当前位置:文档之家› 2013年1月至4月Part 2&3话题 (更新至2月2日)

2013年1月至4月Part 2&3话题 (更新至2月2日)

2013年1月至4月Part 2&3话题 (更新至2月2日)
2013年1月至4月Part 2&3话题 (更新至2月2日)

2013年1-4月Part 2&3话题

Part 2中红色题目是2013年新题,粉红色的题目是2012年四季度留下来的题目


A person you became a close friend with the first time you met

Y ou should say:

●Who he/she is

●How you became close friends

●How you feel about this friend

How do people make friends?

How can a good friendship be maintained?

What qualities should a good friend have?

What is the importance of friends in one’s personality development?

A good parent

Y ou should say:

●Who he/she is

●What he/she looks like

●Why you think he/she is a good parent

Do parents have equal status in a family?

Is mum and dad the same?

Is it important to be a good parent?

How can parents balance work and the time spent with children?

Should the mum or the dad spend more time with children?

Do teenagers need a lot of care from their parents?

What can teenagers learn from their parents?

Do parents share equal responsibilities in educating their children?

The most polite person you know

Y ou should say:

●Who this person it

●What he/she looks like

●In what ways he/she is polite

In what ways do people show politeness in China?

Who are politer, the elderly or the young?

Who are politer, people living in the city or people living in the countryside? What are the differences between the ways of showing politeness now and in the past? Does it vary between areas? How is it likely to develop?

A person who has an important job

Y ou should say:

●Who this person is

●What he/she looks like

●What she/he does

●Why you think the job is important

Is it easy to find a job in china?

A teenager you are familiar with

Y ou should say:

●Who this teenager is

●What his/her personality is like

●What he/she and you do together

●What you think about this teenager

What’s life like for teenagers in your country nowadays?

What responsibilities do you think teenagers should have?

What is teenagers’ attitude toward old people?

What should teenagers learn from old people?

How can teenagers be taught a sense of responsibility?

What are the differences of behaviours between children and teenagers?

What can be done to get passed hard life?

At what age are teenagers legally responsible for what they do?

A good neighbour you once had

Y ou should say:

●How long you were neighbours for

●What this person looks like

●Why you think he/she was a good neighbour

What is important in the relationship with our neighbours?

By what kind of relationship with a neighbour can children be influenced?

How can relationships between neighbours changed?

What are the qualities of good neighbours? How can they help children’s growth?

How have relationships between neighbours changed in recent years?

What sports facilities can be used to promote the communication between neighbours?

In what ways can neighbours help each other?

Why do you think many people today are estranging from their neighbours?

A person who you enjoy talking to

Y ou should say:

●Who this person is

●What you talk about with this person

●Why you enjoy talking with this person

Does everyone else around you like talking with him/her?

Do you think communication is important?

What professions require good communication skills?

What are some characteristics of a good/bad communicator?

What are the main characters of a good speech?

How can children develop communication skills?

What are the differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children?


Y our favourite piece of clothing

Y ou should say:

●What it is

●What it looks like

●When you wear it

●Why it is your favourite

What do you think is fashion?

Do you like shopping for clothes?

What do Chinese people wear in a formal situation?

What are the differences between how men and women dress themselves?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

What influences do changes in fashion have on fashion manufacturing?

An advert that most appealed to you/that made you want to buy

Y ou should say:

●What advert it is

●What product/service it advertised

●What happens in the advert

●Why you liked it

What are the forms of advertisement?

How influential are advertisement?

What is the most effective way of advertising?

Through which media can adverts be found?

Through which media can adverts be most efficient?

Should advertisement target at children?

A website

Y ou should say:

●What the website is

●What contents it involves

●What you use it for

●Whether you like it

What influences does the Internet have on our life?

What would our life be like without the internet?

An unsatisfied machine that you bought (只出现过一次)

Y ou should say:

●What it is

●When you bought it

●Why you are unsatisfied with it

What do young people buy online?

An important plant in your country (flowers, vegetables, fruit)

Y ou should say:

●What it is

●Where it grows

●Why it is important

●Whether you like/dislike this plant

Have you ever planted this plant?

What plants can be used as food?

What are the differences between fruit sold in supermarkets and those planted by ourselves?

Do you think many people will grow their own plants in the future?

Do people like to work in farms?

How does agriculture influence a country’s economy?

What is people’s attitude towards farmers?

Why are fertilisers used in farming?

A foreign language you want to learn (not English)

Y ou should say:

●What language it is

●How you will learn it

●Whether you think it will be easy to learn

●Why you would like to learn such a language

In what ways can people learn foreign languages?

Why do children learn languages faster than adults?

Should people learn more languages?

Should children learn any foreign languages?

Is it better to start learning the language early?

Should one learn foreign languages from schools?

Should adults learn a foreign language?

What are the benefits or disadvantages of learning foreign languages?

Should primary/secondary schools offer more language classes?

Should old people learn foreign languages?

Must a person go to the foreign country to learn the foreign language?

Can technologies replace face to face education?

A book or film about the future

Y ou should say:

●When you read/watched it

●What the contents/story it was about

●How you feel about it

What are the functions of future books?

What are the advantages of the books and films about the future?

How do inventions affect on people?

What kinds of people love them?

What do people get from technology?

What equipments are important in the modern world?

Something you bought but is not suitable/satisfying

Y ou should say:

●What you bought

●How you bought it

●Why it is not suitable

●What you did/ will do with it

Why do young people like shopping?

What are the differences between the ways of shopping by men and women? What goods will be more popular in the future?

Why do people like online shopping? How does it compare with shopping in department stores?

What should companies that provide online shopping consider?

A game (Not sport) you played when you were a child

Y ou should say:

●What the game was

●Whom you played with

●Where you played it

●Why you liked to play it

What games do children play nowadays?

How are games played by adults and children different?

What are the differences between games played nowadays and those played in the past?

What are the differences between indoor and outdoor games and their advantages and disadvantages?

Do parents worry about children’s playing too much game?

Is inventing games beneficial / important for children?

A childhood song

Y ou should say:

●What the song was about

●Who sang to you?

●Why it is meaningful

What’s the most popular music now? Why?

What are the differences between classical and pop music and who enjoys listening to them?

Y our favourite music or song

Y ou should say:

●How you knew the song

●What it sings in the song

●Why it is your favourite

An important message (海大未出现)

Y ou should say:

●Who sent it to you

●What it was about

●Why it was important

In what ways are people communicating with each other?

Do you think traditional ways of teaching is better than teaching on the Internet? Do all age groups accept the ne w way of communication?

What is the most popular way of telecommunication in your country?

Do you think it’s necessary to talk formally at work and college?

How do you feel about short versions of communication, such as messages and emails?

Are communication skills important?

Do different age groups use different ways of communication?

A public transport

A vehicle you would like to buy

Y ou should say:

●What type of vehicle it is

●How will you buy it/when you want to buy it

●Why you would like to buy it

●How you will use it

What kinds of public transport are there in China?

What are some disadvantages of public transports?

What are the benefits of having our own cars?

How can friends be persuaded to take the bus when commuting?

Why do many people like to buy cars?

Can buying cars boost our economy?

