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1 Do you agree that people should not have to pay to use public transportation.

When talking about whether people should have to pay to use public transportation, people always have a heated discussion. Some people oppose the statement that says people should not pay to use the public transportation arguing that this will be harmful for the revenue of public transportation. Nevertheless, I stick to this opinion due to following reasons.

First and foremost, the issue encouraging me to hold this opinion is that the free public transportation will help to reduce the traffic jams and in the large cities, one of the most serious problems is traffic jams and we have to spend much time on it. A survey made by a newspaper showed that the 80 percent of the cars running on the road are private cars. It is the main reason accounting for the traffic jams. If public transportation is free, more people will be attracted to use it. And the more people there are who use the bus or subway, the less private cars will be used. Then not only will the traffic jams be reduced, but also the pollution will be reduced. In the downtown, the major source of the pollution is air pollution caused by the automobiles. And if there is less use of private cars, this will also be improved.

Second,the policy of free public transportation could be relevant in improving the impression of the government. In this way, the government can effectively serve the public. In some countries, the people do not trust their government because the government does not pay enough attention to improving their life in terms of traffic conditions, for example.And the free public transportation is a very suitable and effective way to improve government image.

Furthermore, with the rapid development of the society, we face more and more pollution problems.One of the famous problems is global warming caused by the wide use of fossil fuels. Large quantities of fuel are used by private cars so the effective way to solve this problem is by reducing the use of cars. And the free mass transportation can have crucial influence on it. Since more people will be attracted to use mass transportation, fewer people will use their private cars. So free public transportation plays a very crucial role in improving the air condition. Admittedly, free public transport will bring some disadvantages. It will make more burden for the governments finances. Maybe it will make the quality of public transportation decrease too. However the free public transport can acquire more advantages than disadvantages.

Considering what have discussed above, we can safely get the conclusion that people should not have to pay for public transport and it will benefit not only the government

but also the public.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Younger people should try different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.

When talking about how to make the career of the young man more successful, people always have a heated debate about whether the young people should try different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term. Some people oppose the statement and say that it is harmful for the people do try the different jobs before making a decision and argue in this way, while others support the statement and say the young people will learn more about the jobs. Nevertheless, I stick to opposing this opinion due to the following reasons.

First and foremost, the issue encouraged me to oppose this motion because changing jobs is detrimental for the command of the skills used in these jobs. These skills are so complicated that we could not master them in a relatively short time. Only after much practice, the skills can be commanded very well. In the modern society, the young people always change their job very frequently, and they do not pay much attention to the knowledge which is very important for their future career and it is more and more difficult for them to find a suitable job. Then they will change their job more frequently. It is a very harmful cycle.

Second, it could be relevant to another point which is that changing jobs will make your boss angry and even make him or her think that you are not a reliable employee. Being trusted by the boss is a very indispensable feature to make you succeed. For example, my friend Tom is most intelligent and diligent among his workmates, but he never gets the chance to be promoted to marketing department manager because before he came into this company, he had changed his job several times and his boss was unsatisfied with this point and never trusts him.

Admittedly, trying different jobs has some advantage to you. It provides a good opportunity for you to know about the prospects for the jobs. It will also let you know which kinds of job are more suitable for you. But I must say that changing job can acquire far more drawbacks than merit

Considering what have been talking about above, we can easily get the conclusion

that the young should not try different jobs before they decide which jobs what they will take. It is an indeed overstatement that changing jobs can bring some advantages for our future, and we should focus our attention on developing the skills of the jobs and not changing jobs so frequently. This will be more beneficial for the young people`s future.

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people to do this.

When talking about that whether young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year after they finished high school, there are general some heated debate. It is obviously that this staff has some advantages and disadvantages, however, different people have different opinions.

First of all, I want to state that there are many advantages, for example, the young people who worked or traveled for a year have some more knowledge which can not be learned from the school about the society. They will also know which part of the knowledge is more crucial for their future life or work. It is very important for them to set their goals.


