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Machine Technical Report_ATS_PAL101007

Machine Technical Report ATS_PAL101007

2/22/12 1:10 PM

Laser life time


Machine name = ATS_PAL101007

Laser Parameters


Displaying the alert when

Efficency below 0.6 or

Lifetime is less than 600 hours or

Spot no is 29 or 37

Displaying the parameters of Laser


Estimated lifetime = lifetime - (current_date - logdate)*24 - spot_hours Head_hours


Spot No

Spot Hours

Set power




Serial number

Laser type


Machine name = ATS_PAL101007

Laser estimated replacement time.


Displaying the estimated laser replacement time.

Estimated laser replacement time

= current_date +( lifetime - (current_date - logdate)*24 - spot_hours)*3600 Filters:

Machine name = ATS_PAL101007

Temperature Distribution


Displaying the temperature of each part each day Min left temperature

Max left temperature

Min right temperature

Max right temperature

Min air input temperature

Max air input temperature

Min driver temperature

Max driver temperature


Machine name = ATS_PAL101007

Gauss Curve


Displaying the power of each channel(ch01~ch22) and gauss fit as Gaussian curve for the specific machine Filters:

Machine name = ATS_PAL101007

Efficiency trend


Machine name = ATS_PAL101007

please note that part of the x axis labels of the above Chart are hidden due to lack of space

Error Message Monthly Trend Filters:

Machine name = ATS_PAL101007


2020年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1?15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Deep in the forest lives David, who loves books. As soon as he reads one book, he brings home ___1___. Soon the house ___2___ books. His wife, Alice, is angry. “You ___3___ do something!” David thinks hard and has ___4___. idea. “I can bring my books into the faraway hills and share ___5___ I have with the children.” Every week, David sets off across the countryside to faraway villages with his two donkeys. Early ___6___ a sunny morning, David and his donkeys stop at a river ___7___.Then, from deep in the shadows, a bandit (山贼)jumps out! “Please let us pass,” David says. “The children ___8___.”The bandit takes one book and shouts, “Next time I want ___9___!” They move on until at last, David sees some houses below. The children run to meet ___10___. David reads them a story first. ___11___ the story ends, it's time for everyone to choose a book. The children hold their books close as they say good-bye and run home ___12___. David and his donkeys head back, over and around the hills, and into the sunset. At home, Alice feeds her hungry husband and the donkeys. But then, instead of ___13___, David picks up his book, ___14___ reads deep into the night. And far away in the hills, candles and lanterns bum as the children read borrowed books deep into their night, ___15___ .

A Review of The Time Machine《时间机器》读后感(英语)

A Report of the Time Machine The Time Machine is a science fiction written by H. G. Wells, first published in 1895. The novel tells us a man who travelled through time by a special vehicle and his special experience in the future society. The writer H. G. Wells was a socialist and a pacifist.This novel The Time Machine reflects Wells's own socialist political views. We can find it in the future world he described in the story. This novel describes a time traveler to travel by inventing a time machine to the year AD 802701. There are two kinds of people. One kind of people called Eloi. They are well-dressed, doing no work, and pursue an easy life. And the other kind of strange white ape-like creatures the Eloi called Morlocks. This group of creatures lives underground. They are very cruel. When they come out of the underground in the night, they begin to kill and eat Eloi as their food. The time traveler helps Eloi and fights against Morlocks. Morlocks hide his time machine into a statue, but He finally gets it, and use the machine into the future. But he makes some mistakes, and travels thirty million years into the future. He finds the life is almost extinct at that time. However, he returns to the present time in the end. In the story, the author describes two kinds of people. He compares the rich people in the present society to Eloi, and the poor to Morlock. The relation between Eloi and Morlock likes the relation between the people at present society. It gives us a warning in some degree, and makes us to think about the peace life and our earth’s environment deeply. By the description of thirty million years later, we can see the disadvantage of the pollution in present society would cause. In my opinion, we should protect our environment and treasure the peace life if we don’t want the future to be like that in the story. Although human conquer everything, but with the extinction of the animals and plant. The earth will not be a home, but a hell.