What impacts do cars have on the environment?

A gift you gave to another person recently

Y ou should say:

●What gift it was

●Whom you gave it to

●What it looked like

●Why you chose to give this gift

How do you feel when you receive presents?

What kind of gift will you choose for a kid and why?

Who would be happier when receiving gifts, children or adults?

Which one is better, gifts made by ourselves or gifts purchased from stores? Do adverts have any influence on gift purchase?

What are the differences between traditional gifts and modern gifts?

What are the differences between toys 20 years ago and the toys now? What toys are suitable for children? Should toys be educational?

When choosing gifts for children, what do we need to look out for?

A book you would like to recommend/read again

Y ou should say:

●What type of book it was

●When you read it

●What contents are in the book

●Why you would like to read it again/recommend

What kinds of book do children like to read?

Do children need to learn how to read before starting primary school?

Is it the teacher’s job or parent’s job to teach children to read?

What books do adults like to read?

Do men and women like reading different kinds of books?

What kinds of books will be popular worldwide in the future?

What are the benefits of reading?

What are the differences between electronic books and printed books? Electronic equipment (Not a computer)

Y ou should say:

●What product it is/ What it looks like

●What functions it has/Whether it is easy to use

●Where it can be used

●Whether you like to use it/Why it is useful

How has technology changed the way of doing housework?

What influence do high-tech products have on children?

What impact does science/technology have on our life?

What are the differences between tools used a few decades ago and now?

What qualities should technology designers have?

A popular job in China

Y ou should say:

●What job it is

●What this job responsibilities it involves

●Why it is popular

An unusual job you want to do in the future/A popular job

Y ou should say:

●What job it is

●How you knew this job

●What responsibilities this job involves

●Why you like to do such a job/if it has any significance

What jobs are popular with young people?

What do people look for in a job apart from money?

Which is more important, excitement or stability?

Is changing jobs a good thing? Why do some people want to change jobs?

Do parents influence their children’s decisions when they choose what job to do? What skills do you need for getting a job?

What are the differences between the jobs that females and males do? Why?

Are females treated equally?

Why do people work?

How can job satisfaction be improved?

A film of real people/ event you recently watched

Y ou should say:

?the title of the film/where you saw it

?What story it is based on

?what the story (plot) involves

?how you felt about this film

Whom would you recommend this film to?

What kinds of films do people watch in China?

What are the differences between Chinese and foreign films?

What influences do films have on children? Will they be influenced by violence from films?

Should films be rated?

Do you think choosing the right actor is important for film making?

What qualities should a successful actor possess?

Do you think famous actors play an important role in the success of a film? Which one can better describe history, books or films?

Why do people like to produce documentary films or war films?

Are history films important?

A TV program you often watch

Y ou should say:

?The name of the program/when it is on show

?What type of program it is

?What the program contains

?What you learn from the program

What's your favourite TV program?

In general, which group of people watch more TV?

How do adults select TV programs?

How have TV programs changed?

What types of TV programs are popular in China?

What positive and negative impacts does TV have on children?

Can TV education replace teachers?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?

Is watching TV a waste of time?

Do you think cinema will disappear?

Will TV be replaced by computers?

How can we stop children watching too much TV?

A toy in your childhood

Y ou should say:

●What toy it was

●Who gave it to you/whom you played with

●How you played it

●If you liked it

What are the differences between toys in the past and now?

What are the differences between toys for girls and for boys?

Why do people buy toys for children?

Should children choose toys by themselves?


A library

Y ou should say:

●Where it is

●What you do there

●What you can see there

●How you feel about it

A beautiful house or apartment you visited

Y ou should say:

●Where it is

●When you visited it

●How you knew this place

●Why you visited it

What are the differences of designs between modern buildings and ancient buildings?

How can traditional buildings be transformed?

Does globalisation have any impact on architecture styles?

Where buildings should be built to ensure safety?

Does global warming have any impact on buildings?

Where do young and old people like to live in China?

Compare the kind of housing in cities and in the countryside in your country. How have homes changed over the last 50 years in your country?

How are homes likely to change in the future?

What factors do people need to consider when renting/buying a house?

A cafe

Y ou should say:

●Where it is located

●How you knew this place

●What special dishes are served there

●Why this cafe is special

In what occasions are you normally with your family?

How often do you have meals with your family?

What kinds of people going to cafes?

What are the differences between cafes and restaurants?

Do you prefer to have parties or invite friends over to your home?

A room you often spend time in/ you lived in for a long time

Y ou should say:

●What room it is

●What you can see there

●What you do in it

●Why you often spend time in it

What is the most important in a room?

How can rooms be made more pleasant to live?

Should children have their private room?

Is it good for children to live with old people from the family?

What are the differences between small and big houses?

What are the differences between houses in cities and houses in countryside?

A Garden you have been

Y ou should say:

●Where it is

●What you saw in it

●What benefits you can get from visiting the garden

What are the benefits of visiting public gardens and how do they compare with private gardens?

What benefits can children get from visiting gardens?

Do young people go to parks? What do they do in parks?

What else can be seen in parks apart from flowers?

Why do some governments invest more money in building gardens than other governments?

A city/town you visited as a tourist (A memorable trip)

Y ou should say:

●Where it is

●When you went there/ whom you went there with

●What you saw and did in the city

●Why you enjoyed the trip

Which countries do Chinese people like to go as tourists?

Why is tourism expanding?

What impacts does tourism have on city development?

Where do young/old people like to travel to?

What are some of the major environmentally problems facing cities today?

What can be done to solve the problems?

How is urbanisation in your hometown?


A (an interesting) talk/speech someone gave

Y ou should say:

●Who gave the talk?

●Where you heard it

●What the talk was about?

●What you learned from the talk

Do you like to listen to talks?

What qualities should the speaker possess?

Should children listen to talks? Why?

Should children listen to talks from different people?

When there are visitors coming to school, will children be influenced?

What kinds of speakers are not suitable for giving talks to children?

Should adults listen to talks?

For talks given to adults, is it important that the speaker is famous? Can the speaker be an ordinary person?

How should children and adults give talks?

When giving talks, are visual aids important?

A recent change in your life (accommodation, work, study)

Y ou should say:

●When you had this change

●What change it was

●Why you had the change

●Whether you think it’s a positive change or negative change

What are the benefits and drawbacks of changes?

Should children have some changes? Do they like changes?

How can children become more independent?

How should children get some new experiences?

What can parents do to help children adapt to changes?

Do old people like changes?

Something you learned from a maths lesson in primary school

Y ou should say:

●What you learned

●How you learned it

●If it was difficult

●How it can be used in life

Are calculators important?

Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone that can be used to do calculations, do we still need to learn how to calculate?

Should calculators be used in primary schools?

Should maths lesson be more vivid?

How can maths lessons be made interesting?

At what age children should be taught maths by parents?

What benefits has maths brought us?

Is maths important?

When should children start learning maths?

How can government help adults who are not good at maths?

A time when you were late

Y ou should say:

●When you were late

●What you were late for

●Why you were late

●How you felt about being late

What are the opinions the elderly or the young on being late?

Can friends be late for dates?

What kinds of people are often late?

Why are they often late?

How can people prevent being late?

