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人教版高中英语必修二Unit2 同步检测

人教版高中英语必修二Unit2    同步检测
人教版高中英语必修二Unit2    同步检测

Unit2 同步检测



(创新题)Usain Bolt says he intends to defend his Olympic 100m and 200m sprint(短跑) titles at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games.The Jamaican,who kept both titles as well as the 4×100m in London,said he has decided against switching to either the 400m or long jump.

“To do the three sprints,that is the focus.I don’t want to try any different events at Rio,”he said.“I’ll just defend my titl es to show the world there’s a possibility I can do it again.” He insisted he had no intention of easing off in his training.

Bolt,who also holds the 100m and 200m world records,said he aimed to run even faster in the year of 2013,during which the World Championships will be held in Moscow.He added.“It’s all about hard work.When I was doing great when I was young,people used to say I was fast for my age,but I have put a lot of work into it since I was a senior athlete.I continue to work hard,continue stayin g focused and pushing myself.I’m sure I can go faster each year.So for me the focus right now is to see how fast I can go.”

Bolt became the first man to keep both Olympic sprint titles in a time of 19.32 seconds in the 200m in London in August,with Yohan Blake in silver and Warren Weir in bronze.It came after he had seen off Blake’s challenge to win the 100m in 9.63 seconds,just 0.05 seconds slower than his own world record,in what was a new Olympic best.

Speaking after he had completed his second Olympic sprint treble (三连胜),Bolt had cast doubt on his participation in the events in Rio when he said:“My coach wants me to do 400m,but I want to try long jump.It’s just about making different goals.There are a lot of things I can do in the sport.”


1.It can be known from the first two paragraphs that ________.

A.Bolt has a clear sense of direction

B.Bolt won’t practice as hard as ever

C.Bolt won two gold medals in London

D.Bolt is likely to switch to 400m sprint

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段“To do the three sprints,that is the focus.I don’want to try any different events at Rio”等可知,博尔特是一个有明确目标的人。

2.From what Bolt says in the third paragraph we can infer that ________.

A.he is too proud of himself

B.he is modest but stubborn

C.he looks down on other athletes

D.he is hard-working and confident

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段中博尔特说的话“It’s all about hard work...I have put a lot of work into it...I’m sure I can go faster each year.”可以推断,博尔特训练非常刻苦而且很自信。

3.What is the 100m world record according to the passage?

A.9.58 seconds.B.9.63 seconds.

C.9.66 seconds. D.9.68 seconds.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段“It came after he had seen off Blake’s challenge to win the 100m in 9.63 seconds,just 0.05 seconds slower than his own world record,in what was a new Olympic best.”可知,100米的世界纪录是9.58秒。

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Bolt feels it extremely difficult to push himself


B.Bolt doesn’t know which events he’d like to take part in in Rio.

C.Bolt’s idea of participation in the events is different from that of his coach.

D.Bolt wants to achieve his second Olympic treble at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“My coach wants me to do 400m,but I want to try long jump.”可以推断,对于2016奥运会上他还要参加哪种项目,博尔特和教练的看法不同。


(创新题)Greeting gone wrong

MICROSOFT founder Bill Gates,57,has found himself at the center of a cultural row since April 22.It all started with a handshake with South Korea’s President Park Geyn-hye,61,during Gates’visit to the country.Gates has been accused of disrespecting Park after he was pictured shaking hands with her with his left hand in his pocket.

“Disrespectful handshake or casual handshake?” asked South Kor ea’s largest newspaper,the Dong-A Ilbo.Similarly,the Joongang Ilbo newspaper asked:“Cultural difference or bad manners?”

“Perhaps it was his all-American style,but an open jacket with a hand in his pocket?That was way too casual.It was very regretful,”Chung Jin-suk,secretary general at South Korea’s National Assembly,told ABC Ne w s.