视频翻译项目 一、工作内容介绍 对于https://www.doczj.com/doc/0817297233.html,网站我们要做的是英文视频的中文字幕。 目前我们有七类英文视频内容形式,分别为:运动、美容时尚、健康、美食、充电、百科以及社交。 1、运动 (1)比赛运动:例如跆拳道、足球篮球、赛车等。 (2)休闲运动:例如钓鱼、高尔夫、滑板、冲浪、保龄球等。(3)健身运动:例如减肥锻炼、瑜伽动作等。 2、美容时尚 (1)美发设计:例如各类盘发编发技巧、日常发型、新娘发型、舞会发型等。 (2)化妆:例如化妆品介绍、护肤方法、各场合妆容、名人妆容等。(3)美甲:例如法式美甲、卡通美甲、水染美甲、渐变美甲等。(4)手工制作:例如DIY靠枕、手链、钱包、耳环、指环等。(5)服装搭配:例如节日派对着装、四季服装流行、各场合着装搭配等。 3、健康 (1)按摩治疗

(2)瘦身 (3)孕期护理 (4)婴幼儿培养知识 4、美食 (1)西餐:例如家庭西式菜、奶酪、沙拉等。 (2)西点:例如蛋糕、甜点。 (3)冰淇淋:各式冰淇淋。 5、充电 (1)音乐:例如乐器指导、声乐训练。 (2)美术:例如肖像画、绘画技巧等。 (3)讲座:例如教育、经济、科学类知识。 (4)演讲:名人演讲。 6、百科 此类内容广泛,例如摄影、家居设计、手工折纸、科学实验、训练宠物等多方面都会涉及。 7、社交 此类内容主要包含人际交往中的一些礼貌用语、礼仪规范及为人处事技巧。

二、翻译软件及翻译标准 对于翻译视频所用的软件我们会提供Time Machine以及小尺寸的视频以及语音识别结果文件,须对应视频调整时间轴。英文文档为语音识别结果,不完全准确,只作为翻译参考,要求译者听译理解准确,将英文文档替换成中文,要求与视频内容相吻合,意思通顺,表述地道。 TimeMachine使用指南: 1、打开TimeMachine,界面如下。

新视野大学英语第二版第一册reading 1-9

Part 1 Understanding Passages (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1. A. The appeal of becoming a teacher. B. Bright, young people in education. C. Schools getting teachers to meet their needs. D. Teachers having difficulty finding jobs. 2. A. Bright, young people were in education. B. People would be surprised by schools. C. Schools would be in need of teachers. D. Many people would major in education. 3. A. Teachers have advantages. B. Schools are in need of teachers. C. Experts get them. D. They majored in education. 4. A. Their expert knowledge.

Time Machine 教程

Time Machine 教程 相信很多人都看见过图标却又不是很会用,今天就为大家来讲解下 在Mac OS X 10.7或更高版的版本中,可以通过Time Machine自动备份整个系统。可以保留Mac上任何内容的一份最新副本,包括系统文件、照片、iTunes音乐、影片、电视节目、文稿等。若有需要,可以轻松回到过去。 设置Time Machine非常简单,就像通过FireWire或USB将外部硬盘连接到Mac,或者连接到Time Capsule一样。如果Mac台式机上有备用内置磁盘(即不用作启动的磁盘),也可加以利用。 PS:如果要将Time Machine与Time Capsule配合使用,请跳至以下的“设置Time Capsule 进行Time Machine备份”。 如果尚未指定备份磁盘,则首次连接硬盘驱动器时,Time Machine会询问是否要将其用作备份驱动器。 点击“用作备份磁盘”,确认要将该磁盘用于Time Machine备份。随即会打开Time Machine 偏好设置并会将此磁盘选择用于备份。 在设置Time Machine自动备份Mac时,这就是所要做的所有工作。Time Machine会保留过去24小时内的每小时备份、过去一个月内的每日备份以及每周备份,直到备份驱动器载满为止。

关于首次备份 首次备份可能会持续一段时间。最好在晚上设置Time Machine,以便初始备份可以通宵完成。如果备份磁盘是Time Capsule,并且将Mac与Time Capsule放在同一房间,或用电缆将Mac连接到Time Capsule上的以太网端口,初始备份速度可能会更快。请勿中断初始备份过程。可以在Time Machine备份的同时继续使用Mac。 完成初始备份后,只要Mac处于唤醒模式并且备份磁盘处于连接状态,则Time Machine 将只针对自上次备份以来在Mac上进行过更改的文件执行随后的每小时备份。 PS:如果使用FileVault,则仅当注销且Mac在Time Machine备份周期中处于唤醒模式时才会备份个人文件夹。 更改备份磁盘 可以根据需要在Time Machine系统偏好设置中手动选择备份磁盘 在系统菜单中,选择系统偏好设置。在显示菜单中,选取Time Machine。点击“选择备份磁盘”。选取用于存储备份的磁盘,然后点击“用于备份”。 PS:可用于存储备份的每个可用磁盘都会列出。如果磁盘已分区,则会列出分区。Time Machine无法备份到连接至AirPort Extreme的外部磁盘,也无法备份到iPod、iDisk或针对Windows格式化的磁盘。如果选择NTFS或FA T格式的磁盘,则Time Machine会提示重新格式化磁盘。请选取其他磁盘或以“Mac OS 扩展(日志式)”格式重新格式化磁盘。由于重新格式化会抹掉磁盘上的所有文件,因此仅当不再需要这些文件或其他磁盘上有这些文件的副本时才能如此操作。 如果备份磁盘在网络上,则网络服务器必须使用Apple文件协议(AFP) 文件共享,且Mac

