有哪些命令。这里假设我们的插件是用于字符串操作的,名字就叫String.dll,这个插件目前暂时只有一个命令,名字叫StrLen,是用于得到字符串长度的。也就是说,用户通过使用我们提供的StrLen 命令,传入一个字符串,我们给他返回这个字符串的长度。 具体的说,用户可能将来会在按键精灵中这样调用我们的插件命令: Dim length as integer Plugin length=String.StrLen(“Hello, world”) 如果您熟悉按键精灵,那么对第一句话不会陌生,它的意思是定义一个叫length的整数变量。第二句的意思,我们来解析一下:


翻译公司收费标准 1.客户需要翻译的目标语言的普遍性和稀缺性可能导致非常 不同的费用。英语比较普遍,需求大,市场专业的英语翻译人 才也很多,翻译公司无论是从降价到抢占市场,还是成本核算 来考虑,英语收费都比较合理和透明。 其他诸如法语、德语、日语、俄语排在第二梯队,翻译公司收 费标准一般都是200-280元,视稿件专业度和数量略有调整; 意大利,西班牙,越南,泰文等东南亚语种已经接近稀有语 种了,翻译报价至少300元千字起。 2.根据翻译项目类型 常见的翻译方法主要包括翻译翻译、同声传译、本地翻译、口译翻译等,翻译项目自然是不同的收费。 3.根据翻译项目时长 这一时期的持续时间主要是指项目长度:同声传译、会议翻译、商务洽谈、双语主持人、口译、护送翻译、展览翻译,当然,视频翻译、音频翻译按时间计算的时间和会议类型是一个重要因素,是翻译时间决定翻译价格的一个重要因素。 4.根据翻译项目字数

翻译项目的字数是影响收费的重要因素之一,翻译字数主要对于笔译而言,例如:文件翻译、图书翻译、资料翻译、画册翻译等等,这些文件资料的字数决定了项目的翻译价格和翻译收费标准。 5.根据翻译项目语种 主流语种:英语、日语、韩语等和小语种:阿拉伯语、希腊语、印尼语等的翻译收费标准区别。我们知道:“物以稀为贵,”所以小语种的翻译报价会比主流语种收费要高的。 6.根据翻译项目难易程度 对于翻译公司来说,翻译费在很大程度上取决于翻译的难度程度,不同的行业术语不同,难度不同; 专业翻译公司将根据翻译人员的翻译水平、专业知识、翻译经验等方式来评价自己的翻译团队,高层次的翻译人员当然都是高收费; 如通用翻译、精细翻译、出版层次等不同类型的翻译报价不同,稿件的行业领域、材料难度、选择翻译类型等都是决定翻译公司收费标准的因素。


变量!神奇的小柜子 变量就是会变化的量。就像一个小柜子,我们可以在柜子里装载不同的东西,而当我们需要找到这些东西的时候,只要记住柜子的名字就可以了。 使用变量的方法是:先定义(给柜子起名)、再赋值(将物品放进柜子)、最后使用(根据柜子名字找到放在其中的物品)。 使用Dim命令定义变量,例如: Dim str1 //定义变量str1 Dim var1=22 //定义变量Var1,并且赋值为22 例子1:使用变量设置输出文字的内容 1、下面红色的是3行脚本,请把他复制到“源文件”当中 Dim str1 str1 = "你很聪明" SayString str1 2、Dim str1 就是定义变量,也就是说我们创建了一个小柜子,给他起名为str1 3、str1 = "你很聪明" 就是赋值,我们把"你很聪明"这几个字放到str1这个小柜子里 4、SayString str1 表示我们输出str1这个变量的内容,也就是说把str1这个小柜子里的内容拿出来交给SayString 这个命令去使用。 5、如果你希望修改喊话的内容,只要修改str1这个小柜子里的内容就可以了。 例子2:变量的一些用法 a=1 把数字1放进柜子a中。 b="你猜对了吗?" 把字符串你猜对了吗?放进柜子b中。字符串必须用""包含。 dc=3.14159265 把小数放进柜子dc中。 num1=1 num1=33 num2=55 sum=num1+num2 首先把33和55分别放入num1和num2中。然后把他们取出来,做加法操作(加法是由CPU来处理的),把结果放在sum中。结果sum等于88 num1=1 num1=33 num1被给值为1,然后又给值为33。此时,num1中存储是的33。1就被覆盖掉了。没有了:) sum=sum+1 这句不等同于数学的加法,也是初学者不容易理解的地方。我们只要想,把sum拿出来和1做加法,再放回sum中就可以了。sum原来的值是88,做完加法后,sum等于89。 pig=1 pig=pig*3+pig 能猜出pig最后等于几么?1*3+1。结果是4 例子3:使用变量输入1到100的数字 VBSCall RunApp("notepad") Delay 2000 a=1