托福作文185题 【篇一:托福官方作文185题库范文【全】】 目录 toefl.ibt 高分作文思路+范文完美重排版 (3) 本部分填补了目前网络ibt 备考资料的空白。根据李笑来老师提供的作文思 路与《ibt 高分作文》原书范文重排。本部分对ibt 考试的独立写作部分与 口语部分均具有重要的参考作用。 范文中加粗部分均依为原书所有。 附录一 185 题库按关键词分类 (184) 照录原书附录 附录二李笑来作文笔记(独立部分) (185) 根据本人新东方听课详尽笔记整理而成 附录三句法多样性专题 (193) 附录四例证表达法 (199) 时间匆忙,欢迎指出错误,将在后面的版本中修正。 感谢笑来老师给我们提供了如此之好的备考材料,一切版权归笑来老师所有。 仅供广大ibt 考生备考参考,建议购买原版以更好使用。 lost lawyer 2006 年11 月10 日 page 2 of 201 toefl.ibt 高分作文思路+范文完美重排版 1. why people attend college? people attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). why do you think people attend college or university? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.『分析』


1.Should teacher help with self-confident or specific knowledge? My opinion: 1. Confident would play high effect on give rise to motivation of study. 2 Student would have positive impress on study for extended study life 3 Self-confident could promote ability of student, innovation is needed. Disagree; 1 Specific knowledge definitely during period of education will enrich their time 2 Specific knowledge is the strength of evidence where self-confident emerges. 3 specific knowledge will be the goal for education on purpose. 2 achieving success or having delight and optimistic mood, which is more important? My opinion: 1 Success would contribute you own self-confident for the motivation of next challenge. 2 Success would help you get reward and celebrity, which may encourage you. 3 Success is the summary of your hard working, of which would imprint experience for your whole life. Disagree: 1. Optimistic mood would be continuous and prolonged for dream of success. 2 Optimistic reveals one’s healthy psychology for perfect life 3 Optimistic would be used in other field other than success. 3 People with different personalities and amateur can’t be friend: My opinion: 1 different disagreement may led to unfriendly friendship. 2 It’s hard to find common topic as combination of both people. 3 they are unlikely to know each other very well in short time. Disagree: 1. They would study other different type of advantage filling space 2 Finding more different topic will strengthen friendship. 3 open up their view and accumulate more knowledge 4 competition may hurt friendship My opinion: 1 Competition may increase possibility that you friend is jealous of others 2 Competition may reduce the communication chances hence have less meaningful friendship bit by bit Disagree: 1 It factually might let you know each other better


托福综合写作0-5分评分标准托福写作评分标准一共分为六个等级,从0分到5分满分。托福综合写作部分有独立的评分标准。今天文都国际教育小编就给大家介绍下托福综合写作0-5分评分标准。 综合写作,以阅读和听力材料为基础的写作试题,写作时间为20分钟。考生首先需要阅读一篇学术篇章,阅读的时间是3分钟。然后文章隐去,考生需要听一段大约为2分钟左右的与阅读主题相关的演讲。之后考生需要针对阅读和演讲中的观点作文,总结并说明演讲的内容与阅读中观点的关系,在20分钟的时间内完成一篇150~225字的文章。 托福综合写作5分作文: 综合写作:能够成功地选择讲座中的重要信息,并连贯准确地结合阅读中的相关信息进行表达;结构清晰,偶尔出现的语言错误并不影响内容和观点的准确表达。 托福综合写作4分作文: 综合写作:总体上能够很好地选择讲座中的重要信息,并连贯准确地结合阅读中的相关信息进行表达。但是在从讲座中选择材料和联系阅读中的论点时存在次要的信息遗漏、不准确或是意思含混不清。得此分数的另一种情况是,作文中存在较频繁或者明显的次要语言错误,但是这些错误用法和语法结构只停留在表达清晰度或是论点联系方面的偶尔错误。 托福综合写作3分作文: 综合写作:包括了讲座中的重要信息并表达了和阅读文章的相关联系,但是却存在以下问题:尽管总体上按照任务要求写,但是在联系讲座和阅读的论点方面表达模糊、笼统,缺乏细节,不是很准确;遗漏了讲座中的关键论点;没有完整、清晰、准确地论述一些讲座或是

阅读中的关键论点或是表达讲座和阅读的联系;用词和/或语法错误较频繁,导致较明显的意思表达不清或是在表达论点和联系时意思模糊。 托福综合写作2分作文: 综合写作:包括了讲座中的相关信息,但是却存在严重的语言表达困难,或在表达讲座内容以及阐述讲座和阅读内容联系方面存在重要论点的表达不准确或遗漏。具体问题有:严重曲解了或是完全遗漏了讲座和阅读的联系;严重遗漏或曲解演讲中的重要信息;语言和表 达错误严重影响了讲座和阅读的联系或是关键信息的意思。如果读者对阅读和讲座内容不熟悉,读此文章时可能对关键论点理解不清。 托福综合写作1分作文: 综合写作:此得分的作文存在以下问题:几乎没有提供有意义的或是相对连贯的讲座内容;语言水平很低,词不达意。 新托福综合写作0分作文: 综合写作:仅仅是从阅读中抄句子,拒绝针对话题写作,或所写和话题根本无关系,或用其他语言写作,或文中只包括无意义的键盘符号,或是什么也不写。 以上就是小编分享的关于托福综合写作0-5分评分标准的内容,希望大家了解。最后,预祝大家考出理想的成绩。 文章来源于文都国际教育:https://www.doczj.com/doc/0816777113.html,/kaopei/toefl/news/11467.shtml


