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1.In 1812,Napoleon Bonaparte,Emperor of the French,led his Grand Army into Russia.He was prepared for the fierce resistance of the Russian people defending their homeland.He was prepared for the long march across Russian soil to Moscow,the capital city.But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow--the raw,bitter,bleak Russian winter.


2.In 1941,Adolf Hitler,leader of Nazi Germany,launched an attack against the Soviet Union,as Russia then was called.Hitler's military might was unequaled.His war machine had mowed down resistance in most of Europe.Hitler expected a short campaign but,like Napoleon before him,was taught a painful lesson.The Russian winter again came to the aid of the Soviet soldiers.


1.Even the automobile industry,which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years,is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.


2.The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century.There are presently 500 million cars on earth,or one car for every ten people.Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars,making it the world`s biggest manufacturing industry.


3.The car,and the roads it travel on,will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century.The key to tomorrow`s"smart cars"will be sensors."We`ll see vehivles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act,"predicts Bill Spreitzer,technical director of General Motors Corporation`s ITS program,which is designing the smart car and road of the future.


28 My mentor,Curt Carlson,is the wealthiest man in Minnesota,owner of a hotel and travel company with sales in the neighborhood of$9 billion.I had to get to a meeting in New York one day,and Curt generously offered me a ride in his jet.It happened to be a day Minnesota was hit with one of the worst snowstorms in years.Minneapolis-St.Paul International Airport was closed for the first time in decades.


29 Then,though the storm continued to pound us,the airport opened a runway for small craft only.As we were taxiing down it to take off,Curt turned to me and said gleefully,"Look,Harvey,no tracks in the snow!"


30 Curt Carlson,70 years old at the time,rich beyond anyone's dreams,could still sparkle with excitement about being first.


31 From my standpoint,that's what it's all about.Prepare to win.Never stop learning.Believe in yourself,even when no one else does.Find a way to make a difference.Then go out and make your own tracks in the snow.


1 The mere fact that America still attracts millions of people is evi dence that it is not in decline.People aren't attracted to a place of decline.Signs of decline are sure to be found in a place as complex as America:debt,crime,the homeless,drugs,dropouts.But the main charac teristic of America,the first and most enduring impression,is dynamis m,energy,aggressiveness,forward movement.


2 It is so hard to think of this nation in decline when you know that there are vast regions of the planet which are absolutely paralyzed, incapable of any improvement at all.


3 It is difficult for me to agree with Paul Kennedy's thesis in The R ise and Fall of Great Powers that America must inevitably follow hist orical precedent.That's the way history used to be--all powerful nati ons declined and gave way to other empires.But maybe there is another way to look at what is happening.I have a sense that what is going o n here concerns much more than the fate of a nation.


4 It may be that the Euro-centered American nation is declining as it gives way to a new Pacific civilization that will include,but not be limited to,America.Historically speaking,America may not decline,but instead fuse with the Pacific culture to create a kind of vast Pacif ic collage,a mix of Hispanic and Asian cultures linked through the mo st modern communication technologies.


1 For thirty years now I have been studying my fellowmen.I do not know very much about them.I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right.I think they must have small insight or great vanity.For my own part I find that the longer I know people the more they puzzle me.


2 These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning's paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe.He was a merchant and he had been in business in Japan for many years.I knew him very little,but he interested me because once he gave me a great surprise.Unless I had heard the story from his own lips,I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action.It was more startling because both in appearance and manner he suggested a very definite type.Here if ever was a man all of a piece.He was a tiny little fellow,not much more than five feet four in height,and very slender,with white hair,a red face much wrinkled,and blue eyes.I suppose he was about sixty when I knew him.He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.