Is it important to be punctual?

Why are people becoming busier and busier? What impacts does it have on family and friends? Can the situation be improved?

How does the definition of punctuality vary from country to country?

In which Asian/European country do people value punctuality?

A time when you helped someone

Y ou should say:

●Whom you helped

●Where you helped him/her

●What you helped him/her with

●How you helped him/her

What voluntary works are there in China?

Why do people estrange from each other?

How can children be taught how to interact with other people?

Is it important to help others?

How can children be encouraged to help others?

What are the advantages of living in a wealthy country?

Do you think the wealthy countries should give help to the poorer ones? In what

ways can it be done?

Should the money donated to the less developed countries be controlled?

A special/family/favourite meal

Y ou should say:

●When you had it

●What you ate

●Who you had it with

●Why it was special/your favourite

What are some table manners in China?

What are the differences between having meals at home and eating in restaurants?

What are the differences between special meals and ordinary meals?

How have the eating habits of Chinese people changed?

Do adverts influence teenagers’ eating habits?

What are the drawbacks of transporting food over long distance?

Are family meals important? How can working parents find time to accompany children when having meals?

A party you enjoyed

An enjoyable holiday

A time when you went to a noisy and crowded place

Y ou should say:

●Where it was

●What you did there

●Why it impressed you/why you went there

Do you know any other crowded places?

Do you often go to those places?

Which one is better, a place with lots of people or a place with few people?

A wrong decision someone made

Y ou should say:

●When he/she made it

●What decision it was

●Why you think it was wrong

Who makes decisions in a family?

Should children make decisions?

Should parents make decisions for their children?

What family decisions should be discussed within the family?

Do women have more power to make a decision now than before?

What decisions are usually made by females?

Should children’s thoughts be taken into consideration?

How does the way of making decisions in the past compare with now? Something you learned from a member of your family

Y ou should say:

●When you learned it

●Who you learned from

●How you learned it

●What you learned

What role should parents and grandparents play in children’s development? Who are more suitable for teaching the children?

If children make mistakes, then how can children be educated?

What games do families play together?

What is the most important skill that parents can teach children?

What can children benefit from playing with their parents?

What can children learn from their parents, sisters and brothers? Give examples. What are the differences between strict and lenient parents? Which one do you think is better?

A traditional event (festival) in your country

Y ou should say:

●When it usually takes place

●Who takes part in it

●What happens during the event

What are some traditions which are gradually disappearing?

Why are there some differences in the ways of how the people living in cities and the countryside perceive traditional culture?

What are the consequences of traditional culture’s disappearance?

Should traditions be protected? How?

International laws vs. local laws

Should traditions be passed down from generation to generation? How?

A good way to relax/something you did that made you feel relaxed

Y ou should say:

●Where you would like to be

●What you would like to do to relax

●Why you think it is a good way

What are the ways of relaxation?

Do you think doing nothing is a good way to relax?

What are the differences between traditional and modern leisure activities?

Do you think people’s leisure time will be less in the future?

Something you plan to do in the future (not to do with work or study)

Y ou should say:

●What you want to do

●When you want to do it

●How you do it

●Why you want to do it

Do Chinese people like planning?

What kinds of people do not need to plan?

How can time be managed effectively?

How do you usually plan your day?

Is it important to make plans?

Should children learn to make plans in their childhood?

Can one succeed without any plans?

What do you think is the current economic development plan for your country?

A leisure activity you would like to do near the sea

Y ou should say:

●What activity it is

●What tools you will use

●How you are going to do it

What activities do old people and young people like to do near the sea?

What are the benefits and disadvantages of doing activities near the sea?

What are some water sports in China?

What are the advantages of travelling by ship?

What are the advantages of living near the sea?

Who are more suitable for living near the sea, the elderly or children?

What jobs require people to work near the sea?

A training session/lesson

Y ou should say:

●When you took part in it

●What was the teacher like

●What you learned during the lesson

Do you think the government should help people find a job?

How do young people find jobs in China?

What are the qualities of a good teacher?

What challenges do young people face in China?

What skills should be taught in schools and universities?

Is teamwork important?

Should government be responsible for adult education?

A sporting event you saw on TV or took part in

Y ou should say:

●Where you saw it

●What sport event it was

●What happened during the event?

●How you felt about it

Can sport events promote/enhance the relationship between families and countries?

What is healthy life?

Is it good for family members to watch sports events on TV together? Why?

Do you think sports athletes are celebrities? What can children learn from them? Who are some renowned athletes in your country?

What factors contribute to an athlete’s success?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of international sports events?

What sports can be seen very often on TV?

A teamwork/project you took part in

Y ou should say:

●What project it was

●Who took part in it

●What preparation you did

●What you did during the project

Should children participate in teamwork?

How can teams influence individuals?

Why do young people like to participate in teamwork?

What do you think a good leader should be like?

What kind of contributions should a good team player make to the team? In what ways can they do so?

How old children should get to be able to join team project?

How do the costs and benefits of working individually compare with teamwork? What does a successful team need?

Should women take part in projects?

A performance you like watching (海大未出现)

Should government support art?

What impact does TV have on art?

What benefits does watching dancing and plays have on children? Do men and women have different taste for shows?

Should plays be taught in public schools or private schools?


绝密★启用前 2013年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 中国近现代史纲要试题 (课程代码:03708 考试时间:150分钟) 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1.洪秀全发动金田起义的时间是 A.1851年1月B.1853年3月C.1856年9月D.1864年6月 2.标志太平天国由盛到衰转折的事件是 A.北伐失利B.天京事变C.安庆失守D.天京被围 3.1911年4月,资产阶级革命派在黄兴带领下举行的起义是 A.惠州起义B.河口起义C.广州起义D.武昌起义 4.中国历史上第一部具有资产阶级共和国宪法性质的法典是 A.《钦定宪法大纲》B.《中华民国临时约法》 C.《中华民国约法》D.《总统选举法》 5.1913年,资产阶级革命派为反对袁世凯刺杀宋教仁和“善后大借款”发动了 A.二次革命B.护国战争C.第一次护法运动D.第二次护法战争 6.1914年7月,孙中山在东京正式成立的革命党派是 A.兴中会B.中国同盟会C.国民党D.中华革命党 7.新文化运动兴起的标志是 A.梁启超在上海主办《时务报》B.严复在天津主办《国闻报》 C.陈独秀在上海创办《青年杂志》D.周恩来在天津创办《觉悟》杂志


2013年2月25日后实施的最新费率一览表商户类 别码(MCC)适用范围 手续费率 (%) 收益分配方式(%)备注 发卡行收单行(±10%)银联 5094贵重珠宝、首 饰,钟表零售 5811包办伙食、宴 会承包商 原手续费率0.8%,2013年2月 25日停用。 5812就餐场所和餐 馆(包括快餐) 不包括营业面积100 平方米 (含)以下的餐饮 5813饮酒场所-酒 吧、夜总会、 茶馆、咖啡馆 5932古玩店-销售、 维修和修复服 务 5937古玩复制店 5944银器商店 5950玻璃器皿和水 晶饰品店 5970工艺美术商店 5971艺术商和画廊 7012分时使用的别 墅或度假用房 7011住宿服务宾馆酒店餐饮部分可再独立申请5812或5813编号 7032运动和娱乐露 营地 7631手表、钟表和 首饰维修店 7033活动房车及露 营场所 7829电影和录像创