英文合同翻译价格 英文合同翻译需要多少钱

英文合同翻译价格英文合同翻译需要多少钱 在企业的经营过程中,有时候可能会涉及到翻译这个问题,但是一般的小企业并没有专门的人去做这件事情,大部分都是外包。那么对于企业来讲,翻译一份英文合同需要多少钱呢?作为浙江省最大的翻译公司,以琳翻译就在这里为大家解读一下。 一般来讲,翻译这项服务都是以字数来计价的,市场上的一般的价格是50-80元/千字,这是一个基本的价格。但是不同的公司的专业性质不一样的话,所给出的价格也是不一样的。对于公司的衡量标准来讲,影响价格的因素主要有:公司的资历、翻译人员的专业性、翻译文件的种类、难度等。所以,如果你需要去找翻译公司去服务,那么就需要考虑这些方面的东西。而对于合同这种文件,对于公司来讲是十分重要的,所以也需要去找专业的公司去进行翻译,如果是找一个资质不够的公司或者团队,那么就可能产生一些意想不到的问题,从而影响到公司的最终利益。 下面,我们来看看以琳翻译给出的翻译的价格。 从上面的价格可以看出,以琳翻译给出的价格是高于一般市场上的价格的,最低级别的翻译是160元/千字,然后分为A、B、C三级。C级译稿为普通中籍译员+中籍译员审核,满足客户对译文的普通要求。这是对于一般的合同而言的,但是如果是部分专业性质较强或者要求比较高的译文的话,那么可以选择更高级别的翻译,当然价格还是相对比较高的。 那么以琳翻译的资质是怎么样呢?我们再来看一下。 杭州以琳翻译有限公司是浙江省最大的实体翻译公司、中国翻译协会单位会员、美国翻译协会会员、全国翻译专业硕士研究生教育实习基地、西博会指定合作伙伴、以琳杭州翻译公司翻译团队成员均具有五年以上专业翻译、项目管理经验,绝大部分成员具有十年以上行业翻译经验。翻译服务涵盖英语、法语、韩语、日语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、


学会用按键精灵制作游戏脚本之前后台坐标关联教程 来源:按键学院【按键精灵】 各位大大在切换前后台命令的时候,有没有遇到坐标切换呢~ 有没有发现前后台的命令,对同一个窗体内容,居然坐标不同!! 今天~院刊就跟大家普及下前台坐标与相对应的后台坐标知识~ 什么是前台坐标和后台坐标呢? 什么是前台坐标? 以屏幕左上角的坐标为起点(0,0,从而获取到的各个窗体的坐标,就是前台坐标。 什么是后台坐标? 以窗口左上角为起点(0,0,从而获取到的这个窗体内的相对坐标,就是后台坐标。 如图: 我们来举个栗子吧,例如txt文本里的输入文字的起始点。

至此,各位大大知道前后台坐标的联系了吧。一个是绝对坐标(前台),一个是相对坐标(后台)。 那么如何进行前后台坐标的切换呢 从上图里,聪明机智的小伙伴们就会发现:如果知道了前台坐标,也知道了窗口左上角的值。那么窗口客户区内的 任意后台的坐标,不是都可以通过以下计算来获得了: 后台x坐标=客户区前台x坐标-客户区左上角前台x坐标 后台y坐标=客户区前台y坐标-客户区左上角前台y坐标 如何获得客户区前台的x,y坐标呢? 我们使用按键精灵自带的窗体插件命令:GetWindowRect来获取。 命令名称: GetWindowRect 窗口边框大小 命令功能:得到窗口句柄的边框大小(包括标题栏 命令参数:参数1 整数型,窗口句柄