3 Though his offices were in Kobe,Burton often came down to Yokohama.I happened on one occasion to be spending a few days there,waiting for a ship,and I was introduced to him at the British Club.We played bridge together.He played a good game and a generous one.He did not talk very much,either then or later when we were having drinks,but what he said was sensible.He had a quiet,dry humor.He seemed to be popular at the club and afterwards,when he had gone,they described him as one of the best.It happened that we were both staying at the Grand Hotel and next day he asked me to dine with him.I met his wife,fat,elderly,and smiling,and his two daughters.It was evidently a united and affectionate family.I think the chief thing that struck me about Burton was his kindliness.There was something very pleasing in his mild blue eyes.His voice was gentle;you could not imagine that he could possibly raise it in anger;his smile was benign.Here was a man who attracted you because you felt in him a real love for his fellows.At the same time he liked his game of cards and his cocktail,he could tell with point a good and spicy story,and in his youth he had been something of an athlete.He was a rich man and he had made every penny himself.I suppose one thing that made you like him was that he was so small and frail;he aroused your instincts of protection.You felt that he could not bear to hurt a fly.


24 As Godbey points out,the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time,but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it."It's the kid in the candy store,"he says."There's just so many good things to do.The array of choices is stunning.Our free time is increasing,but not as fast as our sense of the necessary."


25 A more successful remedy may lie in understanding the problem rather than evading it.


26 Before the industrial revolution,people lived in small communities with limited communications.Within the confines of their village,they could reasonably expect to know everything that was to be known,see everything that was to be seen,and do everything that was to be done.


27 Today,being curious by nature,we are still trying to do the same.But the global village is a world of limitless possibilities,and we can never achieve our aim.


28 It is not more time we need:it is fewer desires.We need to switch off the cell-phone and leave the children to play by themselves.We need to buy less,read less and travel less.We need to set boundaries for ourselves,or be doomed to mounting despair.



The university’s branch campuses in suburban areas In recent years more and more universities have built up their branch campuses in suburban areas. Now it is very difficult to find a university without a branch campus. Maybe no one can tell clearly when the first branch campus came out. But the reasons behind this phenomenon are obvious. Among these reasons, the enrollment expansion of universities plays a very vital role. As more and more freshmen are remitted to universities, the original facilities, including classrooms, apartments, dining houses, laboratories and the like, are not enough any more. What’s more, the land in the suburb is relatively low in price, which is affordable for most universities. Besides, the quiet environment in suburban areas is more suitable for students to study. As a college student, I think, it is necessary and beneficial for many universities to build up a branch campus. However the building of branch campuses brings some problems. For one thing, the students in some branch campuses cannot enjoy good enough facilities and the teachers due to limited resources. For another it leads to less direct communications among teachers and students. Therefore the university should take a full account before it decides to build up a branch campus. How to adapt youself to college life There are obvious differences between high school life and college life. First,college students will live in the dormitory with classmates who come from various places, and who may have different living habits. Second,college teachers ,instead of explaning in detail how to solve every problem, might only tell different approaches to the problem, and leave students to study and solve problems independently. Finally, in college,there is more free time for students to spend on. However how should the college freshman adapt himself to these differeces.


大学英语词汇智能训练系统 一、系统介绍 词汇作为英语能力培养的基础,在英语学习中起着重要的作用。如何在英语教学中提高学生的词汇量,以推动英语能力的综合提高,是教师和学生普遍关注的问题。 大学英语词汇智能训练系统是融合脑科学、认知心理学和计算机网络科学研发而成的智能化、人性化的学习系统,实现及发挥“人脑学习,电脑管理”的优势,有效提升学习效率,节约师资投入。 [上图:大学英语词汇智能训练系统登陆界面] 二、教材版本 大学英语词汇智能训练系统提供与教材同步的课程资源,包括四级、六级、专业四级、专业八级、考研大纲、托福、雅思、GRE、医学英语、商务英语等学习课程,满足各大专院校学生不同的学习需求。全部课程均使用标准真人读音,匹配音标、例句、图片等资源,多维度强化学习效果。

[下图:大学英语词汇智能训练系统学习界面。课程版本资源丰富,多功能多维度全面提升学习效率,学习进度实时统计清晰可视。] 三、主要功能及特色 (一)主要功能 大学英语词汇智能训练系统有九大功能。两大主要功能是智能记 忆和智能听写;七大辅助功能是记忆追踪、单元闯关、自主测试、学 习速度、句子训练、单词本、考试中心。 (二)产品特色 1,独家核心技术——“记忆引擎”驱动四步学习法 (1)记忆扫描:系统对每个学员的单词记忆程度进行统计、分析、 判断,实现个性化智能筛词。 (2)生词聚焦:有的放矢地聚焦在弱点词汇上,提高学习效率。 (3)智能复习:系统遵循个性化学习和遗忘规律,安排最佳复习时 机和频率。