作发行 7911歌舞厅、KTV 7922戏剧制片(不 含电影)、演出 和票务 7297洗浴、按摩服 务 原手续费率0.8%,2013年2月 25日停用。 7298美容、SPA原手续费率0.8%,2013年2月25日停用。 7929未列入其他代 码的乐队、文 艺表演 7932台球、撞球场 所 7933保龄球馆 7941商业体育场 馆、职业体育 俱乐部、运动 场和体育推广 公司 7992公共高尔夫球 场 7994大型游戏机和 游戏场所 7996游乐园、马戏 团、嘉年华、 占卜 7997健身、各种俱 乐部、私人高 尔夫课程 7998水族馆、海洋 馆 7999未列入其他代 码的娱乐服务


(1)当电网频率变动超过50±0.1Hz时,( A )主动参加调整。 (A)辅助调频机组;(B) 负荷监视机组;(C) 主调频机组;(D)各地调拉路限 电。 (2)当电网频率变动超过50±0.2Hz时,( B )主动参加调整,使频率恢复正 常。 (A)辅助调频机组;(B) 负荷监视机组;(C) 主调频机组;(D)各地调拉路限 电。 (3)5. 任何情况下,系统频率超过50±0.2Hz和50±0.5Hz的持续时间分别不 应超过( C )。(A)10mⅠn,20mⅠn;(B)20mⅠn,10mⅠn;(C) 30mⅠn,15m Ⅰn;(D) 15mⅠn,30mⅠn。 (4)6. 一般情况下,监视控制点电压高于规定电压105%和110%时,持续时间不 应超过( A )。 (A)60mⅠn,30mⅠn;(B)30mⅠn,60mⅠn;(C) 120mⅠn,60mⅠn;(D) 60m Ⅰn,120mⅠn。 (5)当监视控制点电压低于规定电压的95%(允许偏差下限)及90%时,应采取 ( A )措施。 (A)在低电压地区限电或拉闸;(B)投备用变压器;(C)调整低电压地区的 运行方式;(D)调整低电压地区的主变分头。 (6)当频率低于( C )时,值班调度员应主动按“事故拉路序位”拉闸,使频 率恢复到49.0Hz以上。 (A) 49.8Hz;(B) 49.1Hz;(C) 49.0Hz;(D) 48.8Hz。 (7)在系统频率恢复至( D )以上时,可经上级调度同意恢复对拉闸和自动 低频减负荷装臵动作跳闸线路的送电。 (A)48.8Hz;(B)49.0Hz;(C) 49.1Hz;(D) 49.8Hz。 (8)电网发生事故时,按频率自动减负荷装臵动作切除部分负荷,当电网频率恢 复正常时,被切除的负荷( C )送电。 (A) 经单位领导指示后;(B)运行值班人员迅速自行;(C)经上级调度同意; (D)各级调度自行决定是否。 (9)发电厂机组因系统低频解列运行,当电网频率、电压分别恢复( D )时, 解列运行的发电厂应主动联系值班调度员将解列的发电机并入电网。 A .50.0Hz 100%U N ;B 49.8Hz 95%U N 以上;(C) 49.1Hz 90%U N 以上;

2013年12月1日大会 会议纪要

会议纪要 京华日钢(控股)集团秘书处 2013年12月1日 时间:2013年12月1日 14点00分——15点16分 地点:中心会议室 参会领导: 杜总、袁新海、李士才、尹智辉、闫秀训、张琳、厉建强、任三明、李刚、赵永钦、齐玉和、于长江、刘玉庆、吴加华、 马鸿斗、陈晓英、陈贵江、侯纪宽、孟令学、王福良、冯立京、 刘存田、赵金贵、刘国让、宋建伟、王天虹、高永起、徐鹏、 刘元瑞、司占强、安利、姬生峰、高山、唐元海、王元宝、 石金荣、夏侯洪波、谈志云、狄丽华、高立永、李奉林、马彪、 郭浩章、宋全刚、于海龙、董建锋、袁文浩、樊明军、王刚、 张保菊、郑传良、胡文明、周志鸿、高转、孙冰星、石光辉、 刘宏志、王克锋、马利明、陈祥华、许明、吴小刚、方磊、 董波、杨春保、王世福、崔恩海、刘立成、张鸿儒、邵斐绪、 王晓晖、马涛、郭启贵、孙明聪、石国星、陈长敏、姚克虎、 戴开发、张文博、廖承先、杨军林、于维栋、郭建中、杜希恩、 刘世忠、焦宏伟、荀韶峰、赵项德、张立岭、周治河、李金印、 刘石龙、田兆群、李文、范兴新、梁斌、张云田、张德运、

刘军虎、刘跃威、董俊峰、闫磊 会议内容: 杜总: 今天开会一个是提拔提拔干部,另一个是李总讲一下提拔干部干什么。大家主要是认真听,听完了以后要琢磨干什么,李总的主题词是“提升水平”。昨天下午我跟袁总我们总裁管理部也开了一下午的会,也是围绕提高水平这个话题。但是提高什么水平,我还要跟大家解释,这次要求,明年是我们过第二个十年的第一年,后十年我们提高什么水平,不是像以前所讲过的,2013年比2012年好多少,2014年要比2013年好多少,不是这个意思。这次我们定的是十年规划,日钢第二个十年要提到什么水平。昨天我和张琳说要提高什么水平,在营口开完会以后,张琳就忘了。所以今天你们也不用记,好好听,听完了把会议纪要给你们,好好看。提高什么水平,张琳今天还记得吧。(张琳:不是没记,是没记全。)在来的路上我和李总反复说这个事,一定不能跟中国的孔老二似的,不能跟清朝和明朝似的,一年比一年好。咱们这次要学习日本的“明治维新”向日本人学习,要定国策,咱们清朝、明朝都是到年底了,学习学习总结总结,明年比去年好。日本的“明治维新”先派队伍全世界看,看完以后回来定,定怎么超过人家最好的。我们也不要说这次老板开总结会提拔了一批干部,等李总月初做总结报告的时候说13年比12年好多少、14年要比13年强多少,别弄这个。我们一弄就定十年的,14年起步,我和张琳说,你要并列不了第一,你就干第二,目标是并列第一。所以说这次提拔这些干部,不是说到点了,时间够了,十年了给你们一些待遇,提这么多,不是说到点该提了,而是把你们提起来,在各系统、部门攻关,一攻十年,短的一年,长的十年。要攻