1.建设类:建设类题目共六道题,大都是问你所在社区一建设项目的利与弊。 为了合并题目,最好将自己所在社区定下来,在城市就在城市,在郊区就在郊区,那么简要介绍社区情况的时候就节省了准备时间。按此原则,以下提纲中的红色文字都是重复出现的论点或论据,可重复在不同题目的作文中使用。 5. The advantages and disadvantages of a new factory near your community. 第一段:陈述自己所在社区处于郊区,并简要介绍情况,说明建立一个新工厂这一提议对自己来说是一个两难的选择(Dillemma):一方面它有好处,比如可以刺激经济,另一方面又对郊区的环境有潜在的威胁; 第二段:陈述好处。如新工厂可以为社区居民提供工作机会(可假设你所在的社区就业率不高),并带动周边附属产业,刺激社区的经济发展; 第三段:陈述坏处(注意转折用词)。如新工厂对郊区的土地、河流都有一定的污染,破坏了郊区的环境;同时也破坏了郊区宁静的生活(因为噪音、交通等); 第四段:虽然有诸多坏处,然而我们去要权衡是利大于弊还是弊大于利;并相信只要通过严格管制,控制环境问题等潜在危害,新工厂可以为社区带来更多的好处(当然也可以有其它看法)。 I I live in a primarily agricultural community,and most of the population lives hand to mouth.Parents keep children home from school to work in the fields.If there is a flood or drought,people starve.A new factory would mean regular monthly salaries as well as protection against natural disasters or a sudden drop in the price of our main agricultural product,say,corn. Regular salaries would allow families the confidence to make investments in their future.The local would be able to plan their finances accurately and free themselves from debt.This in turn would encourage entrepreneurship and further develop the local economy.People coudd begin to open shops,restaurants dormitories,and entertainment facilities to serve the factory workers with their savings.Profits from these small enterprises would further enrich the local community and turn our relatively poor farmland into a truly profitable development zone.Perhaps more parents could then afford to send all of their shildren to high school and maybe even college. There would certainly be negetive effects as well.If the area becomes prosperous,immigrants from poorer regions will come here looking for work.Because of their relative poverty they will work harder fo less money than the locals and drive wages down.There might be more immigrants than


【托福写作的39个常用万能例子】 能够用于考试的托福写作万能例子有很多,在这里为大家分享39个比较常用的,希望能对考生们有所帮助。 托福写作万能例子: 1. People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? 2. Some people trust their first impressions about a person s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? 3. A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? 4. How do movies or television influence people s behavior? 5. Music tells us something about a culture. What does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country? 6. It has recently been announced that a new movie theater (a shopping center/ a new restaurant/ a new high school) may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? 7. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? 8 In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good law or a bad law? 9. Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would



托福写作评分标准托福写作评分包括机器评分以及人工评分两部分: 机器评分E-rater- 语法是否正确、用词是否得当、以及单词拼写及大小写是否准确等方面, 一篇考生的文章会经过两台机器评分。 人工评分通过ETS阅卷人评分,综合写作和独立写作分别有两位阅卷人给出分数。 托福写作原始分数为0-5分,考生得分分为三个level GOOD,FAIR,LIMITED 最终成绩通过两个科目的分数取平均分,再换算为30分制的分数。 详解托福综合写作的评分细则

