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Cultural differences impact on international business

ABSTRACT Along with trade, cultural differences impact on trade is also increasingly prominent. This is reflected in language, religion, social habits, political philosophy, social structure, education, culture, consisting of all levels. Must develop cross-cultural awareness, strengthen cross-cultural business communication skills, cultural exchange and exhibition, focusing on cultural integration and change, in order to promote the development of world trade. KEY WORDS International trade; cultural differences; trade expansion

Culture is the human development process in the social history of the creation of material wealth and spiritual wealth, the sum of the accumulation of history, is also different regions, different countries and ethnic characteristics of a carrier. Although the course of history different cultures influence each other and infiltration, but the different countries and cultures is still maintained their own unique personality. Therefore, the culture is diversity, a culture that is the essential things, to other cultures, it might not be so seriously. But with the changing structure of world economy and the acceleration of world economic integration, international trade is continuously expanding and deepening. But along with the development of trade, impact of cultural differences more and more to highlight. World trade in cultural differences have affected the international trade activities.

In recent years, China-EU economic and trade relations developed rapidly. In 2003, the China-EU trade volume was 125.22 billion U.S. dollars, billions of dollars the first time; in 2004, a new high China-EU bilateral trade reached 177.28 billion U.S. dollars; 2005, bilateral trade exceeded 200 billion U.S. dollars mark, reaching 217.3 billion dollars; 2006, bilateral trade amounted to 272.3 billion U.S. dollars. The first 10 months of 2007, EU trade 27.5% average increase in China's foreign trade 23.5% higher than the overall growth rate, and significantly more than the United States and Japan 15.6% and 14.0% growth. 1 to 10 months, the China-EU trade volume reached 287.52 billion U.S. dollars. Continue to maintain China's largest trading partner.

First, the type and impact of cultural differences

1. Language https://www.doczj.com/doc/0218016907.html,nguage is unique to humans, used to express ideas, a tool for exchange of ideas, is a special and universal social phenomenon. Language is culture is all about. Each language has its specific cultural connotation. In the economic globalization today, conducting international trade activities, exchange of conversion between different languages is essential. However, due to cultural differences led to the transformation of communication between different language difficulties, which affected the international business contacts.

GM's slogan: "living in Belgium" (Body in Belgium) language translation Franks was "the fisherman next to the body" (Corpse by Fisher). A very creative advertising because of language differences led to expand the market adversely. Similarly, a Brazilian airline ad that she had a "very comfortable cabin" (comfortable rendezvous), but this change for the Portuguese was "illegal sex establishments" (a room for illicit sexuallen counters). Thus, the language of international trade, of which it has a great influence.

2. Religious differences. Religion is a social phenomenon and social behavior, which includes the guiding ideology, organization, mobile, and cultural aspects. Religion is a kind of community dominated by the worship of cognitive and cultural customs of the enlightenment, is a historical phenomenon. Since becoming a group activity of human biology, as social groups with since the religion is, as has the training and strengthening the social role of an important social behavior as the most necessary.

Therefore, the religious dimension of ideology, but also affect the operation of international trade. The world's different countries, different regions and different ethnic groups have different religious beliefs. The world's major religions Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, the religion, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and so on. So in international exchanges should be noted that different religious beliefs, such as the multi-Japanese Shinto belief, the Arab countries are Moslem, Christian majority of the British.

An international company in Qatar talks, due to the neglect of religious factors responsible person, based on the successful conviction, carrying a brandy ready to celebrate with colleagues at the ceremony, and he is not only a strict Muslim country as a pious man of customs immediately off, and the company became the unwelcome company. Is such a cultural details on the error, resulting in the loss of trade contracts.

3. The difference will be used.Social practices, in a long time in the gradually develop, the moment is not easy to change behavior, orientation or social practice. It will not only affect the consumer's values, but also affect people's work and thinking. With the deepening of international trade, led the development of transnational corporations. A mature multinational corporations must be a firm understanding of the target country's culture, a focus on cultural differences in the company.

Hilton Hotels is a world famous hotel, attention to differences in social habits is one reason for its success. Hilton stressed the individuality of each hotel must have, for their region or country market, to carry out the decor and service with personality. Encourage chefs to use local raw materials to make the meal with local flavor.

Similarly, the successful operation of multinational companies need to respect the work mode. A Northern California company acquired a company in Birmingham City, hoping to open the European market. However, shortly after taking over the company, the management of the United States is ready to correct afternoon tea break time. In the UK, each person can have a half-hour

afternoon tea time, but management wants this reduced to ten minutes. The result is the workers strike, the company eventually closed down. Therefore, international trade, if the cultural reality of overseas work slow to be incurred by the tragic consequences.

4.Differences in political philosophy.Politics is the superstructure of the main powers in the field of safeguarding their own interests and the resulting form of specific acts of specific relationships. It is developed to a certain period of human history has emerged as an important social phenomenon. Politics on all aspects of social life have a significant impact and role. Because international trade is conducted between different countries and regions, and therefore must be subject to the influence and role of political philosophy.

In international trade, as countries have different national conditions, different political factors, on product packaging materials, structures, patterns and text logo and others have different requirements. Arab countries to import goods such as packaging disabled hexagonal star pattern, because the Star of David and Israeli flags in the pattern similar. Thus, only recognize the different political, historical and cultural background to understand the relevant order to better promote export.

5.Social structure differences.gaspects of entertaining guests to travel abroad, tourism and education are undoubtedly those who are the top spending, construction or purchase of housing, health services and adult education services belong to upper and middle class, although some difference between the proportion doubled the number of projects, or at least 1 / 3 or more. The lower middle class in the clothing, footwear, daily life, entertainment, vacations, travel and so on must save money, saveSocial structure is the basic component of a social system, the relationship between the organized. Include social stratification social structure, and along with the level and types of class levels. Social structure greatly affect the operation of international trade and multinational companies target market.