2013年2月2日 媒体类: Some people think watching TV is bad for children, while others think that watching TV has more beneficial effects on children. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 7分范文 Watching TV is one of the most important children's leisure activities. However, whether it brings more harm than good has caused heated debate. My view is that too much time spent on it surely has negative impacts on kids and parents should filter out the inappropriate programs and channels for them. With the rapid development of science and technology, TV shows are designed so vivid and attractive that not only kids but even adults are much easier to get addictive to them. When children spend more time sitting in front of a screen, they are isolated from the real world. They don't have enough time to socialize, to engage in outdoor activities which are crucial for their physical growth. Also, their eyesight will be weakened by staring at the screen for too long. Moreover, questionable contents on TV will have negative effects on children since they are impressionable. The fact that many developing countries including China lack TV program rating system means that adults cannot identify suitable show for their kids under certain age. So, TV is not always a good one in the sense that parents really cannot control what comes on the screen. Of course, there are many educational and inspirational TV shows, such as Disney cartoons which enable kids to have fun in learning process, facilitate their intellectual development and help children learn caring, sharing, courage and other virtues from the early age. These benefits of TV on children's education cannot be denied. In sum, spending long time watching TV is harmful and parents should either follow TV rating guideline or carefully choose the programs for children.(270字)


全国2013年4月高等教育自学考试 刑事诉讼法学试题 课程代码:00260 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1.在我国,人民检察院的性质是﹙﹚ A.公诉机关 B.行政机关 C.司法机关 D.执法机关 2.公诉案件的被害人在诉讼中不享有﹙﹚ A.申请回避权 B.上诉权 C.辩论权 D.请求抗诉权 3.弹劾式诉讼最主要的特点是﹙﹚ A.不告不理 B.法官处于消极地位 C.当事人诉讼地位平等 D.审判公开进行 4.某公安机关在对一起交通肇事案件进行侦查时,发现该案已经超过刑法规定的追诉时效期限,此时,公安机关应当作出﹙﹚ A.不予立案的决定 B.撤销案件的决定 C.侦查终结的决定 D.不起诉的决定 5.同级人民法院之间在审判第一审刑事案件上的权限分工称为﹙﹚ A.立案管辖 B.专门管辖 C.级别管辖 D.地区管辖 6.下列人员中,不适用回避的是﹙﹚ A.书记员 B.翻译人员 C.证人 D.鉴定人 7.下列人员中,不能在我国刑事诉讼中担任辩护人的是﹙﹚ A.外国律师 B.被告人的亲友 C.被告人的监护人 D.人民团体推荐的人 8.辩护人在刑事诉讼中所处的地位是﹙﹚ A.专门协助司法机关查明案件事实 B.专门维护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权益 C.教育公民自觉遵守法律 D.专门维护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的一切利益 9.证据,即证明案件真实情况的一切﹙﹚ A.物品 B.文字材料 C.痕迹 D.事实 10.拘传持续的时间最长不得超过﹙﹚ A.8小时 B.10小时 C.12小时 D.24小时 11.我国刑事诉讼中审查判断证据的标准是﹙﹚ A.内心确信 B.自由心证 C.法定标准 D.客观验证 12.人民法院判决附带民事诉讼赔偿的财产范围,应以被告人的﹙﹚ A.劳动收入为限 B.本人财产为限 C.家庭财产为限 D.本人及其近亲属的财产为限 13.每个刑事案件都必须经过的程序是﹙﹚


<《一战到底》20121101期题目及答案第一轮周涛-陈典鑫(女人堆) 1.“老少咸宜”的咸是什么意思?都 2.在东北方言中“贼漂亮”的“贼”是什么意思?非常 3.与“冬练三九”和与之对应的是夏练什么?三伏 4.中国农历的哪个节气有着北方吃饺子、南方吃汤圆的习俗?冬至 第二轮周涛-韩观明(退休工程师) 1.在一副扑克牌中,J代表11,那么K代表数字几?13 2.麻将中除了东南西北中之外,还有什么牌只有一个字?发 3.“千古奇冤,江南一叶;同室操戈,相煎何急?”是周恩来在国名当发动的那次事变后的题词?皖南事变 4.我国解放战争的重要转折点是刘邓大军挺近哪座山?大别山 5.由黄磊主演的电视剧《人间四月天》是讲述的那位民国诗人的故事?徐志摩 6.获得第18届国际电一ing节特别奖的电影《卖花姑娘》是哪个国家的影片?韩国 7.吴彦祖的前女友,曾与其合作过电影《赤裸特工》的混血女星叫什么?Maggie Q 8.央视名嘴撒贝宁毕业于我国哪所高等学府?北京大学 9.俄罗斯的君王被称为“沙皇”,那么文莱国王称为什么?苏丹 10.被称为中国的烟花之乡的是湖南的那个城市?浏阳 11.“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮”《鹊桥仙》的作者是哪位婉约派诗人?秦观 12.毛泽东的诗词“宜将剩勇追穷寇”的下一句?不可沽名学霸王 13.曾炮击冬宫宣告十月革命开始的巡洋舰叫什么名字?阿芙乐尔号 14.中国十大元帅中,建国后兼任国家体委主任,成为我国体育事业奠基人的是哪一位?贺龙 15.电影《大腕》中,说出了“不求最好,但求最贵”这句台词的是哪位内地演员?李成儒 16.中国传统戏曲中演习用的道具、服装在戏曲界的特殊称谓是什么?行头 第三轮周涛-张思政(待业青年) 1.我们常说的三大国学启蒙读物“三千百”是《百家姓》《千字文》和那本读物?《三字经》 2.《道德经》是春秋战国时期诸子百家中那位先贤的代表作品?老子/李耳 3.冷战时期世界上有两个超级大国,一个是美国,另一个是?苏联 4.冷战时期东西两大阵营组织一个是“北约”与之对应的是什么组织?华约 5.金庸小说中与“倚天剑”齐名的兵器是?屠龙刀 6.《小李飞刀》中,李寻欢因为其在科举中取得的成绩又成为?李探花 7.美声唱法是产生于17世纪欧洲那个国家的一种演唱风格?意大利 8.作品有《大阪城的姑娘》等作品,被称为“西部歌王”的音乐家是哪位?王洛宾 9.三国中,荀彧是哪位政治家的首席谋臣?曹操 10.奸臣秦桧以什么罪名毒害了名将岳飞?莫须有 11.“我错了,我真的错了,我从一开始就错了”是《武林外传》中那位角色的经典台词?佟湘玉 12.刘镇伟电影《东成西就》中,饰演丐帮最英俊白净的帮主洪七的是哪位天王级男艺人?张学友 13.被尊称为“禅师”,执教球队获得了11次总冠军的总教练是谁?菲尔杰克逊 14.被称为“活力法师”“天然金块”的是哪位英国传奇斯洛克选手?戴维斯 第四轮周涛-颜预佳(汽车发烧友) 1.矩形左上角的顶点和右下角的顶点相连组成的线段叫什么线?对角线 2.数学上我们将两个数字相乘的结果叫做积,那么我们将两个数字相除的结果叫什么?商