综合写作是托福写作板块中的其中一项。托福考试的写作部分分为综合(Integrated writing)和独立(Independent writing)两块,这两块分别独立评分,取平均值后得到最终的分数。也就是说,这两个部分各占一半权重,因此应给予相同程度的重视。关于这两部分的了解,强烈建议同学们自己去看看ETS出版的托福考试官方指南(OG),OG里面对于考试形式和评分标准有非常详尽的介绍,有些同学在准备输出端考试(写作或者口语)的时候,居然连评分细则都不看,仅凭自己的主观臆测和对于老师讲解的依稀记忆去打造自己的文章,考不好真的不奇怪。下面,我们就来分析一下托福考试的评分细则。 综合写作的满分要求是: A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lectu 5分:文章切题,阐说充分,文章有说服力;段落组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有很强的逻辑性;段落内句与句连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活,娴熟;用词确切,得体。文章中有个别语法拼写错误,但不影响内容表达。 4分:文章切题,阐说基本充分,在某些细节上有缺陷。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,逻辑性强;句间连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活;用词基本得体。文章中有少量用词不当和语法拼写错误。 3分:文章切题,阐说尚可,展开不够。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有逻辑性;句间连接基本顺畅;有部分句法错误;用词一般,有时不得体。词性区分和拼写等有若干错误


The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost. 1.Easier attaching to information 2.More convenient for citizens to communicate 3.Decrease burden for poor people Never do topics concerning internet fail to fascinate us under the ever-increasing development of internet nowadays in the modern society. A lot of people believe that internet is to citizens what water is to fish. From my perspective, I support that citizens accessing to internet should be free based on the following reasons. It is obvious that we are now in the new era of global information, so accessing the internet could be really important to us. If the government proposes that the citizens could use the internet for free, we will concerning about the cost no more so that we can check a lot of information posted online which means we are able to attach to information. Or else, citizens will have to choose cheaper but much slower ways to search for information such as going to the library or asking other people. For instance, I have homework to do every day and the teacher usually puts the materials I may need onto schoology—an online application that can store information. So when sometimes when I am outside home, I cannot use it because it will create cost, in this situation I feel it is necessary for the government to let us using the internet for free.


托福写作的评分标准 The TOEFL test uses automated scoring to complement human scoring for the two tasks in the Writing section. Combining human judgment for content and meaning, and automated scoring for linguistic features, ensures consistent, quality scores. 由此可见,TOEFL的综合写作以及独立写作评分同时使用机器自动评分和人工评分,其中,人工评分看的是文章的内容和意义,而机器 评分看的是文章的语言特征。之所以采取两种评分方式,是为了保证 评分的一致性和质量。 那么我们来看看辛勤劳作的机器是怎么工作的吧: (一)审查语言特征 从ETS官网的描述中能够看出托福写作会有机器专门来看文章的 语言,而机器看语言跟人工看语言是有区别的。人在看文章语言的时 候多半还是以印象为主,而不会去细致数每一个单词,也不会去计算 文章有多少个句子。但如果是机器评分,机器能够更精确地计算出文 本中的语言特征。来看看ETS官网对机器评分具体会看的语言特征的 描述: The e-rater engine predicts essay scores based on features related to writing quality, including: errors in grammar (e.g., subject-verb agreement) usage (e.g., preposition selection) mechanics (e.g., capitalization) style (e.g., repetitious word use) discourse structure (e.g., presence of a thesis statement, main points)


写作真题(2017/4/23) Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit? 1. to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community 2. learning to play a sport 3. learning to play a musical instrument 写作文 It seems that everyone in the world aspires to achieve something so as to live life to the full, especially the young who have a glorious future before themselves. Although a vast majority of people agree with this notion, opinions on how to achieve one's ambitious dreams or realistic goals are diverse. As a broadly-disseminated idea goes that the other 8 hours of free time determine one's success, an increasing number of young people are pondering a problem of how to maximize their "free" time—the 8 hours in the day when they are not studying, working or sleeping. As far as I am concerned, from the


托福独立写作高分10大例子 很多考生在备考托福独立写作的时候都有这样的感觉:没有话可写。文都国际小编称,想要你的写作内容充实并用字数达到要求,一些通用资料还是很重要的。下面小编为大家准备了托福独立写作高分10大例子,大家一起来学习一下吧。 1. It can improve health condition and enhance our ability to respond quickly. Besides, as long as we keep doing it frequently, we can effectively lose weight and keep ourselves in good shape. In addition, it can better prepare us for any physical challenge in the future 2. He should tolerate relatively small mistakes committed by others. Making mistakes is somehow inevitable, as long as it’s unintentional, he is supposed to forgive it. The tolerance will breed gratitude from others. 3. During the process of communication, my interpersonal skills will improve considerably. This can help me cooperate with others more