In Asian countries,a one-hand shake is very casual,used only when the other party is a good friend,of the same age or younger https://www.doczj.com/doc/0713475876.html,ing one hand with the other in the pants pocket is considered rude,often an expression of superiority toward the other.

This isn’t the first time Gates has broken the country’s social rules.According to AFP,Gates used a similarly casual handshake in 2008 with Park’s predecessor Lee Myung-bak.However,a picture from 2001 showed him giving a two-handed shake to then-president Kim Dae-jung.

Some South Korean media have said that it may have been on purpose,showing his political preferences (偏向)—respect for the opposition leader Kim but disrespect for the ruling party leaders Lee and Park.

“Gates is a casual man who’s not bound by customs so he shakes hands in this manner even when meeting heads of international organizations or top political figures,”Dong-A Ilbo quoted an unnamed friend of Gates’in Seoul as saying.


5.What is the article mainly about?

A.How to shake hands with people.

B.Rules for shaking hands in different countries.

C.The recent discussion about handshake manners.

D.Gates’disrespectful behavior gaining attention.


6.What does the underlined word “superiority”in paragraph 4 mean?

A.a proud attitude

B.an uncertain feeling

C.a positive attitude

D.a feeling of dislike


7.The writer used Paragraphs 5 and 6 to show that ________.

A.Gates hates being bound by customs

B.Gates doesn’t like meeting with top political figures

C.Gates doesn’t care about other countries’social rules

D.Gate s’one-hand shake was viewed by many as disrespect


8.We can infer from the article that ________.

A.South Koreans think that it’s Gates’right to shake hands how he wants to

B.South Koreans think that it’s improper for Gates to give a one-hand shake

C.the author suggests that readers be careful when shaking hands

D.it is very common for Asian people to give one-hand shakes



Penny(P)is talking with Sam(S),a physicist.

P:Hey,Sam,can I talk to you 1.________ private for a second?

S:It’s not about shoes,is it?

P:It’s not about shoes.

S:Then speak.

P:Okay,so here’s the thing:I was wondering if you could teach me a little physics.

S:A little physics? There’s no 2.________ thing as“a little physics”.

P:Yeah,okay,I just want to know enough so I can talk to my boyfriend about his job.

S:Why 3.________ ? Why can’t he teach you?

P:Because I want to surprise him.

S:Can’t you surprise him in some 4.________ way? For example,I’m sure he’d 5.________(delight)if you cleaned your apartment,your 6.________(mess)apartment.

P:Come on,Sam,this is important to me.

S:Penny,this would be 7.________ demanding task,and my time is both 8.________(limit)and valuable.

P:You’re sitting here 9.________(play)video games all day.

S:Okay,point.What sort of foundation do you have? Did you take any science classes in school?

P:Sure.I did the one with the frogs.

S:The one with the frogs.I’m sorry,Penny.I 10.________ think so.

1.解析:考查介词。talk to sb.in private:和某人私下谈话。


2.解析:考查限定词。There’s no such thing as...:没有……这样的东西。如:there is no such thing as a free lunch天下没有免费的午餐。


3.解析:考查代词。Why me? 为什么找我呀?为什么不让你男朋友教你呢?


4.解析:考查限定词。in some other way:用某种其他的方式(相当于in another way)。


5.解析:考查虚拟语气。He’d be delighted if you cleaned your apartment:如果你打扫

了你的公寓,他会很高兴的。此句用了虚拟语气,表示现在不太可能的事。delighted 为形容词,“高兴的”。

答案:be delighted



7.解析:考查冠词。 a demanding task :一项要求高的工作。暗示Penny 不好教。 答案:a

8.解析:考查形容词。 my time is limited :我的时间是有限的(limited ,形容词)。 答案:limited

9.解析:考查现在分词作伴随状语。你整天坐着玩游戏。playing 作伴随状语。


10.解析:考查助动词。句意:你只做过解剖青蛙的实验?嗯,还是算了吧。I don ’t think so :我觉得不行。



There are many people think that wealth is better than health.I used to think so until one day I had read a story about Howard Joyce.He was an European billionaire who got everything he wanted.Therefore ,in the last twenty years of his life ,his health began to get worse and he led a miserably life.Although the best doctors called for him ,he could still find no relief.I have realized that health is worth all the money in the world.If you have million of dollars but you are at poor health ,you will not be able to do what you want to do.So I would like to advise you not to hurt yourself and trying to make money.Instead ,take care of your body and be happy with which you do.Health is more important.