Windows Embedded Standard 7安装教程

WES7安装过程 1.Windows本体安装过程: 先用Bootcamp助理下载驱动并且分区,然后是标准的Windows安装。选Build an Image开始安装 2选模板Thin Client

区域选择,也可以以后改 注意,在下面Modify Features打钩,手动添加部分组件包

推荐组件包1:简体中文字体,避免乱码 推荐组件包2:国际语言包支持,以后可以在控制面板添加语言包

推荐组件包3:Windows Defender。不装这个也可以,但是以后windows会提醒你打开windows defender。然后你点它,它就弱智的把system32目录打开。 推荐组件包4:windows search。搜索功能。

其他组件包可以自己选,选完之后点Resolve Dependencies,会自动选上依赖包 好了,下面是大家关心的序列号

(1)永久激活(必须在OOBE阶段):在第一次提示输入序列号的时候,使用XGY72-BRBBT-FF8MH-2GG8H-W7KCW (2)Dreamspark一年试用版,可以rearm 5次(即可用6年),登陆界面会显示Evaluation Copy,其他几乎一样: 在第一次提示输入序列号的时候,使用TJHCC-9DKQT-RB9PJ-YCQPV-3KDJG 其他安装,看个人需要 驱动安装 IE9安装 Windows Update 如果需要中文语言包,可以在64bit语言包页面,找Chinese(Simplified) https://www.doczj.com/doc/0817297233.html,/download/en/details.aspx?id=26216 下载下来的lp.cab,放到C盘根目录,在管理员权限的cmd窗口,运行下面命令并且重启: Dism /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\lp.cab 8、WES7 控制面板推荐设置: (1)System -- System -- 虚拟内存,参考后面 -- Power Options -- 关闭休眠,建议用命令行:以管理员身份运行cmd,然后运行powercfg -h off (2)Network -- IE Options: 主页/ 默认浏览器提醒 -- Advanced sharing settings -- Turn on network discovery (3)Hardware -- Mouse: 鼠标加速度 -- NVIDIA: 垂直同步 (4)User Account -- Change Picture 更改用户头像 (5)Appearance -- Personalization -- Aero主题 -- Taskbar & SM -- Notification Area / Highlight New Programs (6)Regional -- Keyboard: 只留下CH美国键盘,其他删掉 -- Administrative -- Copy Settings 让登陆界面和其他用户使用相同的设置 WES7 对于SSD的优化: 0) 如果你的主板是Intel芯片组,理论上可以骗过系统开启AHCI。pceva论坛有相关帖子,可自行参阅。 9、WES7 对于SSD的优化: 0) 如果你的主板是Intel芯片组,理论上可以骗过系统开启AHCI。pceva论坛有相关帖子,可自行参阅。 1) 禁用SuperPrefetch。默认已经禁用。可以检查HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters,下面3个Enablexxx都应该是0。 2) 禁用DiskFragmenter服务。默认已经禁用。可以run -> services.msc -> 检查DiskFragmenter是否禁用。 3) Pagefile设置,也就是虚拟内存。默认是0MB,如果是8G内存的话,可以不改。听说,程序有可以取得的最大内存限制。只要不同时开很多大型程序,即使不要虚拟内存,也是绰绰有余的。 4) Hibernate设置,禁用休眠。ssd下面的休眠有问题,在从休眠恢复的时候有很大几率蓝屏。 5)(可选)有人建议关掉Windows Search服务。这个见仁见智;但是话说回来,如果要关,当初我们安装windows的时候,就不必选择Search组件包。个人觉得Windows Search还是很方便的。 6)(可选)设置系统环境变量。有人建议加载RAMDISK到内存,然后把TEMP文件夹等指向RAMDISK,以减少对SSD的读写。个人觉得没必要,一来是RAMDISK不是人人用的好,设置不好有可能引起奇怪故障(比如Office无法启动),二来RAMDISK多多少少占用了部分内存,三是SSD没必要拿来供着,适当保养就好,真要写坏了,还有保修和TimeMachine。 另外付其他版本注册码及延期注册方法