分数计算说明: 计算新托福阅读的分数,不要计算对多少题,而是算拿到多少原始分“Raw Point Total(0-45)”,然后再参照评分表,计算最后的分数(0-30)。 托福阅读怎么算分?一张托福阅读算分表就可以告诉你答案,大家可以根据这张托福阅读算分表来评估自己的托福阅读水平。 写作分数计算: 作文部分包括两道试题,需在大约50分钟的时间内完成。 第一部分是综合写作,以阅读或听力材料为基础的写作试题,写作时间为20分钟。考生首先需要阅读一篇学术演讲,阅读的时间是3分钟。然后文章隐去,这时考生需要听一段大约为1分半钟的演讲。不过之后考生在写作文时仍可以看到在放听力材料时隐去的阅读材

料。考生在听录音的过程中可以做笔记来帮助答题。考生用余下20分钟的时间来总结听力材料中的要点,并解释这些要点与阅读材料中的要求有何不同。通常有效的回答应是一篇150~225个单词的作文。 评分标准: 两道题,每道题的分值是0~5分,两道题的分数求平均数后,换算成0~30的分数。 口语分数计算: IBT口语部分持续时间约为20分钟,共6个问题,每个问题的答题时间为45到60秒。 前2题为独立口语项目,要求考生完全以自己的观点和经历为依据作答,后4题为综合口语项目,要求考生在回答前听一段对话或演讲的节选。 独立项目(问题1和问题2) 问题1: 你将会被要求讲述你熟悉的一个人、地方、物品或事件。 问题可能包括:一个你去过的地方,一件你生命中重要的事情,一个影响你的人或者一项你喜欢的活动等。在你看到问题后,你有15秒的思考时间,然后有45秒的作答时间.你可以用笔写下简略的提示。 答案既需要有描述(比如一件”什么事情”很重要等),也需要有解释(比如“为什么”它很重要等)。在答案中应当包括具体的细节或例子,这样使你的描述包含更多的信息,解释让人更容易理解。 问题2: 在两个可能的行动、境遇或观点中选择一个你偏好的,并用理由、解释、细节或例子来支持你的选择。实际选择哪个并不重要,重要的是你是否能很好地说明你这样选择的理由。同问题1一样,你有15秒的考虑时间和45秒的回答时间. 综合口语项目: 问题3: 首先,一段和校园生活有关的短文会出现在屏幕上,然后你会听到两个人(某些情况是一个人)讨论这个话题。你将会被问到一个和刚才看到听到内容相关的问题,准备时间为30秒,回答时间为60秒。这个问题的话题可能包括学校的政策、规章制度、计划、校园设施、校园生活质量等。短文除了描述建议(提议)以外,通常还有两条支持或反对的理由。阅读文章很短,通常是75~100字,你将会有充足的时间去阅读它(40~45秒)。读完文章后,会听到两个人对话,讨论你刚才看到的文章所说的内容,其中一个人会强烈地支持或反对这项提议(建议),并且会说明他的理由,通常持续60~80秒。接下来你就会问到一个问题,回答这个问题不需要你自己的观点,而是让你阐述某个说话者的观点,并总结他持有那个观点的理由。 问题4:


托福写作范文5篇合集 备考托福的过程,我们需要多多背诵一些写作的范文,这有助于我们的写作能力提升。下面新通教育小编为大家整理了5篇托福写作范文,希望能为大家托福写作提供帮助。 托福写作范文1. 自主阅读和老师布置阅读任务哪个更重要 Agree or disagree: students do reading by their own is as important as or more important than the reading teachers assigned. Reading is a process of procuring knowledge and the ways of reading vary for students between reading on their own and reading as told by their teachers. As for me, it will be more beneficial to read books in line with students’wishes. For one thing, students should read what they are curious about and can find interests in, which can find wide application among college students in particular. In order to hone one’s talents and crafts with specific purpose, college students will find the more practical books to read to strengthen their competence for their future competing with other rivals in the job market. T ake Steve Jobs as an example. After attending the college just for a few months, he couldn’t figure out how the college life would help him in the future except for imposing his working family enormous financial pressure.Then, he decided to drop out so he could stop taking the required classes and reading the assigned reading materials that did not interest him and began dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. Finally, the 1