返回值:字符串型,边框大小(包括标题栏 注:返回为:边框窗口左角X坐标|边框窗口左上角Y坐标|边框窗口右下角X坐标 |边框窗口右下角Y坐标 //下面这句是得到窗口句柄的边框大小(包括标题栏 sRect = Plugin.Window.GetWindowRect(句柄 将你所要获取的窗口句柄填入括号内就可以啦~ 范例举例: 举个萌萌哒的例子:向记事本特定位置输入文字。 例如我要往“hello”和“按键精灵”中间插入文字: 2014-9-17 18:03 上传 下载附件(8 KB 思路: 每次打开记事本的位置,有可能会有变化。而我们又不能每次都要去获取它的坐标再改脚本,这样太费力了。所以呢,只要锁定了记事本,知道了目标在记事本中的相对位置就可以操作啦。 同理,寻找游戏里的物品目标,前台不稳定。后台命令也是基于相对坐标的。 1. 先找到目标窗体的左上角坐标 (通过窗体插件命令:GetWindowRect来获取) 2. 再找到目标窗体内,“hello”和“按键精灵”中间的坐标 (为了方便,我们用抓抓获取。在游戏中,可以通过找图找色来获取前台坐标)


精诚英语翻译报价50-80元千字(市场价格100左右 精诚英语翻译工作室是由众多英语方面精英组成的翻译团队,一直致力于为广大中小企业和个人提供专业低价中英文翻译服务。价格是我们永远的优势!!!!最低价格支付宝担保交易,让你省钱又放心接受试译!!自信源于专业可以百度搜索精诚英语翻译找到我们 选择我们的理由:可以百度搜索精诚英语翻译找到我们 1.保证价格最低,团队网络化运作,无需经营成本,可以通过低价让利于客户。(有些客户看到这么低的价格还不敢相信,但是对于我们来说是完全可以接受的。) 2.保证准时、保密、准确 3.接受淘宝交易,让您没有任何担忧。 4.长期翻译经验,保证质量让您满意。 龚如心遗产案虽然告一段落,「遗产」二字仍然成为近日香港的焦点。新春期间,民政事务局局长曾德成表示,政府将展开全港非物质文化遗产首期普查,希望市民为遗产清单提出建议。 「遗产」是「资产」? 近五、六年间,香港对保护本地小区和文化传统的意识高涨,现在政府带头要列一个「非物质文化遗产」清单,理应是很受欢迎之举。不过普查尚未展开,就引来学者争议,其中单是「非物质文化遗产」这个译名,就引起不少误会。 「非物质文化遗产」的原文是intangible cultural heritage(英文)或patrimoine culturel immateriel (法文),是联合国在1997年以尊重多元文化为大原则而提出的概念,并由联合国教科文组织制定「保护非物质文化遗产公约」,2006年生效。 「非物质文化遗产」是中国大陆的翻译,香港有学者不约而同就「非物质」和「遗产」二字提出质疑。香港城市大学中国文化中心主任郑培凯早在2005年就大声疾呼译名不妥。他认为原文heritage/patrimoine的意义是「传承」而非资产,不容易引发出财产的概念。而现在约定俗成译作「遗产」,容易令人觉得祖宗留下的东西,是可以变卖和投资的生财工具,与联合国提出的文化传承精神背道而驰。郑教授认识,正确的译名是「非物质文化承继」或「非实物文化传承」。另一位民俗学研究者陈云进一步指出,intangible「乃触摸不到的事,无形无相之事」,应用「精神价值」代之,「非物质」有消灭了精神之嫌,所以中国人应堂堂正正将之翻译为「无形文化传承」。 姗姗来迟的「遗产」 不论是「非物质」还是「无形」,「遗产」还是「承传」,即使公约成员国中国曲译甚至错译,香港特区政府还是只能照单全收。而且,随之而来的不止是字面的斟酌,而是「遗产」的搜寻和管理问题。 中国自2005年起,就开始非物质文化遗产(由于这个名称已约定俗成,故下文仍沿用之,并简称为「非遗」)普查,并陆续列出清单。香港也在翌年提出编制非遗清单,但却延至去年才聘专家普查,估计最快要2012年才完成。 非遗普查尚未展开,在国家文化部的再三邀请(或是说催促?)下,去年九月,香港终于申请将长洲太平清醮、大澳端午游涌、大坑舞火龙和香港潮人盂兰胜会列为第三批国家级非遗,预计今年六月有结果。 其实香港已错过了2006和2008年首批和第二批的申报机会,所以,至目前为止,在中国的文化版图上,香港是唯一没有任何有形和无形「遗产」的主要城市/特区,就连比邻的澳门也凭神像雕刻工艺获得2008年国家级非遗之「奖项」。 有人说非遗不过是人有我有,纯粹锦上添花;也有人说,中国在维护主权和领土完整的概念下,又怎能在文化层面少了香港一席?香港能够「出产」一个非遗,中国在全球的文化图谱中就多一个筹码。 姑勿论背后原因为何,由于「保护非物质文化遗产公约」也适用于香港,香港特区政府就有责任找出和保护濒危失传、与社会关系密切及具香港独特性的文化传统。现在起步虽迟,但为时未晚。 「遗产」的管理问题 不过,既然政府要展开普查,另一个问题来了。民间传统应该是属于民间的,并由民间自行发展,还是属于官方,由政府承担保护与管理? 据政府委聘负责首期普查的香港科技大学华南研究中心主任廖迪生表示,政府至今仍未有任何政策配合或承诺给予全面的保护,所以,即使清单出炉,有些遗产仍有可能难逃「破产」的命运。他强调制作非遗清单只是第一步,更重要的是如何保护这些项目。 再问民政事务局,曾德成局长除了曾向立法会议员表示,制定清单是向国家文化部申请列为国家级非遗的第一步,进而再向联合国教科文组织提出申报为世界非物质文化遗产,他所提出的,就是以遗产作招徕吸引外地游客,「以提升香港作为旅游目的地的吸引力」。 这才是令人担心的地方。「非遗」这个金漆招牌在中国许多地方都有点石成金之效。戴上这个冠冕,民俗文化很容易沦为生财工具、游客的消费品,连婚嫁仪式也可用来表演,完全违背了保护非遗的原意。曾德成之言,是否意味着香港也要跟着祖国一起走上同一条路?