答案:There are many people ∧who /think thinking

that wealth is better than health.I used to think so until one day I had / read a story about Howard Joyce.He was an a

European billionaire who got everything he wanted.Therefore However

,in the last twenty years of his life ,his health began to get worse and he led a miserably miserable

life.Although the best doctors ∧were called for him ,he could still find no relief.I have realized that health is worth all the money in the world.If you have

million millions of dollars but you are at in

poor health ,you will not be able to do what you want to do.So I would like

to advise you not to hurt yourself and

trying try to make money.Instead ,take care of your body and be happy with which what

you do.Health is more important. Ⅳ.书面表达



目标 手段 53.5%

挣钱给自己买一房一车 71.9%的人说将努力拼搏以实现人生的目标


提高生活质量 43.7%

成为富人 23.9% 找一份好工作

注意: 1.以上述信息为材料写一段短文,可以根据实际适当发挥;



参考词汇:多元化(的)diversified ;调查对象respondent

Chinese Y oung People’s Life Goals Today

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


One possible version: Chinese Young People’s Life Goals Today

A recent survey shows that in today ’s society ,Chinese young people ’s life goals have become more diversified than before.When young people are asked what they will struggle for ,more than half of the respondents choose to earn enough money to buy a house and a car for

themselves.In addition to this practical goal ,some people ,about 44%,pick up their life goal as improving their life quality or to be a rich person while 23.9% of the respondents are simply

satisfied to have a good job.As for how to achieve their life goals ,most of them prefer struggling to realize their dreams.The survey shows that the society is making progress and people ’s life goals have become more practical.



In order to find out about the present -day Olympic Games ,Pausanias ,a Greek writer about 2,000 years ago ,has come on a magical journey.He had an interview ______1______a Chinese girl ______2______(call)Li Yan.Now he realizes great changes have taken place to the Games.First ,there ’re two main sets of Olympic Games —the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics ,which mainly includes events ______3______skiing and ice skating.Second ,athletes from ______4______ country ,not just from Greek world ,can join in the Games to compete ______5______each other for the honour of winning ,as long as they reach the standard

______6______(admit)to the Games.Women are also admitted as ______7______ (compete)and what’s more,they play a very important role in the Games.Third,to host the Games,the host city must build a special village for the competitors to live ______8______.Besides,a stadium for competitions,a very large swimming pool,and a gymnasium as well as seats for ______9______ who watch the Games must be built.Fourth,the winners are awarded with gold,silver or copper medals instead of the olive https://www.doczj.com/doc/0713475876.html,st,it has become a great honour to host the Olympics,______10______ the competition to win the bid for the Games is as fierce as that to win Olympic medals among the countries.

答案:1.with 2.called 3.like 4.any 5.against 6.to be admitted https://www.doczj.com/doc/0713475876.html,petitors 8.in 9.those10.so