Regent Group under the different target customers ages to make an accurate market positioning, the hotel had a different interior design. MAYFAIR Hotel in New York, the main attractions of its architectural style has strong security awareness, conservative, traditional, older customers, while the New York Regent Hotel is a modern atmosphere, to attract young, active business travelers. Expenditure structure of Russian nationals, all sectors there is a clear distinction. Such as the upper middle class, they rarely food, medical services, cost-savin the middle are often vacation expenses. Differentiation of goods in use, its meaning is not whether their possessions, and more on the performance of the difference between the brand and price. Therefore, international trade must grasp the social class structure of the target market, targeted for production, use different marketing strategies.

6. Educational https://www.doczj.com/doc/0218016907.html,cation as a branch of culture, by changing a country's comparative advantage or marketing of different countries and trade between regions. If a national level and the overall low level of education, its comparative advantage more inclined to labor-intensive. However, if a country attaches importance to education, civic education level is higher, the advanced technology, innovation ability, comparative advantage mainly for technology-intensive or capital-intensive.

Similarly, education is also affected marketing. On the one hand, for the implementation of the marketing strategy of the company, staff education and training for the company's development has important implications. World-famous multinational companies such as Wal-Mart, General Electric, IBM and so is the importance of staff education and training, establishment of specialized

schools and even develop their own management. On the other hand, the recipient of the marketing strategy for customers, customers with different levels of education of their different needs, so when international trade should develop different marketing strategies.

Second, to deal with international trade in cultural differences

1.Cross-cultural awareness training.Cross-cultural awareness is the business people's understanding of cultural differences and respond appropriately to a business sense. In other words, reflecting the international trade are the values of local culture can not meet the standards of conduct for multinational development needs. International business operations in all aspects, such as international marketing, human resource management, incentives and so require a higher cross-cultural awareness. Therefore, persons engaged in international trade must have a basic cross-cultural awareness.

2.Cross-cultural business skills to master.Cross-cultural business dealings should have the ability to understanding the culture and organization, adaptability, ability to build relationships, systems, and multi-perspective thinking ability, attitude, sensitivity, language skills, cultural influence in decision-making, diplomatic capability and cross-cultural competence [3]. These capabilities and the success of international trade is inextricably linked. However, these capabilities need to be honed in the business environment, practical experience and a lot of in-service training plays a big role. So for serving officers, it should strengthen the training of the relevant capacity; for business professionals in higher education, it should strengthen awareness of intercultural business communication training, while schools should provide courses and practical opportunities.

For example: American businessman attention to the pre-negotiation preparation, negotiation and purposeful intent; business negotiation, used to negotiate his own way, first create a strong position, with the ability to grasp the global negotiations and strong sense of superiority, frank sincere, straight to the point, direct contact with the substance, is willing to adhere to mutually beneficial win-win negotiations. In the negotiations, love makes for Fang Xianliang card, used to discuss one by one, try to shorten the negotiation time, but also a lack of patience. American businessmen like the overall balance, love "package" deal, often only to compromise in the negotiations stalled. Therefore, the Chinese side in the negotiations, should not be intimidated by the offensive, you can use to distinguish between the small-Dahua the scheme, and seeking benefits from the fine, according to the part to adhere to the principles of its overall negotiations. Tactic in the negotiations, we should try to use the usual American businessman, "spear" or "shield" against its "shield" or "spear." Full use of American businessman frank, enthusiastic feature, create a good climate for negotiations to negotiate the appropriate manner to create the chances of success

3.Focus on the strategic development of cultural integration.A multinational cross-border investment business, they often need to integrate the three cultures: the culture of their country, the target market countries, culture, corporate culture. Only focus on cultural integration in order to adapt to the market depth, thus expanding the market. KFC early launch of the "Mexican chicken roll" in the product into the market soon after, KFC has introduced a blend of Chinese culture, "old Beijing chicken roll," added the product of traditional Chinese fermented flour paste , onion and other ingredients, so impressive sales. Similarly, China's investment in Motorola's strategy emphasizes the development of management localization, localization of accessory products. Also strongly support China's public welfare undertakings, and thus be successful in the Chinese


4.T o strengthen cultural exchange and display. The multi-level forms of cultural exchange and exhibition, is an effective way to understand cultural differences. It is not only conducive to cultural exchange between countries and regions, as well as force to promote economic and trade cooperation has been successfully held the China-France Culture Y ear is a display of culture, communication and cultural platform. In 2006 China's foreign exchange content and form of innovation, "Meet in Beijing" gathering, the Shanghai International Arts Festival, Wuhan International Acrobatics Art Festival and other projects have a brand and attract more and more universal guests. Following the Sino-French Culture Y ear after each other, China and Russia of "Country Y ear" once again set off a wave of cultural exchanges between the two countries. In France, Germany, Mauritius and other Chinese Cultural Center is proceeding smoothly, a cultural highlight.

5. Attention in the international trade in cultural change. Any culture is a pool of stagnant water, changing with the times, culture is also constantly evolving, constantly changing. Chinese

tea culture has a long history, however, were relatively out in the cold coffee culture. However,

since the reform and opening up, in the past been considered "petty bourgeoisie taste" coffee culture began inroads into China, the coffee bar sprung up in the streets, coffee has also entered

into people's daily life. Therefore, international trade, trade policy must change in a timely manner

to meet the cultural change at the new features.

Globalization and liberalization of trade more and more multinational corporations, which means

that companies need cross-cultural management. However, cultural differences have affected the international trade activities, which is reflected in all aspects of cultural elements, especially ideological. To further promote the free development of world trade, and promote legal trade environment, standardization, and we should be an international cultural showcase and exchange

in international trade policy-making attention to the integration of local culture, the many ways the cultural training, training cross-cultural management personnel.

Cultural differences is an objective reality, what is the history of the formation, it does not matter

the advanced and backward. Foreign companies doing business in China need to localization, Chinese companies enter the global market but also international. Cultural differences impact on international business activities is obvious. The face of a complex international environment, in

order to achieve business success, a very important one is that in cross-cultural environment and flexible to face the exotic cultural factors, whether it is or to adapt to each other's culture to change

for him, all need to operate activities in the formation of a new way of working. In order to achieve a real sense of transnational operations to foreign markets so as to achieve the successful implementation of their investment strategy purposes.


[1] 曹浩文.如何掌握商务礼仪[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2004:207.

[2] 邹统钎.酒店经营战略[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2005:83.