中级财务会计(二)试题 2013 年1 月 一、单项选择题 1.对1 年内到期的持有至到期投资,填列资产负债表时的正确做法是(D)。 A.合并填入"交易性金融资产"项目 B. 直接填入"持有至到期投资"项目 C. 在"持有至到期投资"项目下单设" 1 年内到期的金额"项目反映 D. 在流动资产项目下单设"1 年内到期的非流动资产"项目反映 2. 因采购商品开具面值40 万元、票面利率4% 、期限3 个月的商业汇票一张。该应付票 据到期时,公司一共应偿付(C)。 A. 440000 元 B. 412 000 元 C. 404000 元 D. 400000 元 3. 支付给职工的下列各项中,不属于职工薪酬内容的是(D)。 A.医疗保险费 B.住房公积金 c.职工教青经费D.职工出差补贴 4. 企业现有注册资本1 000 万元,法定盈余公积余额600 万元。则法定盈余公积中可用于转增资本金的数额为(A)。 A. 350 万元 B. 400 万元 C. 500 万元 D. 600 万元 5. 我国现行会计实务中,对所发生的销售折让,正确的会计处理是(C)。 A. 增加折让发生当期的销售成本 B. 增加销售费用 C. 直接冲减折让发生当期的销售收入 D. 作为资产减值损失处理 6. 2011 年2 月7 日, A 公司收到法院通知被K 公司起诉,并被要求赔偿违约经济损失30万元。至6月末,法院尚未作出裁决。A公司估计有8 0 %的可能胜诉;若败诉,赔偿金额估计为20万元,并支付诉讼费用3万元。对此项诉讼, 2 0 11 年6月30日A公司对外报送财务报表时,需要做的会计处理是(B)。 A. 不确认负债,也无需在财务报表附注中披露 B. 作为或有负债在财务报表附注中披露 C. 确认预计负债2 3 万元,同时在财务报表附注中披露 D. 确认预计负债33 万元,同时在财务报表附注中披露 7. 下列各项中,不属于会计差错内容的是(D)。 A. 记账凭证中科目使用错误 B. 漏计已完成的交易 C. 应计项目期末未作调整 D. 根据新掌握的信息调整坏账估计率 8. 委托证券公司发行股票,股款总收入1 000 万元,按规定支付给证券公司的发行费用20 万元从中抵扣。股票发行结束并与证券公司结算后,企业对上述现金流量应在现金流量表中( B)。 A. 反映"投资所支付的现金" 9 8 0 万元 B. 反映" 吸收技资所收到的现金" 9 8 0 万元 C.反映"技资所支付的现金" 9 80万元 D.分别反映"吸收投资所收到的现金" 1 000 万元和" 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金" 2 0万元 9. 在资产负债表日至财务报告批准报出日之间发生的下列事项,属于资产负债表日后非调整事项的是(A)。 A. 出售亏损的一家子公司 B. 发现报告年度的固定资产折旧金额计算错误 C. 原涉诉的案件法院已裁决,企业实际赔偿金额比原预计的大额增加 D. 报告期内申请破产清算的某债务企业已进入清算阶段,企业对该项债权提高坏账估计率 10.2010 年1 月2 日发行一批5 年期、一次还本分期付息的公司债券,总面值100 万元,票面利率6 %,发行时的市场利率为8 %,实际收款9 1 8 825 元( 发行费用略h 利息每半年支付一次3采用实际利率法, 2 0 1 0年6月30日公司应确认利息费用(C)。


2013年4月20日成都市市属事业单位考试 《职业能力倾向测验》真题 第一部分 数量关系 本部分包括两种类型的试题: 一、数字推理。共5题。给你一个数列,但其中缺少一项,要求你仔细观察数列的排列规律,然后从四个供选择的选项中选出正确答案。 请开始答题: 1.400,300,200,200,100,100,50,0,( ) A.0 B.50 C.75 D.25 2.1,11,21,31,( ) A.39 B.49 C.41 D.51 3.3,21,27,48,57,( ) A.67 B.61 C.78 D.81 4.3,4,8,17,33,( ) A.48 B.49 C.59 D.58 5.256,196,144,( ),64 A.100 B.81 C.121 D.169 二、数学运算。共10题。 请开始答题: 6.AB 两地位于C 公路同侧,与其距离均为40千米,AB 两地相距60千米,现想修一条公路连接C 公路及AB 两地,使从A 地经公路到B 地距离最近,假设公路均为直线,则最少需要修( )的路。 A.100千米 B.150千米 C.80千米 D.180千米 7.a=x,b=y,c=x+y,d=x 2-xy+y 2(x ≠-y ,且x ,y ≠0),则8a 3+b 3cd 的值为( )。 A.8 B.80 C.1 D.0 8.以下能同时被125和9整除的数为( )。 A.999125 B.123450 C.1827525 D.3375 9.某公司年末分红,在整个盈利中除去三分之一的税收,六分之一的公司经费,四分之一的明年准备金,剩下的以年末奖励来分给职工。已知职工总数为100名,且每人分到了5000元奖金,则该公司的盈利总共是多少?( ) A.120万元 B.50万元 C.20万元 D.200万元 10.盒子里放有编号为1至10的十个球,小明先后三次从盒中共取出9个球,如果从第二次开始,每次取出球的编号之和都是前一次的2倍,那么最后没有被取出的球的编号是多少号?( ) A.5号 B.3号 C.6号 D.9号 11.两个箱子中共有108个乒乓球,若从甲箱中取出1/4放入乙箱中,再从乙箱中取出1/4放回甲箱中,则两个箱子的乒乓球个数相等,那么乙箱中原来有乒乓球多少个? A.60个 B.54个 C.48个 D.62个 12.某商场对积压商品进行降价处理,第一周卖掉积压商品的1/5,第二周卖掉剩余的1/4还多90件,此时积压商品已经被处理掉一半,则该积压商品共有( )。 A.300件 B.900件 C.800件 D.1000件 13.沿公路有两条平行的铁路,一汽车与甲、乙两火车同向行驶。已知汽车速度为72千米/小时,甲车速度为144千米/小时,乙车长200米,两火车完全通过汽车的时间均为5秒,则乙车追上甲车到两者完全错开需要多少时间?( ) A.10秒 B.18秒 C.15秒 D.13秒 14.某班学生总数为32人,在第一次考试中有26人及格,在第二次考试中有24人及格,若两次考试都不及格的有4人,则两次考试都及格的人数是( )人。

2013年1月至4月Part 2&3话题 (更新至2月2日)

2013年1-4月Part 2&3话题 Part 2中红色题目是2013年新题,粉红色的题目是2012年四季度留下来的题目 人物篇: A person you became a close friend with the first time you met Y ou should say: ●Who he/she is ●How you became close friends ●How you feel about this friend How do people make friends? How can a good friendship be maintained? What qualities should a good friend have? What is the importance of friends in one’s personality development? A good parent Y ou should say: ●Who he/she is ●What he/she looks like ●Why you think he/she is a good parent Do parents have equal status in a family? Is mum and dad the same? Is it important to be a good parent? How can parents balance work and the time spent with children? Should the mum or the dad spend more time with children? Do teenagers need a lot of care from their parents? What can teenagers learn from their parents? Do parents share equal responsibilities in educating their children? The most polite person you know Y ou should say: ●Who this person it ●What he/she looks like ●In what ways he/she is polite In what ways do people show politeness in China? Who are politer, the elderly or the young? Who are politer, people living in the city or people living in the countryside? What are the differences between the ways of showing politeness now and in the past? Does it vary between areas? How is it likely to develop?