Frederick William Ⅰ,the King of Prussia , could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history . This gift was the Amber Room , which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it . The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey . The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days . It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels , which took the country's best artists about ten years to make . In fact , the room was not made to be a gift . It was designed for the palace of Frederick Ⅰ. However, the next King of Prussia , Frederick William Ⅰ,to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. In return , the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room because part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg.About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors . Later,Catherine Ⅱhad the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details to it .In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted . Almost six hundred candles lit the room ,and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. Sadly , although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world , it is now missing . In September 1941, the Nazi army was near St Petersburg . This was a time when the two countries were at war . Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace , the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room . However , some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself . In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven woooden boxs . There is no doubt that the boxs were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea . After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery . Recently , the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace . By studying old photos of the former Amber Room , they have made the new one look like the old one .In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city . A FACT OR AN OPINION? What is a fact? Is it something that people believe? No. A fact is anything that can be proved. For example, it can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world. This is a fact. Then what is an opinion? An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved. So an opinion is not good evidence in a trial. For example, it is an opinion if you say “Cats are better pets than dogs”. It may be true, but it is difficult to prove. Some people may not agree with this opinion but they also cannot prove that they are right. In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewit nesses to believe and which not to believe. The judge does not consider what each eyewitness looks like or where that person lives or works. He/she only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information, which must be facts rather than opinions. This kind of information is called evidence. Unit 2 AN INTERVIEW Pausanias, who was a Greek writer about 2,000 years ago, has come on a magical journey on March 18th 2007 to find out about the present-day Olympic Games. He is now interviewing Li Yan, a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games.


Unit 1 Cultural relics I. 单元教学目标 II. 目标语言

II. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以cultural relics为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述它们的起源,发展和保护等方面的情况,复习并掌握定语从句,能就如何保护和处理世界文化遗产给出自己的观点。 1.1 Warming up热身部分提供了四幅图片,设计了三个问题让学生交流对于cultural relic的了解,并就此进行讨论。这部分的目的是呈现本单元的中心话题“文化遗产”。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading的热身部分,提供了ambers的图片并就此此设计了两个问题。这两个问题极易引起学生对amber的兴趣,并能引导学生对课文进行prediction。 1.3 Reading是关于寻找丢失了的普鲁士国王威廉一世送给俄罗斯沙皇的那个琥珀房子的建立、转让、被毁、重建的整个历史。设计这篇文章的目的是让学生了解什么是文化遗产以及讨论保护和重建文化从文化遗产的重要性和必要性。 1.4 Comprehending既有知识性的问题,同时又跳出了课文,对文章进行整体评价,由易到难,有较好的梯度,全面考查学生对文章的理解。Exercise 1将人物及相关事件匹配,检验学生对文章细节的理解;Exercise 2 将所给的问题与段落匹配,是段落大意理解题;Exercise 3安排了对于重建lost cultural relics的意义进行讨论,使得学生能对本单元的主题进行较为深入的探讨。 1.5 Learning about language 分Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures两部分。其中第一部分的Exercise 1着重训练对英语单词解释的理解。Exercise 2 着重词汇在短文中的用法练习。要求学生按所给的语境填入所需的词汇。Exercise 3 专练belong to的词义和用法。在Discovering useful structures 中,分为四个练习,从课文中出现的定语从句入手,让学生自主学习限定性定语从句及非限定性定语从句的联系和区别。再通过连句练习和造句练习来巩固本次所学定语从句的内容。 1.6 Using language分Reading and Listening、Speaking 及Reading and writing 三部分。以不同的学习形式:听、说、读、写,从不同的角度围绕本单元的目标