[3] [荷]丰斯·特龙彭纳斯.在文化的波涛中冲浪[M].北京:华夏出版社,2003:189-190.



中西文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 全球经济一体化进程的加快使跨国界的商务活动与日俱增。商务谈判是各类商贸活动的关键环节。然而在国际商务谈判中,各国间的文化差异就显得格外的重要,否则将会引起不必要的误会,甚至可能直接影响商务交往的实际效果。这就意味着如何化解各国不同的文化背景在国际商务谈判中是非常重要的。本文主要介绍中西方文化差异对国际商务谈判的重要性、体现、影响以及解决由于文化差异性所造成国际商务谈判困难的策略。 一、中西文化差异对国际商务谈判的重要性 随着商务活动日益频繁,各国对外商务谈判迅速增加。谈判已成为国际商务活动的重要环节。国际商务谈判是指处于不同国家和地区的商务活动的当事人,为满足各自需要,通过信息交流与磋商争取达到意见一致的行为和过程。它具有跨文化性。来自不同文化背景的谈判者有着不同的交际方式、价值观和思维方式,这就意味着在国际商务谈判中了解各国不同文化,熟悉商业活动的文化差异是非常重要的。文化上的差异导致了国际商务谈判中的文化碰撞甚至冲突,相当一部分谈判因此而失败,直接影响了国际商务活动的顺利进行。因此,要顺利的开展商务活动,必须了解不同国家的文化背景及其差异,并在此基础上扬长避短,制定出合理的谈判策略,才能在国际商务活动中游刃有余,获得成功。 二、中西方文化差异在国际商务谈判中的体现 (一)中西方价值观差异。价值观是文化的核心因素,它包括世界观、人生观,人与自然关系,宗教信仰,道德标准等,表现为某些符合社会文化,具有持久性、稳定性,为社会成员所普遍接受的信念。中国以仁为核心的儒学,倡导一种人自身、人际间、人与社会的和谐主义,也就是集体主义。国外学者把中国传统文化的这种特质称之为集体主义文化,认为集体主义文化的成员愿意为了群体的利益牺牲个人的利益、需求和目标。正因为如此,中国人在进行交流时,强调个人利益应当服从社会整体利益,只有整个社会得到发展,个人才能得到最大利益。而西方国家则是个人主义占据其文化的核心位置。西方文化突出个人价值、个人意志、个人尊严、个人自由、个人情感、个人权利及个人利益,并以个人成功来衡量人生价值。物质至上受到极度重视是西方文化个人价值至上论


文化差异对国际商务的影响 摘要:伴随着贸易的发展,文化差异对贸易的影响也越发突显。这体现在语言、宗教、社会习惯、政治哲学、社会结构、教育等文化构成的各个层面。必须培养跨文化意识,加强跨文化商务交往能力,进行文化交流与展示,注重文化的融合和变迁,以此推动世界贸易的发展。 关键词:国际贸易;文化差异;贸易扩展 Cultural differences impact on international business ABSTRACT Along with trade, cultural differences impact on trade is also increasingly prominent. This is reflected in language, religion, social habits, political philosophy, social structure, education, culture, consisting of all levels. Must develop cross-cultural awareness, strengthen cross-cultural business communication skills, cultural exchange and exhibition, focusing on cultural integration and change, in order to promote the development of world trade. KEY WORDS International trade; cultural differences; trade expansion Culture is the human development process in the social history of the creation of material wealth and spiritual wealth, the sum of the accumulation of history, is also different regions, different countries and ethnic characteristics of a carrier. Although the course of history different cultures influence each other and infiltration, but the different countries and cultures is still maintained their own unique personality. Therefore, the culture is diversity, a culture that is the essential things, to other cultures, it might not be so seriously. But with the changing structure of world economy and the acceleration of world economic integration, international trade is continuously expanding and deepening. But along with the development of trade, impact of cultural differences more and more to highlight. World trade in cultural differences have affected the international trade activities. In recent years, China-EU economic and trade relations developed rapidly. In 2003, the China-EU trade volume was 125.22 billion U.S. dollars, billions of dollars the first time; in 2004, a new high China-EU bilateral trade reached 177.28 billion U.S. dollars; 2005, bilateral trade exceeded 200 billion U.S. dollars mark, reaching 217.3 billion dollars; 2006, bilateral trade amounted to 272.3 billion U.S. dollars. The first 10 months of 2007, EU trade 27.5% average increase in China's foreign trade 23.5% higher than the overall growth rate, and significantly more than the United States and Japan 15.6% and 14.0% growth. 1 to 10 months, the China-EU trade volume reached 287.52 billion U.S. dollars. Continue to maintain China's largest trading partner.


最新200份英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 凯特?肖邦《觉醒》中女主人公女性意识的觉醒 2 透过《丛林》看美国梦的破灭 3 工业化进程下人的主体性的追问——梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》 4 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中圣克莱尔一家的人物分析 5 从苔丝的悲剧到托马斯?哈代的宿命论 6 从电影功夫字幕翻译谈文化负载词的翻译 7 显现的被动?隐现的自我——《看不见的人》中被动语态的身份建构功能研究 8 从心理分析的角度探索《马贩子的女儿》中主要人物的心理现象 9 环境与命运——从自然主义的角度分析《美国悲剧》中的克莱德 10 任务型教学理念下的教材分析--以《牛津高中英语》为例 11 论《毒日头》中的生命价值观 12 从语用模糊理论看国际商务合同的模糊用语的功能 13 卡特福德的等值翻译理论与名词化翻译——以《入乡随俗》英译汉为例 14 An investigation of the Feasibility of Inquiry Teaching In Middle School English Teaching 15 从功能翻译理论分析化妆品商标翻译 16 珀西?雪莱抒情诗意象研究 17 英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析 18 浅析《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》的写作风格 19 《荒原》中的死亡与重生 20 从养老模式看中美文化异同 21 概念隐喻理论在英语词汇教学中的应用 22 《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯特伍德人生悲剧 23 女性主义的觉醒:论凯特?肖班的《觉醒》 24 浅析《红楼梦》英译本中文化负载成语的翻译 25 从接受美学的角度研究电影名字的翻译 26 论“黑”字所体现的对美国黑人的种族歧视 27 基于跨文化视角文化全球化的分析 28 科技英语长句的结构分析与翻译 29 从《麦琪的礼物》分析欧·亨利的内心世界 30 《德伯家的苔丝》中亚雷形象分析 31 化学专业学生英语阅读策略研究 32 《紫色》中黑人男性形象研究 33 论幽默元素在《老友记》字幕中的翻译 34 由女性“奴性”潜意识解析玛利娅姆多舛命运 35 从功能对等理论角度看校训的汉英翻译原则 36 论英语小说中俚语的汉译 37 论凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德作品中的彼得?潘情结 38 On Translation of Culture-Loaded Words in Subtitle of Ashes of Time Redux 39 论高中英语写作教学中的文化意识培养 40 量词“片”与“piece”的语法化对比研究 41 《嘉莉妹妹》的自然主义解读 42 死亡,马丁?伊登的解脱---对伊登自杀必然性的探究