Windows与Linux(Ubuntu)双系统时间不一致的解决方法 世界协调时间(Universal Time Coordinated,UTC),GPS系统中有两种时间区分,一为UTC,另一为LT(地方时)两者的区别为时区不同,UTC就是0时区的时间,地方时为本地时间,如北京为早上八点(东八区),UTC时间就为零点,时间比北京时晚八小时,以此计算即可. UTC相当于本初子午线(即经度0度)上的平均太阳时,过去曾用格林威治平均时(GMT)来表示.北京时间比UTC时间早8小时,以1999年1月1日0000UTC为例,UTC时间是零点,北京时间为1999年1月1日早上8点整。 GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)是格林尼治平时:由于地球轨道并非圆形,其运行速度又随着地球与太阳的距离改变而出现变化,因此视太阳时欠缺均匀性。视太阳日的长度同时亦受到地球自转轴相对轨道面的倾斜度所影响。为着要纠正上述的不均匀性,天文学家计算地球非圆形轨迹与极轴倾斜对视太阳时的效应。平太阳时就是指经修订后的视太阳时。在格林尼治子午线上的平太阳时称为世界时(UT0),又叫格林尼治平时(GMT)。由于两个系统设定时间时以主板CMOS内的时间为依据,但却有不同的时间计算标准。所以导致了系统时间的纠纷问题。 Linux和苹果操作系统以当前主板CMOS内时间做为格林威治标准时间,再根据系统设置的时区来最终确定当前系统时间(如时区设置为GMT+08:00北京时间时以及当前CMOS时间为03:00,那么系统会将两个时间相加得出显示在桌面的当前系统时间为11:00)。 Windows 操作系统却直接把CMOS时间认定为当前显示时间,不根据时区转换。这样每调整一次系统时区,系统会根据调整的时区来计算当前时间,确定后,也就同时修改了CMOS内的时间(即每调整一次时区,设置保存后,CMOS时间也将被操作系统改变一次,注意不同操作系统调整时间后,也会同时改变CMOS时间,这一点是共通的)。 这里我们且不论两种时间计算标准的好差,而仅让Windows认定CMOS时间为格林威治标准时间来消除操作系统之间认定时间的差异,从而解决Windows操作系统与不同操作系统并存时出现的时间矛盾。 也就是说,UTC即Universal Time Coordinated,协调世界时GMT即Greenwich Mean Time,格林尼治平时在这里,你可以把UTC认为是GMT+0。Windows(XP和VISTA)和(Linux/Unix/Mac)缺省看待系统硬件时间的方式是不一样的: * Windows把系统硬件时间当作本地时间(local time),即操作系统中显示的时间跟BIOS中显示的时间是一样的。 * Linux/Unix/Mac把硬件时间当作UTC,操作系统中显示的时间是硬件时间经过换算得来的,比如说北京时间是GMT+8,则系统中显示时间是硬件时间+8。 这样,当PC中同时有多系统共存时,就出现了问题。假如你的Ubuntu和WindowsXP中设置的时区都为北京时间东八区,而你在Ubuntu中把当前系统时间更改为9:00AM。则此时硬件中存储的实际是UTC时间1:00AM。这时你重启进入Windows后,你会发现windows系统中显示的时间是1:AM,比Ubuntu 中慢了八个小时。同理,你在Windows中更改或用网络同步了系统时间后,再到Ubuntu中去看,系统就会快了8小时。在实行夏令时的地区,情况可能会更复杂些。原因知道了,那怎么来解决这种冲突呢。一种就是让Windows把硬件时间当作UTC,与Linux/Unix/Mac保持一致。另一种就是让linux/Unix/Mac把系统时间当作本地时间,与Windows保持一致。