Unit 1 Friendship 1. 合计_____________________________________; 3. 不得不;必须______________________________; 5. 遛狗_____________________________________; 7. 记下;放下________________________________; 9. 故意_____________________________________; 11. 在黄昏时刻______________________________; 13. 不再…___________________________________; 15. 从…中恢复过来___________________________; 17. 将…装箱打包_____________________________; 19. 相爱;爱上_______________________________; 21. 参加;加入_______________________________; 23. 松开了__________________________________; 25. 付钱;付款;买单__________________________; 27. 对(某人)重要_____________________________; 29. 笑话;取笑(某人)_________________________; 31. 在日记中________________________________; 33. 对…着迷;迷恋____________________________; 35. 深蓝色的天空____________________________; 37. 太多____________________________________; 39. 在楼上__________________________________; 41. 肮脏的窗帘______________________________; 43. 记日记;写日记___________________________; 45. 绑起来__________________________________; 47. 在公路上________________________________; 49. 说…的闲话;______________________________; 51. 与…交朋友_______________________________; 53. 给…一些建议_____________________________; 55. 过去的事件______________________________; 57. 试一试;尝试一下_________________________; 59. settle____________________________________; 2. 使…镇静下来______________________________; 4. 关心;挂念________________________________; 6. 经历;经受________________________________; 8. 一连串的;一系列的_______________________; 10. 为了____________________________________; 12. 面对面地________________________________; 14. 遭受…___________________________________; 16. 对…厌烦_________________________________; 18. 与…相处;进展____________________________; 20. 对(某人)表示感激________________________; 22. 度假____________________________________; 24. 被车撞了________________________________; 26. 考试作弊________________________________; 28. 最深的感受______________________________; 30. 在二战中________________________________; 32. 在藏身之处______________________________; 34. 与自然有关______________________________; 36. 保持醒着________________________________; 38. 碰巧____________________________________; 40. 下楼____________________________________; 42. 积满灰尘的窗子__________________________; 44. 列一个单,列出___________________________; 46. 没注意到________________________________; 48. 与…有麻烦;有矛盾________________________; 50. 与人交流________________________________; 52. 改变这种状况____________________________; 54. 喜欢与不喜欢的事情______________________; 56. 表达你的感受与想法______________________; 58. concern__________________________________; 60. tip______________________________________;


欢迎使用,祝您学有所成。 第一单元 1)state 指“国家”时,常表示“政权,国体”等政治性概念,首字母常常大写。 表示“状态,情况”时,为可数名词,常作单数;in a state表示“处于混乱或者是不整洁的状态”;get into a state变得十分紧张。 in state 庄严堂皇的,隆重的 state也可以作动词,表示“陈述,阐明,声明”,多用于正式场合或者是公文,商务信函,日常用语中应该避免。 表示“据说,据称”常用于it或者sb/sth作主语的被动句中。 2)rare 作形容词,表示“罕见的,稀少的,稀有的,难得的”,可形容人或者是物。 rare也可以指肉,表示“未熟的,半熟的”。 rare也是作副词,相当于rarely,意思是“很,非常”。 rare和and连用,相当于一个副词,意思是“很,极,非常”。 3)belong 不能用于被动语态和进行时。 belong in 适宜于,用利于,应该用在……。 4)gift 表示“礼物”。 表示“天赋,才能”后接for或者是of。 表示“捐赠”常与of连用。 5)melt 表示“融化,溶解”。 melt into逐渐融入,逐渐变成。 melt还可以表示“心变软,生怜悯之情”。 melt sth down 重新融化,回炉。 6)heat 作不可数名词,表示“热,炎热,热度,发热”,前面常用定冠词。 表示“供暖(费)”。 作动词,表示“变热,变暖”,常与up连用;也可以表示“使激发愤怒”。 7)design 作动词,表示具体,确切地“计划,设计”。 也可以表示“打算,预定”,指为一目的而作安排,常用于被动语态。 表示“设计样式,设计图案”为可数名词;表示“设计工艺,设计布局,意图”为不可数名词。 by design 故意地have designs upon/on sb(sth)图谋(生命,财产)。 8)fancy 作动词,多用作及物动词,后接名词,从句或者是动名词。 fancy接从句时,意为“认为,猜想”。 fancy接名词,代词,动名词(不能接不定式),意思为“想想,设想,想要”。 用于感叹句,意为“真想不到,谁能想到……竟然”。