国际商务谈判中文化差异的影响及对策分析 前言 随着经济全球化时代的到来,国际间的经济贸易往来与日俱增,谈判已成为国际商务活动的重要环节.国际商务谈判不仅是经济领域的交流与合作,也是文化之间的交流与沟通,而且文化因素的作用至关重要.我国加入世贸组织后,企业和单位所面临的国际商务谈判越来越多.跨文化交际中的文化冲突问题越来越受到人们的关注,因此,我们有必要正确认识不同国家和地区的文化背景及其差异, 文化上的差异导致了国际商务谈判中的文化碰撞甚至冲突,相当一部分谈判因此而失败,直接影响了国际商务活动的顺利进行。因此,要顺利的开展商务活动,必须了解不同国家的文化背景及其差异,并在此基础上扬长避短,制定出合理的谈判策略,才能在国际商务活动中游刃有余,获得成功。 国际商务谈判的概念和特点 国际商务谈判是一种在对外经济活动中普遍存在的以解决不同国家商业机构之间不可避免的利害冲突,从而实现共同利益的方式。处于不同国家和地区的商务活动的当事人,为满足各自需要,通过信息交流与磋商争取达到意见一致的行为和过程.谈判主体属于两个或两个以上的国家或地区,谈判者代表了不同国家或地区的利益.国际商务谈判是国际商务活动的重要组成部分是国际商务理论的主要内容,更是国内商务谈判的延伸和发展。 国际商务谈判既具有一般商务谈判的特点,又具有国际经济活动的特殊性,表现在:第一,国际商务谈判具有较强政策性。第二,国际商务谈判要符合有关国际法律、惯例规定。第三,国际商务谈判要坚持平等互利的原则。第四,国际商务谈判要注重文化差异。 文化的概念和内容 就其含义来说,文化是指一个国家民族特定的观念和价值体系,这些观念构成人们生活、工作中的行为,它体现了一个特定社会成员的特性。世界各民族由于特定的历史和地域而逐渐形成了自己独有的文化传统和文化模式。由于中西方传统习惯、价值观念、宗教信仰、思维方式等的不同,使得中西方文化表现出诸多差异。从谈判学角度而言,文化有其特定的含义,文化是影响某一群体总体行为的态度类型和价值准则,文化是在一定环境里人们集体精神的体现。其具体表现为:在特定时代中,某一民族或阶层的人们有自己的心理状态、思维方式、社会习惯、行为准则等。 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响


浅论商务谈判中中西方的文化差异 提要:国际商务谈判是商务活动的重要组成部分, 国际商务谈判不可避免的会遇到文化差异问题,来自不同文化背景的谈判者有着不同的价值观和思维方式,因而也就决定国际商务谈判是商务活动的重要组成部分, 国际商务谈判不可避免的会遇到文化差异问题,来自不同文化背景的谈判者有着不同的价值观和思维方式,因而也就决定了不同的交际方式。这就意味着在国际商务谈判中了解各国的不同文化,熟悉商业活动的文化差异是十分重要的。本文深入剖析文化差异对商务谈判的影响,探讨了在国际商务谈判中西双方应采取的策略,以推动谈判过程中能顺利达成协议。 关键词:商务谈判中西方文化文化差异对策 国际商务谈判是商务活动的重要组成部分, 国际商务谈判不可避免的会遇到文化

差异问题,来自不同文化背景的谈判者有着不同的价值观和思维方式,因而也就决定国际商务谈判是商务活动的重要组成部分, 国际商务谈判不可避免的会遇到文化差异问题,来自不同文化背景的谈判者有着不同的价值观和思维方式,因而也就决定了不同的交际方式。这就意味着在国际商务谈判中了解各国的不同文化,熟悉商业活动的文化差异是十分重要的。正如案例中的欧洲F公司和中国湖南H公司由于文化不同,在中国分居两年才算离婚,而在欧洲分居3个月就算离婚了。如果不带家属来华,会造成F公司的专家面临离婚的问题。但H公司尊重并理解对方,同意对方在工作两个月之后把家属接过来,这样就解决了专家的后顾之忧,促进了谈判的成功。本文深入剖析文化差异对商务谈判的影响,本文就以商务谈判中中西方文化差异展开论述。 一、商务谈判与文化的联系 (一)文化的特征 社会文化使得在同一民族文化传统下生活的不同社会成员之间,无论是行为还是个性表现上都有极大的相似性,在国际商务谈判中,文化的特征主要表现在以下几个方面。 1、文化的民族性 文化与民族具有不可分割性,每个民族都有自己的文化,而且文化是在民族的繁衍和发展中逐渐形成的。诸如民族的文字、语言、思维方式、生活方式、风俗习惯、宗教信仰和价值观念等都是民族文化的有机组成部分,它们对该民族成员的行为具有很大的影响,给所属成员的行为模式打上了特定的烙印。例如,美国人务实、注重自我,英国人重视经验、保守传统,日本人重视团队关系,中国人注重血缘关系等。文化与民族之间的这种密切关系将导致各民族在行为方式上具有差异性。 2、文化的共享性 文化特征、信念和价值观等都非某个成员所独有,而是一个社会中大多数成员所共有的。即文化不是一种个体特征,而是一种群体特征。因此,文化通常被认为是把所属社会成员联系在一起的团体习俗。其中,共同的语言符号是人们能够享有共同价值观、经验和习俗的关键因素。 3、文化的发展性 文化的发展性是指文化是在社会变革中不断变化发展的。实际上,相当多的因素,诸如新技术的采用、经济发展、资源短缺、战争和人口变化等都会导致社会文化发生改变。 4、文化的习得性