(4)强化训练:多维度训练,强化听力和拼写,手脑并用增强记忆效果。 [上图:对学习过程中的记忆痕迹进行分析,总结出更优化的记忆模式。] [下图:核心技术“记忆引擎”在使用系统学习过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。] 2,眼、耳、口、手多感官定向强化


Book 4-Unit 5 Text A The Telephone Anwar F. Accawi 1.When I was growing up in Magdaluna, a small Lebanese village in the terraced, rocky mountains east of Sidon, time didn't mean much to anybody, except maybe to those who were dying. In those days, there was no real need for a calendar or a watch to keep track of the hours, days, months, and years. We knew what to do and when to do it, just as the Iraqi geese knew when to fly north, driven by the hot wind that blew in from the desert. The only timepiece we had need of then was the sun. It rose and set, and the seasons rolled by and we sowed seed and harvested and ate and played and married our cousins and had babies who got whooping cough and chickenpox—and those children who survived grew up and married their cousins and had babies who got whooping cough and chickenpox. We lived and loved and toiled and died without ever needing to know what year it was, or even the time of day. 2.It wasn't that we had no system for keeping track of time and of the important events in our lives. But ours was a natural or, rather, a divine—calendar, because it was framed by acts of God: earthquakes and droughts and floods and locusts and pestilences. Simple as our calendar was, it worked just fine for us. 3.Take, for example, the birth date of Teta Im Khalil, the oldest woman in Magdaluna and all the surrounding villages. When I asked Grandma, "How old is Teta Im Khalil" 4.Grandma had to think for a moment; then she said, "I've been told that Teta was born shortly after the big snow that caused the roof on the mayor's house to cave in."


1.In 1812,Napoleon Bonaparte,Emperor of the French,led his Grand Army into Russia.He was prepared for the fierce resistance of the Russian people defending their homeland.He was prepared for the long march across Russian soil to Moscow,the capital city.But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow--the raw,bitter,bleak Russian winter. 1812年,法国皇帝拿破仑?波拿巴率大军入侵俄罗斯。他准备好俄罗斯人民会为保卫祖国而奋勇抵抗。他准备好在俄罗斯广袤的国土上要经过长途跋涉才能进军首都莫斯科。但他没有料到在莫斯科他会遭遇劲敌——俄罗斯阴冷凄苦的寒冬。 2.In 1941,Adolf Hitler,leader of Nazi Germany,launched an attack against the Soviet Union,as Russia then was called.Hitler's military might was unequaled.His war machine had mowed down resistance in most of Europe.Hitler expected a short campaign but,like Napoleon before him,was taught a painful lesson.The Russian winter again came to the aid of the Soviet soldiers. 1941年,纳粹德国元首阿道夫?希特勒进攻当时被称作苏联的俄罗斯。希特勒的军事实力堪称无敌。他的战争机器扫除了欧洲绝大部分地区的抵抗。希特勒希望速战速决,但是,就像在他之前的拿破仑一样,他得到的是痛苦的教训。仍是俄罗斯的冬天助了苏维埃士兵一臂之力。


-1.College Students Should Attend Physical Exercise 1)许多大学生不喜欢参加体育锻炼,这种做法是相当不可取的。2)大学生参加体育锻炼的好处 3)你喜欢参加何种体育锻炼 Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them. College students can b enefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to release pressure and keep a pleasant mood.Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others,whic h can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays, all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students can chose freely according to their interests and needs.As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoined great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not