Practice makes perfect! 高一英语 Book 2Unit 1 Cultural relics 1.survive 幸免;幸存;生还(survival 幸存 , survivor 幸存者) 2.in search of 寻找 (介词短语 ) search for sth 寻找 (动词短语 ) search sb/ sp 搜身 /搜某地 3.to one's amazement 令人惊讶的是(amazed 感到惊讶的 , amazing 令人惊讶的 ) 4.select 精选 ,choose 普通选择 ,elect 选举 5.be designed for sb/sth 计划或打算给某人 /某物用 be designed to do sth 设计目的是做某事 by design=on purpose 有意地 (by chance/ accident 偶然 /意外地 ) 6.fancy 奇特的;异样的;想象/喜欢( +doing ) 7. decorate sth with sth用...装饰... be decorated with被装饰; 8.belong to 属于不用于被动结构、完成时和进行时态 9.worth 值得的;相当于的价值;值钱的 be +worth +doing ( 主动形式表被动含义) It is really/well/very much worth doing. be worthy of being done= be worthy of to be done It is worthwhile doing/to do 10.doubt 怀疑;疑惑There is no doubt that.... 毫无疑问 .... doubt 作动词时,用在肯定句中通常后面接whether 或 if 引导的名词性从句,在否定或疑 问句中通常后接that 引导的名词性从句 She doubted whether/if the story was true.; Do you doubt that he can do the work well? 11.in return 作为报答;回报(in turn 依次 / 反过来 , in return for sth作为对的回报 12.remain 保存,保留 ,任然 ; remain a mystery任然是个迷; remain at home ; remain to be done 有待于被 ...remain beautiful 13.at war 处于交战状态“ at+n.”处于某种状态 14. think highly/ well / much of看重;器重;对评价高( think poorly / ill / badly of对评价不高) ---被动 : be highly thought of 15 否定词 / 否定介词短语位于句首时,主句用部分倒装( 参见优化P16) Unit 2 The Olympic Games https://www.doczj.com/doc/0713475876.html,pete with/against sb(for sth) 与某人(为某事物)竞争 compete in参加..比赛/竞争(competitor 竞赛者 ; competition 竞赛 ) 2.take part in sth 参与,参加 (较大型活动 ), take part 不接宾语take an active part in 积极参加( join 参加组织机构并成为其中一员,join in 参加游戏或小型活动, attend 出席会议 ,讲座 ,上课 ,婚礼 ; ) join sb( in doing)加入某人(一起做) 3.stand for( 字母或符合 )代表,象征,表示; stand by 袖手旁观 ; stand out 突出,显眼 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0713475876.html,ed to do sth 过去常常做 ; be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做; 5.be used to do sth 被用来做某事 6.be admitted to /into 被 ....接受 /录取admit (to)doing sth承认做了某事 7.as well 也,又,还 (句末 ); as well as 和 (谓语形式取决前面名词),与 ...一样好 8.replace by/with用...替换/取代=take the place of, be in place of , 9.take one's place 10.in charge of 主管 / 负责 ; in the charge of 被 /由主管 / 负责 charge sb some money for sth 因某事(物)收某人钱 charge sb with (doing) sth控诉某人做某事; free of charge 免费

人教版高中英语必修一翻译 打印版

UNIT 1 Anne’s best friend 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担 心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢? 安妮弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她 最好的朋友。安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一 家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹 抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了二十五个月之后才被发现。在这段时间里, 她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在 日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称 作基蒂”。 安妮从1942年七月起就躲藏在那里了,现在来看看他当时 的心情吧。 1944年6月15日,星期四 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一 切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛 蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自 从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 …比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到 11点半故意不睡 觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打 开窗户。还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼 上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆 黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这 是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚… 不幸的是……我只能透过那满是灰尘的窗帘下那脏兮兮的窗 户看看大自然。只能隔着窗户看那大自然实在没意思,因为大自 然是需要真正体验的东西。 Using Language 亲爱的王小姐: 现在我同班上的同学有些麻烦事。我跟我们班里的一位男同学一直相处的很好。我们常常一起做家庭作业,而且很乐意互相帮助。我们成了真正好朋友。可是,其他同学却在背后议论起来,他们说我和这位男同学在谈恋爱,这使我很生气。我不想中断这段友谊,但是,我又讨厌人家背后说闲话。我该怎么办呢?