浅析如何克服国际商务谈判中的文化差异 商务英语李晓莉 提纲: 一、通过案例导出文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 1.语言及非语言差异对国际商务谈判行为的影响 1.1语言差异 1.2非语言差异 2.价值观差异对国际商务谈判行为的影响 2.1 客观性 2.2 平等观念 2.3 时间观念 二、国际商务谈判中克服文化差异的对策 1.在谈判前应该做好充足的准备工作 2.在谈判中应正确表达自己的意思,克服语言上的障碍 3.在谈判中应屏弃种族主义思想,平等谈判 4.在谈判中应提高法律意识,增强法制观念 Abstract: Multi-polarization and economic globalization in the world today, international economic, military, and increasingly frequent cultural exchanges and negotiations in international intercourse is increasing. The success of the negotiations depends on the political, legal, economic situation, science and technology and socio-cultural and other factors, as well as the conditions of the negotiators themselves, work effort and strategies adopted. This cultural differences impact on international business negotiations, and on this basis put forward in the negotiations, the use of cultural differences clever strategy. 关键词: 国际商务谈判;文化差异;对策


在经济全球化的趋势之下,国家间的商务来往越来越频繁,国际商务谈判在跨国经济中起着举足轻重的作用,它不仅是经济领域的交流与合作,也是各国文化之间的交流与沟通。跨文化是国际商务谈判最大的特点,正是这种文化上的差异导致了国际商务谈判中的文化碰撞甚至冲突,相当一部分谈判也因此而告失败。因此,了解谈判双方的文化背景,避免文化差异带来的冲突,对于国际商务谈判的成功与否具有十分重要的意义。 一、东西方文化差异 跨文化谈判的核心问题是要克服文化差异带来的阻碍。美国社会学家Davidpopenoe从抽象角度对文化作了如下的定义:文化是一个群体或社会就共同具有的价值观和意义体系,它包括这些价值观和意义在物质形态上的具体化,人们通过观察和接受其他成员的教育而学到其所在社会的文化。各个国家各个民族文化的形成都要经过相当长的历史时期,而本国或本民族文化一旦形成,即渗入到人们的言谈、行为、思想各个方面。受地理环境、政治制度和经济发展的影响,东西方文化有着非常大的区别。 (一)价值观不同 从文艺复兴开始,西方国家就逐渐形成了以个人主义为核心的价值体系。个人的存在被视为群体存在的基础。整个社会都推崇人的价值,强调独立。依靠个人的成就来评判一个人的价值,注重个人特色,思维活跃,大胆自信,尊重他人隐私,强调人人平等。 东方文化则受儒家文化影响很深,强调群体价值,认为先有群体后有个体,个体是群体中不可分割的一部分。推崇社会的有序与和谐。主要由个人对社会的贡献来评判一个人的价值。注重团队合作和良好的人际关系,强调谦虚谨慎的优良美德,崇尚权威,有着根深蒂固的等级观念。(二)思维方式不同 西方文化注重归纳推理,习惯于从特殊到一般。此外,偏好分析思维,将研究对象分解成不同的发展阶段或组成部分,从细节入手进行分析。注重对立,从微观的角度思考问题,思维上部分优先于整体。 东方文化则注重演绎推理,习惯于从一般到个别,而且,更加偏向于综合思维,将一个事物看成一个整体,从宏观的角度来把握和分析,注重统一,思维上整体优于部分。 (三)利益意识和法律意识不同 利益是谈判的主要评价指标。比较而言,西方人的利益意识更为强烈。西方社会的基础是以市场交换和市场竞争为主要特征的现代市场经济,在这种社会中,人们追求的是利润最大化,在这种社会中形成的人际关系主要是利益关系,遵循公事公办的规则,习惯把任何细节都付诸于法律,法律在西方国家有着至高无上的地位,而人情关系则十分的淡漠。生意归生意,朋友归朋友,公私分得很清楚。 而受儒家文化的影响,东方文化则更具有“人情味”,人际关系网的建立往往在谈判中发挥关键作用,人们之间不主要以利益交换为基础,更重视非经济性资源的人情关系,所谓“买卖不成仁义在”。东方人一般避免正面摩擦,更相信法外有情,不轻易诉诸于法律。 二、谈判风格的差异 东西方文化的巨大差异,造就了两种截然不同的谈判风格。本文选取最具有东方文化特征的日本和最具西方文化特征的美国进行比较分析。 (一)日本的谈判风格 日本文化深受中国文化的影响,特别是儒家文化已深深地植根于日本人的内心深处。日本是礼仪之邦,第一次见面常有送礼的习惯,而且礼物的档次与客人的职位相对应;日 收稿日期:2008-3-17 作者简介:林璐,女,湖南醴陵人,北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院国际经济与贸易专业,研究方向:市场营销管理。 东西方文化差异对于国际商务谈判的影响 林璐 (北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,北京100875) 摘要:随着全球范围内经济合作活动越来越多,国际商务谈判也日趋频繁。东西方文化的差异势必成为影响谈判的主要 和难以控制的因素。本文从东西方文化差异入手,并以日本和美国为例,分析东西方商务谈判的风格,并提出了“求同存异”,在不同文化背景和生活习俗上进行跨文化谈判的对策。 关键词:国际商务谈判;跨文化;差异;谈判风格;对策中图分类号:G05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-949X(2008)-03-0050-02 2008年第3期 (总第281期) 湘潮(下半月) 2008年3月