英文翻译价格 根据以英文作为母语的人数计算,英文是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第二语言,也是欧盟,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言之一。但仅拥有世界第二位的母语使用者,少于标准汉语。上两个世纪英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学上的领先地位使得英语成为一种国际语言。如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。英语也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,使英文的使用更普及。英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 为了方便大家了解英文翻译价格,小编在目前汇集最多翻译团队的高校译云上面获得了不同翻译精英团队所展示的价格。 暨南大学翻译中心:中英---普稿---150---千字英中---普稿---250---千字 武汉理工大学-外国语学院MTI翻译中心 :中英互译中英130-150 英中100-130 华中科技大学-翻译研究中心 :中英互译中英120-150 英中100-120 湖南科技大学MTI中心:中英---普稿---150---千字 上海师大外国语学院翻译中心: 中英---普稿---200元---千字英语普通文本译成汉语---120元---千字西南大学翻译中心:中英---普稿----300---千字英中---普稿---200---千字 上海理工大学MTI翻译中心:中英---普稿---100---千字 南京财经大学外国语学院翻译研究中心:中英---普稿---100---千字 一般英文翻译价格是是在100—300元每千字,根据译员质量、翻译内容、需要的时间等都会有一定的波动,所以以上价格供大家参考,具体的可以准备好稿件了去问,这样会更加准确一些。


学会用按键精灵制作脚本之RunApp 运行命令教程: 用脚本运行可执行程序 来源:按键学院【按键精灵】Runapp命令,看上去是不是觉得so easy ?不就是runapp 某个程序的路径,然后就可以打开这个程序了吗?老话怎么说来着,越简单的东西越是不简单。Runapp使用起来也是处处暗藏杀机滴。 Runapp命令是个啥? 命令名称RunApp 运行 命令功能启动一个程序或者打开一个文件 命令参数参数1 字符串型,要运行的程序或者文件 重头杀机——你所要启动的程序是带参数的,runapp 不支持启动带参数的程序。 首先,我们可以使用进程查看工具,查看下我们要启动的程序是否是带有参数的。