新高一英语必修二各单元复习提纲新高一英语必修二各单元复习提纲 新高一英语必修二各单元复习提纲 高一英语必修II unit 1 复习提纲 I、根据中文意思写出词组 考虑,关心,想起浏览,观察 属于搜索,寻找 做为报答尊重,看重 处于交战中增加,加到 在吃饭注意,重视 同意,适合确定,确信

供职、充当增添 而不是说实话 同意(某人) II、根据中文意思补全句子 1、这是一个稀有的明朝花瓶,拥有他的人坚持说这是属于他的家族的 It is a Ming Dynasty vase. The man who has it ______ that it his family. 2、虽然摸起来像石头一样硬,可是加热后就很容易熔化。 Although it feels _____ ______ ______stone, it easily______when ______ . 3、后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。 Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room to the palace outside St Petersburg

She spent her summers. 4、可悲的是,虽然琥珀屋是世界上伟大而令人赞叹的奇品,但是现在却找不到 了。 Sadly, although the Amber room was one of the great _______ of the world, it is now . 5、在唐山地震时,他搜遍整个城市以确认他的朋友是否安全 During the Tangshan earthquake, for example, he the city for all his friends to they were safe. 6. 这条裤子是谁的?(belong to ) ___________________________________________? 7. 还有很多工作要做


Module 1 Our body and Healthy Habits Introduction Look at these words and expressions. Which of them are connected with illness? dentist diet fat fit flu (influenza) get/catch a cold health rare toothache unhealthy wealthy Read the proverbs and try to explain them in English. ?You are what you eat. % ?Healthy mind in a healthy body. % ?Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. % ?An apple a day keeps the doctor away. % Vocabulary and Reading 1.Look at these words and answer the questions. anxious; break (as in break an arm); captain; fever; injure; injury; pain; painful; normal; sweets

1. Which word is connected with food? 2. Which words are connected with body? 3. Which word means usual or ordinary? 4. Which word means leader? 5. Which word means worried about something that may happen? Zhou Kai (1) When Zhou Kai's mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously. "Zhou Kai, where are you going?" she asked. "To the park. I'm going to play football," said Zhou Kai. "But it's raining! You'll catch a bad cold," said his mother. "No, I won't. I'll be fine," said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door. "Zhou Kai, you'll get ill. You know you will. You can at least go and get your jacket." "OK, OK." Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.


新课标高中英语必修二教案合集Unit 1 Cultural relics Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for Reading (IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM) Aims: To read about cultural relics To learn about The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause I. Warming up Warming up by defining Good morning, class. This period we are going to read about IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Before our reading, I’d like to know: A.What kind of old things are cultural relics? Are all the old things cultural relics? B.What is the definition and classification of cultural relics? C.To whom do cultural relics belong? Keys for reference: A. Cultural relics are physical remainders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. It can also be said that cultural relics are more than works of art, they are symbols of history and the people who lived in the past. B. No, not all the old objects are cultural relics. C. Each kind of relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic is still a unique cultural expression and contributions. D. In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and whole societies, not a certain individual. Warming up by presenting Hi, everyone. Let’s look at the screen. I’ll present yo u some pictures. They all