浅谈商务谈判中文化差异对谈判的影响及如何应对 摘要:众所周知,国际间的贸易交往日益频繁,交流的广度和深度也不断扩展,商务谈判是商贸活动中最重要的中心环节。然而由于谈判选手受其价值观、思维方式、等文化差异的限制致使其言行举止和谈判的方法不尽相同,因此谈判者要充分重视各国不同的文化环境对谈判的影响。 一、关键词: 商务谈判文化差异谈判风格应对策略 1 引言 国际经济贸易席卷全球,经济全球化趋势的进一步加强,国与国之间的联系更加紧密。国际商务谈判无疑是国际商务活动中一个重要环节。与其说国际商务谈判是经济领域的交流与合作, 不如说是各国文化之间的摩擦与沟通。而谈判国之间文化碰撞多半是双方各自没有处理好其存在的文化差异造成的,因此若要顺利开展商务活动,就必须了解不同国家的文化背景及其差异,然后制定出合理的谈判策略。 2文化差异的来源 造成世界文化多元性的原因很多,归纳起来,文化差异的主要来源有以下几方面: 2.1 地域差异。 不同地理区域由于地理环境、经济发展水平和传统习惯等差异,人们往往也有着不同的语言、生活方式和爱好。这样影响到他们的行为。 2.2 民族差异。 就拿我国为例,我国是世界上多民族国家之一,不同的民族群体在长期发展中,形成了各自的语言、风俗。习惯。他们在饮食、服饰、居住、节日、礼仪等物质文化生活方面各有特点。 2.3政治差异。 各国的政治制度及政策法规对人们的行为具有统一规范的作用。 2.4经济差异。 经济因素造成的文化差异也是非常明显的,例如,西方发达国家的人们生活富裕,受教育水平高,人们更注重生活质量,安全意识也普遍较强。而经济落后的第三世界国家,人们更加关心温饱问题。


应对国际商务谈判中的文化差异策略 摘要:众所周知,国际间的贸易交往日益频繁,交流的广度和深度也不断扩展,商务谈判是商贸活动中最重要的中心环节。然而由于谈判选手受其价值观、思维方式、等文化差异的限制致使其言行举止和谈判的方法不尽相同,因此谈判者要充分重视各国不同的文化环境对谈判的影响。 关键词:商务谈判文化差异应对策略 1 引言 尽管2009年的金融危机席卷全球,却说明了经济全球化趋势的进一步加强,国与国之间的联系和合作更加紧密。国际商务谈判无疑是国际商务活动中一个重要环节。与其说国际商务谈判是经济领域的交流与合作, 不如说是各国文化之间的摩擦与沟通。而谈判国之间文化碰撞多半是双方各自没有处理好其存在的文化差异造成的,因此若要顺利开展商务活动,就必须了解不同国家的文化背景及其差异,然后制定出合理的谈判策略。 2 文化及文化差异 文化一般指人类在创造物质财富的过程中所积累的精神财富的总和。而各种文化间存在巨大的差异,文化差异指由于不同文化环境的人们在价值观、信仰、态度等方面存在的差别。文化直接影响和制约着人们的欲望和行为。 商务谈判的目的是实现己方的谈判目标,因此要推进国际间商务谈判的顺利进展就要求谈判者能充分了解各国文化背景并理解不同文化间的差异,增强对文化差异的敏感性,尽可能减少由于文化差异造成的不利影响。 3 文化差异的表现 3.1 语言 语言反映一个民族的特征,不仅包含该民族的历史和文化背景,而且蕴含着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和思维方式。理解语言必须了解文化,理解文化必须了解语言。 3.2 肢体语言 交际的手段不限于词语,表情、目光、手势及身体其他部分的动作都向周围人传递着信息。例如阿拉伯人按照自己民族习惯认为站的近些表示友好,英国人则认为保持适当距离才合适。 3.3 宗教 宗教是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,不同的宗教有着不同的文化倾向和戒律,从而影响到人们认识事物的方式、行为准则和价值观念。 3.4 价值观念 价值观念是人们对客观事物的评价标准。价值观是决定人们所持看法和所采取行动的根本出发点, 影响人们理解问题的方式。同样的事物,不同观念的人们会有不同的看法并得出不同的结论。 3.5 习俗和礼仪 各国都会有属于本国的风俗习惯和民族特色,所以熟知涉外礼仪的内容和要求尤为重要。在谈判前充分把握礼节方面的知识,尤其要严格遵守对方特别的习俗和礼仪,否则会给谈判带来不必要的损失。


国际商务谈判中的文化习俗差异及其谈判策略 康学伟 摘要: 在国际商务谈判中因双方文化习俗的差异会产生诸多不同于国内商务谈判的特点,这些特点也是影响国际商务谈判成败的关键因素。因此在国际商务谈判中,谈判者应在充分了解这些差异的基础上,在不同谈判阶段采取相应的策略。 关键词: 商务谈判;文化;差异;策略 国际商务谈判中东西方谈判者表现出不同的谈判风格:西方人往往把复杂的谈判分解为一个一个较小的问题,然后再依次解决;而在东方文化中,谈判是采取一种通盘考虑的方法。由于谈判者代表不同国家和地区的利益,人们的价值观、思维方式、行为方式、语言及风俗习惯各不相同,诸多差异都与东西方文化习俗的巨大差异息息相关。杨振宁教授说过:“中国文化是向模糊、朦胧及总体的方向走,而西方文化是向准确而具体的方向走。”本文认为东西方文化习俗差异源泉在东西方哲学思想的差异,这种文化差异集中表现在东西方思维方式以及人际关系方面,进而导致国际商务谈判的巨大差异。 一、谈判方式的不同 东西方不同的哲学思想决定东西方思维方式的差异。人类的思维方式大致分为横向思维与纵向思维两种。横向思维又称综合思维,就是把事物的各个部分联成一气,使之成为一个统一的整体,强调事物的普遍联系,就是既见树木,又见森林。从老子的“玄同”思想到庄子的“万物齐一”论,都反映东方人的横向思维。纵向思维又称分析思维,就是把事物的整体分解为许多部分,越分越细。从培根的重个体,重数学逻辑的思想,到笛卡儿的方法论,都是着眼于局部或要素。虽然不如横向思维那样做到既见树木,又见森林,但是纵向思维能够比较深入地了解事物的本质。任何一个民族的思维方式都不可能只是纵向思维而无横向思维,也不可能只是横向思维而无纵向思维。它们都是东西方共同采用的思维方式,只是由于传统文化的差异,形成了“东方重综合,西方重分析”的思维习惯。