全国2013年4月份 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1.洪秀全发动金田起义的时间是 A.1851年1月B.1853年3月C.1856年9月D.1864年6月 答案:A 2.标志太平天国由盛到衰转折的事件是 A.北伐失利B.天京事变C.安庆失守D.天京被围 答案:B 3.1911年4月,资产阶级革命派在黄兴带领下举行的起义是 A.惠州起义B.河口起义C.广州起义D.武昌起义 答案:C 4.中国历史上第一部具有资产阶级共和国宪法性质的法典是 A.《钦定宪法大纲》B.《中华民国临时约法》C.《中华民国约法》D.《总统选举法》 答案:B 5.1913年,资产阶级革命派为反对袁世凯刺杀宋教仁和“善后大借款”发动了A.二次革命B.护国战争C.第一次护法运动D.第二次护法战争 答案:A 6.1914年7月,孙中山在东京正式成立的革命党派是 A.兴中会B.中国同盟会C.国民党 D.中华革命党 答案:D 7.新文化运动兴起的标志是 A.梁启超在上海主办《时务报》B.严复在天津主办《国闻报》 C.陈独秀在上海创办《青年杂志》D.周恩来在天津创办《觉悟》杂志 答案:C 8.五四运动爆发的直接导火线是 A.北洋军阀接受日本提出的“二十一条”B.北洋军阀与日本签订“西原借款”合同C.巴黎和会上中国外交的失败D.华盛顿会议上中国外交的受挫 答案:C

9.1920年8月,在上海出版的《共产党宣言》第一个中文全译本的译者是 A.李大钊B.陈望道C.陈独秀D.蔡和森 答案:B 1O.中国共产党第一次明确提出反帝反封建民主革命纲领的会议是 A.中共一大B.中共二大C.中共三大D.中共四大 答案:B 11.1928年12月,在东北宣布“改易旗帜”、归顺南京国民政府的是 A.张作霖B.冯国璋C.冯玉祥D.张学良 答案:D 12.1930年8月,邓演达领导成立的中间党派是 A.中国国民党临时行动委员会B.乡村建设派C.中国青年党D.中华职业教育社答案:A 13.中国共产党独立领导革命战争、创建人民军队的开端是 A.南昌起义B.秋收起义C.广州起义D.百色起义 答案:A 14.1930年1月,毛泽东明确提出“以乡村为中心”思想的重要著作是 A.《中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?》B.《井冈山的斗争》 C.《星星之火,可以燎原》D.《反对本本主义》 答案:C 15.1935年,北平学生发起的抗日救亡运动是 A.五卅运动B.一二·九运动C.五·二〇运动D.一二·三〇运动 答案:B 16.1938年3月,国民党军队在抗日战争正面战场取得胜利的战役是 A.台儿庄战役B.桂南战役C.枣宜战役 D.中条山战役 答案:A 17.毛泽东在《论持久战》中指出,中国抗日战争取得胜利最关键的阶段是 A.战略防御阶段B.战略相持阶段C.战略反攻阶段D.战略决战阶段 答案:B 18.抗日战争时期,中国共产党开展延安整风运动最主要的任务是 A.反对主观主义以整顿学风B.反对宗派主义以整顿党风

2013年4月25日颁布 中华人民共和国旅游法

中华人民共和国旅游法 (2013年4月25日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过) 目录 第一章总则 第二章旅游者 第三章旅游规划和促进 第四章旅游经营 第五章旅游服务合同 第六章旅游安全 第七章旅游监督管理 第八章旅游纠纷处理 第九章法律责任 第十章附则 第一章总则 第一条为保障旅游者和旅游经营者的合法权益,规范旅游市场秩序,保护和合理利用旅游资源,促进旅游业持续健康发展,制定本法。 第二条在中华人民共和国境内的和在中华人民共和国境内组织到境外的游览、度假、休闲等形式的旅游活动以及为旅游活动提供相关服务的经营活动,适用本法。 第三条国家发展旅游事业,完善旅游公共服务,依法保护旅游者在旅游活动中的权利。 第四条旅游业发展应当遵循社会效益、经济效益和生态效益相统一的原则。国家鼓励各类市场主体在有效保护旅游资源的前提下,依法合理利用旅游资源。利用公共资源建设的游览场所应当体现公益性质。 第五条国家倡导健康、文明、环保的旅游方式,支持和鼓励各类社会机构开展旅游公益宣传,对促进旅游业发展做出突出贡献的单位和个人给予奖励。 第六条国家建立健全旅游服务标准和市场规则,禁止行业垄断和地区垄断。旅游经营者应当诚信经营,公平竞争,承担社会责任,为旅游者提供安全、健康、卫生、方便的旅游服务。 第七条国务院建立健全旅游综合协调机制,对旅游业发展进行综合协调。 县级以上地方人民政府应当加强对旅游工作的组织和领导,明确相关部门或者机构,对本行政区域的旅游业发展和监督管理进行统筹协调。 第八条依法成立的旅游行业组织,实行自律管理。 第二章旅游者 第九条旅游者有权自主选择旅游产品和服务,有权拒绝旅游经营者的强制交易行为。 旅游者有权知悉其购买的旅游产品和服务的真实情况。 旅游者有权要求旅游经营者按照约定提供产品和服务。 第十条旅游者的人格尊严、民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰应当得到尊重。


2013年2月入党积极分子思想汇报 敬爱的党组织 安徽省小岗村,中国大包干第一村,在2009年再一次吸引了全国人民的注意。不是因为小岗村又有什么改革,而是因为小岗村第一书记沈浩同志。《第一书记》正是讲述了沈浩同志于2004年到小岗村任职到2009年去世的这一段时间中发生的感人事迹。 作为一名共产党员,沈浩同志不怕困难,不怕牺牲,贯彻执行党的基本路线和各项方针、政策,带头参加社会主义新农村建设,带动群众为经济发展和社会进步艰苦奋斗。在小岗村任职期间,他为了小岗村的发展,为了帮助小岗村人民脱贫致富,不顾辛劳的到处奔波,筹款修路。为了架桥,他往返于北京与上海之间,无数次的劝说有关领导,为小岗村争取那宝贵的架桥时间。这让他受了不少的苦,但是他从不言累。 作为一名共产党员,沈浩同志处处维护党员形象,绝不允许有损党的光辉形象的事情发生。为了讨回集体财产,他被德福叫人殴打,但是他不还手,也不记仇。因为他知道他是第一书记,作为一名党员,不能去和人民群众计较这些小事,更不可能和人名群众打架斗殴,他代表的是整个党的形象。作为一名共产党员,沈浩同志处处维护人民群众的利益。因为强制迁坟的事情而伤害了老奶奶的感情,他严厉斥责了村委会的工作人员,并亲自为老奶奶的儿子披麻戴孝举行了葬礼。 这些事情,看似简单,其实要都做好是十分困难的。但沈浩同志很好的克服了困难,以一个共产党员的使命感去完成了各项工作,是小岗村得到了很好的发展。但是老天没有长眼,让这样一个优秀的党员早早的离开了我们。2009年11月6日,江河含悲、小岗村动容。 中国农村改革第一村安徽省凤阳县小岗村党支部第一书记沈浩在小岗村临时租住的房子内去世,年仅46岁。在小岗村任职近6年来,沈浩同志始终以党和人民群众的利益为重。为了小岗村的发展,他克己奉公,多做贡献,英勇斗争,不怕牺牲,在人民群众心中树立了光辉形象。