if I have a time machine

If I have a time machine… What can be brought to you by a time machine? Tracing back to the ancient time or going to the far future? The adventure really makes you excited! But if I have a time machine I will never use it. Or maybe I will sell it for some money . For me, a time machine is a wishful thinking occurred in day dream. I don’t need to use it. By the way, I don’t know how to use it till now. Neither do you. People don’t live for the past or live for the future. What we do is to live for now. Let’s do something together. What I need you do is to stretch your hand. We can see clearly the palm prints in our hand. That is the destiny of us. Yes, we Chinese believe that the palm prints show people’s destiny. But, it’s in our own hand. We don’t need to know the future, because we are holding our future in our own mortal hand. What we think, what we say and what we do now, decide what kind of future we will have. But what we fail to think, to say or to do next minute may make some changes to the so called fate. Or you may made some big mistakes and you regretted doing so. So, people made a word——time machine, trying to fix the mistake. But is it real? It only happens in cartoons. I strongly against such cartoons for children. We should teach them how to grasp the tail of NOW, rather than teach them how to make an excuse to spend more time on an unfixable problem. Then, comes endless complaints and regrets. Tears are for the losers. Stronger ones always seize the time and move forward. Time machine is for the losers. Stronger people never have time to make dreams holding that in arms.

If I had a time machine如果我有一个时光机

If I had a time machine Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! My name is xxx, my English name is xxx,x-x-x, and my major is secretary. It’s my honor to stand here to talk about the topic of “If I had a time machine”. I would like to ask some questions before begin this topic. Do you have regret? How many pities do you have? Everyone has their own regret, and I also have. When I was a high school student, I like a boy. He is my first love. Actually, he and I always know eachother, but we almost didn’t talk with eachother. I’m afraid of talking with him. Because I’m afraid of he knows I like him. And I always can not say “I like you” to him. But I know I was wrong. If I had a time machine, I would say “I like you” to him. Although he like another girl, at least, I don’t regret it. And it’s my first pity. My second pity is that I can not driving to say “hello”with my schoolmates. In the past,I was a shy girl. I always can not driving to say “hello” to my schoolmates, therefore, I missed them. But friends are very important to me. I always admire other people with many friends. While my dream can not come true. If I had a time machine, I would say “hello” to my schoolmates, and then we will not contact eachother untill now. And I will own many friends, and my dream can come true. My finally pity is that I study hard not enough. When I got the university admission notice, I reget it. When I went into the better


2020年广州市初中毕业生学业考试(中考英语) 一、语法选择 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1-15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Deep in the forest lives David, who loves books. As soon as he reads one book, he brings home___1_____. Soon the house ___2_____ books. His wife, Alice, is angry. “You ____3____ do something!” David thinks hard and has____4____ idea. “I can bring my books into the faraway hills and share____5____ I have with the children.” Every week, David sets off across the countryside to faraway villages with his two donkeys. Early ___6_____ a sunny morning, David and his donkeys stop at a river____7____. Then, from deep in the shadows, a bandit(山贼) jumps out! “Please let us pass,”David says. “The children ____8____.” The bandit takes one book and shouts, “Next time I want ____9____!” They move on until at last, David sees some houses below. The children run to meet ____10____. David reads them a story first. _____11___ the story ends, it’s time for everyone to choose a book. The children hold their books close as they say good-bye and run home ___12_____. David and his donkeys head back, over and around the hills, and into the sunset. At home, Alice feeds her hungry husband and the donkeys. But then, instead of ____13____. David picks up his book, ____14____ reads deep into the night. And far away in the hills, candles and lanterns burn as the children read borrowed books deep into their night, ____15____. 1.A,other B, another C, the other D, the others 2.A, fills with B, filled with C, is filled with D, was filled with 3.A, must B, could C, would D, may 4.A, a B, an C, the D,/ 5.A, what B, who C, why D, how 6.A, in B, on C, at D, for 7.A, drink B, drinking C, drink D, to drink 8.A, wait B, waited C, are waiting D, have waited 9.A, some money B, any money C, some moneys D, any moneys 10.A, he B, his C, him D, himself 11.A, Before B,When C, If D,Because 12.A, cheer B, cheerful C, cheerfully D, more cheerful 13.A, sleep B, slept C, sleeps D, sleeping

If i have a time machine

Ladies and gentleman. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to In everyone's heart, there must be some times that we couldn't forget. Because of dream, because of youth, and because of the emotions, we sometimes really want a time machine to send us to some times or somewhere. Have you guys had see a film which was called“Back to the future”?What impressed me mostly was the time machine in that film.It tells people that the future is changeable, the fate can be handle in our own hands. I think if I could also have such an amazing machine, I could also know what I could be in the future so that I won't miss any chance in the present. Maybe in that way, there was no need to worry about being hurt or hurting sb else.But the time is always being itself It is just past as it should be Each nice moment can only be kept in our momery We can take them out when we feel upset Everything in the future can only be known in the following times We have to face the facts at the moment We have to make decisions for the future