影响当代国际商务环境的十大因素 90年代以来,与世界经济若干结构性变化相伴随,国际商务环境发生了深刻变化,在自由、宽松、协调的主旋律下,日益朝着有利于国际商务活动的方向迅速发展。对此,邓宁(1994年)和萨加菲—尼亚德(1995年)等人在相关文献中曾作过一般性讨论。本文在此基础上,对影响当代国际商务环境的主要因素作进一步的分析和总结,并将其概括为以下十个方面。 1.以国内经济市场化和国际贸易与投资自由化为基本特征的经济自由化进程在不断加快,为在全球范围内构建自由、宽松和协调的国际商务环境铺平了道路进入90年代以来,各国对市场机制在配置资源中的基础性作用的认识达到了前所未有的一致性。发展中国家和原计划经济国家对经济控制和干预的减少,要素市场的重构,企业改造和民营化浪潮的掀起,使东道国的经济环境大为改观。与此相联系,在多边机构推动下,各国贸易与投资自由化进程明显加快,从乌拉圭回合开始,各国贸易政策自由化改革的力度加大,发展中国家关税水平迅速降低,很多国家平均关税税率已降至10~17%;同时非关税壁垒措施逐步减少或受到了更为严格的限制。在投资方面,在以往给予外资的种种优惠基本得到保留的同时,80年代中期以前盛行的行业和股权比例限制、出口业绩和当地成份要求等限制性措施逐步被取消或放松,甚至朝鲜和古巴等国也开始鼓励跨国资本进入本国。这股始于80年代、加速于90年代的外资政策自由化潮流正方兴未艾。因循国民待遇原则,在《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》约束下,各国外资政策正在进行积极的调整。据联合国统计,1991年至1995年期间,世界共有485 项与外国直接投资有关的国家法规发生了变化,其中474项是朝着更自由化的方向调整。 在经济自由化的大背景下,政府作用的对象和范围也发生了微妙变化,各国政府在诸如贸易、创新能力、行业和地区竞争、人力资源和基础设施等方面的作用非但没有减弱,反而措施更精到、力度更大。政府作用的变化典型地反映在贸易政策上。90年代以来日益严重的国际贸易失衡问题,使许多国家加强了对国际贸易的干预(甚至直接干涉),双边和国家集团间的贸易战频频告急,欧美农产品贸易补贴谈判、欧洲内部的渔业大战、美日汽车大战、拉美与欧洲的香蕉大战、中美知识产权之争、发达国家的反倾销浪潮,凡此种种,都无不使我们清晰地看到政府的干预日益趋强。美国甚至效法一些亚洲国家从1993年起由商务部负责制定“国家出口战略”。


国际商务中的文化差异 1.政治体制的差异 政治体制主要包括了商务活动的双方国家的社会制度、政治信仰、政治体制、意识形态以及政治关系密切度等方面。国家之间的关系影响着商务活动双方的大环境。在政治关系密切、有同样政治信仰前提下的商务互动,往往更能坦诚相待,取得成功的几率也就更大。 2.价值观念的差异 中西方在价值观念上的差异主要体现在集体主义和个人主义价值观方面。在商务活动中,中国人强调个人利益和集体利益的统一,个人利益服从集体利益;而西方更强调个人的存在,重视再自我价值的实现。另外,中国文化中的尊卑观念比较强,个人的思维常常会受到上下级关系的影响;而西方国家虽然上下级关系也比较明确,但是他会更为直接的表达自己的观点。 3.空间观念的差异 西方人强调独立自我的精神,所以他们有很强的空间感,主要表现在工作区域的隔断,人与人交谈时的距离等。但是我国更注重集体观念,工作场所的区分度往往不大,且交谈时的距离取决于人与人关系的亲疏。 4.思维方式的差异 在我国,人们往往表现为人文,直觉,内向的思维方式,强调从人的角度来考虑问题,这种思维是整体、感性,螺旋式的,属于主观思维。而西方国家的人们表现为自然、逻辑、外向的思维方式,强调尊重自然规律。以理性科学的方式来考虑问题,这种思维方式时分析、理性、直线型的、属于客观思维。 5.时间观念的差异 不同的文化背景形成了不同的时间观念。西方国家对待时间的观念普遍可以归结为“时间就是金钱”,他们重视速度,时间观念强,守时,谈论问题时往往更直接地切入正题。而东方的一些国家,人们会不太重视时间观念。在我国的现实情况是多重时间观念并存,这种情况也会让很多的国外客户感觉不适应。



《国际商务管理学》课程考试说明 来源:河南招生考试信息网加入时间:2005-05-24 点击数:1756 高等教育自学考试是对自学者进行的以学历教 育为主的国家考试,是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试结合的高等教育形式。命题工作是自学考试质量保证体系的核心环节,为做好《国际商务管理学》课程全国统一命题工作,特制定本课程考试说明。 一、课程性质和考试目标 1、课程性质 《国际商务管理学》课程是全国高等教育自学考试商务管理专业(本科段)开设的一门专业课程、是一门建立在管理学,国际贸易理论和实务、商务沟通理论、市场营销学等一系列经济学、管理理论基础上的应用学科。它主要研究国际商务活动的环境、业务活动过程及其规律性,强调国际商务活动的事务层面,即开展国际商务活动的程序。其内容具有综合性、应用性、实践性和

程序性的特点。 《国际商务管理学》课程的任务是:使自考应考者比较全面系统地了解和掌握国际商务管理的基本知识从中了解到国际商务管理的基本理论,特别是《国际商务管理学》理论的发展变化过程,学会比较和分析各种国际商务管理学的基本理论,特别是国际商务管理学理论的发展变化过程,从而培养和提高正确分析解决国际商务管理理论与实践问题的能力,以便毕业后能够较好地适应国际商务工作的需要。 2、考试目标 通过本课程的学习,要求考生: (1)掌握国际商务管理的基本知识、基本方法与技能,充分认识国际商务活动的复杂性、特殊性。 (2)将国际商务管理的基本理论与具体的国际商务活动紧密地联系起来,具备独立完成国际商务全部活动的能力。