学术争鸣 296 2016年21期联想记忆法与大学英语词汇记忆 张媛 锦州医科大学,辽宁锦州 121013 摘要:中国学生一直以来都饱受背单词之苦,很多学生进入大学以来,无法适应课本上激增的词汇量,对词汇背诵感到压力很大。由此,主要介绍了如何利用联想记忆法帮助学生更深刻的了解英文单词的构成和意思,达到高效记忆大学英语单词的目的。 关键词:联想记忆法;大学英语;词汇记忆 中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-5861(2016)21-0296-01 引言 我们都知道英语词汇量的大小直接影响到学生听、说、读、写等能力的提升,可是长期以来中国学生普遍饱受背单词之苦。英语单词是用旧符号变音组合或者摘取字母构成新的单词,而汉字是用旧符号变形拼贴而形成新字。由于两种文字造词理念完全不同,所以中国人记汉字的方式根本无法应用到背英语单词上。 一般来说,中国学生背单词主要是采用死记硬背的机械背诵方式,比如说“eternity”这个词,学生经常是嘴里念着读音,同时笔在纸上拼写着单词,一遍遍反复直到记住为止。或者有的老师要求学生把整篇文章背下来,既提高语感,又能记住单词。如果在时间精力允许的情况下,这种方法对提高学生的语言实际应用能力时很有益处的,但是对于大学非英语专业的学生来说,用这种方法来背单词就显得耗时低效了。那么,如何才能解决中国学生背单词枯燥乏味,效率低下的难题呢?我们当然要采用适合中国人思维方式和认知习惯的方法来记单词。比如说我们在记新的汉字时,通常会根据字形、各部分结构的读音和意思来理解记忆,就像“想”字,上面是谐音“相”字,下面是“心”字,只有用心才能进行想象,通过这样理解、联想着记忆,效率当然会大大提高。 1 联想记忆法 苏联著名生物学家巴浦洛夫曾说过联想是记忆的基础。“联想”指的就是由某一事物联想到另一事物的心理活动。联想记忆就是将已知的概念和新事物通过大脑有意识的联系起来,并利用已积累的知识帮助加深新事物记忆的过程。常见的联想记忆法有以下几种。 2 分解联想记忆法 分解联想记忆法记单词的过程实际上就是把一个英文单词分解成字母、字母组合等联想单位,我们把每个联想单位都人为的赋予意思,然后通过把这些联想单位代表的不同意思组成有意义的短语或句子来帮助我们记住单词。比如说“smother”这个词,我们可以把它分成两个联想单位“s”和“mother”,因为“mother”这个词我们是非常熟悉的,前面加上“s”,我们就可以根据“s”这个字母形状,把它联想成“绳子”的意思。那么这个词的联想单位组成的意思就是“妈妈被一根绳勒死了”,所以和“smother”的词意“使窒息”完全吻合。通过这种分解联想记忆方式,我们就很容易的记住“smother”这个新词的意思。 3 对比联想记忆法 对比联想记忆法就是通过对比联想,使同学们多角度深刻理解词汇。教师可以帮助同学们利用近义词和反义词之间的辨析关系记忆单词。比如说“athletic”、“energetic”、“vigorous”这些都是“精力充沛的,有活力的”意思,而“exhausted”、“out of spirit”、“worn-out”都是表示相反意思的词汇。在学习的时候结合正反意思来对比分析,能使学生对词意和用法有更深的理解,也使记忆更成体系。此外,英语中有些单词词形非常相近,如“economical”和“economic”,但是意思却是有差别的。这两个词都是“economy”(经济)这个词同源产生出来的形容词。“economical”强调的是“节约的,节俭的”,而“economic”指的是“经济方面的”。教师可以在教学的时候把这些词放在一起,便于学生区分记忆,加深印象。 4 语音联想记忆法 语音联想记忆法指的是根据词汇的发音规律进行学习和记忆单词的方法。英文单词中有很多同音异义词,比如说“principle”(原则)和“principal”(主要的),“cereal”(谷物)和“serial”(系列),“chili”(红辣椒)和“chilly”(寒冷的)。这些词具有同音不同义的特点,因此,教师可以在教学的过程中引导学生利用语音联想的方法对比记忆单词。 5 结语 词汇教学对于大学公共英语教学来说是非常重要的一个环节,是英语教学的基础。而在传统的教学过程中,大部分教师对词汇教学都存在一定的误区,认为词汇是不需要教师在课堂上教的,应该由学生自己背,因此,也间接导致了学生对新单词记忆不牢的状况发生。大学英语教师应该充分认识到词汇记忆法的讲授对学生提高词汇储备的重要性,在课堂上有意识的引导学生用科学的方法高效的记忆单词。上面介绍的三种联想记忆方法对学生深刻理解单词的构成和语义有很好的辅助作用,因此教师可以在进行词汇讲解的时候,全方位的利用这些联想手段,帮助学生提高单词学习效率,进而促进他们英语其他各方面能力的提升,为学好大学英语打下坚实的基础。 参考文献 [1]汪榕培.英语词汇学研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000. [2]张蓓蓓.大学英语词汇之宽度与深度[J].中国校外教育,2011(2). [3]秦苏苏.大学英语词汇教学技巧探析[J].中国科技翻译,2000(4):37-40. [4]潘育春.大学词汇教学策略浅谈[J].中国科技信息,2006(21):271-272. [5]郭伟华.大学英语词汇教学[J].成都教育学院学报,2005(9):63-64. [6]陈金凤.英语词根词缀记忆法初探[J].内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版),2011(4). 作者简介:张媛,女,辽宁锦州人,锦州医科大学公共外语学院讲师,硕士,主要从事英语课程与教学论方面的研究。