托福独立作文评分标准 1.观点明确 观点是一篇文章的灵魂。如果刚刚准备作文,看到题目,不知道怎么样说,那么可以先参考前面已经通过托福考试的前辈的范文。一来看别人是如何阐述自己观点,二来也算同时准备口语。但是到了后期,一定要看到一个题目的时候,能形成自己的观点,而不是人云亦云。这一点是托福独立写作能够拿到高分的最重要的因素。 2.逻辑清晰,论据具体 托福独立作文要求展开充分well developed。怎么叫充分展开呢,一个题目,如果表示完全同意或反对,那么就显得太极端,太片面,通常只能得到很低的分数。但是简单的各打五十大板的做法也不可取。最简单的解决办法就是在照顾平衡的基础上有所侧重,也就是说,在论述一个问题的时候,一定要有所倾向,但是对另外的观点也要适当的着些笔墨。 除了清晰的逻辑,还需要具体合适的论据以及例子。建议考生不要去背别人的例子然后生搬硬套到自己的文章中去。例子不在多,在于是否贴切appropriate,有说服力的例子一两个就足够了。 3.语言准确、流畅、丰富 托福独立作文的语言上面达到以下3个要求就足够了:准确、流畅、丰富。准确是最基本的,要求考生的文章在拼写、语法、用词以及搭配上没有严重的错误。流畅是指文章整体的行文要一气呵成,逻辑进路清晰可见。在做到准确、流畅的基础上,语言的丰富多变是体现一个考生语言能力的重要指标,在同一篇文章里,用词要尽量避免重复,适当的时候,可能还要运用一些修辞手法。 如何让托福写作内容更丰富?逻辑清晰是基础 在托福写作中最为重要的就是,是否把题目中所涉及的所有观点进行了讨论。所以,在审题方法大家必须非常注意,找到一个切题的论点后,开始自己的论点。不必为了论点的新颖独特,而特意将其提出一个非常奇特的论点,而造成之后的论证很难展开。在托福考试中,作为一种语言考试,考官并不是想看到你对题目有什么特别的简介,而重点是要看你的逻辑思维和表达能力。所以,提醒大家一定要注意的是,在托福的写作过程中,对于逻辑思维的把握要比新颖的论证是更为重要的。 在论证过程中,你可以将论证的过程想象一场辩论。怎样说服对方,这就是议论的目的。对于参加过中高考的同学应该会了解,对于议论文最重视的整个的过程需要的逻辑清


托福写作常见两种写作格式 托福写作和托福口语是托福考试中的主观题,不仅仅是客观题有做题技巧,主观题也要一定得的答题技巧。今天给大家带来了托福写作常见两种写作格式,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福写作常见两种写作格式 托福作文格式一 此类结构是双边倾向性结构,是双边结构中的一种。对大多数中国学生来说,双边结构较单边结构最大的优点是论证过程比较容易扩展。双边论证指正文两段分别论述下两个观点或优缺点。 可以做一个有趣的比喻,托福写作中双边论证的结构就像是在打一场官司,引言段引出话题,可以看作是书记员来宣布审理的案件,正文两段分别是两个观点,可以理解为被告和原告的辩护律师来列举对自己有利的证据,结尾段得出观点,即法官在总结了被告原告律师的发言后,得出自己的答案,同意哪一方,是否定罪。具体格式如下: Introduction

Background+ My Opinion / Layout Body: 1. Opinion One/ Advantage Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences + Reason Two + Supporting Sentences 2. Opinion Two/ Disadvantage Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences + Reason Two + Supporting Sentences + Reason Three + Supporting Sentences Conclusion: Statement of My Opinion (for opinion two/ more disadvantages than advantages) 托福作文格式二 第二种托福作文格式中supporting sentences在议论文中的体现方式是一些论证方法,如举例子(exemplification),对比对照(contrast comparison),列数据(raising figures),让步(making concession)等来对自己支持的观点进行论证,使考官信服。


托福独立写作评分标准 5分 ?Effectively addresses the topic and task ?Well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and or details ?Displays unity, progression, and coherence ?Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors 4分 ?Addresses the topic and task well, though some points may not be fully elaborated ?Generally well organized and well developed, using appropriate and sufficient explorations, exemplifications, and or details ?Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though it may contain occasional redundancy, digression, or unclear connections ?Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary, though it will probably have occasional noticeable minor errors in structure, word form, or use of idiomatic language that do not interfere with meaning 3分 ?Addresses the topic and task using somewhat developed explanations, exemplifications, and or details ?Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured ?May demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning ?May display accurate but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary 2分 ?Limited development in response to the topic and task ?Inadequate organization or connection of ideas ?Inappropriate or insufficient exemplifications, explanations, or details to support or illustrate generalizations in response to the task ? A noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms ?An accumulation of errors in sentence structure and/or usage 1分 ?Serious disorganization or underdevelopment ?Little or no detail, or irrelevant specifics, or questionable responsiveness to the task

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