二、考试内容 本课程的考试内容以课程考试大纲为依据。其内容为: 教材第一章是对国际商务管理内涵的介绍,需要掌握的内容是国际商务管理的概念、特殊性,国际商务的发展历程。 教材第二章是对国际商务管理的经济环境 分析,着重掌握的内容是经济体制的不同类型,经济发展水平的差异及对国际商务活动的影响,主要国际经济贸易组织。 教材第三章至第五章是对国际商务管理的 社会文化环境、政治法律环境、技术环境的介绍。要求掌握文化及其基本构成要素,行为方式与商业文化,文化特征与经济发展主要法律制度的类型,政治环境的主要考察内容,技术环境的影响。 教材第六章介绍的是国际区域市场,要求重


[摘中西方文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响(1) 要] 自成功加入世界贸易组织以来,我国的国际贸易和对外交往日益频繁,已经成为世界经贸技术合作和投资的热点。在这种大规模的跨国经济活动中,国际商务谈判的作用日趋明显。本文试图从中西方国家在语言、价值观念、时间观念等几方面的差异来探讨其对国际商务谈判的影响,旨在超越文化的局限,取得同外方谈判的成功。 [关键词] 文化差异国际商务谈判影响 迄今为止,背景不同的人给文化下了很多定义,但一般意义上,文化指知识、信仰、艺术、法律、伦理、风俗、习惯等综合,这种综合决定了生活在特定环境中的人的价值观念和心理素质。它具有约束力,影响着具有同样文化背景的人的行为。不同国家有自己独特的文化、历史、习俗等等。国际商务谈判是跨国界发生的活动,这就意味着,了解各国不同的文化环境以及考虑到商业活动中的文化差异在国际商务谈判中是非常重要的。如果想取得同外方谈判的成功,跨越文化的局限是一件艰巨而又至关重要的任务。因为不管是什么技术、不管某个产品会带来什么样的利益,所有的商业交易都是由人来做的。对文化差异的理解几乎影响谈判过程的各个方面,小到说话的艺术,大到决策过程,对其缺乏认识和了解,会使谈判复杂化,甚至会阻碍谈判。例如,美国人吃完手抓的食品后把手放在嘴里吮吸,中国人很不习惯;而中国人吃饭时,若不分餐美国人则难以下咽。所以在国际商务谈判中,应注意合作对手的文化,是谈判与合作成败的一个关键所在。 在国际商务谈判中,哪些具体的文化因素在起着作用呢?下文中提到的一些因素一般被认为对国际商务谈判具有重要的影响。

一、语言和交流 人们的交流方式,包括语言交流和非语言交流,直接影响着国际商务谈判。语言是谈判力量的一大源泉,几乎在各种谈判中,无论大小,重要或是不重要,语言——包括口头语言和书面语言,都将成为是否达到谈判目的的决定因素。一般人在相同文化背景下讲话的内容尚有误差,可以想象,当一个人讲第二种语言时,误差肯定会更大,这是因为语言决定着文化,不同的语言有其独特的建构信息的方式。操双语者要在语言之间转换,在转换过程中,他们要调整自己的观念和思维过程,以适应所使用的语言。所以跨文化谈判总是面临着语言障碍,为了确保沟通的顺利进行,一般商务英语谈判要求使用翻译,一个好的翻译不但熟练运用两种语言,还应具备相应的专业技术知识。 根据传统,日本人认为直视另一个人的眼睛是不礼貌而且危险的。即便是今天,大多数日本人都会避免与谈判对手进行那种令人难堪的、直接的眼神交流。对方过多的直接眼神交流会使他们感到不舒服。因此,由于日本人不正视对方的眼睛,中国的谈判者可能会认为“出现了什么问题”,因为我们历来认为眼神交流是一种通常的交流方式。 二、价值观念 价值观念是以文化衡量人们的行为以及后果的标准。它们影响着人们理解问题的方式,也会给人们带来强烈的情感冲击。在不同的文化中,价值观念会有很大的差异。在一种文化中很恰当的行为在另一种文化中可能会被看成是不道德的。比如,美国人认为搞裙带关系是不道德的,但大多数拉丁美洲文化却将它视为一种义务。因此,了解某个社会中流行的价值观念以及这些观念在个人行为重受尊敬的程度时很重要的。我们这里的讨论将注重那些对理


1.What are three sources of economies of scale? (U12,P272) 1)spreading fixed costs over a large volume 2)utilizing production facilities more intensively 3)increasing bargaining power with suppliers 2.What are the three advantages of First mover? (U14,P319) 1)the ability to pre-empt rivals and capture demand by establishing a strong brand name 2)the ability to build up sales volume in that country and ride down the experience curve ahead of rivals and gain a cost advantage over later entrants 3)the ability to create switching costs that tie customers into products or services making it difficult for later entrants to win business 3.Please describe the advantages of Vertical integration (making component parts in-house). (U16,P367) 1)lower costs - if a firm is more efficient at that production activity than any other enterprise, it may pay the firm to continue manufacturing a product or component part in-house 2)facilitate investments in highly specialized assets - internal production makes sense when substantial investments in specialized assets (assets whose value is contingent upon a particular relationship persisting) are required to manufacture a component 3)protect proprietary technology - a firm might prefer to make component parts that contain proprietary technology in-house in order to maintain control over the technology 4)facilitate the scheduling of adjacent processes - the weakest argument for vertical integration is that the resulting production cost savings make planning, coordination, and scheduling of adjacent processes easier 4.Please describe the pressures for cost reductions. (U12) 1)in industries producing commodity type products that fill universal needs (needs that exist when the tastes and preferences of consumers in different nations are similar if not identical) where price is the main competitive weapon 2)when major competitors are based in low cost locations 3)where there is persistent excess capacity 4)where consumers are powerful and face low switching costs 5.What are the uses of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)? (U16,) 1)facilitates the tracking of inputs 2)allows the firm to optimize its production schedule 3)lets the firm and its suppliers communicate in real time 4)eliminates the flow of paperwork between the firm and its suppliers 6.What three basic decisions should firms make before entering foreign markets? (U14,P318) 1)which markets to enter 2)when to enter those markets 3)on what scale

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