然后,我们打开进程查看工具,然后点击我们要查看的程序,例如QQ程序。 图1的是QQ的快捷键方式属性;图2是进程工具查看到的QQ程序信息;图3是进程工具界面如果是带有参数的程序,用进程工具打开之后,弹出的图2界面,在程序路径后面会出现参数。 例如:F:\桌面\程序目录\Not.exe $-fl$ 解决方法之一: 1. 鼠标右键,创建快捷方式 1)右击创建好的快捷方式——>属性: 2)“目标内容”填写目标文件路径及参数: 3)F:\桌面\程序目录\Not.exe $-fl$

4)“起始位置”填写目标文件夹: 5)F:\桌面\程序目录 (用进程查看工具查看,有的情况下会发现,程序所在的位置并不是程序的目录,这里要注意确认,一定要填写程序的其实位置,程序所在的目标文件夹的位置) 如图所示: 2. 使用RunApp启动这个快捷方式,例如在此快捷方式在桌面时。 Call RunApp("C:\Users\Death\Desktop\Not.exe.lnk") 经过上面的两步就可以达到预想的目的了。 解决方法之二:


手把手教你用“按键精灵”图文教程 类型:转载 按键精灵是一个可以模拟电脑操作的软件,您在电脑上的一切动作都可以让按键精灵模拟执行,完全解放您的双手。按键精灵可以帮你操作电脑,不需要任何编程知识就可以作出功能强大的脚本。 如果你还为一些枯燥、繁琐的电脑操作而烦恼,按键精灵绝对会是你最好的帮手。 那么,按键精灵具体能帮我们干什么呢?我们来列举几个例子来说明下。 * 网络游戏中可作脚本实现自动打怪,自动补血,自动说话等; * 办公族可用它自动处理表格、文档,自动收发邮件等; * 任何你觉得“有点烦”的电脑操作都可以替你完成。按键精灵第一个实现了“动动鼠标就可以制作出脚本”的功能。我们不希望为了使用一个小软件而去学习编程知识,考虑到这些,所以按键精灵完全界面操作就可以制作脚本。按键精灵的脚本是纯粹的TXT文件,即使是目前新增了插件功能,也引入了数字签名的机制。因此我们可以放心的使用网站上的脚本而不用担心会有病毒。 脚本就是一系列可以反复执行的命令.通过一些判断条件,可以让这些命令具有一定的智能效果.我们可以通过”录制”功能制作简单的脚本,还可通过”脚本编辑器”制作更加智能的脚本.今天我们就通过录制一个最简单的脚本,来手把手的教大家使用按键精灵。 上网一族一般开机后会先看看自己邮箱,或者看看自己博客;每天如此,可能都有些烦了。现在好了,把这些繁杂的事情交给按键精灵吧。今天我们就来录制一个自动登录博客,并对整个页面进行浏览的脚本。 首先,我们打开“按键精灵”。其运行界面如下(图1): 图1 运行界面 打开软件后点击工具栏上“新建”项(如图2);之后进入“脚本编译器”界面(如图3)。


WQM按键精灵插件说明书 1.插件简介 WQM按键精灵插件作为按键精灵的一个插件,为按键精灵提供对WQM的全方位的控制功能,同时也能够提供对WQM中网页的全面控制功能。 2.插件功能说明 WQM插件提供三类控制命令:WQM全局控制命令、WQM浏览控制命令、页面控制命令,后台键盘鼠标命令,后台找色命令,全局控制命令,JS扩展命令 2.1.全局控制命令 1)Bind(WQM进程名) 功能:绑定最后一个正在运行的WQM进程,如果没有找到就启动一个WQM进程并绑定 参数:WQM进程名 返回值:进程ID 2)Tips(字符串) 功能:在托盘区显示一个气泡提示信息; 参数:提示信息; 返回值:无 3)SetSize(窗口宽度,窗口高度) 功能:将WQM窗口设置为指定大小; 参数: 参数1:窗口宽度; 参数2:窗口高度; 返回值:无 4)Save(网页地址,保存的文件路径) 功能:将指定url保存为文件; 参数: 参数1:需要保存的网页地址; 参数2:需要保存的文件路径; 返回值:无 2.2.浏览控制命令 1)Go(网页地址) 功能:当前标签页打开Url指定的网页;此操作是一个阻塞操作,如果网页没有打开,脚本不能继续执行。如果超过全局超时设定,将导致脚本中止; 参数: 参数1:需要打开的网页地址 参数2 布尔型:是否强制从服务器读取,默认为读取页面,可能读取本地缓存。 返回值:无 2)Back() 功能:当前标签的网页浏览向后退, 参数:无; 返回值:无 3)Forward()