2013年4月考试基础会计学第二次作业 一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 20 小题,每小题 2 分) 1. 下列各项中,属于账款核对的是() A. 总账和日记账的核对 B. 银行存款日记账和银行对账单余额核对 C. 总账和明细账的核对 D. 总账各账户的核对 2. 按用途和结构分类,“预付账款”属于()账户 A. 资产结算 B. 负债结算 C. 资产、负债结算 D. 附加调整 3. 汇总记账凭证账务处理程序的主要缺点在于()。 A. 不利于会计分工 B. 不能反映经济业务 C. 不能保持科目之间的对应关系 D. 不能节省会计工作时间 4. 下列账户中属于成本计算账户的是() A. 主营业务成本账户 B. 库存商品账户 C. 生产成本账户 D. 营业外支出账户 5. 日记总帐核算形式的主要特点是() A. 设置多栏式特种日记帐 B. 记帐凭证需要汇总 C. 设置日记帐和总分类帐相结合的联合帐簿——日记总帐 D. 编制科目汇总表 6. 记账凭证账务处理程序的主要特点是() A. 根据各种记账凭证编制汇总记账凭证 B. 根据各种记账凭证逐笔登记总分类账 C. 根据各种记账凭证编制科目汇总表 D. 根据各种汇总记账凭证登记总分类账 7. 登记账簿时,正确的做法是() A. 文字或数字的书写必须占满格 B. 书写可以使用蓝黑墨水圆珠笔或铅笔 C. 用红字冲销错误记录 D. 发生的空行空页一定要补充书写 8. 在科目汇总表帐务处理程序下,一般应力求编制()的会计分录。 A. 一借多贷 B. 一借一贷 C. 一贷多借 D. 多贷多借 9. 采用补充登记法更正错账时,应编()记账凭证 A. 红字 B. 蓝字 C. 红字和蓝字 D. 红字或蓝字 10. 设计会计核算程序是()一项重要内容 A. 会计凭证程序 B. 会计制度设计 C. 会计账簿设计 D. 会计报表设计 11. 记账凭证的填制是由()完成的 A. 出纳人员 B. 会计人员 C. 相关业务经办人员 D. 相关业务经办人员 12. 对库存现金的清查宜采用的方法是() A. 实地盘点法 B. 检查现金日记账 C. 倒挤法 D. 抽查现金 13. 下列账户中属于集合分配账户的是() A. 销售费用账户 B. 管理费用账户 C. 制造费用账户 D. 财务费用账户 14. 下列各项中、( )不属于记账凭证基本要素 A. 交易或事项的内容摘要 B. 交易或事项的数量、单价和金额 C. 应记会计科目、方向及金额 D. 凭证的编号 15. 下列不属于原始凭证审核内容的是( ) A. 凭证是否有填制单位的公章和填制人员签章 B. 凭证是否符合规定的审核程序 C. 凭证是否符合有关计划和预算 D. 会计科目使用是否正确 16. 固定资产明细账常采用()账簿 A. 卡片式 B. 订本式 C. 活页式 D. 备查式 17. 科目汇总表账务处理程序的特点有() A. 能清楚地反映各科目之间对应关系 B. 便于分析经济业务 C. 可以看清经济业务活动的来龙去脉 D. 不能反映各科目之间对应关系


第四周国旗下讲话 增强防范能力,确保校园安全 老师们、同学们: 早上好! 今天是2013年3月25日,是第18个全国中小学安全宣传教育日,今年宣传教育日的主题是:“普及安全知识,确保生命安全”。 同学们,百年大计,安全第一。安全问题关系到千家万户,关系到我们每一个人。让我们先看一组事件:2005年10月25日晚上8点,四川省巴中市通江县广纳小学因突然停电发生拥挤踩踏事故,8名学生死亡、17名学生受伤。2006年11月18日,江西省都昌县土塘中学因一名学生下楼时系鞋带,引发拥挤踩踏伤亡事故,造成6人死亡,39名学生受伤。2007年8月28日,云南曲靖市马龙县小学发生踩踏事故,导致17名受伤,2名学生伤势严重。2008年4月23日,重庆市涪陵区百胜镇中心小学发生踩踏事故,6名学生受伤。2009年12月10日 - 湘乡市育才中学下晚自习时教学楼楼梯间发生严重拥挤踩踏事故,8名学生死亡,26名学生受伤,其中3人重伤, 2010年11月29日,新疆阿克苏市第五小学发生踩踏事故,造成数十名学生受伤,其中一名学生病危。2013年2月27日7时许,湖北襄阳老河口市薛集镇秦集小学发生踩踏事故,已造成4名学生死亡,11名学生受伤。多么惨痛的教训,多少稚嫩的生命突然消失,该人留下无尽的哀思、忧伤和遗憾。 保持校园安全要警钟长鸣,不能存在任何麻痹和侥幸心理。今天,借全国中小学生安全教育日之际,我谨代表学校向同学们提出如下要求: 1、上下楼梯遵守秩序,一律靠右行,不准越过黄线,行进中不拥挤、不推人,不能快跑、不能快走、不能蹦跳;如果前面有人摔倒,马上停止前行,并把摔倒的人扶起来;严禁从楼梯的扶梯上滑下来。下楼行走时不要停留、不要弯腰,如有特殊情况要高声呼喊并列出下楼队伍。晚自习如遇停电,要坐在位上不动,听从老师、值班领导的指挥。 2、课间不做危险游戏,不在校园内互相追逐、打闹。 3、上课期间,特别是体育课、活动课,要听从老师指挥、服从老师安排,不做危险动作,没有落实在场远离较高的体育设施,如单双杠、篮球杆、足球门、宣传栏等。


2013.3.2作文预测 小作文:线图表格柱图 大作文: 全球化 Solving environmental problems should be responsibility of one international organization instead of state or national governments. Do you agree or disagree? Individuals and countries cannot help everyone who need help in the world, so we should be only concerned on our own communities and countries. Agree or Disagree? People are eating a variety of foods these days which encourages the flow of food from every corner of the world to a local supermarket. Do you think this is negative or positive development? Why? 教育 Teaching primary school students foreign languages has more advantages than disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? Some people think distance learning has more benefits than schools so schools will disappear from our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? As computers and technology develop, they can be used to teach children and teachers won’t be necessary soon. Do you agree or disagree? Some people think that to have a successful life you have to have university education, while others thi nk it’s not that important. Discuss both views and give your opinion based on personal experience and knowledge. Some people think that teachers at school are more responsible for children’s intellectual and social development than parents. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What is your personal opinion? Some people say that to become a good teacher, you should acquire enough training, while others say that teaching capabilities can be developed with experience. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Most of the schools are planning to replace sports and exercise classes with more academic sessions. What is your opinion on this change? How is this change will affect children’s life in your view? Nowadays, children play less with others and this has an impact on their development. What are the reasons for this? Does it have a good or a bad effect on children? 社会 Should education and healthcare be free of charge and funded by the government, or should it be the responsibility of the people to pay for these services? Often new commercial centers are planed with respect to green areas and sport facilities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

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