Teaching Plan Unit1 Friendship 教材人教版高中英语必修一 试讲者李瑶单位新疆师范大学 适用年级高中一年级单元第一单元 课题Anne’s Best Friend 课时共五课时,第二课时 ( Reading) 一.教材分析 Analysis of the Teaching Materials This unit is the first unit of the senior English studying which talks about friendship.As for the students, at the beginning of senior school life, making new friends is one of important things for them now,so the topic of this unit is appropriate at the present time. It can easily stimulate students’interests in English learning and help students think how to choose friends and the meaning of the friendship. The reading passage is the center of the unit. It mainly talks about the Anna , a Jewish girl , during the world war II, regarded the diary as her best friend to express her happiness, sorrow and missing to her hometown. 二.学情分析 Analysis of the Students As the students, grade1of senior high school,they have the basic abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,but they still need more chances to practice what they have learnt and improve their ability of communicating with others and expressing their ideas fluently and accurately. Meanwhile,it is also necessary to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability, as well cultivate the awareness of cultural differences. 三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objectives 1.Get students to know the main content of this article. 2.Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2.Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives


高中英语必修二第二单元知识点 高中英语必修二第二单元重点短语知识点 1.the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会2. stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护3. take part in 参加有组织的、重大的活动join in参加在进行着的活动或游戏(球赛,游戏,舞会等)join参加团体、党派、组织、某人join sb. in doing sth.加入某人做某事attend参加婚礼、典礼、讲座、会议、上课等(wedding, ceremony, lecture, meting, class, school)4. come on a magical journey 做梦幻之游come on (表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;开始5. be a volunteer for 做……志愿者volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事6. nowadays当今,现在7. used to do sth.过去常常做某事be used to do sth.被用来做get/be used to (doing) sth.习惯做...8. every two days, every second day, everyother day每两天/每隔一天every few meters每几米9. on a regular basis定期地10. together with和…一起11. host n.主人,主持人v. 主办,举行12. admit(admitted, admitting )承认,容纳,接纳be admitted as 作为…被接受admit n./doing sth./having done sth./that从句承认某事/(已经)做了某事be admitted to/into… 被…录取,被允许、接纳进入admit sb./sth. to be 承认某人/某物是…13. as well 也;又;同样as well as (除...之外)也,既...又conj. 以及,又14. take responsibility for…be responsible for对……负有责任,负起对……的责任15. replace(=take the place of ) replacesb./sth.取代某人/某物replace…with/by …以…取代16. put forward 呈上;提出;提前come up with提出,相出17. advertise sth.打广


高中英语必修二第一单元知识点总结 内部编号:(YUUT-TBBY-MMUT-URRUY-UOOY-DBUYI-0128)

高一英语知识点归纳和总结必修2第一单元 一、重点短语回顾 1. in search _________ 寻找,搜寻 2. _______ to 属于 3. in _________ 作为报答,回报 4. at _________ 处于交战状态 5. _______ than 少于 6. be __________ doing 值得做 7. add A ______ B 把A添加到B 8. serve _______ 充当 9. agree ______ 同意;赞成 10. care _______ 关心;在乎 11. rather _______ 而不是 12. for _________ 亲自 13. to one’s _______ 令某人吃惊的是 14. think _______ of 看重;器重 15. search _______ 寻找 1. of 2. belong 3. return 4. war 5. less than 6. worth 7. to 8. as 9. with 10. about 11. than 12. oneself 13. to 14. highly 15. for 二、课本知识点

2. in search of 寻找,找寻in the search of (?) in one’s search for = in the search for (?) search sp.某地 for sb./sth 搜查某地寻找某人某物in one’s research of (×) 3. could have done 意思1:过去可能做过某事 I can't imagine how he could have thought of doing such a thing。 我不能想象他怎么会想到做这样的事。 这里的could表示对可能性的一种推测。 意思2:本来可以做某事(而实际上没做)*- But for your help, I could have fed the fishes. 若不是你搭救,我恐怕已经葬身鱼腹了 4.must have done 肯定干了某事 can’t have done = couldn’t have done 肯定没干某事 5. may have done = might have done 可能干了某事 may not have done = might not have done 过去可能没做过某事6. need have done 本应该做某事但是没有 needn’t have done 本不必做某事(而实际上做了) 7. should have done = ought to have done 本该做某事(而实际上未做)

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