time machine 少女时代 中日歌词

time machine いつもより少(すこ)し広(ひろ)い部屋(へや)ただ一人(ひとり) It’s over, guess it’s over 在比平时稍显空旷的房间中孤身独坐its over guess its over 2人(ふたり)で创(つく)り上(あ)げたストーリー(すとーりー)も虚(むな)しく两人共同创造的纷繁故事也化作虚无 こんなに简単(かんたん)に崩(くず)れてしまうなんて 竟能如此简单便灰飞烟灭 One mistake, got a one regret “谁(だれ)も完璧(かんぺき)じゃない”って 说什麽人无完人 そう言(い)い闻(き)かせてみても 即使你如此声声诉求 何(なに)をしても伤(きず)は愈(いや)せなくて 伤痕亦无法结痂复原 今(いま)タイムマシーン(たいむましーん)に乗(の)り込(こ)んで 若能现在跨入时光机 あなたに会(あ)いに行(い)くことが出来(でき)たなら 跨越时空见到那个你 もう何(なに)も愿(ねが)わない 便不会再有任何奢望 儚(はかな)くて远(とお)い记忆(きおく)になる前(まえ)に 若在风化成遥远的记忆之前 I need a time machine oh I need a time machine oh 一人(ひとり)で过(す)ごす时间(じかん)は遅(おそ)すぎて 孤身独处的时光渐入深处 过(あやま)ちの罚(ばつ)はあまりにも重(おも)く 罪孽的捆缚沉重得无法呼吸 あなたが最後(さいご)に残(のこ)したwords 你留下的最后的words 今(いま)でもずっとリフレイン(りふれいん)止(と)まらないまだ胸(むね)が痛(いた)む 至今也如同盘旋往复的回响心口仍痛如煎熬 Just one mistake, just one regret わがままも今(いま)は爱(いと)しくて 古老的执拗如今也化作落魄的可怜 今(いま)タイムマシーン(たいむましーん)に乗(の)り込(こ)んで 若能现在跨入时光机 あなたに会(あ)いに行(い)くことが出来(でき)たなら 跨越时空见到那个你 もう何(なに)も愿(かな)わない


字幕 如何使用Premiere搭配TimeMachine为编辑好的视频快速添加大段对白字幕并输出视频提供两种方法,第一种是利用avs脚本,第二种是利用帧服务器,第三种是使用第三方编码器直接挂载srtssaass字幕输出。 本示例的系统环境:Windows7 64bit 旗舰版 编解码器:完美解码20091225圣诞版,Quicktime 7.66。   本人所使用的软件: 1、Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium,Adobe公司出品的影音处理套件,俗称影音天王。 2、TimeMachine,人人影视出品的一款srt、ssa、ass字幕编辑、调整软件。 3、格式工厂魔影工厂,推荐使用魔影工厂,因为其具备直观的ssa、ass、srt字幕脚本调整功能,对ssa、srt、ass字幕脚本的调节完全可视。 4、Frameserver,帧服务器,能够支持Premiere挂载其它编码器如Procoder、小日本等进行编码输出而不产生中间文件。此软件暂不支持Adobe Cs5版本软件,能在Cs4上正常输出,在此仅提供一个方案。 5、Avi SYNTHesizer,是AVI和成器,是一个Frameserver(Frameserver 就是一个把影像文件从一个程序转换到另外一个程序的过程,其间没有临时文件或中介文件产生),很多字幕组利用avs脚本压制包含双字幕的RMVB和RM电影,或是将分开的几段视频压制成完整的一段视频,同时,avs还有很多的功能,比如转换视频的色彩模式、添加音频等,利用其扩展插件还可以实现更多的高级功能。不论在什么运用当中,avs所起的作用都只是一个桥梁的作用,对其进行的处理都是对其后面的视频文件的处理,而不是avs脚本本身。 6、Premiere avisynth import filter,avs脚本导入滤镜,用于在Premiere中导入avs脚本。暂仅支持Adobe Cs4版本软件。 7、VobSub,字幕解码器。   第一种方案(仅针对Adobe CS4版本软件有效): 第一步、Avi SYNTHesizer、VobSub和Premiere avisynth import filter; 第二步、从Premiere输出剪辑好的视频; 第三步、将第二步中输出的视频导入TimeMachine并编辑输出字幕为srt 或ssa或ass字幕,如果不加字幕特效,推荐导出srt格式; 第四步、检验字幕。将第三步编辑并导出的字幕与第二步输出的视频放置在同一文件夹中,将两个文件的文件名修改成一致,后缀不同。播放

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