Unit1 Another School Year — What For Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City. Part of the student body was a beanpole with hair on top who came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say "All right, teach me something." Two weeks later we started Hamlet. Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. "Look," he said, "I came here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff" And not having a book of his own to point to, he pointed to mine which was lying on the desk. New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things. I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at the end of his course meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. It would not read: Qualified Pill-Grinding Technician. It would certify that he had specialized in pharmacy, but it would further certify that he had been exposed to some of the ideas mankind has generated within its history. That is to say, he had not entered a technical training school but a university and in universities students enroll for both training and education.


4 Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for me. Josiah Henson is but o ne name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Unde rground Railroad, a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to lib erate slaves from the American South. Between 1820 and 1860, as many as 100,000 s laves traveled the Railroad to freedom. 但此地只是我所承担的繁重使命的一处停留地。乔赛亚·亨森只是一长串无所畏惧的男女名单中的一个名字,这些人共同创建了这条“地下铁路”,一条由逃亡线路和可靠的人家组成的用以解放美国南方黑奴的秘密网络。在1820年至1860年期间,多达十万名黑奴经由此路走向自由。 5 In October 2000, President Clinton authorized $1 6 million for the National Underg round Railroad Freedom Center to honor this first great civil-rights struggle in the U. S. The center is scheduled to open in 2004 in Cincinnati. And it's about time. For the heroes of the Underground Railroad remain too little remembered, their exploits still largely unsung. I was intent on telling their stories. 2000年10月,克林顿总统批准拨款1600万美元建造全国“地下铁路”自由中心,以此纪念美国历史上第一次伟大的民权斗争。中心计划于2004年在辛辛那提州建成。真是该建立这样一个中心的时候了。因为地下铁路的英雄们依然默默无闻,他们的业绩依然少人颂扬。我要讲述他们的故事。


四级写作范文必背经典 大学英语四级范文背诵(01) COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them. College students can benefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to relief pressure and keep a pleasant move. Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others which can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays, all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students can chose freely according to their interests and needs. As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoined great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not hesitate to attend sports activities. 大学英语四级范文背诵(02) Online games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self discipline on too much indulge in these games. So that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train their ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. Form my point of view, online games are wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once, but if you have enough self control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 大学英语四级范文背诵(03) Certificates Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of