功能:当前标签页前进; 参数:无; 返回值:无 4)Refresh(指定是否强制刷) 功能:刷新当前标签页 参数:参数1:指定是否强制刷新当前标签页,0表示正常刷新,1表示强制刷新返回值:无 5)TabNew () 功能:在WQM中新建一个标签页,并跳转到该标签页上; 参数:无 返回值:无 6)TabGoto(标签页) 功能:跳转到WQM中指定需要的标签页上 参数:整数类型; 返回值:无 7)TabClose() 功能:关闭当前标签页 参数:无 返回值:无 8)ScrollTo(水平滚动条位置,垂直滚动条位置) 功能:将当前网页滚动到指定位置; 参数: 参数1:水平滚动条位置; 参数2:垂直滚动条位置; 返回值:无 9)ClearHistory() 功能:清除浏览器的历史记录,无需跳出确认对话框; 参数:无 返回值:无 10)ClearTemp() 功能:清空IE临时文件 参数:无 返回值:无 11)ClearCookie() 功能:清除IE所有的Cookie 参数:无 返回值:无 12)GetUrl() 功能:返回当前页面的URL地址 参数:无 返回值:字符串,当前页面的URL地址 2.3.页面控制命令 1)HtmlClick(网页元素特征串) 功能:点击网页中的按钮或链接,或者是其他元素,无ID请指定tag;


翻译服务收费标准 一、笔译人民币元/千字中文( 加急加收30% —70% ,专业加收50% ) 语种中译外外译中外译外 英语170 140 面议 日语170 140 韩语190 160 德语220 180 俄语220 180 法语220 180 意大利语280 250 西班牙语280 250 葡萄牙语290 260 阿拉伯语350 320 越南语430 400 荷兰语510 460 波兰语380-480 360-40 塞尔维亚语370-470 420-530 泰国语260-380 280-520 老挝语320-420 370-480 印度语320-420 370-480 希腊语370-470 420-530 哈萨克语280-380 300-410 瑞典语300-400 340-450 丹麦语320-420 370-470 印度尼西亚语330-450 350-460 蒙古语300-400 350-460 1、字数计算:以中文版稿件在Windows word文档显示的字符数(不计空格)为基准。也即包含了标点符号,因其为理解语义的必需。 2、图表计算:图表按每个A4页面,按页酌情计收排版费用。 3、外文互译:按照中文换算,即每个拉丁单词乘以二等于相应的中文字数。 4、日翻译量:正常翻译量3000-5000字/日/人,超过正常翻译量按专业难易受20%加急费. 5、付款方式:按预算总价的20%收取定金,按译后准确字数计总价并交稿付款。 6、注意事项:出差在原价格上增加20%,客户负责翻译的交通、食宿和安全费用。 二、口译价格: (1) 交传报价(元/人/天,加小时按100-150元/小时加收费用)类型英语德、日、法、俄、韩小语种 一般活动700 800 1500 商务活动500-1200 500-1500 800-3000 中小型会议1200-3000 1500-3000 2500-3000 大型会议1200-4000 2500-6000 4000-9000 (2) 同传报价(元/人/天) 类别中-英互译日、韩、德、俄、法、韩-中互译小语种-中互译 商务会议5000-8000 6000-10000 8000-10000 中小型会议5500-8000 7000-12000 8000-12000 大型国际会议6000-9000 8000-12000 12000-16000

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