英语考试词汇记忆方法汇总 学习英语最常遇到的问题,便是词汇不足。词汇不足的人在英文听、说、读、写各方面的能力都会受到严重限制。所以词汇量的多少在英语学习中占有重要地位。一般认为背单词是件既吃力,又往往成效不彰的苦差事。实际上,若能采用适当的方法,是可以缩短扩大词汇量所需的时间,并且提高记忆单词的质量的。长喜英语经过多年的发展,在词汇方面的研究也在不断增进,下面介绍九种长喜英语推荐的词汇学习方法。 一大学英语词汇串联记忆学习法 串联记忆以其活泼独到的记忆方法、快捷高效的记忆效果、轻松鲜活的学习语境、切中考试的敏锐视角,在众多词汇学习方法中脱颖而出,独树一帜,受到广大考生一致好评。 串联记忆以“同义串记”为核心,将词汇的巧妙串记、鲜活用法、语境理解、图文辨析巧妙、紧凑地融合成四个环节,层层深入,为同学们大造出一个充满乐趣的词汇学习新天地。 串联记忆敏锐地抓住了四六级新题型考试对词汇的两个考察倾向——同义转述与作文用词,干净利落地解决了这两个问题。 一、编者通过对近15年六级真题的统计分析,发现约有30%的题目在考查考生的同义转述能力。通过同义串记,可以掌握一串词之间的灵活转换,可以让考生对听力和阅读试题中的考试&大一些同义转述一看便知,轻松答题。 二、考生在写作中总是要么感觉下笔无词或只会用一些简单词翻来覆去表达同一意思,要么用词不准,这样作文只能停留在及格线左右。通过本书的同义串记,既知一些词何时可以通用,又知一些词何时不可通用,就能使考生在表达相同意思时能想到不同的英语词汇,且准确地道,这样考生的作文就会用词准确、富于变化。 串联记忆示例:通过学习“ abandon 抛弃”这个词,我们可以串联到“reject desert quit resign drop disc ard”等意义相关联的一串词汇,集中学习了这一串词汇后就能清晰地辨别出这串词的区别不同之处,使记忆清晰不混淆。 二大学英语读美文记单词


Michael Welzenbach 1. When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life. My father’s government job demanded that he go overseas every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends. 2. We rented an 18th-century farmhouse in Berkshire. Nearby were ancient castles and churches. Loving nature, however, I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house. In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. 3. I spent most of my time roaming the woods and fields alone, playing Robin Hood, daydreaming, collecting bugs and bird-watching. It was heaven for a boy —but a lonely heaven. Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon


Unit 1 Just as my father’s death had changed Jimmy’s world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world we’d known was gone. But, as we sang for Jimmy and held each tight afterward praying for peace around the world, we were reminded that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through whatever life might present. The simplicity with which Jimmy had reconciled everything for us should not have been surprising. There had never been limitations to what Jimmy’s love could acco mplish. 有如父亲的去世一夜之间改变了吉米的世界,9?11也改变了我们的生活;我们熟悉的世界不复存在了。但是,当我们为吉米唱歌,相互紧拥,祈祷全球和平时,我们也意识到,朋友、家人间永恒的爱和支持可以让我们克服生活中的任何 困难。吉米以朴素的方式为我们协调了眼前的一切,他做到这一点并不令人吃惊。吉米的爱可以征服一切,这是任何东西都限制不了的。 The Statue of Liberty called Liberty Enlightening the World, is amonument celebrating US independence and the France-America alliance. Since her introduction in 1959, Barbie has become universally recognized Queen of the Dolls. The American Gothicinterpretates of the solomn pride of American farmers, and it was inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmland. American coins honor prominent figures of the US government——mostly famous former president. But the Buffalo Nickel honors a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier-the destruction of buffalo herds and the American Indians.After the war,a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons, and became American’s most popular symbol. Unit 4 总结性翻译背诵 自由女神像,又称为自由照耀世界,是一座庆祝美国独立和美法联盟的纪念碑。自从1959年面世,芭比娃娃就成为全球公认的“娃娃女王”。美国哥特式体现了美国农民庄严的自豪,灵感来自于一所古老农舍的哥特式窗户。美国的硬币都用来纪念美国政府的杰出人物,其中大部分是著名的前总统,野牛镍币是为了纪念野牛群和美洲印第安人的灭绝。山姆大叔这一人物在1812年的战争之后开始出现在政治漫画中,成为最受美国人欢迎的象征。 Unit 5 Para. "Time seems to stand still. In the total silence, I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing asit begins to match hers, breath for uneven breath. Our eyes meet and somehow, together, we becomeaware that this is a special moment between two human beings ... Her long fingers curl easily aroundmy hand and I nod my head slowly, smiling. Without words, through yellowed eyes, I receive my thank-you and her eyes slowly close. 时间似乎停滞了。在一片寂静中,我感觉自己的脉搏加快了,我听到自己的呼吸开始伴随着她那不均匀的呼吸一起一落。我们互相对视,不知怎么的,我们都意识到,这是两个生命间的一个特殊时刻。她那细长的手指很轻易地就拢住了我的手,我微笑着慢慢点了点头。无需任何语言,我从她发黄的眼睛中感受到了她对我的谢意,她慢慢闭上了眼睛。

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